, - . -- j. r ; ?- - ;." '""V" f-- 'k '1 TTf K'f'st. '' '"RV ;pV t&jP!' 12 THE WASHINGTON TTMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1015. Cod Wind Hits Athletes Connie Denies Baker Tale Gallia Will Join Team JUST A FEW PEEKS AT THE TOILING ATHLETES CHILI y WINDS Picking a Room Mate .MvreN PircMnfcs By $L . 'ftiS . TO SACK CATCReja o "BUGS" BAER. T Q : , Cast of characters -- Mike Martin. Jack Ryan, and fifteen ball- - fORCE PLAYERS ts rLW ffi) players.- Place Camp Griff. Time The present. MIKB MAIITIN Come on. ou loor BK.VI'Li;y Who aie you knocking'' blrdss whatta von think this Is? Get 10 SHELTER OF feel! Oct set! Yoil'ie fljing around here tlVl,u,?ntI:,N0.-;wij',- 1 "h think? like a one-arme- d papetliaiigei1. Hey. Columbus'." Jim Hhaw, I saw joti put that chewing In sugar bowl. Now listen. Jim gum the Hicii. 1 Shaw and Harry Harper thought at first you meant me. MARrJX-Ke- w HARPER 1 won't sleep with that that's settled. He makes me dumb. TENNIS COURTS bird, Shaw. ' didn't say that was SHAW You won't, won't yuh? I make Why, you feeble fish. yuh dumb, do 1? MAUTIN-- No But I did. I was never chased out of a oo for beef to the canary birds. feeding corned BOEHL1NO Listen. 1 ain t going to room with anybuaher who heard Jack Ryan Ray Morgan MIKE-C'm- on. C'mon. Stop that of Balisac or Tbeophlte nvr Directs wrastllng. Tou two 'shooting crackers Oautler. sleep together or BBNTLEr-Naverhe- mrd of em! Nr-r-r to Confine' His Training to hear of 'em! got I gotta sleep with Moxle Ain't time to read SHAW If the standings of those small-tim- e Track Work for the Time Harper, I'm gonna take my matblea leagues. outta the game. Gimme a chew, will Being. uh, Mosle? MARTIN-No- w. that'a aettled. Kddle MIKK Now, that's settled. BENTLET-Wha- t'a aet v AJnsmlth and Joe Engel BOEHLING What's aettled ENOEL Aww-ww- 1 ain't gonna Firs Day in Charlottesville 1 gonna sleep with that filbert. ain't MARTIN-Uatn.""- l'm settled. bunk with no ordinary "catcher. I poor bird can pjck out Any roommateTi Jefe-- " 'S 31Mv SWAW Finds Young Athletes Bene V v ,S,ST OW took. ain't that'll atand for ydu. I'm through I ' Ep CEst VAADftvc o ---- gonna, , y i coNtwrrte iJi I'm done. I'm wire Oflff mg? tsJs,M AINBMlTr? Vlt bunk with Joe. Got you poor birds use to thi fiting Greatly, Weather J "TO6- - QuAfc." ain't earthing as St any money. Joe?' good, and any kind- -- don't appreciate Mite- - rw., ness. He'll I be down here temerrow Proved Just Right. RdaSllllllllHSLU-- . -- ENGEL No. That's why don't want ; .SmmilllllK'T"-ap--- rfeTTiHf rd 86 a you. I want you to Z?sE -- a to bunk with don't SHAW You know me, and you are A BlASABoo get up In the night and be disappointed. good friends, Mike, ol boy

Now. that's settled ENGEE-Th- afs Tettled. By "BUGS" BAF.K. MIKE 1 ENOEL-Wha- RTTN-Whal's'se- CHARLOTTESVILLE, March 2 BERT GALLIA WILL BOSTON CLUB AR E t's settled" M A ttled ? MIKE-No- w. that's settled" Chilly winds prevented morning TODAY'S SPORTORIAL ENOEL Nothing. Tou got me saying By LOUIS A. UOUUHUlt. It. that's all. Field- - today. A1NSM1TH What's settled" practice on Lambeth RYAN Listen. Any bird that wears JOIN THE GRIFFMEN STRONG FOR 1915 RYAN Ton two birds arc settled. Go Ills spikes to bed Is through here. He Coach Jack Ryan ordering his Even if J. Franklin Baker iloe s return to the Mackmcn this sea- ahead. Mike? can pull his freight In the morning for Kamchatka. young students to get in their prac- - son, is he likely to be a satisfied athlete? MIKK Now. Doc. will vou bunk with college Here comes Colonel Ruppcrt with a statement that lie Iirh offered to Russell? You're old chums HARPER-W- ho wears his spiked in the old tennis courts, where shoes to bed? pay $25,000 for Baker, assuring the of a $10,000 salary as a SHAW Sure, Dor will room with t:c not them. Texas Twirler Writes Clark ller Bean Town Fans Looking For- Russess. Russell l the onlv bird who wind could reach of the Yankees. True, Connie Mack denies such AINSMITH-iShr- ill whistle; Alia bov member that any offer hasn't heard Doc's line of bull yet. Walter. Don't worry. Harp, ol' top, the Until