THE MINIVAN REAL ESTATE MOMOLOGUES Backyard hacks Annual check-up CLASSIFIED Kristen finds focus Find out what’s again, thanks to read- Problem yards become award- Keep your home in good health; happening in the ing glasses Page E4 winning landscapes / E9 follow Rosie’s to-do list / E12 Tucson-area real estate market. Pages 13-16 SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2017 • SECTION E Editor: Inger Sandal / 520-573-4131 /
[email protected] RICK WILEY / ARIZONA DAILY STAR Board members representing arts groups in Phoenix and Tucson met on Friday to discuss future Desert Song Festivals, including next year’s Leonard Bernstein birthday celebration. SONG FEST UNITES MANY VOICES Annual concert series draws participation from 10 arts groups in Arizona By Cathalena E. Burch SONG FESTIVAL STAR POWER ARIZONA DAILY STAR • The artists: Angela Brower, Bernadette ack Forsythe had a crazy idea in early 2010: What if a Peters Cheryl Lindquist, Daniel Montenegro, Bernardo Bermudez, bunch of arts organizations in Tucson — the symphony Elizabeth Futral, Judicaël Perroy, Marco Cammarota, Heidi Stober, Kristin and university, the professional choir and the guitar Dauphinais, Heather Phillips, Kevin J Murphy, Rena Harms, Rebecca Ringle, society — joined hands and put on a big multi-week Nathaniel Olson, René Barbera, Sandra Lopez, Trey Smagur, Tony Arnold, Refus festival focusing on the human voice? Müller, Richard Paul Fink and Victoria Robertson. The festival would insert itself into the groups’ existing • The arts groups: Ravinia Steans Music Institute of Illinois; Arizona Early Music seasons, guaranteeing at minimum an audience of season Society, Arizona Opera, Arizona Friends of Chamber Music, Ballet Tucson, ticketholders.