
.1 ' V • s i AVHRAOB OAILT OiBODIATlON IMF th« Ma«tk at Newwi*er, ISU THE WBATBdOl^ VrOHaintf aa« Wootburj^ 'ore*—t at o ..s. WaMhar ' I I ll-V « . -;.;-,X-,. ' B artfard Oa—cally fair toaIgM] *VMay' 5i783 prabaldy rate aa tha ooaat aad rate '^4^> Shaving Sets 69c Perfume $1.10 MCaber of the AsdK ar taow te tha tatertor; *^>r Men. Bineaii a t OrealaMona ebaage te temperataia. Ooty'n Mennea’n MANCHESTER--A CITY OF VHXAGE CHARM mas oa Page it.. VOL.LVnNO.82. Shaving Sets 89c Perfume $1.00 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTU For Men. Manicure Sets . .50c and $1.00 Shaving Brushes D O LLA R DAY BIG NAVAL POWERS Mairiagre But No Honeymoon For Killer Facing' Qiair COMPACTS. .. $1.00 and $2.50 SMALL NATIONS SCORE 1.0000 Powder SPECIALS From All Around_ _The____ Store 50c to $3.50 CASES.......... $1.00-$1.50 TOYS Embroidered Pillow Cases REJECT JAP DEMAND Flexible Sleds ..... .. .$1.00 $1.00 pair Beautiful embroidered pillow caaes In colon and LATEST PEACE PLANS Big Shot Pin Games..............$1.00 all whita. Boxed. unions Job Italy, PLAN BIG MERGER Mother’s Helper Cleaning Sets, WILLIE’S BRIGHT IDEA $1.00 36” Embroidered Pure Linen France, U. S. and B ritab TREASURY BUYS BRINGS A SPANKING Take Firm Stand at Geneva .. I Bingo (25 cards).....................$1.00 Lunch Sets, $1.00 aet OF U .S . METHODISTS Kinston, N, C , Dec. 12 — One of our best Chrletmae numbere. 88” linen at London Parley —Tokyo (AP)—lease Wilson's son WlUle Against Giving Ethiopiai Dart Boards with harmless target cloth with four napkins to match. Beautiful em- found a way to keep hla four broidery on cream or colored ffrounda. SILVER DESPITE small brothers and sisters out p isto ls...................................$1.00 Asks Parity. Factions Have Been Negotiat­ of mischief. Land to Italy; Selassie He poured molasses over their Indoor Horseshoe Games ... $1.00 36” Pastel Colored Basket Weave LONDOMEPORT hands and gave each some ing 70 Years; Will Have feathers to play with. Rejects the Proposal. Table Tennis S e ts...................$1.00 Linen Sets, $1.00 set ^ London, Dec. 12.—(AP)—Japan's Willie got spanked. (^demand for equality In naval Dutch Girl Aluminum Sets .. $1.00 Fine quality pure linen sets with basket w e^^K l 30 MiUion Members. - 6* Pastel colors In green, blue and peach, rength was rejected at the Inter- Sen. Morgenthao Says White By ASSOCIATED P ^ S S Mechanical Trains ........ .$1.00 " national Naval Conference today by the four other great naval powers A tide of rebelUou surged against Racing Games.............. .$1.00 Cellophane Wrapped and the British Dominions. Washington, Dec. 12.—(AP)— A Metal Was Purchased RAILROAD MAGNATE the Franco-British proposals for American, British and Italian plan to bring 8,00,000 Methodists peace between Italy and Ethiopia 111 Stuffed Toy Animals............$1.00 Cannon Towel Sets, $1.00 set delegates flatly rejected the Japa­ together Into a united church after East Africa today as British dlpl»> Mamma and Trixy Dolls .... $1.00 A real practical gift! Bach set cellophane nese propoMl, and had the support Every Day This Week — macy sought to allay another criate of the British Dominions, while more than 100 years of separation DIES IN CLEVELAND wrapped. Heavy bath towel and two face cloths. tangent to the war. Will Find HALE*S The Place To Shop! Bagatelle Games................. .$1.00 .Green, peach and blue, France expressed opposition chiefly was disclosed in detail for the first on grounds of procedure. time today. SOent On Place. With London's consent King Fuad It was understood the British of Egypt signed a royal decree r^ 52” X 52” Pure Linen took the lead In opposing the Japa­ A judicial council with power to M. J. Van Sweringen Passes storing constitutional governmefit' Pottery Table Lamps............$1.00 nese demand*. rule on the constltutlonaUty of to his nation. Lunch Cloths, $1.00 each church conference actions Is an Im­ Washington, Dec. 12.—(AP) —Sec­ HOSIERY Metal Art Lamps, Dogs, Cats, Fig­ The meeting broke up at noon, retary Morgenthau today denied the The relation between efforts to Ski Suits Smart new three-tono border patterns in gold, with the Japanese leaving hastily. portant part of the plan. The coun­ Away After Long IDness; settle the war aa quickly as poesOila Two-piece models In ures, in white, green and bronze, green, red and blue. Size 52x52. Although they are usually the first cil's functions would be somewhat United States had stopped purchas­ and pour oil on the troubled waters brown, royal and navy. to dep^, their hurried exit created similar to those of the Supreme ing stiver and asaerted ho had Had Remarkable Career. of Egyptian poUUca was pictured to ' •Gordon $1.00 Beautiful Living Room Pillows the Impression at the moment that <3ourt. bought tbe metal every day this League of Nations circles os dM tu Sizes 3-6 Ash Tray Lamps with wood bases, they were walking out of the con­ The council idea is Incorporated ^ e a s e take me a ^ ^ from this," sobbed 18-year-old Anna Downey aa Justice William H. Robinson read week. Britain’s worry oirsr anU-mtHh; •N o Mend $1.00 each ference. in a "plan of union” to consolidate the ceremony making her the wife of John Collins, her sweetheart convicted of a holdup murder and *T am contmutog to carry out tbe demonstrations to Egypt wMte' $1.00 Kapok filled. Ruat, gold, red, brown, n e e n and Well-Informed sources said, how­ the three main denominational racing aentence of death. His wrists handcuffed, Collins.Is shown slipping the wedding ring on his bride's mandate of the Silver Purchase Cleveland, O., Deo. 12.