it becomes warmer, the Griffith That He Will Be De- has been rcccivetl. But how i Baker jroinpr to judge between these two ward to Having World's next league you'ic going to won't have MARTIN- - Now that's settled any beds In It. Atta, boy. Wallei will continue to use the magnates? The only conclusion he will draw is thut Connie is holding (Shriller flayers layed a Bit. Though. Series All to Themselves. SHAW You mean poor of Russell 1i whistle.) him to that $4,500 a year when he might pull down $10,000 with the settled ennis courts. ENGEL I won't room with Eddr thih will hardly (111 him with ioy. T Yankees. Of course, RYAN How many 1 gotta Alnsmilli. don't like the kind of Ray Morgan arose this morning times have chew Ins tobacco he buys Gallia, young Texas twnjtr, Colom-- I Ruppcit Is very apparently .t new coin"! In the nulluiml pastime BOSTON March 2. To say that base- tell you to keep that chin of vours outta Beit the may the soup and the argument? . eager to go to work. Trainer Mar rumored to be dissatisfied wlfh his No other excuse lx ghon foi his public rtiinuuiuemeul concerning ball fans In Boston are already figuring AINSMITH-N- o use talking, the bo Bakci. This is llkci to an effect upon the Mucknifii, may to pack the in Roan Town foi has imme- - berth with the Grlffmen, has written hac rII and stands SHAW You don't have to tell me. talent tin threw a bomb into him breed dissatisfaction of sou I'lirthctmorr, it Is most iinbrotherly next reason's world's series H putting listening, anyway. Manager Clark Griffith that he will ascilous ain't RYAN C'mon. Ge In Ruppcrt to add to Connie Mack's difficultly lc pretty strong, and the fans else- C'mon. Get set Stately by telling him that his first be delayed a few days through the .MAR UN Now that's settled set. You Rotta get up at fi In the morn death of a relative at his home down Itav Morgan says that he meniiM business this yen That's sood news where will concede Hostonlans the right lng. will be to three miles for the fans If Ray cun play the bull In 1915 that he did at v.niouii limes In to "figure" all they want, but It's a fact hoe work by the Rio Grande, but that he will 191" 1913, will have a cot mid baseman SHAW Tcehee, tee and the Orlffmen lumpai.iblc to the that grows stronger every day. Tuk'ng SHAW Who. me? Who. me.' fcijt in track certainly be on the Job at Charlottes- best In the big league. Stay with It. rttn. nnd ou II hac pltntv of morning? around the wooden saucer ville. cupport. , all In all, from a view point at this RYAN What's mattah now, nut" the Not me. Not this bird. In his said Old Fo to- line, both teams appear to Seside the tennis court. letter," the end of the SHAW Look at Joe Engel Ain t he KYAN Hx In tin morning Six in day, "he never once mentioned dissat- If Is woith V'iO.OOO and llakti Is wnlh $5'.iliJo. how much arc havo A-- 1 chances of leading at the end runny ? the morning. You! isfaction. Indeed, he signed his con- Barry and Mclnnls worth to make up that famous SliiO.OOO Inlleld? fi "No baseball for you tat you way of the 1915 season. tract last fall and has always vou Toe. SHAW-W-ho, a. Of the two, the Red Sox look to be in MARTIN Whaltah doln' me? Mai- - been tickled with chance to make The District Golf Association staits out with nu cxt client set of hard- . T egin to harden up," ordered the Nation-lie- al- Didn't tell you that the next the team here. Any one talking that working ofnceis. This Is a most nccesa.iry thing for the success of any better trim than ENGKL Aw, I ain't doln' nothin' RYAN Yes, vou. n. "So get busy on that track. he would not report to my club is organization, and when such men :is 5lorcn Thompfon, d'eorge E. Trultt. though the Braves arc toting the. .vorld foolish or malicious. Gallia has a Walter R. Tuckennan, Alphoua Winter, and Lir, Thomas .1. W. Brown put championship pennant. MAHTIN Whattah you laughing at. SHAW That's settled better opportunity this spring than their shoulders to the wheel. It Is easy to predict u wondrous season ahead The Braves' chaltccs this ycai, all Jim'.' Joe ain't doing nothing. I tav did. ever