November-December 2019 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 5309 - 5316

Women Empowerment in Ponorogo Regency with Si Kribo (Kripik Bothe)

*Umi Farida, Titi Rapini, Arif Hartono Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, *[email protected]

Article Info Abstract Volume 81 Purpose of the study: This study aims to comprehensively understand the Page Number: 5309 - 5316 entrepreneurial development of women who do not work in Ponorogo in order to Publication Issue: improve family life standards. As well as the necessary guidance. The scope of research November-December 2019 is in Ponorogo Regency, where the Small and Medium Enterprises are women. The

virtue of this research is to open jobs in the form of Kripik Bothe's home industry given

the large number of raw materials that have not been utilized optimally

Methodology: The necessary data is primary data and secondary data. This study uses a quantitative approach that is supported by qualitative data collected by interviewing the object under study Article History Article Received: 5 March 2019 Main Findings: The results showed that the barriers of MSME (Micro Small Medium Revised: 18 May 2019 Enterpise) are the limited experience and processing ability so Kripik Bothe (Bothe Accepted: 24 September 2019 Chips) were less attractive to the market Publication: 25 December 2019 Keywords: Jobs, MSME, Entrepreneurship

I. INTRODUCTION economic empowerment movement so that the welfare of their families can increase. In Indonesia’s economic development, Small and Medium Enterprises are always described as Following up on the collectibility of women's data sectors that have an important and strategic role in carried out by the Economic Council of Regional the development of the national economy, because Leaders ’AisyiyahPonorogo which shows many they play a role in economic growth and rural women who do not have jobs, because of employment also improve the welfare of the their low educational background and low skills. community and play a role in industry and Besides that, there are many agricultural products development results. Small and Medium in the Ponorogo area that have not been utilized Enterprises are one of the main pillars in optimally by the community, namely Bothe, and developing an economic system. the number of unemployed women in the Related to the existence of small and medium countryside needs to creat new jobs, that is enterprises, not only businesses that generate large processing raw materials that are less useful so profits, but SMEs have a lot to contribute to the that they have value-added, namely making bothe Indonesian economy, so women need to be chips (Kripik Bothe). empowered in small and medium enterprises and Empowerment is not only includes strengthening growed entrepreneurial spirit up in order to be individual members of the community, but also its able to fight for their rights and interests as an

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 5309 November-December 2019 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 5309 - 5316

institutions. Instill modern cultural values, such as between the goals of the individual and hard work, independence, self-reliance, efficiency, organizational (Toygar & Ergün, 2012). open mind, responsible attitude (Ratnawati, 2011). According to Achmad and Hamzani (2015), the Improving family living standards through group three main factors that greatly affect the approaches and business diversification. Efforts to Measurement of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) improve the welfare and empowerment of rural is the efficiency of use of available resources, the poor women through entrepreneurship can quantity and quality of resouces used and the guarantee the economic actors to get their right, availability of existing technology. Productivity is especially welfare and a decent standard of living the ability to obtain the maximum benefit fr the (Ratnawati, 2011). facilities and infrastructure available to produce the maximum output (Siagian, 2001). Thus, this It is expected that by opening jobs, namely impowerment is needed to raise the quality of opening the Bothe Industrial house means that resource so the productivity would be gained a they become entrepreneurs because they have to better profit. hire themselves in addition to increasing family income while carrying out their household roles.. The women empowernment is aimed to decrease the amount of unemployment graduate. Today, II. LITERATURE AND HYPOTHESIS there are massive amount of employment wose DEVELOPMENT come from graduate background. This women Women Empowerment empowerment is expected to increase the ability Women's empowerment is the ability to make of women themself to explore what best in them. decisions and influence the result that useful for It is showed by the entrepreneur character of the themselves and their families (Malhotra, 2002). women that help them to lead a business i.e in Longwe (1991) stated that there are five elements food industry such as Bothe Chips. The study that need to be considered in women's from Vasiliadis and Poulios (2007) showed that empowerment processes, namely: welfare, access, entrepreneurship education creates a positive critical awareness, participation, equality of image for the entrepreneurs and giving the control. contribution that entrepreneurship can be an alternative option of profession to the graduates. The success of organization is considered to be Other source shows that since the entrepreneurial possible by training,developing human resources mindset activities began, the careers of the key and preparing this resource for the future in persons from an undergraduate program were addition to the changes in structure, process and foster the development of useful skills and technology. Keeping up with the rapidly changing personality traits such as pro-active, confident, working life is only possible by managing human creative, engagement, honesty, and social resources, which is the most valuable treasure of responsibilities (Wongpreedee, Kiratisin, & enterprises, in the best manner and to create Virutamasen, 2015). With that development, professional autonomous, performance evaluation, women expected to be more autonomous, so their positive relationships between professionals, life will be better. Entrepreneurial education is the sufficient personnel and happy, satisfied process of providing individuals with the ability to workforce in the working environment. To recognise commercial opportunities and the achieve this, available possibilities should be insight, self-esteem, knowledge and skills to act developed and the opportunity for development on them. It includes instruction in opportunity should be provided by establishing coordination recognition, commercialising a concept,

