“ ’ Lo o kin ahead yo u kaint depend ’ ’ O n w hut s w aitin ,

’ e e ea en a s ro un de en M bb H v l y b d, ’ ” eb e Hell a ata M b n S n .

0 the Wildcat in San Francisco the world an d all things therein were mi ’ ddlin good . The scheme of life w as benevolent . Old Man Trouble appeared o n the scene often enough to supply a black back ’ ground fo r the noble radiance o f Lady Luck s s t o n mile, but wi h two days balanced the knife edge o f midnight the Wildcat figgered that the griefs o f yesterday would be offset by the joys

- o f to morrow . At the eleventh hour Lady Luck had smiled and then her smile had turned to laughter and part of the record o f her favor lay in crumpled ’ banknotes in the ins ide pocket of the Wildcat s l ‘ a ler . y striped vest He had no coat, for the coat had been a gaudy aff air adorned With the

o f insignia the Temple of Luck , and he had 9 1 0 L I L Y s luffed this along with the cares o f yesterday when he came aboard the New Orleans bound

m ire E p with his mascot goat . ’ Down in the bas ement o f the 01 iron boat the Wildcat leaned comfortably again st a stanchion and watched Lily eat the last few fragments of a wide yellow sash which had gone with the offi ce of So o preemLeader o f the Temple

o f . fo r Luck He leaned heavily a while , and then , surrendering to gravity and to a natural instinct, he sogged down comfortably with his back again st the iron post and did the best he could to rest himself loose from the sediment of official care which had infested the day that was past . “

o ff aller . F in Goat , lay dem y tassels ust th g ’ you knows you gits yo stummic k all braided up

’ ’ ’ f o wid go l an silver wire . All right clouds

— to have a silver lining goats is different .

’ ’ ’ Spec did you have yo o w n way you nu trifies

’ yo insides so heavy wid such truck dat you kaimt walk de gang plank when u s gits to

’ ’ Memphis whah o l Cap n Jack is “ ' ” - a Blaa Lily replied , and in her answer was a protest against the Wildcat’ s supervision of her menu . In the first place the tassels were gratifying to the throat and ate easily, and in the L I L Y 1 1

second there was a satisfying flavor o f shellac

o so o reem attached t the p insignia . By the time the Wildcat had completed his oration nothing remained o f the tw o pompous tassels except a small wooden button about the size o f an after

dinner mint . On this confection Lily nibbled t delicately wi h her front teeth . The Wildcat looked down and saw that his “ words had been unheeded . All right , goat, ’ ’ it s usso n al stummick — yo p , load it wid pig

o u remembeh o u iron does y crave to, but , y gits ” no sympathy when de belly ache ko nkers you . A sudden memory of the good fortune that Lady Luck had showered down filled the Wild cat with charity toward his erring mascot and he reached in his pocket and hauled o ut a long

tw o cigar . He broke the cigar in and held the “

H h . . ea long end toward Lily you is , goat ’ Finish yo banquet whilst I sees kin I sleep my

’ ’ ” self dreamless ti1 de 01 boat man gits heah . While Lily munched thoughtfully o n the shredded cigar the Wildcat curled himself up o n the steel deck with his head propped between two sheltering angles o f the stan chion and sailed

away, three seconds later, into a placid estuary o f the tranquil se a that lies beyond the troubled ’ o w aters f life s realities . 1 2 L I L Y

’ ’ I o n bo theh w o rk w o rk o n t bo theh msc d t , d , ’ ’ I se f o times as h appy as a b umbl e bee ’ Eats w en I kin it it s ee s mo s all de time h g , l p , ’ ’ o i o o n f d o n e e in e I d n t g ve a d gg e i e sun d t n v h sh .

’ I kin ri e a steam o at I o n t a n o f are d b , d p y , I kin ride a steambo at anyw here ’ ’ at s de reaso n I s e as a as a bee D h ppy , ’ ’ Me an Li s em is o un — em i e -o - s T n see. ly M ph b d , M ph ,

For an hour the Wildca t slept . A velvet

f n s ooted bootlegger, prowli g through the hipi with a rush order for o ne of the engineers o n

a duty at that hour, p ssed the sleeping figure and

accorded him an intent look . With his pro f essio nal duty accomplished for the moment the boo tlegging person retraced his steps and when he came again to the sleeping Wildcat he halted long enough to sweep the recumbent figure with

a fan o f light from the end of an electric torch . The Wildcat mumbled in his sleep when the “ light fell Upon his face . Eats when I kin git ’ it, sleeps mos all de time In the dark the bootlegger stooped over and nu fastened the three upper buttons o f the Wild ’ ”

f o r . cat s vest . Sure handy me that you do ’ The bootlegger s hand came back f rom the

’ vicinity o f the Wildcat s left -hand pocket clutch

ing a moist roll o f greenbacks . Five seconds L I L Y 1 3 ’ later the Wildcat s right-hand poc ket had been c relieved of its contents , and then with the ash

’ prize safely in his possess ion the agent o f 01 Man Trouble fled noiselessly along the steel deck until he came to a companion-way up which he escaped . ff This was new stu to the mascot goat . It seemed to Lily that perhaps the business o f ab ’ strac ting green slips of paper from her master s k inside poc et might be right and regular, and then it occurred to her that perhaps the Wildcat would be interested in the process . She bleated faintly once o r twice in an eff ort to awaken her master and failin g in this she lo wered her head and rammed him once heartily in the vicinity o f his hip pocket . “ ” Blaa-a i Wake up ! “ o ff ! h Goat, lay me W at you mean ’ ’ ’ Fo bustin mah sleep in two . two bits I d sell ’ ’ yo u to some farm boy whah you could kill yo se f

The mention o f the two bits reminded the o f Wildcat the ponderous fortune , which Lady l Luck had sho wered upon him . Mechanical y his right hand sought the pockets o f his vest which had so lately bulged with currency . “ Lawd gawd ! How come ! Lemme see . 1 4 L I L Y.

’ — Wuz I dreamin money no suh ! Dat wuz real .

Heah Had me dem greenbacks . I is wid no ’ vet ran more cash dan a has bonus . Somebody ” met me . Fo r He looked around him in the half light . a moment he was on the point o f raising an o f s alarm and then , realizing the futility uch

a course , he succumbed to the poor consolation ’ o f singeing Lady Luck s tail feathers with enough

red hot language to melt the north pole . ’ Leave me meet dat woman ! Dat s all I ’ ’ ’

. Heah us fo u craves is cept de shoe five , pl m ’ bust ! No mo cash dan a fish has feet . ’ ’ o Wish l Cap n Jack was wid me . It took all o f five minutes for the o ld-time philosophy to rise superior to his misfortune . “ no Easy come , easy go . Neveh seed easy money

z yet whut w u mixed wid glue . No money neveh ’ aint do s ticks less yo u mixes it wid sweat . K ’ no pranc in now when u s gits to Memphis . Aimed to prance some befo’ I settles down wid ’ ’ ’ o l Cap n Jack . Dis means us does de askin ’ ’ " ” o f — stead de tellin dat s all . He looked down “ ’ h o u . eve at his mascot goat Goat , who tol y ‘ ’ ’ you is a kin to luck 2 Ceptin I might need you ’ ’ f o c atin purposes I barbecues you right no w ’ r fish ou and scatte s you to de . Don t tell me y L I L Y 1 5

’ — n 01 Man brings luck, you is plai hoodoo ’ ” usso n al Trouble is yo p pappy . Thereafter for ten minutes the Wildcat sogged down in a crumpled heap on the deck and nursed “ bi n s — . z e s his grief Doggone dis money , money ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ o u ain t nuthin less y spends it . Jes bavin

’ ’ ’ money don t mean n o mo dan bavin a race horse

’ lai — wid a busted g, less you races him ’ ’ ’ o u he ain t no race horse . Less y spends yo money when you gits it it ain ’ t money no mo ’ dan

h eah u s . a egg is fried chicken . Lady Luck, is

’ ’ I craves me o ne redeemin slug of s trengthenin ” lo w . gin . I feels

o rth w ith F , slowly and painfully, with his bat tered philosophy heaving under the dead weight

o f a the recent fin ncial calamity , the Wildcat

r . st uggled to his feet Leading Lily, he began

a prowl in search of alcoholic Optimism . He

wandered forward , stepping high over the sills ’ o f two bulkheads , until he came to the crew s

o n e quarters . Here, about end of a long table , were gathered six poker-playing members of the

Dog Watch . The Wildcat knew enough about po ker to delay his interruption until the last hand

o f the deal was revealed . When this had been

accomplished he voiced his plaint . He aimed it in the general direction o f th e game but he 1 6 L I L Y

’ s o ne suh addres ed no in particular Cap n , could

’ ’ yo all tell me whah us could cumulate a slug

’ ” 0 likker ? “What’ s that ?”

“ ’ ro m l The misery is t p in me . Us craves mebbe

’ two slugs o gin to help us live till de sun ” shines . “All the white mule you want at two bits a slug right across from the pier where we are ” tied up . ” Yo u mean dat Happy Home place ? ’ o u s That s it . Get all y want there unle s ” the raiding squad has made its evening visit . The Wildcat resolved to take a chance on t he t police . He mounted the steel stairway wi h

Lily leaping behind him , and in the shadows of the long interior o f the pier against which the

Empire lay he made his way toward his goal . Midway o f the pier he stopped and f rom a recess in his shoe he fished the lone fragment o f ’ o f - a five - the night s accumulation cash , dollar bill , stored there with an instinct derived from long years o f experience with the whims o f Lady

Luck . With the currency clenched in his hand he trotted across the wide cobbled area of the

Embarcadero . With Lily at his heels , he headed f o r the bright lights above which hung the name L I L Y 1 7

o f plate the New Home institution where cigars , ff f k cigarettes , co ee and so t drin s could be dis dained by those who were able to overcome the ’ a o f b rtender s denial illicit possessions .

co r In the Happy Home , weaving under the rugated reflectors that threw back the light from

the red incandescents , was a dancing group of ’ men and women of the Wildcat s color . On a

- platform facing the bar a four piece orchestra,

- led by a slip horn artist, crooned a rhythm whose intermittent reverberations were scarcely audible

outside o f the walls o f the building . In his de mands the Wildcat modulated his voice until it approximated the tones of the whispering orches “ ’ ’ . ail tra Us craves gin . I se a Memphis boy s in o i — n E m r e . de p Craves gin bad , ben hit heavy wid grief .

o f The proprietor the place , serving behind k n d the bar, gave the Wildcat a long loo , a then , without the preliminary motion of uncorking a bo ttle and pouring a drink therefrom being visible above the bar except in a slight undulation o f

set the shoulder muscles of his right arm , he a glass in front o f the Wildcat . The glass was an ordin ary tumbler an d it was filled nearly to the “ bfim with a clear white liquid . Four bits . The Wildcat flicked the five -dollar bill across 1 8 L I L Y the bar in response to the demand and almost before the greenback had quit sliding the cargo o f cheering liquor had splashed its way down to ’ - the cheer craver s equator . The Wildcat batted his eyes five times in suc cession and then squinted them in an ecstasy of doubt which endured for five seconds . Then on his face bloomed a wide smile studded with glit tering teeth . “ ’ ! o theh Hot dam Sho noble likker , Shoot de ” barrel . The second barrel o f the gin gun was fired and another fif ty- cent piece nestled in the cash register o f the Happy Home . The Wildcat looked around him and his eyes fell on the trombone player who at the moment was reaching almost to the ceiling for a low note . “ ’ rea in Lawd gawd , look at dat agile boy p de rags . Lily, as you is , whilst I sees does mah feet track . The Wildcat stepped a pace from the bar and led his f eet down a do gn w alk lane until he was “ satisfied as to their tracking abilities . Dey ’ daw remembers whut I learned em . Wish dese g — f I k . gone shoes was so t , might un ink a step He turned again to the bar and another fif ty

2 0 L I L Y

c a raucous note . Sub onsciously he wondered “ ’ How come the easy playin slip -horn boy so ” loud . It was not the trombone however which had

o but b omed the heavy note into the dawn , the clearing signal from the siren o f the New Orleans

m r bound E pi e . When the Wildcat awakened the ship that would have carried him to New Orleans o n the first leg o f his journey back to Captain Jack was

fifty miles clear of the Golden Gate . “ ff ! ’ us . Lady Luck , beah is Whu Sho craves ’ ’ drinkin . L . me some cold watch Come long, ily m’ ” I feels blazi inside . C H A P T E R I I

HRO UGH the long morning hours the Wildcat plodded his way toward Lincoln

e o f Park where , from exp rience born the

k - immediate past, he new that golf shooting gentle men provided silver enough , in return for caddy

service , to enable a boy to eat .

“ ’

u s . Come long, Lily, craves rations De only

way you gits nu trified in dis town is wid money . ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Us lugs a li l bag roun an roun f o de white

’ - folks an gits a dollah , den us eats heavy . Seems ’ ’ ” like I ain t et f o de longest time . The enterprise was successful and in the early

o f evening the Wildcat , in possession a dollar, sought to smother his troubles in a ration-gorg ing contest at a table in a ‘ Sutter Street restaurant

o f much frequented by members his race .

o me c ra es o ssum so me c ra es h am S v p , v , ’ ’ Pusso n ll o n t i e a amn y I d g v d , ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ J es so it s fillin — at s all c are I ,

in n mo ea Ca s a it c a n r . tfi h, r bb , b 21 2 2 L I L Y

’ ’ in t no ea in s w en f ee s A l v h I d , ’ ’ Stummick an a etite s all nee pp I ds . Lemme eat till I eats my fill

L o n g as I kin pay de bill . ’ o Gimme r o m: an start me f ust,

’ ’ ’ be c atin en de o th eh o s I ll w h b y bust.

Across the table from the Wildcat , full to the neck and treading water until his grub -gorging

u sso n al stummick acquaintance might bust his p , s at - f f a new ound riend who , inspired by a little

o f streak luck, had declared himself the Wild

’ cat s host for the evening . The friendship had ripened when the Wildcat had recited a record o f an d his valorous days in the A . E . F . after he had followed it with a recital of his subsequent “ ’ Hea . . h us adventures Dat s all , Gimlet is , ’ ’ ’ ” w aitin f o Lady Luck to rally round . The Wildcat swept a piece o f bread around his plate and carried it to his munching j aws . How come folks calls you Gimlet ?” “ De boys called me dat fust becuz I w uz so

’ ” n lin spi d built .

For the time being, as far as absorbing rations was concerned , the spindling built host was only a passive witness whose bulging eyes surmounted a stomach bulging with foo d .

The Wildcat continued to eat . Gimlet, with L I L Y 2 3

o f the normal anxiety a host, reached into his pocket from time to time and audited his cash

resources . Without knowing the exact figures , it appeared to Gimlet that the Wildcat was eat

ing pretty close to the red side o f the ledger . On his own money a boy had a perfect right to k eat the lining out of his pocketboo , but where a host was introduced into the equation it seemed to Gimlet that the victim of the cash register’ s ringing knell was entitled to a little considera tion . He sought to distract the Wildcat from his munching orgy with conversation . The Wildcat synchronized a series o f grunts to the regular mo tion of his lower jaw . Beyond this concession no evidence was available to prove that the Wild cat’ s ears were functioning except as overhang ing wings to steady the owner’ s cranium against the regular impact of sixteen lower teeth . Af ter an hour of the innocent bystander busi “ ’ ness Gimlet resolved to u se force . One mo ’ ’ - o ne fish — fried liveh , mo , one mo ham wid ’ — o n e en thin gravy, more y g an I busts you in

' de haid . Mebbe you is human on de outside but ’ you sho shows hog blood from de skin down . ’ ’ W ilec at k , befo I ills you I tells you one mo ’ time to quit . Den I busts you wid a chair befo 2 4 L I L Y

’ ’ ’ ’ you gits us rested count 0 me not bavin enough ” money to pay de bill . Bam ! Gimlet’ s fist hit the table and his ’ “ voice lifted to Lily s startled bleating . Wile

’ ’ ’ fo o u cat , de las time I tells y , quit befo I

! Heah — do llah s quits you us is , me wid two ’ ’ ’ o u o ne las an y wid , an de I knowed as near as ’ I could figger you owes de restaurant boy fo

o u fifty . Mebbe you craves to work t two dol

— — ’ lahs in jail , not me . I tells you , quit befo ’ dey sends f o de police . ’ The Wildcat s ears wiggled a slight ackno w l

ed men t . g , but he continued to eat for five minutes “ ff — Then , Whu and the Wildcat quit . “

. Bo He blinked heavily at Gimlet y, how come you gits so agitated jes’ ’ cause liveh an’ ? ham is so popular wid mah pusso n al stummick He fished around in his pocket and his hand “ o ut fiv e- came clutching a dollar bill . You ’ ”

u s . thinks is bust Us ain t . ’ No w , across the table , Gimlet s eyes did some “ bulging . How come you has dis frog skin money ? “ ’ ’ la in When de golf p y man lef me he says , ’ ’ W ilec at o u sh o k o n , y done noble wor in de

k heah golf lin s, and he gimme dis five dollah ’ ’ present long wid de dollah wages . Dat s de L I L Y 2 5

’ ’ reason me and Lily eats whilst you dulges yo

’ ’ neck wid words stead o rations . Does a boy

’ ’ biz s crave to talk at s his nes . I always kin ’ ’ - kaint . rest rants talk, always eat In me an ” Lily eats . ’ The five-dollar bill reacted on Gimlet s ap

petite . A moment before he was sure that he

was fed up to the neck . No w he was equally

positive that he was the victim o f a famine . Visions o f gravy dripping from great slices o f ham half concealed by three or four splattered

eggs came to his mind . His imagination leaped Up the ladder o f possibilities until it touched the

chicken department . “ W ilec at et ? Kaint o u , has you plenty y eat jes’ a li ’ l bit mo ’ “ ’ z un -et I neveh has et plenty . I w u bawn an ’ I se been at way eveh since . I kin always eat ! ” mo

’ Gimlet s memory ga110ped back through the years o f his past and fastened upon some o f the texts to which he had been exposed during the religious revivals which were epidemic in the

o country o f his youth . From the words f the fur-bearing prophets he culled a series o f texts “ W i ah . lec at he to reinforce his new arguments ,

’ us — heah - - is , to day an gone to morrow . Eat 2 6 L I L Y

— ’ it . when you kin git , dat s my motto What de ’ pre acheh say bout ho w so meveh a man standeth wid his foot on de banana peel an’ great is de ’ ’ fall thereof — no tellin jes whut minute sump ’ ’ thin happen to you . I claims whilst us has yo ’ five dollah bill us ought to eat . How bout some chicken ?” Gimlet had landed on the o ne item which could promote a resumption of the Wildcat’ s

“ ’ k ! s a so gustatory activity . Chic en I ll y

Chicken is de gratifyin ist animal whut is “ You ’ ’ ’ - in n eats em all de time , de egg befo dey s baw

’ ’ an af teh dey s daid . Ten minutes later a dejected looking fowl had

t f o r been transported to the able . Thereafter a

little while conversation ceased . Then , with his k f k bac teeth ull of chic en , Gimlet explored the recess o f his Open mouth and hauled forth a wish bone which had once adorned the skeletal strue “ ’ h e H ah s ture of t recent victim o f the feast . e

— w ho k . k de wishbone , see gits de luc Ta e dat ’ end . I keeps hold 0 dis . Ready . Short man ” wins . Pull ! ! Snap The Wildcat pulled the long end . k ! ?” Doggone, Lady Luc Whah at is you

“ ’ ’ You loses nuthin but yo luck . Y o u got de

2 8 L I L Y

’ Whut part 0 Tennessee does he act like ? “ ’ ’ ’ bo — c e tin Acts like a Memphis y, p he ain t

SO tame . Tall skinny bo y ?

’ ” Long black coat an yaller shoes ? ” Y o u knows him ? ’ ’ Slouch hat an a big mo uf full 0 white folks words ?”

’ ’ At s him . “ ’ ’

sa . o t I ll y I knows him Gimlet, I se g dis

’ " heah goat whut I wouldn t trade f o a million ’ ’ do llah s 0 bizness , but I bets Lily dat de head yo li i ’ H is dat up f t n o neyto ne Boone . Seems like ’ whah at I goes dat boy s o n mah trail . Fust I meets up wid him in France whah u s boys in de Fust Service Battalion got exposed to his

’ ’ preachin up to de time me an de Backslid ’ Baptis cleaned him wid de bones . Den he comes back to Memphis an ’ got himself ’ gaged to marry Miss Cuspidora Lee . He played dat ’ way till he meets up wid his wife . Las I

’ ’ knowed he was headed fo j ail afteh leav in me ’ wid de Temple of Luck on mah hands . A t ’ b ’ sho is Ho neytone . You etteh bid yo money

’ goodbye . Chances is he lef Oakland de s ame day you boys donates . L I L Y 2 9 “

W ilec at af teh . , I starts dat boy now I knows u whah at I kin locate him . When I meets p ’ wid him I barbecues him . Mebbe I don t cut him up complete but anyway I carves mah fifty

’ ’ do llahs w uth o f meat loose f m his carcass .

’ Nex W ilec at time I sees you , , I has mah fifty

’ ’ do llah s or else f o pounds 0 steak whut I carves ’ ” e o ff f m dat Ho neyto n nigger .

heah o u rie e heah o u si I y g v , I y gh ’ ’ Y o u sp ent yo mo n ey w ild an f ree Y o e u b tteh ea e . B id me o o e l v g dby , ’ Y o i S e o u a n t p n t n ne o n me . ’ ’ B e o n yo w ay— j es say f arew ell ’ ’ Ram e c ause I se o cke dc o o r bl , l d d . ’ Y o u ew o a — n o w o to e bl y p y g h ll , ’ ’ A n o n c o me ac o d t b k n mo re . iss Cus i o ra Lee to Ho ne to e ! M p d y n . )

Ho neyto ne Boone headed west from Memphis at a rate which kept him one state ahead o f his

' reputation and landed him fin ally in Oakland .

k - ffi En route, with the ease of a s in slu ng snake, he changed his name wherever, for the moment, he might be located .

o n Arrived the Pacific Coast, festooned in a Prince Albert coat and all o f the external para 30 L I L Y

hern alia o f - p a brunet soul snatcher, he drifted to a distant corner of Oaklan d in search o f a congregation upon whom he might shower the up

n in fluenc e - - - lifti g of his pay as you enterprise . ’ Ho ne to ne s On the week following y arrival , when the political leaders of the Bourbon Party were wrestlin g with the problem of selecting some champion in whose hands the destiny o f

o ne o f the state might be placed , their scouts dis covered Ho neyto ne perspirin g copiously and lecturing an improvised religion into the quiver ing ears o f a hypnotized brun et congregation .

o ut The political scout , for whatever brunet

a votes might be swung from the Old Line, p pro ached Ho neyto ne at the close o f his sermon . “ ’ ?” Mister speaker , what s your politics

Ho ne to ne fl y , attered, launched into an elabo rate statement o f his political philosophy . Start ing with life , liberty and the pursuit of happen

an ings , he rambled through incoherent recital o f the vocabulary which he had absorbed at the college where he traded common sense for a superficial education . Midway o f his discourse the politician inter

“ ’ ed rupt him . You ve got some influence with u thes e fellows in your church here . Stand p and L I L Y; 3 1 preach a line of our po licies into them and you ” get twenty dollars a day for it . Ho neyto ne would have preached anything ne for twenty dollars a day . He immediately ’ go tiated a verbal contract f o r two days cash in advance . Thereafter his several audiences which had rallied for a shot of fire -proof religion went away carrying some of the political co mplexities ’ o f Ho neyto ne s heated intellect . On the third night he warmed up to his sub

ec t u o f j and polished p his list stock phrases, and with the song of his words hypnotizing the ’ o f Ho ne to n e s ears another politician , y vocab ulary won a home . The scout filed his report with the Committee o n Orators and Ho neyt o ne was summoned to a larger field o f effort in San

Francisco . n o n Addressing his new co gregation , the day ’ following Gimlet s departure in search o f four

o f o f Hone to ne en pounds the meat revenge , y gaged himself in putting his vocal organs over the water-jump in th e interest o f the political party which had hired him . Meanwhile , just

110 o f s above his ga ping tongue , his bump elf importance enlarged under the clattering impact o f o o f his w n voice . At the conclusion his mental 32 L I L Y flight the mantle of self- satisfaction settled com

fo rtably about his shoulders . With the pur chased applause that reached his ears came the

pride which goeth before a fall .

Ho w c o me o u ea e me Ho ne to ne ? y l v , y ’ ’ in o n c ra e — s o A t de m ey I v s it y u . ’ T e me to mah f ac e o n t te e o ne ll , d l ph ’ es e o e J t ll me w hy y u bl w .

’ W hen I men tio n s dat w ile bo y s n ame

T e me w a a t o es he ro am ll h h d , ’ D en tell his f o lks to c o me an cl aim ’ ’ ’ De ea in s— an to au em o me l v h l h .

In Oaklan d the meat hunting Gimlet prowled th around on e trail o f the departed Ho neyto n e . ’ The invariable result o f Gimlet s inquiries were answers to the effect that Ho neyto ne had left for unknown fields o f effort wherein he might

ben efic en t practice the philosophy which , when

o f applied to the brunet portion the human race , invariably resulted in a hypnotic trance that left the victim long on ideas and short o n cash . At a barber shO p where the religious leader was won t to t rade a little Uplifting language for an o ccasional shave the proprietor of the establish ment informed him that the soul -snatcher had de L I L Y, 33 e part d for San Francisco . De boy claims de Bourbons crave to have him speak at a big ’ ’ - meetin dis afternoon an again t o night . ’ All de Old Line niggers in San F mc isco meets

’ in de street longside de Palace Hotel whah at dey hold a gran’ rally whilst de white folks talks it oveh in de banquet room inside de hotel . Does you kn ow Ho neyto ne “ I knows him fifty do llahs wuth whut I vested ’ ? . s a in de new chu ch Palace Hotel , you y “ s I ays . Chan ces is you meet up wid him

“ ’ I se o n li ma way . k n o f his in Gimlet, see ing a forced refundi g sh0 fo r vestment, left the barber p and started s San Franci co . C H A P T E R I I I

’ o n T three o clock in the afternoon, the day following his first meeting with

o n -six Gimlet, gorged thirty holes of tw o golf at Lincoln Park, the Wildcat left his golf players and decided to call it a day .

His duties ended , with Lily at his heels, he retraced the length o f the eighteenth fairway until he came to the wooded space between the eighteenth tee and the seventeenth green . Here

' W was a place to rest . Rest to the ildc at was ever welcome . He flopped down in the shade o f a row o f cedars and for a while his eyes rested o n Lily who was engaged in cutting the grass “ ’ ’ ’

. ra with her front teeth Go head , sorb yo ’ ’ tions while the sorbin is free . Some day you

’ ’ gits whah they ain t nuthin but sand . Den you ’ misses dis green grass . Sho is a noble country .

