
Who Doesn’t Know What Willies Are? Scene Outside Graveyard with tombstones and trees the moon is full


There once was a boy who never was frightened, he didn’t have enough sense to be scared, and as bad that was he would never be enlightened, so he never thought enough to be prepared.

Oh wow I am a poet, but do I know …(pretend to think). Oh well (pause)

One day, Henry and his big sister Katie were walking home after dark. The wind was howling, the trees creaking and groaning Lightening was flashing off in the distance, owls were hooting in the trees near by, and the howling earyly, making this a very scarey . The road they were on led past a graveyard, where the moon lit up rows of tombstones, and the trees cast erie shadows across the road. No one seemed to know that Henry had gone through his life unafraid and was totally clueless on what the willies are.

KATIE: (begins to quiver, quake and shake) Ooh! This place really gives me the willies! The sounds of the wolves, owls and the shadows all of this just scares me.

HENRY: (looking dumb) The willies? What are the willies? I have never heard of such a thing.

KATIE: (scornfully) Do I have to tell you everything? The willies are when you get so scared, you shiver and shake, sometimes the hair stands up on the back of your neck and you get butterflies in your stomach and your skin starts to crawl with goose bumps.

HENRY: Well! I never had anything like that happen to me before! Butterflies in your stomach how do they get in there? And wow hair standing up on the back of your neck, I wonder what that would feel like. I wish I would get the willies, so I’d know what they are like, they sound like fun!

KATIE: (to audience, shakes her head in disgust) Wow to think he is a junior in high school! How sad for my family, our mom will be so disappointed in his ignorance, and dad I he will be embarrassed to call him his son.


(Remove the tombstones)

NARRATOR: The more Henry thought it over, the more he wondered about the willies, and the more he wished he could have them. He pondered how he could possibly get them. You know Henry hasn’t been right in the head since birth so to him the willies sounded absolutely wonderful!

HENRY: (to audience) I guess if I want the willies, I’d better go look for them since no one has given them to me around here. But where could I start looking. (rubbing his chin as if he has a beard) I know, maybe a wise person they should know where to find them. But to find the wisest person, that could be rough. Know let’s see who could that be….. AHHH I know the King he rules our country he has to be the wisest person around! (walking over to mom and dad who are working outside) Mom, dad and the person who happens to be my sister I need to tell you good-bye as I am off to see if I can find the willies. I will scour the countryside until I do find them, and then and only then will I come home.

KATIE: How rude to think mom and dad could handle you leaving at harvest time, now I will have to work more. This just isn’t fair. (Henry starts to walk off, Katie says to audience) Oh my goodness Katie this wasn’t your brightest idea now was it? Telling your brother about the willies. Now look at what is happening, he is leaving. Oh wait maybe that isn’t so bad after all. FATHER: I can’t believe he’s my son, running around the countryside looking for willies that is a useless and senseless thing to do. We don’t know if he will ever find them. And it is harvest time and we can use all the help we can get right now. (Looking at mother) He must be your son, only your side of the family would do something so foolish like this.

MOTHER: I really don’t believe he is my son I think he was switched at birth! No son of mine would be this crazy.

HENRY: (on way off stage) What did you say dad and mom?

MOTHER: (yelling to Henry) I said I love you and good luck on your adventure. (talking quieter to father) I am not sure how long he will be gone and just think of all the problems he may encounter while away. And what if he doesn’t come back alive? I just couldn’t handle that.

FATHER: (rolling eyes) He will come back just not sure if he will come back in one piece, this is just pure nonsense. How long do you think this will take him, one week, two or more if we are lucky or unlucky so to speak?

KATIE: If he doesn’t come back I get his room because it is bigger and I am a girl don’t I deserve something nice once in awhile don’t I?

MOTHER: You and your brother are always arguing why can’t you two just once be nice to each other. When and if the time comes we will discuss it.

(Mother, Father and sister follow Henry off stage, Strangers come in on the same side while Henry comes in on the other side. Maybe a couple of buildings put up in the background.)

HENRY: (walking slowly) Can you give me the willies?

STRANGER 1: Boogly boogly boogly Boo (makes a face). Doesn’t that scare you? HENRY: Thanks for trying but that didn’t work (walking coming up to another stranger) What about you, do you know how to give willies?

