Ep 0557122 B1
Patentamt Europaisches |||| ||| 1 1|| ||| ||| || || |||| || || || |||| || (19) J European Patent Office Office europeen des brevets (1 1 ) EP 0 557 122 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) int. CI.6: C07C 307/04, C07D 207/26, of the grant of the patent: C07D 207/12, C07D 501/04, 15.01.1997 Bulletin 1997/03 C07D 477/00 (21) Application number: 93301235.3 (22) Date of filing : 1 9.02.1 993 (54) A production method for sulfamide Verfahren zur Herstellung von Sulfamic! Methode de production de sulphamide (84) Designated Contracting States: • Nishino, Yutaka AT BE CH DE DK ES FR GB GR IE IT LI LU MC NL Neyagawa-shi, Osaka (JP) PTSE (74) Representative: Nash, David Allan et al (30) Priority: 21.02.1992 JP 35366/92 Haseltine Lake & Co. 08.07.1992 JP 180930/92 28 Southampton Buildings 20.08.1992 JP 221767/92 Chancery Lane London WC2A1 AT (GB) (43) Date of publication of application: 25.08.1993 Bulletin 1993/34 (56) References cited: EP-A- 0 050 927 (73) Proprietor: SHIONOGI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA • CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, vol. 85, no. 5, 1976, trading under the name of Columbus, Ohio, US; abstract no. 3331 3n, SHIONOGI & CO. LTD. GRYNKIEWICZ, GRZEGORZ 'Reaction of 1,2:3,4 Osaka 541 (JP) -di-O-isopropylidene-alpha-D-galactopyrano se with dialkyl azodicarboxylate in the presence of (72) Inventors: triphenylphosphine' • Sendo, Yuji • CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, vol. 103, no. 17, 1985, Itami-shi, Hyogo-ken (JP) Columbus, Ohio, US; abstract no. 142095d, • Kii, Makoto OSIKAWA, TATSUO. 'Dialkyl phosphonate- Amagasaki-shi, Hyogo-ken (JP) promoted reaction of alcohols with diethyl • Nishitani, Yasuhiro azodicarboxylate and triphenylphosphine: Izumi-shi, Osaka (JP) preparation of diethyl 1 -substituted-1 ,2- • Irie, Tadashi hydrazinedicarboxylate.' Suita-shi, Osaka (JP) CO CM CM LO Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, give LO any person may notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted.
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