I eats w hen I kin git ir ’ I sleep s mo s all de time

Presently the sunlight striking lo w along the 34

6 3 L I L Y.

u her the A h ndred feet away from Wildcat, o n sleeping soundly, received his subconscious ’ co n tympanum his mascot s call for help . He

tinued to sleep . ’ In a moment Lily s eyes widened to the o b

scu rity about her . Then she s aw that from the s erpentine neck bulged a large irregular body from which extended four ungainly legs and a i tail . The tail was m nus hair except for a tuft t at its extremity . It was hen that Lily thanked the gods o f the goat world that here before her

w as a mule and not a nightmare . Lily kn ew

mules . Her prayer of thank fulness w as uttered in a series o f bleats which carried to the Wild ’

. as cat s ears Still the Wildcat slept . He w

good at sleeping . The bleats served only to awaken a mild curi o sity in the phosphorescent green eyes that bulged ’ from the mule s cran ium . For a week the mule

had enjoyed the solitude o f his fastness . Here

was an annoying interruption . He brayed “ ! ’ loudly . Shut up Let a fellow rest, can t you ? Wh at do you mean by coming here ?”

Lily an swered him in goat lan guage . ’ -a ! Blaa This is a public park . I ve as much ” right here as you have . The mule shifted his position slightly in order L I L Y 37 ffi to display the o cial brand o n a left hind leg . “ ” “ ’ — s e ? S. e . U . that he brayed I m a govern ’ ment mule ; don t monkey with the government .

un - - o f That U . S . means safe , stay clear that

U . S . leg . The mascot was o n the point o f voicing her opinion o f government mules in general and army mules in particular when she was restrained by a realization o f the utter futility o f such a “ ’ o u course . What are y doing here if you re an ” army mule ? sh e asked . The government mule began to explain in pat ro n izing brays that his presence in the rest-area ’ was none o f the inquirer s blasted business . Then a thought o f the instability o f human insti turions came to him and his tone changed to terms “ o ffi re f o cial courtesy . Your inquiry will be ferred to the Bureau o f Personnel . Something grandiloquent and sonorous rang in the tones o f the government mule . He flicked his tail vio len tly and began to shift erasers and penholders around o n the desk in front o f him . “ Lily returned a caustic observation : In other ’ ’ words yo u don t kn ow where you re at . The army mule stopped switching his tail and brayed a reply . Then he was silent . Action became his motto . Lily scented trouble and beat 8 3 L I L Y. him to it . Before the mule could launch his attack she landed heavily upon that part o f the

u . U . S . bray expert which was the last to get p With a bleat o f triumph the mascot ga110ped to ward the exit from the sheltering cedars . At her heels , lumbering along with his impediment ’ ffi s o f . o cial dignity, followed the mule Lily course took her directly to the protecting pres o f ence the Wildcat, who at the moment was doing the best he could to add another million dollars worth o f sleep to that which had gone before . n t The procession, goi g six y miles an hour,

’ reached the Wildcat s side . “How come ! What ’ s de ruckus ?” The Wild u cat sat p and batted his eyes . Lily, advancing to that side o f the Wildcat which was farthest away from the U . S . mule , explained the situa tion as best as she could with a series o f staccato bleats . The mule caught sight of the Wildcat and

o instantly changed his tactics . In spite f his

. o n U S . badge worn so proudly his flank , he realized that here before him was superior authority . The mule had come from a long line of an c esto rs whose first principle in life w as to rec L I L Y. 39 o iz gn e ability when they encountered it . The Wildcat o n the other hand never doubted his superiority over the four-legged assistants which he had steered o n long cruises over the broad

fields of the South . “ ! ’ ’ ’ ’ Lily, how come Mule , ca m yo se f befo ’ ’ ’

o ff . I busts yo haid Turn roun theah . The Wildcat saw the brand of government upon the ’ “ - . S . mule s flank U . how come you leave de ’ ’ ’ ahmy an go ro amin wild ? I spec yo u is h ’ ’ . . . eah ! A W O L . Come oveh Stan still . Stan ” s till till I gits back .

The mule stood still . The Wildcat walked over to a rusted wire fence and broke there from a long strand o f wire . By repeated twist ings and bendings he secured a ten- foot piece o f the wire an d with this he returned to where ’ Lily was standing guard near the mule s head . The Wildcat bent the piece o f wire about the ’ u o f mule s neck and picked p the loose end it . “ ’ Now you s captured , you doggone deserter . ’ ’ o f f Dis is de hind end yo urlough . I spec de ’ ’ ’ ahm s o fo y lo kin you . ’ The Wildcat s suspicions were correct . The Army was busy in a mad endeavor to recover its wandering mule . Down the road in the Pre sidio from whence the mule had escaped tw o 40 L I L Y weeks earlier, privates and corporals and sergeants and a vas t array o f officers gave no small part o f i n their days to ssui g orders , obeying orders, k passing the buck, as ing questions and answer ing them , and nearly all of their unusual activity o f ffi concerned the loss the o cial mule . The mule w as a quartermaster-mule which had been t ffi loaned , wi hout receipt, to an artillery o cer who in turn had loaned him informally to an engineer officer whose sergeant had permitted a corporal to let a private ride him . The mule was about to be come a National problem . The only satisfactory solution o f the problem was at the moment walking along in surrender at the end o f a piece o f iron fence -wire which led to the clutching fingers o f his captor . The Wildcat vaguely realized that the Pre sidio where the mule belonged was somewhere within walking distance . Once before in his Wes t Coast career he had made the trip to the no w Presidio starting from Market Street , and he k shaped his course for Mar et Street , intending to use th at recognized landmark as a point of de

e parture . Thus oriented he might intelligently r sume his exploration toward the Presidio . Before he had walked tw o bl o cks he had L I L Y 4 1

o realized the folly o f pedal exertion . H w come ’ ’ ? us us all walks Mule , stan steady till gits

- . heah . Dis aboard Come , Lily jug head carries

double else I busts him wid a club . He boosted the mascot goat to a position o n the mule and made a wild leap to the mule ’ s

back . A vigorous use o f heels and violent lan ’ guage eliminated the mule s natural indiff erence o t progress . ’ It w as six o clock when the trio drifted into

Market Street . ’ ’ The six o clock traffic interrupted the mule s meditation . At a point where tw o intersecting s ffi treets cut the broad central thoroughfare , tra c

w as was boiling thickest, and it here , in the

o f throng clanging cars , leaping automobiles and s e currying p destrians , that the Wildcat attempted ’ to aid ‘ an d abet the mule s judgment o f traflic conditions with a little more superheated lan

” l o u ? ! Mu e, what ails y Go ahead The mule went ahead only to escape an oncoming “ ’ s o ut heah treet car . Look for dese cars , dat s ” o u all I tells y . The mule looked out for three or four cars and then met another down-town covey heading f o r the Ferry Building .

A block above the Palace Hotel , with the 42 L I L Y Wildcat craning his neck about him at the shop ’ windows and digging his heels into the mule s ribs , and with Lily perched o n her precarious roost in an attitude of prayer, the mule grazed ’ a bill -poster s wagon and bounced lightly from ’ fliv ve a r s fender . Then the brute stepped o n his mental accelerator and made the next hun dred yards in a gallop . Thereaft er his speed increased . Near the Palace Hotel the animal ’ s velocity w as something less than sixty miles a second . ’ Then , blocking the cyclone s progress , there loomed a moving van . The mule swung sharply to the right, down the side street along the hotel . The Wildcat and Lily dived straight ahead to the pavement . About the side entrance to the hotel was grouped a muttering mass o f brunet humanity . In his headlong dive from the erratic minded mule the Wildcat caught a glimpse of several hundred of his fellows , prominent among whom was Gimlet .

Gimlet had located his victim .

Lily, landing on her horns , expressed her opinion o f mules in a bleat which co mbined ’ physical distress and summary of the day s lesson in profanity.

44 L I L Y

-set o f table , a heavy gentleman in the uniform

ffi o f an o cer the United States Army, his shoulders

o f nk bright with the silver bars his ra , smiled f o r the first time that evening . In the tumult

about him the Q . M . Lieutenant was the only member o f the assemblage who enjoyed enough s - sit elf control to still and enjoy the show . o f Meanwhile in the wake the mule , and well ’ beyond the intangible dead-line o f the animal s o f heels, a flock waiters gave each other advice ,

with gestures . o f The mule , having functioned as a critic ’ Ho n e to ne s y concluding remarks , turned sharply

and retraced his steps . Before him the courage o f - t the crowd melted in a solvent o f safety firs . At the passageway where he had gained en trance to the horseshoe table the mule came face

e to face with th Wildcat . As the mule passed ’ him the Wildcat grabbed fo r the animal s head and succeeded in draping himself around the ’ f o o t mule s neck . The ront end f the mule g tame but he took careful aim with his right hind leg and delivered o n e parting kick in the di rection o f a Prussian waiter who had signed under “ ’ ’

s . b o u the Swi s flag Mule , git ca m efo y wrecks ’ e de place . Ca m Lily augment d ’ the Wildcat s admonition with a strenuous bleat . L I L Y 45 D h eep in the c orus rumbled the Q . M Lieu ’ e tenant s p rsonal advice to the mule . Under the

combined influence o f the trio the mule got calm . It was at that moment that the bar-bearing Lieutenant stepped from his place at the table ’ and made his way to the Wildcat s side . The Lieutenan t had recognized the solution of the problem which had been uprooting the normal calm which characterized the Presidio . “ “ et Son , he said quietly, where did you g this mule ?

The Wildcat stepped into the limelight . When white folks laughed and felt noble a boy did himself proud to stand where he wouldn’ t miss the gravy when the ham was being passed around .

“ ’ ’ ‘ ’ Gin ral suh , me an mah mascot was medi ’ ’ tatin roun in de shade up heah in de woods i ’ slee in whah at de wild golfs roam . I wuz p me

’ ’ slee in — an some while de p wuz free like , dis

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ o l mule an Lily gits talkin politics an disputin

so o ne . loud dey wakes me up. Lily claims thing Mtule i cla ms Lily lied . Mascot rams de mule

- o whah at he sets down . Mule shoots a h of at ’ n Lily . Misses Lily . I gits me a fence pali

’ ’ ’ an pac ifies dat mule th ee or f o times in de haid .

‘ ’ ’ ’ m! O l an Git ca m , Mule ! B a mule shoots 4 6 L I L Y o h eh t hoof . Aims at whah I w uz . Misses

‘ ’ ‘ ’ whah I is . Mule, I sez, Guilty . Mule gits i ’ v erd ck . o ff de I gits a new palin de fence . ’ ’ — Big knot in o ne end . Dat s de mule s end de

’ ’ mis r . y end I glides up like 01 snake . Slow ‘ ’

. sez . like Woe , Mule , I I means trouble

’ — s i to n . woe , not de pp kind Mule looks side i hi ’ ’ ’ ’ s u n c n c eitful . O l ways , q like an mule ’ squinch one eye . Takin aim . Aim steady .

de und h . Seed his e lip wiggle Bad sign . Seed ‘ ’ i ’ . o U S n his la g . Knowed he was a tillery ’ ‘ " m ah b mule f de my . I yells Fia Mule

’ ’ w aitin fo un squinch bofe eyes tight, de g to

’ ’ ’ ’ c e tin bang . Gun didn t bang . Nuthin bang p ’ ‘ ! ’ de big knot in de fence palin . Bam I give b ’ dat varmint bofe arr ls . Tail kink some when he lays down . After while he gits back

o n l . sez his aigs . Opens his eyes Fust thing he ‘ when he seed me wuz, Yass suh , sergeant .

’ ’ ’ ‘ ’ ’ ’ W hut s o rdehs f o ? de de day You s rested ,

‘ ’ ’ - " sez . in ral suh . I Ten shun Dat s all , g ,

’ ’ ’ Ceptin I marched dat o l mule down h eah whah

’ ’ ’ i H ah w ait n fo . e at you was us . Dat s all ” us is , suh . ’ ’ In the gin ral s accents was a mixture o f Dis tin uished o f g Service medal , crown glory , palm “ leaves , and personal relief. Take him outside L I L Y 47

o ut and hold him there . After this banquet is ” finished we will take him back where he belongs . “ ’ ’ ’ ’ Gin ral aas suh ! M , y ule , stan roun . ’ ” Us aims to manage yo u f mno w o n ! The Lieutenant walked back to his seat and the oratory proceeded without further inter ruption except for the strenuous glances o f rec o gn itio n which flashed between the Wildcat and o n o n H eyt e Boo ne .

The Wildcat led the mule outdoors . From the brunet throng ranged about him he summoned

Gimlet . He created an Open space with a single

“ ’ ’ ’

. f m u s . warning Men , stan back an dis mule ” - - m . lai s S. u Dem hind g sez U . dat means safe “ In a lower tone he addressed Gimlet . Guess ’ ' ’ dat wishbone s brought de luck Dat s Honey tone , inside . Last I knowed he was Old Line . ’ ’ Now he s speechin uppity talk in whah de Bour ’ bo o . n white folks is . Hangin close t de grub ’ Dat s Ho neyto ne . When he comes out I gives

’ ’ h o ahm in ral you a o w dyd . Den me an de y g ’ ’ ’ 01 in ral leaves you . Me an g aims to drag dis ’ m o u mule back whah he comes f . I guess y ’ ’ filliates wid Ho neyto ne w ido ut no mo help ’ m f me .

“ ’ ’ ’ sa u 01 sh o I ll y s does . wishbone done ’ noble . Resolution grated in Gimlet s words . 48 L I L Y

“ ’ ’ I ll say us filliates - else Ho neytone busts all ’ ’ de leav in rec o ds eveh made by fast niggers .

n In a little while the Q . M . Lieute ant , fol lowed by Ho neyto ne Boone and various other

his o ut en banquet guests, plowed way to the o trance f the hotel . When the Lieutenant reached the sidewalk the Wildcat and Lily and “ ’ ’ the mule were waiting f or him . Heah s yo i ’ ” n ral suh . mule, g “ The army man smiled . Get into the back ’

o f . seat my car . Lead the mule We ll drive to the Presidio .

The Wildcat hesitated only a moment . He fixed Hon eyto n e with his eye and summoned him “ Ho n e tone with a quick gesture . y , leave me " ’ interdo o c e o mah l fren Gimlet . Mebbe you ’ kin ro ec to etheh boys start some p j g , The Wildcat boost ed the mascot goat into the ’ ’ s Q . M . Lieutenant s car . Clutching the mule wire halter he climbed to his seat beside the goat . On the curb Gimlet looked o ut o f the corner “ ! Ho ne to ne . Ho ne ton e Of his eye at y y , howdy ’ ’ ’ h I ll s ay us kin start sumpthin pro j ec tin to gethe . ’ ’ Whah at s mah fifty do llahs I filliates wid de chu ’ ch whut you starts ?”

Ho neyto ne began to explain . L I L Y 49

’ When the Q . M . Lieutenant s car turned into

Market Street the Wildcat looked back . Honey tone was no longer standing still . He was rac ing up the street o ne jump ahead o f a hollow ground finish . Following close in his wake,

- waving the wire edge equalizer, leaped the gal lopin g Gimlet . “ o So n The Lieutenant sp ke to the Wildcat . , ’ ’ you re a pretty lucky boy . There s a hundred dollar reward o ut for finding that mule . “ ’ Gin ral aas suh o t , y The Wildcat g his last “ ’ o ne Us sho glimpse o f the speeding H yto ne . G ’ ’ ’ in ral . is lucky , Me an Gimlet an dis Lily ’ ” goat is fested wid wishbone luck . C H A P T E R I V.

N o ne way and another Lady Luck was smil m ’ ing on the Wildcat . She had just boo ed t him wi h a mule , A . W . O . L . from the ’ Presidio . On the mule s scalp was a hundred

dollar bounty, but the luck the Wildcat craved most o f all was the kind which would bring his

Captain Jack back to him . Without Captain

- Jack to tell it to, reward bearing mules meant ’ no thing much to Lady Luck s favorite . Towing the truant mule from the Palace Ho tel to the Presidio, the Wildcat sogged down in the back seat o f an army automobile and rested himself proud . “ — Mule luck is all right, noble to have dis ’ ’ hund ed dollah bonus whut de ahmy boys is givin ’ ’ O ke chin to pay me f t dis mule . Rations is all ’ ’ - —an right, now an den , a slug of Liza gin is ’ noble when a boy feels downtrod, but nuthin

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ain t nuthin less o l Cap n Jack is whah at you

The San Francisco night was another fly in 50

52 L I L Y

’ ’ ’ Gin ral assuh ! O l ramblin , y mule like he k ” done drun some gin wid his supper . “ ” Haw - w mk— Eee— Haw ! The trailer un limbered a shattering chord into the fog Of mid night . The Lieutenant massaged his quivering ear “ drums . That mule has a grand voice for the ” Signal Corps telephones . He turned again to “ i the Wildcat : An mal sounds all right . The stable sergeant will knock the bray out Of him

- to morrow . Mule has been A . W . O . L . for three -U weeks . Made a horrible mix p in memorandum ” receipts and inventories . “ ’ h ” Gin ral assu ! . , y The Wildcat was brief In the first place a boy generally stayed on better terms with Lady Luck if he didn’ t affiliate too intimately with white folks , and in the second place the army is the army, and the Wildcat had won his corporal ’ s chevrons in the drafty days by sticking o ut his chest and strutting like a turkey gobbler and letting Officers do most Of the

’ talking . In the third place he didn t know any more about memorandum receipts and inventories “ ’ ’ in ral s than a naval aviator . De g mule trou ” bles is his pusso n al misery .

Thereafter for a little while the Q . M . Lieu

tenant rode in thoughtful silence , thankful for the L I L Y 53 pay-streak o f good that had lightened the sombre country - rock o f evil o ut o f which the world and its inmates had been created in six working days

Of eight hours . Now that the lost mule had ’ been into the fold the Lieutenant s ac counts were cleared and retirement with the pay vouchers at 75 o f their pre -Volstead strength was feasible . The Lieutenant wondered if the Officers’ Guessing Contest in the wood -fire room would be ended before his arrival . The hour was late but n o ne never could tell how the cards would ru . He pictured the scene that would ensue when he pulled the clicker o n his little verbal grenade and cast it into the centre o f a circle o f gentlemen whose merry singing voices had been roughened ff by poker phrases , cigarettes , and stu that might have aged ten years in the woods where the night blooming bo otleggers made it fresh every week . ’

Y aas . indeed , gentlemen Here s your damn mule ! As far as I ’ m concerned Washington’ s

’ ”

ffi . o cial pain is ended . Retired List . Play

Travel . Comfortable Clothes . Golf . The Lieutenant’ s retrospective mind touched lightly Upon a million dollar detail o f the past .

’ A million dollars worth Of A . E . F . property which had been lost . Property for which some 54 L I L Y sergeant had signed a memorandum receipt at a

base port in France . He could forget those de ' tails . That was France . War Here , clatter

O f ing along at the end an iron wire , clutched by ’ the boy who had found him , was the nation s

Lost Mule . The Lieutenant wondered if he might pry loose

a D . S . medal for the colored hero . He decided that it was hardly feasible and that the hundred dollar reward posted by the stable sergeant would

be ample payment . “Mule all right ? ’ ” Gin ral assuh ! , y The Wildcat glanced back at the mule which was being towed along

in the improvised noose of fence wire . ’ A long review o f the day s events drifted ’ “ through the Wildcat s mind . Neveh kin tell .

’ ’ Us begins wid grief dis maw n in but dat O l Gim ’ let po dneh sho drug in de luck . Meets Up wid ’ heah — dis money mule and us is , Lady Luck an ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ i u s 01 n ral . Lily, me an de mule , an g Spec

’ ’ ’ - gits de money to night f o ketchin dis o l mule . ’ o ut ! Y aller c u ttin Den look raiment shoes , — ’ edge pants , sort of cloudy dove in shade . Sho

’ ’ u gits a necktie . An a collab . Needs sumpi in de shirt line to hitch de collab on so it kain t climb o aller ro o steh to high . Y necktie wid green L I L Y 55

— spots . Mebbe stripes . Hard hat, cloudy dove

. k . favored like de pants Noble soc s , red like “ ’ o o Two s cks . One f each foot . Bull blood

’ color . Den me an Lily steps out some . Fust ’

aller . us gits Lily a spo t blanket . Y favored

Bull blood stripes mebbe . When us meets up ’ ’ us wid O l Cap n Jack does him proud . In de

h us hea . meantime , Lady Luck, is

’ ’ o n t bo theh w o rk — w o rk o n t bo theh me Ah d , d , ’ ’ I se f o times as h appy as a bumble bee

Until the Presidio gates loomed before them the Wildcat drifted into the twilight sleep coun ’ try where Lady Luck s favorite so n et his grub

’ ’ mo s when he could git it and slep all de time , not caring a doggone , meanwhile , what happened to the sunshine . At the Presidio gates an Old Timer barked a

a o . challenge at the gle ming lights f the Q . M ’ ’ Lieutenant s car . In the sentry s tone was the brevity that had come in the rain-drenched nights

u . F . p the line in the A . E , but tempering the Guard ’ s formal voice was a technical perfection which suggested a knowledge of who was o ut and ’ “

k . when he d be bac Gone was the Wat tell , ” - Buddie, absent the blue pass bunk . 56 L I L Y

’ ’ ’ O ff c er th co r ral o ne post, p , colored civilian ,

’ ” o ne a an goat, an damn mule , the Lieuten nt

sw e red.

“ ’ . re Pass , circus, an git to bed The sentry served this speech to hims elf but his rifle leaped into a military gesture which spelled Open gates to the driver o f the car . “

B etteh no t . monkey wid us, Lily The Wildcat in the back seat got proud and puffed “ o u t a sentence at his mascot goat . Us folks sets

’ noble an rambles whah at u s craves to go w ido ut

’ ’ ’ ’ i u no 01 sentry stOpp n s . Sho settin purty .

’ ’ ’

. Fes ed Sho doin noble De day come in bad . t heavy wid grief . Ends up wid money in de

" pocket an de skillet thick wid grease . Neveh ’ see kin tell . Neveh kin whut Lady Luck s ’ solilo gwine to do cept wid hindsight . His quy trailed o ff into a song hummed softly into the night . In the song was some o f the phi ’ lo so phy that he had learned in Lady Luck s school .

’ ’ La uck is w aitin w a o u eas es eck dy L h h y l p , ’ ’ ’ Y o u ain t gw in e to ketc h her do es yo u bus yo neck ’ ’ Res an take it eas y, A falsetto bleat from Lily seemed to voice the L I L Y 57

’ mascot s complete approval o f the sentiment . “ ” Blaa-a ! “ Cut o ut that damn The Lieu ’ tenant s tone suggested a volley at sunrise . “ ” Mule all right ? “ ’ ’ in ral assuh ! G , y Neveh seed a mule mo ’ ’ ’

b mi . ea n . agile . Sho wid health Sho spry

’ Spec wuz o ne spry wuth a nickel dat mule is ” rich . ’ The gin ral got the first sentence abreast Of ’ the house o n Officers Row wherein burned the i wood fire . From the room contain ng the round table whereon clicked the ante and across which rasped intermittent discards there gleamed a “ light . He turned to the driver . Stop here . ’ ’ - We ll get o ut here . That s all to night . Goo d night . The Lieutenant go t Out Of the car and entered

the house . He returned a minute later leading

- a flying wedge O f shirt sleeved Officers . Curi o sity touched par and then about the Lieuten ’ ant s shoulders was thrown a wreath o f night

blooming congratulations . About the mule , at

ad a respectful distance , ranged the gallery of “ mirers . That Wildcat boy found him . Tell

me . Always played a spade flush agains t the f ” rest o the deck . 58 L I L Y

The Wildcat stepped forward . A Lieutenant “ ’ im J fired a question at him . How d you find h ? ’ ’ ” Where d you loc ate the ramblin prodigal ? The Wildcat told his story until out o f the peopled darkness Lily the mascot goat interrupted ffi ’ . re the tale O cers ears bulged Open , readily

c e v pti e for the details o f a kidnapping plot . “Baby ! Where ’ d y ’ get ’ um ? Reg’ lar me ” nagerie . “ Goat . Belongs to this boy . The Q . M . Lieutenant was quick to dispel his fellows ’ hopes ’ for an elaboration o f the night s adventure . “ ” Mascot goat . The Lieutenant summoned an orderly from a somnolent post where the night-detail usually ’ “ meant eight hours sleep . Take this man and “ this mule to headquarters , he directed . Tell the sergeant-major to get a receipt for this mule from the stable sergeant and to credit my prop

erry account . Tell him my orders are to give this Wildcat bo y the hundred dollars reward ’ ’ posted for this mule s return . That s all . ’ Wake em all up and get this business finished

- - to night . Get this four legged deserter hobbled ” - and hog tied and haze him into the corral . The Lieutenant turned to the Wildcat : GO

60 L I L Y

o u looked at him intently for a moment . Y ” ahm bo ? been in de y, y “ ’ sa so I ll y . Fust Servi ce Battalion . Got me three gol ’ stripes an ’ all de grief whut went ’ wid em . Whah at kin I git o n de right road

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 0 iu ral sho leadin down town . Me an 1 g drug dat mule a long ways since midnight . Aims to git me a little sleep befo’ “ o n Come wid me . I shows you . The Wildcat and his brunet companion wan

f dered into the night . Half way to the entrance “ ’ es gates Of the Presidio the guide stopped . J ’ thought mebbe you might crave a slug 0 gin . I ’ knows a place , back a ways , whah dey s a culled ’ ’ boy wid a outfit whut retails f ma bottle fo two ” bits a dram . “ ’ All de way ! All de way till us finds dat ’ boy . How come you ain t said so ’ Po nderin whether yo u crove gin de most . De most dan whut ?” ’ MO dan de bone dance whah de clickers ’ ’ stan o n o ne foot an run wid de o theh until de seven shows . “ ’ — ’ ~ Bo 0u s eakin o wn . FO y, y is p mah talk h ?” git de gin . W ah at is dis bone pasture “ ” I leads you .

Three minutes later, deep in an abandoned L I L Y 6 1 powder magazine that stands o n the bluff that

th e faces the Golden Gate, Wildcat plowed his way through a packed ring o f spectators to the

f . o o n . central zone activity where, an O D o f blanket, a pair dice were dancing their way “ toward a fatal seven . Orphan ! Done killed ’ ’ ’ ” o 0 ! dey p 1 father . Nex boy Leave dis Wildcat own dem babies a while p a ’ ’ Han me dem twins ! I se dey pappy .