STRANGER 2: Kid you know what, I would try to scare you but I have to go to a meeting soon. (In a scarcastic voice) raaaaah

HENRY: The least you could of done was try. (walking comes to another stranger) Can you scare me?

STRANGER 3: Get lost kid, kids these days you never know what they are up to and this one seems like a strange one. Asking for the willies who would of thought someone would want the willies?

HENRY: That was the second time today that no one has even tried to give me the willies. Yishhhhh (looks bored and sighs) How am I suppose to experience the willies if no one even tries to give them to me? Oh look there looks like someone who could give me the willies. Hey you there! Can you give me the willies?

STRANGER 4: Thanks kid I know I am a bit creepy but a little help never hurts, I carry a mask for just this sort of occasion. (laughing pulls out of his pocket and putting it on) Rarrrhhhhhhh

HENRY: Nope sorry no willies here, nice try tho.

NARRATOR: No matter how hard Henry tried to get the willies no stranger could give them to him. Henry walked all day and night (bright lights to dim lights) through the woods, down a hill, over a bridge until he got to the Kings Castle at dawn, exhausted. Henry knocks on the door, worried that he wouldn’t be able to talk to the king about his problem. A servant answers and lets Henry in. The servant isn’t the nicest and seems a bit rushed.

Scene change Inside good Castle

(Should be brighter colors with nice items around)

SERVANT: What do you want kid hurry up I have a lot of stuff to do today. The King has me doing all of his errands in town and I am late leaving.

HENRY: I really need to see the King today, I have a problem that I need to discuss with him.

SERVANT: What kind of problem do you need to talk to the king about? You know I keep secrets. (shaking head no when Henry isn’t looking) I pretty much know everything going on in this kingdom, I am the kings right hand man.

HENRY: I rather not say, right now, if you don’t mind. Just please get him for me.

SERVANT: Oh fine, I’ll go get the king. (leaving to go get the king) kids these days they think they can tell us old people what to do.

HENRY: (Standing looking around fidgeting)

PRINCESS: Hello, there stranger.

HENRY: (Jumps at her voice) Who are you?

PRINCESS: Why, I am princess, Julia. And who might you be?

HENRY: (shyly) My name is Henry.

PRINCESS: Nice to meet you Henry, ( holds out hand for him to kiss/shake) why are you here?

HENRY: I have a problem and I really don’t want to talk to you about it, I just need to talk to your father the King. He is a wise man and I believe he will know what I should do about it. KING: (saying behind scene) Julia where are you? Your to old to be playing hide and seek! (walkingout from behind scene) Why there you are I was talking to you in the kitchen and I turned around and you were gone Julia. (walks up along side the princess) Who is this young man and what does he want?

PRINCESS: This is Henry father, he has a problem and he will not discuss it with anyone but you. He believes that you will know how to solve it.

KING: Really Henry, I am surprised you feel this way. Many in my kingdom feel differently that is why we have so many problems.

HENRY: Your Majesty I did come from a distance to see you could help me. Do you know what the willes are? And can you give me the willies?

KING: Of corse I know what the willies are, and can I give you the willies (laughing) Why of corse Henry, I’ m the King I can do anything! You know I am the smartest man in our country, so I can do pretty much everything. Let see…… I command you to have …… the willies!( waving a big bang party popper)

HENRY: (standing there waiting before saying anything) I ‘m sorry, your Majesty, I didn’t feel any different, are you sure that thing worked?

KING: Why maybe it is a bit rusty, I should try it again. (waving wand big bang party popper)

HENRY: (l ong pause) Nope nothing

KING: Boy either I am really rusty or you’re a difficult one to give willies too. But I do know of somebody here that could possibly give you the willies. He has been sort of a misfit here at our castle. He was hired to make me laugh and all he seems to be able to do is scare everyone around here. Has anyone seen Jacob?

MAID: (cleaning in background) No your majesty, haven’t seen him since last night when he frightened the queen and she got so scared she went to bed. She was hysterical, I thought she was going to have a heart attack.

KING: I didn’t know this happened to her, I probably should go see if she is okay.

MAID: Yea it happened after dinner. I can’t believe you didn’t hear her scream. I thought she had screamed so loud that she woke the dead. In fact there were some strange sightings after this happened.

KING: Are you sure those strange sightings had something to do with Jacob? By the way where is he. I thought I sent for him awhile ago.

MAID: You did your majesty we just got side tracked. I’ll go fetch him.

