Cod Wind Hits Athletes Connie Denies Baker Tale Gallia Will Join
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, - . -- j. r ; ?- - ;." '""V" f-- 'k '1 TTf K'f'st. '' '"RV ;pV t&jP!' 12 THE WASHINGTON TTMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1015. Cod Wind Hits Athletes Connie Denies Baker Tale Gallia Will Join Team JUST A FEW PEEKS AT THE TOILING ATHLETES CHILI y WINDS Picking a Room Mate .MvreN PircMnfcs By $L . 'ftiS . TO SACK CATCReja o "BUGS" BAER. T Q : , Cast of characters -- Mike Martin. Jack Ryan, and fifteen ball- - fORCE PLAYERS ts rLW ffi) players.- Place Camp Griff. Time The present. MIKB MAIITIN Come on. ou loor BK.VI'Li;y Who aie you knocking'' blrdss whatta von think this Is? Get 10 SHELTER OF feel! Oct set! Yoil'ie fljing around here tlVl,u,?ntI:,N0.-;wij',- 1 "h think? like a one-arme- d papetliaiigei1. Hey. Columbus'." Jim Hhaw, I saw joti put that chewing In sugar bowl. Now listen. Jim gum the Hicii. 1 Shaw and Harry Harper thought at first you meant me. MARrJX-Ke- w HARPER 1 won't sleep with that that's settled. He makes me dumb. TENNIS COURTS bird, Shaw. ' didn't say that was SHAW You won't, won't yuh? I make Why, you feeble fish. yuh dumb, do 1? MAUTIN-- No But I did. I was never chased out of a oo for beef to the canary birds. feeding corned BOEHL1NO Listen. 1 ain t going to room with anybuaher who heard Jack Ryan Ray Morgan MIKE-C'm- on. C'mon. Stop that of Balisac or Tbeophlte nvr Directs wrastllng. Tou two 'shooting crackers Oautler. sleep together or BBNTLEr-Naverhe- mrd of em! Nr-r-r to Confine' His Training to hear of 'em! got I gotta sleep with Moxle Ain't time to read SHAW If the standings of those small-tim- e Track Work for the Time Harper, I'm gonna take my matblea leagues. outta the game. Gimme a chew, will Being. uh, Mosle? MARTIN-No- w. that'a aettled. Kddle MIKK Now, that's settled. BENTLET-Wha- t'a aet v AJnsmlth and Joe Engel BOEHLING What's aettled ENOEL Aww-ww- 1 ain't gonna Firs Day in Charlottesville 1 gonna sleep with that filbert. ain't MARTIN-Uatn.""- l'm settled. bunk with no ordinary "catcher. I poor bird can pjck out Any roommateTi Jefe-- " 'S 31Mv SWAW Finds Young Athletes Bene V v ,S,ST OW took. ain't that'll atand for ydu. I'm through I ' Ep CEst VAADftvc o ---- gonna, , y i coNtwrrte iJi I'm done. I'm wire Oflff mg? tsJs,M AINBMlTr? Vlt bunk with Joe. Got you poor birds use to thi fiting Greatly, Weather J "TO6- - QuAfc." ain't earthing as St any money. Joe?' good, and any kind- -- don't appreciate Mite- - rw., ness. He'll I be down here temerrow Proved Just Right. RdaSllllllllHSLU-- . -- ENGEL No. That's why don't want ; .SmmilllllK'T"-ap--- rfeTTiHf rd 86 a you. I want you to Z?sE -- a to bunk with don't SHAW You know me, and you are A BlASABoo get up In the night and be disappointed. good friends, Mike, ol boy Now. that's settled ENGEE-Th- afs Tettled. By "BUGS" BAF.K. MIKE 1 ENOEL-Wha- RTTN-Whal's'se- CHARLOTTESVILLE, March 2 BERT GALLIA WILL BOSTON CLUB AR E t's settled" M A ttled ? MIKE-No- w. that's settled" Chilly winds prevented morning TODAY'S SPORTORIAL ENOEL Nothing. Tou got me saying By LOUIS A. UOUUHUlt. It. that's all. Field- - today. A1NSM1TH What's settled" practice on Lambeth RYAN Listen. Any bird that wears JOIN THE GRIFFMEN STRONG FOR 1915 RYAN Ton two birds arc settled. Go Ills spikes to bed Is through here. He Coach Jack Ryan ordering his Even if J. Franklin Baker iloe s return to the Mackmcn this sea- ahead. Mike? can pull his freight In the morning for Kamchatka. young students to get in their prac- - son, is he likely to be a satisfied athlete? MIKK Now. Doc. will vou bunk with college Here comes Colonel Ruppcrt with a statement that lie Iirh offered to Russell? You're old chums HARPER-W- ho wears his spiked in the old tennis courts, where shoes to bed? pay $25,000 for Baker, assuring the of a $10,000 salary as a SHAW Sure, Dor will room with t:c not them. Texas Twirler Writes Clark ller Bean Town Fans Looking For- Russess. Russell l the onlv bird who wind could reach of the Yankees. True, Connie Mack denies such AINSMITH-iShr- ill whistle; Alia bov member that any offer hasn't heard Doc's line of bull yet. Walter. Don't worry. Harp, ol' top, the Until it becomes warmer, the Griffith That He Will Be De- has