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Please Reserve My History Book ri' _jC_ Ly.iiaui*st Library SAMPLE V a lle y Broo'«t Ave. Lyndhurst, •?;. J. 0 7 3 7 1 Police have enough trouble trying to keep pace witli thc mushrooming crime wave with their limited forces without having to contend with a careless citizenry. For every break anrl -entry the police who try doors every night can report an alar.ming number of businessman who leaves their door unlocked. Too many-thieves can .just ■nd SO U T H BER G EN REV IEW walk into local shops and stores and carry of/ thc loot. Second-class postage paid at Rutherford, N. J TELEPHONE GENEVA 8-8700-8701 COMMERCIAL LEADER 251 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, NEW JERSEY Please Reserve My History Book | WANT COPIES OF THE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY HISTORY OF LYNDHURST AT $1.50 PER COPY. ADDRESS Savino Takes Ta Former Assemblyman Car- jurisdiction over tax d:s- ..‘,he,1. Then v v .' > carve l ’ ie Savino was exported to run mine Savino Jr. of Lyndhurst putes that rise above Ihe mu- years in the NV-v Jer ev \-som- lor ..tat< senator on the county took his oath of office as a hicipaJ awl county levels. Th< illy as a I!.; . n C.amt.v dele- ticket but decided to take thc judpe of the New Jersey Stale aoard consist* of five members. a-e. state tax appeals post. Board of Tax Appeals Tuesday On Wednesday Savino sat In recent years Savino wa one Savino had had wide e\pe- in Trenton. Savino assumed his Jersey Citv to familiarize him- of tile leaders who fought to put rienee in realty m 'tters, hawng new duties at once. *-clt ,vith procedure*. new leadership at the head of served as counsel for his fa­ Superior Court Judge Thomas A native of Lyndhurst. Savino il e Bergen County Republican ther’s real estate firm for over Schettino presided at the brief is the son of tin' late May or Car- iitrty. Three years ago he was 30 years. It is now: opera ted by crremony that was attended hy mine Savino Sr. and Mrs. An- r.a unsuccessful candidate for his orother. John, S&vino's wife, Kileen, and his toinelte -Savino. Savin.) was an assi'sublx..nomination.J0n an fiav. Richard J. Hughes »ve~ sisters, Mrs. Edward Rocsohke. i;r:.duated finni Lyndhurst High insurgent Republican ticket. < mmended the appointment to principal of Roosevelt School, Tlie purpose of the fight was Savino. It was unanimously ap- and Miss Charlotte Savino, prin- achieved whin tlie county party p:ovcd last week by the State. cipal of Lincoln School, both of a as reorganized and scored out- Senate. H*;> term of office is Lyndhurst. •■.anding victories in tho last U\e years and the salary S17,- Tlie Tax Appeal Hoard has t lection Another Dope M eeting Is Set Till-: COMMI M T I \ltuir, epnrfment cited five ix^xts for Elimination of blighted and priottttinn area* which ap- ■*. largely to unimproved ■ant land not likelv to he AxVntie to Orient Way: eloped by private capital, i*_>rlong Orient Way to perty which resists develop- tion with Route IT; an rtl because ol ownership dis- erly along Route 17 to p», and a number ot sub- twin with Route 46 th, uiard -and obsolescent build- n'ng point s Th rough careful and cum- The Hackensack Mea Commission, a public hensive development, such tion. would be charged diuons would b» eliminated, Hy with preparing afte k-AGE 1 WO H it COMMERCIAL l l .a u l k ajnl> & uum BKHGJuN REVIEW TMIRSDSY, MAY 18,1967 ; How wide will your child's world be? Very wide and full of possibilities— if he starts with will be ready for school each year during the next 7 years. normal health, a good home, and the best education possible, And as these children progress, they push the overcrowding But considerably smaller and less promising— if the best right through to the highest grades. education possible is lacking. And right now that lack is 11 inis happens here, it affects everybody m our community. a threat to every child (yours included) unless we get together For when the standard of education is lowered, other standards to give our schools the constant help they need from all of us. of prosperity take a downward trend.. Today, throughout America, many public schools are W e need our schools and our schools reed us. If you want overcrowded, under-staffed and under-equipped . for our to help, offer your services to your local group working in recent high birth rate means that a million additional children behalf of better schools. k Thu educational endeavor it made possible by the coOpfiiritfWI • ! thf following