Development and Public Affairs: Office of Engagement

I. Alumni and Parent Engagement Executive Summary

The mission of DPA’s Office of Engagement is connect alumni, parents and friends to each other and the through the UVA Global Network: UVaClubs, Professional Interest Groups and Cavalier Admission Volunteers; Lifetime Learning and Travel programs. By fostering these connections the Office of Engagement strengthens the lifelong bond alumni, parents and friends have with U.Va. increasing participation, involvement and financial support. During FY12, 1,280 events were held with 22,022 documented attendees, of which 15,257 were unique individuals. A priority for FY12 was to increase the amount of participation while executing fewer events to increase efficiency. Executing 6% fewer events but increasing unique participation by 15% accomplished this outcome. This exceeded our 10% goal of increased participation by 5%. Alumni and Parent Engagement continues to be the lead producer of documented event attendees and represents 50% of all event attendees in the Advance database.

Alumni represent 62% of participants followed by non-alumni parents at 16%, students at 15% and friends at 7%. The largest constituent increase, at 25%, was by non-alumni parents due to continued targeted marketing to parents. Ethnic diversity continues to be an important metric for engagement and 19% of attendees are identified as non-white. Engagement event attendees are donors, and 48% gave during FY12, more than double the University-wide giving rate.

Over 1,400 volunteers assisted 105 UVaClubs to achieve their objectives with prospective student and admission outreach; educational and cultural enrichment; social and networking opportunities; spectator events for U.Va. and professional sports; organized U.Va. recreational leagues; and volunteer service. The volunteer corps represented a 70% retention of experienced leaders and 30% of new volunteers to reflect effective leadership succession and volunteer management.

Lifetime Learning coordinated 115 talks with 78 faculty members who represented 11 of the 12 schools. Programs included More than the Score, Reunions Seminars and Engaging the Mind. In addition, the School of Professional and Continuing Studies asked Lifetime Learning to assume responsibility for their Summer on program, which was re-invented as Summer Jefferson Symposium, with a 95% capacity outcome during its first year.

Cavalier Travels continued to provide experiential learning through travel during daylong and multiple week excursions. Registrations were up 3%, and 19 trips were executed including a first time service trip to in partnership with the Nursing Alumni Association.

Online engagement opportunities continue to be enhanced and explored. The free online research library saw a 39% increase in database explorers. A Lifetime Learning blog was created to spur dialog between faculty and stakeholders. Facebook and LinkedIn accounts for UVaClubs and Lifetime Learning provided a forum for peer to peer connection, and the Lifetime Learning website was redesigned

In addition to direct services, the Engagement Community, a network of nearly 300 U.Va. professionals, fostered growth and development through meetings, conversations, tours of U.Va. buildings, webinars and R & D pilots to support the common goal of increased involvement and support of our stakeholders.

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Progress on Alumni and Parent Engagement FY12 Goals

Goal 1: Alumni and parent programs are inclusive of all stakeholders at the University and represent a diverse array of offerings.

Engagement programming is inclusive for all stakeholders at the University. 62% are alumni, 16% are non-alumni parents, 15% are non-alumni students and 7% are friends of the University. 19% of documented alumni/student attendees were ethnic minorities. The University of Virginia is recognized by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education as a leader in integrating parents into traditional alumni programming. A team representing Engagement and the Parents Annual Fund presented a CASE webinar for 40 schools and received an overall rating of 4.2 on a 5 point scale. Cindy Fredrick, AVP for Engagement was the faculty chair for the national Parents Program Conference. She received a 5 out of 5 rating for all three of her presentations and was asked to serve a second term as faculty chair for FY13 and was credited for creating a new framework to think about parent engagement through touch points as Provider, Participant and Philanthropist.

Programming represents a diverse array of offerings in five core areas: Admission/New Student Outreach (18%), Educational/Cultural/Travel (21%), Social/Networking (24%), Athletic (19%) and Volunteerism (18%).

Goal 2: Alumni, parents, friends and students are connecting with each other, with their community and with the University of Virginia in their hometowns through volunteer led UVaClubs.

