Studia Religiologica 50 (3) 2017, s. 203–220 doi:10.4467/20844077SR.17.013.7746 Muslim Areas at Municipal Cemeteries in Germany and Austria1 Martin Klapetek Department of Philosophy and Study of Religions University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
[email protected] Abstract The paper is devoted to funeral culture and its connection to the acculturation of Muslims in German and Austrian society. The vast majority of the deceased are still transported back to their country of origin, which hampers the successful integration of their families. With regard to the establishment of specialised areas within municipal cemeteries, the significance of the process of institutionalisa- tion of Muslim organisations has become clear, as has the emphasis on experts. An increase in the number of Muslim burials in Western Europe is expected in future. Importance is also attached to the funerals of new-borns, but the long-term integration effect of such funerals on the whole family is still debatable. Problems with operation of Islamic cemeteries in Germany are influenced by con- ferring public rights on Muslim organisations. However, some examples of successful operation of Islamic cemeteries can already be found in Austria. The current situation is influenced by the need to respond to an ever-increasing number of seniors from the first generation of Muslim migrants and asylum seekers from the second half of the last century. The creation of special areas at munici- pal cemeteries may not actually constitute an expression of separation. It rather corresponds to the process of integration within a stratified society.