Annual Report 2009-2010
PEN AmErican centEr AnnuAl report 2009-2010 NEXTNEXT>>>> PEN AmErican centEr AnnuAl report July 1, 2009 – DEcEmbEr 31, 2010* PEN AmERICAN cENTEr BoArD oF TRUSTEEs, 2009-2010 Kwame Anthony Appiah (President), Maria Campbell (Treasurer), Ron Chernow, Francisco Goldman, Beth Gutcheon, Jessica Hagedorn (Vice President), A.M. Homes (Vice President), Laurence J. Kirshbaum (Executive Vice President), Jhumpa Lahiri, Joanne Leedom-Ackerman, Jaime Manrique, Claudia Menza, David Michaelis, Michael F. Moore, Steven Pleshette Murphy, John Oakes, Walter Pozen, Victoria Redel, Susanna Reich, Hamilton Robinson, Jr., Roxana Robinson (Secretary), Esmeralda Santiago, Elissa Schappell, Scott Spencer, Annette Tapert, Lynne Tillman, Monique Truong, Danielle Truscott, Doug Wright, Steven L. Isenberg (Executive Director), Leon Friedman (General Counsel) PEN AmERICAN cENTEr sTAFF Maggie Abam (Staff Accountant), Antonio Aiello (Web Site Editor), Nick Burd** (Manager of Membership and Literary Awards), Robyn DesHotel (Director of Finance and Administration), Jonathan Dozier-Ezell (Prison Writing Coordinator), Alena Graedon (Manager of Membership and Literary Awards), Annmarie Granstrand (Membership and Writers’ Fund Coordinator), David Haglund (Managing Editor, PEN America), Sarah Hoffman (Freedom to Write Coordinator), Steven L. Isenberg (Executive Director), Meghan Kyle-Miller (Development Associate), Stacy Leigh (Readers & Writers and Open Book Director), Charles Leung (Associate Web Site Editor), Caro Llewellyn*** (PEN World Voices Festival and Public Programs
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