.1 ' V • s i AVHRAOB OAILT OiBODIATlON IMF th« Ma«tk at Newwi*er, ISU THE WBATBdOl^ VrOHaintf aa« Wootburj^ 'ore*—t at o ..s. WaMhar ' I I ll-V « . -;.;-,X-,. ' B artfard Oa—cally fair toaIgM] *VMay' 5i783 prabaldy rate aa tha ooaat aad rate '^4^> Shaving Sets 69c Perfume $1.10 MCaber of the AsdK ar taow te tha tatertor; *^>r Men. Bineaii a t OrealaMona ebaage te temperataia. Ooty'n Mennea’n MANCHESTER--A CITY OF VHXAGE CHARM mas oa Page it.. VOL.LVnNO.82. Shaving Sets 89c Perfume $1.00 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTU For Men. Manicure Sets . .50c and $1.00 Shaving Brushes D O LLA R DAY BIG NAVAL POWERS Mairiagre But No Honeymoon For Killer Facing' Qiair COMPACTS. .. $1.00 and $2.50 SMALL NATIONS SCORE 1.0000 Powder SPECIALS From All Around_ _ The____ Store 50c to $3.50 CASES...... $1.00-$1.50 TOYS Embroidered Pillow Cases REJECT JAP DEMAND Flexible Sleds ...... $1.00 $1.00 pair Beautiful embroidered pillow caaes In colon and LATEST PEACE PLANS Big Shot Pin Games...... $1.00 all whita. Boxed. unions Job Italy, PLAN BIG MERGER Mother’s Helper Cleaning Sets, WILLIE’S BRIGHT IDEA $1.00 36” Embroidered Pure Linen France, U. S. and B ritab TREASURY BUYS BRINGS A SPANKING Take Firm Stand at Geneva .. I Bingo (25 cards)...... $1.00 Lunch Sets, $1.00 aet OF U .S . METHODISTS Kinston, N, C , Dec. 12 — One of our best Chrletmae numbere. 88” linen at London Parley —Tokyo (AP)—lease Wilson's son WlUle Against Giving Ethiopiai Dart Boards with harmless target cloth with four napkins to match. Beautiful em- found a way to keep hla four broidery on cream or colored ffrounda. SILVER DESPITE small brothers and sisters out p isto ls...... $1.00 Asks Parity. Factions Have Been Negotiat­ of mischief. Land to Italy; Selassie He poured molasses over their Indoor Horseshoe Games ... $1.00 36” Pastel Colored Basket Weave LONDOMEPORT hands and gave each some ing 70 Years; Will Have feathers to play with. Rejects the Proposal. Table Tennis S e ts...... $1.00 Linen Sets, $1.00 set ^ London, Dec. 12.—(AP)—Japan's Willie got spanked. (^demand for equality In naval Dutch Girl Aluminum Sets .. $1.00 Fine quality pure linen sets with basket w e^^K l 30 MiUion Members. - 6* Pastel colors In green, blue and peach, rength was rejected at the Inter- Sen. Morgenthao Says White By ASSOCIATED P ^ S S Mechanical Trains ...... $1.00 " national Naval Conference today by the four other great naval powers A tide of rebelUou surged against Racing Games...... $1.00 Cellophane Wrapped and the British Dominions. Washington, Dec. 12.—(AP)— A Metal Was Purchased RAILROAD MAGNATE the Franco-British proposals for American, British and Italian plan to bring 8,00,000 Methodists peace between Italy and Ethiopia 111 Stuffed Toy Animals...... $1.00 Cannon Towel Sets, $1.00 set delegates flatly rejected the Japa­ together Into a united church after East Africa today as British dlpl»> Mamma and Trixy Dolls .... $1.00 A real practical gift! Bach set cellophane nese propoMl, and had the support Every Day This Week — macy sought to allay another criate of the British Dominions, while more than 100 years of separation DIES IN CLEVELAND wrapped. Heavy bath towel and two face cloths. tangent to the war. Will Find HALE*S The Place To Shop! Bagatelle Games...... $1.00 .Green, peach and blue, France expressed opposition chiefly was disclosed in detail for the first on grounds of procedure. time today. SOent On Place. With London's consent King Fuad It was understood the British of Egypt signed a royal decree r^ 52” X 52” Pure Linen took the lead In opposing the Japa­ A judicial council with power to M. J. Van Sweringen Passes storing constitutional governmefit' Pottery Table Lamps...... $1.00 nese demand*. rule on the constltutlonaUty of to his nation. Lunch Cloths, $1.00 each church conference actions Is an Im­ Washington, Dec. 12.—(AP) —Sec­ HOSIERY Metal Art Lamps, Dogs, Cats, Fig­ The meeting broke up at noon, retary Morgenthau today denied the The relation between efforts to Ski Suits Smart new three-tono border patterns in gold, with the Japanese leaving hastily. portant part of the plan. The coun­ Away After Long IDness; settle the war aa quickly as poesOila Two-piece models In ures, in white, green and bronze, green, red and blue. Size 52x52. Although they are usually the first cil's functions would be somewhat United States had stopped purchas­ and pour oil on the troubled waters brown, royal and navy. to dep^, their hurried exit created similar to those of the Supreme ing stiver and asaerted ho had Had Remarkable Career. of Egyptian poUUca was pictured to ' •Gordon $1.00 Beautiful Living Room Pillows the Impression at the moment that <3ourt. bought tbe metal every day this League of Nations circles os dM tu Sizes 3-6 Ash Tray Lamps with wood bases, they were walking out of the con­ The council idea is Incorporated ^ e a s e take me a ^ ^ from this," sobbed 18-year-old Anna Downey aa Justice William H. Robinson read week. Britain’s worry oirsr anU-mtHh; •N o Mend $1.00 each ference. in a "plan of union” to consolidate the ceremony making her the wife of John Collins, her sweetheart convicted of a holdup murder and *T am contmutog to carry out tbe demonstrations to Egypt wMte' $1.00 Kapok filled. Ruat, gold, red, brown, n e e n and Well-Informed sources said, how­ the three main denominational racing aentence of death. His wrists handcuffed, Collins.Is shown slipping the wedding ring on his bride's mandate of the Silver Purchase Cleveland, O., Deo. 12.—(AP)— complicated the Hedlterrattean ite- eggshell. AU types of patterns. ever, the Japanese merely wished to groups of Methodists In this coun­ Robinson unties them. The ceremony was performed In the Queens County jail at Long Act,” Morgenthau. said. “I have M. J. van Swerlngen, who with hla broglio. •M.K.M. $6.98 Colonial Candlestick Lamps, $1.00 submit certain questions to Tokyo. try under a new name—the Metho­ Island City, New ^ork, and afterward Collins was taken back to his celL bought silver every day this week— brother O.' P. roee from obscure 1%en, too, thoae eireiss said. French and Italian opposition to dist Church. on Monday, on liiesday, and on Downing etreet la anxious to re-*»> Novelty Glass Lamps — Card, Japanese equality was understood tabllsh quickly the damaged “united •L ife Guard Pure Dye Silk Sizes 7-12 Washable 12-Pocket Fabrikoid The plan recently was ratified at Wednesday, to many different front” erected by Italy, FYanes Sod Dice, Jingle, Scotty and Opal to have resulted from the Japanese Cincinnati by representatives of the places.” Shoe Bags, $1.00 statement that chey considered a Methodist Bpiscopal church, the Great Britain at the Btresa Oonfbr-, Glass Decorated...... $1.00 A real practical gift. Black, green, red and common upper limit of naval ton­ It was on Tuesday the London enee. Oiiffon, Semi'Service DANCESETS $7.98 brown. nage should be confined to the Unit­ Methodist Bpiscopal church, south, ROYAL DECREE RESTORES MAY YOHE DENIES silver market collapsed because of But Britioh diplomacy, ■dvsn n 3-Pc. Glass Vanity S ets ...... $1.00 ed States, Britain and Japan be­ and Ute Methodist Protestant a lack of buyers. Brokers attribut­ surprise turn at Paris in the rapid and Service — Ringle8i< cause there were no varying Inter­ church.' Details were announced to­ ed this condition to a treasury halt drafting of the pronosala to end the $1.69 ■'■izes 14-20 Cigarette Humidors in Chrome or 18” X 36” Heavy Cannon Towels ests am o^ those three. day by Dr. Harry E. Woolever, STORY ABOUT SON to purchases. Italo-Ethloplan conflict, apparently Fraich Objection aecretaiy of the joint commission EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT Morgenthau said the department was headed for stormy weather at Brass Finish...... $1.00 Six in Package, $1.00 The French objection tr the idea on Methodist union. had departed from Ita usual prac- Geneva. Heavy absorbent Cannon towels with colored bot^ of limiting a tonnage agreement to Agreed At Last ties of concentrating purchases to Take Finn Stand 69c to $1.35 pr. $9.98 Cigarette Boxes, metal and leath­ ders In blue, gold, green, rose and orchid. Six in the three powers. Insisting on their Every representative at the •Cin­ London, but refused to locate this Many states represented on tho er covered...... $1.00 package tied with ribbonzene. full rights. cinnati conference. Dr. Woolever Britain Consents to Move In Calls Actor’s Statement week's purchases. He declined to League's sanctions comu)ltU* of The South Africans, Canadians said, “expressed the belief that, CHARGES DENIED say whether this departure would be U , called to consider addlUoual qq and Australians were reported to penalties against Italy for havteff ‘ Separate Ski Pants _ u»/| no Ogarette Dispensers — let the 20” X 40” Heavy Cannon Towels after 70 years of negoUaUon com­ continued. In Corduroy or « ool V iM • O V j l • « l 0 have spoken to opposition to the mencing soon after the close of the Day Cabinet Was to Re­ ^^Rubbish”: Tbinks It Is Likewise he would not say wbetb' been tbe “aggressor” in the African LEATHER bird pick up your smokes.. $1.00 Japanese demand for equality. er any direct purchases were made war, took a firm stand against ma­ Three in Package, $1.00 A spokesman for tbi American Civil War, the steps were about BY CITIES SERVICE jor oonoesalons to Italy a t tbs prloo Chrome Sweet Meat Dishes, $1.00 Thirsty Cannon towels that will give years of delegation asserted the speech of consummated to make a new church sign — Constitution Was Publicity StnuL to Oitoa. of any Impolnnent of Ethl^)la'n POCKETBOOKS 3-Piece wear. Colored borders in blue, gold, green, roe* Norman H. Davis, chairman of the for the people called Methodists un­ Reade the Act. sovsrMgnty or weakening of tho Glass Butter Dishes with chrome and orchid. Size 20x40. United States delegation. In opposi­ der the UUe, The Methodist Morgenthau hinted that the River OovMumt. tion to Japan’s proposals, revolved Church’." Suspended in 1923. price situation may have been In­ Ethiopia Itoelf formally rejeeted - c o v er s...... $1.00 Federal Report Says ( Boston, Dec. 12.—(AP)—The volved to the Treasury action' when TOILET aroimd three main mints: Before the plan dan go Into effect claim of Robert E. Thomas, 27, act­ tba proposala today when Emperor Bon Bon Dishes in Chrome .. $1.00 Cellophane Wrapped Cannon 1. Adoption of the plan would It must be approved by the general he read a section of the Silver Pur­ Haile Selaasie a t his field' headenutr- $^.95 and $2.95 or, that he Is the caat-off son of May chase Act and called specific atten- Face Cloths, Six in Package cause an enormous Increase In con­ conferences of the three denomlna- O lro. Dec. 12—King Fuad signed Company So Pbyed Stock Yohe, one-time poaaeaior of the ters In Deasye—said a Havas Ntwa SETS Celery Trays in Chrome...... $1.00 struction, rather than a decrease; Uons. Two of these meet next May a royal decree today, restoring con­ famoue Hope diamond waa branded Agency—said; ”Ws cannot subndt Pouctae and envelope styles. Calfskin, shark­ 2 Packages $1.00 2. The proposal did not taka In­ and the southern church two years (Ooatlaned On Page Two) to force which we never provoked. skin with zippers. - Handled Relish Dishes...... $1.00 Heavy solid color Cannon face cloths in all colon. to account the different naval needs stitutional government to Kgypt. Market to Fix Prices. aa ‘‘prepoateroua and falae" to Mis* beoMiae that would be reerardtnff : later. Then the local churches must Great Britain conseiited to Yohe today, • • K l/ I \ of the powers; ratify through annual conferences. Tiff U VMt SWIftmMM ■ vloieoee/'-)--M- Comb, Brush Bread Trays in Chrome...... $1.00 8. It would upset the equilibrium Egypt's return to the self-govern­ Thomas moved to take hla claims Straac reports circulated te Los- Church leaders are certain of ulU- ment form of tbe suspended 1923 to the New York Supreme Court and Mirror Elephant. Ash Trays...... $1.00 Patex Dish Towels established by Ute Washington and mate approval. Waahington, Dec. 12.—(AP) — povertx to build a great rail anplro don that Kutg George lntsrv«nsd( Twin London naval treaties, and the constitution after a persistent Na- last Tuesday. A |2.000;000 estate CABINET IN CUBA personally wtUi tho gover Eight in Package, $1.00 The plan call* for unity among tlonallet, anti-British campaign. Stock Market manipulations by a Is Involved. died to a hospital here today after Kneeling Figure Ash Trays in United States felt no change had subsidiary designed to create an ac­ several montto lUnesA . forcerorce thro«_‘through tbe peace plan.' Sub-standards of the famous Patex dish towels. occurred in the international situa­ more than 8,000,000 communicants These swift developments, coming ‘T will fight hla claims If neces­ were not conflrmeled. white or bronze...... $1.00 Regular 5 for 79c. throughout the world, a Sunday on the very day the Cabinet of tive market for ClUes Service Com­ sary,” the now Mr*. John Addey The first Intimation that Hr. van Sweater Sets Mirror Glas» Cigarette C ases...... 59c to $1.00 tion which was sufficient to war­ pany securities were charged today TO MEET TONIGHT Swerlngen was 111 came during a Details at Terms Royal, brown and Hunter green. rant a naval change. school enrollment of nearly 6,000,- Premier Tcwflk Nesslm Pasha was Smuts declared. She waa support­ The peace terms were undentoo)! Metal Book Ends—Ships, dogs, 000, and a Methodist "constituency" to resign, did away with the neces­ In a report filed with the Federal hearing several weeks ago over re­ 4-Yard Dress Lengths (Boxed) The French emphasized their ob­ ed by her husband, C apt Smuts, organisation of the Missouri Pacifle, to embody cession of a Urge saaouht Shirley Temple cats and Indians, in bronze and jection to the Japanese demands of over 30,000,000, It embraces one- sity for the resignations and the Trade Commission. who said, ‘‘it looks to me like a pub­ of...... land to Italy bv the BtUo^ '; $1.00 Length was based on the grounds that all half the communicant Methodists ministers withdrew their announced The charge brought a quick denial licity stunt. We’ll testify for Put­ which Is controlled by the von Empireipire In return for a aeaport' $2.98 powers should have a voice blunder of the world. intention to quit. In a statement by Roberi, Bums, nam Bradlee Strong, If he want# ua With Council of State Will Swerlngen brothers. Erinrea, Italian colony, for tiw ii ^ o « s s s s « ^ colors ...... $1.00 Fine quality prints, fast color. 36” wide. Beauti­ The premier attended the signing Van Swerlngen failed to i^peor. DRESSES ful patterns In all colors. any general agreement. It was un General Oonferenoe Cities Service counsel, who declared to.” locked empire of HaUe Selosde. Metal Bridge Lamps...... $1.00 derstood. It provides for the administration of the roynl decree by King Fuad, the accusation was an "old story, Hla brother made a brief statement Particularly were Soviet RasRS New /VMortmenta. Slze«i 2 to 12. ruler of this nominally independent Thomas alleges he Is, the son of Select Provision President Slipon Sweaters Framed Religious jPictures. .$1.00 They asserted they were excluded of the merged church through a first put out by the Federal Trade Strong, May Yohe's second husband, that he was III In a hospital with in­ and Turkey, which opposed thS LADIES’ 16x36-In. —16x45-In. from previous consideration when general conference, meeUng every North African kingdom, once a Commission 2 1-2 years ago. and re­ that Miss Yohe gave up custody of fluenza. original Leame peace plan as to* , GLOVES the limitation treaties were drafted. British protectorate. ferring to eventa which occurred O. P. van Swerlngen declined to favorable to Italy, expected to com- ; Baby P ictures...... $1.00 four years, and jurisdictional con­ Objections Withdrawn him and that he waa adopted by E. —Barnet Is Mentioned. Cutwork Scarfs and Vanity Sets Informed persona said the con­ ferences which divide the member- over six years ago, and has been re­ R. Tbomaa, Hollywood apartment elaborate on the nature of the Ill­ bat openly any pfat granting addi­ $1.98 ference would resume sessions to­ A highly reliable source told the ness. tions! concesslona to Italy and tbs SCARFS $1.98 - $2.98 Choice Framed Etchings___$1.00 $1.00 Each Associated Presa Sir Mllea Lamp- futed by the company every time It manager. He also says he found morrow, when discussions along the (Oontlnoed on Page Six.) has been atated.” dleannamant of Ethiopia. Slip-on, 32 to 44. Colors: White, Drip-o-Lator China Pots___$1.00 White cutwork scarfs and vanity sets that will same lines would continue and the son, British high commissioner, call­ documents Inscribed "papers about Havana, Dec. 12. —(AP) —Twice Addle Ababa officials yesterdite $1.95 gold, scarlet, aqua, green, browTi brighten up any bedroom. ed at the premier’s residency last It was qiade by A. E. Lundvall, my son," Indicating he waa MIm (Continued On Page Two) Japanese would answer numerous trade commission Investigator, who balked In their efforts to meet, the rejected flatly any proposal which . ami wine. ELECTRIC Pyrex Casseroles ___ $1.00 questions. night and informed Nesslm Britain Yohe's son. Cuban Council of State and Cabinet would Intrude on the boundaries of Featherweight capeskln in black 59c - $1.00 Bnmor Denied was withdrawing Its objections to asserted that "Cities Service Securi­ Stirred Society. set tonight for a session to elect a their nation. and brown. Sllp-on style with Wear-Ever Saucepan Sets (three 70” X 99” Heavy White Sheet Authoritative sources denied an invocation of the 1923 Constitution. ties Company, a wholly owned sub­ The marriage of Miss Yohe and League circles saw In tha swift, Bouclc, angora, velvet and silk ECONOMIC COUNCIL sidiary of Cities Service Company, provisional president. trimmed cuffs. crepe, in varloua Rtylea such a.s TOASTERS pieces) ...... $1.00 Blankets, $1.00 early rumor that a gentlemen's This governmental form had been the wealthy, socially prominent Officials said quorum restrictions BERRY AND ALCORN drafting of tbs peace program ty Oolors; Black and brown. agreement had been discussed suspended Dec. 1, 1934, after being was actively engaged In creating Strong, stirred theatrical and social would be abandoned and a majority Sir Samuel Hoare, the British for^ Ascot, triangle ami long senrfH. Extra long, heavy, white sheet blankets that are given three trials In the last 12 and maintaining an active market" China Tea P o ts...... $1.00 Just the thing for these cold winter nights. whereby Japan would be granted CALLED NECESSARY circles In the early nineteen hun­ of those attending the meeting eign secretary, and Premier Plerrs Table Lamps nominal naval equality—Instead of years. for the aecurltles. dreds. would name a president to serve un­ IN BITTER DISPUTE Laval of France, British anxiety $1.29 - $3.98 Store Open 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Starting Monday, December 16, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Until Chrtstmaa. having the minor position In the The Constitution provides for a “This function was most actively Thomas first made the assertion til the elections to January. over the antl-Britlsb manlfeatep present 5-5-8 ratio—but would Senate and Chamber of Deputies, performed,” Lundvall reported tioni ta Eg3rpt« and takes control of Egypt's Inter­ he waa the son of Mlaa Yohe to Jose A. Barnet, former secretary pledge not to build ita navy to full "during those periods when the July. Since then. Hazel Potts, of state who became bead of the It was thought not unlikely that $1.00 - $1.98 strength. Noted CaAolic Educator Crit­ nal affairs completely out of British original Issues of tbe securities smaller nations would serva as a hands. reared on a farm near St. Peter, government after the recent resig­ bulwark to Russia In demandteg i It was understood the French were being marketed. Minn., has laid claim to betof the nation of Carloa De Mendleta, waa State’s Attorney Demands raised the question of whether a It does not, however, affect Bri­ “This function consisted of pur­ that Holy be offered peace Uem':. tain's control of Egyptian foreign daughter of May Yohe and Lord mentioned prominently for the post. which would In no way be a ' i T h e CORK icizes Bodi tbe New Deal­ chasing from day to day in consid­ Francis Hope. Lord Francis, once Others whom tbe conference may $2.98 (CXintIniied on Page Six.) affairs, nor the British military pro­ erable volume on tbe organized ex­ Apology Bat It Is Not ward tdr aggression," arguing tM tectorate. owner of the famous Hope diamond, consider are Andrea Domingo y such a move would threaten Mb ^ Manchister Cohm* ers and Their Foes. Surprise Dedelon change aecurltles of the same kind was Mias Yohe's first husband. Morales Del Castillo, secretary of foundations of collectlva aecurt^,.^ BABY SHOP Great Britain's surprise decision as the zecuritlea then being mar­ Today's dental was the first state- justice and acting secretary of the Made m Conrt Room. Ptaytag for Ttme Kapok Filled Billy Sunday-isms was believed actuated by the fact keted or about to be marketed. presidency; Mazimlltano Smith, sec­ Britain and fYanee, ap Boys’ 3'Piece Ensemble Washington, Dec. 12.—(AP) — that Nationalist students yesterday This tended to prevent the market (Conttoned oa Page Two) retary of the interior; and Leonardo playing for time to permit' The Rev. Bdmund A. Walsh, vice visited all prospective candidates price of the securities in question Anaya Murillo, secretary of educa­ Hartford, Dec. 12.—(AP) — The Hussoltol of Italy to conahlsr Living Room In view of the revived inter­ for what was then thought would from sagging under the influence of fully tbe pron-am for ending bis est in Billy Sunday's imlque president of Georgetown University tion. decision as to whether Arthur W. SKIRTS SUITS proposes a two-point program which be a new Cabinet and told them the additions to the supply because As the official groups continued to eonqueet at Ethiopia, intended ask­ ConslsUng of sweater, broadcloth epigrams, due to bis recent bluntly only relnstltutlon of the of tbe demand created by the work on plana for the government, Fine, Hartford lawyer, should be ing postponement by tbe sanctlonb blouse and wool flannel ehorts. I SIT death. The Herald will print he calls necesssiiy to the Unit­ constitution would be acceptable. SEN. LEWIS IS BA (X disbarred rested with Judge Earnest securities company purchases." soldiers and police pushed their committee at the question of levyr PILLOWS Sizes S to 8, In navy and brown. the best of them daily until ed States from Communism or a C. Simpeon today after a hearing to tag additional economic peiiiiltiss they are exhausted. dlctatorahlp from the Right search for Nicholas Castano, kid­ Superior Court marked by a ebarp $1.98 - $2.98 BLANKETS (Oonttooed On Page Two) (CoatlDoed Ob Page Two) naped Havana millionaire. against Italy. ' Flare and kick plcata. Brown, 70" X 80". Fine quality part Father Walsh, prominent Ctotho- IN UNITED STATES verbal exchange between State's A Geneva spokesman for n Dugf wool double blanket. Block plalda Many preachers are like a physi­ Ilc educator, suggests: Have Eyewitness, Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn and navy, n u t, green and black. Police laid an eyewitness to tbe said he anticipated no date would In rose, blue, gold, green and orchid. $3^98 cian—strong In diagnosis, but weak Creation of an economic coimcll, Jo.scph F. Berry, counsel for Fine. be eet for an extension of tbe penal- 79c ' a on therapeutics. an imoffocial administrative body kidnaping saw two men, one dressed At one stage of the proceedings, tlee during discussion of the peacp Kapok filled pillows in rust, gold, Infants’ Hand Embroidered « * • of which Industry, labor and con­ as a soldier and the other as a po­ Alcorn demanded a public apology proposals. red, green, brown and eggshell. Corduroy * Mpslin All that God has ever done to save sumers should cooperate In volun­ BelicYes That We Acted Too liceman, stop ( ^ ta n o ’s automobile from Berry for a remark made by Adding to the resentnfent against $3.29 this old world, has been done tary reguIaUon, with the govern­ SPORTS REVIEWS early Tuesday morning. The men. the latter, but none was made In the Britain at Geneva was the fact that through men and women of flesh ment being the last resort for en­ Hastily m Recogni^ the witness told police, handcuffed court room. Judge Simpson re­ no copy of tho peace terma waa de­ Pure Dye DRESSES and blood like ourselves. forcement. O f 1935 Costano's chauffeur an 1 drove off served dedslon. livered almUltaneousIy to the PAJAMAS • • * Creation of "labor shares”, certifi­ with the millionaire. Disbarment of Fine was demanded League when It went to Addis Sizes 6 months, 1 and 2 years. In In The Basement One of Costano's friends said tbe other Blankets plain white or white with colored A man said to me: “It was a cates which would entitle workers, A. D. 1985 wafl a thrill-packed year in the realm of Russia; Had Beeu E by Alcorn, who charged tbe lawyer Ababa and Rome. embroidery. mighty little thing to drive Adam over and above their wages, to a millionaire liad received a letter de­ deliberately had overc)iargcd Percy The Ethiopian government al­ SILK aad live out of the Garden of Bden share In profits of Industry. sports. It saw great figures of the games fall, rise— manding money several months ago. P. Parker 826 to collecting a 869 ready has announced Its unquallfled $3.98 - $4.98 because they ate an apple.” It In a speech last night he criticiz­ and a few return to the heights. The ransom figure was reported to rent claim. Alcorn charged also opposition to acceptance of the $2.95 to $10.95 New York, Dec. 12.—(AP) —Sen­ be between 8300,000 and 8500.000 plan, which would “reward Italian SLIPS waan’t the fiuit. It was &e prin­ ed both New Dealers and their foes, ator James Hamilton Lewis of Illi- that Fine had forged the name of ciple, whether man should bow to tnUmaUng that the latter were re­ Detroit scaled the baseball pinnacle, Joe Louis bombed aggression,” and representatives of One and two-piece models In 79c God or God bow to man. nola, who waa stricken seriously III (CXmtlniied on Page Tn'O) (Continued on Page Two) Bulgaria, Finland, Czechoslovakia contrasting col^s. Santa Claus • • • sponsible for the ‘‘troubles" of Co­ his way to the forefront of the-fistic nmks, Minnesota, with pneumonia to Moscow, returned and the Scandinavian nations were ordinator George L. Berry's recent Sunday alluded to a professor who Princeton and Southern Methodist weather^ the foot­ today on the United States Uner expected to join the protezt. Bedspreads $1.00 - $1.50 Is There Every Day From 2 to 5 P. M. and industry-labor conference, ball campaigns unbeaten, Lawson Little led the amateur Washington, convinced this nation Some delegates law to the Fran­ Straight and had criticised the doctrine of, hell, Deecribea New Deal Pure Dye Silk Candlewlck hand made, extra Slips to Match at 59c and 79c. ^ saying, ‘That man wiU not be In golf brigade again, Sam Parks, Jr., was the “darkhorse" should have “bided its time” in rec­ co-British program the begtontaga V-top, guaran­ wide. Kegular $2.98 value for Thursday and Saturday Evenings From 7 to hell nve minutes before he knows He compared New Dealers to a winner of the national open, Helen Wills Moody came out ognizing the Soviet Union. of a move to eatablish openly a ' teed seams. better.” fire company which devoted part of William C. BulUtt, the American Deep Sea Hitch Hiker definite dominion of great powers, ita energies to preparing blue prints of retirement for a Wimbledon triumph over arch-rival ambassador to Moscow returned on Lace and tail­ CANNON 9 O’clock. • • • _ perhaps In the form of a four-powsr GOWNS of the "fiitiue Ideal structure" Helen Jacobs, Jesse Owens established three worid rec­ tbe same ship for the Christmas ored styles. Every good man and woman ear- holidays. Having Very Tough Time in tea roee, blue, orchid. $2.69 rtaa to his or bar breast passions while the old buUdlng was burning ords and tied another one spring afternoon, Omaha won (OootlDaed os Page Twa) TOWELS the same as bad men and women down. the Kentucky Derby, Greyhound the Hambletonian. . . . “Every place you go in Europe,” FLANNEL oarry, aad thus your breast becomes **Aa tbe president bids farewell, Bullitt said, “you find profound ad­ TREASURY BALANCE. 22” X 44” heavy Cannon bath miration for President Roosevelt, for Cattyhunk, Mass., Dec. 12—(AP). His next stop was Hen and Chick­ Other Candlewick Spreads towels. Gift wrapped. Santa Claus a ttedar-lx^ aad you ought to be one after another, to each resigning Mrabers of the Associated Press sports staff under $1.69 careful where you go aad what you Empiricist on the expiration of bla bis administration and for what It —The going's “tough" for deep-sea ens lightship. He had to row the 18 Washington, Dec. 12.—(AP) — $1.98 ROBES From ineffective and costly experimenta­ direction of Alan Gould, the editor, look back through Is trying to do.” miles and bad earned a night's lodg­ The position of the Treasury oo do, lest you Ignlts It aad there be aa hitch-bikers, just as It is for their ing by the time he reached the ves­ Surpiise Packages ezplosloa aad the wreck of your tion,” he said, “be tavltea Industry expert eyes upon the sports spectacles of the closing Aside from this, tbe envoy said December 10 was: Receipts, 818,888,- $1.98 to $7.50 he didn't want to discuss puIlUcal brethren ashore. . sel. 172.47; expenditures, $21.288,499.78: 2 *»>• 7 8 < j purity aad nianhood aad wonsaa- to take, the ball in this breathing j-ear. Their observations are brought to you in a series Ralph A. Waldron, 40-year old Cattyhunk was hla destination $1.98 $3.98 - $5.98 GRISBN TKAD04G STAMPS OIVBN IN A U , DEPARTMENTS. hood. spell he mentioned and to see what affairs.” balance. 81.346,075.484113; cus­ • • • of stories reflecting the big sports show of 1935. Gould Senator Lewis, the aging Chicago unemployed fisherman, says so. And yesterday. Caught to a tide rip toms receipts for the month, 8U.* Pure Dye Silk bualneaa can do before tbe next will high-light the 'Sports year in one .article. Ralph should know—he's "thumb­ after leaving the lightablp, be was Tou woulda't thlak miuto of me If election. Democrat, said be was fully recov­ 058,016.65. Small, medium and ered from bis illness. ing*' hla way on the ocean to an being carried to sea faster than he Receipts lor the flecal year (staca PAJAMAS large sizes—a warm I would walk up aad atop your wtfa “Tot the President la up for elec- Read the year-end sports reviews in The Evening open 14-foot dory from Bayway, N. could toward Cattyhunk, when the $2.25 gift that any girl because you kept a dog I dida't like, Uoo—not business—and 'h e doesn't *T received the best of treatment Jl, to hla borne at Round Pond, He. C!oaat Guard Patrol Boat 288 picked July 1), 81.881,830.263.50; expendi­ wlU appreciate. ' would you? Tbsa don't also God la tetead, shrewd man that he Is. to Herald. to Moscow,” he aald. He’s dene more rowing than tow- him up. He got a tow to bla deetto- tures, 83.345,604,971.45. including T he M m m CORR the face because there are some b* caught with this hot pototo.” Opposed Reeegnitton. t y ^ ^ ^ s ^ ^ b u t plugs on to hope atlon. 81.504.667,612.48 of emergency ex­ $2.98 J M t H A U hypocritM te U)* Church that yon The priest also emphasised his The Senator was opposed to the Today he's off for the Buszards penditures: excess of expsndltuiwb $2.25 don't like and who are treating yon belief that industry has not provid­ recognition of the U. S. 8. R. and R a l^ docket to Newport. R. I.. Bay end of the c;ape Cod canal. 81,763,774.717.04; gross debt 8**^ M anchcstbr . Cohm* M anchester Cohn< ttedly. God la an right. ed either sufficiency or security for Start Today ahoiUy before be left for Europe Saturday aad Tuesday bade hi* He went to New Jersey several 601,720,854.88, a decrease of M.- ^Copyright tor John CL Winston Co.) the Nation. hosts at the Price's Neck Coast months ago via the same route to 1S6,036D0 under the previous day] ; fUsBilMsd *• Pago Iw sl Onsrd stattoa farewell. search of emptoyment. gold osMta, $10J>6T,6S1#TM0. UANCmesirER BVSNINO R E ^ CONN„ TRUR8DAT, DIX^aCBER ilNMk