before to mir.o for nimaeir a reg- the golfers of the District you you for i around the circuit, popularly sup MARTIN Who are mocking ,i The first day's workout at Camp Griff ular job as a pitcher here. He haa Im- - aio sHAW I know he ain't. That poor tramp? Walt till Griff team cun i with a tired bevy of athletes proved and will be Riven a thorough Martv O'Toolc goes luck to the ininors, this time to Columbus., In the posed to be of the best. The lucKt-rc- s tunny wunoui uoin nocnins. e!oied still be considered a young one. Inui friaMng n booline for the, hay. Jack trial." American Association The rise .uid fall of this athlete is a pitiful atoiy of SHAW Now you know Mike, me and boosting. Sold to Pittsburgh foi he Imuiedinteh came acquisition of Sherwood Macc III i MARTIN Now that's settled. vou ,...--d- ay too much !.'(, Into have known each other too long iwyan, caiwim nuftiiac glare of pitiless publiuit.v. lie was lauded us the greatest pitcher ever jtov a great advantago both in me the i.n-d- Charlottesville over put beforo wuv expected to en- alio a the plat, but. gettiny ENGEL-Wh- o's a pickerel? that joining a major leasue club lie win cveiy time he many inint, MARTIN Just because 1 gotta a J'he public, whipped tlie boys through a MACK tered the box. Alui! for the sad icsults O'Toole wiih h good pitcher, hut ll,i 'tee, there aie is no reason why I CONNIE !T i red , MARTIN-No- Mow-abo- farm should handU young-iitet- s I2ver time he entei'ed a game, he to bo for Instance w that's settl'd Stuart set of paces, and nil the not the greatest. found himself working i that stuff IN Evet' .iditiou cunnot be forecast' you. Joe? Will o-- team up with were thoioughly pleased when the against the best man on the other side. He liad to woik his head off to ;ct even a fair chance at letory The llm rm lie did well enough foi a man with any certainty, despite the finny Jack Bentle.W SHAW Teehee. Tee heeeee Whistle blew. breaking in. Then tame his appendicitis and his Ions train of troubles. Me rtstemems that he It fully tecovercci.l anything. Giiff has condition, by and Is the same as ever. It i well1 HENI'LEY Aw. I won t sleep with If brains count for never again reached Ills former and swlfth fell the i Anybody tell i wasule the stat second bn-o- m Bochling. In I is sleep. ENGlvL Listen. can good of tw friers In stock. All PART WITH BAKER NV. goes back to the American Association, from which he came, known that He walks a Rood poker Dlaycr'by tray 1 bunch he hasn't tho strength pnysically. that lie i I'm the unsung mv - the ladn use their noodles, and Coach and works entirely on his nerves When the BOEHLING-A- 1I right, t might vvalklll0,d crd- Ryan wahn't forced once to call down season of 1914 was finished Evere was in the niitht bur I stay awake on tne a future Amos Ruslc for using too much taken with a heaw cold and during the bases Curtain. peed the first day out. The two ptac-Hce- s, early part of the winter suffered fiom morning and afternoon, MmpH pneumonia. With the exception of n onslstod of lobbing the bull. Alnsmlth Wants Whole of New York City SCHEDULE TROUBLES MILLIONAIRE TO BE few weeks, he has spent the past wtntei in earnest. The work today was light, Hcnr. Neff. and Uvtin acting on the at a camp in northern New York. He Is mostly fly chasing by the fielders and locelvins end for the eleven twlrlers in Exchange for His Clouting now down South getting the remainder tossing the ball by tne pitchers. now In camp of his health back. Should Evers' con- But wheie .lack Insisted on action was dition prevent him ftom starting off Rookies and SAVANNAH, Ga,, March 2. The ' Third on the quarter mile track. Virginia Saoker. ELEVEN HODFEDS MAGNATE with tho team the Braves will be at a Ysnkees were put through, their first has one of the finest athletic stadiums i COLUMBIA'S sad disadvantage at the jump. Some In the collegiate world. Anj thing from' ligiire that the confidence of the young work-o- ut today with the arrival of the piifochle game to a cavalry charge ' players will offset this, but it H ex- Regulars tardy members who failed to report i an be accommodated within its caps-- 1 PHILADELPHIA, March :- .