Shoots twenty . Fade me whilst I fumble dese l” leopards . “ ’ — an us o n ! Bam , stumbles snake eyes ’ ’ o m ee Doggone dem dice . Reg lar deception c itt s greets de strangeh . Shoots de relief . Shoot dis twenty . Fade me Whilst mule money is

tame . “ ’ ” ! o u Unhitch em Y is met . ’ co llah ! ! An us Mule dice, in de Bam

’ reads six an de sunset gun ! Hot dam ! - lets it ’ ! ” lay . Shoots forty . Fade an fall back

A weather beaten sergeant covered the bet. ’ ” Shake yo furlough . You is bleached ! “ ’ - ! — an Lady Luck , suss tain me Wham nine ’ ’ ’ — - sez Nero . Nine rally roun ! Six fo l An ’ ’ six-five ! Dice— re-do o c e ! An dey sez five an — ’ . . G t n five One north i south . Bam u de m painful t ruth seven debbils 62 L I L Y.

W ilec at Gimme dem dice . , shoots you ’ ” twenty . Fade me an get frail . “ ’ ” Y o u — ! is faded , roll em The Wildcat “ stripped o ff o ne o f his three greenbacks . Let ’ em leap ! ”

The gallopers leaped straight at seven . Let — u it lay shoots forty . Hitch p de mule money ’ ’ ” an ride em .

’ ! verdick I rides em Roll de . The Wild cat laid down his two remaining twenties . “ Rides em rough . The sergeant smothered the cubes in the moist

o f k palm his uplifted right hand , invo ing the while the aid of the several personal deities who “ watched over his gambling activities . Cleo de ’ Cleaner ! De solid gold teeth ! Wham— an I ’ W i t six . lec a reads an a solitaire , you is ” clean ed . The Wildcat found no point whereon he might “ ’ hm . a hang an argument I s cleaned . De y n wins de battle . Ah retreats light . Come o

’ heah o O ff , Lily, befo dese soldiers cuts de wo l ” you . The victim o f the encounter beat the gun in a ramble from the P residio to his down town rendezvous with the spindling-built companion o f L I L Y. his trails and triumphs . He began his march at two o ’ clock in the morning and it was an hour later when he entered the territory wherein let was awaiting him . C H A P T E R V

’ ’ VEH c e tin E kin tell about mules , p

’ dey always means trouble f O some

o n h eah — body . Come , Lily, double ’ u time yo feet . Us meets p wid Gimlet and eats f ’ heavy . By dis time dat boy has collected m dat Ho neytone Boone . Gimlet neveh falls down . Gimlet in the meantime had been o ut-dis

Ho n to n ranced in a race led by ey e Boone . His endeavors to collect his investment in Honey ’ tone s ten- fo r-o ne church project had been handi capped by the calisthenics involved in the busi ness o f running himself ragged and at the same time steering a wire -edged razor toward a park ’ o ne o ne s ing place in H yt active anatomy . Gim let mean t well but he was loaded down with a raging thirst for revenge and to o much hardware .

he u After the first half mile gave p the chase , and breathing deeply, with his tongue hanging o ut less than a foot, he retraced his steps down Mission Street until he came to the Palace Ho 64 L I L Y

o f tel , from which point the race revenge had started . It was well toward morning and Gimlet leaned o n a half-developed instinct in his search f o r his “ W ilec at companion . De gits whah de soldiers is and either gits his money or fails -0n e way

’ 0 o theh de chances is he double -tracks it to de ’ ” place whah de nutriment kin be had f o cash . He shaped his course accordingly toward the Sutter Street lunch -counter where he and the

Wildcat had agreed to meet . Arrived at the “Hot and Ready he inquired for the Wildcat : Dark complected Memphis boy wid a goat ?” “ ’ ’ — - Ain t seed him , ain t been in to night . “ ’ o I waits f him . Thereafter for an hour Gimlet waited under the frowning glances o f the proprietor o f the w ho lunch room , reserved his welcome for patrons “ ’ ’

t . equipped wi h cash Dis ain t no res cure, ’ ’ dem is c atin chairs— w huteveh sleepin yo u does ’ t n o W ilec t is ex rah . Like as t dat a is mindin ” o biz ss his w n ne . Gimlet paid n o heed to the pointed suggestions but maintained his place in a chair tilted back

o f against the wide wall the lunch room . ’ It was here , at three O clock, that the Wildcat, 66 L I L Y;

trailed by the fatigued but faithful mascot goat, “ o to n ? found him . You outrun dat H ney e

su e rfluo us — the The question was p , answer ’ could be read in Gimlet s dejected c o un te nance . “ ’ ’ Kaimt outrun nuthin . I se built to o short

’ ’ lai s nn in de g fo any fancy ru in . Dat Honey ’ ” tone got lighter eve y minute . “ o u Neveh y mind , Gimlet . I collected dat

’ ’ ’ ’ soldiers bonus fo ketchin dat mule f o dem ahmy ” folks . “How much you git ? ’ ’ Hun h o lah Mo s us d e d l s . money seed since ’ ” OO reem I los dat S p roll . “ ’ W ilec at . , a bird in de hand beats snake s eyes

’ ’ ’ Y o u betteh res content wid dat bund ed an not ” try to build up to o sudden . ’ ’ ’ - I . Y o Gimlet , don t tell me nuthin , knows ’ advice is late . De bund ed dwindled when us ’ ’ go t su aded into de 01 army game . Us is ” cleaned .

“ ’

W ilec at I se . , starved to death Think how

’ ’ ’ much ham an eggs u s could git fo ha f whut ’ ’ ” o o y u los n dat las pass . “ ! Hush , boy Right now is eggs a nickel a

’ ’ million us couldn t buy o ne shell . Nuthin in ” mah pockets but lint .

68 L I L Y

’ Nuthin . On yo way .

At the last moment the proprietor relented . How come you don’ t try Chinatown wid yo’ twenty cents ? Dem Chinese boys cook up mys

’ ’ ’ terio us fillin things whut is hot an , long wid ’ o tea . Go n down the street till you comes to

’ ’ Grant Avenue an turn to de lef . After a while

’ you comes to de place whah f o ten cents you

’ — o ever thin eats a full meal , full f y “ ’ Us is gwine , an if I neveh sees you again

’ ’

too f o . heah . dat s twice soon me Come on , Lily Wuz cobble stones as hard as dis boy ’ s heart de street pavers would starve to death like u s is . o n Come , Gimlet, whah dese Chinee boys treats ’ o u o y right f ten cents . The night looked younger than it was and pres ently the Wildcat and Gimlet , trailed by Lily, prowled around the corner of Grant Avenue and marched up the incline into Chinatown . “ W ilec at eveh , is you seed dese Chinese boys ” in Chinatown whah at dey lives so thick ? “ n -o ff Kaimt say is I . You mea s dem sawed ’ yaller lookin boys whut is so dumb dey kaint ’ ’ ’ talk lanw i ge no mo dan a c acklin hen ?

’ ’ At s dem . I shows you a gamblin game ’ ’ whah you pays ten cents f o a lottery ticket an mebbe wins big . De game runs neah de Chinee L I L Y 69

’ josh house whah you gits lucky f o a nickel . “Whut you mean lucky ?

o — o Voodo luck I shows y u . “ ’ u I se afraid of dis Voodoo luck . All s craves is to git dis mascot goat back to whah Lady — ? Luck hears her bleat, whah at is dat goat

The Wildcat looked around him . Lily was nowhere to be seen . Followed by Gimlet he retraced his steps until he came to a narrow Open ing between two buildings, and in this sanctuary, nibbling heartily o n a vermilion paper po ster that was pasted to a crumbling brick wall , they dis “ ! ” covered the goat . Lay o ff dat paper “ ” -a ! f o f Blaa Lily, with her mouth ull an announcement proclaiming the marriage o f Hun

Yip and Loy Teng, protested against the inter ruption . “ he h o a . u Come along , Goat Whut y mean ’ e atin dese pasted up papers ? “ ’ Spec dat goat is twice as hungry as whut us

’ ’ Gimlet , yo talkin about dis Chinee lottery has ruined me whah stummick rations is c o n ’ cerned . I crave to git heavy wid cash befo de ’ ” catin begins . “ Us gits heavy .

053 The march toward the J House, where luck 70 L I L Y

f o r could be purchased a nickel , was interrupted only by a temporary pause in front of a fish k store where , suspended from a hoo , drooped a k discouraged loo ing octopus . “Whut dat slick snake lookin’ thing ?

m s a D in Kai t y . ese Chinee boys eats a y ’ ’ f m heah thing snakes both ways . Come long ’ us till sees dese josh house boys . On the way Gimlet enlarged Upon the po s sibilities of a ten-cent ticket in the Chinese lot “ ’ ter . i in . w a t y Boy, you gits action I means no ’ a month till dey sees who loses . Ten minutes ’ ‘ ’ af teh you marks yo ticket de man says Heah s

’ ’ ‘ ’ o r yo money, else, Git out befo I throws you

’ ’ o ut ! Us gits two tickets an de chances is we ” needs a wagon to haul away de money . “ ’ ”

k . I ll say so . I feels luc y

’ Wait till u s finishes wid de josh house whah k — k dey ma es luck , den you knows whut de luc y hunch feels like . Gimlet turned up a stairway which led to a room congested with the paraphernalia of a Bud dhist philosopher who carried a side - line o f cel lulo id idols and punk - scented punk to be ex chan ged for nickels an d dimes of visiting luck hunters . Ushered by a clattering devil -rattle an d the L I L Y 7 1 bamming o f a bronze bell the Wildcat entered the shrine room wherein functioned the priestly coin collector . The smell o f burning incense hit the Wildcat in the nose . He sneezed four times in rapid k succession . He fished in his poc et and hauled “ ” o ut a broken cigar . I lights dis he said to “ ’ Gimlet . When it gits to burnin I figures it

’ ” an Lily kin beat all de Chinee smells dey is . He lighted the cigar and went about the busi ness of drawing a sheaf o f lucky sticks from the bamboo receptacle which held them . For five cents he bought a small celluloid god which the priestly attendant assured him would bring a mil

’ lion dollars worth of good luck . With the lighted cigar in his hand he paused near a great pyramid o f celluloid idols which had been manufactured in Japan for the tourist trade of Chinatown . From behind him the sullen boom of a gong suddenly echoed in the crash o f an exploding string of firecrackers banging within the resonant

o f - confines a Buddhist coal oil can . The Wildcat turned rapidly to discover the source of the riot and to present if need be an armed front against whatever machine gun “

00 . dis he h tr ps might be approaching Gimlet, a 2 7 L I L Y.

’ josh luck sho skeered me . Ho w come so much ruckus ?” ’ Then the glowing end o f the Wildcat s cigar touched the celluloid corpus o f o ne o f the luck bringing idols piled on the table . ’ Gimlet s reply was drowned in a splash o f

flame . A slight smell o f bu rning goat hair mingled with the heavy religious vapors o f the room . Lily made o ne wild leap away from the burning gods and landed like a freight train, south of the embroidered lizard which added lustre and charm to the equator o f the corpulent Chinese priest . Fo r an instant pidgin English went to par and in then it cracked under the strain . The priest dulged in forty high pitched Chinese verbs . Gimlet and the Wildcat meanwhile busted all circular track records in their search for the door . Seeing nothing worthy o f her skill Lily took ’ Fo subse a ra r at the heavy bronze bell . r the quent t en seconds she lay near the bell . On her i face was a dejected look wherein m ngled shame , chagrin and shattered hopes . The celluloid gods had functioned rapidly but the Wildcat ’ s brain had reacted almost before the flash o f the explosion had faded . “ ’ Must o f been a million luck-bringin doll L I L Y 73 ! babies in dat pile . A million at a nickel apiece ’ ’ Us leaves befo de josh boy tries to c o llec de ’ L an money . Lawd gawd , whah at is Lady uck ’ ’ ” 01 Cap n Jack !

Aloud he called to Lily and Gimlet . Come ’ ’ Heah s o n heah while de comin is good . de do, With Gimlet and Lily clattering in his wake he leaped down the stairway to the street . On the sidewalk he took a long look at Gimlet . “ ’ B o sa us . y, I ll y is lucky Us is lucky dat de ’ ’ Chinee boy was o n de hot side 0 dat blazim ’ o ff sho j osh gawd . When he cools he strives ’ ’ t o co llec fo dem luck things whut de hell fire ” burns so quick .

o f Gimlet, weak in the technique camouflage , “ h . o n hea wasted no time in idle speech Come , ’ W le a i c t . , bring dat goat Us retreats back befo ” dat josh boy comes down de steps . ’ — Spose he does come down de steps, den he starts a race wid us to see kin he kill us

’ ’ i suh ! hm runn n . Naw See dat singin a y oveh ’ ’ dere cross de street whah de salvation s free ?

us heah Dem religious boys needs . Come on . ” heah Come , Lily . C H A P T E R V I

e HE Wildcat, in flight from the wreck d

temple , led his charges across Grant Avenue from the Chinese Joss House to where a small band o f saved souls were making the welkin ring . The salvage in lost souls at

- the moment included three fur bearing Hindoos ,

w o i t Kan akas and two Chinamen . The W ldcat and his companion stepped to a place close be side the booming bass drum , and Lily came to

’ ’ h h o f . ea n attention at his eet Stan my lef , ” “ v h m . e e Gi let, the Wildcat directed Did you ” ’ - . ! sing in yo life , sing now Lily, at res See ” kin you sing . The Wildcat threw his head back and presently the windows along Grant Avenue reverberated to the strenuous and enthusiastic message which his l ungs bawled forth . Salvation was free and he took a lot of it . When the priestly proprietor o f the J 05 3 House clattered into the street looking f o r the pair who had set fire to his meal ticket the Wildcat was 74

76 L I L Y where yez belong wid thim Chinee josh gods ” av yours . The singing ceased and the Wildcat leaned “ ’ B o u -s al . w h t d toward Gimlet y, I tell you , ’ C h sho . o n hea vation is free ome , Lily, lay ’ o ff ff ! o dat drum . Whu C me close to gittin ” us dat time . “ ’ ” s me . Clo e to gittin , Gimlet answered ’ Josh bo y sh o had dis an gel by de wing when — dc . o n heah us police got him Come now,

The pair walked down the street a little ways and Gimlet stopped before a rickety street door . “W ’ ilec at heah s h . , wha at dey plays de lottery

o bo Us has g t de luck . Now does dat josh y crave t o ketch us again chances is he looks a mile ’ ’ ” f heah f m stead o close by . The Wildcat followed Gimlet through a series o f doors into a room wherein a packed mass o f human beings hoped that a ten-cent investment would win a thousand dollars . For himself and for the Wildcat Gimlet

- marked a pair o f ten cent lottery t ickets . After f o r that, for thirty minutes , the investors waited whatever prize Lady Luck might dig o ut o f her

o f . store unearned rewards Lily, meanwhile , with a forest o f human legs springing up about L I L Y 77 her, voiced her displeasure in an occasional bleat . “ ’

. L Lis en at dat goat pray, Gimlet ily knows ’ ’ ’ ’ c ll o us is finan y bust . She s pullin f us de best she kin wid dat thin voice . Neveh kin tell . I seen a skinny girl outpray de preacheh at revival ’ ’ ’ meetin one time . Mebbe Lily s voice makes mo

’ ’ listen in dan all de josh house bells an Chinee ’ singin whut is . I feels festooned wid luck .

’ ’ Go head an pray loud , Lily. Pray dat us ’ ’ ’ ketches up wid o l Cap n Jack befo de debbil gits ” us Us craves mah white folks . ” a -a ! Bl a prayed Lily, and in answer to her prayer came action in the sound o f axes cracking through the outer doors of the gambling establish ment .

Ten minutes later the Wildcat , Lily and Gim let , the luck harvester, enjoyed a cool march downhill to the police station . At ease in the bull -pen o f the jail the Wildcat summarized his Opinion concerning Chinese lot teries and the hand that fate had dealt him . “ ’ ’

s ec ts . Gimlet, I p you s a hoodoo Mebbe — ’ sho . not , but dis has been a rough night Mebbe dem Chinee doll babies whut wuz cre

z u s o ut mati ed brings dis . Now when gits you ’ ’ ’ gits o n e mo chance wid de luck befo me an Lily ” kills you . 78 L I L Y ? How come yo u thinks I brings de bad luck I figgers dis heah mascot goat whut you thinks is ’ U so lucky brung dis woe . Befo I meets p wid ’

e ah u s is . yo u an Lily I wuz free . Now h

’ ’ Don t aim no remarks at me , boy . Don t aim ’ ” nuthin at me .

Lily, listening, evidently heard the complaint and aimed a pair of high -speed horns at Gimlet

where they would impress him most acutely . After the third round Gimlet acknowledged his “

o ff . mistake . Goat, lay me I brung de bad ’ ’ — W ilec at I . luck , admits it Me an you an

’ ’ ” is 01 fren s . ’ Lily accepted Gimlet s apology with all the goat dignity which sh e could assume and then

until dawn the trio slept peacefully . In his sleep the Wildcat dreamed o f a gal loping mule festooned with hundred-dollar bills and o f kicking dice on whose upturned faces

o f bloomed a harvest sevens and elevens . ’ At six o clock he was awakened by the clang o f the morning gong and five minutes later he was t asting the first food which he had eaten for “ what seemed more than a hundred years . Hot

’ — sh o dam , Gimlet , dese j ail rations is grand ’ nu rified grub . Eat heavy . Dis goat got t las L I L Y 79

— ’ ’ ’ k fo . night, ain t no leavin s Lily Lady Luc ’ sho is Three hours after the Wildcat had enjoyed his j ail breakfast a police judge opened the news papers in his apartment in a downtown hotel and was greeted by a four-column head retailing ’ n the outstandi g features of the night s raid , o n wherein , through the courtesy of the reporter

run the police , the truant Wildcat , Gimlet and

the mascot goat were heavily featured . A recent epidemic o f lightweight gambling offenses which had persisted in spite o f the

’ ff to Judge s e orts eliminate them , had not served to sweeten that official ’ s attitude toward similar “ ff o o enses . If I draw that pair f crapshooting ’ an d lottery fans the Lord spares my voice , I ll boost them into the straight and narrow path . ” This stuff has got to stop . ’ On the Judge s calendar of activity when he arrived at court the first tw o names in the list were those o f the Wildcat and Gimlet . Five minutes later the Wildcat and his companion o were hauled before the bar f justice . k “ The Judge loo ed down at his victim . Were you playing this Chinese lottery ?” “ ’ ’ Gin ral suh ! t , no Me an Gimlet was a 80 L I L Y.

' ’ ’ ’ tenden dat sidewalk chu ch till it Broke up. Den somebody says dey was a good salvation

’ ’ ’ meet in us . in de basement next do , an went ’ Sho craves religion . I got saved de fust time in de Memphis revival de winter o f de Arkansas

’ ’ flood . Neveh backslid none c eptin now an den ’ ’ when de 01 demon rumrassles me down an now ’ ’ an den when de sevens and elevens is gallo Pin ” free in de bone pasture . “ ? Crap shooting, is that it Is this Gimlet ” partner o f yours a crap sho oter to o ? The Judge ’ s eyes narrowed as he gazed down at the

Wildcat . “ ’ ’ Gin ral ! , no suh Dis Gimlet ain t no crap

’ ’

diff runt . shooter . Wid me it s Mah uncle

do o c e o r . learned me neveh to , tray twelve I ’ ’ ’ s shoots some . Spec mebbe I e de bes crap ’ de o theh shooter in de world, cept dat is wid ’ ” boy s bones . ’ In the corner o f the Judge s eyes appeared d a fl ock o f faint wrinkles . He leaned over an whispered quietly to a police sergeant standing near him . ’ The sergeant whispered his reply . I ain t

got any, your honor, but I can get some in a

- minute from the bull pen . “Get ’ um ! ” L I L aY 8 1

ffi c o The police o cer left the ourt r om , walk n u fo r a c o f s i g h rriedly, and spa e three minute the wheels o f justice slowed down to where their noise was drowned o ut by a buzzing fly who w as doing his best to bore through a pane o f plate

glass . The o fficer returne d and walked quickly to

where the Judge awaited him . In his hand he fo re held something r the Judge . The Judge c eived his pro perty and extended his hand to

the Wildc at . In his open palm were two ivory

o u ? Best crap shooter in the world , are y d Well, I stake you to ninety ays with the thirty

day bonus for this Gimlet partner o f yours . Y o u o ne flo — n six get g othing or months , and if yo u go free you can take Gimlet and the goat ” with yo u . “ ’ ’ Gin ral suh kaint , you means I start low an build Up ?” “ on e flo — o r I said p, seven, eleven make your i ” s x . point, against months The Wildcat warmed th e dice between his

o r o f palms . Thr ugh his b ain raced a series pic f h i tures o all t at could happen in s x months . He s et this gallery o f art over against the drab succ ess ion o f dragging days that would be his 82 L I L Y

if he drew his jail sentenc e . He looked over ’ n at Gimlet . That individual s lips were movi g

in a rapid silent prayer . He looked down at ’ Lily and in his mascot s eyes he seemed to see

an unuttered plea for life , liberty and the pur

suit of happiness . “ ’ Lawd gawd , Lady Luck, he prayed , stan ’ by me ! An o ne damn bone is round o n de

edge ! Kaimt be done . Gotta be done . “ ’ Giu ral o . n He looked Up at the Judge suh ,

use — o ne o f trying to throw a point, dese bones

’ ’ is roun shouldered . I aims f o eleven . Does ” I throw it kin us go free ? “ ’ s Eleven Opens the door . Roll um again t ” the wall .

Kaint The Wildcat groaned . be done He was half determined to save three months o f freedom by accepting the three -months sentence k when he loo ed down again at Lily . On the

instant that he did so the buzzing fly, which had

- o f left the plate glass field operation , landed a ’ little above Lily s right eyelid . The goat winked instinctively and shook her head violently up and

down in an effort to rid herself o f the insect . The goat ’ s winking suggestion was the Wild

’ “

k . . k cat s cue Lady Luc , I nows de signals

. To Goat , I believes you when you nod him

84 L I L Y

ou stay . If I catch you again all y roll is a ball and chain . h su ! o n heah . Yass Come , Gimlet Come

’ leavin o n heah . us , Lily Us is and does neveh ’ ’ o git back dat s twice too soon f me .

Thirty seconds later, with Gimlet and the mas co t goat at his heels , the Wildcat walked through the o ne-way doo r o f the gray building and o breathed the air o f freedom n Kearny Street . He paused only long enough to bid a brief fare well to his companion . “

. o Gimlet, I bids you goodbye Dis is go d ’ ’ ’ leavin weather . Me an Lily is headed fo whah ’ ’ de steamboats is and de fust o ne leavin fo

’ ’ ’ N O leans takes wid it o ne home -c ravin W ilecat ’ ” an o ne mascot goat . C H A P T E R V I I

o me is uck so me is ric S l y, h , ’ ar tim te s c H d e llin w ho i w hi h .

o f N the Embarcadero , three piers east

o the lure f the Happy Home hall , a little while after 01’ Man Trouble had branded the W ilecat with the red-hot double L L cross, ady uck poulticed the wound with ’ liberty and the welcome off er o f a waiter s job o n the Ro ler New Orleans bound l . Memphis and his o w n white folks were su d de l a the n y . . million miles closer to him when o f job was cinched . In the shadows the long pier he fired a volley o f comman ds at his mascot

“ ’ - i : o la s . goat Varmint, double time y g Us is Memphis bound ! ” Lily respo nded with action and for a moment the Wildcat surrendered to a refl ective mood which had developed with the luck o f the hour .

“ ’ ’ Lady Luck showered down this N O lean s boat b h ’ o . s o g Us is in de luck rain . Dis country is all right fo r dem whut craves it but us is mis 85 86 L I L Y;

’ ’ ’ u s o put less stays wid l Cap n Jack . No use ’ ’ ’ tryin to do nuthin less dat boy is wid you to

’ ’ pick up de leavins af teh 01 Man Trouble gits done wid you . Come along heah to whah de man said . The Wildcat and his mascot marched along steel decks and climbed down slippery companion ways until they reached the entrance to the ’ Ro ller r galley . The Wildcat explained his mission to a loun ging sailor who was doing the best he could to aid and abet his health with a o f wedge pie . The sailor called into the galley ’ “ ’ rn ! H h to the ship s cook . Ba ea s a new bo y ’ ’ f o yo u . He says h e s signed o n as a waiter ffi ’ for de o cers mess .

rn o Ba , the c ok, carrying a nickname three syllables shorter than the name o f his native ’ o f state , grunted an acknowledgment the sailor s announcement . The grunt was backed by two hundred pounds o f fat . w The Wildcat sized Up his new boss . He sa a wide perspiring face three shades blacker than “ - a midnight coal mine . Whut dat name de white folks calls you ?

“ ’ ’

a fo . B rn . Short Alabam I keeps de nick ’ ”

in . name each hand . Come long wid me “ ib ’ ” t T r latio n . , let me miss you The Wildca L I L Y 87 felt no craving to argue with the chef about the “ ”

rn . . Ba business Uppity nigger, he reflected

“ ’ Does he git sc reechin reckless wid dat Bam trouble I sees kin I be de echo wid de whet edge

’ o hini ! . f a w n blade . Bam Big nigger Does de ruckus come I unfolds de equalizer an’ cuts him down boy size . Den I feeds his carcass to ! Lily . Huh Leave him Bam some does he ’ ’ crave to . One Barn f m dat fat nigger an

’ ’ I s wings agile wid de trimmin hoo k an den ’ ’ s tan s ' back whilst de arms an legs shower down .

He Spoke a command to his mascot goat .

’ ”

n he h . o a . Come , Lily Stan by me

The chef glanced at the goat . Whut dat goat “ ’ usso n al Dat s my p mascot . Lily was wid

. . us so me in de A E F . whah killed many bad

’ ’ s folks . U pranced cross de country f m New ’ ’ York to San F mc isc o an now us is headed home . “Whut you mean home ? “ - - o e . Ten se Memphis . Us is headed back ’ ’ whah Cap n Jack is . He s mah white folks . “ ! ” Huh The chef grunted . He stepped through a door Opening from the galley and with a short gesture indicated the objective o f the 88 L I L Y

’ Wildcat s attack . See dese potatoes . Peel me

’ ’ forty miles an peel em thick . o — a The Wildcat faced his new w rld , small compact world entirely surrounded by Irish potatoes .

Five minutes later, when the full significance ’ o f her master s new position in life showered upon her in the form o f an intermittent cascade o f

she potato peelings , Lily began to realize that had entered into a goat heaven . In thirty minutes she had profited by the t echnique o f thick peelings to a point where a thin belt which festooned her midship section tightened to the

s ite o tension o f actual discomfort . In p f this impediment she did the best she could to keep even with the game . Near the bursting point sh e voiced a gentle “ ” - - criticism of the belly band . Blaa a !

The Wildcat answered with action . A quick s wing o f his paring knife deprived Lily o f “ ’ ! . res the yellow insignia . Goat , at ease At ’ ’

i eelin s . You is done w ear n harness . Eat dese p

’ ’ Mo you eats de less peelin s dey is to clean up. ’ Git nu trified whilst de gittin is free . He speared another long potato and began to unwind the peeling over the lazy blade o f his L I L Y 89 paring knife . As he worked he drawled softly to his mascot and presently his speech had mel a fo r lowed into moaning chant, senseless except a persistent lazy rhythm of tone :

Eat— ea ea w en ou its a c ance h vy , h vy h y g h ’ Eat dis tw inin p eel Re— member all dem hungry days in France ’ ” Ea di tw in e t s in p el .