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAN( tHR, CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12,108B. tien and a treaty allianea wltli Bad tta aubeldlariae was added to PAGE Great Britain, as well as re-astab> Utelr nilraad kliigdom. iWE WOULD WAIVE llshmant of the Constitution and re­ SEEKING SUSPECTS IF THERE IS SOAAE ------^ ...... TREASURY BUYS Tlifougb bolding companiee they AUSnOAN LEADER . everyons attending la oalced tola maeting tot annual alecUon ot vival of the Parliament. controllad more than 21.000 miles of The Parliament had bean dls- rSTARSOVERBROADWAr WPA THEATER PROJECT to br^igr a ten cent preoent. The officers will take place. * UNCHANGING WORLD railroads with a total value of near, NORTH COVENTRY cQminitfoe.4n charge haa planned a Plana will also be completed for NAMING OF DEPUTY aoived Dec. 1, 1934, and the 1923 DiCANG SLAYING ly three billion dollars. . Here Are a Few Hints Constitution suspended amid dls>- lBy Helen Welshbner SILVER DESPITE SCORES HITLERISM ROCKVILLE supper to bbxKrved following toe •the annual Oiriatmaa party ot toe turbed political conditions. In addition they erectsd on aevs- NEW IDEA FOR SCREEN Alice Brown, daughter of Mr. and INTERVIEWS TOMORROW meeting. Bvuytmr la asked to note Garden club. This will take place Premier llpwnk Kessim Pasha es­ F th e n is some unchanging world beyond. land's public square a 62 story rail. Mra. Walter Brown waa married the change at UinZs$o 7:30 o'clock. on Tburaday evening, December 19, tablished bis stop-gap government, (And I am sure, so sure, that there must be!) road terminal, costing 1200,000,000. last Saturday to George Dunnack Ploa ChriBtBma.Farty at toe home of Judge and Mrs. . For Amateur Forecasteti I Private Lives and Loves of Ra­ of toe Ridges, South Coventry. Mr. G M to Accept Whatever e^esenting no party. soon there- Man Foom] Dying in Front of The love that has become a sacred bond, LONDON!■-______REPORT ‘ Never In the spoUlght, the broth­ Those Employable as Actors, A t toe meeting of toiv. Rockville Prince Yon Starhemberg Al$o dio Stars Basis for Story — Dunnack la employed by Mr. Lati­ Playwrishts and Snpportinff Ehnblem club held veeterdky at the Membership' SlipperSopi Which makes you more, much more, a part of me ers lived a secluded life at their COUNTY HOME CHILDREN Cambridge, Moss., Dec. 13— (A P ) ologlat determine toe The powerful Wafd (Nationalist) OenOniMd from Page One) Daisy Hill farm near Cleveland. mer who conducts a grain and feed Elka Home, plans were completed There were about fifty membere U m ponteU Than I m.v^ 'vill be my happiness Big Cast of Celebrities. store at Merrow. Ocenpations to Be Aided. — A few hints to amateur weatoer^distribution, they say. Appoiotinent Selectmeo party originally supported the pre­ Woman's Apartment; She It was only with tbe last three for toe annual Christmas parQ^iff and gueaU present at toe member­ In that ni Beloved, well I know tlon to this passage, governing buy­ Hints That the Monarchy Foster Hall, while working In toe IN MEMORIAL PROGRAM ship eupper of toe American Le- forecasters I mier, expecting him to effect resto­ That even, ..-n would be Jess, much less. years that they permitted their pic- Reported aa Introducing a new AU appllcaata for positions as toe members. This will take plac^ ration of the Constitution C and to ing In carrying out the law’s man­ barn recently fell and broke several on Wedneedky afternoon, DeiMmlier '(iqn AuxUlaiy, Stanley Doboaz Tells HoId“Up Story. Than arid wijoerness were it not so. tures to be taken by news photog. Idea in screen musicomedles os well ribs. He Is under toe care of Dr. actors, playwrights, electricians, I f there la a pink glow at sunset Nyl Pu, e young Burmese actor, " Make; Many in Race. obtain more libera' Egyptian con- date to purchaae until tho price al rapbsrs. May Be Restored. 18. There will be a luncheon served JnlKNo. 14, of tola city held laat appears opposite Mias Mltsulto Ta- os two new film stars, Warner Altken. . scenery painters, seamstresses, ush­ To Pay Respects to Late Harry at the club at one o'clock followed sven l^ .ta toe O. A. R. hall. The while snow la falling you can trol of the Kingdom which became silver reached 11.29 an. ounce or the Physicians said cause of death kao in "Daughter of Japan,” a re­ nominally Independent after Great The Young People's Democratic C. Smith— Exercises to Be by a members social -with bridge. quests inlfiiided Department Mem- promise early cessation of toe snow­ Treasury’s monetary stoeka were was "gsnersl exhaustion brought on Brotoera’ latest musical, "Stars ers and others employable under the cent Japanese motion picture. Britain relinquished the protecto­ Paterson, N. J„ J>ec. 12.— (A P )— one-third those of gold; Club held a meeting In the Chapel At the conclusion of the bridge, a bershlD Ch^m an Mrs. Edith Peck fall. unless the storm has been of Althouch there w u aome ques­ by mental and emotional strain." Vienna, Dec. 13— (A P ) —Prince Over Broadway,” ia scheduled as Hall Wednesday evening. John Rob­ W PA theater project in (Connecticut, Held in School Auditorium. long duration or unless the storm la tion u to whether the Board of rate which had followed the World A ganglaml slaying of Sammy Man- My so.______"Upon such terms and provisions which is expected to get under way Christmas party will be held with ot Clinton, District Meraliership He waa 64 years old. Ernat von Starbemberg, uniting toe toe feature attraction at the State inson, state preeident of toe Young Chairman Mra. xArmandlne La- moving from toe south. Selectmen or Tax Collector George War. del, known to police as the "sugar Of all my prayers, each hope, each plan, each song. as he (the Secretary of the Treas­ theater tomorrow and Saturday. about January 1, will be given an Rockville, Dec. 12.—A special the members exchanging twenty- A crisis arose, however, when a Neither brother ever married. Peoples Democratic Club delivered five cent gifts. Mra. Mary Qraaia- breche of Stafford firings, and Na- That's what Professor Charles H. Howe baa the power to appoint king," sent officers on a wide man­ And since this earth is goiid because of you. ury) may deem reasonable and most destinies of Austria and Its former Besides being toe film debut of toe opportunity for personal intervtews program will be carried out at toe recent speech by Sir Samuel Hoare, hunt today, aided by clues provided Van Swerlngen is survived by his ruling House of Hapsburg, challeng­ a splendid address. Miss EMna Pur- dio of Manchester Is chairman oT F-eciiHve •IhalrwQman and F. Brooks, director of Harvard’s FAT GIRLS GET a deputy tax collector, for whose I know that Heaven must be that way. too. advantageous to the public interest." popular radio stars, James Melton tell. Inspector from the State Labor wito Miss Gertrude Don Dero, state Tolland (founty Home tills evening Past Department Prealdmt Mra. British foreign secretary, was taken by a seml-hystericai woman. Morgenthau told newsmen at his brother, O. P „ and two sisters ed Hitlerism today with a call for and Jane Froman, toe picture has the committee In charge of toe ar- Blue Hill Observatory, and B. Mon­ salary the town meeting appro­ Edith and Carrie. Deptartment and also a member of project director, at state headquar­ in memory of the late Harry Conk­ rangementa for the luncheon and Pauline Finer of Clinton. Each of by the Egyptians to mean Britain Mandel was found dying late last regular press conference that bta Austrian leadership of O ntral Eu­ an zU star cast which includes Pat roe Harwood, Jr., a research assist­ priated laat month, It was under­ the executive board of the State ters In New Haven today and tomor­ lin Smith, County CXimmlasloner party. toe guests apoke briefly following ant, say after studying many was not pressing for Immediate night on a sidewalk outside the pledge to the Congressional sliver rope. O'Brien, Jean Muir Frank McHugh THE g o-b y - s u m : stood today that Mr, Howe la will­ restoration of the Constitution. Federation of Democratic Women's row. and clialrman of the Board of Man­ toe eupper. Present also as guoats storms. vroman’a apartment by neighbors bloc, mads some months ago, still Apparently clearing toe way for and Frank Fay. This announcement was fortocom- Chlnmey Fire ing to waive whatever rights he The Wafd called for Nessim's res­ restoration of toe Hapburgs, the Clubs also addressed toe meeting. agement at the Home for many for toe evening were two Gold Star vrbo beard two shots and her screams held good. The atory, by Mildred Cram, re­ The meeting was well attended. Re- ing yesterday. Miss Don Dero assert- The EfiUngton Fire Department 'Professor brooks gives another may have and appoint the choice of ignation, with virtually the entire S H A U NATIONS SCORE vice-chancellor proclalmiid that years. The exercises will be held In was called out on Wednesday on a motoere, Mrs. O. Badateubner and hInUxHe says "when it ta already GIRLS WIN MEN ' the board, If Town Counsel William for help. T hey saw two men dis­ Slakes Pledge. veals toe private Uvea and loves, fresbmenta constating of cake and ihg that she la desirous of determin­ the school auditorium starting at 7 Mrs. George Flak, botti of this city. Egyptian press charging he was a appear In an automobile. there waa no obstacle to enthrone­ toe struggles and tribulations of still alarm for a chimney fire at toe snowing^a lightening of tho clouds B, Hyde rules he should name the "tool of efreat Britain"—a trend A t that time, the secretary assur­ ment of Archduke Otto, as long as coffee were aerved following toe ing the true picture before definite­ o’clock. Lavitt tenement on Maple StreZt, Mra. Olive Leroux is president of The woman, booked as a material successful radio stars. meeting. The Young People's Demo­ P- Is prognostic ot an early ending of d^uty. which brought-the Cabinet's deci­ ed a sliver committee be would LATEST P ^ C E PROGRAM he accepted toe program of toe as­ ly setting up plans for the federal The following program will be Ellington, which la occupied by Mra. toe membership committee and to the snow, cither by changing to rain witness under the name of Anna "carry out enthusiastically" the pro­ There is a most unusual mixture cratic Club plana to a dance In theater project in this state. It Is carried out by the children at toe date 92 of tbe desired 145 members As It la quite generally expected sion yesterday to resign, only to sassinated Chancellor Engelbert of musical numbers, which vary Charlotte Radewlecz. The fire was or by cessation df. precipitation." duelBc. Tbs nasoa, doetors m t. Is eflaa W have Constltutlona’ government re­ Caillle, alias Kelly, was standing be­ visions at the silver purcliase act. the near future. not alone actors who are to be em­ school: have paid their 1936 duea. It ts “ 27.2 “i?* ■* not woridBS itl5i? that Mr. Howe will retire from (Oontinoed *rom Page One) Dollfuss for a powerful, sovereign from classical selections taken extinguished before any damage I f dull and lightb. alternate dur­ ( office at the end of hla present term stored today and the necessity for side Mandel's prostrate form. The secretary's statement was Austrian nation. Perkins Lstorop and daughter, ployed on tola project, but anyone 1. School, "Friends of Yester­ was done. hoped to secure the remainder of .wl**'.,**** *osi fliresrt Mandel, with two bullet wounds from toe compoaitlona of Verdi, Mrs. Ruth French attended toe fun­ ing a few minutes of the storm, be this Uar sisad sUtaea ttaiss enrr dasTu of two years, there are about as the resignations removed. made as London brokers again found The prince, who bos become who would be needed in giving resi­ day.” "Don’t Give up the Ship," Card Partlea the quota before December 31 in It dossat POST tato lbs blood otneaitlioet In the back of hla head, died while pact with Germany to Join France, Scbuliert and Von Flotow, to new eral of John Smith Taylor on Mon­ "The Oregon Trail." says, that means the 8noWs"wi)l no •BO aad oao-htU dross of vltsi aM m S The Italo-Ethloplan conflict play­ difficulty In setting a price. Ap­ virtual dictator of Austria, asseiA- dent and traveling productions of The ItaUan American Friendship order to secure a National citation. longer fall heavily and Is. likely to 8 many men seeking the appointment cn route to a ho.spltal. Britain and Italy. compositions of Harry Warren and day from the Pratt Funeral Home, 2. Girls, "Danny Boy," "Kerry Following the supper, toe regular H.booiW a u r poopio taka ea lair foj, as there were candidates against ed a part In the Egyptian govern­ parently they were unable to reach ed In a apeecb last night to toe A l Dubin, famous song writers. plays and vaudeville, Mi.ss Don Dero club will hold a turkey whist party stop within a few hours at moH,” lllit fliUd btlpt Natan to **1mnh taar noMb Woman's Btoiy. Farmington avenue, Hartford. Mr. Dance," "Tarantella." business meeting was held and a Mr. Howe In the September pri­ ment crisis, the Nationalists expect­ a decision pending advices from patriotic "Fatherland Front," tba(| The songs are mostly sung by pointed out. She expressed a will­ this evening at Its home on Kings­ Brooks and Harwood said their, food aad fatty tlisua la maeh UMaaaMWiM- ing greater freedom from Britain in Miss Calllle was unable to answer Taylor was born In Vernon, May 14, 3. Babies, "Happiness,” "Where short entertainment was presented. sood "d ^ t " tou la a fataass. mary. Whoever is appointed deputy America. Italo-British Austrian ideals ultimately must pr James Melton and Miss Froman, ingness yc.sterdny to devote the ba;- bury avenue. The playing will start research showed that feather^ \ N o «, phjiiolaas eomfcsl tUs ceadllfoa return for participation In applica­ polllice questions coherently at flrst, vail throughout toe Germanic 1843, the son of Horace and Mary ance of the week to the reception of Are You Going?" "Boy's Philoso­ at 8 o’clock, and there will be a The Auxiliary will hold their next is conceded an Inside track for elec­ It was reported In London, the ^although Miss Muir docs sing one, Smith Taylor. For 23 years he waa phy." meeting on December 30. as the clouds of trailing snow crystals, b r jm lu (his slaad tbs mbstsaes It looks tion of war penalties against Italy. butut later the police pieced together market situation was less tense Tension Eased Uons. toe first time she has ever sung for applicants at state W PA headquar­ turkey awarded as the flrst prize. called "cirrus," which are ordinar­ —aad^lloas of souads of ssoios EM boo tion In 1937. King Fuad announced the Inde­ this story: HIs words took on added signific­ an engineer with the New Haven 4. Folk Songs and Dance. Ger­ The Polish Women’s Alliance, regular date falls on Christmaa Man wlp$4 oat thia way# Frank B. Crocker, who.se term as than in paat days, with an offering Rome, Dec. 12.—Tension between toe screen. railroad leaving to become chief en- ters. man Songs, "O Tannenbaum,” night, December 25. At this time ily four to six miles above the Uanaola''J^naerlptloa Tablatw Mto kaaad pendence of the country March 16, Mandel and Miss Caillle arrived at Italy and Great Britain has been ance today as a realization spread The supporting feature on the Employees on toe project, ac­ which was formed recently will hold ground, aid them In predicting postmaster expires next month has 1922. believed to be smaller, but the defi­ g;lncer with the Pope Hartford Tube "Morgenkommlt," dance, Blummel there will be a Cfiirlstmas party for 9B tha taaia MMtIflo maniod oaad doo* her apartment about 10:30 p. m. that the occasion of his address had Friday-Saturday program is "The cording to the state director, will its flrst public card party this eve­ snowstorms. ton. So why a o V l^ fat tho oaty wa»— been mentioned as a possibility for nite condition of the silver market lessened considerably. Informed company until 1007 when he retired Schottischc. tho members and Junior members i^ut ■tyatioa^ 0f>idSnaB£. from an auto ride. In the apart­ Fascist sources said today, by the been advertised as one on which toe Last Outpost” with Cary Grant. bo divided into four groups, as fol­ ning at St. Joseph's hall on West Tho direction of toe cirrus move­ deputy collector. A statutory pro­ was not immediately ascertainable. from active work. In 1867 he mar­ 5. Boys. "The Little Mohoe," street. The playing will start at 8 of the Auxiliary. boadlBf aad nllinc oxorttNoT M ivthSi* ment, she said, was her brother, and Dodges Question. advance of the Franco-Britlsh plan fundamental principles of now-Re- Claude Rains, Gertrude Michael and lows: ments and theIr speed dare Im­ Hannoia tnataMattoday that haM vision prohibiting any selectman CHARGES DENIED ried Annie E. Lathrop who died In "Tally-ho," "Take Me Back to My o'clock and prizes will be awarded. used ouecMafully to vtt r l d ^ « a short time later a man she Identi­ To all questions about tbe treas- for peace In East Africa, publlcan. Austria's government Kathleen Burke. He is survived by one son. Class I, ushers. Janitors, porters Boots and Saddle.” portant clues in this forecasting, from holding office as tax collector fied only as "Pete," a New York ac­ would be proclaimed. "The Last Outpost" Is a dramatic Elks to Meet There are 9,231.000 miles of high­ and the direction and velocity ot Tha formula ta la ovary box ao^ I kmw “during the same official year" Is ury’a purpose in departing from Its If the League of Nations sanc­ Clarence Taylor, a grandson and and watchmen; Class II, bookkeep­ 6. French Folk Song and Dance, The regular meeting of the Rock­ ju t what you art Cakiar. Don’t ^ quaintance, wa.s admitted. Must Change Views yarn of a couple of British officers ers, carpenters, painters, seam­ way In tho world. the cirnis clouds help tbe meteor- Monaolo today from drainriitae being studied in connection with BY CITIES SERVICE practice of concentrating silver buy­ tions Committee of 18 dropped con­ "Those who believe they are two great grandsons. "En Passant par la Lorraine." ville Lodge of Elks will be held tots "I want some 'alky," she said who go through desert and Jungle stresses, stenographers and truck "Surle Pont d’Avlgnon." the possibility that Selectman I(>>|nrlghl. I'L'IV, trv .\K.\ .Vnkr. Iitr ivpriiil im«t nodh riithU rrflmrf the late Harry (Jounty Farm Bureau , Agent self collector. Bombay, New York, Shanghai, and proposed by French Premier Pierre "Thera Is only one way to solve Commission’s Rules Must Be C. Smith, will be the principal "The high prices which the com­ Rip Out Wires. the question of Pan-Clermanlsm. research wrljers, stage directors Ernest E. Tucker will be toe speak­ FOR MANCHESTER! Albert B. Behrend, assistant Montreal—in the order named—as lAval and British Foreign Secre­ Rigidly Met and Inspections speakers at the excrclsos. An Invi­ mon stock of Cities Service Com­ The two then proceeded to rip up Name ...... tho principle silver markets of the That Is to give toe leadership to toe and technical diricctors. er Bt toe meeting of toe Rockville charity superintendent, said today pany attained In 1929 were due en­ the telephone wires, lamp cords, tary Sir Samuel Hoare, established tation Is extended to the public to Garden club whicb will be held tola S treet...... world. London was rated the In­ on the principle of an exchange of Austrians.” Are at Pleasure of Board. Only persons with professional be present. he would apply for the position. tirely to the discovery of a major wire connections for a vacuum Of the Monarchist campaign for Girl theater background will be consid­ evening at the home of Mias L. Others understood to be seeking the ternational trading point. Italian and Ethiopian lands, would The unvelUng of a bronze tablet Maude Weyhe of 48 Pa*'k street. At oil pool by one of the subsidiaries cleaner and the radio, and bound a return from his seat of exile In It la almost as hard to open a bar­ ered (n Class IV for appearance be­ Job are Peter Comolio, Harry c i t y ...... S la te ...... Officials said the Montreal mar­ be withheld "several days.” win be a feature of the' exercises. of Cities Service Company, which her and Pete In the bedroom. They Belgium of 23-year-old Archduke Scout ber shop in the state of Connecticut fore a professional audition board MeikleJohn, John Cullen, Clarence ket came Into Importance with the Italian participation in conversa­ This tablet will bear the Inscrip­ attracted public interest at a time used also a belt from a dress and Name of P a p e r...... Otto, pretender to the throne that as It Is to get a license to sell li­ before appointment to the profes­ tion: "In Memory of Harry Omkiln Martin and Oscar Anderson. removal of the New York market to tions on this basis for peace, never­ when security prices were rapidly some bath-robe cords. that point following nationalization waa abdicated by the Hapsburgs quors In a tavern or restaurant. Un­ sional staff. Miss Don Dero announc­ Smith whose thought was ever for It is likely that the appointment rising, both in price and volume.” The men. she said, went on swift­ theless, appeared certain, high after toe World War, von Starbem­ New» ed. Applicants for position In all of silver In the United States. Fascist sources asserting H Duce der the laws that govern a barber tho children, this building was re­ win be made by the selectmen to­ Lundvall reported that from 1922 ly with their work, without saying a berg asserted: shop a three-man commission has four classes, however, should make modeled for them through the gifts The metal also la quoted at Cal­ was unlikely to reject It completely. W h e re ’s morrow night. to 1930 the Cities Service Company word. Then the doorbell rang again "The history of toe Hapsburgs ia about all there Is to say about It. application personally at state W PA of his friends. 1935 " mated. From tho start. It was cer­ cutta. but the trading market there The very fact that Mussolini told Austrian history, and if the collected from its subsidiaries fll,- and one of them opened It. In HOW WILSON FAILED tain that America would ultimately was termed of small dimensions. The commission la supposed to headquarters, 125 Munson street. During Mr. Smith's connection 611,601 as the amount they would walked Frank, who also was forced French Ambassador (3ount Charles Austrians are thinking more and The Girl Scout Council held its make an Inspection of the shops New Haven, Immediately. with the Tolland County Home, he G e o rg e ? decide how the war should end; by more of the Monarchist form of gov­ ROYAL DECREE RESTORES have had to pay In Federal income Into the bedroom. He was about to dc Chambrun and British Ambassa­ monthly meeting Tuesday after­ that are opened and see that the planned with the superintendent the end of 1913, things had happen­ dor Sir Eric Drummond he “appre­ ernment, we can only say there la noon at headquarters. Mrs. Brown, and Board of Management for the taxes if they filed separate returns. bo bound, she said, when the door­ TO KEEP OUT OF WAR ed which foreshadowed a decision sanitary conditions are up to re, bell rang once more. ciated" their endeavors when they nothing in their hopes and aaplra- Deputy Commissioner, presided In remodeling of a barn for a gymna­ EGYPTS GOVERNMENT Doherty’s Shares for the Allies. BERRY AND ALCORN tions which Is contrary to the con­ quirements. In case a new shop la LundvaU said Henry L. Doherty Ix the rear-end collision, the force Wuerdi^ Mr. HoU's office. Main collision of two Georgia railway pas­ propriate manner. The guests will imstratlag students. The next step "that he didn't get In touch with of which wrecked and telescoped Asylum St.. Hartford, a few that Cities Service profited $11,- dent for It. the constable admitted the writs reinforcement of Italian garrisons atreet; Troop 10, Miss Gertrude PUYERS IN PROCRAM senger trains in Dcaring, Gb.. early Include Mayor-elect Claude A. Mills U the return to constitutional gov- me when he learned he was suppos­ the end cars of both trains. Four 943,978 between 1921 and 1930 from So we built up a tremendous were given him to serve by two In Libya, were expected now to be LIddon, 49 Garden street. Troop 11. today. and other Republicans elected at doors from Main St. and on fo m e n t Is the setting of a date by IN UNITED STATES trade with the Allies, and to save ed to be my son. Instead he let other lawyers. of the Injured were trainmen, one the city election.. Practical Gift Suggest'ons shipped to East Africa. Mrs. T. E. Brosnan, 38 Hudson Chief Dispatcher J. H. Chapman the right side of Asylum. nexaim for general elections. the fees thus collected. the story break from other sources. of whom was hurt later while Jack­ AFTER REGULAR SESSION “On the contrary," Burns said, It we finally had to permit the float­ ^'What did Mr. Berry put Charles Watch Geneva street. said Kirby, In the cab of a west­ In addition to toe short talks 'il'O antl-Br\tlsh disorders had "I have been terribly 111. I re­ A. Fine on the stand for?" Je- ing up a car of toe work train. there will be an entertainment pro­ George Couldn’t fa (» this op­ "the company alleges that Its serv­ (rontlmied from Page One) ing of loans; and at laat we were In The Italian^ awaited evidence of bound Augusta-Atlanta locomotive, persisted to the very eye of this ac­ the war without realizing it, so that ceived a bad tall and fell down a I manded Alcorn. "He put him on to The collision occurred In the gram. and the get-together this eve­ eration when he knew ttot icing of Its subsidiaries has always the effect at Geneva of Emperor Troop 6 lost his life when it overran a tion. Crow’ds smashed ten street our declaration In the spring of 1917 flight of stairs. For weeks I could I have him testify that 1 had Issued 123tb street station where the work Trop 6 held its meeting at the Present Two Plays at Rooms in ning Is expect^ to be largely at­ Christmas is so close at hand oars laat night, burning two of been carried on at coat, and virtual­ fcveral months ago he said recogni­ not remember a thing. Meanwhile, Halle Selassie's announced opposi­ train was standing waiting for a switch and crashed into an east tended. tion should be withdrawn if the simply ratified what had long since writs and taxed costs. Mr. Berry Manchester Green school, Monday, Raich and Brown Building — bound train from Atlanta standing them, stoned a gas station and ly as a mutual service company." ' Thornes claiming to be my son. It's tion to any peace proposals which clear signal. State President to Visit — so he rushed down to Leo­ .State Department found' proof of been Inevitable. thought I'd bo afraid and leave ihe would strip him of hIs lands. December 9. ^ m e of toe girls Treasurer Receives Gift. at the station. Prices Range from jirrecked street lamps. all rubbish. Perhapa he's looking matter alone. But I didn't, Mr. Mra. Alwtna Oritz, Grand Presi­ pold Morse, Men’s Style Cen-1 allegations that Russia had violated Mr. Baker shows Wilson fighting They were aware that the League worked on Judging. Captain FogU Engineer E. A. Elwing of the west­ “ ‘ idents also tried to bum the desperately, but unavallingly, to for some publicity, and a share In Berry knew the fact.s of those The Italo-Ethiopian war has in­ will be at home Wednesday after­ dent of Connecticut A. D. H. S., will ter, to do his Christmas gift ' railway station at 2:30 a. m.. Its pledges of "hands off" in Amer­ the Strong fortune. of Nations still had to adopt the creased the demand for stamps from The Community Players held bound train and Engineer W. H. make her official visit to Marga- CABINET IN CUBA ican Internal aflairs. save otir iicutraUty. The man was ca.ses. He said my name was np noon and Saturday morning for their monthly business meeting in Wallace were seriously injured. shopping. He found a com- i y, it was learned, but the flames "We'll fight it to the end." Franco-Britlsh proposals before Italy and Ethiopia among stamp col­ rctha Lodge, No. 18. at their meet­ E (Such charges, made after the not well .served by his aides: Am­ the writ but he didn't say It was on girls wishing to work on Judging. the Balch and Brown building last Chapman said, and two other train­ plete selection of the best Iwere extinguished after causing to guarantee the costa or what it they could be considered a basis for lectors. Betty Woodward helped Lieutenant ing to be held this evening at 7:30 paly ought damage. TO MEET TONIGHT seventh O^ngresa of the C>>mmuhlBt bassador Page quickly became an formal negotiations. night and followed It with a presen­ men were shaken up. They and six o'clock. The drill team will put on furnishings for men, very appanage of the British Foreign FAR.MER FOUGHT ’.MUD' was on for. My friend owes me a Hill with the girls working for their tation of two pinyr, appropriate for Intematlonalo In Moscow, resulted While some smaller League states injured pas.sengcrs were moved to their floor work at this time. , reasonably priced. $ X » 6 5 pr- if ------Office, and Mr. Baker la severe in hla THEY SELL AS BENTONITE public apology for It." second class badges. Christmas the Christmas season, "Mothor an Augusta hospital for treatment. I , The restoration of (Constitutional In a warning issued by the State De­ Belle Fourche, S. D. (A P )—From protested at Geneva against any This la the annual Christmas par- (ContinuMl from Page One) partment.) strictures on Colonel House. Before the hearing closed Berry plana were discussed and the girls Lights toe Candle,” and "The Gift government to Egypt followed mud to face powder is the story of terms which would cut Into Ethio­ were asked to bring five cent pres­ weeks of Nationalist anU-Britlsh The Senator was aaked if he had The one man who fought the good had Fine put Into an envelope the of the Magi." Miss Florence SplI- with the kidnaper.e demanding It be fight for peace was. Indeed, your old Bentonite, mineral ''Infant prodigy" money which Alcorn alleged Parker pia's sovereignty, weaken collective ents rather than dues next week. lane of the Decemte'- committee as­ wmonstrations and clashes with po­ changed his attitude aa a result of that has Sprouted Into a leading In­ security or reward Italy for Ita de­ STATE We decided to invite Captain Dur- lice which cost e- look for Iks Hunlsr Russia prove herself before granting clares, by the end of 1918. Wilson soil In this area. Scribe, Louise Dewey. half of toe players presented to A. permit the supremo court to deter­ still worked for peace, but his sym­ under Italian Influence by the peace Crystal fandont en them recognition." Now three mills are operating In r a h r o a d m a g n a t e proposals, would meet Italian de­ F. Howes who has been treasurer mine tlie legality of Paruel’s ascen­ He said ho found in Russia "the pathies were with the Allies. Belle Fourche and two more are to sock z « « t or pint sion to the I'.eslden. y mands for expansion. Troop X for three and a halt years, a Gener­ impression that they want to cul­ His efforts to defend America's be constructed. Several hundred Trop 2 opened Its meeting with al Electric reading lamp. Mr. Hand- boMs yo« boy—It The court decided Barnet could neutral rights had been check­ men have employment because of It. 2. Whether the reported pro­ SMfki ttM aasHins. tivate the frlehdsblp of the United DIES IN CLEVELAND posals for Italian colonUatlon zones patrol corners and the collection of ley expressed appreciation of all legally become acting president be­ States." for the work Mr. Howea has cheer- Weatherstrips would make Italy’s Bast African dues. Next we gathered around cause he. aa secretary of state, Within the next few years. Sena­ tables and made Christmas designs fuUy undertaken, not only aa treas­ (OontiDoed from Page One) colonies of Eritrea and Somaliland, Keep your Muse warm by would automatically succeed the're­ tor Lewis continued, "Russia will for cards. We closed our meeting urer, but frequently taking part In signing president. bordering on Ethiopia, sufficiently having your windows and bocomo a serious competitor to the with toe Goodnight circle, singing plays, os was toe case last night In The second session, cslled for last The hospital refused any state­ secure. Taps. the sketch "Mother Lights toe Can­ doors weatberstripped with Vnlted States and Great Britain in ments. Protsx Meta) Weatherstrips. night, was cancelled when a quorum trade." 