- I hae tremely doubtful. yesterday. Manager Donovan made his loits grounds. The running track Is no offer to Ruppcrt to sell Baker, players run two miles from the made it- - the partlculai ly well adapted for resisting X Another sloorm outlook the lai t MACON. March 2. The world's who Is not for sale at any pi ice. Charlie In- - a.. hotel to the playing (leld, and once the attacks of Griff's hefty young pitch- Morningside Heights May Have Weeghman Says that Bill James mav hold out. as ho champion Braves held the first practice ers, way they spun ' vould not give Baker up now for the Should hls there he gave them no rest. and the around that alreadv has thieatencd. workout of the seuson today on e nave whole of New York It Is a ques Dif- $30.-000.00- actual be the case tho Braves will the finder boulevard would aroused cit. Team. But Dates Are dianapolis Mogul Has 0 night. DAYTONA. March 2. Manager the envy of a Mel hhrppard or Bcrnle tion of principle, and no offers would i lose one of their best twiilcrs. It was park here. The team at rived last ria,. fVcfers.' anything." "Big" Bill that did such effective work Bill James, who is holding out for more Robinson had his men out early today, avail to sorii-s-. money, has not as yet reported. Two or thiee tlmda around was enough This is tho word from Jatksoi.ille. ficult to Secure. Back League. in last year's With 'him on tho and the Dodgers were put through lame will work-o- ut tor most of the gladiators. In fact, two w here Connie Mack was found todav by othei sido of the fence, Stalltngs stiff paces In the first day's or three times around was two or three wire, and asked concerning the repoit have to travel some distance to secure HOT WELLS. Tex., March e times too much for some of 'em. Colonol Ruppert another his equal. Still another point passing tho medicine ball, batting, 2. Activity .Tack Bcntley. Hon- - lrom New Yoik that MARGIN. March nu the Thormahlen. and had offered $26,090 for Frank Baker's rc- - CHICAGO Match 2. Thete'e another tor consideration arises Will Stallings throwing, and chasing flies constituted training per dfsplacd the best form on eln-- ! be to hold of youngsters watchword in the Glanta' the one on million dollai tnjstciv moving around able this bunch In dor path. Dor Avers, Jim Shaw, and iinAKfllntr ti, i It Vnn" tain NEW YORK, Mutch in leash as he did last veat? At that the work of the St. Louis Cardinals catfip today. Manager McGraw and tha vork ia the I'oderal League headquarters .Toe Bnsel. evidently earning too much rnt.M,.i ,,nn,-- t u viiiim to ciire Motnlnpside Heights doubtF that here. time they were a bunch, really untried, training camp hero today. players under him practiced at two A not i weight for age. were satisfied to thun- - n.ij-- r. nd pay JlO.flOO will have a football team nM In real business man has seen the without team woik. and on a club that Everyone worked briskly, but the park:', in order that all of the men tor will then him Hug-gin- der around at a leisurely pace, as the nalfu to nlay third base for the Yan has ntlsen In Hie undci-gradJa- to solum fleece lunging low cer the dia- had been traveling In the cellar for sev- work was diversified and Manager s would get plenty of work. The yotuw t to with- fall, but thete Stallings they play- would tint let anyone stay too snowing- superb form, hoping itadlum wain eonsti acted kees. Indeed, Ruppert eays Hint he has mind the question ns to wh.it mond. He Is oing to bo PKsldcnt of eral seasons. Under stcrs aio stand earthquakes. n'ade such an offer to Connie Mack, but Indianapolis ed to the highest notch in the baseball long at one task. to make the team. Today. Coach' Ryan will throw the tho clecn V Hi do when It Is to tie Hoofed world, if he can continue to hold has yet to receive any answet. Hoofed now a and ihrottl" wider open, and the pitchers 'The have backing of them, there appears to be little doubt HOUSTON. Te . 