The mascot goat began to bulge with pros perity and in a little while sh e was three bleats and two peelings behind the song and the source o f food . “ u ! W Speed p, Lily hut you mean by quit tin’ Lily looked at a two - foot cone o f potatoes o n the floor and at the full sacks piled high against the bulkhead walls . Over her eyes fell the

e shadow film of defeat . In goat mathematics sh mentally arran ged an equation wherein her per sonal capacity opposed an impossible volume o f

o Irish p tatoes . She sought an exponent for the

sh e su r low side and , finding it , announced her

o f render in a series sobbing bleats , punctuated with the gentle involuntary grunting that comes from gorging unwisely and too well . 0 9 L I L Y.

’ Ho w come ? Whut yo u mean gittin de

’ ’ ’ ’ ” stomach mis t y an qu ittin yo job ? “ - a ! ! ! ! - - - Blaa Ba Ump Burr Blaa a a a .

’ ‘ ’ - ! u . Stan p Ten shun , goat Sorb yo rations ’ f ’ ’ ” k . m . befo I nocks you A W . O . Loose yo neck

Lily failed to respond . The Wildcat essayed a further series of orders and threats and invita tions . His words were interrupted by the open ’ ing o f the door leading into the ship s galley . ’ The doorway framed the figure o f the ship s cook . The cook looked at the little pile o f peeled poto toes and then his investigating eyes roved in search o f the peelings which should have ’ “ marked the Wildcat s industry . Whah at is ’ de peelin s ? “ n u e t Clea ed p, Bam . Dis lazy mascot goat ’ ’ ’ em so as to save time an trubble . Sho w in de ’ — c ravin o n lazy blood now, dwindled de second sack .

The cook snorted . What you mean cleaned ’ ’ up? I tole you peel em thick . Dem potatoes ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ — it s eelin s insides don t mean nothin , de p I m ’ af teh . Head into dat work an dis time does l ) , s you crave luck, save de peclin In the cook’ s bellowing tones the Wildcat de tec ted the accents of rising anger . He resumed to his labor . With Lily gorged the ears the mat

92 L I L Y

o i s invitati n, played around the droop ng corner “ o f . his mouth Barn , look at de present de good k Lawd done sent inside a potato . Li e de pearl in de clam— all dey knows is whut Lady Luck

’ ’ ’

. o u learned em Seven an leven . Y is de boss ”

o u . cook . See kin y boss dese hash eggs Yielding to a temptation to o strong for him to resist the cook reached o ut his hand for the

“ ’ 110 r . o a ga pers Shoots f bits . Dey c lls me Ba n ’ ” an Bam I is ! ’

is . You faded Serv e yo spuds . ’ ’

o . ! Pot roast, git y meat Wham An I reads ’ i - s ve . x fi Shakin jelly . I lets it lay . Shoots a

’ ’ o u W ilec at— s ee dollar . Y calls yo se f kin you ” yowl some . ’ The Wildcat responded nobly . Roll em ,

’ dey does de yo w lin when de time comes . Th e cook fondled the cubes for two seconds and then cast them lightly across the deck toward where Lily lay enjoying her digestive distress .

“ ’ - ff ! six- ! Lucky spud , whu An I reads ace ! ” Leggo, goat ’ o f The ace, rolling within an inch Lily s nose , was absorbed with the lightning technique of a

- fl n . y crawli g lizard . The Wildcat laughed “ ” - s . Show me de ace . All I sees is a peg leg ix “ ’

et . . Ace was comin . Goat it Seed it bloom L I L Y 93 ’ ’ ff o u o . Y didn t see nuthin . Bets is I has

’ ” some bone twins does you feel heavy an right . “ — su The cook hesitated . Not now after p ” “ ’ ’ elin s . e per, he conceded Pick dem p up an put ’ em in de steam kittle at de end . The Wildcat began the business o f disposing

' o f th e accumulated debris . He unclamped the cover o f a forty-gallon steam kettle which stood

beside five similar food engines . He took o ne look at the mess in the kettle and interrupted his “ ’ work long enough to find the chef . O l kittle

half full wid garbage .

“ ’ ’ s Dat ain t garbage . Put dem peelin in like

ff . I tole you . Dat stu is sour mash Load dem ’ ” peelin s in wid it . The Wildcat obeyed orders and added the potato peelings to the mysterious looking mass

which half filled the interior of the steam kettle . “ ’ se - Dat s good . Now git de table t . To night I

shows you ho w de moon kin shine inside a boat . “ You means likker ?” The Wildcat smacked

o tw hopeless lips . “ ’ ’ ’ N O leans I means likker . F m here to us ’ ’ makes it an ages it fresh every day . Dat s why

’ dese Shippin Board boats needs such big coo k ’ house crews . Half de time used up makin moon ’ ” shine fo dese white folks whut runs de boat . 94 L I L Y Whut dis likker taste like ? name ” does yo u call it ? “Tastes like dey ain’ t Boys calls it ” joy brine . Named afteh dat Demo c rank president ’ nin bo y “ ’ i ’ ” . icklin Ain t dat k nd Dis is p brine . C H A P T E R V I I I

’ HRO UGH the long days o f the Ro ller r staggering cruise the Wildcat peeled potatoe s and carried treacherous trays o f food across rolling decks an d dreamed o f a hap ’ pier state where a boy s feet stayed put when he

’ set em down . Heaven became a place where there were no potatoes to be peeled . If the management craved to have potatoes in heaven,

a all right, but peeling them was an occupation p ’ - pro priate for the Devil s house guests . In confidential conversation with his mascot goat the Wildcat assured Lily that here was the dwindle end o f their prowl . When us gits to ’ b ’ dry land us takes root . Cept for de tri latio n ’ 0 bizness us missed in dat Temple Luck , us is mis ’ o put n de rollin wave . When I gits landed I settles down o n a farm wid a mule whah I sees ” de same sights every day .

k o f The fat coo , overhearing a statement the ’ Wildcat s ambition , drew cards and sat into the “ ” . n w farm game O ly way to live hut is, Bam 95 96 L I L Y “

. Y o u to commented sleeps when you craves , ’ o u u ain y gits p when you likes . Farm k t sink an ’ u o . de land neveh blows p. Y u raises yo vittles ’ ’ ro astin You has yams an ears , garden truck, side

biskits o t . meat, ham gravy, , p likker, greens an,

h ! ou ecu ' Barn , ush Come frost y barb es mebbe ’ two shoats whut has growed heavy o n chink pins ’ ’ c ' and hick ry nuts . Y o u takes de 01 b rit h loader

’ ’ : an blows o l possum o ff de high limb . You baits

’ ’ a barb hook an next maw n in when you runs de ’ ’ ’ trot line dey s six 0 eight catfish hitched an

’ ’ ’ in o Bo w ait f . de hot pan y, anybody whut don t ” live on a farm is got de brain feebles .

“ ’ sho ! Dey is Live high , work low . Let de

’ — o l . F en d . mule work ront gentle , hind end wild . Tames down de hind end wid a plough .

e Mule does de work . You do s de high

tem latio n o f o f . p his dream ease and then, in a u r o f 1 s dden outbu st friendliness , he staked his roll “ ’

W ilec a f o u . o n . t l a single throw , I got tho sand

’ do llah s w hut I se saved up . When us lands whut

’ ’ you say us gits a patch 0 land ? Git a gran farm ’ ’ m us set f o dat money . F den on all does is ’ o n de sunny side o f de Gold Mountain an w atch

Lady Luck do de work . L I L Y. 97 ’ ! ’ Barn I se wid you Rollin wave , fare thee ’ 1’ se s . 0 well . I a ettlin down nigger When

’ ’ ’ angel Gabe toots de hawn fo de las sembly my ’ ’ ” w h ah bo uts is located o n de li l farm ! In New Orleans the pair fell into the clutches o f a real estate man and after a few preliminaries the southwest quarter o f the northeast quarter o f section thirteen , township too far south , range not

w as n . enough west, tra sferred to its new owners Barn began the business o f disgorging the ac cumulated roll with which his o wn Lady Luck had boomed him through long years o f saving .

Five minutes later, with the Wildcat at his side o ut and Lily trailing after them, Bam marched of ffi the real estate o ce .

On the street the Wildcat looked at the cook . “ ’ I f o go t to ask de man how us gits to whah de ” farm is at . “

. o n I knows Come . Us lays in some grub ’ an supplies .

ho w ? Barn , much money is you got left ’ do llah Tops a little on two bund ed s . How much is you ?”

o The Wildcat counted the residue f his wages . “ ’ o n d h Goin forty o lla s . “ ’ on heah Dat s enough, Come , Us gits de ” outfit . 98 L I L Y;

’ At two o clock , after three hours devoted to the business of laying in a load of assorted groceries which cut heavily into the depleted treasury, the pair started f o r the forty-acre farm in a hired wagon . To relieve the monotony o f the ride the driver o f the wagon regaled them with slugs o f “ ’ — ’ . s lin dlin o ak local geography See dat p , dat s ” whah de Todd boys wuz hung . “Culled boys ?” “ Plain nigger . Turned some culled when de ’ ho in c rik c k rope got tight . Dat down theh is whah de white folks baptised young Blatch Fen

’ ’ nel de time he got sinful an loaned a h aw g f m ’ o l k . Judge Har ness . Baptised him plenty ’ u Neveh come p. Swimmin yet wid de ” - mud cats . “Ain’ t dey no pleasant views ?” The Wildcat was fed up on local items . “ ’ ’ ’ u Wait till s gits to yo farm . Dat s pleasant ’ k enough . Pleasant cept at night . Trees thic ’ “ ” k wid owls . Owls keep askin who li e dey ” missed somebody . “ ’ Us b i h tells em who wid dis r tc loader . How ’ ?” far is de farm f m h eah

“ ’ ’ ’ n e Toppin de x hill . Rollin piece by de

’ ” dro o pin cypress . “ You means dat swamp lookin’ land ?”

1 00 L I L Y

o n heah L . See w hut s dem bad folks Come , ily ” inside .

A fireplace, two rude bunks, a broken table and four shelves against o ne end o f the cabin com pleted the inventory . Stored o n the shelves at the end o f the cabin the wagonload of groceries which had loomed so

s large lo t its impressive bulk . When the supplies were parked the Wildcat stood for a moment looking into the future . Bam , when dem gro c eries et u s ? is , whah at is “ o w By dat time us raises garden truck . N us eats . The next hour was devoted to the business o f ’ eating ten dollars worth o f high priced food . At the conclusion o f the meal the Wildcat was f “ ff ! half a ham ahead o his partner . Whu ’ ’ s o Sho i noble rations . Dis farm life sh is ” grand .

ar No reply . B n was asleep . Five minutes h later, while Lily was polis ing the fragments o f which had fallen from the lap luxury, the

Wildcat drifted into the land of dreams . k Lady Luck, noting the acute attac of laziness

which had attacked her favorite , gathered her skirts about her and began a disgusted retreat

from the theatre of idleness . L I L Y 1 01

n The Wildcat , dreami g of a land flowing with

f o r ff milk and honey, was headed a di erent do

main , where Old Man Trouble dealt the cards .

Until the gro ceries were consumed the Wild cat and Earn managed to evade any more strenu o us occupation than that involved in the de

o o six struction f five r meals each day . Now and then o ne of the pair would respond faintly to the urge o f industry but invariably the good

resolutions succumbed to some stronger force , with the result that the end o f the month found n othing much remaining o n the cabin shelves

an d except ants dust . “ ’ ’ I se o ll h d a s r . s got twelve left, Ba n Spo e you goes to town an ’ sees kin you lug back dat much ” groceries . “ betteh You is built lightest, Wildcat . I stay ” o u beah n g ard whilst you makes de trip .

“ ’ ’ Don t need no guard . 01 farm stay here ” a long time yit . The argument terminated in a deadlock which was solved late o ne afternoon by the arrival o f a ran gy white man who bounced into view o n the seat o f a buckboard hauled by a pair o f 1 02 L I L Y languid mules . The stranger addressed the “ ’ Wildcat . Where s the men that own this place ?” “ ’ suh h h . O t e Cap n , I owns half boy is sleepin The white man shoved a folded sheet of paper “ ” “ ’ at the Wildcat . Tax bill , he said . We ve u been h n ting the last owner for two months now . ’ Ain t no record of the tran sfer yet . You got a ’ W ednes week left to pay this . I ll be back day

’ ’

essuh . Cap n, y Does you mind tellin me ” — a eh s ? m . whut de p p ays I kai t read , much “ — The paper says cash , three hundred and some odd dollars to the county treasurer at the ” court house before Thursday night . “ ’ ” essuh ! Cap n , y Fo r ten minutes after the white man left the

Wildcat did some troubled thinking . No folded

Up paper never meant nothing good for a boy,

’ o ne . nohow, let alone comin from a white man

This o ne was no exception . He awakened his k partner and asked some questions . The coo , versed in the cares which civilization inflicts Upon the average citizen , was able to comprehend the ffi di culty . “W il ec at . , I neveh thought about dis item i 1 04 L I L Y “ o i c untered the Oppos tion which he craved . Git

’ ’ ” in de back room wid dat gam lin talk . Followed by four willin g gladiators the Wild cat walked into the back room . He hauled out a few silver fragments o f his stake and dug up

the twin cubes . He rubbed the gallopers o n ’ s “ n . Lily head , behi d the ears Wild man, fall back dead . Shoots fifty cents . Fade me is you plumb dumb . I craves action . “ ’ ” Craver, roll an groan . The Wildcat slammed the family jewels into

a garden where a seven bloomed . I reads six

. t . ace Lets it res Show money, wild men, is ” you crazy . “ ’ ’

s . I e crazy Roll em . A liberty dollar hit ’ the Wildcat s stake .

“ ’ Lily, stan by me . Lady Luck, shower down .

’ ’ - I se o n my prowl an I drinks money blood .

! s — ! Wham I read , doggone How come snake -eye ? “ ’ ’ ’ Lo ses nothin but time an money ? Dey s ’ — ’ ” yo dice kick em .

The Wildcat fished after some more silver .

“ ’ ’ s - Shoots a dollah . I e a wave tail varmint an ’ ’ o ff ! I se n my prowl . Whu an I reads ” - doo c e ! . ace Doggone, Lily, git behind me “ ’ — ’ o u t o n o . Y s ill owns em, boy, prowl y way L I L Y 1 05 The Wildcat continued his prowl at abo ut four bits a step until he encountered his final ten cent piece . Confident that here at the eleventh hour Lady Luck would rally to her favorite he “ ’ m indulged in some heavy language . Builds f

’ ’ ’ lin ro w . a j itney till you sells yo clothes . Still p ’ When I se done dead v arrnints chokes de road .

’ Run up f m a dime to a busted bank . When I quits I needs a mule to haul de money . “

n k in . i Bo es a t hear you You cla ms big, ” s ee kin you roll dat way . {The big claimer breathed a final prayer and greeted the advent o f victory with a premature yowl o f welcome . He slammed the rattlers from him with a wide gesture which told the world

- ! that pay day was now . Wham

The gallopers subsided near the wall . On their sinister faces snake -eyes spoke the venom

. s s of defeat The prowle r hrunk four izes . “ ’ se I done . “ ’ ’ ’

s o u is b ad . I ll ay you se done . Y yo prowl Dragging Lily at the end o f her string the “ ffl n Wildcat shu ed away from misery . Come o ’ ” h eah . n o l . , Lily Us mi gles de news wid Bam Long after midnight the Wildcat entered the “ cabin door . Bam , is you “ Kaint sleep whilst mah stummick is so wide 1 06 L I L Y

’ awake . Whah is dem groceries ? I sho most starved in two . “ ’ ’ ’ Us bofe . Ain t no groceries . Ain t nuthin , — not ’ less you is reaped some rabbits wid de ” b ritch loader . “ ’ Ain t no rabbits . Whut you do wid dc money ? “ Consecrate de money on de freckle bones .

- Money dwindled down to ten cents . Snake eye

’ ' showed an de ten cents neveh stopped to s ay ’ go o dbye f “ W ilec at k , wuz fool niggers a nic el a load h do lla s . you is a million . Git to sleep Leave

’ ’ ea n me sleep whilst dey ain t no ti to do .

“ ’ ” You an me both . From the black voids ’ whence hope . had fled the Wildcat s old phil osophy, tempered a little by his hunger, fought k its way to expression . Lily and the fat coo , half asleep , heard the mumbled words that proclaimed

- - to morrow the master o f to day .

eats w en kin it it I h I g , ’ I sl eep s mo s all de time ’ I do n t give a do ggo ne if ’ n o n n e e s De su d t v h hin e. Hungrier than he had been for many long weeks the Wildcat faced a future wherein threats


1 x

O ME be hours later, when the Wildcat gan to believe that food would henceforth rank with other happy memories o f the past, Lady Luck came rambling down the road in a car whose roaring motor told the world that here was action and lots o f it . Lady Luck was co nvoyed by a chauffeur and three rapid fire white men . In the front o f the cabin the three white men o u o f u got t the car . The Wildcat sized p the “ group . Shower down, Satan . Here comes dem

’ ” tax folks to run me an Barn into de sw arnp.

For a moment his hunger w as forgotten . He ’ got to his feet and picked Up Lily s leadin g “ ’ ’ Us s . tring Come long, Lily, an come agile . git s elsewhere befo ’ dem white folks sees kin ” dey shoot like dey aims . His retreat w as halted by a hail fromone o f 108 L I L Y 1 09

- the dresse d up white men . Your name Vitus Marsden ?” The Wildcat stoppe d an d acknowledged his

“ ’ ’ h - . essu identity Cap n , y . Dat s my wet head ’ ’ name whut I got at de baptisin , but mos folks ” W il c a calls me e t . “ ’ Where s the other boy ? “ ’ —he seein Bam , is kin hfi sleep some in de h su . cabin , “ — o ut w e . Get him here, want to talk to you The Wildcat summoned Bam to his share of “

o ut heah . their common fate . Come , big boy

De tax folks is go t us . The fat cook got to his feet and dragged along behind the Wildcat to where the white folks stood beside the car . One o f the white men addressed the farm ? owners . What do you hold this land at The Wildcat remembered Bam ’ s four thou s and dollars . Even a quick talking tax man would see that the farm had mighty little sal

k o f vage value . He braced himself and spo e

“ ’ ’

. suh fi ers tho usan do llah s values Cap n , I gg a middli ’ would be n right .

o ut The white man hauled a little black book, two folded sheets o f paper and a fountain pen 1 1 0 L I L Y with motions a little less rapid than those of a k “ stri ing rattler . One thousand . Even forty ” ’ acres . He wrote as he talked . I know it s

the best farm in the county , like all the rest ’ o f k them , and that you re ma ing a crop worth a

hundred an acre like everybody else . One thou

sand . Forty acres . Forty thousand dollars . ” un Sign your name to this title transfer . He folded two documents and handed them to the “ Wildcat . Bottom line . Vitus Marsden to the ’ ” Heavy Oil Corporation . That s my outfit . “ ’ ’ suh d ri in w t . Cap n , I neveh learne much ’ ” O l Bam writes good . ’ The white man signed the Wildcat s name . ” Make your mark here . The Wildcat made his mark and passed the

r papers to the fat cook . Ba n , not yet fully

k . awa e , signed his name languidly The white man handed a little blue slip o f “ o paper to the Wildcat . Check n the First Na ’ tio n al . Forty thousand dollars . That s done . Y o u boys can live here until the crew begins setting the drill rig next week . When the automobile an d the rapid -fire white men were half a mile down the road the Wildcat quit batting his eyes long enough to look side ways at the slip of blue paper . He handed

1 1 2 L I L Y; The Wildcat looked at the stacked bank notes “ ’ ’ o fo n the slab in front of him . I d like some ’ ’ ’ ’ h fo groceries an such . Ain t et me not in three

’ ’

. is days Nothin much , dat . Me an Barn needs — so o n . us some shoes , de flies is bad feet Kin

’ ’ ” have mebbe twenty do llahs till Sat day ? The paying teller handed each o f them a stack “ ’ o - s f ten dollar bills . Here s a hundred dollar

o n apiece . He made an en try in a pair f thi books and handed one of the books to Wildcat . “ ou Nineteen thousand , nine hundred to y r ” credit . Bam picked up his book an d asked a few “ ’ questions . Dis book means I se got money in ” de bank no matteh where I goes ? “ — e Twenty thousand , less the hundr d I gave

’ ’ Folks, goodbye . Mah feet is leadin .

’ W ilec at be , now I heads for Alabam whah I ”

o u . longs . Some day I sees y

rn o Ba was n his way . The Wildcat st owed his hundred in his pants pocket and then for a little while he lingered in the bank . Presently his brain stopped spinning long enough to let his stomach record its de mands . Thereafter, until evening, he occupied a

s o f chair in the Home Club re taurant . In front L I L Y 1 1 3 him a heavy t able sagged with food . Beside

o n him, the floor, Lily chattered around over a layout o f nutriment which renewed her faith in the existence o f a goat heaven . Now and then the Wildcat stopped eating long enough to ’ pay his bill . By s ix o clock he had managed to eat his way through thirty dollars and a few moments later, weighing more than he had for “ ff ! some months , he struggled to his feet . Whu

’ ’ Dat s de best I kin do wid dese c rampin pants . ’ ” Got to git me some big size clo es . The restaurant man gave him an admiring “ is c . . Y o u look You done noble ! easy de atin ist man in de “ ’ lee in i s st . L Us o n . I se de p Come , ily sees ” us kin sleep some . Y o u got a room in town ? The restaurant

his man craved to retain champion customer. “ ’ ” Us ain t got none yit . ’ ~ I lodges you upstairs in a gran front room ’ ” f o at bits a day . “ ’ ’ ” us Dat s . Whah at s de room ? Led by the restaurant proprietor the Wildcat and Lily mounted a rickety stairway and voyaged

- down a dim hall and entered the four bit room .

Two minutes later the Wildcat was asleep . His sleep was unbroken except fo r a persistent 1 1 4 L I L Y vision of a cloudburst wherein each green rain

o n drop , larger than the last , bore its surface a

dollar mark and a seven .

On the floor beside the bed , bulging comfort

ably, the mascot goat helped steady with the sleep business . Above the pair, smiling her smile and making her plans, hovered Lady Luck .


! ’ Wake Up , Lily Us is rich an when you is rich you is happy ! Us is happy wid enough

’ ’ ” f heah m . . money to las now on Come on , Trailed by his mascot the Wildcat began a “ l e . Y a l r spending campaign . First of all , shoes ’ ” shoes wid rag tops . Sort o ague gray tops . At a jewelry store he accumulated a verdigris gold watch “Kaimt tell whut time de watch

’ ’ say but de o l chain sho loo ks A wide gray hat with an orange band followed the pur chase o f a suit of clothes whose yellow fabric was checked at s ix-inch intervals by purple stripes . The vest was discarded in favor of a

- double breasted crimson creation, shot with green dominoes . A blushing violet shirt with green cuffs an d a blue collar served as a background fo r a striped scarf o f lemon and black . A pair

1 1 6 L I L Y forthwith the goat was haled to a hardware store k where a brass collar, studded with spi es , was f fitted around her neck above the yellow scar . To t his collar was attached a thin brass chain . The Wildcat stood back and surveyed his mas

“ ’ ’ o u cot Goat, I tol y many s de time Lady Luck some day shower down de big money an’

’ us make happy . You looks gran now but us ’ ’ f o o ’ m g t de gran des present o f all . Reme beh I said some day I ’ d buy you a gol ’ watch an’ ” chain . Come o n heah ! The Wildcat returned to the jewelry store wherein he purchased , at gold prices , a massive brass watch and chain . He pinned the watch ’ into the pocket o f Lily s silk shirt and tied the end

’ o f k the chain to the mascot s nec tie . “ ’ ’ ! Now you sho is quality . Rich an happy ’ ” - Say you is much o blige f o all de good luck . ” Blaa -a ! Lily voiced an expression of her sentiment but in her voice anyone who under stood goat l anguage might have detected more o f annoyance than of happiness . Somewhere in

’ the mascot s utterance was a longing for a re turn to the simple life . The pair left the jewelry store and started across the street . Midway of the thoroughfare they halted to let a snorting automobile pass L I L Y 1 1 7

am them . The plunging car awakened a new ’ “ ’ bitio n in the Wildcat s mind . Us needs a auto ’ ’ beel . Rich folks rides in em an us is rich . On the sidewalk the Wildcat turned to o ne o f the accumulated gan g o f two- legged satel “ autobeels lites. Ho w much does dese cost now days ? ’ — ’ ’ Tho usan do llahs . De en s o n , mebbe mo p ” de looks . “ Whah at kin us git o ne ? Five minutes later the Wildcat was negotiating “ o f for the purchase of a car . One dese high

’ - tone au to beels wid glass sides like a hot house .

’ ’ ’ slan tin runn in bo set Long an back , wid de y ” ’ ’ tin up front an me an Lily ridin de back ’ seatfi The matter of payment for the car was ar ranged to the satisfaction o f the vendor and a ’ car was promised for delivery at six o clock that night .

The Wildcat made his fourth trip to the bank . You better leave some o f that money o n de ” posit , the paying teller advised . “ ’ ’ s uh ho u e s . t san Cap n , y All Us needs is a

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ do llah s f o a auto beel an a tho usan mo f o ’ ’ ’ ” spenses . B atin money an such . The automobile was delivered to the purch aser 1 1 8 L I L Y i ’ ’ ’ at s x o clock . Sho looks noble . Grandes ’ b ” auto eel eveh . . I see Git in , Lily The yel low paint had made good . The Wildcat ad “ dressed the boy at the wheel . How much you

’ ’ ” want to drive steady f o me an Lily ? The driver hired himself out at war-t ime daily wage and immediately regretted that he had not doubled the amount . The Wildcat climbed into k ’ ’ the bac seat beside the mascot . Drive roun

’ ’ ’ “ an roun he directed . Down de main streets, an ’ back He delivered a farewell address to the throng about him . Gents , at seven o ’ clock me an’ Lily invites you all to eat a gran’ b an qu it at de New Home restaurant . De grub

’ A f teh eatin is free . de part is done de festal

’ ” orgies will begin . One an all you is welcome .

be For an hour, with his mascot sweating side him , the Wildcat was driven round and round in his hot-house car according to his expressed ’ ’ ’ desires . Us is rich , Lily . Gran clo es , gran

’ ’ ’ ’ auto beel — o u , gol watch , y an me both Gol

— ’ ’ us . headed cane , sho is rich an happy The goat attempted to dislodge a green fly which persisted in ro osting under the protection o f the studded collar . “What you mean shakin’ yo ’ h' ead no ?” Blaa-a Lily admitted that home had never

1 2 0 L I L Y de banjo boys gits heah us sees who kin shake de

’ ’ ’ ’ o f o mos agile f ot de gran prize , whilst to de right

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ an lef o f de dancin flo is li l green pastures ’ o i whah de gall P n cubes roams wild . Does de ’ ’ k ’ sevens an levens bloom easy you is luc y, an ’ ’ sum thin k to o does p detain em you is luc y ,

’ ’ cause de W ilec at is rich an de W ilec at pays de ’

Reso o . bills . myo battle wid de rations The battle slowed up an hour later and about the room a dozen crap games rattled into being . From the sea of chance the submerged losers came to the surface and drifted to the Wildcat where “ their gambling purses were replenished . Come ” easy, go easy . In an hour the Wildcat dis covered that his Supply o f cash was exhausted and thereafter the festivities slowed u p until the hour when the bank opened o n the following day . Thenceforth for a week the Wildcat banked both sides of a losing game . Repeated warnings from the paying teller at the bank went unheeded and at the moment when the favorite o f Lady Luck had realized the flavor o f the false nectar the cash reserve had dwindled to a measly zero . ’ He stood blinking at the paying teller s window . “ ’ ” Us aint got no mo money ? “ 1 No more . The account 8 closed .