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 5310 November-December 2019 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 5309 - 5316

marshalling resources in the face of risk, and Meanwhile, according to Wiryanto (2012), in initiating a business venture (Jones & English, order to encourage the growth of SMEs, the 2004). relevant local governments need to make efforts to empower SMEs through the development of The Definition of Small and Medium Enterprises human resources of SMEs, increasing access of Small and medium Enterprises has two small SMEs to the expansion of credit distribution, business definitions known in Indonesia increasing productivity and optimizing (Sulistyastuti, 2004): coordination. 1. The definition of small business according From the research related to Small and Medium to UU No. 9 of 1995 concerning Small Business is Enterprises, namely: Research on "The Role of the economic activity of the people who have a Small and Medium Enterprises in Strengthening maximum annual Sales proceeds of the Economy in Ponorogo" by Rapini et al. Rp.1,000,000,000 (1 billion) and have net assets, (2016), it is known that: 1) Motivation to run the not including land and buildings, at most cake/food industry is to help the family economy Rp.200,000,000.00, Owned by Indonesian but now can be used to make a living, besides that, citizens, stand-alone and in the form of individuals the neighbors who succeed in the cake / food business, the business have not a legal entities. industry go along. 2) The role of the cake/food 2. Definition according to the Badan Pusat industry helps small communities to earn income, Statistik (BPS) categories, small businesses are gain knowledge, it means that helps the identical with small industries and household government to open jobs. 3) Barriers are generally industries. BPS classifies industries based on the in recording/ administration.Other research is the number of workers, i.e: Beginner lecturer’s research on "Role of Women in Running a Family Business in Ponorogo", (Titi - Household industry with 1-4 workers Rapini, UmiFarida, 2014) obtained results that: 1) - Small industry with 5-15 workers Employees involved in the Chicken Industry are mostly family members. 2) While - Medium industry with 20-99 workers their motivation to be involved in the chicken - Large industry with 100 or more workers. satay (sate ayam) business is in order to help the family economy. Their role in the production SMEs are a strategic potency in accelerating process are in all stages of the process of making regional development. Because MSMEs have an chicken satay (sate ayam). In terms of the important position not only in absorbing labor and administration of receipts and expenditures, many the welfare of the people in the region, in many do not registered. While the expected training is ways they become an adhesive and stabilize the related to network marketing and promotion. problem of social inequality (Abidin, 2008). Improving family living standards through group The third research: Competitive Grant Research approaches and business diversification. Efforts to on "Financial Management Founding Model of improve the welfare and empowerment of rural Small and Medium Enterprises in Ponorogo poor women through entrepreneurship can District" (Rapini et al., 2016) has known the three guarantee the economic actors to get what they are types of training from 2009 to 2013. But this data entitled to, especially welfare and a decent is not supported by its business fields, and the standard of living. (Ratnawati, 2011). name of the company. The samples are 50 companies. The result is 52% of the trainees have business, 24% have not and 24% have not found