2 -- St. Uke the field. JCo,0OO,ri, March The may get a clianco to see whether they out h bun iicath said Ptesldcnt Weegh-tiid- ii but that the Braves will give a des- Louis today were Draws With Brock. pane regu- Tho faculty committer his Browns arrived and can break a of rIdss at the -- ol the Whale, speaking for Ptexy perate tighl to anv team that comes put to once by Manager Ohio, X of pitching distance. more power to him. Hopper was the on sames w'tth Princeton Yale. Ilai work at Btanch CINCINNATI. March Twe lation victim of Joe Cantlllon'a foi the Giluiori. "Hut not a word about who's near them. Rickey papers give Kayo a Mike Martin's official statement unfortunate ld, Pennsylvania and Oirntll who. will he thtcc here Mara That announced latet." ten-roun- no one to be on the Charley -- distorted aense of humor and canine present leant, and naa reconmrnciioeu Red Sox-- will open with practical-I- v dtavv in his d battle last night howd nnu was at The PASO ROBLES. .! --Morning horse list, and the chef's official com- traatllK proctiMciea ins winier. games onU unn.i the same llnc-u- p as thev had at the March Matt Brock, of Cleveland. Mars the target for ail the baseball humorist that be phucd win and batting, field pitch- with munication easily proed that none of qule.test college Willie Ritchie Begins close of last season. Verv little has afternoon and hroke his right arm In the fifth round, the boyr afflicted with dyspepsia, of th eountrv. He Is one 6f the teanr? doing In camp tho past win- ing dull will be engaged In by the Chi- In wic In camp. a gentleman, cats his Imlusttlous youtu been their but held his own the last half of the lemoise. or Inability to eat. boys It This fact set one Training Big ter. All the "doing" has been with the cago White So. squad today. The Im- battle. food quietly, and does his work with to work, and aftct going ocr the for Bout other clubs,, and taking thetc changes provement in tho pitching arms of the rest of 'em. announced for especially Ath- Scroggins-- , Iiibper. .Toe nodding H being nuised along -- schedules thai huo been Into consideration, the Johnson, and Clcotte Wes-leva- u, NKW VORK .'.-- sttongcr lejoieed Manager rlngerly by Trainer Martin, as Griff has If thete were any hitters in camp, the Williams. Amhetst. Tiluitv. March Ritchie letics, the Red Sox appear than the heurt of Rowland. today ten-toun- d the year they won the big series. At tho Ed Walsh Is to be put In olnrge of the I Instructed Ryan that under no circum- Coach Kyan would doubtless have the New Yotk Rutgeis, started tiainlitR foi his t T today, Inlrislt. he bout with Klghtwc'ght Champion start of of the 1914 season the Box show- second team which will leave for Oak- stances Is there to be a possibility of boys pitching to them but tho I'liton niul Stevens Institute teams Fred- ed decided weakness both at the bat land Rowland today: : swatters won't arrive until nest week, open on die W Ish. e a lomoitnw. said .Toe'o Knee getting too much work be- has failed to find a single date at Madison Squat Gat den and on the first bag. It caused a small "Big Ed would eome back this year." IX tou&wic& so If Thormahlen, Clarke and Stevens - .1 game with Columbia's pi elect- on Mnich II. The foimei ihnmpion in- eruption, and tovvaid tho end of tho fore tho old tendons a. rl ligaments ate cieslru to anv batters away fiom which woikltig dilc high on eleven might bo played dulged in some light exorcise with his season Carrlgan had the team TAMPA. .Match 2 The I'hUugo Cub thnrnuahlv In haimony again. Joe isn't the plate with ones tho inside, ive - shape. the Us tackling dummy the faculty has teoom- trainer? nt Billy Goipp's gvmnastum In in fine The ttip around regulars put llowoil to pitch mor than a few they'll have use the Inasmuch as 1913-- H Is and tivouts woie tlucuigli foot- plnyed globe during the winter of minutes, he Isn't permitted to Indulge In which has still s.irvhed the last mended that the games to be next Harlem, and appears lo be in excellent blamed for causing to tall a workout again todav in prep- HeldlnR bunts, and after ambling once ball seaton. fall come fiom within u group sucn as shape, despite icports that he was down