’ ’ suh n I se ? Cap n , you mea s done L I L Y 1 2 1

’ You re done .

n i i o . w a t n Come , Lily De boys is

- The prowler climbed into his hot house car . ”

G O k . bac whah at de boys is , he ordered Mid

o f way of the journey, remembering a detail the . technique o f financial recuperation he changed “ ’ b auto eel . his orders . Drive to de place Us

’ - Us gwine sell dis o l hot house trap . Some day ’ ” gits a gran size o ne .

A quick sale netted a hundred dollars . For Lily’ s watch and his own the Wildcat reaped another twenty . On foot he hurried back to the place where half a dozen crap games languidly awaited the coming o f the treasury department . Perspiring under the buttoned coat which hid the place where the gaudy watch chain had dangled , swinging the gold headed cane with the

o ld . royal gesture , the Wildcat faced his guests Thirteen seconds later the hundred and twenty was loaned to a careless devotee o f the freckled risk cubes .

Lady Luck whispered low and earnestly .

Beat it . “ ’ I se on my way . Silently and without parade the Wildcat slid th rough the back door of the New Home res

tau ran t . 1 2 2 L I L Y

o f At evening, well into the country north

town, with the long shadows sneaking across the fields and bulking black in the depths o f a wood

which lined the road , the Wildcat realized that “ he had lived his little day o f wealth Us went

some whilst de joy road was Open . Detouring around a graveyard he summoned “ h eah his mascot goat beside him . Git close ,

Lily . Some varmint git you some day . Shake ” dem feet . Us is Memphis bound . A rabbit in a clover patch dodged the gold

“ ’ ’ b fu . rek s . et headed cane Goodbye, Almos ’ ”

01 . you , cottontail The b reakfast craver started to retrieve his

cane . He took ten steps and stopped . Then he

“ ’ turned again to the long road . Don crave dat

’ ’ o us o l cane . Minds me dem days when wuz ’ mi ’ rich an loaded down wid s ry . Us is happy — ’ now, Lily, eats when we kin git it, sleeps mos ’ us sun all de time , don t give a doggone if de ’ ” don t neveh shine . ’ Tramping along at her master s side , nibbling

h er delicately on the remains of straw hat, Lily ’ answered , and now , in the mascot s voice , there “ — ’ was nothing of doubt . Blaa a ! Me an you ” both, Wildcat .

1 2 4 L I L Y

’ ’ Sis i a h ad a us an w ut acte ike a amb El z h b h d l l , ’ a - i H anded her his w ages ev ry p y day n ght. ’ ’ Kept a w o rkin s teady till his j o b w en t— BAM ! ’ ’ ’ E - u n a e liza s h sban s j o b w as haulin n ervo us dy mit .

’ ’ Sk - o un — ea e f o de ro mis an y b d , h d d p l d , ’ - Sk o un aint Peter s o o ts o u f o de ke . y b d , S , I h y y

Sk - o un — w id a i in eac an y b d , l ly h h d , ’ “ ’ Sk - o un — m o u o e Peter to l hi n t o b th h me. y b d , , D y The marching pair arrived at the breakfast

’ “ tree and Sis Eliza was dismissed . Goat, rally

’ ’ ’ ’ roun grass an see kin you pos pone starv in to

’ ’ death whilst I sorbs dese p simmo n s de good ff ! Lawd done sent . Whu Whut you craves depends o n who you is Whuff !

’ ’ i . B es p s mmo n s I ever did see . Big as chilblains

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ B lo n s Jes like em . g to who gits em an swells ’ ” biggest when de frost hits em . He began to bust all established records for

persimmon eating . At first he stood erect under k the tree , stooping to reap his yellow brea fast,

o f and then , with the weight half the crop heavy

within him , he crawled westward across the

frosted grass , eating as he went . He reached the margin o f the food -bearing area and began

cutting a sunbo und swath along the back trail . When the shadow o f his devastating progress lay L I L Y 1 2 5 like a band of gray across the orange -blotched circle under the trees he again stood upright . “ ’ ’ ’ ’ Whuff ! Dat s de nobles b rekfus I se et since

’ ’ de stevedo shock troops surrend d de groceries ” in de battle o f Vin Blank .

. L He called to his mascot goat ily, is you

’ ” et yo full ration ? o f Lily, leaning heavily against the briers a k ffi blac berry bush , managed to emit an a rmative reply that had its origin near the center o f a “ ” - bushel o f grass . Blaa a ! “ ’ - o n fo . Come den , you legged lawn mower

’ ’

o . Ain t no finger bowls n dis table . Git marchin ’ ’ Us is Memphis bound whah at 01 Cap n Jack

’ ’ ’ ” - is w aitin an a cussin his prodigal nigger . In the grateful morning sunlight the Wildcat resumed his northbound prowl . A little ahead o f him the grass -gorged mascot lolled along in slow time with the droning exposure o f poor

’ ’ ’ Sis Eliza s troubles with the Talkin Gin .

’ D e namite w uz ear i a s man w uz ate dy ly, El z l , ’ ’ No w he s ea en - o un n ie es o i H v b d i p c n de angel s f re ght.

’ ’ ’ ’ Sis i a w ee an w ai f o o in o n a w eek El z p l g , ’ ’ ’ Mo urnin i e e e - w d h r ri vin e s a startin in to ine. g y , p ’ ’ ’ ’ P reacheh c o me a - ro w lin ro un c o mf o rti p , n de meek, ’ ’ La o rin i d ine a id d clin i ine b n e v y rd w e g n v . 1 2 6 L I L Y

’ ’ ’ P reacheh sta e f o su er ev n o w an den y d pp y , “ “ Smack his lip s— De go o d Law d He s aid Feed ” l amb ’ ’ C icken s ke a -dw in dlin In de w i er s en h p dd p , ’ a c ra e re i o n so she i n i e a amn Eliz v d l gi d d t g v d . The mascot goat began to punctuate her mas ter ’ s song with an occasional detour toward little h ’ o f . s o clumps roadside grass Goat, you is de

’ digestin ist varmint in de worl . Did a sugar

’ ‘ ’ 01 — mill see you , mill say, Take de cane , I se ’ marked fatigue . Did you eat trees de sawmill ” men git a lifetime furlough . “ ” Blaa- a ! Lily agreed as well as sh e could

- o f with a grass cluttered set vocal organs, munch

’ ing in time with the Talkin Gin chorus :

ll m ss aint Peter s a Y o u o o ks a u e . S y, l d “ ’ s a s nce de n a i e us I e been dat w y i dy mt b t.

’ i a set a i in kitt e o n de fi re El z b l l , ’ Fi e it u w id uni er an sass af rass mas ll d p j p h , ’ ’ ime to i e a rucku s f o de reac heh an de c o ir A d g v p h , “ ’ ’ ’ ” P re es o — f i d ac heh s a J u an me o t em tras . y, y , g h

’ ’ Sis i a s tarte ladlin o ut de o mema e in El z d h d g , ’ ’ W hu ff ! C l preacheh smack his drippin s lip s to thank ’ Sis Liz, ’ “ ’ ’ ” D en his f eet de o t to itchin an cin ain t no sin y g , D , ’ ri Crack his heel s to getheh o nc e an Up he z.

1 2 8 L I L Y o n e foot and holding the other in both hands . “ " ’ ’ ” sum thin Foot, you foun p you didn t lose . o ut o f - n Sideways , his eyes, the foot holder squi ted

see u to how many to es were missing . He fo nd fi d . G rati e the toe detail present in full strength , “

o n . he put his shoes Serves me right . Folks ’ ’ ’ in all whut is got shoes g y wears em , less dey is ’ flic ted wid de brain feebles . Whut de man

’ ’ ’ ” — leavin o l ? mean , a anvil layin in de road He clawed around in the dust which had been “ fo r . his dancing stage, searching the anvil Well , ! h ’ hea . I be dog Lily, look Ain t no anvil , ’ ’ ’ - nuthin but a 01 mule shoe . Sho h ad de mule kick — might knowed dey w uz mule grief some i ’ ’ n mis r . place dat toe y Mule shoe , howdy, an ! ” goodbye . Fare thee well He cast the iron t o f shoe as far as he could, over in o a clump ad brush . Before he resumed his march he “ a : Preach eh o u dressed his im ginary audience , y ’ - win de dance contes . Horse shoe shows where ’ — - Lady Luck been , mule shoe marks de devil s ’ ’ to reacheh road . Git dancin , p , befo you feet ” gits A . W . O . L .

’ ’ P reach eh o t to ancin an he w ent ho w i g d g ld, ’ ’ Go t to go in n o bl e an s ta rt ed in to yell “ ’ ’ ’ Sis Eliza fill de dipper f o yo an gel c hild ! ’ ’ ’ p a c ra es m w ine an w immen an de ain t no e 0 I v y , y h ll 1 2 L I L Y, 9

e - o un — o u de rimro se ro a H ll b d , p d ,

e- o - o r e o a O n h o rse sinner wid a tw h s l d .

’ ’ ’ P reacheh w as a- ancin f o e en-f o t -f o d l v y , “ ’ ’ i - o o e mo hirlin ro un ou Liza W atch d s f oo t l s de n w y , ” Liz !

’ ’ Ri w en he w uz steamin c o me a knockin at de o o r ght h d , ’ Preacheh sto pped like he w uz hit w id lightnin ro o m

- a t1z.

” o l reach eh Lily, I bet dat p felt like my foot when it got de howdy-doo to de mule -shoe

’ ’ see kin I limp some o l Cap n Jack see me

’ ‘ ’ ’ W ilec at limpin he say , quit dat limpin befo I

’ ’ ’ kicks you loose f m yo pusso n al n ato my whut ’ ’ kaimt limp less you hiccough .

’ Sk - o un — f o his o me o n i y b d , h h gh , ’ Sk - o un — w it a f eat er in eac han y b d , h h h , ’ ’ Sk - o un — es be innin to fl y b d , j g y, ” ’ Sk - o un — razin de ro mis an y b d , g p l d .

’ W ho dat ? i a o er W ho be at n El z h ll . i o n dat doo r ? ’ ’ ’ dw indlin o ic e c o me so undin f m de ni t A v gh , “ ’ ’ ’ ’ Li a dis o us an . in t w ine to ea e no o z , y h b A g l v m . ’ ” w in dat w rass in att e w id de namite I l b l dy .

’ ’ O l reacheh starte leavin — he uste t ro u de p d b d h gh wall , W hil st Eliza o p en ed up de c abin do o r ’ ’ A - o o kin and a-c a in - ne er see n o o ne at all l ll , v d ’ Den she ro w e a ni tio n fit ac ro ss de oo th d p fl r . 1 0 3 L I L Y.

Sk - o un — ear de an e s sin y b d , h g l g,

- — Sk o un kain t ear an t in . y b d , h y h g

’ De reacheh sti a- allO in de sinf u ro a p ll g p l d , ’ Sis i a s he re ente oo se a o a o f sin El z p d l l d , ’ ’ S aid she d a-b ac kslid mighty light if she d a-kno w ed ’ ’ De uin da z e in da kin in r t w u br w in t tal g .

t . to Goa , dat s all Dat learns you never ’ ’ s o u pester wid dynamite . Gin ain t o bad less y gits reckless an ’ tries to swim upstream in Gin ’ d o u o River . Float wid c current but look t f de big eddies whut drags you un deh . Dog ’ ’ ’ sho s e gone, I craves to git wid Cap n Jack, p ’ c ially no w dat de winter w eatheh is so ravagin

in de land . By the t ime night had fallen the craver and his mascot goat were about twelve miles nearer Captain Jack than they had been that mo m

ing . Lying down in the frosts o f evening and ’ trying to sleep didn t make any gilt-spangled appeal and so the hungry pair continued their

march throughout the night . At dawn th e Wildcat sought a sun -swept ’ o ff gully a little the road . There , protected from the chill wind he curled Up with Lily beside him and snored himself forty miles away from “ ’ ’ - i . ce t n mule shoe luck Same as de A . E . F . p

C H A P T E R ! I

O RTHB O UND an d acutely conscious o f an empty stomach that for two days had been as useless as a stakeholder in a crap game , the Wildcat welcomed a trio of church steeples rising against the horizon before “ ! ’ ’ him . Hot foot , Lily Whah dey s chu ches ’ ’ ’ dey s a town an whah dey s a town u s gits a ’ o b C m . k j raves me a job . Kai t eat less us wor s,

’ ’ ’ ’ — i Ea in ka n t eat s teady . t ain t nothin less

’ ’ k tem rar . it s de steady ind . I had enough p y now

’ ’ ’ an - 01 den rations in de A . E . F . to las me till ’ ’ Gabriel sputters de las sembly in de brass hawn ’ ’ - ! o n . high Double time yo se f, goat Lady

’ ’ Luck likely w aitin whah you sees dem f ac try ’ ’

sk . chimblys again de y, behin dem chu ches Us is luck bound ! Ramble ! ”

Near the edge of the town , almost smelling

fiv e the gravy, the Wildcat stepped out at a t mile pace . Lily, rotting along behind him , heard her master mask his appetite in a thin veil o f s ong L I L Y 1 33

’ Luck o un - o u mah fidd in f eet b d , l , ’ Luck o un —an a-c ra in to eat b d , v g ,

Luc o un -w a de ratio ns w ai k b d , h h t, ’ ’ ” all a I se l uck bo un d at a g o pin g it.

At the edge of town the singer growled an “ ’ order toward his mascot . Slack up yo gallop , ’ b de it Lily . Slow down efo some pp y marshal

’ ’ thinks us is runmin away f m whah de y is some

’ ” body dat los something whut w uz took . Rich in experience the Wildcat passed the churches and the residence district o f the little town without halting . He hesitated for half a minute before a little restaurant o n the main

e s m street and th n , without stopping, re u ed his ’ ! course . Dat grub smell jes like heaven Drives me like de long lash leather burnin’ mule

. o n heah hide Come , goat , to whah de work is ’ ’ w aitin ! Kaint buy no rations wid talk F0

’ ’ ’ bits do mo talkin wid de res ran t man dan all ” - - de whut you wuz words in de world . He plodded down the streets of the town until the substantial buildings had given place to the broken residences o f the poorer element of the community and presently the gate o f a stockade

surrounding a sugar refinery confronted him . “ ’ m I se He addressed the watch an at the gate . 1 34 L I L Y

’ ’ o h lookin f a job . W ah at is de man whut hires de hands ?” “ ’ The watchman discouraged him . Ain t hir

’ ” in no hands . The Wildcat looked hard at the watchman and o f o f by reason a similarity complexions , ven ’ tu red . some more language Boy, don t tell me

’ ’ ’ in I o se fish - no a ts . se s hungry I deaf when de i ’ ?” a n ts . o u is spoke I ax y , whah at is de man “ o u The watchman conceded a point . Y finds ’ b ’ ’ him in de li l shack by de o ilin mill . Dat s de ffi k . o ce . Wal in does you crave to All I tells

’ you is double up so you won t land so heavy ” when you gits throwed out . The Wildcat walked to the office shack and he entered it . A moment later faced the super “ ’ in ten den t o f . suh the sugar mill Cap n , me ’ ’ ” an Lily craves a job 0 work so us kin eat . A gentle gesture with the hand that held his hat indicated the mascot goat . “Who is Lily ?” “ h eah h h eveh . W a Dis goat Luck mascot .

’ ’ Lily is 01 Lady Luck gwine come pro w lin soon ’ ” 0 late . The superintendent was no more SUperstitio us than the average man who dodges ladders an d k u pic s p pins and avoids Friday thirteens, but

1 39 L I L Y an intricate system o f pipes and valves and bat at o f ting a cloud buzzing flies, he listened to orders . “ These six valves painted red are the molasses feed -valves in the pipe lines that fill the s ix wooden tanks below us . The numbers show you — k which is which , tan s numbered the same way o n those boards nailed to the staves . Number k Four is feeding now . Ta es about an hour to

fill a tank . When the molasses gets to the red

- - see danger mark , you can it painted there ,

- shut o ff the feed valve and fill the next tank . By the time Number Six is filled Number One ’ ought to be empty . That s all . You know how to work it ?” “ ’ ’ ” essuh ! Sho ! a Cap n , y do With his p petite dictating the text o f his reply the Wildcat would have taken a chance on Operating an air plan e and a submarine with his right hand while juggling the Theory of Relativity with his left , if success had meant hoe cake and ham gravy . “ ’ ’ suh — sa o u rin o ut ff Cap n , you y dat p stu is ’ lasses ?” “ ’ That s it . The superintendent called down to a man standing in the web o f the pIpIng sys “ tem below . Stay with those outlet valves now,

Demmy . New boy handling the overhead feed L I L Y 1 37 up here He turned to the Wildcat for a final

o n — word . Your shift is twelve hours , ends ” at midnight ; begins at noon . Two whistles . “ ’ ” k essuh . Cap n , y Just then the wor ing shift might have been as continuous as human sin with

’ o ut having much eff ect o n the Wildcat s im mediate future . What he wanted most at that

to moment was be left alone with his work, for B here was a job a boy could eat . ette h dan a ’ ’ res ran t job . Nobody kin count lasses . Neveh

’ f e so o n miss a w lasses wid many hand .

’ ’ ’ f m u s Stan back de edge , Lily, befo has to ’ ” strain you o ut wid de res o f de flies . Five seconds after the superintendent disap peared down the stairway the Wildcat reached a cupped hand under the surface o f the dark liquid “ ff ’ ! in tank Number Three . Whu ! Sho is noble ’ ’ Bes long sw eetn in us eveh et

Feed me n o w w hile I still c an chew ’ ’ ’ o n t o s o n e it ti it s o er ue D p p ll v d .

o o n me w id fl o w ers but o o n me w i e sti kin sme B , b h l I ll ll , o o n rne w id ratio n s — o o n me w i e sti kin eat B , b h l I ll , ’ o o n me w id raimen t — o n t n ee n o ea c o t es in B , d d h vy l h e h ll ,

oo n me w id ikker — but o o n me i es B l , b w h le de gin tast s ee w t. 1 38 L I L Y After ten minutes steady dipping be summoned

“ ’ ’ heah the mascot . Goat , come an git yo drip

’ ’ ’ ”

f m k . pin s Lady Luck s s illet He called again , but Lily was engaged in eating eight feet of mo lasses soaked waste which sh e was unwrapping “ ’ ’

k . from around a lea ing valve stem . Suit yo se f ’ ’ i A s o mc h n er . f Eat y does you crave it me , ’ ’ de long sw eetnin is mah pusso nal failin ! Whuff ! ” With the edge o f his appetite dulled by half a gallon o f warm molasses the Wildcat remem bered the ru diments of his technical obligation . He walked over to Number Four tank and “ m see peered down into it . Kai t no red mark, ’ — o l k Lawd Gawd , mebbe de red paint mar is ” drownded ! He looked again at the level o f the viscous liquid in the tank and cast a glance side “ wise at the three filled tanks . Looks de same

o thehs . sa as de Whut dat white man y do, ’ — — o ff o ne o n fo o ff . shut dis , turn dat , down , ’ ! ’ ! Five down , on . Dat s it Sho is Us knows

’ ’ o o ff b zn s dis n an i e s wid de pipes . Jes like a ! steamboat . Huh Us knows all about dis biz — ’ I” ness , all an den some . Serene for the moment in the belief that there was mighty little left for him to learn about th e tank filling profession the Wildcat indulged in a

1 49 L I L Y come de flies git so drunk ? Is dis stuff got ’ ’ ’ so methin in it whut keeps it f m gittin lone some ?”

“ ’ ’ ’ Sho has when she gits o l an v ig ro us . Dey ’ ’ rumf m — k makes lasses , fol s whut kin wait dat — I ’ long . Me , drinks mah vigor whilst it s still

’ ’ afteh mah size . Drink dis lasses it fo ments

’ ’ ’ long nuff an de fust thing yo u heah s de judge sayin ’ ‘ Six months an ’ leave de hardware on him ’ ’ ’ No judge ain t said nuthin to me fo de ’ ’ — ’ I . longes time , don t crave to hear none Ain t dey a place in dis town whah a boy kin git some tame likker ?” “ ’

ev al . S . Dey is in all towns Thought ’ w uz — u you bust , talkin dat h ngry talk all de ” time . “ ’ u . I is . Aims to build p though Craves mos

’ ’ to git o n my way to Memphis whah o l Cap n ’ ’ ’ Jack is w aitin but a ra r o f likker now an then ” might help me beah my cross . Who dis Cap’ n Jack ?” ’ ’ H - e s mah white folks . Y o u mus a knowed ’ W ’ o n . bout him . de wah in de A . E F . agin dem ” German boys . “ ” Win it single -handed ? ’ ’ Sin gle -handed c eptin us shock troops in de L I L Y 1 4 1

’ Fust Service Battalion an dem Eighteenth

’ ” Engineer boys an Lo o ten an t Hudson . “ ’ o Heard b ut you . You is de troops whut

’ ’ - Y o u run . dem Germans to death , leadin em

’ ’ sho covered de groun when you got goin

“ ’ k fl in Demmy, you tal s like dem y squab boys ’ ’ tellin de qu art masteh how much groceries a hero

’ ’ ’

o o iv es . needs . But I f gits an f g Wah is done ’ ’ ”

us . now, an won it . Dat s all “ ” w o n ? Whut you mean , it ’ ? Still got it , ain t we No likker, no work , ’ bo o nus no money, no , no rations , an only half

’ ’ ’

o . D clo es en ugh to hol de buttons at s hell , ’ ain t it ? So is wah . If anybody win it us

us did Hope lose it some day . Good times comin’ 3 7

’ Goin , you means . Demmy, you is twisted ’ ’ ’ ’ b - ackw a ds . an headed I se lookin at to day, an’ tomorr’

’ W ilec at et . , dem lasses you is soured you ’ ’ ’ n ach ral Yo sweetness is fo mented . B etteh git o n Numbeh k — k dat Six tan , only ta es a hour to

’ ’ k - fill each tan . Wait till u s quits to night an I leads you to a place whah you gits real grub ’ ’ o f an mebbe a ra r real likker . “ k ’ ’ Demmy, you sounds li e heaven . Gam lin ” to o ? 1 42 L I L Y

’ — in o u flic ted dc Some, case y is wid bone c rav m “ o u — heah bo - Whut y think I means , dis y size ’ ’ ’ gam lin wid spinn in tops whut says grab 0 do

’ nate ? Huh ! All right f o folks whut kaimt read but when u s trails Lady Luck us craves ’ ’ action . Don t want no tilly winks peste rin me .

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Don t want nothin spinn in roun whilst I drops

dead wid anxious heart disease . Bam ! Read

’ ’ ’ an repeat . Fire an fall back . Dat s me . ’ W ilec at ! , dem words goes double Me an

yo u each . De bones speaks de v e rdick long be

’ ’ ’ ’ fo dem tops quits spinn in an s tutte rin like dese

’ ’ pledge -sign in boys sayin yes to a gin ruckus in

’ B o - . f m vite y, to night I leads you de straight

’ ’ an narrow to de wide an pleasant .

’ P each h f Y o u so un s noble . r e say de way o de progressor is hard surfa ced — us mebbe makes ” some speed when us gits o ff dis long grief lan e .

The Wildcat turned to his work . He fumbled around with the feed valve to Number Six tank and when the stream O f heavy liquid was pitching downward into the black depths o f the tank he relaxed his attention to duty long enough to eat

another quart o f slightly fermented molasses . The six tanks were connected at the level o f the red danger marks by eight- inch overflow pipes


T sundown , while the Wildcat slept, Demmy ducked o ut o f the tank house and headed for a loose board in the stockade fence . Stealth marked his movements . He slid through the narrow Opening in the fence and then, like an elusive black shadow, he prowled d o wn along an eroded gully which led to the back door of a dilapidated house whose c o m panion structures lifted their broken fronts along the staggering boundary o f a crooked street . At a door opening into the basement o f the house three steps below ground line, he knocked the tw o -o ne- four signal which announced the arrival o f o ne to whom the ritual o f admission was old ff stu . A moment later the blue calico curtain behind “ ’ n a small glass panel was drawn to o e side . It s “ ”

in. Demmy, the visitor whispered . Leave me The dpo r opened and the sawed -o ff brunet dived into the darkness o f the basement . He L I L Y 1 45 walked ten feet in the darkness and then two heavy curtains in front o f him opened upon a

dimly lighted room twenty feet square . The air o f the room was soggy with the gases trailing from a score o f semi -fireproo f cigars and under this odor of burnin g vegetation was the sour scent o f alcohol and the acrid tang common to packed and perspiring humanity . The newcomer twisted his way between three groups o f players seated around card tables and

o f - found the man he sought, back a semi circular

- 0 o f green table . On the felt covered t p a pair active dice ga110ped around with the latest bul ’ i s let n from Lady Luck s headquarters . Demmy waited until the bank collected o n a delayed seven and then spoke to the banker . ’ Sledge, come wid me to de li l room a minit . ” bizn Us has ess .

The banker was quick to obey the summons . He turned the game over t o a Friday-hand and followed Demmy into a smaller room opening “ from the main pasture o f chanc e . Whut you want ?” “ ’ ” bo o o They s a new y n de t p valves . Demmy hesitated long enough fo r this news to hit the

“ ’ - learn in bo . target . Looks like a quick y, Sledge ’ M‘ebbe I betteh brin g him oveh heah to-night an 1 46 L I L Y

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ git him gentle an wise befo he vestigates roun

’ ’ ’ an finds dat inch pipe whut runs f m de lasses

’ ’ tanks to yo stillery room downstairs . Whut ” yo u think ? “ ’

Y o u . B etteh an is right, Demmy bring him

’ ’ s — es how him de sights , bring em befo dey com

’ ” ro w lin ki is bo ? p is my motto . Whut nd dis y “ e h in M mp is nigger . Name Wildcat . Fit

’ ’ ’ ”

c e tin fo m . de war, but p dat he see s bright “ ’ ” Fetch him heah at nine O clock . “ ’ — Us comes at nine . An Sledge , mebbe you ’ ’ be tteh have some grub an a ra r of de home ’ w aitin sa -d B made hootch to y howdy o c . o y

’ ’ ’ ain t et lately an he gits f ren ly when de rations ” is donated .

