Finally, Comrades, This Community Is Being Harassed by the Mosquitoes. We Have One Enemy to Fear and We Are Justified in Fear
- Finally, comrades, this community is some beautiful gardens between some of the being harassed by the mosquitoes. We have blocks. I think something beautiful is coming, one enemy to fear and we are justified in fear something also preventive is coming. I have ing i t A mosquito, one, you don’t have to fee also seen whole areas of tall grass which are bitten by many. One; it’s a serious develop very menacing, threatening. I thinlr we should ment, it’s going to be killing us. It has become evolve a slogan, something to the effect: H o a killer in some of the areas where we are, like to long grass. Yes to lawn grass.” Angola; it has taken a remarkable number of I would like, comrades, to say that we lives. Mosquitoes; and I should like to pro are greatly concerned about the loss of life pose, Comrade Director, and to you, com among our people. You see, we are here, we rades, to all of you, that we fight mosquitoes, are not even with our parents. We don’t have we declare war on the mosquitoes. We elim too many doctors here. We would like to inate it here, while we defend ourselves ag leave as few of our comrades in the secret ainst its attacks. But we really go out to fight cemeteries as possible. We are worried about it. death that comes unnecessarily, and we think I understand that the mosquito lives in as a movement we should fight the cause of tall grass and breeds there, it grows there and death, so that comrades can be preserved for multiplies itself in tall grass, damp areas near for the struggle, for the future, for service to water, little puddles.
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