In his batting until the middle of aration for the game with tho Phila- T quartet -- t round the mile track he is hutd to sec Just how Co- glowing fat. last season. He picked up then mid delphia Nationals Monday at St 14th St. N. Y. Ave. V bundled off to the shower bath?. .John lleniv threatens to to named. It Buckler, a big left handcr, and V Major Sylvester a of handcuffssid lumbia, at this late day, can arrange .i ir the icfeiee will ninke Welsh finished goinc stioug. The addition of for set season a "regular" first baseman. In Hrtilitsel, from Medicine Hut, showed well in Clarence H. RtUeastrln, Rum-lel- l, lot Joe Engel in to Keep Jo? oif for the next football stand up, if he'll him keep J One of the new arthals. Oscar oider schedule make his did more to put tho club on its than his first workout. President. lleniv's pet hat. Joe Isn't happy un- without causing a complete leauiingc-mon- t hands from under my aimplts, lb I't pres- is atouslng quite n lot of interest, Is tfieto anything else. The fact Uit the less he strutting mound the works of half a llne-u- o door by no less an authority pose of the football dates going to be a real fight, with the good ent has (forked the best pan of GCLKPORT Miss., March ;is ho ir touted with a bat In his mitts, and In ooien colleges. a togethor hopes of than Mike Martin. Russell pitched for front of tha stadium for the edification piofcpccts of tho title coming back to season raises the work was the ordei yestcrdav, but to- Everything in North Caiollna A. and M. and at- of a flotilla of Vlrglnny pickaninnies. the Stutes." said Willie today. tho fans ,to tjie extent of plctuilns the day all the Tigois wero In uniform, and tracted Mike's attention there, not only John evidently fears O'HaraTThinks Illinois 1915 and posMbly tho field work will begin. Sam Crawford, hitting that association Hoth men were scheduled to meet late champlnshlp pennant floatlnc In tho Men's Wear bv his pitching, but bv his with Jot will make his bat dumb. today and post their $1,000 forfeits. who ha been hero two weoks. is dovvn ability. In a game against Georgetown May Have Borting Matches Massachusetts bav breezes lo playing weight. Tho vetetans of tho Oscar caught two of cnris iienics onev rhcie Is m atranre anathv nnd lank team will be in camp Friday Spring Ings on the be.ik and dropped 'em over 0f interest at the training tablo this Dunn Will Be For fiar-re- tt Coach Soccer Stars"will Be he running track for homers. Mine trip. There seems to be a dearth of CHICAGO, March 2. Ucut. Gov. JACKSONVILLE. Match J.-- The Ath- savs he oauea over a cnousa.nu in inn competition in mo eating league. n O'Hara believes the present Illinois Of letics went todnv through a leal work- These days our store is la fao-slml- le Dickinson Eleven Out of Employment nollege league. Russell a former season, the boyg had ".namplons legislature will IrgalUc boxing in this out Connie Mack tiled to nth the convincing men that this if Jim Shaw. In looks, build, and action. like Pinch Munch, Herman Schwartie picsented with- youngsters, he got Stntc. The bill is to be CARLISLE, 2 ath- onthusi ism of the hut they txMpt for the fact that hasn't and Alva Williams to hang up a matk governor Pa., Mai eh Tho LONDON, Mcrch 2. At the end of the went at thcit woik Willi a vim while is the logical, place to buy ugh like a gorilla, and doesn't think the lest of 'erh to gnaw at, v, in weeks The lieutenant advisory on 20 English r for hut to op- letic committee at Dickinson football beuson April the tho vets took things cusv. U funny to cut up hair brushes In the bovs don't take any moo in- aid today that he believes much soccer players will find themselves in their Haberdashery, Suits, cot. College has elected Francis A. Dunn, V somebody else's terest In their tood than a duck does position to the bill, which came fiom a position never experienced befoie, .ST. , .' -- V J ., , pond, or an ambulance who Is tecognUcd as the gtcatest foot- 1'ETEII.SnrilG. Kla Match etc. in a chaser in down State, has been put aside. that of being out of work. All contiuots The Phillies weio put through light V Douglass Neff. 