’ ’ o Rations is comin up. An all d likker he ” kin handle . The moonshining host stripped a “ He ah — banknote from his roll . , Demmy, lend him dis five dollah bill so he kin take a bite at de ’ ’ relief c mittee wid de square teeth . Dat s all

— - right, dem fust aid cubes pays me back . Likely ’ - B i an be a big game to night . g g g comin , ’ ’ ’ n itiatio n night fo de colored Damons an dey

’ ’ ’ ’ gin ally gits h eah at ten o clock f o de final cer ’ o u W ilec at bo monies . See y an dis y at nine ’ ’ i ” o clock . Sez goodnight till dat t me . Demmy slid out into the big room and from

1 48 L I L Y

W ilec at ! Heah u Wake Up , us is . Wake p,

’ ” you been ridin a nightmare . “ How come ! Whah at is us ?

Heah you is . Dis is Demmy wid you . You ’ se been dreamin’

“ ‘ ’ Wuz dat dreamin dream mah mascot

’ ’ goat was swimmin in de las ses riv eh ’ ’ ! ” an went oveh de falls an . what dat Sharply into the steady gurgling o f the flo w ’ ing molasses came Lily s voice . A single bleat,

o n . eloquent with distress , fell the listener s ears “ ’ ’ Dat s Lily ! Callin me ! Dat dream w uz — ” true , leggo , Demmy . A moment later the searching pair found the

o source f the S . O . S . in Tank Six . Riding a submerged soap -box which sh e had carried over

o f the edge the tank with her in her fall , Lily drifted with the tide , submerged to the gills in th e heavy flood of sweet temptation . “ ” Blaa-a ! Seeing the Wildcat’ s dim outline the drifting mascot voiced an overwhelming vote against bulk molasses . “ ’ ’ ! o n ! I se comin Hang , goat Us gits you ’ 7 In de n ex time roun

A moment later the drifter came within reach . ’ The Wildcat clutched at Lily s neck, lifted, L I L Y 1 49 grabbed the mascot ’ s forelegs and hauled the drip ping truant upward to the security o f the plat

“ ’ ’ ’ dri in o ne form . Stan still . Do yo pp in ’ u s place , goat, else pays back all de woe you se

’ ’ ’ ” posited in de hell bank f o de las ten years ! “ ” - ! ! Blaa a Heeet Lily apologized . Then she o n e sneezed and shook herself, leg at a time, losing weight , meanwhile , like a squeezed sponge . She tried to mask her chagrin in a violent wag

o ging f head and tail . The Wildcat interpreted these contortions as “ ! . u rank anarchy Shut p dem sass words , goat

’ Come to ten-shun an stick dere ! Drip small

’ ’ ” befo I kn ocks you silo high an swamp wide !

Demmy, having retrieved the drifting soap “ bo x n . , interrupted the chasteni g Lead dat prong-head fly-bait down de stairs till us kin ” run de watch hose o n him . He added some pro “ B etteh o ff Numbeh f essio n al advice . shut Six

’ ’ ” an start fillin Numbeh One again . The Wildcat spoke a sharp command to the “ - n ! ! dripping mascot . Ten shu As you is ’ ' ” Let de lasses dribble till us gits back He walked to the valve rack and altered the flow o f

the supply stream as Demmy had advised .

- fl - Then , followed by his four legged y lure he marched downstairs to where Demmy had the 1 50 L I L Y water ready and w aItIng for the bath business .

“ ’ ’ u s s Stan still , goat, till baptizes you loo e

’ ’ m - f dat sweet raiment . You sho is de dis reptile ’ ’ lo o kin ist e v h e . varmint I seed Turn roun , ’ ’ dri in us s pp fool , whilst gives you a mu sage , an ” - a nanny cure wid dis gunny sack . A little before nine o ’ clock the beauty treat ment was completed except for a few areas of matted goat hair in whose environment still oozed

- enough molasses to create a weather proof coat . “ The discouraged Demmy called a halt . Goats

’ " is n ach ral born c umlato rs when it comes to

’ ’ ss kin t la es . Us an de flies neveh git dis masco

’ ’ de o ut un w ro pped f m m lasses . Go t to grow

o ff D a k . an wear . t ta es time Leave him be ,

’ o W ilecat . Us is due now f a visit to a house

’ ’ ’ ’ s risin w aitin down de gully . Dey s p ruckus ’ f o us .

Demmy was a better prophet than he knew . “ The Wildcat gave Lily some orders . At ’ ease ! Walk yo post whilst u s sees is de

’ ’ ” m chinery run n in right . He addressed Demmy . “ ” u s ? How long will be gone away, Demmy “ ’ k ev Midnight, mebbe . Us comes bac y hour

’ an ran ges de valves . Got to git back in time to ” quit at midnight . The Wildcat went above to the Operating

1 52 L I L Y was being introduced to the proprietor o f the

place . Before the ceremony had been completed a plate o f sandwiches appeared from some source and into the Wildcat’ s free hand was thrust a goblet filled with rum which had been made in “ sub - o the cellar f the Sledge establishment . Cir culate Sledge invited “Us hopes you an’ Demmy enjoys yo’ se ’ f an ’ makes de place yo’

’ ’ ” m r te ar . p y stampin groun , the host concluded

“ ’ ’ sho ! IHeah s Sledge , will howdy ff ! ” Whu Noble likker . Noble rations . Half a sandwich disappeared into the Wildcat’ s mouth

“ ’ and further talk was abandoned . Don t aim to

’ ’ let no howdy-do o gabblin stop me an dis grub

’ ’ ’ ’ u gittin q ain ted. Col pork an good soggy

’ ’ ! k ! k e bread Gran li ker Lady Luc , k ep yo

heaven . During th e next five minutes all the sand wiches and two more goblets o f rum were added ’ to the Wildcat s cargo . He molded his mouth

back into place with the back o f his hand . ’

m . Dem y, dis a gran place to be Dat Sledge

’ man seems real f ren ly .

“ ’ ” Sho is , Demmy agreed . You crave some

’ ’ k W ilec at ? Y o u kin mo li ker an grub , git all ” you wants . “ sez minnit Demmy, I yes , but at de present L I L Y 1 53

’ ’ dis pusso nal stummick I se quipped wid sez no ” right to mah face . “ ban uit co m Leave it rest . De deep dish q men ce s — afteh in half hour anyway, begins right

if m h eah de Un aw Guards gits . “ ?” How come , guards ’ is 0 . Sons Damon . Lodge boys Dis de

’ ’ n itiatio n night an dey give de Social Degree

’ ’ h eah at Sledge s place . Gran rally . You meets

’ ’ k u de real fol s . Dey s seven ca dates whut gits ’ a e - ! de Steemed Y ll r Sash to night . Lily Whut dat goat catin ’

- The mascot, having finished the bread crusts from the last four sandwiches which the Wild cat had eaten , had cast her eyes around in search o f o f casual amusement until , at the level her

’ - nose, crimped between a card player s leg and the

sh e o f chair seat , had discovered two idle bits pasteboard . When Demmy saw her the final f ragments o f the second ace were bein g munched into pulp .

o u - Demmy handed t some low pitched advice . " ’ W il c e at . c v , strain dat goat Does he eat

’ helpin card he sees he is likely git into had

’ e t trouble . So me man need an x ry ace an find ’ o ut dat goat et it dey might be blades wavin

’ ’ ” befo yo u splained it . 1 54 L I L Y

’ ! t Lily, rally way back Goat , one mo S umble

’ ’ o n dis sin road yo u is travellin an you falls

’ ’ u in ! . s ester hard Whut you mean , q dat card

’ ’ ’ Stan heah befo us knocks you loose f m de rest

’ ’ ” 0 dem lasses . To his guide the Wildcat made apologies for

’ “ ’ his mascot s conduct . Lily ain t learned no

’ ’ betteh — ahm train in , started wid a y an neveh

’ had a chance to repent an s in no

’ W ilec at — betteh Dat s all right , , only you

’ keep de eagle eye o n dat an imil befo he eats up

’ ’ a card some man needs real bad muse yo

’ ’ ’ ’ se 0 se f till I gits back . Got to e is de 1 lasses ’ ’ ’ o o valves doin all right . I tends de t p side f

’ ’ ’ ’ s h eah you whilst I e gone . Stay an do yo se f proud .

“ ’ Sho will . Lily, come wid me He edged toward the crap table behind which Sledge was

e banking the house bets . At the table he gre ted

o f . . the fringe ivory hunters Men , howdy

fiv - He fished for his e dollar bill . Finding it he broke o ut with an acute attack o f spotted fever .

Impatient, he waited until the orphan cubes “ ’ - yearned for a step father . Pass us dem limpin ’ ’ leopards till dey learns who is de spot-changin ’ ’

in ral . lion tamer . Major babies , meet yo g

’ w hettin Beef bones, de butcher is d

1 56 L I L Y dice had finally resulted in a meeting of the creditors where the expert ’ s remains were viewed and cursed by o ne and all after being marked “ ”

o k . Perishable . Rush . Use n Hoo s

“ ’ Dixie dice , drip yo money dew . Green hay, ’ ! ’ dc harves man is got you . Wham an ’ J o e ! Li l leads de quartet . Hot dam Joe, you

’ ’ - members who fed you . Re turn back on fo

’ ’

ff ! . wheels . Whu Dat s nine an eight ’ sez Dice, git small . I reads five an dey six ’

. n . an ten Craves double twi s Lady Luck,

’ ’ whah at is you an I reads doo c e an do o ce !

’ ’ o Lady Luck sho got ears . Dat s eighty n de

’ ’ table an I shoots it all . Fade eighty an lock ! ” de safe Shoots eighty do llah s . Nobody ever made five passes with the house “ ’ ! ” dice . Roll em Sledge sensed a profitable ’ “ conclusion to the Wildcat s run o f luck . Roll

’ ’ ’ ’ 0 em , an us ships de fragments to yo next ” kin .

“ ’ Baby money, nutrify an grow big . Ice dice , ’ ! melt an shower down . Wham Read de top ’ ’ sides an you reads six-ace ! Dat s five ’

b . passes . Drags down . Shoots a und ed Fade

me, is you “ ’ ” Heah s de Damons , Sledge interrupted L I L Y 1 57

’ minnit W lec a i t . Pos pone dis a , The banker

was glad o f the opportune alibi . He circulated

as around as long he could , hoping to sidetrack

the Wildcat , but when he returned to the crap table he noted with deep disgust that the victim

in the recent session had held his place .

saw Submerged in the crowd , Sledge Demmy, who had returned from his momentary attention

- to the valves in the molasses tank house . He summoned the sawed -o ff individual to the little “ ” W ilec a ? he o . t ro m Demmy, who is dis boy

whispered his question . “ ’ 1 ask ! Sledge , me Neveh seed dat boy befo

’ - r . noon to day . Been wa chin him ramble Right ” agile wid de clickers . i “ ’ t You neveh seed him befo noon

’ ’ less he changes you ain t gwine see him much

’ ’ B izness midnight . is business an fren s

’ ’ trav ellin Demmy , but de way he s I

’ give him de place an git me a pay - day — b b etteh o ut . You brung him eah , git him

’ ’ All de lasses whut runs into de stillery pipe down stairs don’ t mean nothin ’ ’ longside de way

’ ’ s he s robbin de afe wid whut he calls luck .

! e - Luck D mmy, de way dat six ace come wid dem taper dice shows me jes ’ one thing an’ dat’ s 1 58 L I L Y

’ ’ a nigger s neck lonesome fo a wire -edge blood

o . o ut s set: ho k Git him soon as you kin , el e I

’ ” de iron swingin twins on his track . “ ’ Sledge , I gits him out . Don t start no blood ’ ’ ruckus whilst de Damons is all rallied roun , ’ i c a kaint tell bout dem lodge fools . Dat W le t ’ might make some lodge sign an git de whole

’ ’ ’ hel in mis r lodge p him spread y an distress . I ’ — o u gits him out quiet , oozes him t befo he knows i ” whah at he s . “ ’ Git oo zin i ” I s,

d ch o Followe by Sledge , Demmy slipped ba int as u as the big room . He edged his way q ickly ’ “ ” B a c s s . o he i he could to the Wild at ide y, wh

. B etteh pered , lissen to me git back to ’ ’ b 0 - c In j o . 1 night rounder ome an find you

’ ’ ’ sin you ain t got no mo job dan a fish

’ ’

m . Don t craves no job, De my Don t nee job whilst Lady Luck does de work . — o t pester wid me now, I g three things

’ ’ m - ated dat s been a long ti e comin luck, an’ de clickers He faced the

1 60 L I L Y: ’ ! S Shoots two bund ed hoots de scenery , ’ ” less de bank is feeble . “ k ’ Ban s all right . Shoot . The Wildcat’ s hand gyrated about his head and

o returned to the level f the table . Hardly touch ing the green cloth the twin cubes ‘ leaped to

f - ward the enced edge and bounced half way back, spinning with that certificate o f which no crap - shooter in a h o u s long retain his health and strength . Wham

’ ’ ’ I reads em rollin , an when dey rests dey tell ’ ’

f . o man . de worl Jury wid de A W . O . L Dat’ s ’ leven ! I drags down de widder’ ’ ” an — sa ? mite whut dat you y, Lily ’ An eager Son o f Damon had stepped o n Lily

’ foot and th e mascot s remonstrance lifted sh arpl ’ “ ” - above the Wildcat s words . Blaa a ! “ s a ? Goat, you y let it ride Sledge , lets it lay . Dat mascot neveh guessed wrong y

’ ’ o n Shoots de f bu d ed . “ ’ W ilec at minn it , keep de ivory a till de ” k visits dc safe . Sledge stood up and wal e ward the little room . En route, with the slight inclinations o f his head brace o f followers . When the behind them the trio wen t in to L I L Y 1 6 1

’ ” “ ’ I se . las pass, he confided . I tells him done — k When he leaves, all I tells you is fetch bac

’ — - an use . . de cash , de black jack No blades ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ lic e findin - t Don t want no p nothin , no hin ’ a- ! tall Dat s dat . Sledge returned to his place at the table and coun ted o ut four hundred dollars . He laid it “ W il at . ec down , de bank announces de finish ’

o u o . fade . Y is reached de play limit f de night “ To himself he added anot her reservation . If ’ ’ ’ he makes dis pass it s de las one he makes till some fool fades him in hell ! ” ’ c on se At the Wildcat s side , sensing the fatal

uences o f m q success, De my tried again to drag “ W ile at . c his companion away from the game ,

’ ’ ’ f o de las time I tells you dem lasses needs de ’ tanks changed . Come o n wid me befo dey busts . “ ’ ! Demmy, at res As you is . Git calm . I leaves wid you when I shows dese lodge boys dis ’ ! bank bustin pass wid de dynamite dice . Leggo Watch de cyclone seed git big ! ”

He turned to the wide green table . He held the dice in his left hand and reached down gently with his right until his exploring fingers en ’ “ countered Lily s uplifted head . Lily, I tags

’ you fo luck . He transferred the dice to the 1 62 L I L ZYr

- o luck infested fingers f his right hand . For an instant he was calm , dispatching to his finger tips a summons for the exquisite technique of ah ! “ ’ ’ s . h d olute control The Rifle ice, de las cat ’ ridge ! Barn ! an twins in de j itney ! ” Five -do oc e ! The Wildcat reached fo r the money and parked

o f . it quickly in the depths his pockets Sledge , ’ me an Lily bids you goodnight . Lodge folks, ’ ’ sho proud to know you . Sez goodnight till de ’ ” n ex session . He turned to the door . Come

’ ’ o n heah . Us . , Demmy got to range dem lasses ’ Come long, Lily . Say goodnight to de “ ” Blaa-a ! The mascot Spoke her farewell as clearly as she could with her face crowded with a five-cent cigar that had been dropped by an ex ” B - ! - a ! cited Son of Damon . a a Blaa Under the ripple o f laughing comment that fol lowed the mascot’ s message Sledge whispered three o f n words to a pair desperate gia ts beside him . “ Git him now l ’ ?

1 64 L I L Y “

5 . cat voice above the tumult Lawd Gawd, ! ” Lady Luck , float me high In the faint light Demmy saw the Wildcat grab for Lily and then he felt a grip of steel ’

. ! about his wrist Demmy, dey s a deep flood I drags you out ! ” ’ Around the Wildcat s waist, down the gully leading to the room where the evening’ s ruckus

so had lately died, whirled a black eddying stream o n whose surface rode twisted rafts of tank s taves and timbers from the wrecked tank house .

The Wildcat , doubly burdened , stumbled once and disappeared beneath the flood . u k He came p, spouting li e a whale and shak ing his head free from its in timate c ove ring . “ ff ’ ! ’ f Whu Lasses Kick wid yo eet, Demmy,

’ ’ ’ dey s high groun close . Lasses tanks

’ an dat crap game both bust de same minn it !

’ ’ ’ Kain Feel wid yo feet . t keep me an dis goat s ff ' haid Up much lo ngeh . Whu Lawd

’ ’ heah s Gawd , de high groun Heavily freighted and swimmin g hard against the current o f molasses that swirled down the gully the Wildcat felt the solid earth under him. Five seconds later he and his two companions “ ! f u . were ten eet p the bank Hot dam Demmy, ’ ’ dat was sho heavy draggin Whuff ! L I L Y 1 65 Stay beah wid Lily whilst I goes back and see

’ ’ ” doe s any Sons 0 Damon crave a h elpin hand . He turned again toward the Sledge establish

ment . In the dim light shining from the curtained windows of the Sledge basement there suddenly appeared a rush o f panic-stricken Sons o f Da

mo n r usso nal , and each Son was t ying his p best to unwrap himself free from his oozing shroud o f

brown liquid .

Plumes and sashes, store clothes and complex

o n e ions were color now , and the green crap tables which had been the field o f evening battle

was flooded deep with the flowing molasses .

s dl vm Lodge brothers , licker than g seals, for got the ritual of departure an d waded to their

necks in a wild stampede for the windows . Demmy scooped enough o f the sticky stuff away from his f ace to permit his organs o f speech

to function . He reached out a restraining hand ’ “ W ilec at c luch ed . and the Wildcat s arm , dem ’ ’ lasses k ain t git mo dan fiv e feet deep in dat

- o ut place , runs de winders to de front street b ’ ’ ’ ’ m . efo dat . Stay way f dem folks Don t ast ’ ’ ’ - us leavin me nuthin ,7 fetch dat goat an busts de ” time whilst de bars is down . Impressed by his companion’ s words the Wild 1 66 L I L Y;

’ cat guessed the concealed half o f Demmy s warn

“ ’ ing . Demmy, I se wid you He turned to the “ ’ ’ . he h in on a runn . mascot Come , an come Le ’ s go ! ” A mile out o f town the trio waded into the o f waters a little creek, emerging presently, fit to “ travel half as fast as Demmy advised . Wile ’ ’ n o thbound cat, hit de hot foot till us ketches de train at de crossin’ t ower stop whah you sees ’ dem green lights . Us is lef dis Ruddville town ’ ’ ” fo las de time . “ ’ ’ O l’ ’ I se comin , Demmy . town ain t so bad , — ’ ’ ’ e you an me made oveh f O h und ed do llah s H ’ apiece in o ne night . eah dem flies headin ’ ’ f o — dat lasses, town gwine to be de home plate ’ ’ ’ fo all de flies in de worl . Lasses a foot ’ ’ deep in de streets an all de cellars full . Gran ’ ’ drinkin town when de street pavin begins to f o ’ ’ Ruddville ment dat town s name ain t , ’ ’ ’ wid lasses s o c lingin dat town s name is ’ ’ ” . c L o mud Git mar hin , ily bef you sticks !

‘ ’ eet - ! L F , stan by me ead agile, Demmy . ’ 13 ) a-runn in Come , Lily . Leaving Ruddville and the midnight flood o f

1 68 L I L Y at de crossin’ mighty soon an’ de crossin’ is a

mile up de pike . Come “ ’

Us . see is comin , Demmy Goat, kin you ” hit de double -time ! L o f ily, lighter by ten pounds detached mud

an d she . molasses , did the best could The mascot seemed to sense the necessity f o r haste and no remonstrance marked her steady

tI O t .

Where the distant signal o f the railroad cross

ing gleamed red the trio, with Demmy in the lead, plunged from the road and waded a shal

-filled - low, rain borrow pit . When they climbed the railway embankment the rails were clicking with the approach of the train an d a minute later from around a curve the beam of the headlight slashed across a wide segment of the cane fields

- f — which hedged the right o way . “ ’ Looks like she ain t gwine stop . The Wild cat spoke his fears . ’ ’

. 1 en Dat train stop . Grade crossin 0

’ ’ ineer run — g dassn t pas de red light, hits a de ’ ’ rail an sidetracks into a pusso n al cemetery less ’ he stops till de light shows green . I knows , ’ I run dinin car two yeahs o n dis line . Demmy gauged his distance and began to o n walk away from the red signal . Come , L I L Y 1 69

W l c at — us o n heah i e , climbs down Third car

’ — ’ ” f mde engine, right behin de baggage . Five hundred feet from the signal light the trio waited in the glare o f the approaching head

light . The engine crashed past them and the

to - sh e train slowed a four mile rate , but before came to a dead stop two short signal whistles an “ o n no unc ed her clearance . Boost dat goat de

’ platform ! Dat s a highball D emmy realized that now was the time for all hands to climb

aboard .

Ts h e Wildcat boosted the mascot up the car steps and reached down for his sawed -o ff com

’ “ ’ ’ panion s arm . Gimme yo han , Demmy, ’ ! ff ! — heah dat s it Whu Well , us is , Mem ’ ’ ” - phis bound , an trailin Lady Luck . “Git inside de car befo’ de conductor thinks

‘ ’ ’ ” us is ridin free an unloads us . Bring dat goat . Demmy wasted no t ime in contemplating their

o luck . He opened the door f the car and plowed a channel through the pungent and heavy odors “ until he found a vacant seat . Shove dat Lily

’ undeh - de seat , mebbe dey objects to ridin goats ” in dis car . “ ’ Kaint see de reason . Longside de smell

’ ’ w hut s h eah now dat goat is dollah musk an dc ” cork lost . The Wildcat crammed Lily under 1 70 L I L Y

the edge o f the seat . He took o ff his hat and

- looked around at his sleepin g fellow passengers .

“ ’ h f o Wonder w ah all dese niggers is headed , ’ ’ ’ ’ o sh lots o f fiel han s travellin since de wah .

’ ’ Niggers whut neveh seed a train is bustin up an

’ ’ down de line like dey d been sent f o by de an ’ ’ ! so gel Gab rel How come many folks ridin , Demmy ?”

“ ’ Long on money an short o n sense . Dey quits

’ ’ — n ex befo long now, dis time yeah a dollah ’ ’ look big as de harves moon . Heah s de con ductor ! ”

Be tte Demmy did some quick thinking . h

— us k not tell him Memphis , hides out in Vic s

" ’ burg till dis Ruddville lasses flood blows oveh . ’ Like as not they looks fo you in Memphis . Tell ” de conductor Vicksburg . The Wildcat looked up at the train conductor and reached for the roll of bills with which Lady

Luck had boo ned him less than two hours before . “ ’ ’ ’ suh Cap n , me an Demmy got on at de crossin

’ ’ - an didn t have time to git no ticket at de dee po . ” Us gwine to Vicksburg . The conductor cut two cash fare receipts and handed them to the Wildcat , together with two

- dollars change o ut o f a moist twenty dollar bill . “ ’ ” suh t ! Cap n , hank you He drawled the

1 72 L I L Y

’ ’ night . Compared wid workin in dat lasses

’ ’ fae ry back dere you ll think Memphis is heaven

’ ’ ’ W ilec at so un s , sho gran , but how you know Cap’ n Jack let me work ’ roun’ his place ?” “ ’ n ! How does I k ow Demmy, me an de ’ ’ ’ Cap n fit de wah to getheh an I took care de Cap n ’ ’ af teh dat an brung him an de Missus home to O ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ New Y aw k . l Cap n couldn t do nuthin less ’

de en . e u s . s o n wuz dere He p me , heavy B ars

’ ’ down o n me when dey s anythin a-tall to be ’ ’ w ido u done . Spec t me de Cap n kaimt git along k ’ ’ none . All you needs to git wor in wid Cap n

’ ‘ ’ ’ k f o heah s Jac is me to tell him, Cap n Jack ,

Demmy . Demmy craves to hire wid you . Sho’ a gran ’ boy whah dey’ s work starin’ him in b . US etteh de face Reckon pay him good wages , ’ ’ ’

so . Cap n , times is hard Dat s all I need to tell

’ ’ Cap n Jack an you is set lovely in de glue o f — ’ ’ joy . I knows dat man , Cap n Jack s my white

folks . To the Wildcat Captain Jack was the o ne safe ’ refuge in time o f storm . Captain Jack s sphere o f influence was a cyclone cellar wherein a bo y could find sanctuary from O l’ Man Trouble and unless Captain Jack was somewhere in the vicinity and riding herd o n Lady Luck that fickle goddess L I L Y 1 73

degenerated into a temporary visitor . The Wild cat craved Lady Luck as a permanent companion and with the lengthening miles he came to realize that as soon as he an d Demmy could leave the sanctuary o f Vicksburg the big bet was to let Captain Jack do all the worrying that had to be done about capturing and retaining the intermit tent goddess . Until the day dawned the pair alternately dozed and awakened to indulge in plans for the ’ future . In these plans Captain Jack s depend

ence o n the Wildcat was heavily featured . “ ” 7 W ido ut kain t me , Demmy, de man do nuthin When the train butcher began his rounds the

pair invested heavily in tobacco and peanuts , soda

six pop, sandwiches and a candy that ran about

cubic feet to the pound . Under the seat, Lily ate her share of the food and gave her attention to a half-smoked cigar which the Wildcat dis ’ carded in favor o f o ne that wasn t unraveled quite o ff s much . At the pu ed molasses candy the goat

o drew the line . A swim in a tankful f heavy molasses and a battle against a flowing flood o f the sticky liquid had been included in the night’ s terrors and for the time being Lily was fed up

sh e o n molasses . What craved was good eating

o n tobacco, She munched thoughtfully the grati 1 74 L I L Y

’ fying cigar and listened to her master s exposition ’ “ W do o f s . i ut Captain Jack s helples ness me , ’ Demmy, dat man is los in de high cane . “ -a — Lily bleated faintly . Blaa ! mebbe he

’ ’ so w ido ut ain t los you as you think .