Regional clubs are organized in 105 locations worldwide, 86 within the US (82%) and 19 outside of the US (18%). These clubs are led by 1,472 documented volunteers who planned, organized and developed 1,228 engagement activities for 19,178 documented attendees with support from a professional staff of 10. This represents a 15% increase in stakeholder participation with 6% fewer events. Staff supporting UVaClubs continue to develop partnerships with colleagues in Regional Development, Schools and the Alumni Association to meet new and emerging needs of stakeholders. One of our goals has been to increase participation among parents as event attendees and volunteer leaders. While parent attendees have increased by 25%, we fell short of our goal of increasing parent volunteers by 10%; actual percentage of parents as volunteer leaders was 7%.

In addition, through evaluation of participation statistics and scatter maps of stakeholders, UVaClubs staff evaluated regional markets to maximize engagement and ensure efficiency and effective use of resources by forming 2 new UVaClubs, revitalizing 2 clubs and designating 5 clubs as dormant due to lack of activity and/or volunteer leadership. Program highlights include:

Admission and New Student Outreach:

UVaClubs are the focal point for Admission and new student outreach in local regions and the partnerships with the Office of Admission was strengthened, representing 19% of engagement events. At the request of Dean Roberts, UVaClubs developed Cavalier Admission Volunteers through UVaClubs or in stand-alone cities to assist with admission outreach. In FY12, 224 documented stakeholders made congratulatory calls to admitted students. At the request of the Office of Admission, UVaClubs planned 15 April Admitted Student Receptions with alumni and

DPA-Alumni and Parent Engagement FY 12 Annual Report Page 2 parents to give prospective students an opportunity to meet alumni and parents and experience a slice of what it might look like to be a U.Va. student. Since FY10, documented attendance at April Admitted Student Receptions has risen over 600% (59 to 441). 81 Student Send-offs were held in 2011 with support from the Parents Annual Fund with 3,038 documented attendees. U.Va. is acknowledged by Parent Programs as having one of the largest if not largest student send-off programs. Governor McDonnell attended the Richmond Student Send-off, as his two sons were welcomed into the U.Va. family. The CASE award-winning UVaExpress provided transportation for 216 international students and their family members to U.Va., and the International Dinner welcomed 400 documented participants.

Student Experience

An area of emphasis for FY12 was to enrich student experience and stakeholder experience by creating engagement opportunities, which connect students with alumni and parents. This was determined a priority from the University’s alumni and parents attitude survey, conducted by e- advancement, which indicated a strong desire to connect with students. In FY12, the Student Ambassador program doubled to include 134 UVaClub Student Ambassadors, representing 61 UVaClubs around the world. The opportunities for students included participating in making congratulatory calls to admitted students from their hometown, speaking at student send-offs, staffing engagement tables at Family Weekend and the More Than the Score lecture series and sharing their student experience at Legacy Breakfast events. As a result of this increased emphasis, documented student attendance rose 10% from 2,088 in FY11 to 2,305 in FY12.


Approximately one fifth of our events are related to athletic activities. The Parent and Alumni surveys also identified three high interest activities - athletic, social and educational events and were charted as “sweet spots” for engagement. Capitalizing on all these areas was the programming line- up for the Chick-fil-A Bowl Game. The UVaClubs professional team coordinated with U.Va. partners to plan and promote a series of events including a Friday night Wahoo Welcome with a record attendance of over 900 people, educational panels with senior administrators and co- sponsorship of the pre-game tailgate. All told, over 1,400 documented individuals attended DPA events over the weekend.

During FY12, Athletic Director Craig Littlepage and Coaches Bennett, , O’Connor and Starsia and former athlete Barry Parkhill participated in 19 UVaClub events. Around the world, alumni, parents and friends came together for 166 documented game watching parties to cheer on athletics and bond over the shared experience. UVaClubs continued a strong partnership with VAF to support athletic related engagement efforts.


