Blessed Mythmaker 12-19 Final
!1 Blessed Mythmaker: The Poetry of Hyam Plutzik [final] Eric J. Sundquist Let me begin with an aggadah of Hyam Plutzik—more specifically, with his poem “An Agadah of Hyam ben Samuel,” which names him, according to tradition, the son of his father, Samuel. The poem explicates its opening text: “It is the function of a match to be scraped against roughness, / To flare to fire, and to become ashes.” In mythic time when matches could speak, a match complained about such rough justice, wondering why the tribe of matches could not live safely in their matchbox “in comfort and amity.” Like the Lord speaking to Job out of a whirlwind, a gigantic voice looming over the match workshop replies: “Both the beauty and utility of a match / Are in their burning.” We might want to style this a parable or a legend, but in choosing aggadah, a mutable form of interpretive “telling” differentiated from halachah, the immutable “Law,” Plutzik returns us to its origins in the Talmudic texts and midrash, as well as non-canonical pseudepigrapha, produced in the centuries following the twin catastrophes of the Jewish War of 68-70 CE and not many decades later the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt, which effectively ended Jewish national history in ancient times. With the Temple and its rituals gone, sacrifice and religious practices centered on Jerusalem were replaced by prayer, study, and textual interpretation marked by multiple, often highly inventive, readings, as well as fluid timeframes, such that patriarchs, prophets, and rabbis sometimes appear to inhabit the same worlds. Through collective acts of “exegetical imagination,” to cite Michael Fishbane,1 the sages !2 and other commentators created a mytho-poetic web of writing that laid a foundation for diasporic religious life.
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