1 76 L I L Y whose mutual friendship had been cemented with ’ a flood of sticky molasses , pried the mascot goat s mouth ajar with a stick o f kindling wood and

’ propped it open with a Clothespin . Reveal yo

’ ’ ’ ’ se f Go bla er . tt in , fool , an stay revealed roun ’ ’ ’ ! ’ heah f m o rk in e e catin p p bush s Stan still . Mebbe dis learns yo u neveh to relish dese thistle

bushes . ’ Demmy picked the stickers o ut o f Lily s mouth o f to an accompaniment song from the Wildcat, prone o n his pallet in the corner o f the wood

shed .

‘ ’ Heah is L aw w id m b reas late o u I , d , y p , Sw eep me Up o n high ’ ’ W aitin Law w id m breas late o n , d , y p ; ’ ’ i ” Ho nin f o mah ho me o n h gh .

o You gits n high af teh de front seats is filled . ” W ilec at o u ? , how come y is so soggy minded

’ ’ s Lawd don t crave no sw eepin . Lawd sweep ’ Preach eh you up wid a club . says think befo ’ ’ n you jumps . Member dat ex time when you ’ ’ ” - starts flyin an fin ishes muscle bound . “ ’ Gwine to be no nex time . Neveh g wine leap no mo

“ ’ ’ Serve you right did yo neck git busted, stead

’ ’ ’ i Heah dul es o o f only strained yo la gs . you g y L I L Y 1 77

’ ’ se f in a night prowl an gits chased . Den whut ’ sud happens . You climbs a fence . An jumps ’ o den . Thinks you knowed de lay f de lan .

’ k o w n sez Thin s you knows yo alley . All I , ” s erves you right . “ di Demmy , how I know dem neighbors wuz g

’ ’ ’ ’ s gin dat deep pit fo dat cinerator thing . La ’ is bund ed yeahs dey hauls garbage . How come d ’ cinerator pit rage so sudden ? How come dat pit right whah I aimed to land ? Naw suh ! 01’ Lady Luck los’ mah name else she w aited wid a

’ ’ ‘ ’ helpin han when I fell . Devil yell Pick yo h ’ ’ ’ ” po dn e an 01 Man Trouble picked me . “ H Serve you right . o w come you night prowl ? anyhow Some woman , some place , seems like ” to me . “ ’ Demmy, you wrongs me . Ain t no woman .

’ ’ Whut f o I go pro w lin aft eh some woman ? Got

’ ’ ’ me single troubles nuf now thout hitchin o n any ” double extry .

“ ’ ’ Dat s whut dey all says . I spec to see you h awg-tied in madrimo ny any day now since de

’ ” word went roun you had money .

“ ’ ’ - Ain t got money . Vested it wid a back pay ’ us ahm bo o nu man whut is gittin y boys de s . “ b ’ l . ieve o u You says I strains to y . Naw ’ suh W ilec a t . o u sho o sin , Y is backslid n de 1 78 L I L Y

’ road . All I knows is once you an dis goat w u z upright . Den you gits de night prowls , loses

’ ’ ’ o lai s y money, like to busts yo g gittin loose

’ ’ ’ f mwhut chased you an de goat takes to n ibblin

’ ’ ’ ’ o rk ine mis thistles an p p vines . Yo ry is richly

’ ’ ’ d served. erv Richly d s ed an not half plenty .

Heah I stays by de house , close like de down k ’ marshal nowed mah name , an all I gits is a

’ added burden to bend mah back . You ain t done

’ ’ ’ lai s ? nuthin cept lay down . How dem g Ain t

’ yo u able to wrassle dat jag o f fancy washin de

’ ’ ’ ” Cunnel s wife is sendin to de French laun ry ? “ ’ ”

D . . Spec I kin , emmy See kin I Groaning plenty with eve ry move the Wildcat tried his legs and found them better than he wanted them d to be . When work crowded down heavy a goo

o pair f sprained legs were pretty handy to have . They had served as a shield between him and

n o w hard work for four days , and it appeared that the time had come when Demmy would be re lieved o f some o f the heavy running a round .

“ ’ Whuff ! Dat righ laig feels kinda gentle . ’ ’ L o Eef ne is able to stan up. Whah dem clo’ es ?” “ ’ Time yo u w uz askin whah de work is .

’ ’ ’ ’ n nuf . .You se been askin whah it ain t lo g I

’ ’ ’ ’ em heah . gits de clo es an fetches em .You lugs

1 80 L I L Y from which trailed a jerk-line and a pair o f free ends . Back up Lily was boosted to pos ition fronting a broken - down baby carriage that stood “ o f ! against the wall the woodshed . Goat , halt Quit catin’ dat rope befo ’ I hangs you wid it ! ”

u an d A few more cl msy knots Lily was hitched . “

o u . Dah y is Dah you stays . In de harness .

’ o - Ponder n gee haw an ponder which is which .

’ ’ m lai s F now on , whilst my g is ailin , all de heavy

’ h aulin is done by a four-legged varmint whut ’ o b e ain t g t ett h sense dan to eat briars . Serves ” you right . Demmy appeared in the doo rway with the bag “ -u ? o f laundry . How come de hitched p goat

’ ” Dis washin weighs light . “ ’ aulin Goat does de h . Starts dat mascot wid

’ ’ ’ ’ light washin an fin ish wid pig- iron befo I se

. G s a through . Learn dat goat Whah de unnel y

’ ” take dem raiment ? Which French laun ry ? “ - Speckle face woman by de tan yard . ’ i ’ Woman s name Magnez a Bunny . Ain t neveh

’ sh e an s eed her . Cook say light built Demmy dropped the bundle of clothes in the “ ’ ’ baby carriage . Git goin . An come back soon . ’ i i ’ ’ De kin dlin hatchet needs t ra n n . I se busy wid

’ ’ ’

su h . de coal bin f m now till ppe . On yo way The mantle o f command which the Wildcat L I L Y 1 81 had worn seemed su ddenly to have been trans ferred to Demmy ’ s narrow Shoulders but in his solid friendship for his diminutive companion the Wildcat found nothing of resentment at Demmy’ s

o assumption f authority . On the contrary he seemed to relish the new business o f being bossed “ ’ ’

. I se . so around gwine , Demmy Don t be

’ ’ ra temp ry wid me an Lily . Us is ailin

“ ’ ’ Yo u be ailin worse less you burns a Shoe .

’ ’ ’ ’ Git goin an git comin back . Don t delay wid ’ ’ dat spin lin Magn ezia woman whut runs de fancy ’ ’ s laun ry . Neveh seed her but de cook says she

’ ” been hitched twice an aims to repe at . “ ’

I . she . se Aims lots, does crave aim proof

Lots has aimed but none is pulled de triggeh . The Wildcat growled his marching orders at the “ ’ ” mascot . Git goin , Lily . Hit de collab . “ ” ev eh m N mind how aim proof you is . Dem y “ o u called a parting word of advice . When de y ’ ’ - an r . me talks begins , you g unt Grunt an come ’ ’ o back single stead f double wid trouble . Don t s ay no social words to no yaller w iddahs whut ’ ’ laun r has French y blood in em . See you at ” su ppeh time .

The Wildcat and Lily, convoying their cargo u of la ndry, limped their slow way down the

o length f the alley . Where the alley met the 1 82 L I L Y wide street they swung to the left . About here , without knowing it, they parted company with

Lady Luck .

n Six feet high , young, skinny and ci namon

Ma nez ia faced , g Bunny had chased one forgotten husband into the sanctuary of a penitentiary, killed a second by the slow process o f renting him o ut field- n as a ha d, and was just now engaged u in looking for a third victim . The French la n dry brought in a living without much work . When her business associates in Vicksburg were clearing two dollars a day Magnezia paraded her technical superiority and killed competition . She left the parade in possession o f a reputation for being the be st laundress o n fine work for miles around . Exclusive , that was her motto . Folks had to be somebody before they attracted her professional attention . Being somebody in o f her mind meant a commercial rating first all , no matter what the social register might have “ k to say . Fol s thinks if things cost twice as ’ much dey s twice as fine . I learns dat when I seed my fust man relish a nickel see -gar whut de ’ - I se sal o on man put in de ten cent box . learned

1 84 L I L Y

n the pa els of the yellow door . On the instant the lifted edge of an upstairs lace curtain fell to place and the Wildcat heard a patter o f slippers

o n a s tairway . Then his ears were seduced with tw o u gentle syllables , cooed in the s ndown tone “ ” o f a turtle dove . Enteh ! “Huh ?”

Again the soft voice from within the house .

Please come in . “ — ? Who, me A boy never could be too careful responding

to these trap voices . Mebbe nobody had said ’ nuthin . Sounded some like spirits . Best thing to do was to s tep down o ff the porch to where an d Lily and the laundry were real tangible .

o ne The Wildcat retreated step to the rear, s tumbled and got a red hot reaction out o f his “ ! ’ sprained knee . Hot dam O Lawdy an vine

’ ” gar wid de shootin blaze in mah laig ! O o ff ! The doo r Opened to emit a blast of guinea hen language in which the dove accents were com “ ’ ! letel . p y lost Hush yo mouth , nigger Hush ’ ’ ’ ’ yo yellin befo dis lef wing unkinks a tran sfer

’ ’ an d knocks you f m h eah to whah yo face is a ” u ! dimple . Shut p

This w as something that could be understood . L I L Y 1 85

’ s - ! d Ya s um S cuse de ruckus talk . I brung c ’ ’ fi ’ ” washin f mCunnel Fair eld s . “ ’ ’ ’ Bring it down de side path . Fron do ain t

’ ” o r n laun y entrance . “ Yass -um Lily was cast loose from her moorings and hazed through the n arrow gate and around the

the house . At the far end o f pathway a wide o f s - o f expanse clothe lines , half them draped

’ with silk and fine linen, met the Wildcat s eye .

- Laces , too delicate to be warped by clothes pins ,

n lay arou d in the sunlight, supported on a series o f white wood frames a foot from the ground . “ ’ ’ Tie up dat goat an fetch dat laun ry in side ! ” “ ” -um! H Yass ere was a regular industry . ’ No w ashlady s establishment had ever been like this . Here was a superior organization, and the

s bo s of it was giving orders . The Wildcat tied

a Lily to a clothes pole and gro ned a little , for

ff - e ect, when he stooped over to lift the ten pound o f o f bundle clothes out the baby carriage . “ ’ Whuff Dem wounds sho is “ Bring it in dis

- . m s a Yass um Lawdy, but ah wound p ins '

1 86 L I L Y.

Whut wounds ? White man wound you close to a hen -house “ ’ ’ Mis u flails B nny, you de mo tal flesh wid ’ dem words . Dese is wah wounds I cumulated ” back in France . “ sa ? L a o In de back, you y ong time g , seems ” like , dat wah . “ ’ - . B a n its Dese is long time wounds y , pistil

’ sh a rel — o ne shots , cannon balls , p , an all I met

’ ’ ”

ko nkered . an . Lef me feeble The veteran modulated his voice to a tremolo to fit his recital . Inside the kitchen his eyes fell

c ase o on half a boiled ham resting at n a platter .

o f . . . He resumed his wild recital his A E F ordeal , winding up with a burst o f criticism directed at “ B o the mess sergeant o f his outfit . y neveh fed ’ - S us a tall . old de rations an drunk hisself to ’ ’ ’ o de f o gettin point wid de money ev ry m nth .

’ ’ Ain t go t mo dan half caught up wid mah rations ’ ’ k o n c . in goin two yeahs , steady atin Seems li e

’ ’ ’ my wounds an dem wah flic tio ns lef me wid ’ ’ de pe rmn en t craves in my Stummick . I 5e a ’ ” W ilec at f o ham !

He looked directly and fixedly at the ham . “ ’ ’ Set down till I gits you a ham san w ich .

The day was won . “ ! o ut san Woman , whet de blade Omit de

C H A P T E R ! V:

N hour later, when the ham had sunk o f ff without a trace in a dozen cups co ee, the Wildcat indulged in a groan o f hap

“ ’ in s e s . ff ! Ma nezia p Whu g , spec heaven is a

’ ff — w ettm ham island in a co ee lake , wid you a ’ W hetstone whilst I swings de ham knife . Nobles ” rations I eveh et ! “ ’ ’ ’ lau u G long wid yo p gin talk . Yo sez dat

“ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ I se fo — w hin in a bullet ham , soft an bitin

’ ’ ’ — ? sez ! heavy . Ain t no mo , is dey Dat s whut ’ ’ Y o u sho is de ham co okinist woman I se eveh knowed ! ” “ ’ ’ W ilec at — o ! , g long You cuts yo words to

’ ” de pattern an u s all wimmin gits de same dress . “ ’ Ain t so . Means it . Always thought how 7 r w uz — g an ham , wid a woman whut really knowed ham “ W ilec at

Magn ezia .

The Wildcat was slipping and he knew it .

He recovered and buzzed loudly in the web . 1 88 L I L Y 1 89

’ ’ ’ Got to be goin now befo o l Cunn el lets go d ’ de blo o h o un s .

“ ’ How much yo white -folks boon you in wages ?

Seems like you is mighty anxious to git back .

“ ’ ’ e en s D p . Git none lately . Ain t spoke ’ - f money talk since us hired on . Aims to make nu

’ ’ to pay f o a blue suit an dem yaller shoes I ’ ’ ’ ’ ! ” bought me f m de stallment sto . Gran shoes “ ’ ’ W ilec at — u t , p on dat raiment an tend de ’ ’ o s partyl t night at: Sis Liza s hou e . Woman

’ — ’ ’ wid a husban in heaven o elsew h ah . Gran

’ ’ — in cludin time , wid an all de Liza gin you kin

’ ” drink . You an me . Us goes double . ‘ Whut de place ?” “ f ’ m — Fo gates de Black Beauty Livery, you knows de place ! ”

“ — ’ I o o u n . I knows , c mes an meets y accide tal ’ ’ ” Dat s de bes way . “Whut makes you hangin’ back ? You ain ’ t

’ ’ -an deceivin double is you , .

“ ’ ’

o l . O Clares not . T you once N tag o n me ’ ’ ’ cept de Law d s breas plate . Neveh doubled

. w ido ut do ublin none Got plenty trouble . “ ’ ’ ’ Y o u sho — dec eiv in you comes , ain t

“ ’ ’ ’ d c eiv h a d Ain t no e e . Got de L w s breas plate on . Sees you dis night . Got to beat de ’ ’ ” bloo o un s dh now gittin back . 1 90 L I L Y Stoop-shouldered with his cargo o f hope and ham the Wildcat staggered to his feet and hobbled

to the kitchen door . At the door he paused for a moment for the final syllables o f a farewell in which was mingled thanks for the ham and

o prayers for the future . The tenor f his gratitude inspired a reply from the widow and in her words again sounded the cooing dove notes which had first greeted him through the front door o f the “ ” — ! house . Aw, honey, hush

Honey hushed , having nothing better to do, n and his embarrassed eyes, seeki g escape from the ’ to widow s saccharine glances, travelled the silk and lace mosaic o f feminine apparel that mottled

Fo r the backy ard . a moment thereafter his vision

failed to register . Then he gulped twice and

. as batted his eyes He closed his eyes , tight, if

to blot the scene from his mind . Then his lips framed his mascot’ s name Three times he tried to call the goat but no sound came until a length of nervous tongue moistened enough o f his dry “ ! ” lips to permit speech . Lily His voice was

as pitched low . Thereafter, loud as he could o f yell , he fired a volley commands at the goat and in his words was battle . o n Lily, nibbling delicately what had been a

1 92 L I L Y,

“ ’ ’ been hitched . Lay still ! Repent an wait de minnit of sacrifice ! He turned to the war- danc

“ ’ M z z . a n e ia se fo ing widow g , all I , de present,

’ is words . An dem words is whut de judge sez

‘ ’ ’ when de jury sez Guilty . Dis is de las time Lily pesters you wid i The double widow , looking at the cr nging form in the baby carriage , was suddenly reminded o f the fact that heaven disguises its blessin gs W ! ” so . ilec at every often , shower down mercy

a In her mind , superior to her rage , fl shed a scheme whose success would substitu te the word Marsden “ fo o r the Bunny part f her name . Dat goat has ’ ’ et de profits of a year s work but she didn t know ’ ’ s e s h no t no better . Fo give de t ran gr s e an judge

’ les ye be penned up wid hoss thieves . De Lawd ’ k ’ ’ gives an hauls bac . I se only a lone an down ’ ’ o w iddah c lin in tr d , a g vine wid nobody laborin

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ in de vineyard — but 1 se willin to f o git an fo

’ ’ ’ o f give dat li l goat . The nobility Mis Bunny s words was all gummed up with sobs and blind r gestures . She groped feebly through her tea s ’ and encountered the Wildcat s arms . — i ’ ’ Ma n ezia . g , dry dem tears A n t nuthin ’ ’ ” lau lo s but n ry.

Sympathy . Quicksand . m Ma nezia Ten seconds later, far fro feeble , g L I L Y 1 93 Bunny had embraced the Wildcat in a drowning clinch that felt like a session with a cinnamon bear . In his babble o f comforting words the Wild cat had spoken no verbal Options , but a moment after his eloquent and soothing phrases had ceased the widow answered him , and her reply was an o f ff acceptance various uno ered things , including “ o ne . W ilec at . husband , honey, I does I takes

’ ’ ’ ’ o u be eh o c e s leadin fo tt r . t y , worser I p yo p

’ ’ do —an - my hand in wedlock . Sho , to night at

’ ’ ’ de party us no un ces o ur impendin weddin f estiv ” il s ie .

’ Over the widow s shoulder, his hands hanging hopeless and heavy at his side while he breathed with difliculty in the bear-trap clasp o f his impetu o us fian c ée , the Wildcat gulped convulsively at his

- sudden fate . He batted his eyes . The eye bat ting slowed down and his lids stayed put, a cur tain between the fearful present and a future compared to which the present was a steam heated paradise . Whichever way he looked he s aw a barbed wire trouble fence to o high to be scaled . “

o u so . so Honey, y is cold How come you ca’ m an ’ steady when I ’ se all fluttered wid de

’ beatin o ? bet f my heart You deceives me . I 1 94 L I L Y

’ 01 o f — you is a hand wid de flame love , bet you

could build a June love bonfire in de April rain . ’ ” Why is you dec eiv in so ?

“ ’ ’

dec eiv h . Ain t no e Tol yo u once . When

’ is dese heah weddin calamities happen you speaks about ? “ ’ ’ Gagemen t is broadcasted to—night at Sis ’ ’ Liza s party . De eleet folks gin ally holds de

’ ’ weddin f m five to seven days afteh dey tells de ’ ’ ’

a eme . worl bout de g g nt . Dis is Monday ’ ’ ’ No unc es to-night an n ex Monday gits de h c . A f ehno o n k . rea h e . t p High noon , hac drive

— aw W ilec at ! Evening, , , honey Lawd , how de time do drag ! ” “ ’ The Wildcat saw a temporary o ut . Ain t ’ i ’ ’ draggin now . Release go dem tw n in arms an I gits back an’ ’ dorns me wid de blue pants an’ ’ ’ aller — ranc in dem y shoes , so s folks sees me p

’ " ” a m n bizn - when dis g ge e t ess is tol to night . The victim sought freedom that he might be

alone in his misery . He squirmed loose and a

- moment later, wheeling Lily along at a four mile pace that indicated a sudden and complete cure o f lai o n the g feebles , he was his way to the fi Fair eld woodshed where Demmy waited . He o n relied o n Demmy . He bore down heavy n Demmy, trusti g to that diminutive genius in

1 96 L I L Y

’ " ’ in de wah an you blats in wid yo say-so an ’ ’ brings me back to tro mpled laun ry an dat home

’ ’ ’ ’ c rav i Ma n ez ia - a f n g . One mo blaa m you an ’ u s goes fust to whah dey sells goats fo slaughter ’ ” house pu po ses .

Lily was silent thereafter, silent with a fixed purpose that indicated her understanding o f the

’ sh Wildcat s words . Until e stretched her legs and trotted around in the freedom o f the wood shed back of the Fairfield house no sound cluttered

o up her face . That she spent the rest f the ride gnawing at a rattan spiral o mamen ting the star board quarter o f the baby carriage may have in spired her silence , but this the Wildcat over looked , attributing her obedience to the perfection o f her training . For once in his life the Wildcat encountered the supper hour filled with a subject more impor

’ tant than rations . It was six o clock when the

o f return journey ended , and sixty minutes life and freedom intervened between the foot-loose

’ ’ present and the moment when , at Sis Liza s party,

’ his entanglement with the tall and spin dlin Mag n ezia Bunny would be released to the listening “ ’ local world . Don t crave me no suppeh .

— w o e . Craves to tell Demmy, craves to share my

’ Got me a load of grief to o heavy fo one bo y . L I L Y 1 97 Mebbe Demmy kin lift de heavy end like he al w ways done . Demmy . “ ! No voice answered him . Demmy Whah at is you ? ”

Demmy, at the moment , was busy in the house . Th e Wildcat guessed the truth and with a brief order to the mascot he walked o ut o f the woo d shed up the wide brick pathway to the back steps o 1 f the big house . Light from the kitchen gleamed

through the screened door . Half af raid that some malignant turn o f Lady Luck’ s hand might whisk his helper from the

scene at this critical eleventh hour, the Wildcat lifted his despairing gaze to the chair at the kitchen table where the sawed -o ff Demmy was

wont to perform his prodigious feats with food .

Demmy was nowhere to be seen . The chair

. E was empty xcept for the fat cook, kneeling

o f n before the open oven the long ra ge , there was “ no one in the kitchen . Whah Demmy The

’ Wildcat s voice was husky with despair . “ ’ ? Settin de table . Whah you been Git in

’ ’ u ne heah an git to work . Spec you let de C n l ’ ’ o u mo triflin eat alone without help . Y gits

’ ev ! y day Git dem plates in de hot oven . Git yo’ white coat before’

n lassified I Woma , git p . Lissen to whut 1 98 L I L Y The Wildcat w as interrupted by the entrance of

Demmy . He broke o ff his oration to the cook and in three steps was at the side o f the diminu

“ ’ tive brunet . Demmy, I se in trouble . Bad . ’ ” Ain t no worse kind . His whisper rose to a

“ ’ h — . ketc ed croak I se got , like you said . Come ” o u t b eah wid me whilst I tells you . Demmy sensed the emergency and the pair re ’ treated into the night , followed by the cook s loud statements o f what she aimed to do to both “ ’ o f . . k them Stay ca m , woman Us comes bac

in no time . ’ Less you does I scalds you red wid dis

’ ’ bilin kettle an “ ’ ’ Demmy, don t lissen to dat woman . Don t

’ neveh lissen to no woman . Jes like you said ,

’ ’ ’ - an - k w ashlad s — an de you me tal begins at de y ,

’ ’ u - s gits gaged to git hitched . Party to night an ’ M zi m . agne a tells de world . All come f dat goat

ac eh ff s Lily et me into dis woe . Pre h pu o rm his

’ ’ ” n ex k — I se ! duty wee , den done Demmy was silent for ten seconds but his twist ing face was an index o f the intensity of his “ ff k W ilec at . mental e ort . Dis ta es speed , Leave me think some mo ’ o f Another forty seconds brain work, with closed eyes .

C H A P T E R ! V I

1 1

’ HE Wildcat s imperfect service at the dinner table that night and his various sudden attacks of dish- trembles served to

keep the cook in the kitchen . When the Wild cat dropped a platter on which was arranged a ’ squad o f candied sweet potatoes the cook s ap prehensive mood gave way to o ne of undiluted

abuse . From then o n she was too busy showering down vitriolic language on the offender ’ s bowed k head to think about leaving the itchen . On the part o f the victim he was to o far away mentally

ff n s a to be a ected by a ything the cook might y, except that now and then at the apex of her eloquent flights he stored away a choice phrase for use o n his mascot goat when the time for

real language should be ripe . In his dazed mind the Wildcat sought to follow the course and actions of the absent Demmy, striving to picture each succeedin g phase o f the night’ s drama until the curtain might fall with 200 L I L Y 2 0 1

’ o o n m the crown f victory resting Dem y s brow .

en But each time , at the point where Demmy ’ countered Mis Magn ezia Bunny the picture

its o faded and in stead was a tableau f retreat .

The retreater was the Wildcat himself, closely pursued by a galloping and skinny brunet in

whose upraised hand waved a meat ax labelled, “ ” - Vitus Marsden , Rush . At the meat ax stage he batted his eyes and shook his head in a convulsive attempt to clear

o o o e his brain f the vision f disaster . At n of these shaking points he collided with the framing o f the pantry door and spilled the candied sweet “ — ’ ’ — potatoes . Neveh mind , dey ain t los , I eats ” ! u dem yams I sweeps p dem yams . “ ” Y o u eats dem yarn s ! Hatred and scorn “ ” “ sounded in the accented you . Sweeps dem ” u ! ! yarns p, does you Bam The Wildcat

sto velid dodged a hurled , only to encounter the “ - o ! mop end f a swinging mop . You eats mud Git dis hot bread to dat table befo’ I loses my

’ ’ ” fumblin temper an kills me a damn fool .

“ ’ ” I se gwine ! Y assum! Through the cra ’ ven s mind fl itted the thought that unless the ’ night marked Demmy s success all o f the future would be o ne long business o f dodging sto velids .

The thought tamed him . Bitter replies were 2 02 L I L Y

choked down before they were uttered . For the

time being, where normally he might have ex

- k changed compliments, he was lamb li e and humble to a degree that threatened the master ful control and fireside prestige which he had ” established in the home circle . “ ’ b ’ m’ ” I se . ! us li , honey Gimme dat bread Don’ t honey me ! Git goin’ befo ’ I knocks

’ ’ ” yo u loose f myo gizzard . “ ” - Yass um! I is . w as He , and while the Wildcat was ambling ’ along three jumps ahead o f the cook s slightest wish, Demmy was running a personal race with

Old Man Trouble .

Before he had left the Fairfield house Demmy executed a quick piece of prowling and emerged from the room which was normally occupied by the cook, carrying under each arm a loose and th obstinate bundle o f feminine raiment . In e sanctuary o f the dark woodshed he laid down his bundles . Then , startled by a slight noise in the o f far corner his retreat, he turned to face a pair ff ! ” of phosphorescent green eyes . Whu He “ - controlled his feet . Lawd , Lily, when I gits

2 0 4 L I L Y. About the fish ’ s form was draped a ponderous f plush cloak Then , into the night and orward to the battlefield ! The sawed -o ff hero blew out

n the lantern , showered down a parti g curse on

o n . Lily, and was his way


’ ’ A sound o f revelry by seven o clock at Sis ’ Eliza s house . A trombone acrobat on a dais o f soap boxes to give him arm -room o n the long m notes , a hyena saxophone, a demon drum er bov who had trained over a hamburger steak chop

- - ping block, a foot patting fiddler who could drink k his li ker in action without missing a note , and in a room sixteen by twenty , milling about the

- flowing punch pan , dancing without visible foot ! o f movement and perspiring freely, forty the shaded élite o f Vicksburg .

