Senator Smith Speaks in Library

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Senator Smith Speaks in Library Oil The Inside International Festival ... page 3 Letters ... page 10 serving the notre dame - st. mary's community Vol. VIII, No. 114 Friday, April 26, 1974 Academic Commission Senator Smith presents proposed code speaks in Library by Terry Keeney by Janet Longfellow and Fred Graver Staff Reporter Senator Margaret Chase Smith spoke last night on "Morality Academic Affair~ Commissioner Christopher Nedeau last night presented the and Government" in the Memorial Library Auditorium. The proposed Academic Code prepared by Fr. James Burtchaell University former Republican senator from Maine has been visiting the Provost, and the Deans and Assistant Deans of the four colleges to 'a meeting of Notre Dame. campus for the last week, sponsored by the the ~cademic Council student representatives, SBP Pat McLaughlin and HPC Woodrow Wilson National Foundation, helping to bring Chairman Bob Howl. ' American communities and the College campus closer together. ~om~e~ting on t~e American political system, she said, "I The proposed academic believe It IS the best m the world. The foresight of the men who regulations include: wrote our _constitution is amazing. They provided the only -additional fees for credit hours system which ensures freedom and liberty in the history of the taken over a 17-hour limit in world. But no system is better than the people who serve that Business and Science. system." -mandatory class attendance The senator feels that a credibility gap has developed among on each class day before and after the American people towards their government due to the vacations, adminstrator s involved in the Watergate break-in. -revision of the standards for . Senator Smith has served in politics for over thirty years, and the Dean's Honor List from a 3.25 Is the only woman to have served in both the House of to a 3.5 average, Representatives and the Senate. -procedures for readmission to Questioning of the system has brought about many negative the University, results, ~he claimed. For example, Senator Smith pointed out -a definition of the University the pubhc doubt that there really is a bonified energy crisis_ Curve, "T~is has ~oo often developed into violence as with the trucking -and a grade referendum stnkes, with people exploding at gas stations with miner's policy. striki~g to bring ?ur U.S. economy to its knees, causing Nedeau stated, "Ordinarily, I Amencans to question whether our system is really the best " would not have presented this she continued. ' material until all Academic Smith placed the responsibility for this credibility gap on Council members had received it. "crass pragmatists," such as those involved in the Watergate "However," he continued, "the tragedy, not the system itself. Speaking about those involved in administration's scheduling of the the break-in, she explained, "There is a common denominator next two Academic Council among these people, which is their 'Creed of crass meetings left me no other alter­ Pragmatism'-the idea that the end justifies the means-so that native. The University community it is acceptable to use any tactics, however immoral, to achieve must be given a chance to respond a goal. These people feel the crime is not the unlawful act but to these issues." getting caught." ' The proposals will be submitted She explained further that these people justified the break-in to the third Academic Council of the office of Ellsberg's psychiatrist, saying it was the only meeting this year on May 6 where way to get back for exposing the Pentagon Papers to the press. a decision will be made whether or Conc~r_ning the rationalization of both parties, Smith said, "In not to pass it on to a hearing board. my opm10n, both sides violated the basic concepts of the American political system and did great damage to it. The First Time Compiled Acede~ic Affairs ~ommissioner Chris Nedeau and AL Academic attitude that the end justifies the means, and their taking of the Counc•_l Rpresentat1ve John Mazza discuss proposed regulations at law into t~eir own h~nds is a venal assault on the system, on our la_st_ m~ht's Academic Council meeting. (Staff photo by Zenon This is the first time that all B1dmsk1) democratic Republic and the Bill of Rights." provisions of the S~~ continued, "In my opinion, this is nothing less that Academic Code have been compiled. The strongest argument," agree Student Body pohbcal anarchy, with every man for himself. The lack of majority of the student protest centers on President Pat McLaughlin. He noted the par­ unlawfulness has created social and political disorder." changes amended within the code. ticular strain placed on students enrolled in the Nedeau claimed that when he received a copy College of Arts and Letters. _T_he sen~tor spoke of the future optimistically, if every in­ of the