0 - 0 S E-OJ P M E-ID V 8. Whether League of Nations as­ Scribe, Eleanor Vlncek. dle." Mr. Howea expressed hla sur­ Also AutomaUo Door Bottoms of members of the two bodies failed John J. Bernet, executive presi­ sistance for the rest of Ethiopia prise and tbanka for toe acceptable 4^ DAN THOMAS — GEORGE SCAR80 dent of the Van Swerlngen rail­ would tend to make that nation an gift and assured toe gathering It tor bedroom doors. No Job to appear. The call forsthe third . NO MORE N IB RU NG roads, who aided the brothers In acceptable neighbor. would always be a bright and aliln- too small. Estimates free, session tonight and abandonment of Chicago—Police Chief John Pren- the quorum restrictions followed. building up their railroad empire 4. What was tbe value of the lake Ing reminder of his asaoclatidns Plans for the general elocUon dergost decreed that hereafter all died only a few months ago. region In Southwestern Ethiopia, MARLBOROUGH with the club. prisoners in poUce aUUon lockups January 10 have not been changed. The brothers, always Inseparabis, reported to be included In the colo­ The committee served apple pie W. W. Melaven will receive three meals a day at Former President MendleU moved started life near Wooster, Ohio, as nization area. with Ice cream and coffee, and every Phone 6707 17 Haxel S t stated hours—and no eating tie- The Dramatic Club will meat one present received a gift from toe from the Presldentlsl palace to bis newsboys, coming to Cleveland 8. What would be the consequene- Thursday at toe library and plan country home near Havana. tween meals. Tho meaU: bologna e e 'o f giving landlocked Elthlopta a grab-bag. ^ ^ PI and bread. when In their 'teens. They secured for a Christmas entertainment. employment aa office boys here. corridor to the sea through Italian The Dorcas Society will meet at Seeing possibilities in growing territory, such aa access to the toe Ubrary Friday afternoon and Cleveland for real estate develop­ Eritrean port of Assab on the Red J •flnlsb up toe work started for tbe WALL ST. BRIEFS ment, they entered the business Sea. Children's Aid Society of Hartford. only to fall. Fascists emphasized that once The Ever Ready Group will meet New York, Dec. 12.—Security Is. Fitst Atd For Christmas Shoppers Boy Real Estate these questions were decided, Mus­ at toe library Tuesday night to sues to the number of 101 will be Undaunted they learned that 2,- solini's z/greement to this basts for make plana for toe Community eliminated from toe New York negotiations would not mean ab­ Cbrietmae party which will be held Stock Ebeebonge Hat on Dec. 81, it well-dressed child |«lALT8aA»ai,B(%>Al> 000 acres of land was on the market December 21. near Cleveland. Borrowing money, solute acceptance of the terms but waa announced today. Tbe list In- WAY STAI2, CAME TO HOL- Mre. John A. Pllgard, Miss Anna cludea many lasuea that liave ma­ has a few pairs of shoes they purchased options and built approval of them for a start toward Pllgard and Mlaa Bertha Pllgard of INnMOOD'UiCAIZWS A BEACO one of the most exclusive suburbs. a settlement tured or have been refunded, aa well — and that way they givt TOPORTIZAY GEA4B(2AI_ Hartford were callere at Mr. and as some affected by failure to apply Shaker Helghta. M ra T. W. Doberrentz toe flrst of WHBLDON im U G CO. GtiZAbTC BUTIXE PCTUlZe for permanent registration. There longer wear, and better 903 Main Street Phone 6321 for Free Delivery To provide transportation to their toe week. V/AJ’ POSrPONBO AND development they purchased a rapid DISCUSSES NAVAL PAT The East Hampton Volunteer have been no recent dealings in toe affected securities due to previous wear per pair. See these The many depart- A 0 EL HAD-O SHAKE Hk/> tranoit line. TbU waa their flrst Fire Department will give a min­ Teacher’s Highland Evening In Paris BEA12D AMO DON CUfZuS Wasblngtoi., Dec. 12 — (A P ) — strel allow here Satuiday night for suspension rulings. new styles and buy y o u Martel’s 3 Star venture Into the transportation Preeident Roosevelt arranged a aente o f onr store ID Pl a y d 'a o t a g n a n in field. tlie benefit of toe Marlborougb Vol­ Cream Face Powder meeting late today with high rank­ Charles R. Walgreen, president of child’s shoe wardrobe ■Sm b t h g e e M u sn eru n s* In 1916 they learned that tbe unteer Fire Department. cone to the aid of with Free Perfume and Brandy ing naval officials to discusc pay for toe Walgreen Co., baa Informed New Fork, Chicago and St. Louis Mlea Peggy Thienea baa been a harried shoppers Scotch lipstick naval reserves. recent guest in Springfield of her stockholders that "barring trends now. $ 3 . 7 9 PIftk railroad was for sale. They borrow­ With tbe London naval confer­ oousinB. Dr. and Mrs. Vauzler. not now indicated," toe dlrectora at with gifts for sU ed 12,000,000 from Cleveland banka ence in session. It was emphasised The church and Sunday school their meeting in January would (xm- The GAY NINEHES Whan Tintypes and tastes and a 11 $ 2 . 9 8 $ 1 . 1 0 and purchased it. From what was at toe White House that tot Navy ON THE Christmaa entertainment aill be sider placing toe common stock on Crown Crest known as a "streak of rust" they talk with toe President related sole­ SASfB SHOW held Friday, December 27, at toe a regular 30 cent quarterly basis. HUNHR RYE Faaturad All Occasions parses. ruth Hudnut turned It into a paying proposition ly to a propoaltlon to provide per­ veatry of toe church. Gin “The LAST OUTPOST” The latest dividend was 40 cents, with Bernet aa the operating bead manent pay for naval reaervea. There wlU be an Important meet­ paid Nov. 1. AYM.tiwy did dra« that way In tho Gay Ninotiet. Had a gorgeoiw Don’t Let Beauty Kit Rapid Rise With CARY GRANT ing of toe C M. P A. In Hebron Old Constitution Fifth Monday evening for toe milk pro­ Haw, loo. Thoy knew how to live, and livod woll—with Hunter •OF THE IM D 0 (2 T A N T From then on their rise in rail­ COSTLY JUS'nCB ONE HIT, NO BUNS Christmas 5 9 c flW r c roading waa rapid. Tbey purchased ducers of this district 5 5 e BVENTPIN-JIAH Aixm ur^ I ■ > I A Tomorrow Bank Night! Tbe Christian Endeavor Society Bohimora Ryo for oil feitivo eecarionz. HUNTER was AnNrica't Wines tbe Toledo St. Louis 4k Western, Pbiladalphla— Benjaibln Roaea la Anderson, 8. C.—Walter Diclcson Get Yon Ooim— Little America __ _ UFE HAVS h a d ORECT (20N- $100.00 G IV E N A W A Y ! will be omitted Sunday night be­ SfeSenHY tbe Lake Erie 4k Weatern and the going to get the 643 p ^ e e took a'way Is off Ilia feet for a month or six largest-selling rye whiskey then, and experts toy that today’s Glaxo Zipper A SO-OALkeO*eu8 V b o d y ' NEpnO N WITH -THE AlUMSEft. Detroit, Toledo Shore Line, the cause of toe Til-Oounty chorus re­ Shop At Tho Str. \^iskey from him In a raid on a (tard gams. hearsal which takes place la toe weeks, toe result of a triple play In­ HUNTER “ Tastes even better than pre-war.” insist on HUNTER Manicure Set • iN-TVie oPBrAnap OP A40THE12,-EVEN Chesapeake 8 Ohio, tbe Pere Mar­ Roaan hired a lawyer and appaal- ENDS TONIGHT afternoon. ' volving an automobile, a bottle and W cMm Drug Co. 8 5 e XMie 8 Y VIMCH 8 HR CAN SEINS a.OYEAlZff OLD WHEN quette, the Hocking Valley, Erie ad to the Superior Court where the «THE CRUSADES" DlcluKm. at the bar. . . ask for it at yowr favorite letail store. t Full Quart Fun Quart Frank Weruab is a patient at the 7 7 « SKE WMOlri AT THE PEONT . OEAN VJAS BORa i. and Wbeellng 4k Lake Erie, which Judges davotad a day to the cast. PLUS. .**Ib BMt the Bm B t Francla hoepital, Hartford. The automobile ran over toe bot­ D o o a ., tbey consolidated Into-one great Tlie court’s total salare axpensa ; M rs , M arjon Jamie le on the tle, toe bottle sidevrtped Dickson ■yatem. Later the Mlsaonri Paclflc for the day's work waa $297. aiek Uat and Dr. Norman Gardiner and he went down with an Injured HUNTER RAITIMOIE tVE DISTIUtlY, Inc., ■ollliaers. Marylaad 1 of Bast Hampton U eating for her. ankle. The doctor did the reat. " " t V* j’’- . A, r '■ MANCHBanR BVENINO HERAIA. UANCHB8TER. OONH. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12,1988. > U » MAMCHESTER KVEMIMG UBHALU. MAM(»1«»TKH. OUNM^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12,198S. were called to Manchester Sunday her. Ftmeral aaryteeg aro Friday a t iK im rlrrEtrr plaudlta alona, tha Naw Daal adopts the grooei* and prosisioB dealers ta by the critical Illness of Mr. Emer­ 2:30 p. m., when there will be a tba strange mW thaoiy that the p ^ town In our wwd la ao Urns a t aU The Batde of the Century? DDHTOLEAKN son's father. The elder Mrs. Ihner- ORATORIO SOCIETY prayer a t the house, followed by a pla of the stage, prselsaly Ilka tha —oad likely eaough with Juatlea Bon lived In Columbia for a while servloe at tbe Oongreffathnal SwiititB BfraUl But mich a statement would prob* OyUh efU Jiiu £ove in part of the old Inn. She died church a t 3 p. m. Tbe Rev. Walter commonalty, must be fed. Laa ^ - ■ ■ A A - ABOUT DISEASE Monday morning. Vey, a former pastor, otftclatlnf PUHUaMKU ■* rUM __ It Is omasqusnee of the dawn of ably reflect the impression of many hr Mary Rsymeed CaesritM NtA leis Di ‘THE MESSIAH’ ■ n U tD PBJNTINO CUMPAMt, IMa The December meeting of the clergyman. Mri. Porter had suf­ thla revolutionary Idea that Con­ a household buyer. Just the eama U Biutll 8:r««t BEGIN HEBE TODATi * Ladiee Aid society will be held fered tbe amputation of both feet, MurauM'tr. Conn. The Connecticut apple crop this Tbureday afternoon at the chapel made necessary by diabetes. She suf­ VRUMAP PBRUUSON necticut la to have two traveling After the death M her pareato, some other errands when a roadster onalblllly There is really quite a bit of This Is probably a stale subject to “Fix me up something to drink. prettiest, cleanest operations I eveci you too may become a crusader In will he provided by players from the the two speakers who had been ex­ only $18.9i). The quan­ for typigraphlral error, anpaarlng In Illumination In this. If a privately members of the Grange and to farm performed. And now something’s'' guarding the health of the future New Haven Symphony Orchestra. pected to address the meeting. La­ tity is limited so better advarllaamania In lha Manrhaaiar Something stiff. And bring another FOR MISS BARNSLEY bor Commissioner Joseph Tone and Evening riarald financed traveling stock company of people generally. Doubtless It has package of cigarets. After that I happened and the Incision must be generation." Clarence Watters, orgamist of Trin­ shop promptly. re-opened. There's no accounting In explaining why future genera­ ity College chapel will be at the or­ Matthew Daley, head of the WPA, as many os twenty players—provid­ been discussed for years from a don't want to be disturbed—not by THtmSDAY, DECEMBER 12 anyone.” for things like that." tions are likely to suffer if this dis­ A miscellaneous surprise shower gan and Mrs. M.vra Yaw will pro­ were prevented from attending. In­ ed any traveIlng_stock company ever dozen angles of which we know 'Who is Mrs. Wilkins?" ease is not brought under control. vide the piano accompaniment. stead, an interesting addres.s on the Her directions w ert followed dis­ was given for Miss Edna Barnsley TVA was given by Mrs. John Holden carried twenty players, which Is nothing. But the fact remains creetly, and In silence. Mrs, Wilkins to a very Impor­ Dr. Burgdorf stated that the great­ at the home of Mrs. O. R. Ames of Assisting the chorus as soIol.sts RELIEF AND JUNE SO tant person to you and to me. My will be Margaret Olsen, soprano; of Manchester. doubtful—were to carry a manager­ that a great many native apples "Why don’t you say something?” est difference between the germ ot 244 Main street lost evening. A This waa followed by a general victor F. Rldder, the courageoua Paula Bbrllled wildly, her taut first surgical in this town. It syphilis and other germs to that the large group of relatives and friends Lillian Knowles, contralto; Wealey ial and auxiliary staff of a dozen continue to come on the market un- would mean something to have Howard, tenor and Gean Greenweli, discussion of the conditions which gdnlleman who ajaiimcd the troubu- nerves snapping. "Didn’t you hear former can be passed from parents from Rockville, Hartford and Man­ confront the workers today, and a persons It U'ould probably establish sortcii. Indifferently packed If packed the nows Scott's married!" trouble set In." He added, "Then to children, nnd that for this reason chester were present. Games were bass. All of these artists are out­ Bar Wagons loua taak of Works Progress Admin­ too, she's a nice old lady.” standing in the fold of oratorio vigorous protest was made with re­ a record. Nine or ten would be at all—and are passed over by the "Yes, I know”, Charlotte told her. It Is one of the worst diseases. C?ar- played and a buffet lunch was work and will give able support to gard to alleged discrimination istrator in New York City after town dweller In favor of apples "I’m sorry." Dana felt an Impulse to laugh. rying these germs Into the world, a served. Miss Barnsley, who will be more Uke^. Bo we And, In this She had been so consdenttous, the chorus. against Democrats In the assign­ and General Hugh S. Johnson found It "Sorry? What are you sorry child may be blind, deaf or crippled married to Myron H. Ames, on A high standard has always been scheme of management, six or seven from a dletance, not a particle bet­ about?" nerving herself to tell Scott about for life. Dec. 28 received many useful and ment of employment under the too hot to handle, Is only Indirectly times as many folks on the payroll ter, but for which the purchaser pays that accidental meeting with Ron­ maintained by the Hartford Orato­ PWA, WPA, NYA, etc. It was Suggestions "I'm afraid he’s made a mistake”, Persons who have tbe disease, he beautiful gifts. rio Society In their concerts and claimed that Republicans are being a part of the Roo.sevelt administra­ as would be tolerated under s busi­ a higher price for the sake of uni­ Charlotte said quietly. "He had no nie. And he hadn't even been In­ continued, ore often reluctant to go Priscilla Sewing Cabinet ?2.9r> terested. It waa hard to decide those who attend this presentation taken care of all over tbe county In Cellarettes tion and certainly In no measure Its ness ownership. formity. business getting married when to the doctor, either being afraid to are assured of a musical treat when preference to Democrats, and a Occasional Chairs S2.95 spokesman. Yet when be emphat­ he’s just beginning his practice." which was worse — a jealous hus­ face the truth or thinking that the they hear this performance of the The Theater Projects Division of It just doesn't look like good busi­ band or a husband who wasn't number of specific Instances were Martha Washington .Solid ically aaserts that "anyone over 21 "Of course he hadn’t." Paula mark of the disease Is insignificant. WAPPING greatest of Handel's oratorios. quoted. A resolution was finally the WPA was conceived with tbs ness to the man on the sidewalk. gulped down the strong drink and even mildly jealous. Tickets for tile concert may be Mahogany Sewing Cabinet ought to know better than to believe Later these persona may be mar­ drawn up by a committee appointed * 9.75 Idea of providing employment for made a wry face. Packages began to arrive next ried not aware of the fact that they Wapplng Grange, No. 30 held secured at Gallup and Alfred’s in that federal relief will end on June day. Soon the small apartment their twenty-third regular meeting for the purpose, Mrs. Fannie Dixon Spinet Desks S9.9.'> $1 0 .7 5 actora Yet we find that It takes “He’ll probably regret It", Char­ are still infected because they feel Hartford until Saturday and from Welch, of Columbia, John Yeomans 30 next” be says something that only GATES FOR COMMANDER lotte said. No one knew Paula so was overflowing with boxes, os well and ?«-,ve no marks on their at the Community Church House the box office at Bushnell Memorial Occasional Tables 5;i.9r> Easy between three and tour times as Scott’s friends and friends of the last Tuesday evening with thirty- Hall from then on until the time of of Andover and F. N. Jones of He­ very thoughtless people will contra­ with Colonel Raymond F. Gates well as her housekeeper, who bad de­ bodies; but syphilis Is still there bron. voicing the protest and asking Students’ Desks $9.9,-i Terms many bosses and auxiliaries to make voted herself to spoiling Paula, Cameron family sent good wishes three members present. At the busi­ the concert. ^ dict commandant of Fitch's Home for and their children may get the dis­ ness meeting, the resignation of for the removal from office of E. Le­ this smplo3rment possible as there Health and Diet catering to her every whim, tor I ^ time-honored way — In the ease. The parents -vonder what Is roy Brainerd of Middletown, man­ Metal Smoking Stands $1.00 If by flourish of a magic wand Mr. the Soldiers at Noroton Heights, years. '' form ot packages from jewelry Francis Foster as secretary of Wap­ are primary beneflclarles—with at In New York wrong with their child, why it plng Grange for 1936, was read, on ager of the Federal re-employment and scores of other gifts Now you don’t netul Roosevelt should suddenly be wafted All right, now. Go out and let shops, least-flve-slxtha of these hangers-on now one of the throe national vlco- Advice squints, why It te so pale and will account of his acceptance of a dif­ HEBRON bureau. It was voted send a copy --- , .. j '" '— -vx- Sv—^ a mansion in Manhas- out of the White House tomorrow me sleep ” 1 ““ exciting pas- of this resolution to the heads of the wholly superfluous. commandera of The American Le­ By DR. FRANK MctXIV. When the door closed, Paula flung 1*“ ?! opening the packages with j not grow. They have forgotten or ferent work, which would keep him ' ,t' " *• - set to own a bar. . and Mr. Hoover and Mr. Mills or any gion, the chance that Connecticut, By OEORGE ROSS There are but elx and a half than ordinary Intellectual attaln- mistake. Think how nice' It will early life. She was a teacher in the the Democrats are getting every­ bles, la practically Impossible to un- Ball la the costume frolic for the : ling Is to avoid a fall if you possi­ tive during the time the nagging her. But she had never let him look tor so that he must use strong by Rev. David Carter and quite gen­ Exeter Public school for some time. thing in the shape of jobs. montho, roughly speaking between aerstand unless one has devoted menta, ot marked sincerity and of malcontents who haunt Union pru!:e83 is going on, watch your re­ be this winter without a furnace medicine to kill the germ, but the erally discussed. This was follow­ bly can. Also, jlu-jlUu followsrs Into that secret place of her heart, to bother with." Besides her husband she leaves six President Keeney declined to act Smoke the present moment and the first of himself alihest wholly to the scl- magnetic personality. As head of Square. The Beaux Arts took place frown upon such tactics as kicking action the next time someone nags filled so long with nothing but him. Infected adult parent must seek ed by a harmonica and piano-ac­ children, three sons and three again as chairman of the President's at the swank and svelte Waldorf* an opponent In the breadbasket at you and I am sure you will find “1 know every mood of hto". Paula medical attention so that the dis­ cordion duet by Wallace and Elmer Ball committee, though strongly next July. There are, as nearly as ence of money and currencies—and the great veterans’ organization he Never, never would she let Scott Hall, with encore. A roll call ot all daughters. The daughters arc: Mrs. s Walnut Finished Astoria up on Park Avenue. The when he Is down; It just Isn’t that at that moment your primary thought desolately. "It will take ease may be prevented in the child. Mary E. Cummings who lives at urged to do so, and town clerk Fred­ anyone can guess, something like even among the so-called "experts” could be depended on to function in other was given in Webster Hall, reaction Is one of dislike. her years to know him as I do. And know of that first, deep disap­ "It sounds so simple," he comment­ present each telling of "the best bar­ Cabinets cricket. Before the encounter, by pointment she bad felt when he the Porter home. Mrs. Albert W. erick G. Hartenateln, former mayor thirteen million employables who there are so many v1e#a and opin­ a manner befitting the high tespon- a soapbox’s throw away from Four­ the way, jlu-JItsu contestants must The principal reason why we dis­ yet she walks off with him alter a ed. "Why Isn’t It done? The answer gain I ever made,” and closed with Hllding, also of Hebron, and Mrs. of Rockville, was named to act in and bavo no joba save those that gov­ slbllltlcs and great Influence ot the teenth street. like the one who nags it us Is that few months and marries hlml” had brought her to thto home. Is Ignorance. Adults bave faulty no­ more songs. After the Grange pop Le^ie F. Ward of Providence, R, I. his place. ions that nothing like agreement cross their knees In a squatting he Is Interfering with the Idea ol 'This." said Dana, her anna com was served to all. and games ernment provides. Industrial re­ commanderahlp. At the gala Beaux Arts, 3000 position on the ground and bow Perhaps it they had not gone to tions about syphilia and cannot do Her sons arc: Robert of Hebron, A committee of Hebron women Cedar Chests seems to be possible. ourselves as perfect which we are lifted high to Scott who waa stand­ what they should because they do were played and dancing was en­ i n employment, despite the much tout­ It would be quite In the natural guests each spent from |5 to $200 their beads for a second which Is the club that afternoon, be would ing on chair, packing wedding joyed. Winthrop of Gilead, and Horace of served sandwiches and coffee and Thla cedar On June 20. 1934, Congress hsd for fancy clothes. Ah the costumes holding up. Every one haa a secret not have enough Information about Wapplng. A daughter, Eunice, and the meeting broke up at a late hour. cheat t« ffiffi Order of evepts, and no more than the Japanese verslop of shaking Ideal of the kind of person he wantJ not have met Dana. Or If Dana had gifta on a high shelf, "Is the pen­ Charles Baxter of Windsor, the Humidors ed improvement in general business, passed the Sliver Purchase Act and at the New Massc.s Br.il in Webster hands. Before my flfst lesson, I not had some misunderstanding with the disease and Its treatment. It Is a son. Douglas, died some years outntandinp to be and the man who shatters that alty for marrying such a good-look­ the duty of all, therefore, to be CCC worker, who was hurt In the has gained relatively but little. And It became law. The law command­ the due of one of Connecticut's moat Hall probably couldn t have cost kept both my knees and fingers Ideal Is the man who will lose our KonnIe Moore this wouldn’t have ing and popular doctor." accident at Wapplng Center la.st ago. Sixteen grandchildren survive value . . . $0.95 as low properly Informed." Industry and general business would ed the Treasury to buy sUver with distinguished World War veterans. their wearers more than a grand crossed. It did no good. liking. We dislike the nagger chief­ happened. Paula's present, which Dana Friday evening, was able to leave Himllar to Easy Terms liave to absorb the jobless at thu If the Cofinocticut Legionnaires total of $50. Most of them were Sign of Alteration ly because he la pointing out our Maybe . . . maybe . . . there called "Light from the Etost," was the Manchester Memorial hospital lllufitrutlonl as the ultimate object of having one- last Tuesday. MANY NEVER rata of taro million a month—that is. should, at an early date, act the ball heme-sewed and even the fake Restaurants around here are not­ faults. We prefer to hold to the were those terrible pains in her one of those that was not packed $0.95 fourth of the combined gold nnd sil­ beards and moustaches were said to ed for the quickness with which mental picture and the probable re­ head again. They always cams out of sight. It looked very grand, COLUMBIA On .Sunday evening. December 22 it would have to add a hundred thou­ ver stocks In the form of silver— rolling for "Clate.s for' National Com­ have been ciit out of matlroa*! stuf- they change facades, faces and action Is that we, on our part, di* when Paula was emotionally upset and oddly out of place. In the mod­ there will be a Christmas pageant BRONCHinS- SUSPECT CAUSE sand persons to Its payrolls almost that Is. that for every three dollars mander." fling and dyed. Like the Beaux Arts hands. A place Is either "Under like him for It. Such dis.lke is a More terrible than ever . . . blind­ est apartment. A meeting of the Tolland County presented at the Federated church. down will reserve svery working day of every flve-day Ball, the party wont on all night very common human » occurrence. ing her with pain. Setting her Paula had dropped In the day The first scene, Is adapted from the worth of gold In the Treasiirv there New Management," "Newly Re­ Poultrymcn was held at the hall poem by Edwin Markham. "How ASTHMAjUFFERERS week from now to then—in order to and as at the Beaux Arts, a good decorated" or "Operating Under Every time that some one tries to crazy. before and then dashed home for Thursday evening in charge of OF BACKACHES $ must be, eventually, one dollar's many revelers were seen to stagger Interfere with this mental Ideal that the Great Guest Came". This will be any chest till No home has too sop up the pool of Industrial and New Policy". Which Is why I ad­ She got up and staggered to the a bauUfuI Oriental tapestry and County Farm Bureau Agent Ernest followed by the candlelight service. GET QUICK RELIEF This Old T w ta w t Often worth of silver. If, however, the dut at the cold of dawn. But In the mire the eating place that posted you have for yourself by the humili­ dressing table. From her purse she two gorgeous vases. "I have no many smoking busineis unemployment. ating process of putting the spot­ E. Tucker. Prof, of Animal Hus­ Miss Lois M. Foster haa Invited Sleep Sound All Night Long Briofe Happj ReUef Of Peia price of silver should reach $1.29 an BEHIND aft^m ath, Park Avenue nnd Sec­ this sign while the place was being took a small key, which she fitted earthly use for them since they bandry Roy Edwin Jones of the the officers of Wapplng Grange to Mans^ ffittfferera relleYe Christmas Re-employment at any such rate light on your worst points, you will didn't match tbe scheme of ray stands these days. ounce in the meantime, purehnsiw ond AVenue became brothers under tom up again; “Alterations Going react by dislike. Because the nag­ into a jewelry case. From the Conn. State College spoke on "Bet­ meet at her home on next Tuesday Two or three doses of the Famous backache quickly, once they dlRcover os that la not only Impossible, It Is the skin. Times Square and Union On aa Usual During Business." jewelry case she lifted a small box. place," she said. "So pleaae use ' ter Pooltry Houses". Merton E. evening to help arrange the work that the real cause of their trouble Every man appre­ of sliver must stop. THE SCENES ger tears down our self-esteem, we them. Dana.” Buckley’s Mixture, in sweetened hot may be tired kidneys. Billy even to think of it. Industry, Square auffcrdd the same hangover. Irons In the Fire react In the way human beings have For a moment, she stared at the lit­ Thompson of Ellington also spoke for the coming year. water and sipped slowly just before ciates a Humidor. Theoretically this was supposed IN FaR Ouy tle white pill. She waa remember­ Neither did Dana think they The kidneys aro one of Nature's for all Its stuffy talk about solving When not In the public gaze, reacted In like situations lor many on poultry bouse construction. A The Federated church and Sun­ retiring ensures a restful night’s chief ways of taking the acids and Complete selection of to bring about, one day. a kind ol Tve just had my flrst lesson In which Is where they make their thousands of years—we react by ing that quack doctor's words. He matched the scheme of her apart­ member of the State Police was day School will have their annual sleep. waste out of the blood. If they don’t At Garber Brothers the unemployment problem If let arbitrary bimetallic standard as the liu-Jltsu nnd will soon he In a poal- living, famous folk usually follow not liking him. If you want to bad been called in one night at a ho­ ment, but to refuse was out of tbe present to explain how the State Christmas tree on Thursday eve­ Buckley’s famous Mixture —made pass 3 plnu a dsy and so iret rid of you may select from alone, couldn't put the helf of those I Iion to fight any man In the house, sidelines of their own. Colonel tel where she waa staying. He had question. She watched, with mls- ning, December 26. at half past more than 3 pounds of waste matter, backing of our paper money. It change that rule of human be­ Police co-operate In seeking poultry in America—is guaranteed—often a pour 16 miles of kidney tubes may many styles I people to work at that rale even If You will excuse me a moment, how Stoopnagle. for example, to serious­ haviour. putting a different reaction given her one of these pills, with­ ^vings, as Paula tacked the elab­ thieves. seven o’clock. The Beginners de­ few sips stop an ordinary cough. was primarily intended, however, holding the name from her. It had orate taspetry above the couch. partment will participate in an Deed flushlnp. LANE Chests It had a year'a orders ahead and all over, while I nurse a sore hip and ly marketing an electric Iron with In place of the one dislike, then you Eleven singers from here attend­ Asthma-Bronchitis sufferers en­ If you have trouble with frequent to lift the price of silver, revive the Cet my aolar plOAUS back Into a ncxlbic point that can go around will first have to change human na­ brought relief from pain almoet Dana didn’t like It She didn't ed the rehearsal of the Trl County exercise of speaking nnd singing. joy a coughlcss night; you’ll sleep bladder passapes with scanty amount the money In the world to do with. moriund silver mining industry and shape. Jlu-jltsu, unfortunately ture. miraculously. For a price, be had like the Oriental vases, or the The Primary department will sing which often smart and bum, the 16 the curves of a shirt. Morton Dow­ Oriental lamp either. Chorus held at Hebron Sunday a song of Christmas, and other de­ sound and wake refreshed if you It would take longer than that to perhaps Incidentally lift the pur­ nise Ones Expioln Canada’s Action doesn’t come to you all at once. ney is part-owner of a patented When we are continually nagged finally revealed the name of I t But afternoon. The last rehearsal will be will be jiist wise enough to get a miles of kidney tubes may need flush* get ready to use a quarter of them, On OU Sanctions . . . She Wonts There arc acveral jiu-jitsu club.s about any certain topic, In time, we he had amid: “1 warn you to leave But what could she do about It partments will also have a part. Inp out This donper slpnal may bo chasing power of oriental and other to Keep Way Open to Aid Eng­ gla.ss factory In Brooklyn. Frank ifa.s alone. It means hellish conse­ when Paula was obviously trying held nextSunday afternoon at the Santa Claus is expected to be pres­ bottle at Arthur Drug Stores or any ^ e berlnnlnp of napplnp backache^ around New York but the most Crumlt sells bonds when hs Isift become “touchy" on the aubjqct. same place. good drug store and take 2 or 3 though every Industrial executive In silver currencies and so help Ameri­ land . . . Mighty I’ro.Hsure Is For us, that particular subject Is a quences." to be friendly? ent, If It is a good night. lesr pains, loss of pep and enerpy, pet* the country sat up nights and went Exerted on Norris Not to Retire polished of the lot Is the Dojo on selling songs. Nelson Eddy seeks Nancy breezed in presently. At the morning service of the doses before you go to bed, Unp up niphts, swclllnp. pulltoess ua* MAPLE ca's export business. Fifty-first street where business out all-seasonal climates for hto subject that Is emotionally "loaded" local church the pastor Rev, A. W. der the eyes and dUsIness. without bis lunch every day to has­ . . . Even Former Foe Joins In —loaded In such a way that we re­ On the day Dana and Soott re­ “Where’s the Incense?" she nad Airplanes were first used to fight Don t wait for serious trouble. Ask In obedience to this mandate the Chorus. men, college men and other assort­ tennis practice. Louis Heyward asked. "And the toakwood and tbe Melllnger, spoke on tlie Bible in ob­ the leaf worm that Infests cotton, ten the task. ed folk come to learn the manly art act to It in an exaggerated manner. turned from their honeymoon, Paula your drupplst for DOAN'S PILLS-- Treasury has been buying large raises thoroughbred dogs. Carmen We become markedly antagonistic had gone shopping, looking for a caxved Ivory and all the rest? 1 servance of Bible Sunday. The choir when scientists of the Department which bave been used successfullit STUDIO So what? Government relief, of quantities of silver "at the market," Weuihlngton, Dec. 12— Some of of Japan. Aa a matter of fact, there Lombardo has a aeat on the grain must say, 1 wouldn't have sus­ sang "For God So Loved the of Agriculture at Tallulah, La., de­ DUCIOEYC for over 40 years by millions of were a couple of women grappling toward further suggestions along wedding present people. They plve happy relief and course. And federal government actually establishing the price by the In.siders who arc up to their exchange. the lame line. This is one of the pected you of anything like this, World,." veloped dusting methods to kill the She considered sliver and china. Dana." Mr. and Mrs. Albert Emerson pesL D mixtureJI will help flush out the 16 miles of icllef a t that—because even U the necks In the neutrality problem most noteworthy responses to nag­ A s m o L i a p PROVKS i t / kidney tubes. Oet DOAN'S PILLa being the world’s biggest buyer. The ging; this reaction of antagonism But she didn't know the patterns "Paula brought them. She seemed COUCH Btatca and the munlclpalltlea could price has never got anywhere near think they have the explanation of next year has auumed rather huge scoffing at him and branding hit to further efforts to change us In tbfy preferred. She doubted, that anxious for us to use them." Dana •ucceaafuUy shoulder the task of 11.29 and the Treasury never got Canada's renuirkable action In re­ proportiona and there to now some Idea as ridiculous. They remind anv particular regard. Dana and Scott had even selected said doubtfully. ‘Tm frald they With Drop Leaf Arms pudiating the proposal of her hope that It will have effect. him of the late Supreme Court Jus­ patterns. Marrying so suddenly, make thla living room look pretty taking care of the utterly depend­ anywhere near having a third as It to unfortunate but true, that tliey couldn't bave planned anything. Two-Tone Covering ant jobless, whleb they could not League ofoNations delegate to ex­ Letters are pouring In from over tice Oliver’ Wendell Holmet, who that those who were brought up In awful." much sliver as gold, principally be tend sanctions to oil. the nation. Including scores from served on the bench until he wot the midst of nagging become nag­ She decided on a beautiful and ex­ "Smooth as silk," Nancy com­ they wouldn't do It—nnd every one cause so much gold haa been pour­ According to these Insiders, It people the senator never beard ot 90 years old and still preserved hto gers themselves. We repeat the feei­ pensive lamp, the shade designed in mented. knows they wouldn't. ing Into it. wasn't remarkable at all that Can­ before—even some from high school Intellectual might. ng habits, and behaviour patterns an elaborate Oriental pattern. She Alter a moment, Dana realized Like it or lump It, approve of It ada should announce It didn't boys and girls. The other day They tell him (os very likely to which we learned early In childhood. had completed this part of her shop­ Nancy bad not been talking about **Cold-stuck motors leap to life’* Now, without warning, the Treas­ "recognize any commitment bind­ there was one from a Nebraska true) that Comptroller General As chlldran, probably we disliked ping expedition and waa preparing the living room. of disapprove of It, the federal gov­ ury has stopped buying. And no­ $ays...rMt i/tQimtu tn fm e t Cmumw $0/1.75 ing Canada to adopt military aanc- baaksr who had opposed Norrto all John R. McCarl, whom he regards being nagged at, yet ujpon becoming to park her ear before undertaking (To Be Oontinaed) ernment will keep on with relief body , seems to know why or what Uons"— an announcement widely hia Ilfs, but said be bad just come as a foe of his beloved TVA, will parents. It to very easy to resort to Easy measures, for the simple reason that regarded as Indicating the domin­ to Uie conclusion the senator waa run for hli seat If bs quits. And nagging. We carry on tha same old Terms the affect will be. The Treasury largsly right and urged him to stay It has got to keep on with them, for explains nothing. ion didn't consider itself bound to suggest that bis rctlremsnt might behaviour pattern, regardless of which I will be glad to send to you. know: "What causes dreaming? ' ' ■' England in any Italo-Britlah In Congreaa. mean that Arthur Mullen, Demo­ whether it to effective or Ineffective, The 3 articles on RheumaUsms^re One of the moat beaatlfnJ nnd a long time beyond next June. Mr. Tba executives ot the 21 standard I’hen I awaken in the morning I It Is all very mystifying, but it war. cratic lobbyist and political boss, when judged by reeu'ts. in mimeographed form and are feel as though 1 have been dreaming beat atudio couchea ever nuule. Roosevelt's government will. Mr. v.inada ha.s never Indicated any railroad labor unions met recently whom Norris regards aa a perni­ Nagging does not obtain desir­ docs seem to Indicate one thing, available to anyone who desireii all night lo u ." A mai^nlftccnt piece uf furniture Hoover’s government would. If be change from the policy which sent and Instructed their chairman to cious Influence, might gain control able resulU and the sooner we learn them. To obtain thto material, Answer: ‘rne most common cause and that to that It is a mistake to her troops to help England fight lobby with Norrto against bis re- of Nebraska. to put a better method of influeiic- by day—at nUht It opens eaffitly srtre in there. confuse efforts to "do something lor nrrite to me In care of this news­ of dreaming to digestive distress. Germany, Furthermore, she hasn't tlremenL They further assure him that be Ing others, in place of the nagging paper, and be sure to enclose one However, dreaming may also have a Rmm' Into a full alxe bed or two aingle The very best that can be hoped mustn't quit his lifelong battle silver” with the fundamental prin­ any oil that anyone ever heard of. method, the better off we wlU be. large envelope upon which you bave psycbolo^cal cause In which case beda. The aeparate Inner apring fcr, by next June, la that the num­ cipal of bimetallism. The success Officials who have more Informa­ Roosevelt Leads Pleas against the "power trust" at a time We must learn that nagging ac- written your name and address. the phantasies occurring during ber of relief beneficiaries may be tion than tbs rest of us and are At the top of the list of pleaders when he and hto cohorts are be­ compltohea nothing—that the only Also send ten cents to help cover sleep arise from pictures m ths un­ mnttreaa and the three Kapoc of that principal must depend on close followers of the International stands President Roosevelt, who ginning to win victorlee. nav to change the way a human be­ eooaiderably smaller than it Is now. your part of the cost of preparation conscious mind. Without making plllowa arc reversible In a aeo- free and unlimited coinage at a cbeas game are convinced that Can­ said publicly that “Norris la neces­ In fact, they use every argument ing acta to-''to change hla desires. and mailing. If there t re any spec­ an examination It to difficult to li A' ond harmonising color. The But the number has a terrible lot ada simply wanted to Impress upon and sentimental appeal they can \«aen a different desire to born, fixed ratio— and no such patchy sary not only to Nebraska, but to ial questions you wou'd like to n'"'.' know whether the cause of exces­ drop leayea aerv’e • • two end of shrinking to do before the Im­ the United States the Idea that aha the United States, as long as ha think of . Few men in recent dec­ then the previous faulty behaviour answered,-write to me in rogard to measures as the purchase clause ol sive dreaming to a physical cause Ubiea. A gift of gifts! perative need of federal relief shall mustn't be treated aa a belligerent lives," and has since written per­ ades have been subjected to such mav ebanga overnight. As an illus­ them, and an answer wUi oe lut- or a psychological cause. the Sherman act, the Bland-Alltoon In cose of warfare involving Brit­ sona] assurance to Norris that he pressure. tration, let us I m a ^ e a young lady warded you. The articles bave been disappear. ain or the league. meant every word of that . and It will be no wonder if Norris, who has been nagged at for about act or this latest axpeilment baa written in such a way as to answer In 1934 motor trucks hauled 48 'CVERY year Old Man Winter lays hto icy hands fin ever or to likely ever to operate aat- Because, Uicy Insist, Canada asked as a favor that the senator who is strong-minded and already 18 yeara because ebe to untidy In the most common quatUona on the millions of cart. Motors (all. Batteries die. Expenses wants no Interference with trade maka no decision until Ura two has made certain preparations for appearance. Aa soon as she meets a subject of rheumatism and will pro­ pet cent ot livestock receipts. ■ HOW IT OPERATES lafoctotlly. with thto country such aa might have talktd It over. lesvlng Washington, begins to young man In wboto aha becomes In- pile up—All because of slow, uncertain starting. But bably provide you with most of the this year iPt difftrentl Here's a gasoUns th at actually As long ago as we can remember It would appear to be just about result from application of our neu­ The real secret of the Nebraska weaksn. tereated. It suddenly becomes very Information you want. However, If as Impossible to opsrats a scientific trality laws It she were considered progressive's dsaire to retire to the Important to her to appear aa well additional questions occur to you, o(b lt$ way Into lightning action. Tha top-cylinder oil, —^ d that is a bit of a time -there a beUlgerent fear that he may be too old to THE BEST INTENTIONS aa.pcnalble. She boa a new desire— Easy Terms currency system on the tu»«ia of I will be pleased to answer them. Tydol Gasollns contains, instantly oils and sosea cold- was a quaintly ironic supemUtion. Preserving her status os a neu­ serve anoUmr six-year term. He the desire to look as beautiful and WATKINS BROS., stiff valves and pistons. You get faster, surer, lubricated lor tbs dissension of which tbs pro- "helping" silver mine owners oi gold tral, Canada could proceed to buy to 74. Buffalo, N. T.—Stonlay Howes of as attractive as she possibly can. INOURFORATED mine owners or ptotinura mine own­ any munitions or war materiala He really to In excellent health. Marllla was ordered to report for The new desire will accomplish (Wen) ttartint- For safety first, insist on lubrUalint Tydol. fIBslon Itself was undoubtedly re­ abe pleased from the United States. But he has confided to Intimates Grand Jury service. He didn't show more In a day than nagging ac­ Question: Mrs. 8. M. writes: 'T ers as on the basis of "helping" Fed­ have a small wen on my forehead ROBERT K. ANDERSON Tide Water OH Company sponsible, that actors do not eat She has no neutrality laws to pre­ that he has aeen so many old men up and deputy sberiffa went looking complished in 18 years. Funeral Director IBa Jokes built upon this fantasy, eral Reserve bankers, which to vent her from— and on the con­ go into dotage and decline from for him. anu white it Is never sore or trou­ 3390 .Main S t. Hartford, Conn. TeL Hartford 7-7221 blesome, 1 would like to get rid of it. and the changes ning upon them, whkt we ore trying to do now. trary every incentive to 'go ahead- their peak of usefulness while bold­ They found the missing grand <}UESnONS AND ANSWERS shipping such products right along ing public office that be baa a hor­ juror In a county coprt room where, (Wants Infornsation) How can I accompllsb this?” Funeral service in home­ srers countless If not always dell- to B oland. ror of following in that path and he said, he had reported for orders Question: Mr. Henry T. asks: Answer: Tbe best method to re­ like surroundings. tale. The New DeeL destructive of HAPHAZARD APPLES dtoappointtng himself and his every day for a week. The officer* "Hava you any articles which wUl moval by surgery. Tbe operation to Drive ee te •’Save" Nonia friends. He will be 81 a t the end showed him where the grand jury giva me aoroe Information on rheu­ only a i^nor ona and should leave a buyT Y D O L <^asoline many a weU setabHshed conviction, 142 EAST CENTER ST. If ws wera to aay that thare to a The campaign of the frleoda and ef another six-year term If be meets. matism? Every winter 1 bave at­ small sear which wlU be almost tm- Vw ■ ■ ■ ■■ coMTMNts rop^evuMoam on 173-183 ASYLUM ST. is nitbisssly eyntealjssith regard to marksd scarcity of good appiea In admirers of Senator Georgs W. tacks of rheumatism and am thsra- notlceable. Telephone: (Ms cae. Abaadoaing ths belief tha Manchaeter markat juat at thto Norrto of Nebraska to dissuade him Oorile, aald to b* indigenous to fore Intereatcd in thto subject." Office 5171 House 7494 HARTFORD that actors can surirtTs right well on time we wnuM probably have half from hto intention of retiring In­ Fricads Soog at Idee Bibarto, waa grown In England w Anawera: I have preparod soma (Dwiainteg) stead ot naming fM gt-slectlon Bo hto peraoMl Mends « • busy oottj aa tba alxtoanOi caotury. geftsral Informatkai oa Queetton: Mrf. T. D. wmnta to ===5=5=F======r IUNCRE8TER INiFiltCKSDAt. t)l l t , U MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY* DBOEUBER IS, FIRE BOARD PURCHASES THE EMPTY STOCKING CARD S R IE S TO OPEN o m AS LEADERS Mamcheater Meat Of the counts allego sromtn waa wlUlng te vou for any amount ploy Saturday night and ts to con- ANDRULOT NAMED WORST TRJUnC TM O E amployca worked more than 48 "for human relief." BALE'S EMELOYEE GIYEN Unua bl* flying work with Honk .^N E W HOSE AND BOOTS A T iL OF C. TONIGHT DAILY RADIO. PROGRAM boura a week. "No one must be hungry", Cope* Watherell at Srainord field, Hart­ IN BASEBALL DEAL IN STOCK MARKET Date Book land said, "but we cannot buy our ford. AI hopes to acquire bla trans­ EXTECTED THIS XMAS ADVOCATES ECONOMY T— i"tn nrosnerlty: we buy our J L F ^ W E U SURPRISE port Moanae by tha first of July. Chief Foy to l^monstrate "Va­ RINK CUSTODIAN THURSDAY* OKCIMBER 12 (Contral and BMtara Standard Tlmo) « " House Committee Arranges for way Into poverty.” Aftar the dinner was served, a Tonlzbt key por” Nozzles — Firehooses Notoi All proframs to and baslo cbalni or aroupo thereof unleu tped* Coral Gables, Fla., Deo. 12.— haU-bour of enUrtalnmant was Tournament; Large Advance Dee. 11. 12, 18.—Snowball Carni­ fled; coast to eoaat >''w and Camlllo CM«wa * *a4 U«4w It IM I ft— Gets Lopez, Cnccinello, chester Fire department of 500 feet Make Traders Caotious— and bridge card parties to be spon­ progranl, St. M a iy s church, wjar wtsa wesh kyw whio wfhr vrre woman, Mrs. Amanda'Beaver, 91. Friends. o f two and a half Inch, doubla Assisted WaHett in the w ay wban wcae wta m w wj wsai: Mid: 5 :15— 5:35— Qserge Hall Orehsstrs— with fdrecaats having been made have quickly." was showing off her new permanent Andlilo songaohg a tew aongi I t . Hamacd ...... t . l l i U I . sored by the house committee of lom orrow ksd wmauwefi who wow wdaf baaio: Beth Orainsr* Plane— west ' He made the statement during an more Borst and Ray Andlilo recited I t . Msaslwtln ...... iiS A J * . jacketed hose and 280 feet of one Campbell Ckiuncll K. of C., w ill be Det. 18.—"Spooks,’’ a three-act M t O W E G T - > w o o d wife 5:45— 5 :45— Musie Bex — wabo only} that Christmas shopping crowds wave today. A narty was held In honor o f A l­ DwiMl** ISoulh lu.1 ...... ttftSrJb Benge and Reis in Trade. Inch and a half, double jacketed Cotton Firmer. NORTHWKGT A CANADIAN — wUnJ Qsorge Hsli's Orohestra-^haln Interview after bis arrival here from "We girls must Jake core of our two humorous, poems. Dancing fob held at the Knights o f Columbus play by Moaqua and Wig, Center 5.*00— 7:0^ M y r t and Margt — east; will be larger thla year than for oev- bert Madden, assintai.t manager of a zT o a m g a hoae and ten paira of boota haa been Work Frequently. wlbm kstp wobc irday kfrr orct cfc! Sarasota, Fla., where he winters, to appearance,” she said, touching a Hale's Self-Serve, last night at Cas­ lowed the entertainment with the 1 home, Main and Delmont streets to­ church Dramatic club. S O U T H wrva wptf w w n c wls wjas Melody— w; B. Regart— mIdV. rpL sral years peat and with tha con­ address the National Aiaoclatlon of reault that all had on enjoyable-exe^ lit, lesUn (toue) iK iJ ...... SJtfJft approved by the Board of Fire Com- Coming Events wfla*wsun wlod w s m w m e wsb wspl 5:15— 7:16 — Rube Qoldberg — eaat; hand to her thick, onow-whlte coif­ tle Farm. Over 48 friends of Al- night. Eleene Moneak Bneembla— west sequent likelihood-that tha annual Stata Highway Officials. ning, misaloners. The new purchoaea ndll Dec. 17.— Christmas concert and wjdx w s m b kvoo wky wfaa wbsp kpre fure. "I’m getting old nil right from Rockville, Went Hartford, TldKi* sso4 enlr In i>*Ih lii41oal*4 ChleaffOi Deo. 12.— (A P ) — The New York, Dec. 12.— (A P )— Un­ The council ha.4 Just purchased wool ktbB kths wsoc wave wtar 5 :30— 7 :30— Kate Smith’s Seng Tima traffic tangle w ill Increaaa, the Much of the government’s' spend­ on DulD at Station Tlckot OtiloM replace worn equipment. carol sing. High school choruses, The appointment of William Ar- 5 :45— 7:45— Boake Carler’a Comment but I believe every elderly person Hartford and Manchester attended reorganised Boston der leaderablp o f tbe oils, the Stock new tables, and chairs to be used In M O U N T A I N - > k o a kdyl kglr kghi Connecticut Company today liaued ing" la "pump-priming and class leg­ Chief Albert Foy explain^ to the tbe playing and in addition to of­ assisted by orchestra, at High Andrulot of 49 Summer street as PACIFIC>-kgo kfl kgw komo khq kfsd 7:00— 5 :0(^Teddy Bergman — baste; should toko as much prids in he.- ni>- tho dinner and gave him .a purse of The tallest mammal, the agraffe, N E W HAVEN club opened a wholesale rebuilding commissioners tbe usetOlness of Market tried to push ahead today, school hall, ktar kau kpo ktx kan kjr kya kcca Orchestra— Dixie; Muelcale— west a request to Its own patrons and to islation which helps comparatively pesrance as a younger person, por- ISO. reaches IS feat, 7 Inches tn haigbt. fering prizes In the different divi­ custodian and concessionaire at tha 7:15— 8 :15— The Three Brown Bure motorists to cooparate In alleviat­ campaign today by trading out­ but was unable to make the grade. Dec. 28.—Holiday dance at Coun­ Cant* Eaat. few groups", he said. He said he liaps more." Albert Is to Isava tha Hals'a sm- It la almost entirely voiceless. "vapor” nozzles and will arrange sions of play there will be refresh­ — west: The Old Timer— Dixie ing the jams which alwaya mark fielder Randy Moore and pitcher try club sponaored by Public Health Center Springs park skating rink, 4 tOD— Womon'a Radio Rsvlow 7:30— 8 :30— Thursday Concert— also e for a demonstration of such equip­ Mining tssuea, rallying earlier In ments. The card parties are being S i S ^ 4 it<^'*airl Alono." Oromatleal tbe Yuletida rush In central dis­ Dutch Brandt to Brooklyn for Association. waa announced thla morning by 5 :00— 9 :0(^WalteP O ’Keefe— cat to « ment before the commissioners. the session, were subjected to re­ arranged by the bouse committee as a*4^ 4 i45— kongs by Tintypa Tanor 8 :3( ^ 5 :3(k—To Arms for Psaoa— to e tricts. Catcher A1 Liopez. second baseman The W PA projects to paint the their part of tbe activities of tbe Dec. 31.— New Year’s Eve dance Park Superintendent Horace F. 4 :00— 0:00— Willie Brysnt’a Orohestra 5 :00— 10KIO— Hildt and Hla Brigadiers V. Tony Cuccinello and pitchers Ray newed pressure, .shortly after noon by Knights of Columbus at Rainbow Murpbey., Andrulot was chosen by 4 :1^ 6:t^Ltgends of Old Ireland 5 :30— 10:30— The March of Tima— to e Motoriats, It waa laid, can help exterior of number three and num­ Council and the present plan la to 4 t K ^ 5:30— Louise Floros, Soprano 9 45 10 45 their own ipaed of transit aa well Benge and Bob Reis. and other aectlons of the list backed ball in Dolton. Park Commissioners Robert V. Treat : — : — Qogo do Lya tona Prog. ber four fire housea baa been com­ up sympathetically. A brief seU- have parties each Thursday night. 4 :40— 6:45— Clara. Lu A S m — also o 10:00— 11:0(^trvlng Aarenson Oreh.— as those- riding atreet ears and General Manager Bob Quinn of the pleted,, It waa announced at the There has been a large advance Jan. 80.— President's ball at State and Thomas D. Trotter and Super­ 6 :00- 5 :00— Flying Time for KIddise •aet: Myrt A Marge— west repeat D e L U X E ing flurry put the ticker tape be­ 5 :1^ 5 M 5— Newe: T. Tucker Orchee. 10:50— 11:3l^laham Jones Brehaetra— buaea by avoiding tbe practice of Braves also announced the outright meeting of the commlaaloners. The sale of tickets for the opening of Armory. intendent Murphey to succeed Frank release of the veteran pitcher Flint hind floor transactions. 5 :30— 5 :30— Press* Radio Now s Period basic; Herbla Key Orchas*— midw doubla parking, which is a tempta­ Interiors and exteriors o f all the the aeries tonight. J. Wallott who served In the capa­ i:35— 5 :35— Connie Qetee. Contralto 11:0( ^ 12.*0O— Qeergs Olsan’s Orchestra ’^Lighter j R bero' and pitcher John Van l>c Uneasiness over the silver situa­ city more than ten years but re­ tion when someone riding with the buildings owned by the district have 6 :45— 5 :45— Billy A Betty— wesf only 11:30— 12:30— Phil Seett Orch.— «aat: driver wants to enter a store to . Alfp Mere, who was with Scranton, Pa, tion seemed to have fadeU somewhat fused a re-appolntment this year. 5 :00— 7 :00— A m o e 'n' A n o y ^ a s t only O uy Lombardo Orchest.— west now been painted sis Federal work INDOOR MODEL PLANE 5 15 7 15 make a purchase which "will only last season. at the opening of trading and Mon­ Mr. Andrulot, during the past : — : — Popeya the Belter, Sketch relief projects. KELVINATOR CONTEST 6 :30— 7 :30— Music It M y Hobby Prog. NBC WJ2 NETWORK take a aecond." Although double Aih Traj Quinn, who resigned as general treal futures stiffened. At a late few years, frequently assisted Mp. 5 :4^ 7 :45— Tom Powers— weaf only BASIC — East; wjs wbs-wbsa wbal parking for a brief apace of time manager at Brooklyn two days ago hour London had failed to set an W allett In an unremuneratlve capa­ 7 i00— 5 :0( ^ R u d y Valles Hr.— e to e wham kdka wgar wxya wlw weyr wmal MEET HERE SATURDAY may eacapa police attention when to take over the general manager­ opening price for the bar metal and city. He la an enthusiastic skater. i:00— 5 :0(^Lenny Rose Showboat— c wfll; Mid: wcky wenr w|a k w k koll JUDGES ARE NAMED 5 :00— 10:00— Crosby A Whiteman— to e WTon w m a q kso patrolmen are busy directing traf­ 95c ship and presidency of the Braves, this was Interpreted as presaging He waa formerly employed by 10:00— 11:00— John B. Kennedy* Talk- MIDWEST-wmt wood wire MUnnsy W A L U B another drop in quotations. Center Church “Hi-Fliers” to (Jheney Brothers. east; A m o s 'n' Andy— west repeat NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj fic at street Intersections, it la al­ said no cash was Involved In the most certain to block the path of Announcement of the three local A year ago today skating t 10:15— 11:15— Leonard Keller’s OrchesL wlba kfltp webc wday kfjrr cret efcf exchange. Quinn said he believed N. Y. Stocks Cotton Armed on higher con­ Sponsor First Such Meet at 10:3^ * 11:30— Newe; MInneepolls 8 ym. S O U T H — wrvn wptf w w n c wls wjnx street cars, delaying them, and pil­ AUIOLOCK people who will act aa judges In the two of the weakest spots on the sumption estimates. Grains were the State Armory. permitted on the pond to start 11:3( ^ 12:3( ^ K a y Kayeer’e Orchestra wfla>U‘8un wiod w s m w m e wsb wapi ing up other motorists behind them. team would be bolstered by Lopez narrow. Bonds were steady, al­ Kclvlnator Christmas Letter-writ­ winter sports season. The weathl wjclx w s m b kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro CB8 WABC NETWORK woal ktbs kths wsoc wave Other traffic vlolattona are not only and Cuccinello. The Braves set a Adams Exp though Italian obligations reached ing Contest has been made by John was sufficiently cold to make ekat^ On Saturday afternoon at 1:30 M O U N T A I N — koa kdyl kglr kahl costly In time to all Involved In the Air Reduc .. ao the Ethiopian peace move ap­ A. Brown of the Standard Plumbing Ing safe for a week at that time. It BASIC— Eeeti wabc wade woko wcao losing record last season by dropping o'clock, the Model Aeroplane club of waab wnao war wkbw wkro whk wjr PACIFIC— kao kfl Ivw komo khq kfsd traffic jam, but are likewise apt to Alaska Jun . peared to have encountered fresh A child dreaming of Santa's visit, of toys and candy and warm cloth­ Company, who Is In charge of the was not expected today that skat­ ktar kpo kex kaa xjr kya keea 114 games. Center church, known as the “ Hl- wdre wcau wjaa wean wfbl wspd wjev: odd to the already large number of Rhem, one of the stalwarts of the Allegheny opposition. Foreign gold currencies ing—and a mother, tears welling to her eyes, hoping against hope that rontest. The judges selected arc; ing would start this winter until Midwest; w b b m wfbni kmbe kmox Cent* East* Fllers", Is sponsoring the first In­ whaa kfab km t accidents. old S t Louis Cardinals. Is 32. He Allied Chem were higher. ho dream will come true, as she tucks the covers tenderly about the Leon A. Thorp, advertising mana­ next week. S:3( ^ 4 :30—N 3 w Radio Guild, Drama Am Can ger of the Herald, Robert Hathaway door model aeroplane meet ever held KA 6 T — wbna wpg whp whec wlbs w(ea 4 :3( ^ 6 :30— The Singing Lady— east While trolley and bus patroni will served with St. Louis, Philadelphia Among Petroleum shares that little sleeper. In many homes In Manchester, the little stockinga, so wore wice efrb ckao wibx w m a s wcea 4:45— 5:45— Orphan Annie— east only not have tbe parking problem to Am Com! AIco ...... 30 V. of the Manchester Trust Company In Manchester. Members of the and the Braves, ending last season were slightly improved were Sea­ hopefully hung, will be empty when Christmas dawns unless you help EMPLOYES GET BONUS DIXIE— WfBt wafa wbre wqam wdod 5:00— 5 :00— News: A. Li ng. Baritone face, they can nevertheless assist Ajji Home Prod ...... 36V(, model aeroplane clubs of the North klra wrec wlac wwl wioc krid ktrh 5i15— 5 :15— John runts Sports Talk at Syracuse where he won 8 and board, .Standard of New Jersey, Do your share, that no home, no child shall know cruel diaappointment and Ray E. Hegel, Secretary o f the With 80 hr A ll Rnd St S ...... 