Approximately 21% of our events focus on educational/cultural activities. During FY12 faculty members participated in regional club events, including 12 receptions with President Sullivan. Other notable events included: Panel in Richmond, Ken Elzinga in Houston, Jefferson UnCorked – an informal discussion on Jefferson principals and wine in Orlando, Riverboat tour in San Antonio, Capitol and White House tours in DC and a tour of the Crystal Bridges Museum in Arkansas.

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Global Engagement: President’s Tour

The UVaClubs program supported the President’s first international tour to Asia including the coordination of the communication plan; invitations; UVaClub engagement receptions for over 700 stakeholders, including lunches and meetings; and logistical support for the presidential planning team.


One quarter of our events are social or networking and represent the largest category. Notable social events included: Career Fair in DC (272 attendees), Holiday Party in NYC (249 attendees), Atlanta Bull Roast, LA BBQ and Charleston Oyster Roast. Networking events are increasing and DC developed niche networking gatherings for Federal Contractors, IT professionals and Health Care professions.

Volunteer Service: Cavaliers Care

Eighteen percent of our events involve volunteer and community service. Volunteer Club leaders received volunteer management training through customized online training and a revised leadership manual. A newly launched initiative, "Thirteen in 2013," encourages all U.Va. alumni, parents and friends to commit to conducting thirteen service hours between April 13, 2012, and April 13, 2013, Thomas Jefferson's 270th birthday.

Goal 3: Alumni and Parents are continuing their lifetime learning with access to faculty lectures that support U.Va. priorities and access to online educational resources

The Lifetime Learning program, with the support of 2 professional staff, supported the efforts of 78 faculty and staff members who participated in 115 Alumni and Parent Engagement Lectures through UVaClubs, Cavalier Travels, Engaging the Mind, More Than the Score, Reunions Seminars and Summer Jefferson Symposium. Not including UVaClub or Cavalier Travel, Lifetime Learning programs had a participation increase of 23% with 24% fewer events. In addition, online educational resources were made available for alumni, parents and friends and represented the largest documented increase of 39% of users to the online research library database.

Engaging the Mind Public Lecture Series partnered with the Tayloe Murphy Center, UVaClub of the Eastern Shore, Eastern Shore Community College, Virginia Festival of the Book, School of Continuing and Professional Studies Hampton Roads Center, Virginia Air & Space Center, Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce, City of Lynchburg Office of Economic Development, Petersburg Chamber of Commerce, Office for VP for Research and the U.Va. Office of Diversity for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee.

In addition, the Engaging the Mind Program utilized its grant from the E. Stuart James Grant Trust to feature President Teresa Sullivan in Danville, VA to engage with and speak to about 150 community members, alumni and parents about the importance of investing in higher education and how it contributes to innovation and economic growth in communities.

The Engaging the Mind Program hosted three Virginia lecture series for the Tayloe Murphy Center grant fulfillment in the Eastern Shore, Petersburg and Lynchburg. The series included a total of six

DPA-Alumni and Parent Engagement FY 12 Annual Report Page 4 lectures with two per city and helped to engage and facilitate entrepreneurial and economic change for community members, alumni and parents in their communities.

More Than the Score Pre-Game Lecture Series and Reunions Seminars

Lifetime Learning partnered with the Alumni Association to provide intellectual content to these programs in Charlottesville. 7 More than the Score lectures had 1,338 documented attendees, and 1,097 people attended 9 lectures at Reunions.

Summer Jefferson Symposium

Lifetime Learning was asked by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies to assume responsibilities for the Summer on the Lawn program, and the inaugural Summer Jefferson Symposium was held June 21-24 on the Grounds of U.Va. for 57 participants, representing a near sell-out with 95% capacity. This academic conference is an in-depth learning experience about our founding father, Thomas Jefferson. The theme for this year is Jefferson’s Love of the Written Word. Seven Jefferson scholars presented on the historical facts, fictions and myths about Jefferson. The program included tours of Jefferson’s historical home and an exhibit of the Declaration of Independence, the garden and house at Morven and lectures on the Grounds of the University. Teachers have found this conference to be a valuable resource and have requested continuing education credits for attending. Attendance certificates and credit for classroom hours with faculty members will be shared with all participants.