'who came In foi homo an accident. Shake up! ball player who ever represented Dick- - V 'tin decided change in s.cntl-r- ,i with the professional playcts, vvlth tho woik todav, Miitiugei- Moran 'pending ierrlmlnatlon last summer for his fail- "I noted a inson, as football coach for 1915 to suc- exception of small number who d Our assortments are Y to the team. Is hack in the Morgan arrived In onmp toward boxing." O'Haiu to a most of the da in having his men be- ure to stick Rav late i ceed Coach "Tac" Harrington, the for- until April CO, 1116, will ond. come lamlliai with the piny In- field larger, more attractive than :t fold again, and announces he is with teidav afternoon. Ray loft his auto- day "I think the present Icgislaluiu begins on - boxing pallet ned uotne-wh- at mer University of Pennsylvania half- The signing tcason which Griffith until the bench breaks. mobile In town, and came down on the will' pasa a law 1 un- ever before. 'lark j'lav each year, will be held over 2- Doug Is a quiet, unassuming chap, and railroad, which only furnished Bay after the Wisconsin law, and with back, who has hud charge of the eleven any SAN ANTONIO. Mutch - Jci.st go to the New York Stato til lute In Aiinmt. so us to nt event I understands the magnitude of the Job with one wreck in the iijj miles of features slmllat for the last two years. Ilai rlngton's Inducements being held out wh'cli will j out natiiial .tilde, and take it easy," Men! Here Is Good endeavoring to oust Geoige Mc-Brl- rattling. Being an automoblllsl, one law bv a comfortable majority. If of box-in- c vvotk hetc was entirely satisfactory, but with the to tho colnis. said Joe liilughaiii this uioitilng left-han- d 115 legislators futhcilng interfere call from the side of the wreck in miles is only a drop In the those whoure i 1 News. All the very Ray. will only concentiate on ono ptolcssloual vvotk prevented him fiom the English clubs must nelthet oil. when the Cleveland milium, formally latest t diamond, but, nevertheless. Is soitig to bucket with bills per- pay summct wager nor any thin; Nan-- , began thcit o'ond o rcgu-la- .. am oonlident Illinois will lcncwiug hli conttact. nor the dav's an attempt bust into the r measure, I vvotk-ou- creations in Ties, priced make ten-roun- very of a retaining fee, noi in t Yestetdaw. ptailice Has ful line-u- hopoless bird, Jim Shaw, d contests." Dunn had a successful &catiri at in the inituic even if he has to use a That took mit tending to ho i nnkle excursion over to Monlicello, O'Hara inilmated that a law may bo the Ulkltm Patk Hlph School, where he lact. do anything keen of giiiEc atii" Hiuni ilmin bel'eces moderately SOc. llmmy an i service in ulnwlj at --. making It possible to hold boxing nached the football team and taught ida vers from starting which U whore the prosent Adminis- passed o ago, "provided Kngllbh. He will receive heattv support Owing to the greatly i educed n'tond-unc- Tt a lot of nerve to take the tration got it6 start Jim said Thomas bouts in fill, tho , next win-do- takes In April, come-- out nt Dickinson and will Mart the .seabon at the liguo panics this ivrivni li .' Watch our turner Mddlng and Jibes hurled at your Jefferson mav have known something ma"or to bo elected sulTcrlnc, l.i: MHUA l.i Man Piac lenresenta-Ho- n pub'llclv favoi of sui li a law inilv with a latge squad of candidates, nil the clubs are tartly ft out by the nrens of an entire con- about that taxation without in Vs- tleallv all Hie playets of tlie (Mucin of TIES, changed daily. Rtiatomy gov buid favoi-- d who Is twenty-liv- e years ininnel.ll troubles, and the Kontliall - eorn fo nore ! st iff but when It came to roads, The lieutenant crum he liunn, about tinent and oh' hjt every- I railed a sptcUI meotlng natl S'atlona' l.engu club vcie in i lfffeisr.i was the St. Loony of his a ooxlng law. and would do old played halfback and fullback, and soclatlon hsa i' thing in bin pouer help pais one. wan graduated last year. for March 21. cn'np today and spi'ns pracl cb began ,ri"i,,.ii.'v,m'V'.T."rni,,ivi-ri"-