23% Chamber of Commerce. End Y. M. C. A. and the "Sky- ktsa waco koma wbdo wbt wdae wbla 5’.30— 6 :30— Press-Radio Newt — ba« greatly in another direction, and lost 6. Benge, 33, pitched for Cleve. Consolidated. Superior and Tide on the most joyous of all days. New Britain, Dec. 12.—(AP)— wdbj w w v a w m b a wsjs w m b r wala ele; The Singing Lady— midw. rpL that is by timing their shopping Jswsled Am .Smelt ...... 59 "W c are pleased to be able to an­ Hawks" of the East Side Rec will $ 2 5 9 ^ land, the Phillies and Brooklyn. He Water. Gains of a point or more The Fafnlr Bearing ^m pany of thla ktul kako wcoa wane wnox kwkh 6:85— 6 :35— Singing ^ Muriel Wilson tours outside of the renlor street *Movtment . Am Tcl and T rl ...... 158'.a nounce these well-known people as also participate In the contest. M I D W E S T — wgl w m b d wlsn wlbw kfh 5:4^ 5 :4^ — Lowell Thomas — eaat T U fP lE won 9 and lost 9 Inst .season. city prepared today to pay Its fourth transit rush hours. Whether It Is ...... 95'.j were converted Into losses of as the judges In our Christma.s con­ w s m k wkbn wcco wsbt keej wnax woo Orphan Annie— repeat to midwest Brandt, once rated a.s the finest ; Am Tob B ...... Any model aeroplane builder In bonus based on this year's earnings w o w o 5 :00— 7:0(^Basy Acce* Skit— niso cst Christmas season or not, the rush FENDER GUIDES much by U. S. .Smelting and Cerro test." Mr. Brown said, "becauee of southpaw in the National League, Am W at Wk.s ...... 20% town Is eligible to enter tho meet, to 1,200 employes o f alx months M O U N T A I N — kvor kls koh kel 6:15— 7:15— Phil Regan, Singing Cop hours happen every day. Thousands Maks Anaconda ...... 27'i do Pasco. International Nickel GEORGE PARKS HEADS CURB QUOTATIONS the large amount o f interest being C O A S T — khj koln kfro kol kfpy kvl 5 :30— 7:3< ^ L u m A .Xbntr— eaat only had bis beat year In 1933 with the and Is urged to attend. Member­ service or over. 6 45 7 45 of office and factory workers are turned heavy, along with Anaconda shown by local people In the con­ kfbk kmj k w a kern kdb kam b kgb ■■ : — : — The Band Qoee to Town Praetl^l i g e t . S l 2 9 ^ Braves, winning 18 and losing 14 Armour, 111...... 4% ship In any df the local clubs is not Officials estimated the "dividend'' 7:00- t:00— Hendrik Van Loon, Talk going to and coming home from Atchison ...... 57'i and Kennecott. Other, losers up to test. These judges have no person­ SenL laeL 7:1^ 5 :15— Henri Dearing at Plano Last season he won 6 and lost 19. a point Included Coae, Du Pont, BRITISH WAR VETS By ASSOCIATED PRESS required to participate. All Inter­ would amount to more than five per­ 4 d)0 — 6:00— Terry ATe d — eaat; Te Be 7:30— 5 :80— To Ba Announced work in the morning and evening iT B IA X lO n i Auburn ...... 38‘ ij al Interest In the results of the con­ ested In seeing what can actually cent. of each worker’s wages for the rush periods dally, and are crowei- \5TORES Reis, a former infielder, won 3 Sears Roebuck, Montgomery Ward, Am Clt Pow and L t B Anneuneed— wut 8 :00— 5 :00-Death Voli^ Days, Play Aviation Corp ...... 4>i test. Their decision will be given be done with model aircraft arc In­ last quarter, officers and saleamen 4 i15— Sil^Senge by Jimmy Parrell 5 :30— 5 i30— America’s T o w n Meeting tng Into street cars and buses. To and lost 2 in 193S. Moore, 30, batted Woolworth, U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Assd Gas and El A . . . 4 :30— 5:t(^Jeek Armstrong — eaat: 681 MAIN ST. VELOCIPEDE Balt and Ohio ...... 107. fairly and Impartially and It will be 5 :30- 10:SO-Roy Shield Con. Orchest. .267. Lopez, rated as the best AnnunI Meetinu Held Last Am SuDcr Pow ...... vited to watch the contest. excepted. Organist— Dixie: Organ. Talk— w 0 11 00 add to these thousanda other thous­ . , Santa Fc, General Motors, Chrysler, final. I dk>— : — News} El Chico Revue A u t o catcher In 1933, batted only .250 last' Bendix ...... 20% Night in Army and Navy Blue Ridge ...... Contestants are to be limited only Payment probably will be made 4 :45— 6:45— Tito Quisar* Tenor Solos 10:30— 11:30— Howard Lally’a Orehoetra ands who could readily conduct their [DRIVE IN SERVICEl AMPLE PARKING! f m i l DsalrB — Snail American Tobacco 2, Liggett & My­ "Our contest Is open to everybody 6:00— 5 d)0 — Buck Rogers— east; Joe. 11:00— 12:0 0 — Shandor and His Violin R o b e s ewNM nahh — l«ai season. Moore hit .267 and Cuccin­ Beth Steel ...... 47% Canadian Marconi .... by the requirement that their mod­ next month. shopping tours at other hours, , , ers B and American Telephone Club; Installation in January. over 18 who lives In or near Man­ Plotke Orehestu— weet and Dixie 11:05— 12:05— Ranny Weeks Orehoetra ello .291. Beth Steel, pfd ...... 116 Cent States El ...... els must "rise off ground" under Eight and one-half per cent was 5 i15— 5 :15— Patti Chapin and Benge 12 30 means more congestion and natural­ . . ■ The statement of Secretary Mor- chester, except employees of our lliSO— : — T o m Coakley’o Orehoetra Shifting new talent In their big Borden ...... 26 CTit Scrv ...... their own power. No limitation of paid workers during the first quar­ ly delay for all In arriving at their — I L M ...... 11 % genthau that the Treasury bought The officers of Mons-Ypres CTom- company and members of their 0$HAX>AOUP farm system, the St. Louis Cardinals Clt Scrv., pfd ...... ago of contestant, or size, weight or ter, five per cent for the second desUnationa. Case (J. I.) ...... 100 .sliver on Monday. Tuesday and mand, British W ar Veterans for families aad members of the 9:30— Phil CJook aad hla Notebook. The ideal time to shop on pre- m i i to 86,45 i f a obtain^ catcher Brusle Ogrodowski 1936, were elected at the annual Elec Bond and Share judges' families. No piircha.se of type of model will be Imposed. quarter and alx per cent for the Tikalar SIDE m , Cerro de Pasco ...... 55 7i Wednesday did little to clear up the 9:48— Cadeta Quartet. Christmas days is after 10:00 a. m. OriS* Orvfai B6r« and third baseman Stuart Martin meeting of the unit last night in the Ford Limited ...... There will be official timers and third. Chea and Ohio ...... 51% mystery surrounding the current any kind Is necessary to enter the 9:60— Musical Interlude. and before 4:00 p. m. for those who TeO«w rtM httkaUCMklutiwI from Columbus. Arm y and N avy club. OITlcers elect­ Niag Hud P ow ...... contest, but contestants must se­ judges present, and the person ob­ Chrysler ...... 86 status of the white metal. The WTIC are In a position to do so, trolley For Boys aad Oirts ed were; Commander, George Penn Road ...... cure a copy of the official contest taining the longest official flight 10:00— Hostess Counsel. I 'W l V ; Ck)coa C>>Ia, new ...... 8 6 % sharply declining price on those Hartford, Uonn. 10:15— Captl valors. officials declare. Those who do so Parks; vlce-comniandei, James Segal Lock ...... folder from our store. will receive a suitable prize, donated WMOO W. lOiO R. U. 3834 H sarfesi jses ~~ Col Carbon ...... 04 days, however. led dealers to con­ 10:80— Yankee Netw ork News Serv­ will find tbe street transit facilities WABMaa* 98.4810 |il8 6 Hamilton; treasure- Victor Duke; United Gas ...... "A ll that entrants must do Is by the generosity of the Albatross I VVSABU | S * > * 1 . S 9 h Col Goa and El ...... 13% clude that only .small amounts were Timvetera Broodoaatlng Servloe. ice. not so greatly taxed during that ^ liis 'E S KING DAVID LODGE pureha.sed. financial secretary, James McCul­ Unit Lt and Pow A .. write 100 words or le.ss on the sub­ Model Aircraft company of Hart­ period, and they can ride to and I Heat Scotch Coml Solv ...... 207;, ford. (Boatem Btoodard Time.) 10:48—The Three Keys. other BkU $1.98 to* SIDEWALK CYC lough; secretary, John Pratt; his­ ject. "Why I want a Kclvlnator for from the shopping district In com­ I Plaid pat- 83.98 Pair 53.98 pr. Cons G a s ...... 31% torian, James Thompson; chaplain, Christmas." Contest letters must It la expected that models of vra- 11:00— Social W ork In. Hartford. WORKS DEGREE FRIDAY Cons o n ...... 10% fort. Moreover they will not by Itcms with other Shot and lo t ' Cecil Kittle; sergeant-major, David be In our hands or mailed not later rtous types will be flown, including Thnradajr, Dec. 13 11:15— Margaret McCttie— Songs. causing more congestion cause de­ Cont Can ...... 88% Maxwell. OLDEST HEBRON HOUSE I fringed edge, Skate Oofflbinatlont than midnight, December 24. The a mlcrofllm covered model, the very 4:00 p. m.— Women's Radio Review 11:30— Rambles In Rhythm. lay for other members of their 188zW inches 19c Com Prod Officers of the Mons-Ypres aux­ winner will be announced as soon latest thing In model aircraft flAing. 4:30— Girl Alone. 11:43— Wesley J. Coffey presents Plans Completed for Buniness Del Lack and W e families who will be on their way to 2.98 pr.ts 4.95 k - iliary will be elected at the annual after the close of the contest as the 4:48— "Oriental A rt” — Robert Negro Splrituala. lothsr Wool t-i .98 to lO.R* **SklPoltl^ea. and Social Program in Odd Du Pont ...... Local Stocks IS DESTROYED BY FIRE and from work in the nub hours, 4 0 C meeting next Wcdnc.sday night. judges can make their decision.” Drew-Bear. 12:00— Voice of Ehcperlence. and who must snatch tbe time for IR oh es...., JL U Eastman Kodak |Warm Knitted Wool BOCnCBT 8110X8 Fellows Hall. A joint Installation of officers of Mr. Brown states that the judges B:00— Blue Room Echoes — Joseph 12:16— Eddie Dimstedter entertains. their own shopping on tbe way Elcc Auto Lite .. BIG NAYAL POWERS GLOVES Caps, assort- (Furnished by Putnam ft Oo.> both units will be held early In Jan­ Ruilding' Owned by W. J. W ar­ will consider only the sincerity, Blume, director. 12:30— M ary Marlin. home from work. Store clerks arc Gen Elec ...... Central Row, Hartford, Conn. uary. Fnr fiHvInt •rfirsM. edeolors. 0«fC Oompleta plans for the third de- neatness and the facts contained in 8:30— "Dick Tracy.” 12:45— The Ad-Llner. no. as busy In the mid-day hours, Mail* •! •rirrtsrf 2 3 c *"1.39 Gen Foods ...... ner, Former State Oflicial — 6:46—Clara, Lu and Em. I r s l b e r s I n n n II n ^ |A11 wool skat. A A . gzM at King David Lodge tomorrow The Post will conduct Its annual the entries. In case an entrant pur­ REJECT JAP DEMAND 1:20— Nick Grossi, accordionist. so that those who do their purchas­ RegBlstioa Gen M o to rs ...... I P. M. Btocka New Year’s Frolic In Orange hall on Damage Set at $10,000. 6:00— WrlghtvlUe (Jlarlon. — «v«M-IUie6 mu 4 ing socks. ?r. evanlng have been completed, it waa chases a Kelvinator during tbe con­ 1:80— Yankee Network News Serv­ ing then will be able to receive more tuTA»mf4. G illette ...... New Year's Eve. 6:80— Naws. Gems from Memory. Wwkty Fieto announced today by Noble Grand test and then ts declared the win­ ice. attention. Gold Dust ...... Bank Stoeka Hebron, Dec. 12.— (A P ) — A six­ (Oontlnaed from Page One) ‘‘A'.tB— Rhythm of the Day. 'Volmar Tbomfelt. Walter Joyner, ner. the model purchased will be­ 1:45—Postmaster Rankin— Hart­ Cooperation by all concerned will 95*t9s2.95 Arthur Shorta and Irving Barrett of Hudson Motors . Bid Asked teen-room (Tolonlal house, reputed come the prize Instead of the Model 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy. greatly help transportation during Int H arv ...... Cap Not Bank ft Trust 20 23 to bo the oldest dwelling In Hebron K-485 offered. common upper limit of naval ton­ 7:15— Pop-eye the Sailor. ford's Post Office. tha refreahment committee also nage would apply only to ships 2:00— Between the Bookends. the rush, the company stated. eta ted tha final detalta of their part Int N icy ...... Conn, River ...... 450 — P n H lA N SISTERS ELECT and owned by William J. Warner, 7:30— Amateur Program. T which the Japanese classify as ag­ 8:00—Rudy Valleo'a Variety Show. 2:18— Happy Hollow. lAMSCO tU7ER IlLaXE havo been obmpleted. The businesa Int Tel and Tel . First Nat Bank ...... 90 — former state dairy and food com­ CONVENTION CITY IMPERIAL Bioyelaa gressive, making no reatrictlon on wf'u I f ciAO ro AsvANCf rou 9:00— Captain Henry's Showboat. 2:30— American School o f the Air. MICKEY MOUSE meeting will start at 7:80 o'clock in Johns Manvllle . Htfd. Conn. Trust ___ 63 67 OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR missioner, was destroyed by fire lalltMMOTOBIKE | | 0 8 O t o Kennecott ...... Hartford National .... 28 27 today. New York, Dec. 12.— (A P ) —The tonnage of defense ships. Ilia. ifii. Ill* 0 1 iffs r« 10:00— Paul Whiteman's Music H all 3:00— Bolek Muaicalc. order Uiat a social time may follow Although the French joined In the 11:00— News. 3:30— Mark W am ow 's Blue Velvet Hot Water Heater wM IW Mvfiirt Iwta truiiii ruix. the degree work and meeting. Lehigh Val Coal Phoenix St. B. and T . . 195 — The house dated back to the Colo­ Republican state executive commit­ ^ANd rOUl tIASONAl HMOiASn. Overnight A, P. 58r*—effictrifi hm4 smS US MOVIE JECTOR Lehigh Val Rd . Insurance Storks nial days and contained many valu­ general opposition to rejection of 11:18— Ernie .Andrew's Orchestra. orchestra. UrfaU—newfiflt \jym itreaerfleed Three weeka ago tbe second de- Edith rhapman Named tee was on record today In support itOMir ACCOMMOOAOON ro aii L lgg and Myers B Aetna Ca.sualty ...... 112 116 able antiques. I t was occupied by the Japanese demands, a spokes­ 11:48— Meredith Dlllson'a Orches­ 41* with Jewel • 8 6 - ^ flhows Ibo faauw WbH grae, in full form, waa put on by of Chicago as the city for the 1936 man for the French delegation said News Loew’s ...... Aetna Fire ...... 60 62 Most Exct'llent Chief —Date W arner's son. Norman, and the lat­ iM.iorro rioAii rfiMS ro suit tra. t«pl hit New Dfp8rt«r$ coMtor IMiaoy's cbaraotsit.ia Klag David Lodge under the direc­ G. O. P. National convention. the outlook was not regarded as br*hc—tiMmeleS hi 4«Fh mwmm of Next Meeting Changed. ter's children. 13:00 Mldn.— Silent ^oolors and aotion. tion of Past Grand Patriarch August Lorlllard ...... Aetna Life ...... 37'4 30’.j The executive committee of the black. rOU« tNCOMf COMR IN Ot mONL wllh ilrlpt 8ii5 chiiilw i Mont W a r d ...... Automobile ...... 42H 4 4 'i No official estimate of the dam- state organization, meeting yester­ New Haven—Dr. Ira V. Hlacock, pM«4 ftwitw. H . Blmonsen. A t that meeting more "From our point of view,” said Tomorrow's Program National Bisc . .. Conn. General ...... 43'4 45'.;. Memorlal Temple Pythian Sisters age was given, but neighbors said It professor of public health at Vale, than 800 parsons attended. It is day. asked Charles D. Hl'les and the spokcaman, "nothing very seri­ an wwd MM Iwft T:00 ft. m.— Morning Watch— Ben Nat Cash Reg .. Hartford Fire ...... 82'4 84'.j have elected the following officers , would exceed $10,000, advocated an annual per capita tax A leiBtifBl 98e expected that half aa many will be Ruth B. Pratt, New York members ous happened today.” I.oans On Yoar Own SlMnatam Hawthorne. . 7 5 Hartford Steam Boiler 74 76 to serve for the coming year; Most j The fire, discovered at 4 a. m., la of one dollar to enable health de­ present tomorrow evening. Several N at Dairy ...... of the National committee, to urge Observers took the remark aa In­ 6:00— News. BIKE *31 1 excellent chief, Mrs. Edith Chap-i believed to have originated In the partments to combat tmneccssary membere of the Grand Lodge I. o. N at D is till...... National Fire ...... 77'4 79'.i j selection of Chicago, scene of the dicating that the question of a com­ 8:16— Happy Jack, songs. Other CAIN AM XAaV TRaUg man, past chief, Mrs. Mary Hills; chimney. Neighbors formed a i convention three years ago. (Eastern Standard Time.) disease. Dr. Hlscock told the New Tim M mIIsm uWe re*. O. P, of Connecticut are expected N Y Central . . . . Phoenix Fire ...... 96 98 mon upper limit, which Involves 8:80— Cheerio. N Y N H and H .. Travelers ...... 650 670 excellent senior, - Irp. Mercyl Peck- bucket brigade and the East Hamp- 1 The Naftonal committee Is sched- 7mmItoom a—State Theater Haven branch of the American As­ Hot Water I to attend. -i h.mi; excellent junior, Airs. Annie Japanese parity with Great Britain 9:0b— Radio Bazaar. Noble Grand Tbom felt has Issued North Amer .... Putille I'tim ies Stacks nr... nr, ,,r, nr — dopOTtment succecdcd In I uled to meet Monday In Washing­ and the United States, had not nec­ Bslldlnc 10:00— Food Newe. New York, Dec. 12.— (AP) — A sociation of University Workers HEATERS I Packard ...... Conn Lt. and Pow com 63 67 Alley; manager, Mrs. Etta Perkins; saving a large bam and ahed. | ton. Telephone M M such a plan would lead to Improved KiWtft 1086 Modhl^hroma Invltatlona to nearby Odd Fellow essarily been completely discarded. Ysa Main Streot 10:16— Home Sweet Home. public conalatory at Vatican <^ty. In J i o v n . Penn ...... Conn. Pow ...... 47 49 mistress o f records and corres­ economic security. pUUd modirniftio dhtigiL $3.33 to lodges and Invites any Odd Fellow pondence. Mrs. Janet Linnell; mls- 10:80— ^Tbe M ystery Chef- which the red bat will be bestowed All B rtfi tubulaV Radiator. n u n Phlla Rdg C and Greenwich. VV&G, pfd. 57 62 10:4S— Musical Varieties. on 20 cardinals. Is announced aa New Haven—A robbery and two $8.95 not a member of the local lodge to trc.ss of finance, Sarah Tomlinson: Powerful Otoiral Indoitriof A 1 ^ ssloctioa ef snbJsols Phil Pete ...... Hartford Elec ...... 67 09 11:00— ^Walter Damrosch'a Concert the WABC-CBS overseas broadcast unsuccessful attempts at hold-ups Kiddls Plasr Autos attend. Aa It Is tbe Noble Grand’s prole: tor, Susan Bldv.cll; guard, Slectrio Motor Oomplats . and ehoractara for nsoos Pub Serv N J .. Hartford Gas ...... 42 46 12:00 Noon— Marc Williams, Sing­ for Sunday. here and what appeared to be an a t­ Ths fin iit yon eaa bny----- a larg* vs. degree It la expected many of tbe Agnes Dickson: pianist. Ada Pcck- with all otoeuarjr fittings. ^Weksy Moiim I I otIo A Past Noble Grands of King David Radio ...... do., pfd...... 53 - ing Cowboy. Tuning tn tonight (Thursday); tempt at a hold-up tn West Haven risty of itylss aad colors to Mioet from bam; rcprc.scntative to the grand bad police of the two communities ■ H o f IFtfans Ixxlge will attend. ReadInjL ...... S N E T Co ...... 133 137 lodge. Carrie Samlow; alternate, THE PERFECT COMBINATION FOR ANY FURNACE 12:18 p. tn.— Honeyboy and Sassa­ W E A FS-N B C : 7:30— Ed Hill, A W JO Value Rem R ^ d ...... Mnniifaeturlng Stocks fras. schedule change; 8—Rudy Vallee on the alert. Mary Hills; Installing officers. Hartford^—The slogan "Govern­ $ 4.44 n 8I 4 .W Rey Tob B ...... Am Hardware ...... 33'4 35't Fiances Chambers; press corres­ 12:30— ^Merry Madcaps — Norman Hour; 9—Lanny Ross Showboat; S9c Safeway Stores . Am Hosiery ...... 25 ' Cloutier, director, with Bob Eiils, 10—Crosby and Whiteman; 11:35— ment la craft, not graft" won for pondent, Edith Chapman; degree Mrs. Ward Phelps of ‘ Hartford PLAN BIG MERGER Schenley DIs . .. ArrowHandH.com.. 36'4 3 7 V4 (To WBAF-NBC). Minneapolis Symphony, new series; mistre.ss, Frances Ch.smbers. honorable mention in a nation-wide Sears Roebuck .. do., pfd...... 107 __ 1:00— News and Weather. 1;15 Hit 12:30— Freddie Martin orchestra. A drarvlng on the five dollar bill contest by tbs National League of SHOP OUR STORES 5 ^ / / Shell U n io n ...... Billings and Spencer.. ’ 4 144 will take place In Odd Fellows hall Tune. WAB&CBS: 7:80—Kate Smith; 8 T h e r m o 1:20— Laurel Trio. Voters. The contest waa a OF U. S. METHODISTS Socony Vac ...... Bristol Brass ...... 60 62 In the afternoon of the 24th, In — Teddy Bergman; 8:80— Reinald STUL CoasterW agon f t HIDE on Lo co M o n vi South Pac ...... Case, Lockwood and B. 175 __ p P P E R S 1:80— Tommy Tucker's Orchestra. slogan to be used by the league In OABBBASDnm) lOLVCMIUai charge of the following committee: Werrenrath, final concert; 9—Wal­ Its campaign for qualified govern­ South Rwy ...... Collins Co...... 125 __ 1:45—Jules umde'a Concert En­ ... _ —^ Lwga Inbhor Tir«s,4 U laakM iMf. MUt gf ^ (Oentlnoed from Page One) Sarah Miller, Mercyi Peckham, ter O'Keefe; 9:80— T o Arm s for ment personnel. St Brands ...... Colt's Firearms ...... 6214 844 Automatic semble. Dual Emergency IBontr 88l/ita.ioBg,I81n.^,^ •hMi itteL ■isbiisgly Sarah Tomlinson, Carrie Samlow. Peace, Rear Admiral Cary T. Gray­ Westport—Four year old William iBearlnc Whocli St Gas and Elec Eagle Lock ...... 28 H 30 >,4 2:00— Ouy Hedlund and Company. sylda, Z% in. ^ i$n rat$ 4 WM h ship In the United States Into six Returns must be made before that son; 10:45— Lyric Mixed TTlo. Wtlllama waa knocked down by a Lh$r Uni wIiMla St Oil Cal ...... Fafnlr Bearings ...... 88 __ 2:80— Airbreaks. CHAINS areas and the work outside the time. W JZ-NBC: 7:18— Band Goei to truck In front of bla parents' home St o n N J ...... 8:00— P at Kennedy, Tenor. lasy to Fat On and Take Off United States Into a aeriea o f cen­ Fuller Brush, Class A . 12 14 The next meeting which would Town; 8— Hendrik Van Loon; 8:80— and suffered a fractured akuU. Tex Corp ...... Gray Tel Pay Station. 23>4 2514 HEAT REGULATOR 3:15— Ma Perkins. tral conferences. ordinarily fall on the 24 th has been Rochester Philharmonic; 9:80 — New London—A testimonial din­ All Uiss * 1 98c Timken Roller Be Hart and Cooley ...... liB — changed to the 30th on account of 3:80— Vic and Sode. While the new name drops the 8:46—The O'Neils. America’s Town Meeting; 10:48 — ner was held for Superior Court Up to 8.80 Q F $ 1 . 2 9 1 Trans America Hartmann Tob. com.. — 4 Christmas eve. On the latter date word "Episcopal," Dr. Woolcvcr Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt address; 11:80 Judge AUyn L. Brown who recently Union Carbide . do., pfd...... 30 — a supper w ill be served at 6:30 and b K E — Ben Bemle Lada. AH 81100 rs assy—88 lac said It bad been agreed that the waa appointed to the Supreme Court Urg* Mltctiea____ Union P a c ...... Int Silver ...... 19 21 a combined Christmas party and What to Expect Friday; It high. church 'shall bo Elplkcopal In gov­ of Errors. Up to 6.78 A / a j S E i s r " WIOKIA OASXUOn Unit Alrcraift .. do., pfd...... 60 63 12th anniversary celebration will WBAF-NBC: 11 a. m.—Music Ap­ ernment and administration." Hartford — Stata Tax Commis­ had BHOU8H ■ T T U i Unit Corp ...... Landers. Frary ft Clk. 8014 62 H follow. AU members are urged to preciation (also W JZ-N B C ); 2:80 p. RIDE dN WATER TOWER The plan declares "the articles of sioner William H. Hackett said he THE MYSTERY CAR^ O O AO R M fnm Unit Gas Imp . New Brit. Mch., com.. 18>4 1714 make their plans to attend. Mrs. WDRC m.— Alrbrealta: 6 — A1 Pearoe. BATTBST OHAIUIU 18 iaohst laof — 81 religion shall be those historically will ask the State Board of Finance U 8 Ind Ale . . . do., pfd...... 86 — Frances CHiambera will be chair­ THE HIQH-TEST FUEL W ABC-CBS— 2:80— School o f the and O>ntrol for additional funds OMkvrw toiUCT} 6|M Is laskss high — fhoots: $2.95 to $9.95 held In common by the three unit­ man. She win be assisted by the 326 Hartford, Conn. 1830 ■a. nr. A I*dl tin r«r $ 2 . 9 8 U S Rubber ... Mann ft' Bow, Clasa A S 9 Air; 4—Talk, Sir Norman Angell; with which to hire help to conduct oar mr. I waior M ft. ing churches.” U S S m e lt...... standing social committee and by Many mt year aelghkws zay lt*« the (Bastom Btoodard Time.) do,. Class B ...... ' 1 3— U. S. Marine Band; 6:15— M ary an Inveitlgatlon into tbe "open” ac­ A Oorgaoaa Tbe plan also provides for a unit­ U S Steel ...... Ntle>„ Bern Pond ...... 29 31 Mrs. Ada Peckham and Airs. Gladys ■iezt aateazatle ef m IM faelz — Small, aonga, j counts of James W. Carey, former ing conference with power to "har­ Vick Chem ____ North and Judd ...... 3214 8414 Modean. It’z ze rez|Mazlee te 4raf( etU rti, nmraday, December 13 Danbury tax collector now imder ■election of | monize and combine" regulations, W eatem Union Peck, Stow and Wilcox 7 9 4:00— Salvation Arm y Staff Bond. arrest. He said state’s attorney for ■M allfal rituals, and other activities. W est El and M fg Russell M fg...... 33 38 4:16—Chonsonette. LEGION RIFLE TEAM Falrfleld county William H. Comley M* wWSW - The jurisdictional conferences will Woolworth S*>vlll ...... 3114 33'4 F yon enjoy the conven­ an d prevents ovei^heallng. had made tbe request bis depart­ 0* toittniw — OLSON TO CONTINUE INSTALLED COMPLETE 4:80— Without A Name. DOLLS exercise considerable local auton­ Elec Bond and Share (Curb). 1ST, Stanley Works ...... 39 41 iences of Koppera Coke, Simple in operation and fully 5:00— Terry and Ted. ment aid In the Investigation. omy, Including the election of Standard Screw IIB __ I IN YOUR FURNACE Hartford—Henry C. C. Miles of tn m 6:15— Carl Moore and his Viva- WINS IN CLOSE MATCH bishops, who will be the principal do., pfd., guar...... 10'’ __ you know whet steady com­ guaranteed for one year with Milford was elected president of the PAIN T CONTRACTING to^vn Band. 8 9 c t o l presiding and administrative olll- FOREIGN EXCHANGE Smyth Mfg. Co...... 68 — fortable heat it glvea with ■ a 15 day money-baeik try-out 6:30—Jack Armatrong. Connecticut Pomological Society ot cara. Taylor and F e n n ...... 78 __ Only 6 Points Between Locals which be had been secretary 38 minim am of attention and period. 6:46— Tito Ouizar. year*. ^ . 9 5 Dr. Woolever said; Torrington ...... 0014 9314 Sale of Supply Store Doea Not 6:00—Yankee Network News Serv­ and Middletown Sqnad After New York. Dec. 12.— (A P )—For- work— o f maximum aeonomyl Hartford — Henry J. Roraback "Thla event. It Is believed by the Underwood M fg. Co. .. 88I4 87>,4 Include Painting, Decorating loe. Last Night’s Shoot. leaden In the movement, signallzea elgn M chan« Arm; Great Britain Union Mfg. Co...... 714 9V4 Remember, Koppera Coke la and Katherine Byre, members ot the In dollars, others In cents; and Paper Hanging Business. 6:16— PatU Chapin. Republican National committee, 'onuTMAB n n ■■» the moj|t epochal event In American U 8 Envelope ...... loO __ Now you can practically forget more responsive to automatic Great Britain demand, 4.92H; ca- do., pfd ...... 128 __ 6:80— Eddie Caaey— Football Re­ The Manchester American Legion said they will vote In favor of bold­ 1936 Model 5L L i o n e l t r a i n s church Hfe and In all Protestantism Wea. 4.92 60 day bills, 4.91H; Although John I. Olson haa dis­ furnace attention with the new porter. rifle team won again last night, ing tbe party's national convention alnee the reformation." Veeder Root ...... 8914 7114 control because It is purer fuel Franca demand, 6 6144; cables, 6.- posed o f his paint supply house and 6:46—George Hall's orchestra. shooting against tha Hlddlatown at some city in the mlfl-west when Whitlock Coll Pipe ... __ 3 itore In the Johnson block be has Th'ermatic Heal Regulator, in­ dial bums to a fine powdery 8 08 ’ ; Greece, .9414; Poland, regular perioda and the Service Man show you what a medical examiner said he bad com­ MECHUICU. laiLROM .*)f«eaB'Balbt. .9 lor N Comba, who haa been giving the 8:80— Atw ater Kent Hour. Bfaacheater drive the blrda into It, he started 18.85; Cz.'ehoslovakla, 4.1B'4 ; Jugo­ Never lets fire get too low — elimi­ mitted aulcide. :>amc gilded key to all the dla- Thermatie doea the resL Auto­ real bargain the Thermatie 9 :00—Camel Caravan—Casa Loma P. ^ Ma zd a Batht., in easA bock for comp. Then he was fooled. slavia, 2.29: Austria, 18.80N; Hun­ S. K. OH. T. Hartford — Dr. John D. Hertz ot tir.guUbed vlsltora—who ahortiv matically maintalna any de­ orchestra. W alter O’Keefe, and OHSamUB OAHDU Ha got loat In the wcods. gary, 29.60N; Rumania, .83; Argen­ is, and why it performs best nates “ forcing” . . . Operates at % E. Carlson .. 49 50 88 48—193 Stamford was alacted prestdeot of Oat poUet calls at wall aa afterward gave It back— didn't Tad Huaing. J. A ly e n ...... M i nut M n U tA tf tine, 32.83N'; BrazlL 8 B9N; Tokyo STUDENTS sired temperature, day and with Koppera Coke— the high- 49 47 47 42— 186 tbe Horace W ells club. rtn n r broadeasta Fewtr. 28.70: Shanghai, 29 80; Hongkong know what to do when Mr, Alurphy degree change in temperatnre . . . 9:80—To Anna for Peace. P. Newcomb 49 48 48 41— 181 Hartford — Stata Senator Fran­ IntoeWi wtoW Is Ibnwae, M.25; Mexico City 27.85. Montreal just kept It. Now la the proper time to JiighL Controla the furnace teat fu d made to order fo r 10:00— Haldt'a Brlgmdieri. 1 fa l, dear rtespUoa—hoastt. Jtaw d n ^ U a a ipaiidng leooBOItva—4 HELPFUL DUST L. Chapin . .. 50 47 44 40— 181 cis Hogan of Torrington, a motor fn l cabinet—foU vision atro- In New York, 98 9844; New York In rent or buy a good Standard while yon’re out. Saves fuel Prevents excess boUer pressure . . . 10:30— March of Tbna. H. Madden .. 49 45 45 39— 178 vehicle department employe, sraz Wtoflir gu alilt—oO cat laboets aad f or Portable New England winters. '.^OM dial — Uecnisd by 19c 8 L Paul—Friends of Joseph Koz- Montreal. 101.0614. 10:46—Richard' Hlmbcr's orchestra. elected president of the Capitol W O M to v a lo f irasli, c KEEPI.VO THE REES BUSY Pays for itself many times in fuel Qub. BOA—eompltu with 6 tnbw lowskl. 22. and Boyd Gilman, 20. 11:00— Yankee Network News Berv- 918 aad baHt-ta atrial— C. N. O. PRO M O TIO N Ice. Hartford — Dan Jeasee, Trinity a nrv«**«.Otktr Trdna $4e to $1.81 *4,'Sf-.24c v.Tote the names of the pair In the Batavia, N. Y .—John DemuUi and Typewriter savings. ' Middletown yoagstn Bnib dust on a car they drove when they 11:16— Irving Aaronson's orchestra. P. S. K. OH. T. football coach, won tbe Green Derby ^ o p UONEL t r a i n s AND Hartford, Dec. 12.— (AP)—The bla bees are following tbe sunshine Special. Benuu Katea visited at LUchfleld, Minn. The car, south. 11:30— laham Jonas' orchaetra, Taylor ...... 80 50 45 48— 188 ito ry telling contaat at the annual adjutant general announced today To Stupraia. dinner of tha Cantiol Connecticut AT <|^TSA1^GS *»^!**« Sc* ahandoned later In Minneapolis, waa I l■IV■■Lns .SOroHCASH I A miNETTMCAta Bldwall ...... 48 47 • 1 1 » * the promotion to captain of Firit DemuUi who believes it's a waste 48 44— 186 Football Aaoelatlon. ideoUfled at stolen from D. R. of honey and money to let bees loaf Service Typewriter Co. Tsmonow's Program A lltn ...... 60 Lieut. Richard Henderson, Troop H. 48 43 42— 183 Waterbury— Benjamin Osoroff. In the wintertime, expects to In­ n Asylum 8 t 6-07IS 8:00— Tonkte Netw ork News Serv. Pedalty. It atlU carried the names. 122d Cavalry. He will remain in Blake 49 47 45 88— 179 crease bla 210 colonies "to 800 b” Hartford, Conn. FOR PROMPT DEUVERY/iAoiieEnterprise 1450iSSSa'orYoiir Dealer ice. 34. general manager of tbe Benrua Xoalowikl got 10 years In prison, his present assignment aa successor C o tt e r ...... 49, 48 43 87— 177 Mfg. company, watch manufactur­ CUman a suspended sentence. spring and g e l a double, crop o t Leeul A gea le— Kemp’s, Inc. 8:16— Shoppers JpecioL ^ CapL Louis S. Tracy, promoted. boney besides. 8:00—P ear Oolumhia. ' ^ •[ ers, waa orrasted on 28 counts of HEAR FRANK A FLO TIm Hipnf Mr - 7 i4 5 F.M. - WTIOiWICC - Tii$s.-WMl..FrL ★ ★ ★ 1 •U vloUUcB oc tbe state labor tows.