Online Resources

Lifetime Learning recorded ten seminars that are now available on the University iTunesU site for all alumni, parents and friends. Available and free of charge to all University alumni are five online library databases which may be used from virtually anywhere in the world 24 hours a day. With 1,660 documented unique users in FY12, one database user said:

UVA has a wonderful reputation for valuing alumni. I can't get these kinds of alumni services through Harvard where I received my doctorate. It’s just another testament to how UVA values alumni --And then seeing these amazing services for academic work just further reminded me of how you all think about and look after us -- even when we are no longer living in the Academic Village....this service is a symbol for me.

Stewardship for Faculty Participants in Engagement programming

Five faculty stewardship events were held to create a pan-university creative forum for faculty members to network and explore synergies, building on the foundation of a shared experience with alumni and parent engagement. This included the annual recognition event honoring 5 outstanding faculty members for FY11, with a keynote address by President Teresa Sullivan for Fred Diehl, Stephen Macko, Stephen Railton, Arts & Sciences; Suzan Garson, Student Affairs; and Kathryn Thornton, Engineering.

Goal 4: Provide educational global travel for alumni, parents and friends with U.Va. faculty

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Cavalier Travels provided 19 unique U.Va. travel experiences exclusively for alumni, parents and friends with the support of 2 professionals. The majority of trips feature U.Va. faculty who serve as the educational leader on the trip, adding relevant lectures and expert knowledge to the travel experience. Trips vary in length from one day to three weeks and feature a variety of price points from low to high end. In FY12, Cavalier Travels engaged with 299 documented attendees on 19 trips, excursions and events.

A good indicator for program success is the number of repeat travelers. An excellent example is Joseph Carter (A&S ’73, LAW ’76) who took five trips with us in FY12 alone. Our commitment to family friendly travel has diversified our traveler age range, and we have had travelers aged 14 to 82. Targeted marketing to current U.Va. parents and their students was conducted for the enrichment voyage abroad the Semester at Sea ship. Many of our travelers are also financial donors to the University. Of Advance entities, 83% have made a donation to U.Va. in their lifetime, 65% have made a gift in FY12, and 89 travelers are rated as major prospects including 12 at $500,000 or more.

International and Domestic premier travel opportunities:

 U.S. National Parks with Ernie Ern – Environmental Sciences Emeritus  Vienna & Prague with Symphony Conductor Kate Tamarkin – Music  The Great Silk Road Across with Dorothy Wong – Art History  on the Semester-at-Sea Ship with Reginald Garrett- Biology, Ricardo Pedron – Spanish, Julian Bond- History, Rita Dove- English  Around the World with Lisa Reilly – Architectural History  Botswana and South (2 trips) with Fred Diehl – Biology  Aegean Sea - Private Yacht trip with John Dobbins – Classical Archaeology  with Dave Smith – Environmental Sciences  Golf in England & Wales with Barry Parkhill– V.A.F & Sports Celebrity  China with Peter Yu – Dean of Students Office  Canadian Rockies by Rail with Ernie Ern – Environmental Sciences Emeritus  Around the World by Private Jet with Dave Smith – Environmental Sciences  Bahamas with Fred Diehl – Biology

Excursion partnerships with other U.Va. Organizations:

 McIntire Department of Art – Vice Provost for the Arts Beth Turner gave a tour of Georgia O’Keefe’s house Abiquiu and her ranch – Ghost Ranch – as part of the National Parks trip  Nursing Service Trip to Vietnam with Nursing Alumni – School of Nursing Alumni Association  UVaClub of Salt Lake City-Park City Ski Weekend  Medical Alumni Association Reunion bus trip and picnic to Monticello and Ash Lawn- Highland  T.J. Reunions bus trip to Ash Lawn-Highland and Michie Tavern  Reunions bus trip and picnic to Ash Lawn-Highland and Monticello  Kentucky Derby with the UVaClub of Louisville

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Of particular note during FY12, Cavaliers Travel developed an ongoing partnership with the Nursing School Alumni Council to conduct healthcare service trips to Vietnam and other destinations. Cavalier Travels also partnered with the Lions Club of Virginia, Lions Club International and U.Va. alumna Dr. Anh Thu Phan, an ophthalmologist, to conduct Eye Care Clinics in conjunction with the Nursing Alumni Service trips.

