Denisova Cave, Peştera Cu Oase, and Human Divergence in the Late Pleistocene

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Denisova Cave, Peştera Cu Oase, and Human Divergence in the Late Pleistocene Denisova Cave, Peştera cu Oase, and Human Divergence in the Late Pleistocene ERIK TRINKAUS Department of Anthropology, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO 63130, USA; [email protected] ABSTRACT Krause et al. (Nature 464: 894–897) have proposed the existence of a novel human lineage at Denisova Cave based on its divergent mtDNA sequence. Assessment of the Oase 2 early modern human maxillary molars, using the same logic as Krause et al., suggests that its lineage was even more divergent. This exercise highlights the inappro- priateness of such an analysis for assessing lineage, or species, distinctiveness based on partial organismal data. INTRODUCTION ing attained complete crown formation and approximately rause and colleagues (2010) presented the mitochon- three-quarters of the root formation. They were therefore Kdrial genome (mtDNA) of an (as yet not described or unerupted and are securely located in their crypts. There illustrated) purportedly human distal hand phalanx from are no apparent developmental or degenerative defects in the little finger (ray 5). The geological age of the specimen the M3s, apparent on the surface or radiographically. Al- is not precisely known, but it appears to derive from the though the underlying genetics of dental morphology and Interpleniglacial (marine isotope stage (MIS) 3) deposits of size are poorly known, it is likely that they are polygenetic, the Denisova Cave, in the Altai Mountains of southwestern highly controlled by the individual’s genotype, and devel- Siberia. opmentally stable in the absence of marked environmental Based on the divergent nature of this mtDNA se- stress (Kieser 1990; Scott and Turner 1997). The morphol- quence, relative to both those of extant humans and the ogy and dimensions of the Oase 2 M3s may therefore pro- modest number known for the Neandertals, they proposed vide some perspective on the genetics of this early modern 1) that the mtDNA lineage leading to the Denisova Cave human. individual was distinct from those of other Late Pleistocene humans; and, 2) that the divergence time of that lineage THE OASE 2 MAXILLARY THIRD MOLARS from the one leading to living humans should be sometime The Oase 2 M3s are unusual in their occlusal morphology, in the Early Pleistocene, ~1,000,000 years BP. Although the in which the occlusal surfaces exhibit at least eleven sepa- mtDNA lineage divergence time is likely to be older than rate “cusps” or enamel protrusions (Figure 1). Some de- the population splitting time, this should apply similarly gree of occlusal complexity is moderately common on hu- both to the ancestral lineage leading to the Denisova Cave man maxillary third molars, but the degree of elaboration individual and to the Neandertal lineage, making the ex- of these separate “cusps” of the Oase 2 M3s is unknown trapolation to relative population divergence times simi- among Pleistocene members of the genus Homo and, if lar. In addition, even though it was not explicitly stated present among recent humans, is exceedingly rare. Among by them, this interpretation has been taken by others (e.g., fossil humans, it is most closely approached by the M3s of Brown 2010) to indicate a new, as yet un-named, human OH-5, the type specimen of Australopithecus boisei (Tobias species. 1967). Given the nature of this claim, it is instructive to exam- At the same time, the Oase 2 M3s are exceptionally large. ine another possible case of divergent human biology in The left M3 has a mesiodistal (MD) diameter of 12.9mm, the Late Pleistocene, the Oase 2 mid-MIS 3 human from the and the right and left ones have buccolingual (BL) diame- Peştera cu Oase, in the southwestern Carpathians of Roma- ters respectively of 14.6mm and 14.9mm. Using the left me- nia, dated to approximately the same age as the Denisova siodistal diameter and the average of the two buccolingual Cave phalanx. diameters provides a crown “area” (MD x BL) of 184.4mm2 (using only the