Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 212
Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 212 / Friday, November 1, 2002 / Rules and Regulations 66541 Regulatory Impact evaluation prepared for this action is 2002–22 01 Moravan A.S.: Amendment contained in the Rules Docket. A copy 39–12925; Docket No. 99–CE–71-AD. Does This AD Impact Various Entities? of it may be obtained by contacting the (a) What airplanes are affected by this AD? The regulations adopted herein will Rules Docket at the location provided This AD affects the following airplane not have a substantial direct effect on under the caption ADDRESSES. models and serial numbers that are the States, on the relationship between certificated in any category: the national government and the States, List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 or on the distribution of power and Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation Model Serial Nos. responsibilities among the various safety, Incorporation by reference, levels of government. Therefore, it is Safety. Z–143L .... All serial numbers up to and in- determined that this final rule does not cluding 0029, except 0025 have federalism implications under Adoption of the Amendment and 0027. Executive Order 13132. Z–242L .... All serial numbers up to and in- Accordingly, under the authority cluding 0733. Does This AD Involve a Significant Rule delegated to me by the Administrator, or Regulatory Action? the Federal Aviation Administration (b) Who must comply with this AD? amends part 39 of the Federal Aviation Anyone who wishes to operate any of the For the reasons discussed above, I Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows: certify that this action (1) is not a airplanes identified in paragraph (a) of this AD must comply with this AD.
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