QUEEN: (entering all disaray) Oh my heaven I had a horrible night, I was almost frightened to death last night by Jacob, that horrible little man.

KING: I am sorry my dear, I wish I would of been there to stop the incident.

QUEEN: You should of seen him, he thought he was so funny when he gave me those horrible willies, nearly frightened me half to death. I had goose bumps on my entire body and the hair was standing straight up on the back of my neck! This was not funny, he needs to stop it.

KING: Now dear please don’t dwell on the past we need to move forward and get you back to your old charming self.

JACOB: (walks in as if nothing has happened) Your majesty, you sent for me?

KING: I did send for you, before I found out you scared my wife the queen half to death last night. Why are you running around scaring the queen and giving her the willies?

JACOB: I am sorry your majesty it’s not my fault your wife is so easily scared. And as for those willies, I have never seen anyone get them so easily. She really needs to loosen up.

QUEEN: Well I have never…….. (huffing and walks off)

PRINCESS: Mom, Jacob said he was sorry. (following the queen)

KING: Guess she didn’t get much sleep last night, wonder what the rest of my day will be like.

JACOB: Why did you need me your majesty?

KING: I need you to try to grant this young man his wish, he wants the willies and I wasn’t able to accomplish this for him.

HENRY: Please Jacob, it sounds like you have done it before on the queen without any trouble, can you try it on me?

JACOB: (rolling his eyes) Fine let me go get my stuff (walking away turns suddenly back around) Raaagh.

HENRY: Was that suppose to scare me? That was as pathetic as what some strangers I had met along the way tried to do. Really how did you scare the queen.

JACOB: Let’s just say (rub hands together looking eveil) I took her by surprise.

KING: And when she gets surprised she does get rattled.

HENRY: Well the queen must of been a pretty easy target then, cuz this was really sad. Your magesty, is there any other oppurtunity you can think of for me to get the willies?

KING: Yes I do believe so since I was unable to give you the willies as promised. On the other side of Schmorgenburg is a haunted castle. If you spend the night there, you are sure to get the willies. (music dadadada) HENRY: Thank you, Your Majesty!

KING AND JACOB (laughing together)

KING: There is no rhyme or reason for the willies, you can get them at a drop of a hat. But there is one problem, no one who goes to the haunted castle in Schmorgenburg ever stays the night as they all come running and screaming out with the most horrible case of the willies. (cheerfully) But, if you break the spell, you’ll find the castle treasure! There have been lots of people that have tried but none have managed to succeed.

HENRY: That’s fine with me, as long as I get the willies!

KING: Good luck Henry. (To audience, gives a look of disbelief) I hope you find what you are looking for at this castle.


Full moon, trees, tombstones

NARRAOR: Henry walked across the country side it got erie and darker as he went. He reached the haunted castle at midnight. Imagine, the towers were casting eerie shadows under the full moon, there were creatures scattering about as he walked up to the castle. (hearing the noises of the woods play noises such as lightening, frogs and owls getting louder as the narrator is talking )

HENRY: What was that? (hearing a twig snap) hello is anybody out there. (walks a little farther) I wish there were someone here. (In this order, 4 skeletons rise from the graves, 2 zombies come forward, 4-5 mummies out from behind the scene to audience) Did you guys hear that sound (skeleton taps him on shoulder Henry casually turns to look) WOW, (sarcastically)

(skeletons will sing the blue, the /zombies will sing the green and Henry will sing the red) smoke machine? Callin’ all the monsters, callin’ all the monsters Callin’ all the, callin’ all the, callin’ all the monsters Oh yea oohh, oh yea oohh, oh yea oohh Heart thumps and you jump Comin’ down with goosebumps! You dared to go there I’ma I’ma get you so scared! We’re wantin’ to We’re hauntin’ you We’re wantin’ to Eh eh You stayed in too late To be getting afraid This scene’s extreme… I I I I’ma get you so scared! We’re wantin’ to We’re hauntin’ you We’re wantin’ to Eh eh Gonna get your body shakin’ Wishin’ you could just awaken Here we go… Tonight all the monsters gonna dance We’re comin’ to get ya! Tonight all the monsters gonna dance We’re comin’ to get ya! If you’re only dreaming Why I hear you screaming? Tonight all the monsters gonna dance We’re comin’ to get ya! We’re comin’ to get ya! Callin’ all the monsters, callin’ all the monsters Callin’ all the, callin’ all the, callin’ all the monsters