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 5311 November-December 2019 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 5309 - 5316

the address. Whereas those who own a business, chips industry is developed. The obstacle is the they do not have written financial data. This limited experience and the resource ability in the indicates that SMEs do not have a standard processing, then the type of chips from Ngrogung financial report that can be used to evaluate their Village then becomes difficult in the marketing, so financial management performance. it is less desirable to continue production. III. METHODOLOGY Considering the objective condition of Ngebel which has attractions such as lake and fruit The Study Scope plantations, the potentials are very possible to The study scopes are Ngebel Sub-district and bring tourists. In addition there is also Toyomarto Pulung Sub-district, Ponorogo Regency, in these waterfall. Ngebel tourism potentials above can be areas have a women's group community. Site used as means to developing other products, from selection is done purposively. The reason for Ngebel village and others, one of them is bothe choosing this location is Ngebel and Pulung Sub- chips industry. districts, which are sub-districts that have a The survey results in Ngrogung Village, there are community that involves farmers, and their fields 6 small business groups that produce bothe chips. are planted with Ubi Bothe. These groups have been greatly reduced compared Data Collection Technic to the previous number which reached 10 groups. The data needed are primary data and secondary The majority of members of this small industry data. Primary data includes data of women in group are housewives. To restore confidence in terms of: Age, skills, level of education, interests, the bothe chips industry needs training and talents, marital status, monthly income, and mentoring efforts to get the business back on track group’s draft of SMEs and their constraints or with the varieties of serving special foods from barriers. This study uses a quantitative approach Ngebel. supported by qualitative data. The uantitative According to information from several MSMEs research is a household census research guided by that already have a consistent production process, direct interviews with questionnaire guidelines on the chips production process have certain the object under study. While the Secondary Data systematics. Started from cooperation between includes the data of the farmer group community. producers with farmers around Ngrogung Village, DISCUSSION / ANALYSIS Ngebel and Banaran village, Pulung. The cooperation intended to strengthen the raw Empowerment of women entrepreneurs in material i.ebothe. improving the quality of production and marketing of the mbote chips (keripikbothe) industry, Beside bothe, there are many other garden focuses on two villages in Ngrogung village, products i.e various types of bananas, , and Ngebel Sub-district, and Banaran Village Pulung gadung. These potentials have the opportunity to sub-district, Ponorogo Regency. Ngrogung and develope into the chips productions. These can Banaran Villages have a majority jobs as farmers indirectly lead to an increase in new business and gardeners. The average female population opportunities that can absorb more labor from the uses more of her time at home. The agricultural surrounding area. So that it will have an impact on products are the varieties of tubers. the improving level of the family economy. The developing of those business have barriers and Based on the existence of agricultural potential, to problems i.e: have more selling value and durable, the bothe

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 5312 November-December 2019 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 5309 - 5316

