Hastings Business Law Journal Volume 8 Article 6 Number 2 Summer 2012 Summer 1-1-2012 California License To Be Sued: A Critique of Strict Liability Imposed on Business Owner Licensees From the Perspective of the Smog Check Industry Zachary Young Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.uchastings.edu/ hastings_business_law_journal Part of the Business Organizations Law Commons Recommended Citation Zachary Young, California License To Be Sued: A Critique of Strict Liability Imposed on Business Owner Licensees From the Perspective of the Smog Check Industry, 8 Hastings Bus. L.J. 473 (2012). Available at: https://repository.uchastings.edu/hastings_business_law_journal/vol8/iss2/6 This Note is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Journals at UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hastings Business Law Journal by an authorized editor of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. California License To Be Sued: A Critique of Strict Liability Imposed on Business Owner Licensees From the Perspective of the Smog Check Industry Zachary Young* I. INTRODUCTION Respondeat superior, “piercing the corporate veil,” and strict liability; the legal world at times can have the appearance of a mine field for a business owner—an appearance which many business owners would likely argue is representative of their realities. With so many legal avenues and theories designed to impose liability on business owners, one cannot help but ask a number of questions: What purpose do these theories serve? What policies do they promote? And perhaps most importantly, is it really necessary to be stacking the deck so heavily against business owners? Consumer protection is the overarching goal justifying these theories of liability for business owners.