You hide or you try… Kiss tomorrow goodbye! We thrill to your chill… B-B-B-Buckin’ for a freak-out! We’re wantin’ to We’re hauntin’ you We’re wantin’ to Eh eh We might just bite underneath the moonlight More fun if you run! I-I-I-I'm I'm already chasin’ We’re wantin’ to We’re hauntin’ you We’re wantin’ to Ehh ehh Gonna get your body shakin’ Wishin’ you could just awaken

Here we go… Tonight all the monsters gonna dance We’re comin’ to get ya! Tonight all the monsters gonna dance We’re comin’ to get ya! If you’re only dreaming Why I hear you screaming? Tonight all the monsters gonna dance We’re comin’ to get ya! We’re comin’ to get ya! Callin’ all the monsters, callin’ all the monsters Callin’ all the, callin’ all the, callin’ all the monsters! Gonna paint it red, get inside your head, head, head Like a demon choir playing with fire, fire, fire Gonna get your body shakin’ Wishin’ you could just awaken Tonight all the monsters gonna dance We’re comin’ to get ya! Tonight all the monsters gonna dance We’re comin’ to get ya! If you’re only dreaming Why I hear you screaming? Tonight all the monsters gonna dance We’re comin’ to get ya! We’re comin’ to get ya! Oh yea oohh, oh yea oohh, oh yea oohh We’re comin’ to get you!

Scene change inside haunted castle

HENRY: (Henry entered the great hall, a fire sprang to life in the huge fireplace. Voooooom happily, to audience) There’s a skeleton, and a sign that says monsters beware, oh look and over there is something in the corner. YEP seems like a friendly place to me! (Henry sits down in a chair and settled himself to wait. cheerfully to audience) Now I’m sure to get the willies look at all this and what has happened outside and I haven’t even seen anyone, yet…. Very promising.

(The clock in the great hall struck one. Bonnngggggg)

HENRY: (turns around quickly and is delightfully suprised)

VAMPIRE: (sitting behind Henry with the Werewolf) Velcome to what I call vy home! HAHAHAHAAHA

WEREWOLF: (growls at Henry and bares his teeth)

VAMPIRE: (to Henry) Vould you care to join our card game? It’s been so long since ve had anyvun to . . . play vith.

HENRY: Certainly! It will pass the time, while I’m waiting for the willies! (sitting with the werewolf and vampire)

VAMPIRE: I vill explain the rules. If my furry friend vins . . . he vill rip you to shreds.

WEREWOLF: (snarls at Henry)

VAMPIRE: If I vin . . . I vill drink your blood. If you vin . . . ve vill let you live.

HENRY: Sounds fair to me!

WEREWOLF: (growls and deals the cards)

NARRATOR: They played for almost an hour growling and snarling at each other while Henry just sat there waiting for the willies. All of a sudden the Werewolf got mad and started throwing the cards around.

VAMPIRE: (laughs ominously) I von and I vant to drink your blood! ( He moved closer to Henry, showing two long, pointy teeth.) HENRY: I think you cheated, didn’t you pull that last card off the bottom of the deck? (reached for the pointy teeth and brakes them off—Snap!)

VAMPIRE: YEEE-OWW That hurt. Vhat ever possesed you to do this to me? That was so cruel I should file a restraining order on you.

HENRY: Restraining order whatever, that was really cool, I liked doing that maybe this is a clue of what I think I should become…. a dentist!

VAMPIRE: (running out of room) That kid is crazy I am not going to play vith him anymore. No one has ever layed a hand on me before they think I am to scarey.

WEREWOLF: (roars leaps at Henry, but Henry springs away and the werewolf falls on his face and is knocked out, stays laying on floor)

HENRY: (settled himself again before the fire. to audience) I enjoyed that card game, but when do I get the willies?

(The clock strikes two. Bonnngggggg. Bonnngggggg. Rattling of chains and the skeletons walk in)

SKELETON 1: ( snapping fingers).

SKELETON 2: ( knocking knees together).