(1) How to improve the quality of the Bothe chips make delicious chips. The results of slicing the that have already run, Bothe must be fried immediately with cooking oil that has reached the optimal point. While (2) How to diversify into other chips, fried, the spices made to enhance the flavor are (3) How is the marketing of the chips production? put into the pan, and are waited until dry The Mentoring Application of Product Quality with a bright color. After being removed from the Improvement frying pan, cooked chips are aerated so the oil will be dry. Then it can be neatly packed and sold to Diversification of Chips the market. This mechanism is used as a basis for The next mechanism of the women's mentoring to all MSMEs Bothe chip producers. empowerment model in the chips industry is to Mentoring is also intended to teach producing provide mentoring in the production of chips. other chips types. Other chips that are planned as Mentoring is mostly carried out by training diversified products are cassava chips, banana presenters who have taught the improvement of chips and gadung chips. product quality from Bothe chips. The mentoring Quality Improvement with Brands and is intended to always direct the process of making Packaging chips by members of the MSMEs group in achieving the minimum standards suggested by The next plan in improving the quality is to try to their companion. The minimum standard intended build a network by forming a community of Bothe in the measure of the amount of production chips entrepreneurs. In order to provide more capacity that is feasible to be assisted by the value when already within the community marketing process, and the quality of the chips association, each business unit must have a valid production that given a minimum target by the patent and trademark. The next step is done by mentor. In addition, the production of chips is providing a packaging design that attracts the diversified in order to provide a variety of attention of consumers, to believe that hygienic alternative product choices that will be used to products are packaged in various sizes so that they expand the sales segment. can provide price options, seek halal certificates, and provide expiry provisions in the packaging in The mentoring process will be done step by step. accordance with the provisions of the health The early stage is to ensure the standardization of department. making Bothe chips. The orientation produces high quality Bothe chips including flavors that are Generally, the packaging functions are: more savory, and the appearance of the frying is 1. To accommodate the product during bright and clean. distribution from producers to consumers, so that This concerns the mechanism of the production the product is not contaminated with air and process from the selection of ingredients to the causes a faster expiration. frying method. The raw material for bothe tubers 2. Protect and preserve products, such as that are ready for use do not come from fresh protecting from ultraviolet light, heat, humidity, tubers taken from the garden, but it is better to oxygen, impact, contamination from dirt and leave them in the open place for 3 days. Bothe microbes that can damage and reduce product will look wilted and ready to be peeled. Then quality. soaked in clean water, and every 12 hours the 3. As a product identity, in this case the water is replaced. Soaking is done for a minimum packaging that is equipped with the brand can be of 24 hours. After soaking, thinly sliced slices to

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 5313 November-December 2019 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 5309 - 5316

used as a communication and information tool to intensity of the order also does not have a definite consumers through the label contained on the schedule. Sales are only done by presenting chips packaging. on a food sales rack. So that only people who are interested have the potential to make a purchase. 4. Improve efficiency and facilitate calculation (one package contains 1 ounce, 1 kg, 1 The marketing mechanism is very weak in fact, and so on), so as to facilitate shipping and storage. thus causing the growth of the chips industry to be This is important in the world of commerce. unable to empower the role of women-dominated MSMEs. These problems which then led to the 5. Expand the using and marketing of need for other solutions to make sales. The initial products, for example sales can be made to a more solution that can be done for the women's distant place if it has strong packaging. empowerment chips industry in Ngrogung 6. Providing different values from similar Village, Ngebel by introducing the "Garin" products so as to increase the attractiveness of UMKM from Ngrayun which already has great prospective buyers. potential in selling its chips production. The sales 7. Become a means of information and mechanism carried out by MSMEs "Garin" is advertising, if the packaging is added to the almost the same as what was done in Ngebel in production address, telephone contact, social principle, namely by depositing in several media, and so on. Ponorogo typical hawker shops, and fulfilling the order needs of several customers. It's just that the This success cannot be done individually in a network is wide so the sales turnover is already short time. There needs to input suggestions from very large. This collaboration is expected to be members of the community so that the quality of Garin's solution to meet customer needs from the product improves. So that empowerment can Ponorogo typical shops and other customers not only be focused on one place, but must be who often experience delays in supply. evenly distributed throughout the objects that are mentored. In this case the objects are the MSMEs Opening a New Market fostered in the Ngebel region. It is the main Beside the collaboration with MSMEs "Garin", motivation in bringing the MSMEs activities efforts were also made by open new markets from closer to the "Garin" brand in Ngrayun Sub- the results of diversification by the result of district with all the SMEs producing chips in the MSMEs group of women's empowerment in Ngebel region. It is expected that the involvement Ngrogung Village, Ngebel Sub-district and in of the "Garin” MSMEs owner in mentoring TangkilBanaran village of Pulung sub-district. MSMEs in the chips producer in Ngebel. The new market is intended to opened by making Marketing Assistance Application several strategies. The first strategy focused on utilizing tourism potential in Ngebel. While the Cooperation in Meeting Order Needs in Medium second strategy is a sales support strategy by Industries using several media that sell Ngebel tourism The second potential that can be taken to empower potential. Bothe chips production is to improve the sales Utilizing the tourism potential of Ngebel has mechanism. Initially the sales made by all SMEs various types of alternative activities that can be that produce bothe chips only depend on used as an orientation. The first object of this subscription orders and several kiosks around strategy is to take advantage of the opening of Ngebel Lake which act as intermediaries. The several tourist villages in Ngebel Sub-district,