code at the Academic Council Executive "An Arts and Letters student is paying the dlVldual will look to himself for improvement of the system. Board meeting, Burtchaell characterized it as same amount of tuition and taking less credit "Crass pragmatism is the result of the emphasis every one of us being of little relative import to anyone but hours than any other college," McLaughlin places on materialism. Every one of us should do some soul­ merely a codification of existing academic noted. searching before placing the blame on others." regulations. Nedeau also said that such a restriction on The Senator is very optimistic about today's youth and their "This was not a codification of existing credit hours would be "penalizing intellectual ~~ent~al ?n improvi_ng government through active par­ regulations," Nedeau said. "Many of them have ambition." tl~Ipabon. I have confidence in young people they can reverse been changed." th1s trend of pragmatism by finding good solid candidates with Class cuts at breaks int~grity. I would encourage people to get into politics. It is not Student Input adrrty word. Americanpoliticsisonly wttat wemakeit." The second priority for student effort would The Senator had much praise for both the faculty and students A further focal point of student dissent over the challenge the administration proposal for­ she met at Notre Dame. She was here last year for St. Mry's Code is the lack of initial student input. bidding cuts the day before and after an official Commencement, and was "delighted to return." She said of bel' "We're the guys who have to hassle this day to academic vacation. visit, "I had a rewarding, challenging and enjoyable stay here day," said Nedeau. "They didn't include us in Under this proposal, argued Nedeau, "The th_is wee~. I am very impressed with the students and faculty; the early work on the regulations which is why University is taking away from the individual with their courtesy and the questions they asked me." we are griping now. professor his control to regulate his class before "We still have not convinced them that they and after break." must include student opinion in making McLaughlin cited the effect this plan would proposals," he said. have on student transportation. If this ruling The revisions to be proposed by Nedeau center were enforced, all students would have to leave on six major issues. First on the students' list of for vacation on the same day. priorities is the proposed extra charge for "I'd like to see the University provide planes students carrying more than 17 credit hours. for every student," said McLaughlin. Fee for extra credits Change Dean!s list As the proposal now reads, students would The proposed academic manual would raise have to pay for every credit hour over 17 hours. the grade point requirement for the Dean's Nedeau argued that the plan would place a Honor List from 3.25 to 3.50. severe financial strain on the average, middle­ Although this amendments is designed to class Notre Dame student. prevent inflation of student grades, Nedeau "It's a very serious problem when the stated that a higher Dean's List requirement University says that they want the middle class would result in even further grade inflation. In student," said Nedeau, "but with the calendar other words, he explained, the student who change, the tuition rate hike, and the the extra would normally receive a B would instead credit hour charge, you are pricing the middle receive an A-. class student out of the market." "I think the economic argument is the (continued on page 11) Margaret Chase Smith: The American political system is the best In the world (Staff photo by Paul Joyce). 2 the observer Friday, April 26, 1974 r I Ruckelshaus slated to give • ~ warld I Senior Class Fellow address by Tom Kruczek The former he;; -:1 of the En­ joined the Justice department as ! Staff Reporter vironmental Protection Agency, assistant attorney general in will speak at 4 p.m.on April 29 in charge of its civil division. He briefs William C. Ruckelshaus, 1974 the Library Auditorium and the negotiated with student leaders on Senior Fellow, will speak on next day will speak at 10 a.m. in logistics for the massive 1970 anti­ campus at the Memorial Library, the Library Lounge, next to the war demonstration in Washington, on April 29 and 30. Ruckelshaus, auditoruim. Ruckelshaus will and he quietly managed to calm a BERLIN <UPil - Western Allied officials said Thursday the fromer deputy U.S. attorney speak on April 29th on his views potential confrontation over a trial Soviets have refused to allow Rudolf Hess to receive a visit from his received national attention when and outlooks on today's society, its of Black Panthers in New Haven in family on his 80th birthday Friday because they feared demon­ he, along with attorney general people, its problems and its 1971.
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