puMlc-spirited citiiea* wbo are always in the fore striving to make our community a finer and better place io which to live. PKIFTH F. BENEDICT, Prudent HOWARD (I. CLAUBF.RG, Prr.idenl GEORGE F. ni'RY, Prr.ldenl PAUL PRIMERANO JAMES P. TL'OIIY, Pr«ldent J. SISSEt.MAN Brnad'i.MilIrr, Inc. Mi lei Merrury Corp. Fanionn lirnnit*. Inr. Builder 0/ Hemet American Trurk Letting Corp. buat Rutherford ln«i>iMriil Perk F. S. DICKINSON JR, Pre.ident W. K IIOUPT, Pre.ident FRANK PEZZOU.A WILLIAM P. KING. Prrildent ANTHONY SCARDINO, JR., Prm U n it u : r Him,! I JR. Breton. Dirkitufln it Company Major Cleaner. & Launderera Valley Brook I.ii|uorm, be. Attorney Al Lew General Motor. Tnrk boiling Spriig. S. • I.. A..a. Sale. I S tn in RAYMOND C. * nir HARD F M. I U (.III IN Pret. STANLEY C. PENNACCHIO ALFRED A. PORRO, It. ANTHONY SCARDINO, Pre.ident JAMES A. BRESLIN Tlie Lyndliunu Florid RICHARD L. WILSON Attorney .1 Law IM luf.i Agrnry. Inc. Attaraey *1 Law Star Coat Manufacturing Ca. William J. Wilton h Sow CHARI FS A SCA«4.IONE, Pe»..daal IL-SUEi ARNOLD A. fVMASSI. JR.. V. P.e. RUDOLPH MELONE, Preaidem JOSEPH R. POLITO, Pretldaat PAT CARt'CCI. Pre,idert De Maui (adilla.-Paa.iar Ca, Ine. Ihe San Carlo. Rritaurant, Inc. Top Noieli Metal Fini-hing Ca. Whit* Fugle Monnmental Ca. JOSEPH CARUCCI JR, Secy. t Tree. Joseph R. Palila Afaary, Inc. J. Ctracri a Sow. lac. R. K CRAWFORD, Pre.ident SOI. DIAMOND, Prc.Ment UAROI f> Y P^RETI THEODORE RICHMOND, Prraldeat D P. SAMMARCO. Preridfat DR RALPH WEIS3 Suatlard Tool I Ml*. Ca. Diamond Buaing -Carp. H»r»uth ol Carlaladl, N. J. luicr t.lly Traa*p*rtalla« Ca, la*. Saadi Barges S. i L Ataadatlaa OptamatfM I THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1967 THE COMMERCIAL .LEADER AND SOin n 1F.RGFN RETIEW PA G E T H R E E .MISS (MIL TONCA MISS ItAICIIAKA CARKOI.L Mr. iinl Mrs. Willard A Tos- Miss Haririra C "Troll oTNortfT oa., 1 Hlj Forest Ave., Lyndhurst, Arlington was honored at a sur- hove announced the engage­ pri ;e .hower on May 5th by her ment of their daughter, Gail bridal attendants. There were A.w, lo Daniel William Pratt, 40 guests present. son of Mr. end Mr;;. Dante A. Miss Carroll, a senior at Cald­ Pratt, 254 Main St., Medford, well, w’ill be married to Mr. Richard F. Lindsay of Lynd­ Bruno Valante, chairman of Lyndhurst’s Unico, Florence Flood Fund, presents S500 to Dick Piazza, District Governor, hurst on August 5th at Queen of The money willj be immediately sent to help the people Miss Tosea is with Presto of Florence, Italy. Left to right: George Contello, Secretary Pi ace Church. of Lyndhurst Chapter; Mayor Horace Bogle; Dick Piaxza; Ni Food Products Inc., Walllngton. ■k La Mogna, Pres, of Lyndhurst Chapter; Bruno Valante; The best man will be Mr. Sal Valante, Co-Chairman; Mike Monetta, Co-Chairman. Mr. Pratt is a graduate of Thomas Lind ay and the maid imously resolved to apply to the started on the modern treat­ Northeastern University, Bos­ oi honor will bo Miss Adrienne PTA To Sell .... MRS. ROBERT HEARN Tamarack Council to award Two Men Walk In Carroll. Bridesmaids include School Aids ment that works fast to fight ton, and attends the university's Scout Thomas Frank a certifi­ TB. Feel sure . be safe . And Rob Barber tho Misses Carol Lindsay, Caio- The wedding of Miss Doris er as best man. Ushers were graduate school evenings where Spacego School Aids of New­ cate of merit. The certificate of don’t take chances With your lyn SobolewsM and Mary Ann Janet Resco, daughter of Mr Mr. Pavelchak Of $30 Tuesday he is studying for a master’s and Mr ark has developed a line of mer­ merit is awarded to scouts who health and the health of your Chomiak. Ushers are Messrs. and Mrs. S'ephen Resco of Car- Restiano, chandise to be sold by P.T.A. perform some outstanding act of family. % Bold croc\> continued this in­ degree in Mathematics. He is David Lostishoek, George rie Court, Nutley, fo Airman 1-c The bride wore a gown of peau Sioups to children for the pur- service, putting into practice vasion of Lyntflurst this week. with the Boston school system. Jiohde and Robert Dulee. Robert T. Hearn, USAF, son of Plan now to have a free chest de soie with lace appliques on P°se °f raising funds for school Scout skills and ideals. On Sat­ At 1:08 p.m. hvo 6irmed men' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hearn, X-ray when the mobile unit is the bodice, skirt and detachable Projects. urday, April 22, while playing " alked into the barber shop of Roosevelt Avenue, Lynd.
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