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 5314 November-December 2019 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 5309 - 5316

which of course during the holidays attracts portrays the potential of Ngebel tourism which has visitors to come. The offering mechanism is been widely known i.eNgebel Lake and durian carried out together with the sale of fruits that are fruit. The promotion of chips is carried out by also the product of the plantation from Ngebel. young women who are involved in the production of chips that are accustomed to communicating in This is because in this area several gazebos have social media, including Facebook, Instagram , built to enjoy the durian fruit, which is directly whatsapp, and blogs from multiple accounts. In covered with natural scenery with varied contour the future it is planned to upload chips production views. In this place there is a center for buying shows via Youtube media. and selling durian fruit and some other types of fruit that are already worthy to sell. By utilizing IV. CONCLUSION visitors to the place, the in the form of There is a very good potential that can be used to chips are also displayed to complete the choice of empower women in the Ngebel region, so that visitors. they can support in improving the level of the The strategy is still in the sales pattern, but by family's economy.The mechanism implemented in expanding its sales area, namely to all shop the empowerment process is carried out by owners and restaurants around the Ngebel Lake. focusing on strategies to increase the effectiveness The number of stalls and restaurants around the of the chips production that exist so far, and the lake are 27 stalls and restaurants. On average, improvement of the sales distribution mechanism visitors must take the time to stop by among these for their products The quality of the products restaurants. To attract the attention of sellers produced is in a bad category, due to lack of entrusted with merchandise, using a sales strategy knowledge in choosing the quality of the in consignment, the goods will only be paid after ingredients and the mechanism for making the sold, so the entrusted parties do not need to spend chips.While from the marketing aspect, there is a money fund, but have goods that can be sold. In condition that is less serious in looking for sales addition, it also uses an agreement for profit opportunities.The empowerment process with sharing. The more items that can be deposited, the higher quality chips production training. The more profit per pack of goods. training was conducted at the meeting hall of the durian rides, Ngrogung Village, Ngebel Sub- In addition, it is strived to enter the snack market district involving 3 MSMEs in the chips industry in hotels and villas that serve food for their guests. or 29 peoples carried out by housewives and The number of hotels around the lake is 6 hotels. young women who did not have a permanent job The average hotel has a hall that can be used for and in TangkilBanaran hamlet, Pulung Sub- several events involving many people. While the district followed by 37 people. Efforts to improve number of villas around Ngebel Lake is 4 villas. the quality of production, it requires the existence So there is the potential to enter chips into the of a clear brand and official permission from the food menu served to villa visitors. Visitors to authorized party, to obtain a trademark permit villas and hotels have their own destinations. from the Department of Industry. Starting just refreshing, to find a place to hold seminars and meetings. REFERENCES The supporting strategy used to complete the sales [1] Abidin, A. (2008). Pengembangan Usaha Micro strategy by opening new markets is by creating Kecil Dan Menengah (UMKM) Sebagai advertisements in several media that preach the Kekuatan Strategis Dalam Mempercepat existence of Ngebel. The majority of the news Pembangunan Daerah (Development of Micro,

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 5315 November-December 2019 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 5309 - 5316

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