SKELETON 3: ( knocking on head)

SKELETON 4: ( tapping ribs)

HENRY: (while sitting in chair) Nice beat! (He gets up to see what he could do with them and the chair is moved off stage werewolf)

SKELETONS 1–4: (keep “playing” monsters come out then the rest they will be the top level of dancing)

Thriller off with your head Glee Dance number with smoke

(There will be 3 levels of dancing easier in the back, then middle and hard out front. 2 Skeletons will be the better of the dancers/singers as they will start and pull Henry in. After the song is done all extras leave stage as the skeletons go back to what they were doing before the song came on)

HENRY: Hey, that was fun

(The skeletons formed a circle around Henry and they stop doing their movements/noises)

SKELETON 1: You are a very good dancer you should join our dance group.

HENRY: Sorry I can’t, I really just want to get the willies.

SKELETON 2: So dancing with us didn’t give you the willies?

HENRY: No not at all, that was really fun I must admit. I have met the Vampire the Werewolf and now you guys but yet no willlies. What is going to happen next? (To audience) I like a little dancing and singing, but I wonder when I’m going to get those willies!

Bonnngggggg. Bonnngggggg. Bonnngggggg.

(Foot steps coming toward HENRY and in a deep voice the mummy says.)

MUMMY: RARRRRRRRRRRR What are you doing here?

HENRY: I am trying to get the willies, and no one seems to be able to give them to me.

MUMMY: No one has ever made it this far, because they have all gotten the willies by now. You seen to be a strong one and I have to come up with something new to do to give you the willies. HENRY: I guess I am the lucky one! Did you know you kinda look like you are wrapped in toilet paper, I have never seen anything like this before. (looking closely at the mummy) what are you?

MUMMY: What is this toilet paper you speak of? And I believe I am a mummy, at least that is what I have been told.

HENRY: (Says to audience) I wonder how he would react if he saw and knew what toilet paper was and what it is use for.

MUMMY: What were you just talking about?

HENRY: You wouldn’t understand.

MUMMY: Just because I look different than you, and as you say I look like a I am wrapped in toilet paper doesn’t mean I don’t have my feelings hurt by things.

HENRY: Yea your right, I am different too. Just because we are different we don’t need to judge each other.

MUMMY: We shouldn’t judge each other, it is good to be different!

HENRY: Thanks for agreeing with me. What happens next, do you know?

MUMMY: I am not sure what is going to happen next, not a lot of people come here and none have seen me before. So while you wait till I manage to figure out how I am about to give you the willies we could talk about what you have went through to get these willies.

HENRY: I have met a lot of people and no one ever succeeded in scaring me.

MUMMY: Well I don’t think I could really scare you, as that is not my area of expertise. But I do have a friend in the castle here who could. OHHHH Zoie. Wake up we have company…. Don’t you want to help me scare this one…. Come on Zoe don’t sleep your life away. (Zoe comes from behind scene)

ZOIE: What, I was right in middle of my 3 year nap. Do you know how hard it is to sleep that long? Why do you need me?

MUMMY: Scare him! He needs the willies and no one around here is able to do so.

ZOIE: Why should I scare him he is to cute to scare. (pinch cheek)

HENRY: Wow this creeps me out, is this what the willies are?

ZOIE: Your not shivering and shaking, (looks at neck) the hair isn’t standing up on back of your neck, (feels the stomach) nothing bouncing in your stomach, and there are no goose bumps. NOPE no willies here.

MUMMY: Nice try Zoie just go back to sleep and I’ll wake you up in about a year and a half.

HENRY: Yea go Zoie, I won’t miss you, you didn’t try very hard to give me the willies. I need someone who tries to do this to me.

ZOIE: Just because I am 300 years old you ought to still respect me. (starts to leaves stage)

HENRY: I am sorry, I should respect you I need to keep control of my anger, but I am really getting angry that I haven’t gotten the willies yet.

ZOIE: That is okay sweet cheeks.

HENRY: Well there is nothing sweet about my cheeks. (pulling cheeks)

ZOIE: Remember I am a zombie and when we get mad we can do some pretty nasty things and we eat brains and eyeballs, but not me I am a vegetarian.

MUMMY: What is a vegetarian? ZOIE: I’ll tell you when finish my nap that I was suppose to be taking but you rudely intereuppted.

HENRY: You are talking so much I think you forgot about the real problem, I still need the willies.

MUMMY: Well if Zoie couldn’t scare you, I guess I will try to scare you.

HENRY: You could try to scare me but I don’t think you will.

MUMMY: Let me go get my spider I am pretty sure he will scare you. (starts walking off stage with spider on back)

HENRY: Wait I found him.