been rcccivetl. But how i Baker jroinpr to judge between these two ward to Having World's next league you'ic going to won't have MARTIN- - Now that's settled any beds In It. Atta, boy. Wallei will continue to use the magnates? The only conclusion he will draw is thut Connie is holding (Shriller flayers layed a Bit. Though. Series All to Themselves. SHAW You mean poor of Russell 1i whistle.) him to that $4,500 a year when he might pull down $10,000 with the settled ennis courts. ENGEL I won't room with Eddr thih will hardly (111 him with ioy. T Yankees. Of course, RYAN How many 1 gotta Alnsmilli. don't like the kind of Ray Morgan arose this morning times have chew Ins tobacco he buys Gallia, young Texas twnjtr, Colom-- I Ruppcit Is very apparently .t new coin"! In the nulluiml pastime BOSTON March 2. To say that base- tell you to keep that chin of vours outta Beit the may the soup and the argument? . eager to go to work. Trainer Mar rumored to be dissatisfied wlfh his No other excuse lx ghon foi his public rtiinuuiuemeul concerning ball fans In Boston are already figuring AINSMITH-N- o use talking, the bo Bakci. This is llkci to an effect upon the Mucknifii, may to pack the in Roan Town foi has imme- - berth with the Grlffmen, has written hac rII and stands SHAW You don't have to tell me. talent tin threw a bomb into him breed dissatisfaction of sou I'lirthctmorr, it Is most iinbrotherly next reason's world's series H putting listening, anyway. Manager Clark Griffith that he will ascilous ain't RYAN C'mon. Ge In Ruppcrt to add to Connie Mack's difficultly lc pretty strong, and the fans else- C'mon. Get set Stately by telling him that his first be delayed a few days through the .MAR UN Now that's settled set. You Rotta get up at fi In the morn death of a relative at his home down Itav Morgan says that he meniiM business this yen That's sood news where will concede Hostonlans the right lng. will be to run three miles for the fans If Ray cun play the bull In 1915 that he did at v.niouii limes In to "figure" all they want, but It's a fact hoe work by the Rio Grande, but that he will 191" 1913, will have a cot mid baseman SHAW Tcehee, tee and the Orlffmen lumpai.iblc to the that grows stronger every day. Tuk'ng SHAW Who. me? Who. me.' fcijt in track certainly be on the Job at Charlottes- best In the big league. Stay with It. rttn. nnd ou II hac pltntv of morning? around the wooden saucer ville. cupport. , all In all, from a view point at this RYAN What's mattah now, nut" the Not me. Not this bird. In his said Old Fo to- line, both teams appear to Seside the tennis court. letter," the end of the SHAW Look at Joe Engel Ain t he KYAN Hx In tin morning Six in day, "he never once mentioned dissat- If Eddie Collins Is woith V'iO.OOO and llakti Is wnlh $5'.iliJo. how much arc havo A-- 1 chances of leading at the end runny ? the morning. You! isfaction. Indeed, he signed his con- Barry and Mclnnls worth to make up that famous SliiO.OOO Inlleld? fi "No baseball for you tat you way of the 1915 season. tract last fall and has always vou Toe. SHAW-W-ho, a. Of the two, the Red Sox look to be in MARTIN Whaltah doln' me? Mai- - been tickled with chance to make The District Golf Association staits out with nu cxt client set of hard- . T egin to harden up," ordered the Nation-lie- al- Didn't tell you that the next the team here. Any one talking that working ofnceis. This Is a most nccesa.iry thing for the success of any better trim than ENGKL Aw, I ain't doln' nothin' RYAN Yes, vou. n. "So get busy on that track. he would not report to my club is organization, and when such men :is 5lorcn Thompfon, d'eorge E. Trultt. though the Braves arc toting the. .vorld foolish or malicious. Gallia has a Walter R. Tuckennan, Alphoua Winter, and Lir, Thomas .1. W. Brown put championship pennant. MAHTIN Whattah you laughing at. SHAW That's settled better opportunity this spring than their shoulders to the wheel. It Is easy to predict u wondrous season ahead The Braves' chaltccs this ycai, all Jim'.' Joe ain't doing nothing. I tav did. ever before to mir.o for nimaeir a reg- the golfers of the District you you for i around the circuit, popularly sup MARTIN Who are mocking ,i The first day's workout at Camp Griff ular job as a pitcher here.