FILED 12 JUL 09 AM 9:00 1 THE HONORABLE CAROL A. SCHAPIRA KING COUNTY 2 Hearing: 3:30SUPERIOR pm July COURT 10, 2012 CLERK E-FILED CASE NUMBER: 12-2-21829-3 SEA 3 4 5 6 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY 8 GEOFF TATE and SUSAN TATE , a married No: 12-2-21829-3 SEA couple 9 Plaintiffs, DECLARATION OF MICHAEL WILTON 10 v. 11 EDDIE JACKSON and TERESA GOLDEN- JACKSON , a married couple; SCOTT 12 ROCKENFIELD and MISTY ROCKENFIELD , a married couple; MICHAEL WILTON and 13 KERRIE LYNN WILTON , a married couple; TRI-RYCHE, CORPORATION , a Washington 14 corporation; QUEENSRYCHE MERCHANDISING, INC ., a Washington 15 corporation; and MELODISC LTD ., a Washington corporation. 16 Defendants. 17 18 Under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, I, Michael Wilton, 19 declare: 20 I am the guitarist and founding member of the band Queensryche, which was formed in 21 1982. 22 I grew up in San Francisco, California, and moved to Seattle when I was 6 years old. My 23 earliest memories of growing up were going to outdoor concerts in San Francisco with my father 24 25 DECLARATION OF MICHAEL WILTON - 1 of 26 Osinski Law Offices, P.L.L.C. 535 Dock St. Suite 108, Tacoma, Washington 98402 Tel (253) 383-4433 | Fax (253) 572-2223 | 1 and seeing the great bands of the late 60s. My father also introduced me to all types of music, 2 specifically jazz. Music was a big part of my upbringing and still is to this day.
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