left diameters provides 186.3mm2). The THE PEŞTERA CU OASE 2 average “area” of the two M3s is 3.43 standard deviations MAXILLARY THIRD MOLARS from the mean of a pooled MIS 5 to 3 Neandertal M3 sam- As previously noted (Rougier et al. 2007; Trinkaus et al. ple (116.2±19.9mm2, N=41), which includes the relatively 2003a), Oase 2 has exceptional maxillary third molars for megadont initial MIS 5 Krapina sample. At the same time, a Late Pleistocene human. The teeth are unworn, since it is 3.56 standard deviations from the mean of a pooled they were incompletely formed at the time of death, hav- MIS 5 to 3 early modern human sample (107.7±21.5mm2, PaleoAnthropology 2010: 196−200. © 2010 PaleoAnthropology Society. All rights reserved. ISSN 1545-0031 doi:10.4207/PA.2010.ART39 Denisova Cave Versus Peştera cu Oase • 197 ESTIMATING DIVERGENCE TIMES In addition to suggesting lineage distinction for the Den- isova Cave phalanx, Krause and colleagues (2010) inferred an approximate time of divergence of its ancestral lineage from that of extant humans. They estimated the Denisova Cave mtDNA sequence to be approximately twice as di- vergent from living human mtDNA as is the average Ne- andertal mtDNA sequence. Assuming a mean Neandertal- modern human lineage divergence estimate of ~466,000 years BP and a linear “molecular clock,” they roughly es- Figure 1. Occlusal views of the Oase 2 maxillary third molars timated the divergence of the Denisova Cave lineage from (M3s). Scale in mm. the extant human one at approximately one million years BP, fully acknowledging the approximate nature of such an estimate. A similar exercise can be done with the dimen- N=32), combining western Eurasian samples from the Mid- sions of the Oase 2 M3s. dle Paleolithic, the Early Upper Paleolithic (Aurignacian), If one compares the “area” of the Oase 2 M3s to the and the Mid Upper Paleolithic (Gravettian); inclusion in the means for the other samples (Table 1), it is apparent that the sample of the few known African Middle Paleolithic M3s differences between the Oase 2 3M dimensions and those would change the values little. To my knowledge, there of the comparative samples are substantial, with respect to are no maxillary third molars securely attributed to the ge- both the Late Pleistocene samples (see above) and especial- nus Homo (H. erectus sensu lato and later) that are as large ly the recent (late Holocene) samples. Following the logic of or larger than the Oase 2 molars. The Oase 2 M3 “area” is, Krause et al. (2010), one can then compare the degree of di- however, matched by the Australopithecus afarensis mean vergence of the Oase 2 value from the recent human values (180.0mm2) provided by Wood (1991); it is exceeded by the to the degree of divergence of the mean Neandertal value mean values for other species of Australopithecus. from those same recent human values (see Table 1). From If the Oase 2 maxillary third molars had been found in this comparison, the Oase 2 – recent human divergence is isolation in the bone bed of the Peştera cu Oase which yield- nine times are great as the Neandertal–early modern hu- ed the remains, it would have been difficult to subsume man difference and more than four times as great as the them morphologically and/or morphometrically within the Neandertal–recent human divergence. human populations known from western Eurasia (or the Again following the logic and assumptions of Krause Old World) in MIS 3 (or most of the Pleistocene). By the and colleagues, if one assumes a Neandertal–recent human criteria that are commonly used to identify novel paleon- divergence of ~466,000 years (which assumes no gene flow tological species—a morphological pattern distinct from between the lineages and may well be a minimum in any other closely-related species—it would have been natural case), one can translate the differences in M3 “areas” into to propose a new species of the genus Homo for the teeth, divergence times assuming a similar “morphological (or with a divergent lineage leading to it. In other words, they phenotypic) clock.” With respect to Neandertal–early mod- could easily have been taken to indicate the presence of