—(AP)— complicated the Hedlterrattean ite- eggshell. AU types of patterns. ever, the Japanese merely wished to groups of Methodists In this coun­ Robinson unties them. The ceremony was performed In the Queens County jail at Long Act,” Morgenthau. said. “I have M. J. van Swerlngen, who with hla broglio. •M.K.M. $6.98 Colonial Candlestick Lamps, $1.00 submit certain questions to Tokyo. try under a new name—the Metho­ Island City, New ^ork, and afterward Collins was taken back to his celL bought silver every day this week— brother O.' P. roee from obscure 1%en, too, thoae eireiss said. French and Italian opposition to dist Church. on Monday, on liiesday, and on Downing etreet la anxious to re-*»> Novelty Glass Lamps — Card, Japanese equality was understood tabllsh quickly the damaged “united •L ife Guard Pure Dye Silk Sizes 7-12 Washable 12-Pocket Fabrikoid The plan recently was ratified at Wednesday, to many different front” erected by Italy, FYanes Sod Dice, Jingle, Scotty and Opal to have resulted from the Japanese Cincinnati by representatives of the places.” Shoe Bags, $1.00 statement that chey considered a Methodist Bpiscopal church, the Great Britain at the Btresa Oonfbr-, Glass Decorated.................$1.00 A real practical gift. Black, green, red and common upper limit of naval ton­ It was on Tuesday the London enee. Oiiffon, Semi'Service DANCESETS $7.98 brown. nage should be confined to the Unit­ Methodist Bpiscopal church, south, ROYAL DECREE RESTORES MAY YOHE DENIES silver market collapsed because of But Britioh diplomacy, ■dvsn n 3-Pc. Glass Vanity S ets ........$1.00 ed States, Britain and Japan be­ and Ute Methodist Protestant a lack of buyers. Brokers attribut­ surprise turn at Paris in the rapid and Service — Ringle8i< cause there were no varying Inter­ church.' Details were announced to­ ed this condition to a treasury halt drafting of the pronosala to end the $1.69 ■'■izes 14-20 Cigarette Humidors in Chrome or 18” X 36” Heavy Cannon Towels ests am o^ those three. day by Dr. Harry E. Woolever, STORY ABOUT SON to purchases. Italo-Ethloplan conflict, apparently Fraich Objection aecretaiy of the joint commission EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT Morgenthau said the department was headed for stormy weather at Brass Finish.........................$1.00 Six in Package, $1.00 The French objection tr the idea on Methodist union. had departed from Ita usual prac- Geneva. Heavy absorbent Cannon towels with colored bot^ of limiting a tonnage agreement to Agreed At Last ties of concentrating purchases to Take Finn Stand 69c to $1.35 pr. $9.98 Cigarette Boxes, metal and leath­ ders In blue, gold, green, rose and orchid. Six in the three powers. Insisting on their Every representative at the •Cin­ London, but refused to locate this Many states represented on tho er covered.............................$1.00 package tied with ribbonzene. full rights. cinnati conference. Dr. Woolever Britain Consents to Move In Calls Actor’s Statement week's purchases. He declined to League's sanctions comu)ltU* of The South Africans, Canadians said, “expressed the belief that, CHARGES DENIED say whether this departure would be U , called to consider addlUoual qq and Australians were reported to penalties against Italy for havteff ‘ Separate Ski Pants _ u»/| no Ogarette Dispensers — let the 20” X 40” Heavy Cannon Towels after 70 years of negoUaUon com­ continued. In Corduroy or « ool V iM • O V j l • « l 0 have spoken to opposition to the mencing soon after the close of the Day Cabinet Was to Re­ ^^Rubbish”: Tbinks It Is Likewise he would not say wbetb' been tbe “aggressor” in the African LEATHER bird pick up your smokes.. $1.00 Japanese demand for equality. er any direct purchases were made war, took a firm stand against ma­ Three in Package, $1.00 A spokesman for tbi American Civil War, the steps were about BY CITIES SERVICE jor oonoesalons to Italy a t tbs prloo Chrome Sweet Meat Dishes, $1.00 Thirsty Cannon towels that will give years of delegation asserted the speech of consummated to make a new church sign — Constitution Was Publicity StnuL to Oitoa.
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