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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-68756-1 - The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium: Fourth Edition Jay M. Pasachoff and Alex Filippenko Index More information INDEX References to illustrations, either photographs or drawings, are in italics. Signifi cant initial numbers followed by letters are alphabetized under their spellings; for example, 21 cm is alphabetized as twenty one . M4 appears at the beginning of the Ms. Greek letters are alphabetized under their English equivalents. 0957+561 A and B quasars, 470 Naming the Rings of Neptune, 192 α Orionis (Betelgeuse), 8 , 9 , 287 , 289 , Aquila (constellation), 9 , 290 , 352 , 370, Newton’s Law of Universal 289 , 304 , 304 , 338 , 339 Appendix 7 A0620-00 (binary star, black hole), 369 Gravitation, 110 alpha particle, 317 , 321 , 331 , 339 arcs, blue, 508 AAT (Anglo-Australian 4-m A Night at Mauna Kea, 59–60 Alpher, Ralph, 511 , 512–513 Arcturus (star), 10 , 287 , 333, telescope), 436 Photographing the Stars, 80 Amalthea satellite (Jupiter), 176–177 Appendix 4 Abell, George, 426 Planck Maps the Cosmic Background American Association of Variable Star Arecibo radio telescope (Puerto Rico), Abell 2199 cluster, 426 Radiation, 518 Observers (AAVSO), 299 55 , 142 , 548 , 548 , 549 , 550 Abell 2218 cluster, 432 Proxima Centauri: Th e Nearest Star American Gravity Recovery and Interior Aristarchus of Samos, 98–99 absolute magnitude, 285–288 , 287 , 288 Beyond the Sun, 289 Laboratory (GRAIL) satellites, Aristotle, 38 , 39 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 99 , absorption (dark) nebulae, 313 , 386 , 408 Ptolemaic
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