an ern human divergence, this provides a completely unrealis- additional, hitherto undocumented, lineage of humans in tic early Pliocene divergence of the Oase 2 lineage ~4.2 mil- the southwestern Carpathians of MIS 3. lion years BP, long before the generally accepted origin of However, the Oase 2 maxillary molars were not found the genus Homo sometime between 2.0 and 2.5 ma BP (cf., in isolation, but securely in their crypts, unerupted, ex- Wood 2010). Using the more directly appropriate Neander- posed only on their occlusal surfaces, and otherwise acces- tal–recent human degrees of divergence provides a more sible through CT scanning (see Figure 1). The remainder modest, but still pronounced, Oase 2–recent human diver- of the largely complete Oase 2 cranium is, and has always gence time between 2.0 and 2.2 ma BP. More ancient esti- been, considered to be that of an early modern human, se- mates for the divergence age of the Neandertal and modern curely attributable to H. sapiens sensu stricto (Rougier et al. human lineages (600,000 or 700,000 years BP) would only 2007; Trinkaus et al. 2003a). It exhibits a suite of uniquely push these Oase 2–recent human “morphological clock” derived characteristics of extant humanity in its facial, su- divergence times back further in the Pliocene. praorbital, temporal, and occipital external morphology (Figure 2). For this reason, despite the exceptional nature SOME THOUGHTS of the Oase 2 dentition, explanations for the morphologi- This exercise is based on the logic that was used in the paper cal pattern evident in the specimen have been sought in by Krause and colleagues to interpret the unusual mtDNA the population processes of Late Pleistocene early modern sequence that they derived from the Denisova Cave pha- and late archaic humans, and not in lineage/species level lanx, applied to the best direct reflections of the genotype distinctions between it and the temporally and geographi- present in the morphology of fossil human remains, dental cally adjacent available human samples (see also Bailey et occlusal morphology and crown dimensions.
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    Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01829-7 - Human Adaptation in the Asian Palaeolithic: Hominin Dispersal and Behaviour during the Late Quaternary Ryan J. Rabett Index More information Index Abdur, 88 Arborophilia sp., 219 Abri Pataud, 76 Arctictis binturong, 218, 229, 230, 231, 263 Accipiter trivirgatus,cf.,219 Arctogalidia trivirgata, 229 Acclimatization, 2, 7, 268, 271 Arctonyx collaris, 241 Acculturation, 70, 279, 288 Arcy-sur-Cure, 75 Acheulean, 26, 27, 28, 29, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52, 58, 88 Arius sp., 219 Acheulo-Yabrudian, 48 Asian leaf turtle. See Cyclemys dentata Adaptation Asian soft-shell turtle. See Amyda cartilaginea high frequency processes, 286 Asian wild dog. See Cuon alipinus hominin adaptive trajectories, 7, 267, 268 Assamese macaque. See Macaca assamensis low frequency processes, 286–287 Athapaskan, 278 tropical foragers (Southeast Asia), 283 Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC), 23–24 Variability selection hypothesis, 285–286 Attirampakkam, 106 Additive strategies Aurignacian, 69, 71, 72, 73, 76, 78, 102, 103, 268, 272 economic, 274, 280. See Strategy-switching Developed-, 280 (economic) Proto-, 70, 78 technological, 165, 206, 283, 289 Australo-Melanesian population, 109, 116 Agassi, Lake, 285 Australopithecines (robust), 286 Ahmarian, 80 Azilian, 74 Ailuropoda melanoleuca fovealis, 35 Airstrip Mound site, 136 Bacsonian, 188, 192, 194 Altai Mountains, 50, 51, 94, 103 Balobok rock-shelter, 159 Altamira, 73 Ban Don Mun, 54 Amyda cartilaginea, 218, 230 Ban Lum Khao, 164, 165 Amyda sp., 37 Ban Mae Tha, 54 Anderson, D.D., 111, 201 Ban Rai, 203 Anorrhinus galeritus, 219 Banteng. See Bos cf. javanicus Anthracoceros coronatus, 219 Banyan Valley Cave, 201 Anthracoceros malayanus, 219 Barranco Leon,´ 29 Anthropocene, 8, 9, 274, 286, 289 BAT 1, 173, 174 Aq Kupruk, 104, 105 BAT 2, 173 Arboreal-adapted taxa, 96, 110, 111, 113, 122, 151, 152, Bat hawk.
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