IHSAA Executive Committee Friday, February 16, 2018 Indianapolis, Indiana
IHSAA Executive Committee Friday, February 16, 2018 Indianapolis, Indiana Present Chairman Ed Gilliland, Vice‐Chairman Charlie Martin, Stacy Adams, David Amor, Mike Broughton, Jim Brown, Victor Bush, Steve Cox, Nathan Dean, Jeff Doyle, Don Gandy, Chad Gilbert, Tim Grove, Matt Martin, Patti McCormack, Brian Strong, Mike Whitten, Rae Woolpy, Dave Worland; Director‐Elect Chris Conley, Director‐Elect Brent Duncan, Director‐ Elect John Steinhilber; Commissioner Bobby Cox, Assistant Commissioners Robert Faulkens, Chris Kaufman, Paul Neidig, Kerrie Schludecker, Sandra Walter; Attorney Bob Baker, Technology Director Luke Morehead, Sports Information Director Jason Wille, Foundation President Matt Wolfert. Minutes The minutes of the January 11, 2018 meeting were recommended for approval. A motion to approve was made by Tim Grove; seconded by Jim Brown; motion passed 19‐0. 2017‐8 Baseball State Tournament Series Assistant Commissioner Robert Faulkens reported on the general format, sites and other preliminary plans for the 2017‐ 18 Baseball Tournament Series. 52nd Annual State Tournament Series The following rules and regulations for the 2017‐18 Baseball Tournament Series have been adopted and are subject to change if the Executive Committee should deem it necessary. I Tournament Dates A. Sectionals 1. May 23– May 28, 2018 2. All sectional championship games must be scheduled on Monday, May 28, 2018. 3. Rain date/s – to be determined by the center school. 4. It is expected that equalization of pitching be addressed in the initial tournament schedule. 5. Center principals may request approval from the IHSAA to reschedule certain games in case of conflict with graduation ceremonies, availability of facilities, etc. B. Regionals 1.
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