In addition, Cavalier Travels partnered with our international UVaClubs to host faculty lectures or receptions in China and Louisville. Cavalier Travels is considered an industry leader in alumni and parent travel and was asked by CASE III to present at the annual conference on utilizing travel as an engagement tool.

Goal 5: Develop cross-grounds collaborations and partnerships to effectively and efficiently engage stakeholders in the life the University, provide engagement data analytics and conduct R&D pilots to increase involvement.

The Engagement Community is a network of nearly 300 U.Va. professionals representing fundraising, engagement, communications, technology and student affairs to support the common goal of increased involvement of and support for our stakeholders. This community supported 24 events: 2 meetings, 3 subcommittee meetings, 1 conversation, 8 tours of U.Va. buildings, and 10 webinars for a total of 656 attendees. In addition, 19 R&D pilots were conducted to test hypotheses and make recommendations for further action.

A highlight for the year was an article in The Chronicle of Philanthropy that profiled the Engagement Community as their lead story in the paper’s annual Continuing Education Guide. The reporter says this is a unique in-house approach to harnessing the collective intelligence of organizations and a replicable model that many nonprofits around the country could draw lessons from.

In addition, pan-university data reports for all alumni and parents and by individual school were created, and the first measurement of pan-university engagement was developed through the Engagement Tracker analytic tool. Three school impact reports were prepared for Architecture, Engineering and Curry school.

The volunteer sub-committee developed a working template for the pan-university volunteer opportunity clearing house which is now in web design. While we were hopeful to launch this website in FY12, other pressing priorities pushed the launch date to FY13.

II. Alumni and Parent Engagement Goals for 2012-13.

Goal 1: Alumni and parent programs are inclusive of all stakeholders at the University and represent a diverse array of offerings and will leverage involvement to giving.

Highlighted objectives: promote annual giving to engaged stakeholders through the development of Loyal ‘Hoo recognition program, partnership opportunities with annual giving, schools and units, and creative uses of email and social media outreach. Increase unique participation by 7%. Increase percentage of giving for event attendees by 3%.

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Goal 2: Alumni, parents, friends and students are connecting with each other, with their community and with the University of Virginia in their hometowns through volunteer led UVaClubs.

Highlighted objectives include review of the UVaClubs membership structure which 40% of all clubs have in place. While this system provides financial stability, it creates an exclusionary culture and discourages participation from non-members. Over the course of the coming fiscal year, Regional Engagement will encourage clubs to adopt non-membership structures and support the clubs as they look to their constituents to donate in support of their local programming.

The UVaClubs program is focused on bringing even greater value to the schools and units through stronger partnerships with faculty and development staff. Through focused marketing of club events to specific alumni of the school and units, we are more thoughtfully stewarding the University’s supporters.

Goal 3: Alumni and parents are continuing their lifetime learning with access to faculty lectures that support U.Va. priorities and with access to online educational and volunteer resources.

Highlighted objectives include assuming responsibility for the U.Va. at Oxford program from SCPS. This program will include a faculty member from Oxford, a faculty member from U.Va. and 52 participants. We anticipate offering 12 lectures, tours and exhibits as well as lodging and dining at Trinity College, Oxford. This summer educational program will be offered every other year, alternating with the Summer Jefferson Symposium on Grounds. Additional objectives are to expand the partnership with SCPS regional offices and to make the online research library available to parents. The volunteer opportunity database will become operational.

Goal 4: Provide educational global travel for alumni, parents and friends with U.Va. faculty.

Highlighted objectives include expanding family orientated programs with three trips during summer ‘12, holiday ’12 and early summer ’13; exploring a trip to Cuba; and working with schools to target specific travel destination and needs.

Goal 5: Provide engagement data analytics and conduct R&D pilots to increase involvement.

Highlighted objectives include developing customized bi-annual engagement reports for schools.

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