j, i MANCHESTER THtTRSDAT, OECHSMBER 12, tMB. H MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. o6n N„ THURSDAY, D E^IBBR 1*,' 198ft. She Auto Prove TOPROMOUTOWN OBITUARY GOODSEU. LOSES a Happy Bride Action That Wasn*tin the Script! WITH NEW SLOGAN FUNERALS HK STATE POST Quintuplets Stagre Their Own Little Rousrh and Tumble Four - Act Mrs. L yaewa Davis Mra. Lyaena Davia, who died at H. S. Downs Rockville; New Britain Tops Trade' Comedy Wheil Introduced To Their Fellow Movie Star, Jean Hersholt tbe home o f her son, Leon Davia, H nd of National Society To Fhce 'C ba m ” Phrase On at Hope, North Carolina, Tuesday, Board of Finance and Control was buried today In Towanda, Pa. .Sports Review of 1935. Sign Near McLean Hill — Mra. Davia waa formerly a resident Asserts Advertiamg Is of Manchester and lived In the Declares Inrestigator’s CHICA(X) CUBS SEEK ANOTHER Johnson building on Main street Be­ RED AND WHITE TRAILS Stnijr Bns His. sides her son mentioned above, she AUifton, Budge A n d T he Helens Needed to Sell Snrphis. leaves two grandsons, Clarence Job Is Vacant. Davia of Hartford, Clyde Davis of AT HALF BUT STAGES A Rockville; one granddaughter, Mra RELIABLE STARTING PITCHER Manchester's recently adopted Hartford. Dec. 12— (A P ) —Apple Florence Zaugg of Hartford, and Hartford, Dec. 12.— (A P )—Lewis Pace U. S. Court Forces In ’35 fTowen of the Nation were urged slogan—"A City of Village Charm" three great grandchildren. E. Ooodsell of Bethel, leader of the today to adopt cooperative celling w ill be placed upon a large bill­ Young Republican CHubs of the SPURT TO WIN BY 28-17 progranu to take up the surplus board at the foot of McLean HUI, John Zelasner state, lost his job today as investi­ RUMOR CURT DAVIS supply formerly disposed of in gator for the State Tuberculosis Methodists, Held a Setup, By BOB OAVAONAKO west of Love Lane, It was voted to­ Tbe funeral of John Zeisaner was forei^ markets. held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from Commission. (Associated Piees Sports Writer) B b X In an address "a call to action.” day by the Civic Progresa commit­ the Holloran funeral home- at 178 The office, created last June Mechanics Lose Oit a 0Te^ B. 8. Pickett. Ames. la., president tee. The large advertising sign, the Center street Burial was In Center without formal action of the com­ WILL BE OBTAINED Drubbed Notre Dame, 20-14 New York. Dec. 12.— (A P )—The of the American Pomolo^cal So­ property of E. J. Holl and proffered cemetery. North Coventry. Rev. L. mission was declared vacant by the comeback of Mrs. Helen Wills ciety now holding Its 81st annual by him to the committee, Is located H. Austin officiated. The bearers State Board of Finance and Control. Moody; the collapse of Fred Perry SCORE. time Period, 33-29, to convention here, strongly urged in a spot that ahould not jar those were members of the family. This action, taken at today's FOR CHUCK KLEIN (EDITOR’S NOTE; This is the^ That waa Just a starter for the growers to take a leaf from the ex­ in defense of the American singles whose esthetic natures condemn meeting of the board with full ap­ concluding story of a series on Metbodista In their interssctlonal Manchester periences of growers of other pro­ Southern Methodist University's RO- championship, sad the sscendency Hardware City Rhra^ billboards. N o particularly ai-trac- proval of Governor Cro.ss, follows sweep that season. They blanked P. P. T. ducts that had successfully market­ ear football history, which traced Uve vista w ill be harmed by the the commission’s 3 to 2 vote, Mon­ Indiana, 27 to 0, and swamped of red-headed Don Budge to Inter­ 1 Clarke, r f ...... 0 0-1 0 ed their produce by means of na­ le ups and downs of the sehoors Navy. 20 to 7, but back home they board. It w ill in fact be so de­ day, to retain Goodsell. S national stature shared the spot­ 3 Opalaob, tf ...... 1 0-2 2 tional advertising and cooperative MISTAKEN ARREST Swap Is Warm PossibHity to grid teams from 1915 to the Rose e ga light of tbe 1935 world tennis cham­ 0 Clarkemen at West Hari' signed as to add to the scenic at­ Attorney-General Edward J. Daly Urbanettt, rf .. . . 0 0-0 0 selling campaigns. Bowl bid in 1935). held to a tie in another. The confer­ pions. 0 Moorhouse, it . 0-0 0 tractiveness rather than detract placed the Goodsell issue before the ...0 Pointing out that the export ence title went to the Methodlsta International speaking, the Unit­ 0 from It. It waa voted to have the SInnamon, If .. 1 0-0 2 ford Tomorrow in Tilt. market either by trade barriers or board, reporting that records of the^ Jndge by Actions of Man­ By FLEX B. HoKNlGHT again in 1931. ed States made some Inroads on W eir, U ...... publicity sub-committee arrange to IN TRUCK CASE 8 .. 3 1-3 5 increased apple production In Eu­ commis.slon’s meetings failed ^ Atsoclatod Press Staff Writer. A fte r two lean aeasons, a thy, tbe world supremacy established 0 Oavello, 0 ...... 1 8-4 4 have the slogan painted on the board rope hnd caused a 9 per cent, de­ show that it had ever voted to el agers; Qninn of Braves Dallas, Tex., Dec. 12.—(A P I- 150-pound youngster, Bobby Wilson, by Great Britain In 1984. Mra. 1 KosO, 0 ...... 1 1-1 8 cline in the sales abroad. Mr. Immediately. tablish the office of investigator.^ Cagey Southern Methodtet backs, joined the Methodist Armada and Moody won the women's title at 3 Woodbouse, o . .. 0 0-0 0 As was expected. Manchester Pickett said that this loss ought In meeting today the Civic Pro­ The commission officially au­ schooled In Coach Ray Morrison’s once again the Mustangs began Wimbledon; the veteran Wllmer 1 CampbeU, rg . .. 0 0-0 0 High had IltUo difficulty In register­ easily be taken up In the domestic gress committee discussed at length Charles F. Zelonis Released thorized Miss Julia Cummings, Also Hints at a Deal. aerial legerdemain, virtually snatch­ leaving their hoof prints on football Allison restored the Ameiican 1 Dougao, rg ... . . 1 0-0 2 ing its third triumph of the 1935-86 market by Improved selling the local bus and trolley services. ed rabbits from hats before bewil­ records. He made hla mark at half­ championship to America, while secretary, to restore several cleri­ 0 Vennart, rg . . . ..1 0-0 2 basketball campaign last night methods. He pointed to the success It was brought out that the service cal jobs which had been abolished. dered eyes of Knate Rockne’s Irish back behind a great line developed Uncle Sam's representatives also 2 Bycholski, ig . . 4 0-6 8 against Rockville High, the Red and o f the citrus fruit dealers and said Is anything but satisfactory espe­ As Witness Admits Erring Miss Oimmings, with permission of In 1930 to bolster the position of by Madison (Matty) Bell, who was clung to the WIghtman cup and the 0 Horvath, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 that It could be duplicated by the Who’s coming into our nursery? Looks like Dr. Dafoe, but you can't fool us. By WILUAM WEEKES cially In the matter of connecting Dr. Stephen J. Maher, chairman, southwest football with the nation's signed as line coach after being re­ U. S. women's crown after fighting W hite hoopstera turning back tha apple growers if they would take Associated Preea Sports Writer sports fans. busses and trolleys. The transpor­ added the job of Investigator and leased as head mentor by Texas A. off determined challenges from 12 l a 4-16 28 Windy City aggregation by a score concerted action. m Taking License Number Rockne booked the Methodist and M. tation coRunlttee was directed to appointed Goodsell to the new post. England. RoekvIUe (17) of 88 to 17 after trailing at half* -Crop Increased Chicago, Dec. 12.— (A P )—Their Mustangs for tbe dedication game Bell became the ringmaster last take the matter up with the Con­ The finance board authorized the Davia CMppers Fall P. B. F. T. time by 11 to 8. As a result, Man­ Apple pr^uctlon. Mr. Pickett necticut Company authorities and rivals in the last world series, the of tbe new stadium at South Bend. spring when Ray Morrison desert­ The disappointment of the year, 1 Kristofak, rf .. .. 8 0-0 4 chester goes Into Its C. C. I. L. en­ said, had Increased from 57.000,OOU The charge ot reckless drivinc; e.«tablishment of the post. Today point out the faults in the present Detroit Tigers, having repaired a The 22,000 spectators came for the ed the aerial clrct's for Vanderbilt, however, was the dismal showing 0 Wilson, r f ____ . 0 3-4 8 counter with William Hall High at bushels In 1919 to approximately against Charles F. Zelonis, 29. of the board held it was not informed set-up. It was especially noted weak apot by the acquisition of Al dedication ceremonies. Any thought hts alma mater. He took Morriaon'e of the American Davis cup team in 0 Staklenski, if . . 0 1-1 1 West Hartford toroorrov,' night with 200,000,000 In 193t. But with In­ 8,’i Hollister street, was "dropped" at the time that the commission that service to the Manchester Simmons, the National League of a Texas team holdi^ Notre serial tricks, added new ones, work­ the challenge sound against Eng­ 8 Ludke, i f ...... 0 0-1 0 a perfect record to protect. creased population and better pub­ in the Hartford police court yester­ Jiad not acted form ally and. there­ Dame, national mythical champions Green section Is poor. The commit­ appeared on the verge ed harder with nls Mne and hie first land. The Stars and Stripes were 8 Kunley, e . . . . . 3 1-4 5 At New Britain, tb Hardwara lic understanding o f wide uses of day after the witness who supplied fore, sanctioneu the move without the year before, to less than four or vear as head coach produced a team tee will further Its attempts to of doing something along tbe same whitewashed In the five-match se­ 0 Wright, e ..., . 0 0-0 0 City Trade quintet no.sed out Man­ apples, there was no question but It was a '‘mocormonlal" merxer the police with the registration of knowing the facts. Under the cir­ five touchdowns bordered on the ab­ that won the Roee Bowl bid. have the Sliver Lane bus route ex­ line today. ries at Wimbledon. Even on the eve 8 Bchewy, rg ...... 1 2-3 4 chester Trade In an overtime thrill­ that the export loss could be mini­ when charming Healer Deane, the truck driven by Zelonis, told the cumstances the board rescinded Its surd. With Wllson'e fiylng feet. Full­ tended further Into the town. W here the Tigers needed, and of a new year and with America's 1 Berthold, rg ,. .. 0 0-0 0 er, 33 to 29. It was a ding dow, mised. aboyo, eloped to Viima with court he had made a mistake form er action, and beginning today got. another strong outfielder in Tbe game took decided preference back Harry Shuffo’ d's sturdy block­ promising young players a year old­ James P. I.«wls, New York so­ Rev, Dr. Earl E. Story, pastor of 2 Gessay, ig .... . 0 0-0 0 nip and tuck uattle all the way with Mr. Pickett pointed out that num­ The Carlson and company express Comptroller C. C. Swartz cannot Simmons, the Cubs* most pressing over ceremonies three minutes after ing and line plunging; Tackle Orr*a er In experience, our chances of 0 ciety man. Bceaune she has ap­ the South Methodist Episcopal RachbwskI, ig . 0 0-2 0 neither team able to (tain a com­ erous agencies might be harnessed concern, one of whose trucks Ze­ include him on the state’s payroll. lack last season war one more reli­ Its etart when “Speedy" Mason, placement kicking which netted 86 lifting tbe cup are not as bright os manding lead. Manchester was out peared as a model In so many church, was named chairman of a Methodist back, rlfied a pass to to produce a cooperative effort and lonis was driving when the mistake It was explained that the com­ able starting pitcher. They did nice­ points, a great line and a smooth they were last year, when there was 18 8 17 front by the slim marrfin o f a aingla automobile adyertlaoments, the new Bub-commlttee today, a recep­ Wlngman Louis Long for 53 yards reminded the growers that if ap­ was made, has a high rating for mission cannot keep him on without ly in their own league without, but working backfield the Texans only a flicker o f hope. Score mt halfUme, 11-8, Rock- point at halftime, 13-12, but when proximately $1 a thousand bushels young Aim actress Is known ns tion committee. It is designed to and a touchdown. A 88-yard kick­ amassed 288 points while giving up safe and careful driving, Mr. Carlson approval of the finance board. There Manager Charlie Grimm never Mrs. Moody came out of a two- viile. Referee, Malin. Time, eight tha final whistle shrilled ths count was expended upon advertising an the "OIrl with the Fisher body." Icam of new residents In town and ceased to yearn. off return by Joe Savoldl and a 88- only 32 to the oppoaltion. jrear retirement for one of the moat stated this morning. is talk of placing him in the state minute quarters. waa deadlocked at 28-aU, makliig excellent return would unquestion­ And her husband Is heir to a welcome them to the community, To Get Oort Davis yard punt return by Frank Ctartdeo 'They won an even dozen victories, stirring trlumpha of her career. She agencies unit of the Public Welfare three minutet o f sxtra play naeae- ably result. It was the lack of any aparkplug fortune The couple acquaint them with the town's assets It was reported that the on-aad- produced two Irish touchdowns. The and want to win another—against made an Independent invasion of sory. Department headed by F'rederlc C. BoekvUlaSiida (U ) New Britain manAtad toI icol­ such unified effort, he said, that were wed before, but the mar­ and facilities and urge upon them h a r g e is d r o p p e d eS dsal by which tbe Cubs would pesky Miutangs won 20 to 14, with Stanford at Pasadena on New Bnriand and signalized her coma- lect five pointa la tee overtime to prevented further gains in the in­ riage was annulled. participation In municipal activities. : Walcott. obtain Curt Oavts, star righthander just seconds to spar*. Year’s Day. baA by winning the St George’s P. B. F. 1 Haneheafer'e one to hand tbe leeal dustry. The ouster move against (3ood- of the Phillies, (cr Outfielder (Thuck Hill tournament, m t abe received Finance, rf ...... i.t 1-3 Mecbanlee their third defeat in Awr Medals Aivardfid ON PEDDLING ARREST sell was led in the commission by Klein, was on again. Tbe plot waa a temporary aetback in the Kent 8 Usher, r f ...... , 0 0-0 ■tartg to date. Tbe game waa mark­ Following Mr. Pickett's address John T. Walsh of Ansonia and Mrs, thick yesterday morning, thinned tournament when ehe was beaten 8 Sargent, I f ...... 3 1-3 ed by considerable personal contaet 0 the Wilder Medal committee of the TEMPLE CHAPTER, O.E.S. Boo! I don't care if you are a famous actor! Who's afraid of the big bad star? Fannie Dixon Welch. Democrats. out almost to nothing last night, In the aemi-flnal by K ay Stammers. M a A . i t ...... 0 0-0 wbiob resulted m tee calling ef nu­ 0 Amerlcsn Pomological Society No Local By-Law Exists Under They complained they were not con­ and thickened up again after mld- And then, one by one, aha mat Steele, If ...... - 0 0-3 merous fouls on bote teams. awarded silver medals to the Con­ ABOUT TOWN n l^ t . LOUIS BECAME FAMOUS 1 Allen, 0 ...... 8 1-1 sulted when the job was created or and conquered her preliminary ri­ D. S. tennla a ta n aeorad eutetandlng trinmnba la Rockville High ttiade a fight o f Which Arrest Can Be Made; 0 Puts, r g ...... 0 1-8 necticut State college and the Dom- HONORS PAST OFHCERS when Goodsell was appointed. The moat reliable report had It vals In the Wimbledon champion­ B e t a WlUa M o a ij (below) canw ont of ratiremant to defeat arch- its game with 0>ach W . J. ClariM*a inkm Experiment station. Kentvllle, Junior Maccabees will have a No Action Until March. that the Cubs would return Klein, ship until finally she met her arch­ 0 Teabo, Ig ...... - 1 0-1 rehearsal Saturday ninrning at 10 GoodseH’s expense account of rival Helen Jacobs at Wlmblodon. A t tha top arc (left to right) Donald boopmen during tee firs’ half and at Nova Scotia, for extensive educa­ about $50 a month has been held up for whom they gave a reported rival from California, Helen Hull Budge, the new Callforaia Comet who became an international flgura Intermission was Itadlng by ll-S. o’clock In Orange hall for the A YEAR AGO THIS WEEK 8 7 4-is tional exhibits of apples at the ex­ Past Matrons and Patrons The charge of peddling without a by the comptroller pending final ac­ $100,000 and three players In 1933, ■lacobs, In tbe final. It was the through hla European triumphs; Helm Jaoobe, wliuier of the U. 8. This advantage soon vanished In tee position now open at the state ar­ Christmas program they are to to the Phillies for Davia, In addi­ match the tennis public had waited M, H. 8. Seconds (17) give Saturday ovuilng, December local license, placed against Joseph tion. His salary la $50 a week. fourth time, and Wllmer AlUsan, who upset Brit­ third quarter oa Bruno Bycholski mory. Take Part in Initiatory Work tion, tbe Phillies would receive a for since the Forest Hills episode of P. B. F. 21. for parents and frienda. The Pcnnacchia, 25, of Cranston, R. I., ain s Fred Perry In the U. 8. ein-lns and wiai the title. led tea local attack with four twin- The medal which has been In at Masonic Temple. yesterday by Policeman Walter pitcher and possibly a little money. 1933, when Mrs. Moody defaulted to 1 Chister, rf ...... 1 0*0 pointers and Manchester came drill team will also rehonrflo. All Brown Bomber’s Rise Has 0 H. Squatrlto, rf 0 1-1 existence 60 years Is awarded on the Cassells, was dropped by the court The pitchers ment’ oned were Roy REVOLTA CAPTURES Miss Jacobs os she was trailing In tetough with plenty to spare. Aa in children having; i pnrl in the pro- i SNOWBALL CARNIVAL Henshaw, tiny eouthpaw, Fabian the third set. s(ty of Michigan athlete, and former 0 Guthrie, r f ...... 1 0-0 basis o f value of educational ex- ofTiclais because the ordinance re­ tee other two garres ttila season. gram are urgotl to h proj^ent at I Past Matrons' and Patrons' night Kowalik, yoimg righthander, and Beat Back From Hatch Point world’s heavyweight champion, 1 Taggert, i f ...... 1 1-1 hlbts, to individuals who do out­ quiring a license in Manchester was Coach Clarke used hie entire squad standing work and for new varieties 10 o'clock Salurdav. Mrs. Bessie ^ James (Tex) Carleton, veteran Been Rapid Since He De­ A t Wimbledon they divided the clashes with Henry Piers, husky 0 Murphy, I f ...... 0 0-0 Farris will be In charge. was Observed last evening by Tem­ made non-effective by a state law PRIZES ARE AWARDED OPEN Am RASOTA of fourteen players. that following through tests may be righthander obtained from SL Louis first two seta and it seemed Miss Local Sport Hollander, In the s'ar bout at Foot 0 M. Cole, i f ...... 0 0-0 ple Chapter No. 83, O. E. 8. A passed by the last General Assem­ Manchester's seconds dropped grown in any part of the country. a year ago. feated Lee Ramage Last Jacobs would achieve revenge. Guard ball In Hartford tonight. Tbli 3 1 1*4 teair first game tn tere starts In Laura Nelson of 38 W illiam Ktrcet turkey dinner was served to about bly. llia t the swap was a warm possi­ Quickly ehe plied up a 8-2 lead in will be their second meeting there 0 B. Cole, 0 ...... 0 0-0 was six years old yesterday and Booster Club’s Bazaar at North anotear roualng encounter, 18-17, 150 guests and members at 6:30 In Three other men questioned by bility was indicated by the actions the crucial set. Spectators eat back Chatter this year. Oeorge V'on the first bout 0 Brown, o ...... 0 0-0 after tee score was deadlocked st celebrated the event witli a party Shoots 65 for New Course the banquet hall under the direction tbe police yesterday afternoon were Methodist Church Opened o f CStarlle Grimm, manager and vice Dec. 14; Expects to Kayo waiting for tha kill. Ever a re­ but Piers claimed to have been trip­ 0 Hemlngwevy rg . . 1 1-1 nine-all at halftime. Three full for 12 little boys and girls, Fonie of nJERS ESCAPE DEATH of Mrs. Lucie Jor.es. Mrs. Minnie released by the police because of Last Evenini;. president o f the Cubs. A fte r talk­ sourceful competitor. Mra. Moody ped by Referee "Smllcr” LIvingaton 0 E. l^uatrito, rg 1 0-1 teams took tee 'floor for the ' Red them her schoolmates in the first Johnston had charge of the dining the lack of a law under which they ing things over most of the day summoned all her reserve and won We haven’t any exact figures on and at his request another rMeree 0 Berger, rg ...... 0 0-0 Record and His 274 Total tha number of local basketball play- and m i t e . grade at the Hollister street school. room and Mrs. Esther Pickles the could be arrested. Arthur Holmes of North Main with Manager Jimmy Wilson of the Uzcndnn by Sixth Round. the eighth game. Opportunity beck­ will handle tbe match tonight. 1 Obuchowskl, ig . 0 1-8 era wbo are paatlmlng in tha H ert­ WHEN AHtPLANE CRASHES Games were played. Mrs. Nelson decorations. The tables were ar­ The state law specifies a mini­ street won the fifty gallons of fuel Phillies, he said be had given up oned to Miss Jacobs in the next In­ 1 Nell, Ig ...... , 0 0-0 served refreshments that delighted ranged to form a letter "T " and and would return to bii home in S t ning but she couldn't capitalize. ford Induatrial League but Man­ The agile and clever Count a Brlgbtman, Ig .. 0 0-1 mum license fee lower than the one oil donated by the W. G. Olenney Is Ten Below Par. chester la'certainly aa well repre­ the youngsters. Laura received a were decorated with evergreen, red contained in the town by-laws, company for an attendance prize, Louis last n igh t Later, he sudden­ New York, Dec. 12— (A P )— A with Miss Jacobs at match point, Zarynoff wrestles Max Goldberg, pi IIIIM Motor Drops Off Machine But number of remembrances. and silver polnsettias and red can­ ly announced that he bad to stay Mra. Moody sent across a feeble sented as any other town or city In "fastest human on the mat,” In tee 8 6 8-13 17 MELER TO DEFEND making the by-law non-operative. drawn last night, the opening night year—almost to the day—after he dles. The favors were mints hold­ over. shot that made for an easy kUI. But the s ta te ...to the detriment of the semi-final. Dick Ralne,. takes on Score at haUtlroe, 6-all. Referee, Nobody Is Injured As Plane So you want to romp, eh? All right, we'll give you all the romping you want! The Chamber of Commerce, which of the Booster club's three-day first achieved national recognition ing a tiny red candle. The pro­ Another National League deal Sarasota, Fla., Dec. 12.— (A P )— Miss Jacobs mlaaed and then Mrs. game locally aa the town's aoml-pro Tony Alario, Italian heavy, and Si­ Prutting. nme, eight minute quar­ Lands. A U l ’-M! I" N was active in accuiin.c; the old ordi­ Snowball Carnival at the North BB a boxer, dusky Joe Louts will Blackwoll. (V')a. lAP) Police grams were a red star with gold kn-' was hinted when Bob Quinn, newly Johnny Revolta, curly-headed PGA Moody swept through the game and teams are forced to book their lent Abbott of Chicago wrestles ters. nance has sent a written request Metliodlst church. Door prizes yet step Into the Madison Square Gar' champion from Milwaukee, had a games few and far between as a re­ n s nSTlC TITLE Judge John A K^ehl glanced at the lettering. installed president and general den tomorrow night to give bis now- tha next three to win the set and Stan Sltkowskl of Poland In tee to the sclestmen asking that a new to be drawn include a half barrel of manager of the Boston Braves, said flying start today toward the title s u lt... two opening bouts. Childress, Tex., Dec. 12.— (A P ) — I defendant, gulped, then as.^e.^sed a The regular meeting followed. famous punch Its hardest test on ths match, 6-8, 8-6, T-S. Expert ob­ ordinance be adopted in accordance floor, the gift of the Pinehurst Gro­ be would have an Important an­ of biggest money winner for tbe an­ NB Trade School (18) Tw o pilots and two passengers. In­ traffic fine of $1 and costs against During the initiatory work the fol­ the cast-iron features of Paulino servers called it the greatest match his wife. lowing Past Matrons and Patrons with the state law. cery company, and an electric ap­ nouncement to make today. It was nual tour o f resort fairways. ever played by women on Wimble­ Team managers can't schedule Clndhnatl, Dec. 13. — (AP) t * cluding Walter Cline, prominent Uzeudun. Merenaa, rt . . . . occupied the chairs: W orthy M a­ Unless a special town meeting is pliance from the Manchester' Elec­ believed that he would announce tbe Slashing par by six strokes In the don's historic center court. games on nights when the "Dusty” Freddie Miller, fresh from victory WlchlUi Falla, T cx„ oil man, eacnpod sale of Southpaw Pitcher ^ It was on Dec. 14, 1984 that Joe final round yesterday, he carded a League la In action, of course, not If Last Night« Fights Adamowics, If .. tron, Mrs. Lula Bldwell; Worthy called in the meantime, no action tric company. Perry sailed through the Wimble­ over Claude Vamer, of Los Angeles, death near here today when the (Dutch) Brandt to the Brooklyn beat Lee Ramage and Dashed Into 274 for the $2,000 Sarasota Open they want their lineups at full Kapehensky, c . Patron, Fred Tllden; Associate can be taken before next March The fair will open again today national pronflnence as a comer. don tournament to win it for the pilot, Lee Bishop, landed a Branlfl Dodgers. tournament and pocketed $500 first second year and thus became the strength.. .and It’s equally Impossi­ Janucxewski, rg packed his bags today, preparing to L u c k y One W i l l .Matron, Mrs. Pauline Grant; Asso­ when the adjourned annual town and tomorrow at 5:30 and from Since then he has fought as often as By ASSOCIATED PRESS air lines passenger plane after a mo­ Tbe American League completed money. His 65 on the stretch went ble to book a couple of games per Buck), Ig ...... go to Mexico City, where Nejr ciate Patron, J. Henry Thom. meeting will be held to fix a tax that time on tbe cafeteria In the bis managers would let him and first playing-through chanip to re­ Cincinnati—Freddy Miller, 125, tor had dropped off in ihe air. the only transaction of major Im­ peat. He conquered Baron (Jottfrled week when the players are also see­ Flolrto, Ig ...... Corner Career ton; secretary, Mrs. Minnie Goalee; rate. social room will supply all needs in seldom has failed to produce a Into the books as a new course rec­ Cincinnati, outpointed Claude Var­ Year's Day he w ill defend hia N a ­ The 12-passenger plane was bad­ portance yesterday The New York von Cramm of Germany In the fi­ ing action that many times else­ treasurer, Miss Mary Miller; con­ the way of eatables, boiled ham, knockout with hia lethal left. ord and hts 72-hole score was 10 be­ ner, 127, Los Angeles (10). tional Boxing Association world ly damaged but the occupants. Cline, Yankees, desperately eager to do low par. nal; overpowering a player who. In where... among the Manchester Totals 11 11 83 ductress, Mrs. Rachel Tllden; asso­ baked beans, sandwiches, special He put boxing back onto a "big New York—Pedro Montanez, featherweight title against Baby Bishop, Ervin Bums, Los Angeles something to offoct, at least In part, a few years, promises to be the players who have appetred In the Maneheater Trade (29) ciate conductress, Mrs. M arjorie salads, mince and lemon pie. Ice time” basis last summer with his The $500 waa added to the $350 he 134’/(i, Puerto Rico, knocked out Joe Casanova, crack Mexican punchtf. oU man, and co-pllot George Earn- Straw; chaplain. Mrs. Edith Hus­ “BINGO” TOURNAMENT the gains in power by ths Boston world's leading Individual stab. Industrial League gamea so far this B. F. cream and hot and cold beverages. bouts against Prim o Camera and won a t Orlando last week In the Zodda, 139'i, New York (1). Announoement Of tee match was ham,-were only shaken up. band ;marahal. Mrs. Ethel Davis; Red Sox and gave th' equally eager But Perry's vonvlnclng conquest season ere Henry "Hank’’ McCann, Phelps, rf ...... 