MUMMY: (Stop turn head) What are you talking about?

HENRY: Let me get that for you, (Grabbing spider pulling the mummy’s costume off)

MUMMY: NO your unwinding me, stop. (weaving)

HENRY: (laughing) some people just can’t keep it together can they?

MUMMY: What are you laughing about?

HENRY: Never mind who is that over there? (Pointing to the wizard)

MUMMY: That is Alex the wizard be careful she lies, I am out of here she even gives me the willies that is how bad she is.

WIZARD ALEX: (reciting a spell while walking on to middle of stage and not paying any attention to Henry, bumping into him). Do what you say, say what you mean, one thing leads to another, remember. HENRY: who are you talking to? WIZARD ALEX: I am not talking to anyone I am practicing my spells so I can become a better wizard, because I haven’t had to do any spells in so long I have fallen behind in the wizard competition. HENRY: Well they say practice makes perfect. By the way can you put a spell on me, I really need to get the willies. WIZARD ALEX : I haven’t done spells in so long because nobody has made it to this stage, so why would you want the willies now. I am the last step before the treasure. HENRY: Well what is the treasure? WIZARD ALEX: I don’t know what the treasure is, but we could find out. (putting spell on self) Don't let Alex be a liar, the truth, the truth, is on fire. HENRY: I have a feeling you may know the answer and your not telling me. WIZARD ALEX: Well now I don’t have a choice, the truth spell makes you tell the truth and that is what I just did. HENRY: So what’s the treasure WIZARD ALEX: Just a minute a need to do another spell This wall is now not, a wall should fill its slot (wall comes out from the middle of the background scenery). What you are looking for is behind this wall so, Go Through MoThru HENRY: How did you do that? Just make a wall appear. And what should I do? WIZARD ALEX: It’s my , did you forget I am a wizard and I can do magic. HENRY: Oh oops I forgot WIZARD ALEX: (walking towards the wall and walks through looks back holding hand through other side) Are you coming? (pulls Henry through) HENRY: Wow I just walked through a wall, that was great I have never done anything like this before. WIZARD ALEX: Didn’t that give you the willies. That usually sends people running. HENRY: Well not me! WIZARD ALEX: Well this is the treasure, I guess you have made it to the end and no willies. HENRY: I have gone through zombies, skeletons, a vampire, a werewolf, mummies, zoe which kind of creaped me out, and you and still no willies. You guys are pathetic. WIZARD ALEX: It is not our fault your not normal. HENRY: It is not my fault, no body is perfect I don’t want the treasure. WIZARD ALEX: Well I am sorry to say you just found the treasure. Born this way song (all cast come out and sing/dance)

It doesn't matter if you love him or capital H-I-M Just put your paws up 'Cause you were born this way, baby

My mama told me when I was young We are all born superstars She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on In the glass of her boudoir

There's nothin' wrong with lovin' who you are She said, 'cause He made you perfect, babe So hold your head up, girl and you you'll go far Listen to me when I say

I'm beautiful in my way 'Cause makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

Don't hide yourself in regret Just love yourself and you're set I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way, born this way

Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way Baby, I was born this way Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way

Don't be a drag, just be a queen Don't be a drag, just be a queen Don't be a drag, just be a queen Don't be

Give yourself prudence and love your friends Subway kid, rejoice of truth In the religion of the insecure I must be myself, respect my youth

A different lover is not a sin Believe capital H-I-M I love my life, I love this record and Mi amore vole fe yah

I'm beautiful in my way, 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

Don't hide yourself in regret, [From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/l/lady-gaga-lyrics/born-this-way-lyrics.html] Just love yourself and you're set I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way Baby, I was born this way Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way

Don't be drag, just be a queen Whether you're broke or evergreen You're black, white, beige, chola descent You're Lebanese, you're orient

Whether life's disabilities Left you outcast, bullied or teased Rejoice and love yourself today 'Cause baby, you were born this way

No matter gay, straight or bi Lesbian, transgendered life I'm on the right track, baby I was born to survive

No matter black, white or beige Chola or orient made I'm on the right track, baby I was born to be brave

I'm beautiful in my way 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

Don't hide yourself in regret, Just love yourself and you're set I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way, yeah

Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way Baby, I was born this way Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way I was born this way, hey I was born this way, hey I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way, hey

I was born this way, hey I was born this way, hey I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way, hey