TBS&E Number 66 1 Now available in Century Gothic! Produced by Garry Dalrymple as his contribution towards mailing No. 286, of the Australian and New Zealand Amateur Press Association (ANZAPA). Postal Address: 1 Eulabah Ave., EARLWOOD NSW 2206 Home ph. (best after 7 pm) 02-9718-5827 Email;
[email protected] New Wrinkles in Thyme 1 TBS&E Number 66 2 An evening spent with James the venue just did not want to be found! I walked the length of the Randwick shops Bradley, Author of ‘Clade’, held twice, looking for a sign, any sign of a at the Randwick Public Library, Library, or a righteous man to show me the on Thursday May 21, 2015, a way, before in desperation stopping several natives, until |I encountered one, Sydney Writer’s Festival event. who looked literate, who explained to me Source, pages 8 to 12, Garry’s rough notes that it was back that way AND inside the starting April 2015, publication in TBS&E #66 shopping mall. So I went back that way, and concluding Who was there; about 70 people, by my my 40 minutes of walking by located a estimate (counting empty seats etc.) 58 F & discrete sign. There? No not quite. 12 M. Most Ms present were with wife / The Builder of this shopping mall had partner, most Fs present were retired ladies, combined two major fascinations, a many claiming to be writers. journey of Re-birth via the Earth Mother The Set Up – This is worth explaining, as this and Aztec sacrificial architecture. was the first time I had ever been to this Thus I nearly expired while going up the Library and to the best of my understanding, great flight of steps from the street, and I this ‘Off Broadway’ Sydney Writers Festival arrived at the library after passed through event was the only Science Fiction book enough long blind corridors to have had a event on the program this year, as a ‘for re-birth experience while passing the adults’ offering.