5 3 The usual entertainment at Inter­ Max Baer, and he la expected to opening event o f the winter tour. He Duluth, Minn.—Everstte Rlght- made by Herman Kata, prbnwtar. The mall was brought to (Thll- organist. Clarence Wood (or­ Cleveland Indians Johnny Allen, tal­ at home was In sharp contrast to Jason Chapman, Jim Sheldon and Saveriok, I f ...... 3 0 AT TEMPLE TONIGHT vals will be presented, and tomor-' draw aome 20,000 fane tomorrow. tied Bobby Cmtcksbank of Rich­ mtre, 128, Sioux City, la., outpoint­ vojeck. If, I g ...... 0 0 Miller will be accompaniad hy dreta and the passengers started to ganist of Temple CTiapter); Adah, 1:^ ented and temperamental right­ mond, Va., for first place at Or­ tba abrupt termination of hla two- Ed Kovls with the Chance Vought ed Mickey Oenaro, 132, Chloogo row night the children will be the Although opinion is almost Hagenew, It ...... 0 0 H arry Gordon, manager for Wealegr their destination In another plane. Mrs. Bertha Keeney; Ruth, Miss hander, for a pair of hurlera, Monte year reign os American titleholder. Americana.. ."Mit" Nelson with (6 ); Russ Schultz, 179, MlnnespolTi, performers. unanimous that Joe will beat the lando, but lost In the playoff. Victor Rolston, e ...... 6 1 Ramsey, lightweight conUnder of ‘The plane which took off from Mabel Trotter; Esther, Mrs. Lida Response to Tall Cedars Par­ Pearson and Steve Sundra, the lat­ Ohezzi of Deal, N. J., flniahed second Frank Shields furnished him with Colt's... Raguskus, Mahoney and knocked out Stan Savoldl, 180, SL ter a rookie. The amalgamated or­ durable Basque, who Is 15 years Jolly with the (Tiance Vought Na­ Pantaluk, rg ...... 0 1 Grand Rapids, Mich. It wlU to AnuulIIo at 6:30 a. m. waa a few Richmond; Martha, Mrs. Anna here two strokes back of Revolta, hla only strenuous opposition be­ Paul (5): Wen Lambert, 142, Proc­ ties Remarkable Officers Say der of hotel lobby orators was not older and known more as a "catch­ tionals.. ,Oeor.ge Stavnitsky, Dave Anderson, Ig ...... 0 0 Miller's first title go since he besttd miles west o f Childress when one Crocker; Electa, Mrs. Elsie Knight; and Paul Runyan o f White Plains, fore he gained tbe semi-final at For­ tor, Minn., outpointed Emmett Wel­ — Special Prizes. able to decide which flniahed ahead er" than at a puncher, the capacity Muldoon and Al Bogginl with Unit­ MIrucki, )g ...... 0 0 Vernon Cormier in Booton, Oct. U. motor tore loose, hung at an angle warder, Mrs. Jeaile Wlnterbottom; L. E. CURK, POSTMASTER N. Y„ waa third with 277. est Hills against Wllmer Allison. ler, 138, Minneapolis (4); Joe An­ in tbe deal. crowd Is expected to lay more than Allison reaped tbe peak of his ca­ ed A ir c r a ft... Pravieuo to teat. Miller ratalaod hto with the plane and the propellor sentinel, Fred Jones. Unable to continue the dazzling derson, 186, Minneapolis, drew with Preparations are being made by Boaton Active Again $100,000 on tbe line to see if he will reer on that day. He was a veritable Totals ...... S 89 obamiHonsblp over Mel (Jsrtototi. starting cutting Into the fuselage. The Past Patrons giving the quo­ be the first roan to knock Paulino pace be set for two early rounds, Bill Cody, 124, Proctor, Minn., (4). Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of OF SOUTH MERIDEN, DIES The rampaging Red Sox showed ball of fire and even if Perry had We take pleasure In announcing Score at half time: 18 to 18, Man­ B riti^ eontoader, at Uvorpool, Jnfy Pilot Bishop headed for the Chil­ tations were Fred Verplanck, Paul off his feet. Alvin Kreuger o f Beloit, W ls„ wound Aberdeen, S. D.— Andy (K id ) Volquardsen, Harry Straw, Leo Lebanon, for a full house this eve slgna of again becoming active to­ not fallen in the first tat and that wo are now busily engaged in chester; time, four lO-mlm periods dress airport but three miles west Uzeudun, at 86, has risked hla up with a 279 and tied with K y Laf- Miller, 166, Slotuc City, la., out­ Stiles and W illiam Stevenson. nlng at the weekly "Bingo" party day. It waa rumored they would Injured himself the Briton was compiling a local sport review of and one 8-min. overtime period; ref­ From Mexico City, Minor plane aa of the town the plane lost altitude Meriden, Dec. 12.— ( A P ) — Lewis jaw against 69 rivals, including a foon of Chicago, Both, however, pointed Larry Udell, 169, Aberdeen Mrs. Jennie Stevens of Green­ at Masonic Temple. The Tall give Outfielder Roy Johnaon for his doomed to defeat. The Injury might 1935, listing the outstanding events eree, Beagle. Invasion of California, he said and the motor dropped Into a com E. Clark, 87. well known South M er­ lot of famous punchers, and has were beaten out by Jimmy Hines of (10); Rustly Gramling, 140, Bis­ wich, Past Worthy Grand Matron of Cedars was the first local group to brother, Outfielder Bob Johnson of have speeded his elimination, but on the Manchester athletic front marck, N. D„ outpointed Nick Zer, day. Miller ter ned . Casanova 9 field. iden postmaster, grocer and coal come through unscathed. H e is Garden City, L I , and BiU Mcbl- the state of Connecticut, spoke to sponsor public "Bingo", and the re­ tha Philadelphia. Athletics, in a Allison went through him in during the past year, to be publish­ 148, Aberdeen (6 ); Nick Busch, 146, "pretty good boy." The Moxloaa hag The plane dived to earth but Pilot merchant, died at 4 o'clock this sure that Louis will not put him on hom of Louisville, Ky., wbo carded BEATS BIS OWN TEAM. the members at the close of the de­ sponse to the weekly games has been straight swap. Tom Yawkey, tbe strataht seta and *han blanked Sid­ ed around New Year’s. It's the Aberdeen, outpointed Vero Gram- mot and defeatM Varner, Minor's Bishop leveled It off, struck the gCoi>.vrlRh|., laxs, NBA Service, Inc.j morning at his home, 82 Main tbe canvas for the first time. Like 278’s. Morton McCarthy of Nor* gree work, as did Past W orthy remarkable, the officers state. man with the Boaton bankroll, and ney w ood in tha finals. first time w e've published such a re­ ling. 144, Bismarck, N. D„ (6); BIU opponent In lost nlybl’i non-tlt)9 street. South Meriden, following a Max Bchmeling, who is slated to en­ folk, Va„ waa low amateur by a KaimapoUs, N. C, D*e, 18,— ground going 60 miles an hour over Grand Patron Fred Verplanck. Mrs. An opimrtunity 1s being presented bis general manager, Eddie Collins, Budge Was Sensation view in The Herald and we believe Haiselstrom, 185, Bismarck, knock­ bout, and other outstanding ooa^ shock suffered Sunday morning at also were detected In a mysterious counter Louis In June if Joe can get wide margin with 284. Chet Smite of tha Kannapolis soc­ plowed ground and crashed through Stevens and Mr. Verplanck were to­ Whew! Nurse, give me a hand! Those quins are getting too strenuous for m ^ through the games to provide whole­ Budge, the tall, willowy CkiUfor- that it will be of conitderable inter­ ed out Ted Berkely, 187, Aberdeen tandera o f tha featbar dlvialon. hla home. midnight huddle with Clark G rif­ past Paulino, Isldor Oastanaga and cer team atarred In the game with a fence. gether In the Grand Chapter during some entertainment and friendships nla youth, proved the sensation of est to local fandom. Watch foe it! (1). MUIer won a judges' decision a m t Mr. Clark was a life-long resident fith, owner of ihe Washington Sen­ Charley Retzlaff, the Basque insists OBIOLES VICTORS Catawba— but for hla opponents. The landing gear was tom off but the year 1930. The 1930 club, made among young and old. One of tbe the English outdoor season. Sent Oakland, Collf.— John Henry Vom er in bandy fashion, alteougfl o f the village and joined his father, ators. Louis Is not a luparman and can be The Moriarty Orioles basketball Members of the Knights of Co­ It looked as if OstawiML bsaton In the plane did not overturn. up of Past Matrons and Patrons was registered In the name of Mi­ most unusual sights of the season Is -abroad as a member o f the Davis Lewis, 176, Phoenix, Arix., stopped os In a previous bout here several, the lata E. Beach Clark, In tha gro­ Tbe finish o f routine business was defeated by a good flghtor who can team won their firs t game in the cup team, be was a vital factor in lumbus who are interested In bowl­ all its starts, waa going through the from the several ehaptera In the TWO MEN SUSPECTED chael Rosenberg of Now York City, the 14 tables in the Temple base­ Georgia StlBpeon, 177, Spokane, weeks ago, tee (Jaliforolan crowded SEPARATE MEETINGS cery add coal business, which be on the program for today with the hit him on the right apot. Hartford Oxunty "Y" L e^ s by Amariea’t allmiaation at Germany ing are reminded that a four-team season without a viotory. Then state during that year, wera al but Inquiry at the address given on ment with young and old participat­ continued for fifty years. He was The 2l-year‘K>ld Detroit Negro Wash., (2). him and oompeUed tee champion to present. Mri. Btowell received a the repstratlon certificate elicited two big leases meeting in joint defeating the Suffleld Boys Qub In in tha inter-zone final and then he league will oe formed at Conran's Kansas City—Jimmy Garrison, Chet got mixed up, kicked a goal uaa tee treadmlU frequently. MUIer ing In the current novelty. To date, treasurer and a trustee of tbe South seaaion. Both organizations passed baa a record of 21 knockouts in 25 trounced Christian Bouasus and alleys Saturday night. John Mur­ BEWARE, BEWARE, OF beautiful bouquet of re<' roles from OF HI-JACKING A TRUCK tbe Information that Rosenberg was PLANNED BY GUILD at least, aetbsek has been dimmed by Meriden Methodist church; a mem­ the Suffleld Prep School gym, 28-20. 135, Kansas City, outpointed Pat for Catawba against his teammates weighed In under the feather limit the Paat Matrons Association. the following leglsIsUon in their professional victories and expects Bunny Austin in ths Wimbledon phy is in charge o f arrangements not known there. the new fad. ber of tbe board of directors of the to add to that lla^ Ha has predict­ This game gives the Morlarty’s Kissinger, 184, Kansas City (10). and Catawba won, 1-0. at 138; Varner, 127. The Floral degree was also exem­ own meetings yesterday: Voted to first place to date in the " Y ” Lea­ tournament befora he was beaten and it is planned to select an all- FRIDAY THIRTEENTH Playing will begin at 8:30 in tbe Meriden Savings bank; a former alter schedules so that each club ed that he'U atop Paulino Insids ot by Von Cramm in tbe aemt-flnal. plified in an Impressive manner. New London, Dec. 12.—(A P)— gue. star team to meet other Kacey pin Wesleyan Guild groups will not regular games. Special prizes will member of the Board ot Education, will play four tntemeetional series a six rounds. He waa regarded as Uncle gam's topplers throughout the state. Two men found in possession o f a be awarded in extra games and a and was affiliated with the Inde-.i Few of Louis' rivals have b m ot Sam Brown, Orioles center, fell CENTER CHURCH WOMEN have joint evening meetings this on, Inatead of throe; voted that and suffered a aeveraly tprained best bet to stop Perry at Forest Superstitious Fear Day A l­ SEVERE SENTENCE cash door prize will also be awarded. pendent Order of Odd Fellows. staffs of umpires will be osalgn- tbe calibre of those who cracked truck wanted by the Boston police month although the different groups I ankle. Cobb, W iley and Duffy Hills, but be never got the chance Local followers of the polished In connection with tbe hi-jackIng of Besides his widow, he leaves thr ^ to spring trainingaliilr.g gamea; voted their knuckles on Paulino, but John because he was side-tracked by Bit- though It Has Been One of daughters, Mrs. Clarence E. Lee stood out for the Orioles with An- lanes who feel good enough to com­ Seymour, Dec. 12.— (AP) — The two tmeks In that vicinity yester­ TO BUY BIUBOARD i will meet as usual. Tonight Mrs. VICTIM IDENTIFIED to take actio:ion to stop sneak radio Roxborough, one of the Bomber's ay Grant, tbe "giant killer.” pete In the big time should contact MAKE THIS NO-RISK TEST! Good Omen. dloeki and Orbanel the main stand­ most severe sentence within the day and last night were being held Auburn, N. Y., M'S. Charles Olock broadcasts of g.vner in parks where managers, summed up his progress Paul Dalke will be in charge o f the outs for the Suffleld Boys aub. The Helen Jacobs joined a small Dorn BelettI o f the All-Manchester power of the Town Court to Impose here today as fugitives from justice. Bridgeport, Dec. 12.— (A P )—Rob­ of New York City and Mra. Blair such activity is barred. Joint ap­ thiu; group of Immortala by winning tbe Extra care ahould be taken to­ organization of a new group at a Orioles next league game wlU be team, as Bcletti has armounced that was meted out to Stefan Straxinc- They are Leonard Jaynes, 25, of ert Simpson, who died Tuesday Robinson of this city; two grand­ proval o f these acts was considered "Every time Joe has fought ha national title for the fourth straight night by Manchester people who Members of Center Church W om ­ meeting to be held at the parsonage. children and a sister, Mrs. W. Bur­ against the Wapplng Uncas, he's looking for new talent to This smoking tobacco has to please you, kowskl, 48, o f 408 Main street. An- Chelsea, Mass., and Abraham Kur- night, victim of a hit-and-run dri­ mere formality. baa met and whipped somebody a time. . . . Uttla Ethel Burkhardt etresgthen his lineup. The person­ have any superstitions about the en's Guild enjoyed an Impromptu Monday evening the Ways and ton Carrol of East Hartford. Friday night the Orioles will play sonIa, hit and run driver, by Judge Inaky, 28, of Boston. Their cases ver, was Identified today as Ray­ little tougher than the maa bafore. Arnold waa the heroine of Ameri­ nel of the local team seems to con­ way they go to bed. They should Means committee will have a mee^ The funeral will be held Saturday William F. Shlears in Town Court were continued until tomorrow In I program yesterday afternoon In mond S. Smith, formerly of New He was better against Max Baer Nathan GsteheH't Andover team ca's close victory over Great Brit­ sist of the cream of the crop but or you pay nothing f be sure that the clock Is properly ing at 8 o'clock ot the church, call­ afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the this afternoon. On general judge­ the Police Court this morning and place of the previously announced Haven. RAMBLERS RUN HOME than he waa against Camera. And at the W est Side Rec at 7:00 ain in tbe WIghtman cup series . . they haven’t been able to make wound, that the cat. If any, la put ed by Mrs. JIarion E. -f-< V ' all cigarettes extinguished. Late lost night the Boston police Preceding the singing of Christmas The Gleaners' group will hold Its There will be no broadcast ou t troupe . , . Wilbur Hess copped sentenced to six months In jaU. carols by the Guild, Mrs. Watson always been known here as Simp­ Morlsrty Brothers basketball L' - . 'X OUR OFFER TO For tomorrow is Friday ths thir- broadcast an alarm for tbe appre­ annual Cjhristmas party Tuesday Hartford, Nov. 12.—(A P)— Con­ M oriarty Orloloa tba college crown. . . . B ig BIU team w ill practice a t 7:30 o’clock Counsel for the defense gave notice WoodnKT, told a true story of the son. N ew Haven. Cnna., Dec. 19.- . teenth. hension of a trailer type tmek bear­ evening at the church. Mrs. P. C. necticut's two membeie of tbe Re­ B F T Tllden, deipite his 43 yeara, won the tontebt at tha West Side Rec. Coach of an appeal and a bond of 81000 origin of the words and music, of Police communicated with his (AP)—Apparently Ifs going to Just why 13 Is looked upon as a ing New York regdatratlon No. Salmonsen of Holl street and Mrs. publican National committee favor Oobb, r f . . . . . pro champloniblp. . . . Allison Allisoi and McCjium will announce the team PIPE SMOKERS was filed. Strazinckowskra car the carol. "H oly N ight." Mra. mother, Mrs. J. W. Carroll in Stew­ take nothing leos than a miracle to bad omen by so many is not fully ex­ 18-267, advising tne vehicle was Mina Wiley of Avon street will be holding the party's 1936 national Freney. if ... Johnny Van Ryn regained the na- persozmel for the conolng season struck and critically Injured Joseph Louis Marte read a chapter of Clar­ art, Fla., and she telegraphed or­ budge tbe PhUadeiphIa Ramblers plained. It la pointed out that this siupectcd of being involved in the the hostesses. convention in the mid-west, it is in­ KEY K err if ...... tlonal doubles title. - and aulta w ill also be given out. The oflM M s fiEMFOBE p^ s n n s B Elko, Jr., of Bryson street, Sey­ from the top Dosltior In the Cana- eouBtry set up Its first government hl-jacklng. State Troopers Eric ence Day's "Life With Father”, af­ ders to Hayes A Pierce. New Ha­ dicated. Brown, o ... mour, on South Main street, Nov. 9. dian-Ameriean Hockey League. team had a fine workout against PriMo Albgrt. with 18 oolonles, that there are 13 Swanson and Frederick Johnson of ter which Mrs. Arthur Scelcrt play­ ven funeral directors, to take charge The city to be selected is to be Wiley, Ig .... at H r>m Giving another ■tlaplay their Connecticut State at Stom Tuts- attlpea In the United States flag, the Groton state police barracks ed an unusual arrangement of DIES FROM EXPOSURE of the body. determined at the (iommlttee meet­ et Reaidon, Ig . day n igh t d a a t fa d k dto BMllDto. tremendous scoring power, the tkat tbe original number of stars In sighted the truck at 1 o'clock this "Home, Sweet Home" on the piano He was reported to have been sep­ ing in Washington, next Moniiay. Duffy, rg ... DERBY TAVERN ROBBED and a short selection on her new Raroblere ran their string of home WRESTLING ortf teilisit pipo toboooo tha flag was 18 and that Admiral morning In Old Mystic and followed Norwalk, Dec. 12.— (A P )—Spend­ arated from his wife for the past six Tbe attitude of J. Henry Rora- C Blanchard The Clrele Service Raagera are piano-accordeon. years. _vlctorlea to Mz stralgb; last night (B y tha AMOctatod Press.) Oeorge Dewey, on a Friday In 1898 Derby. Dec. 12.—(AP) — Two It five miles to this city where they ing the night on a public dump here back, national committeeman and botmd fo r Meriden tonight to meet y«Mi avar gmokad, n b ra The Guild voted to finance a by defeating the'-Sprirefield Indians Interaatioaal Leagne. •• won tba great naval victory at masked and armed bandits held up baited It. cost Samuel Darling, 56, a homeless Katherine Brync, national commlt- 5 12 4-8 28' (By the Asaoetated Preas.) tee'Ehdeet'ln what will be tee sec­ i m much-needed signboard to be placed DIRECTOR RESIGNS 6 to 1. Sammy McManus scor^ Buffalo 1, (3eveland 0. I fa with tlw r«t «l Manila without a loss of a man. A number of ditch digging ma­ i negro, his life. Darling died this teewoman, favoring a mid-west city three of tbe Philadelphia goals In Suffleld Boys Club Holyoke, Maos,— Jim Bronmlng, ond nm e qf tee current campaign John Monglllo, proprietor of a tavern In front Of the Center church. A Canadlan-American League. We know that qaahty talla Ms eira pipafals of fragraat Deway was boro In Vermont, which chines of the type used In taverns morning In the Norwalk hospital. easy of access by rail from all jrarts the second period, each time with P B F TI Missouri, defeated Stove Znoeky, for tee town champs. The Endecs tb* tofacco hi h to 09 at Prosperity. and;.suceess, lie Just here, his bartender and two cus­ social hour followed, during which New Britain, Dec. 12—(AP) — Philadelphia 6, Springfield 1. story. Msa try Ptisee Albert. Thty Uke ahacee is every two-otiaee was not Included in tbe first 18 colo­ was found aboard the truck and He was found on the dump a week of the ebuntry is the same as on the assistance of Mac Colville. s Andloskl, rf ----- 4 1-2 9 : N ew Britain, Conn., two straight gained four victories over local op- any tiiaa wifan a wmm^ around tbe corner tor one of tomers during the night and escaped the hostesses served cake, tea and Carl H. Schmitt, who baa been TONIGHTS SCTEDLXB. nies, bnt was the next to become Jaynes and Korinsky said they were ago today with bo^h hands and feet form er occasions. The victory put tbe Ramblers, 0 Reid, if .... ----- 0 0-0 0 1 falls. sltlon last season, beating tee U. Aadthssk os feebriaging tbra s Ita ef Priace Albest these charming young actresses. with $83. Christmas candies. frozen, and bis side burned as the director of leisure time actlvlUes, a National Leagne. fnim thb data, and wa win part o f tbe Union and added tha ex­ taking them to New York. They Roraback was a member of tbe with 18 points, seven oointa ahead 1 Turek, if .. ----- 1 1-1 81 Milwaukee—Gut Sonneaberg, 225, bgers twice and Moriartys twice, better smoke thia they kaow before. Helen Wood. RIts Cansino. end They took $49 from the cash reg­ denied all knowledge of the bl-jack- It was announced that at the result of his clothes catching fire FERA project, in this city since last Americans vs. Rangers at New and tee Rangera are determined to tra atar that changed tbe first flag convention committee on arrange­ of the New Haven Eaglea and the 2 Albert, 0 ...... 0 0-1 0! Michigan, defeated Ola Olson, 810. I t barns slower, gives a cooler rafaid M l po rfa n a prietb Dixie Dunbar (op to bottom, all ister and $4 from the pockets of Ing but tha state police said there January meeting Mias Polly Olcott, when he rolled over on a bonfire January, resigned today to become York. end tee streak tonfgbL from 18 atari to l i stara. ments in 1924, 19M and 1832. He Indians, who are deadlocked for 2 Sabinski, rg • • a e 0 0-0 MUwauksc, two out of three falls. ■aoka. Rote the tnDikiees and ehemce OB contract, are starring In a Henry McLaughlin, tbe Bartender. IS sufficient reasons to hold them well known local pianist and teach­ while asleep. supervisor of recreation actlvitiea Bostoa at Montreal Canadlens. phtapoalaca. la tbe W orld W ar, on Friday, July plans to leave for Washington Sun­ second place. 1 D.-zanch, Ig 0-0 Seranton, m — Ray steels, 315, o f bsTihnies Tbat's beeann of the unique Hollywood race for a Flourishing nickel-plated revotv- for further investigation. er. w ill give a musical program. The in Millbura township. N ew Jersey The Luther League at tee Cbo- 18, U18 the American troops, given Boston plava at Provideaca to­ Detroit at Chicago. 1 Clab. ig ... 0-8 Tacoma, W aah„ threw W alter PodO- ftaeoas P.A, •'aati-biM'* proeeee, al- Prihce movie career, the girl making era, the pair lined up the four men in Ernest SchelUng, the well known day. (MgBOjlUllUaaaUiTalaaM tbalr first ebance to show what they It waa found that the truck was hostesses will be Mrs. Henry Miller. Under his direction here several night. Should the Rhode Island Intenational Laogna. oordla Lutheran eburch will bowl most progress In the next three front o f tbe bar and searched them, Improperly registered In that the Mrs. Philip Lewis. Mrs. Fred Wood- pianist, was a child prodigy. He thousand young men and women Mias Bryne will go to Waablngton lak. Syracuse, N. Y „ 88:00. wayt aeod is tbe meanfubire of eould do, stopped the drive towards S.eda gain a vietorv. they win pull BuffUo at Detroit 9 tomorrow evening at 8:00 at tee Y. Cesapamy.WiBStoteMstakKC ■ontht to receive a eo-teatured and then fled In an automobile motor number on tba reglstraUon house, Mfs. Arthur Bling and Mra. made his debut when he was four have been engaged in recreational Saturday to attend a reception 9 8-6 20 Bridgeton, N. J.— Jimmy Heff­ PriaeoAllMrt. P arU __ _ (ID abreast o f the Indiana and the Syracuse at London. Referee, "Mike” Taylor. Timer, M, C. A. All bowlers are requested rote driven by a confedarnta. certtfleata waa wrong. Tbe truck Clieater Robinson. and a half yeara old. and crafta actMUea. be held Sunday. ner. J88, Texas, defeated Letty Pac­ to meet at tee church at 7:80. Priaoe Albert lepedcodrigbt-inaMg Eaglea in a triple Ue for second ChnadUa-AoNriaca Leagne. J, Loebea. Playing floor, Suffleld er, 181, Cincinnati, two out o f three .XlBKIlT rta oeemmy tin tbU eentelaa arooa4 PUee. BosUta at ProviSsnea. SehooL Prop MMtMt.OstMgtyewdstiie’tw ta i^WOMMLIOVI ...A llANdFIFfrtlm irVBNmc FnERAU). MANCHR^rKK, CONN, TBT7iR8l)AT. biBCBijisTO MANCrTFSTER EVENING HEKAU), MANCHESTEK, OONN^ TAUHSDAY, DECEMBER 12, IMS.


J ■yk i AT 9^ ’■ I WHY POETS STARVE There are some paepl* so sUck When tba English t o n ^ we apeak. they must have a slippery dm for SHOP RDVIRTISE ‘“S I Why Is "break” not rhymed with a family tree. “freak" ? Will you tell ma why It'a true Landlady—Any complaints? We soy "sew," but ukswlae "few,” Teacher ob Physics—Yes' bread’s LOST AND FOUND 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 FUEL AND FEED 49-A APARTMENTS—FLATS— BlU Oonun’s effort*'to amd Prince­ And the maker of verse V,*-oo babyhood to love a silver dollar. Landlady—What’s the matter tiOST—A PAIR OF glaiaes, on FOR SALE —1927 CHEVROLET AIX KINDS OF HARD WOOD, TENEMENTS 63 ton to the Ro m Bowl, postcards: Cannot cap bis "borss” with OMAHA TO INVADE "If.BUI visited tbe Bronx soo, he Their birthday presents, rewards "w orse"? Cruse Unw-Maneheoter biu Friday truck, and trailer 320. Gordon ■labs, kindling:, hickory, fireplace FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM apart- couldn’t see anything but Tigers’’ and Christmas gifts were eternally "Beard" sounds not the same as Tcacl'.or of Phyaics—It contra­ noon. Phone 8195. Cook, 66 1-2 School street. and white birch. Chae. Staye, tele­ ^ Y o u r in money. They saved It all. The ment In Jaffa and Podrove Build­ ....th e entire west coast breathed "heard” ; dicts the law of gravity. Ma’am. phone 3149. parents were well-to-do and there l o s t —^TAN pocketbook, contain­ USED PARTS—Fords, Chevrolet, ing. Cali 3636. THE ENGLISH M F more freely when Jock Sharkey re­ "Cord" la different from "word” ; It’s as heavy as lead but it won’t fused to go out there to fight Bud­ waa no need of hoarding or living "Cow” Is cow, but "low" is low; go down. ing money, drlver'a llcenao and Plymouth, Pontiac, Dodge, Au­ FOR SALE—WOOD, fireplace, fur­ FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- keys. In Woolworth’e, Saturday dy Baer. C h il d r e n a life completely boundeo by the "Shoe" Is never rhymed with "foe’’, burn, Chrysler, Nash, Marmon, nace and stove, full measure, 1-2 ment, first floor, south side, 18 By tbe time a man realizes that morning. Finder pleaae return to By O U v Rob^rH Barton milled edge of a coin. They grew up •Think of "hose” and "dose" and Whippet, Wlllys, Essex and Bulck. cord 14.00. 1 cord 18.00. C O. D. Knox street Inquire 20 Knox S t "lose," an ounce of prevention la worth a ICre. John Wright, 443 Center Five general Jumbo Ford tires and BY NBA oenvicc INC. as mercenary-minded a family aa Telephone Rosedale 15-3. Derby Winner to Cunpaip Tale’s gridders Insist Navy hit can be found between oceans. And of "goose” and yet of "choose", pound of cure It is too late to make street or call 4274. wheels. Cole Motors. 6463. harder and waa tougher than any The other extreme is Just as bad. Think of "comb’’ and ’’tomb” and the swap. FOR SALE—HARD WOOD for fur- team on the 1635 schedule___ but I do not see why people think tt HOUSES FOR RENT 65 Abroad If Recovered from Ebctravagance needs no diatribe ’’bomb” , LOST—IN NORTH COVENTRY, 1934 CHEVROLET Town sedtm, nnee $4.50 per truck load. Wood for efficiency Princeton took the out of order to be gay and a bit The church bell la far more im­ ordinary yellow cat, white throat. here. We all know that thrift ia a "Doll" and "roll” and "home” and 1934 Studebaker light sedan, 1933 acid for cosh only. L. T. Wood Co. FOR RENT—SINGLE, sU rooms, honors... .the Tigers moved every foolish at Christmas, portant than the fire )>eU, but It .® ” 5yifi$AJU*y'i5i, ist, .L itM oru r" rifrli Seven months old. Female. Tele­ bBala.,of character. “some". Dcsota 6 sedan, 1632 Chevrolet Phone 4496. sunporch, steam beat, garage, man on every play at full speed and And since "pay” Is rhymed with doesn’t make the people run nearly phone Roeedale IS ling 2. Reward. Mysterious AQment. Naturally in recent years, when Economically, what the country The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the ’. sport roadster, 1933 Pontiac coach. renovated. Comer Spruce and Oak. unlike moat teams did their block­ "say". as fast. Cole Motors, Pontiac Dealer, 6463. Inquire 156 1-2 Oak. Phone 5819. so many were deetitute, old Father needs Just now la a bit more spend­ ing without losing ground contact Christmas sobered up considerably Why not ’’paid” with "said”, I GARDEN—FARM— ing by those who can. Sentimental­ pray? ______T hb S k ip p e r c a u g h t Flbm Pr o o d y c h a n g in g t h e Wh e eu s PERSONALS New York, Dec. 12.—(AP)—Wil­ . . . . Webb Davia, one o f the small­ and even those who could afford It ly we need some Jollity and the not- DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 est men on the squad, waa Yale’s OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Gene Ahern REPAIRING LEGAL NOTICES liam Woodward’s Omaha, king of felt guilty If they went In for satin too-calculating gift. Employment Quotations ON HIS GRANDSON'S BABY CARRIAGE STOMACH ULCER, gas palna, In­ iron man this year___ He played Big Benjamin—Hey. Mustard, MILK— GOOD QUAUTY Jersey instead of good sturdy wool, or took depends on the sale of rosea or where did you get that blonde you American life has Improved In digestion victims, why suffer? For VACUUM CLEANER, gun, clock, milk for sale. 10 mile distance. 40 L l^ ro n PERMIT tbe 1936 three-year-olds, will In­ 456 minutes out of a possible 540. vade the English turf next year If to buying kitchen ware instead of candy as well aa the tea-kettle and were with last night? these two years and a half, and if quick relief get a free sample of lock repairing. Key making, etc. quarts to an Increasing supply. FTOTICB OP APPLICATION Big Jim Weaver, Pirate pitcher, NOW. -DER SECOND PART. AUPUN, WAIT A SECOND, Udga, a doctor's prescription at he has fully recovered from the after-dinner coffee cups. Luxury union-suit. A little mixture la a Big Coldcash—Don’t know. I Just I have anything to do with it. It Is Braithwalte, 52 Pearl atreet. Write Box S, Herald. • This la to Rive notice that I. James made a speech before the optimists’ hsa been considered wicked and in Arthur Drug Stores. Michael BroRan of 28 Clinton street. mysterious ailment that forced his good Idea. To go fifty-fifty with the opened my billfold and there she going to Improve more In tbe daya ISS WWtWt YOU BLUCK DER PROPESSOR^ THEPE * Manchester, Conn., have Hied an ap* Club at Covington, Ky., the other many cases rightly so, but it seems bill In the stocking. To buy Joan was. to come. retirement last August. day, ...A member asked: "Are you S T R IN G S ■PI-Z.-Z.ICATO ,*TO GIP- G O E S pnN K Y COURSES AND CLASSES plication dated 4th of December, 1935 The stretch-running son of Gallant to me that the one time In the year goloshes If she needs them but i —President Roosevelt. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 with tha Liquor Control Commission aa good a pitcher as ?" it may be forgiven is (Thristmas. Salesman—I wonder why they I' l l o n l y b e o u n r for a puckaRe store-Beer Permit for Fox, which like his famous sire won some gay little trifles as well, l!Y\lDAT\ON OP SANTAL CLAUS LEARN TO GIVE MASSAGE and ....J im modestly declined to an­ It used to be tbe custom to give n’t hang horse thieves any more A u J . FOR SALE—DINING room set, the sale of alcoholic liquor on tha the Kentucky Derby. Preokness, fact we need Christmas this It Is the only word you can i WORKSHOP, DER &LL.UPS A NMNUTTE-'UElS GOT Manchester electrical treatments. A dignified, premises at 96 Pine street. Manches­ swer----- Both North Carolina and needy children mittens and under­ '^at BrushvUle. to say "It’s hot o s ------or "I beautiful table, buffet and 6 chairs, Belmont Stakes and the Arlington and need it badly. A POKE INTH' NOSE uncrowded profession. Faculty of ter. Conn. The business is owned by Classic, Is doing l l ^ t work at bts Purdue will have scouts on hand wear from Santa Claus via the Amos Taah—Well, there aren’t cold as ------,’’ or "It’s dry as ----- CLINKING TOOLS, fWAKING TOYS'^ Evening Herald licensed physlelans. CIas.ses now sell very reasonable. Call 5666. James Michael BroRan *of 28 Clinton when New York U. opens the big any more. -The Rev. S. W. Griffin. White atreet. Manchester, Conn., and will bo owner’s Belair Stud In Maryland. Guild that so conscientiously pack­ CHRISTMAS CAROLS COMIN' POR STICKIN' forming. School of Message, 840 time basketball season against Cali­ ed boxes for the orphans. Now, al­ ' Salesman—No more thieves? Plains, N. Y., contending that IT SHOULD -BE EiLAVED CLASSIFIED FOR SALE—HOOVER Prize clean- condurted by James Michael BroRan Even to the expert eye he shows no Amos T aah -N o; no more horses. G U M O N N\Y B I C Y C L E : Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Conn. of 28 Clinton street, Manchester, fornia next week. though these are still Important, New London, Conn., Dec. 1 2 .__ "hell” isn’t profanity. advertisements er, never used. Will sell at reduc­ signs of the ailment that has bad his LIGHT UNO iOYOUS.SO TULL S E A T f ed price. Write Box W. Herald. Conn., as permittee. trainer, James Fitzsimmons, and few boxes are nailed up for their (AP)—CSiristmaa carols will be Count olz averag* worda to a llaa. JAMKS MICHAHL BROOAN Ehjlace Peacock, Temple’s crack Nice Old Lady (at railroad ticket In a world stnlggllng against the NMT HAPPY CHRISTMAS laltlali. Dumbara and abbravlatlona Dated 4th of December. 1936. veterinarians guessing since he destination without some Jolly gifts sung in six languages Sunday at window)—Good morning. aaeh eount at a .'ord and eompound PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 28 H-12-1J-35. went lame after winning the classic. nmner, has started training for the as welL Toy missions saw the need the annual Christmas vesper serv­ forces of disruption, we have PEELINGS PETTV---X. Ticket Agent (business-like)— high duty to keep America Ameri­ worda aa two worda. Minimum eoai la WANTED—TO BUY 58 "He appears perfectly sound’’, indoor season. . . . Gene Tunney long ago. Indeed the whole country ice at Connecticut college. Good morning. Madam. price of tbreo tinea. MEN WANTED—A NUMBER of AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD ranks Jimmy Braddock aa the No. can. —Herbert Hoover. U(V\-XUM-ZUM men will be Interviewed In this said Tommy Driscoll, foreman of has concentrated on the toy for the The language departments wU Nice Old I-ady—Oh, Isn’t it a Lina ratea per day for tranalaot WANTED—A BOYS bicycle^] in at Manchester, within and for the the stable. "Of course he Is only 1 heavirwelght with Joe Louis sec­ sing the carols In French, Spanish, ada. vicinity by special representative rilstrlct of Manchester, on the 12th underprivileged child. lovely morning? After all that rain C O M M E N C E J Bgectiv* Marvfe IT. 193T first class condition. Write Herald, day of Docemher. A. D., 19.15. being galloped but I Intend to bring o n d .... beat fighter he’s ever seen: Grown-Ups Need "Toys,” Too German, Italian and English, while we’ve been having. It’s ao nice to Education does not start soon to determine If they are qualified Box Z. Caab Cbarga Present, WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., him back to Aqueduct Dec. 22 and Dempsey----- (which doesn’t make This being the case, is it not aa the choir will sing several Latin see that sun. Isn’t it? You see enough to discover aptitudes or $ CoDiaouthra i>aya ..I 7 ota) • ota to be trained for operation and JudRe. Tunney look half bad). carols. to help the individual develop what t Cooaaoutlva Da' i •.! 9 ota tS ota put him In hard training. Capt. C. necessary for grown-ups to have thought I would take advantage of servicing large Diesel engines Estate of Charles O’Buchowsky of Boyd-Rochfort, Mr. Woodward’s Here’s some more dope on that The vesper service Is' the first it and run over to see my daughter. he is beat able to do; tt foils to 1 Day ...... I 11 ota] II ota manufactured by prominent Diesel ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 Manchester. In said District. Incom­ their "toys” too? I don’t think that bridge tbe gap between training All ordara for Irrarular inaertlona petent. English trainer, will be here to Arkansas team we told you about Laura needa to feel wicked if she event on the college Chriatmaa pro­ One of the children Is sick, and you will ba ebargad at tba ona tlma rata. engine compAhles. Training by Itnow ‘Grandmother’ la alwrays wel­ and the practical aspects of em­ FOR RENT—STEAM heated room The Conservator havInR exhibited watch the colt and pass on his fit­ yesterday----- It completed almost buys Jim a box o f cigars Instead of gram. A pageant will conclude tha Bpaclal rataa Cor long tarm avary Midwest Diesel Institute. Do not his annual account with said estate come when sickness comes. I ployment day advartlaing glva upon raqueat. and garage, for winter. Telephone ness to race abroad." as many passes last season aa all the socks he needs so much, or if holiday festivities the day before apply unices you have mechanical to this Court for allow’anco. it Is Only an extended workout ent. the college closes for the Christmas thought— —Amelia Earhart. noted woman Ada ordarad for thraa or ala daya 3132. O RD ERE D :— That the 20th day of the teams in the Big Six Confer­ Jim gets Laura perfume instead of pad atoppad bafora tha third or flCth ability and believe you can succeed vacation. Ticket Agent (interrupting)—Do flyer. December. A. D., 1936. at 9 o'clock determine whether Omaha is ready ence combined... .the passee gain­ tbe aahean she spoke about. day will ba ohargad only for tba ae* in this type of work; two charac­ FOR RENT— ROOM completely forenoon, at the Probate Office, In to go after the coveted Ascot Gold ed 1456 yards to 1647 for the com­ you want a ticket. Madam? tu^ numbar of .Imaa tha d appaar- Now wo come to money. There Nice Old Lady—Oh, yea, I want a If business in this country be­ ter references required. Telephone furnished for light housekeeping. said Manchester, be and the same la Cup, the race In which Mrs. John D. bined big six teams___ George ACTOR IS ARRESTED ad, ebarglpg at tba rata aarntd. but assiRned for a hearInR on the allow ­ are two ways of giving money for lieved that the Townsend plan had BO allpwaaca or rafunda can ba mada Mr. Alder, for details. Phone 8561. Orube, 106 Foster street. Hertz’s Relgh Count finished second ticket over to my daughter’s. You ance of said account with said es­ (Tiny) Parker, Internationa] league Christmas presents. One is a lilt know how It la with sickness. a chance of becoming a law. na­ OP alx tltna ada atoppad aftar tha tate. and this Court directs Uio Con­ in 1929. umpire, la headed for one of the New York, Dec. 12.— (AP) __ tional confidence would be complete­ fifth day. and a eong. The other the prosiest Stepin Fetchlt, slow moving negro There’s so many things to do, and No forblda"} dlapJay tlnaa not servator to Rive public notice to all During the year, the chestnut majors.,. .he’s the only ump in ly shattered In less than an hour. BUSINESS FOR RENT—FURNISHED rooms, persona Interested therein to appear thing on earth. actor, was held on a charge of with the meals and housework bC' Bold. speedster piled up earnings of $142,- captivity who la a promotional di­ sIdeB. There’s Just no end of work. —Fred G. Clark, national com­ centrally located. Call 6216. and be heard thereon by pubUshlnR a 276. He was first in six of his nine When dad tucks u ten-dollar bill felonious assault today aa the re­ Tbo tfarald will not ba raaponalbla OPPORTUNITIES 32 copy of this order In some newspaper rector----- he bolds that title with a So mander, Crusaders. for mora than ona Inoorraet inaartton starts, finished second back of Rose- in Betty’s stocking and says, sult of an alleged attack on a pro­ of any ndrartlaamant ordarad for havInR a circulation In said District, big Miami hotel. Ticket Agent—What ticket do FOR RENT—OAB STATION on five days before said day of hearlnR mont in the Withers Mile and wound "Spend it any way you like. It’s cess server. mora than ona tima. BOARDERS WANTED 59-A you wlab. Madam? Tba Inadvartant omlaalon of moor- Rockville-Hartford road, rent $20 and return make to this Court up third In the Wood Memorial and yours," that is ons thing; but for The process server. Philip Krau- Nice Old Lady—Oh yes, I’m com­ root publication of advartlaing will ba month, to rc.sponslble party. Write WILI^IAM S. HYDE Brooklyn handicap. The Brooklyn him to warn her that it la to add kers, said the actor hit him over Flapper Fanny Says: TWO GIRL BOARDERS wanted, JudRS. ing to that. But you know I had to BCT. u. a w>T. err. raetlfla' only by canoallatlon of tha Box X, Herald. was won in world record time of to her bank account of twenty dol­ the head with a club when Kraukers ebnrga mada for tba aarvlca raodarad. seven minutes to mills and trol­ H-12-12-16. hurry to get ready, Tm all out of 1:48 1-5 for one and one-eighth miles lars that he started for her in handed him some legal papers last , < $ > ^ All advartlaamanta mual conform FOR SALE—RACCOON business leys, home privileges. Call eve­ breath. There’s always so many last IB otyla, oopy and typography with by Discovery, with King Saxon sec August, that is another. night at a West 126th street theater minute things to do before closing . nings. 11 North Fairfield street. ragttlatlona anforcad by tha publlab- at bargain price. Coons individual­ ond. Yet. It may be that Betty has al­ where Fetchlt has been appearing. a house. There’s the milkman to GS on and tbay raaarva tba right to ly sold at now low prices. 260 Fetchlt spent the night in tha PZZ.1CATO odlt, roTlM or ia]ac* any oopy cob- CAN ACCOMMODATE two more Powl i ii(Kready been conditioned to think tell, the paper boy and the iceman- Pleasant street, Wllllmantlc. ■Idorod objactlonabla. • ladies with room and board, single T. M. O. A. LEAGUE that money, as such, is the finest West 123rd street police station. Ticket Agent—Really, Madam, 'PUNCH NtA MaviCI.lMl r*T. / \ CXiOSlNa HOURS—Claaalflad ada to rooms. Call Manchester 4131 or Sport Briefs (Y Alleys) present In the world. She might His attorney, Noah Braunsteln, I’m very busy and If you’ll tell me. bo publiabed same day muat bo ra- 4276. prefer to save U. denied the charge, saying a stage­ pVase where you— ealrad by It o'clock noon: Saturday! HELP WANTED— Racing Notes hand must have done it. 10:90 a. m. While this is an excellent Idea In Nice Old I-ady—Yes, yes. young FEMALE 3,'i (By the Associated Press.) By The Associated Presa McGuire . . . . 117 119 97 333 one way, the "BetUes," I think will, man, I know you’re busy too. TELEPHONE YOUR APARTMENTS Plnehurst, N. C., Dec. 12.— (A P )__ If C. V. Whitney starts one or Knofla .. ___ 102 111 89 302 in time, lose the ability to experi­ BIG HUNT Everyone’s busy these days. That’s WANT ADS. WANTED —WOMAN with own Chapin ...... 118 114 104 336 ' ' I 'I what I tell my daughter. She has rt 1 ^4>ii I fi -Mce Crerowd At The Party washing machine, to do small TENEMENTS—FLATS 63 Mrs. GIcnna Collett Vare, national more of the three horses he expects ence the fun of a little spending. the twro sweetest children, only of By John C. T e m to nominate for the 1638 Kentucky Mlkolelt ...... 110 69 209 Salt Lake City—The case of . the Ada ara accoptad ovar tba talophona family washing. Telephone 3793. women’s golf champion, plana an­ Willis . . . They will develop Inhibitions and course they're spoiled. Moat chil­ at tha CHa ROK RATB givan abova FOR RENT—2 ROOM apartment, Derby, Bright Plumage and Sing­ ...... 98 113 _89 300 frustrations. missing dog Is occupying the at­ other try next summer for the Brit­ dren are nowadays, don’t you aa a convanien j to advartiaara. but furnished or unfurnished. In Scl- ers Folly, now in Florida, are likely Keller ...... — 96 96 tention of every member of the tba CASH RATES will ov accaptad at ish women’s title which eluded her Living for tbe Coin, Not By It Salt Lake City police force. Tbe think? It was different when I was l ‘ULL Pa TUENT If paid at tha buol* witz Bldg. Inquire Selwltz Shoe In previous attempts. She expects to get the call. Triumphant, bis I knew a family like that. The HELP WANTED— Shop. third tentative nominee, will remain Totals .. ----- 545 556 475 1576 dog, you see, la Chief of Police W. a child. Why— Past oirica on or bafera tba oavanth to sail In April to take part In the Shearers children were conditioned almost In L. Payne’s setter. Ticket Agent—Do you wish a ■day following tha flrot inaartion of MALE 36 Curtis Cup International women’s in training at Lexington. He has ($) aacta ad otbarwiie tha OBARUE FOR RENT— IN Waranoke Bldg., Varrick . ___ 126 95 126 347 ticket. Madam ? team matches at GIcncagles, Scot­ decided to withhold Red Rain and RATE will ba collectad. No raaponai- DISTRIBUTORS, SALESMEN, in neatly furnished rooms at reason­ Holton . . . . . 117 62 122 331 Nice Old Lady— Yea, yes, of blllty for arrora In tolaphonad ada land, and the British championship, Tatter-Demalion for later stakes. course I want a ticket. Didn’t I tell Manchester area; Initial and re­ able prices. Telephone 3936. Cole ______102 103 143 348 will bo aoaumad and thalr accuracy peat seller; nickel cigar. Myron Dallas, Tex.—Robert Wilson fig­ Chanda . ___ 112 100 101 373 iu I was going to my daughter’s? cannot ba guarantaed. ured that ’’circumstances’’ wouldn't Warren Wright of Chicago, own­ want a ticket to Bruahville. Butler, 40 Northeast Ave., Roches­ FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- er of the Calumet Farm, also Is Petke ...... 128 149 126 403 INDEX OF ter, N. Y. ment, all Improvements, with ga­ permit him to see his famous son, rTicket Agent—Very sorry. Ma­ likely to rely on a winter-raced V 9 dam, but the train for Bruahville CLASSinCATlONS rage, 56 Wells street. Tel. 5987. Bobby, play for Southern Methodist Totals ...... 685 699 618 1802 horse to carry his colors at (ThurchlU lnts between them last night to Col. E. R. Bradley, four times 98 110 316 Auto Rapalrlng—Painting . . . . . 7 ment, all modern Improvements. Wilson ...... 97 105 103 305 Auto Soboola ...... f-A lead the Providence college basket­ winner of the Kentucky Derby, has Mlkolelt . WASHINGTON TUBBS By O an e OUT OUR W AY N R v w n iiM ’ WANTED—POSITION AS com- 18 Wllllama atreet. sent a couple of promising two-year ...... 103 100 90 293 Autoo—fihlp by Truck ...... • panion or housekeeper in small ball team to a 48-24 victory over the Gibson ...... 131 125 127 383 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Atttoa—For Ulra ...... o Ells. olds to Florida. One or both may Howard . YYOU FOOLS/ I'M INNOCEKTr"/ THERE AIN’t'T (MEANWHILE, POLKE IN MEW YOKK INVESriGATEl THESE MEW MODELS IS Otragao—Sarvica—Storage . . . . . 10 family. Dial 4308 after 5 p. m. 381 EAST CENTER atreet, 6 pleas­ get the call In the Kentucky Derby ...... 130 110 103 343 A COURT ON EARTH KIW CONVICT ME /----- La>a radio T ip from jo h n exeer. UOOKIT TW' RCKDM UNDER ME, , Motoreyelaa—Bleyclae ...... U ant rooms, second floor, first class over the horaea to be trained at Idle Wanted Autoa—Motorcyclea ... it neighborhood, heated, all conven­ Chicago— Totals ...... 569 538 633 1640 FER SUIT CA*SES, TRAVEUW’ BACrS, ■usiaaoa and Fmfaaalonal Barvtcea SITUATIONS WANTED— Hour farm, Lexington. GOSH, IF HE GETS SHUT 'NUT'S ITTOVA, ' Bualnaao Sarvlcaa Offerad ...... it iences, garage, $3.5, also store on magnates voted to alter the Inter- UP! 'A MUGS? 1 AIN'T GROPEFtieS AN' EVERVTMIKI’- Houaahold Sarvlcaa Offarad .....l l- A ______MALE ______39 first floor, heated, garage, $35. sectlonal series plan whereby each Reid’s (4) Apprentice Cornello Mojena of R e id ___ MAD AMD UMUMBERS OOME NOTHIN'. • AM' THIS M EW SHAPE (S <30 Balldlog—Contracting ...... u lx>maa A Nettlefon, Hartford club plays at the park of each rival Havana, leading rider at the fair ...... 107 103 119 329 Florlato—Nursariea ...... 19 YOUNG MAN would like work oa 7-3212, Manchester 3275. club on a "4-4-3" game basis. Next McLaughlin . . . 67 117 214 THAT GUM, WE MAT COMFORTABLE OM OME^ BYNLK- THE NEW Funeral Dlractora ...... u carpenter’s helper. Experienced. grounds, still Is In trouble despite McCarthy season each team will make four the fact he has been through rour ...... 86 112_ 69 297 F ITS ME p e r f e c t l y /J ' Baattng—Plumbing—Roofing 17 h a e t o OOT-RUW BE LUX Inauranca ...... is Dial 3062. FOR RENT— LIVING In large, trips on a ’’2-3-3-3" arrangement. Coaeo ...... 106 111 129 346 revolutions and a half dozen hurri­ Farrand . milinary—Dresaxnaking 19 well-heated rooms, being your own They estimate the change means canes. Immigration authorities at . . . i . 133 102 107 342 • i*usYiiuiaivicc.M& T.astav.SMT.Ofr. A l o a d o f EIGHT Moving—Trucking—S.oraga . . . . to housekeeper keeps the wolf from each club will average an addition­ SpUlane ...... — 105 — 105 Public Paaaenger Service ...... tO>A ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 New Orleans are investigating his b u c k s h o t l! the door. See Jensen, Johnson al 2,000 miles of travel each season. length of residence in this country. (BEAD THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) Painting-Papering ...... ll Totals .. ___ 529 533 671 1633 Profaaalonal Bervlcaa ...... It FOR SALE—NOKOL gun type, Block. Phones 6070—7635. Unless they are aatlafled he has not Coughlin (0) The swan and sled soon went Rapalrlng ...... tt electric spark, oil burner, beats 8 Madison, Wia.— In all three overstayed hla leave, they will send When a man Jumped from behind Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning t4 games the University of Wisconsin Newman ...... 97 65 192 Toilet Qooda and Service ...... t9 rooms, used about six years. Call FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ him back to Cuba. from sight, and then an elf said, a tree and shouted, ‘T m Jock ment, newly decorated and paint­ basketball team has played, and Hare ___ ...... 66 105 _81 282 Frost! Wanted—Dualneaa Se.viea...... tO Mrs. E. H. Crosby. Tel. 8409. Lucua . . . ’Well, all right, we’ll go and ed. All Improvements. Inquire .701 won this season the first shot a ----- 103 106 114 323 "If you have come here to Toy- fCdnratlonal Rogers Caldwell of Nashville, Coughlin ___ 107 meet old Jack Frost, now. He Is Couraea and CUnaea ...... |i Main street. Badger took went for a field goal. Tenn., Is In New Orleans, and one 61 112 310 land and plan to lend a helping FOR SALE—ONE PAIR girls shoe Kebart .. ___ 117 125 120 362 a funny sort. Private loatractlon ...... tl skates, used very little, size 6. Ap­ The Badgers have equalled the of the objects of bis visit Is discus­ hand. I’ll take you right to Santo. pbnelng ...... tt-A defensive record of last season In Liennon ...... — — 116 116 "He’s always Just crock full of No time, youngsters, must be Mualeal—Dramatic ...... it ply 825 Main street. sion of a deal to sell the high class holding opponents to 57 points. race mare, Late Date, to F. P. fun, and loves to see that work la lost iCKING AMP SCSEAMING SLIPPERY aoSER Wanted—InatructioB ...... 10 They have scored 73 points aa com­ Totals . . . ___ 520 522 548 1585 IS PRAGGEP ABCARP ^ MAMYHAHA. . Financial FOR SALE — ONE UPRIOH'T Letelller, New Orleans turfman. done. He thinks whate’er Is done piano, A-1 condition. Singer sew­ pared with 93 for the first three for Santa Is a lot of sport." "His home U Just a UtUe hike, Bonda—Stocka—Mortgagaa m .. II games last season. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS flfHE'STHE iCOMBALOIsla,) 1 TELL______YOU,_ _ Bualneaa Opportunltiea ...... tt ing machine, safe, dress making "Well, he la right,” said Dotty. through country that Tm sure VWR WUSII^COBjBLiUS BkSOER, Money to Loan ...... || AUTOMOBILE (Murphy’s Alleys) DNHE, MIKE (SORfiEOUE. form, latest type, guitar. Palmer, ‘Gee, what better pleasure could you’ll like. W e’ll pass a lot of toy MOTH/Nf HAS CONFESSBR HS SAYS VOU V i m Ualp and jitnntlona Chicago— Gene Tunney, stopping K. of P. shops, but don’t enter them, right HIM INTO MUgPggiMV. — ■ , 275 Oakland street. INSURANCE Sports Roundup E. Berggren .. 115 96 100 310 there be, when we all know that Help Wanted—Female ...... |9 cn route from the west coast to Santo’s work is for good girls and now. , HIS BRC7THBR, POR /TIT'S A U 6 f Help Wanted—Male ...... St We sell the best protection New York, Indicated he was R. Anderson .. 103 118 116 337 "It’s up to Santo to say where fialasDien Wanted ...... It-A By EDDIE BBIETZ A. C a rlson ____ 86 94 103 283 boys? HIS UFC INSUB4NCE. / IT IVUZ HIS Help Wanted—Maia or Female.. t7 obtainable. You can buy it through with politics. Asked if he irou all will work. I Just don’t would campaign for President (Asooedated Press Sporta Writer) C. B o lin ...... I l l 104 128 343 "I know, each year, on Christ­ [OWN (DEAR Ageii.a Wanted ...... 17-A mas Day, kind Santa gets a loud dare. Now, Tlnymltes, behave Slluailona Wanted—Female ... SI on MONTHLY or WEEKLY Roosevelt as he did In 1932, he said: New York, Dec. 12.— (A P )— No yourselves. We’ll get along, some­ AN' 1 Klisl Sltualiont Wanted—Male ...... |f I’ayments. Get our proposi­ "I don’t think ao; I may be out of wonder the boys always are glad to Totals ...... 415 411 447 1263 hurray! He makes all of the wee ■ RROYI Employment Agenclca ...... tt TO RENT how." tion before renewing your the country during the next presi­ see Tom Yawkey show up at the folks very happy with hie toys." Then, 'cross a snowy path they U t« Iteek—Feta—PnaHry—Tahtclen FIVE ROOMS, DOWNSTAIRS, O. Johnson . . . . 85 106 99 290 Doga—Blrda—Paia ...... 41 at $15 per montli, and FOUR Insurance. dential election." major league meetings___ .He sel­ went. It seemed ’bout half Jack'al t4va Stock—Vablclaa ...... 40 dom fails to scatter e hundred thou­ J. Wennergren 101 100 127 328 Then Duncy loudly shouted. time was spent in doing funnyj Poultry and Suppllea ...... 49 ROOMS UPSTAIRS at $1$ per A. Anderson . . . 89 134 85 308 *Oh, Tm quite impatient. Come, month, at 28 Birch Street. sand or so around before be leaves dance steps, as he traveled" Wanted - Pett —Poultry—Stock 44 BtAOHINE AGE COURTESY E. Knofla . . . . 102 114 107 323 let’s go. I know that well like Jack through the snow. For Sala—Mlacellaneena ----- He’s right up to form at Chica­ Inquire of Supt. at 26 Birch St., go this week...... Frost, and I hope he’ll like us, too. Said Ooldy, “You’re a clever Artlclea for Sale ...... 44 Stuart J. Wasley Bingham, Utah — Cesore Rob- Totals 377 454 418 1249 Boat! and Acccaaorlea ...... 4t or Insurance of AU Kinds. George Halas, owner of the Chi­ "The rest will work, and so will man. Do all the dance steps that Building Materiala ...... 47 blano, a courteous gentleman, step­ I, so kindly tell Jack Frost we’U you can. Why, sir, it’s Just as Cull for Infortnatlon at 7 P. M. State Tfarater Building ped from a narrow sidewalk into cago Bears, is picking Detroit to Olamoada—Watchea—Jewelry ,, 40 TeL 6648—7142 Hindus use "ghee,” clarified but­ try to give old Santo Claus a real good as going to a funny show." Electrical Appllancen—Jtadlo .. 49 the street to allow two women to beat New York in the National ter, as a medicinal agent, believing big lift, ere we are through." Fuel and Feed ...... Reliable Realty Co. pass. An automobile knocked him Football League playoff...... Harold Oardar — Farm—Dairy Produota 90 that Ua efficacy as an external ap- They walked a little ways and (H ie Tillies meet Santa hi tba Houaahold Oooda ...... §i 126 Temple St. Hartford down, fracturing his skull. Eckert o f Columbus, burned up at pUcaUloD Incteasea with age. then the Tlnles started smiling, next story.) Maeblaary and Tool...... II Phone 7-5119 Mu.leM Imtniin.nt...... „ n Ottlc. Md Stor. Equlpm.nt 14 SpTClu. at tb. S tore...... 14 ALLEY OOP Oop Knows His Pinny By HAMLIiy SALKSMAN SAM __ A Lot for Five Bucks ^TecTOW £l iTs ApartmutU, r u u , Ttoemenu.. low, steam heat and garage. RSIWOe^ VYopR FAULT He •ostnwf Location, for R*nt West Center SL—7 rooms, heated HURT TtSO t! h e l l d o \M0RD IS SPOKEN F l"!!! *•' ...... —. ARouwo? /^ lu rr n e c e . s o ■nbnrhan tor R a n t------, ffarage, oil burner and recrea­ anything THRU FALSE You'Re IT| . BamaMT Bom u tor Rant tion room In basement. TD Wartad to Rant ...... Bollywood Section—7 rooms, oil T E E T H f I f Roto HaUU Far Sala Apartm.nl Bnlldlas tor 8.1. . . . burner, heated garage; two Basin ... pTopartr for 8 M ...... baths. tl Farm, and Land tor Bala ...... “ {teasu tor Bal. Oreenacres Section—Two 5-room I^U far Bal. flats. Thoroughly modem. B ts.ft Btonai lJ tor Sate BabarW a tor tala Baal Batato tor B xobaro —— Waafsd—Itsal Bstata ...... Edward J. Hdl .t.i. As__ 865 Mala Street w I I V Ltcal Natle F»W«sniviet.*ic. T.M.asau.s.wiT.flsr.. ,12