Head and shoulders above the milling mob , ’ Ma n ezia stepping fancy from the knees up, Mis g Bunny maintained a strategic position against the inner wall whence she could observe the front n door and the entrance o f all comers . A k ock

’ Mo u rn in at the door, distinct under the Blues , ’ nn and the a ouncer s voice , baying high above the

“ ’ ’ in music . Mist Punic Brawley an his manager L I L Y 2 05

’ Mist Brawley, followed by his wife , plowed his way through the press in the wake of his hostess and halted in front of a wide tin dishpan

’ ’ ’ ’ filled with Sis Eliza gin . Whuff yo se f an git t ro mplin . Having thus discharged her

’ social obligation for the moment Sis Eliza re sumed her hitching gyrations with her dancing

o f partner, moaning meanwhile the words the ’ Mo u rn in Blues .

’ Ne e ma e a o ar dat o u n t it a f v h d d ll y did g h l , ’ ’ Ne e ro e a se en c e t I ro e it f o o u v h ll d v p ll d y , ’ Ne e did no riev in w en o u w an te to au v h g h y d l gh , ’ Ne e o ne no an i e o n e v h d l gh n W h n my h ey f l t bl ue.

My ho ney f el t bl ue w hen de big j u dge s aid “ ’ a e him f ro m s un stro ke an ark him in ai S v p j l , ’ ’ ’ Bl ac k an w hite raiment an sh av e de bo y s head

Kiss him f arew e — o u kin reac him ai ll y h by m l .

Re ac him mai w id a etter h by l l , Reac h him by mail w id de n ew s ; ’ o n e mo urn in — n o w I f ee s etter D , l b , ’ ’ I -s o ne w i e L n u rn i s d d d m o e Mo n Blue .

Another knock at the door and over near the wall the expectant Mis ’ Magnesia slowed down l to a following drag, trai ing now where she had trembled the lead half a note ahead o f the

“ ’ ’ ” drum . Spec dat s him 3 2 06 L I L Y Who you spec’ “ I — Confidential tells you , quit dat close

’ ‘ ’ w eav in — , let me reach you by mail wid de news , ’ ’ ” — I it s fin anc ée spec my new . ’ Is yo u done wid dem lone mo u rn in blues ? “ i ’ ’ s n o w I . I se I , man , an feels better aban

’ e m n in don d dem lone o ur blues .

Barn ! The music died an explosive death . ’ The outer door Opened . To the announcer s ears from the shadowed doorway came a high pitched “ ’ ’ — w h a bo uts . h falsetto voice Evenin , is dis de

’ o f dis Sis Eliza rucku s

“ ’ ’ Sho is . Trail in an leave me speak yo ” name . -o ff A sawed figure , veiled and cloaked , entered “ ’

I se . the roo m . Missus Vitus Marsden My ’ ’ — W ilec at — is tem raril husban , de , p y retained at ’ ” i fiel e Cunn el Fa r d s hous . “ ’ ' ” Yo whut In the sudden calm the voice o f Magnezia Bunny snapped like the thin end “ ’ ’ ? o f a blacksnake whip . Y o who husban ?” Woman , whut dis talk The veiled stranger ploughed half way into the mass o f perspiring dancers to meet the en “ ’ - raged Magnezia . I sez my husban Vitus Marsden whut folks calls W ilec at ! Sez me ! ’ How c ome yo u so c rav in to know

2 08 L I L Y still crowned and concealed W ithin the interior “ o f the drum . Git me o ut ! Take dat o ff my ” haid ! Un -loose me !

Fumblin g hands unloosed the captive . In her sudden freedom she looked about for her o p ponent .

ad The veiled Missus Vitus Marsden, taking

’ vantage o f the moment when Mis Magn ezia Bunny ’ s predicament had attracted all eyes to

- ward that drum diver, had vanished into the

i n ght . Various nerveless w hufl ers clustered around the ’ ’ tin dishpan absorbing quick slugs o f Sis Eliza s nerve tonic . The drummer inverted his instrument and tightened the snares o n the o ne uninjured drum head .

Kiss him f arew e o u kin reac him mai ll , y h by l ' ’ ’ ’ ” es e innin de Lo ne o n t uin ues J b g m M Bl . C H A P T E R X V I I

1 ‘

’ to h h fl four minutes eight, t roug the s hadows o f the alley back o f the Fair “ field house , stepping fast, came Missus ” ’ o f . Vitus Marsden , champion the night s battle In the obscurity o f the high board fence that lined the dark side o f the alley the figure reefed a double handful of flowing draperies and in this new freedom the marching pace was accelerated o F to a trot . Opposite the door f the airfield woodshed the rambler’ s raiment again swung free and his fumbling hand reached for the latch o f

the door . “ ” -a ! Blaa Lily, enjoying the rubber flavored

o f o ld bu canvas an t luscious tennis shoe , ex pressed her su rprise at the sudden invasion o f

her sanctuary . ’ Out o f the darkness came a reply to Lily s “ ’ startled bleating . Shut up, goat, befo I knots yo ’ neck ! ” 2 1 0 L I L Y

The invader spoke, and where Missus Mars ’ ” f ’ El den s, voice had been a high alsetto at Sis ’ iza s dance, now it was the voice of Demmy . The diminutive masquerader struck a match and with

it he lighted the lantern hanging against the wall . Two minutes o f fast work sufficed to free him o f his borrowed costume . He rolled his dra pet ies this time into one large bundle and carrying it be fore him he marched toward the rectangle o f light that marked the kitchen door . Arrived at the door he kicked gently against

the lower panel of the screen . From within the “ ” Wildcat answered . Who dat ? “ ” Dis Demmy .

o n The Wildcat addressed the cook . Go

’ ’ ’ long into de dinin room , honey, an see is I

’ ’ eve thin swept things right . Craves to range y g ’ ’ ” 01 to please you an Gunnel .

an d sh e The cook obeyed , while was absent from the kitchen the Wildcat opened the door to “ his laden associate . Lawd , Demmy, how come you has de nose bleed ? “ ’ ’ Stumbled against 01 Mlan Trouble . Don t ’ s top me . Got to git dese clo es back . Straight ’ f o r the cook s room with the borrowed costu me w 01’ ’ alked Man Trouble s associate, to return

2 1 2 L I L Y

Demmy launched away o n his second project o f the night . ’ ’ Sis Eliza s party disintegrated at eleven ’ ’ M n ezi u ac m o clock . Mis ag a Bunny not n co

an ied o w n aller- p , reached her y door domicile at twenty minutes after eleven . Her escort lin gered at the door until the clock inside the house

- o ut . struck three , and At half-past three in the morning the Wild ’ cat was awakened by Demmy s heavy hand .

“ ’ ’ Rouse up ! I se go t mo news to tell you . I

— - b m . een back at de party, open faced dis ti e ’ Meets up wid yo late fin ancée . Fust time I seed

— dat woman my heart flopped . Dis time , Wile

o n cat, when my love eye landed dat tall Venus , ’ ’ ! so I falls Tol her . Me an her uses dat

’ ’ hitchin preacheh nex Monday . Come to de

’ ’ ’ weddin an bring dat Lily w hut s de cause o f ’ ! ” it all . You is named de bes man “ ’ ? Demmy, is I dreamin Does you remem ber whut you said ’ bout single an ’ double ” trouble ? The Wildcat batted his in c redu “ lous eyes . You is crazy . “ — to . I is wid de love itch . Git sleep Git ’ ’ — r - dreamin like I does , t ue comin , happy ” dreams . “ ” Huh ! The Wildcat grunted his comment . L I L Y 2 1 3

’ ’ Yo u — o u is ain t dreamin , y delirious above

’ -u de ears an plain bilious mule below . Sun p ” you begins to bray . The critic lay awake for ten minutes there “ ’ ! ’ after . Craves to have me be bes man I se ’ ’ de bes man— shows dat mule who is de bes ’ u man befo he gits hitched p. Lady Luck, rally ’ ” roun . Us needs you bad .

’ On the day following the Wildcat s rescue from the noose of matrimony he began an ardent campaign o f verbal first-aid for the luckless

Demmy . “ suh W ilec at so t Naw , , de love fire was

’ ’ ” b z n la i an de flames o f love is got me red hot . “ ” W hut yo u mean flame of love ? The s Wildcat snorted his disgust . Demmy, you git ’ yo pinfeathers scorched wid dis flame o f love ’ bizness u befo you wakes p. I advises you , whilst “ ’ Don t crave no advice . All I craves is dem ’ lavendeh o u pants y got . Don t want no advice , — ” my mind is set . “ ’ ’ o u Y ain t got no mind . Ain t had none since ’ Ma nezia Y o you seen dat g Bunny . mind got 2 1 4 L I L Y shattered in de collision when you meets dat

’ woman . As yo friend I advises ,

“ ’ ’ ’ W ilec at fo , de las time I tells you I don t

‘ crave no advice . All I craves is dem festival ” pants . “ ’ lai Demmy, wuz you mah len th in de g you

’ ’ lai s could have em , an welcome . Us cuts de g

’ ’ ’ o ff dem blue pants and you dorns yo se f noble ,

’ Cu in o ff but de lav endeh ones is pusso n al . tt

’ ’ ’ ’ diff run m f te lai s is t f lendin em . A h de g is cut o ff ? Naw suh ! kin dey be cut back on ,

’ Kaimt cut laigs back on social pants no mo dan

’ yo u kin cut a chicken s neck back af teh de ax is

. w uz done its duty Understan me , Demmy,

’ ’ ’ difl run t dey workin pants , dat s , but dem lav ’ o u endeh pants is all de elec t pants I se got . Y sees how it is “ ’ flus ered I sees . Cut de blue pants . I se too t ’ to c o un terb ack you o r militate against yo ver ” dick . “ Yo u is too which against whut ? Ho w come you so puff ed wid words ?

“ ’ ’ Needs persuadiu lang w ige in dis battle wid

z Magne ia . “ ’ ’ dan u Bullhead , you needs mo persuadi lang ’ ’

w i e Heah s . g to git you loose . de blue pants ’ ’ Hold em longside o f you whilst I gits de

2 1 6 L I L Y

’ ’

o u understan s m o n . threatens, y goat talk f den ’ In dis weddin wid Magn ezia Bunny you is de ’ ’ goat . Hitch dem pants up some mo ! Dey s ’ ’ ’ all right fo stro llin pu po ses but something ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ o n might fall yo haid an resto yo mind . In yo

’ ” retreat easy gallopin pants might be handy . T1 he Wildcat fumbled aroun d in a corner o f “ ’ H l . . eah s a ler the woodshed dis y necktie, fool

’ ’ Dah yo u is ! Dolled up fo de sack fic e ! On

’ ’ ’ o u yo way . Does y fall dead befo you rives

o o it means Lady Luck has b ned you . Encouraged by this final comment from the

an d e Wildcat an inquisitive bl at from Lily, the sawed-o ff Romeo was o n his way down the alley

o n back f the Fairfield residence , headi g toward ’ the house where the object o f love s young dream stood submerged to her elbows in a wash-tub full o f steaming clothes . About the time Demmy left the woodshed Mis’ Bunny reflected that a good hand at the wringer would be worth his board and lodging . To this fate over a primrose trail marched

Demmy .


’ H t o f Mis Hope , springing eternal in the ear L I L Y 2 1 7

Ma nezia g Bunny, led her to believe that some where in the future sh e would encounter a third

. l husband The French aundry business , con o f - o f sisting a wash tub , a wringer, and plenty hard work, brought her an income that justified the luxury o f a husban d no matter how trifling h he mig t be . Mis ’ Bunny ’ s first mate had been worked to death at a job which his wife had engineered . She had convinced him that his health and strength depended on his abandoning lodge meet ings , riotous nights at the Fish House and other diversions o f a social nature . He went to work in preference to having his wife pound his head o ff with the ever-present handle of her clothes wringer . The second victim had sought escape from the love net by means of a rented mule which he had been careless enough to retain for his personal property after his flight into Arkansas had been accomplished . The kidnapped mule had been t re urned to its master but the kidnapper, plead ing cruel and unusual punishment, had avoided a similar fate and had landed safely, with the n o f o f assista ce counsel , in the sanctuary a per manent looking penitentiary . ’ To Mis Bunny a husban d in the penitentiary 2 1 8 L I L Y was as real as the angels in heaven . Might see him some day mebbe , but to my mind when dey secludes a boy in de stone house he ain ’ t

’ ’ ’ ’ no mo husban af teh dat dan a ghost is yo gran ” pap . Into the grazing range o f this hungry heart had blundered the Wildcat . Save for his mascot goat he might have struggled out of the net , but when f Lily, unattended for hal an hour, gorged her self o n a cubic foot of silk and lace drying in

’ ’ Mis Bunny s backyard , the spider figured that here was a good argument to use in convincing the fly that it would be easier to pay for the destruction by working it o ut fo r a wife than by any other means . From his impending union the Wildcat had been rescued by Demmy, masquerading as the

’ Wildcat s unkn own wife . The scheme worked perfectly except that it left Demmy in love with

’ 1Mis Bunny an d enjoying mental status midway between love’ s young dream and delirium tre mens . In the publicity attending his disappoint ’ M s ment i Bunny had clutched at Demmy, figuring that he would serve as a face -saving mask fo r her chagrin .

he Demmy had walked into t trap . The hitching ceremony was scheduled for the follow

2 2 0 L I L Y

“ ’ ’ An Monday yo u gits de blind staggehs fo ” m o o n ? life . Whut dat s ell you g t you “ ’ ’ W c ile at m se f . , I dorns y wid de musk smell ’ ’ - i ered Bought me a two bit bottle . F gg it d las

’ ’ A f teh f m now till Monday . dat “ ’ A f teh dat de mo smells you leaves o ff de ’ b o h o n less de l o d o un s kin trail you . Come ’ h . eh o o n B ette h eah I smells de supp c ki . eat h whilst you kin git it . A fte you enlists in de

’ Bunny ahmy de chances is yo nutriments is few

’ ”

o n . an far between . Come wid me As the pair prepared to leave the woodshed the “ Wildcat turned to the mascot goat . Lily, whut you think o f dis boy- sized love demon ? Built

’ - fo boy size raiment , but a whale size fool wid ’ ’ u s vesti ates wimmin . Come long, fool , whilst g ” dem rations whut Lady Luc k showered down . C H A P T E R X V I I I

o N the following afterno n, adorned with

’ k ab the Wildcat s yellow nec tie , his brev iated blue pants and a gaudy shirt

Fairfield discarded by Colonel , Demmy soused ’ himself with musk an d retraced the trail to Mis ’ Bunny s house .

’ At six o clock he returned to the woodshed to ’ face another inquisition at the Wildcat s hands .

“ ’ ’ ’ o u Hangin t mo clo es I suppose . Say it wid ’ work . Ho w come she leaves you loo se f m de treadmill so early ?” “ ’ ’ ’ Didn t hang no clo es . Hung out clo es yester ” day . Something in Demmy’ s tone prompted the “ ’ Wildcat to ask another leading question . Don t

’ ’ ’ o u tell me y jes hung round an visited . Whut ’ o flic ted - brand f slavery wuz you wid to day .

’ ” De truth is mighty an must be veiled .

Demmy, cornered , admitted that the afternoon 221 2 2 2 L I L Y

e o n o had not b en e f idleness . All I done was

’ ’ ’ grind the handle on dat li l o l clo es wringer .

’ ’ set Mis Bunny done de heavy work . Couldn t doin’

“ ’ ’ She s gittin you gentle . Aims not to break ’ yo spirit wid no hard labor . Mind whut I tells

o u . y , Demmy Wuz hard work a zephyr you makes a cyclone finish befo’ dat woman gits you ” trained . Returning to the confessional after his third visit an element o f doubt had developed in

’ Demmy s mind ins pired by events which closely ’ “ n approximated the Wildcat s prediction . Co

fiden tial o u W ilec at aftehno o n I tells y , , dis I ” helped wash . “Whut I tell you ! Dat woman give you de

’ SOO preem degree in de love lodge f o days afteh ’ ’ ’

n itiated . o ut you gits Hangin first day, wringin

’ u el- second day, third day p to yo bones in de

’ - washtub . To morr you gits promoted . Chances ’ k is f m now o n she ma es you overseer . You ’ sees oveh de edge o f de washtub an if you looks

’ ’ hard you sees yo finish . Jes as soon as you gits hitched dat woman lets you do all de light

’ work whilst she does de heavy runnin

“ ’ ’ - i i Run roun some to day . Done some v s tin

’ whilst I handled dat jag o washin

2 2 4 L I L Y panions and prowled toward the kitchen in search o f n o a comforti g ration f okra soup .

o In the wo dshed , while Demmy was absent, the Wildcat reviewed the various elements o f the problem which confronted him . He talked “ is it over with the mascot goat . Lily, dis ’ ’ a us n 01 Thursd y night . Less does somethi g Demmy gits lost to human view on Mon day ” ” Blaa-a ! Lily co nfessed that she saw no way out of the embrace of 01’ Man Trou ble . “ ’

Yo u . an me both Well , when Lady Luck

’ ’

o . . o ne g es A W . O L . dey s jes thing left to do

’ ’ unnel an dat is to tell de white folks . O l C

bo Fairfield kin ko nker anything . Dat y kin ’ range Demmy loose f ’ m dis Bunny varmint

’ wid o ne hand an smoke a see-gar wid de o theh

’ - l u s Cunn e . at de same time . To morr sees de ’ ’ Sees him right afteh b rekfu s befo he goes down ” to wn . Upon Demmy’ s reappearance he was greeted with a message in which he detected an opti mism which he could not share .

“ ’ ’ ’ 01 Cunnel sh o e is a noble rang r, but dis is ” beyond him . “ ’ ! lat bo is Nuthin beyond y, Main thing L I L Y 2 2 5:

’ ’ o n to git him goin . Git yo hat . Come down ’ i o u to de Fish House . Us fil ates some whilst y ” is free . Into the night toward the Fish House prowled “ betteh the Wildcat and Demmy . You take de

’ ” o ut f o . clickers a gallop , the Wildcat advised “ ’ Wid so much hard luck in yo love affair de chances is wid de gallopers you kin clean up

“ ’ ’ - W ilec at I don t feel de luck ragin to night . “

o u . Suit yo self . Y is de uncrowned king A fteh Monday you is de do o c e wid dis Bunn y ” woman queen high in de home deck .

’ Serving at Colonel Fairfield s table o n Friday morning the Wildcat tempted his white - folks with f “ a third wa fle . He laid his plans carefully . De minn it I leaves wid de second waffle you git h h ” an o t e . one ready, he admonished the cook

“ ’ ’ ’ De k f big man s gittin s inny . Two wa fles ain t ’ o ne nuthin . You gits dat next ready and I k ma es him eat it . Fust thing you knows he 1 7 , starts dw in dlin At the breakfast table when the Colonel showed signs of slacking up in the middle of his second waffle the Wildcat was o n the j o b with a third 2 2 6 L I L Y

o n confection , brown and crisped the surface and hot from the iron .

“ ’ ’ Cunnel ffl o l . , suh , give me dat wa e Here s ’ a special hot o ne built de way you likes it . Tol ’ dat cook dem white edges neveh wuz po p leh . Kain t learn dat woman The Wildcat forced the card and before the Colonel knew it

o f he was well n his way into the third wa fle . For a half-consumed second cup o f coffee the it Wildcat substituted a third cup . The cup self had been heated so that its contents would stay too hot for immediate use . Into the five-minute opportunity the Wildcat ’ plunged with a statement o f Demmy s troubles .

Cunnel suh , , dis Demmy gits himself bogged

’ isterda down wid grief . Been pinin all day y y

’ ’

mis r . wid his load of y an woe I tells him ,

‘ ’ ’

ou . Demmy, y ain t got no trouble You don t know whut trouble is . Trouble is like you is ’ ’ ’ now w ido ut h av in de Cunnel to range you free .

’ Cunn el k Fairfield , suh , dat boy don t now yet ’ how good a ranger you is .

The Colonel , being human, rose to the bait . Gamblin g house raid ? “ ’ Cunnel suh ! Bo . , naw, y don t gamble ’ V V Spends his spare time readin de Book . ras ’ s n seled himself free f m in lo g time back .

2 2 8 L I L Y

’ predicament entered his mind . At four o clock the subconsciousness of something forgotten crys tallized into a memory of the problem confront “ ing Demmy . He summoned his secretary . Get ” me the Governor at the capital , he directed . Before he left his office the Colonel had spoken

o for two minutes to the Governor f the State .

The Governor was glad to listen because , first o f Fairfield o all , Colonel was a g od scout , and in the second place the Colonel had married high

. s in politics In the third place , what is a hor e

o r o ld ? thief more less , between friends

3 On Sunday morning the Wildcat again tried

“ to interview the Colonel o n behalf o f the agi

tated . Demmy He pulled a Sister Ann , which “ - resulted only in the counter command , Get my golf clubs ! ” Colonel Fairfield seemed to have ff lost interest in Demmy and his a airs .

be The Wildcat did not press the questioning, lieving that the day would offer further o p po rtun ity for discovering what had been done in ’ Demmy s behalf . In this he was mistaken . Thirty-six holes o f golf and considerable fast play at the nineteenth left the Colonel with no L I L Y 2 2 9 time on his hands for such trivial details o f life

irn ndin as pe g weddings . The fatal Monday dawned through a bank o f black clouds but half as sombre as the mood which had claimed Demmy and the Wildcat for i s o t w n . In the woodshed after breakfast had been de feated Demmy sketched an outline of his Sun “ i . W lec at day occupation , whilst dat woman

’ ’ ’ was pran c in roun alone an whilst all de boys

’ w u z down at de b arbeh shop an de Fish House

’ ’ ’ ’ an tendin lodge , dah wuz I , frontin de wash b ’ ’ ’ tu half de day an iron de clo es de o theh half .

’ ” u Den I hangs em o t . Demmy realized that he faced a future c o m

o posed entirely f labor and lingerie . “ ’ ’ ” Didn t leave me nuthin to eat, Demmy con

“ ’ ’ ’ n c e tin tin ed , nuthin p some scraps some white ’

. et lady give her You members dat ham you ,

— dat Bunny woman neveh cook dat ham .

’ Judge Penny s wife give it to Magn ezia when

’ ’ in f o . ka t de Judge lef St . Louis Dat woman cook none . All she c ats is whut she brings home ’ o - in papeh bags . One f dese can Open in cooks !

Looks like .

’ ’ o u — Jes like I tole y , dat s whut it looks 2 30 L I L Y

” “ ’ like , the Wildcat interrupted . Ain t no way ’ ’ o u be teh t . You t begin gittin yo raiment ready ’ ’ ” fo de hitchin time . Demmy groaned and kicked feebly at Lily who had wandered over to extend her sympathy . “ ’ ’ o u t o f ! W uzn fo Goat, git my way t it you

’ ” us might neveh met O l Man Trouble . “ Blaa- a Lily lowered her head and rammed a remonstrance at Demmy which terminated south ’ ermn o f D s . y equator Thoroughly exasperated, Demmy recovered himself sufficiently to give

Lily a thumping kick in the ribs and thereafter, temporarily, armed peace reigned over the wood shed . While Demmy was completing the details o f his sartorial preparation for the hour o f t ribula tion at the church , the Wildcat , less embarrassed by the necessity for a pictorial effect appropriate to the event , donned his lavender pants , borrowed an o ld prince albert which Colonel Fairfield had worn in the days of his youth , and departed for the church where the wedding was to take place . “ ’ ’

I se o n . Demmy, my way I sees is eve y ’ ” thing ranged right . “ Demmy groaned . See kin you poison de

heh preac .

2 32 L I L Y

’ o f my way ! Git yo white goat hair o ff o f dese blue pants ! ”

His preparations complete , Demmy spoke a harsh farewell to the mascot goat and departed

o r f the residence of his bride .

sh e The insulted Lily, realizing that had but two friends in the world , hesitated about follow

an d ing the departing Demmy, then at the mo ment o f decision sh e reared up and unlatched the door o f the woodshed . Unseen by Demmy the mascot followed at a safe distance until the sawed -o ff brunet entered

’ ’ Mis Bunny s house . Thereafter the goat walked more slowly . While Demmy was greeting his bride Lily ap ’ pro ach ed the house and parked herself at Mis Bunny’ s gate awaiting the moment when Demmy ’ should re-appear and praying that Demmy s normal kindness might have been restored . ’ Vain hopes . Accompanied by Mis Bunny, Demmy appeared at the do or and his greetin g to the goat carried nothing of that tempered quality o f language or action for which Lily had k prayed . He gave the mascot a parting kic ,

’ ’ after storing her in Mis Bunny s kitchen . It was then that the last thin frazzled strand o f

- an over stressed friendship was severed . L I L Y 2 33


While Demmy and his tall and gangling co m panion were marching on their way to the church Lily resolved to taste the sweetness of revenge

n as quickly as events offered her Opportu ity . She bleated harshly and butted over a kitchen ff chair . The chair failed to o er resistance com ’ mensurate with the goat s idea o f revenge and so she turned to the more solid front offered by the o f k wall the itchen , and here , for a little while ,

she o f in solitude, practiced the technique pay ment for wrongs sustained , visualizing the while, the diminutive form of her new enemy . It was thus that she was discovered five minutes

’ Mis after Demmy and Bunny had left the house , — discovered by a carbon- colored man who called Mis ’ Bunny’ s name several times and then de voted himself to a quick exploration of the house .

The man seemed to be in a hurry . He galloped upstairs and came back . In his hand the gal

10per clutched a folded paper .

In his second march through the house , seeing the mascot goat , he delayed long enough to give

“ ’ ’ Po ! Lily a kindly pat on the head . li l goat

’ ” Whut you doin heah ? “ ” -a ! she Blaa Lily answered as best could , 2 34 L I L Y and then she felt a sudden surge o f friendship f o r — a this dark stranger, friendship which had been instantly inspired by his kindly words and the gentle patting which she had received at his hands . When the stran ger departed via the front door he called an inquiry to a resident o f a neighbor “ ?” ing house . Whah at dis Bunny woman gone The neighbor replied with full directions and the stran ger took up his march at a double -time gait .

Behind him , trailing her impetuous new friend , h Lily galloped along, resolved t at she would fol low this benefactor to whatever conflict might

e- await them at the end of the on way trail .

2 36 L I L Y there were no restrictions o n pores or postures . They fidgeted about under the rising vapor o f musk and miasma which enriched the languid

o f layers superheated atmosphere .

’ At twelve o clock, hoping against hope at the thought of a first-class earthquake or something o f a similar nature which might save Demmy ’ e from his scheduled fat , the Wildcat s lifting spirits were blasted by a cry from the sentry at “ h Hea . the door . dey comes

The announcement was relayed to the pulpit . k Immediately the Rev . Kinney Tell , crea ing in every joint, sprang to his feet and extended both “ ’ ” B h s . ret ren ! arms , git silent ’ The b reth ren s got silent and while they ’ waited for the entrance o f Demmy and Mis Magnezia the silence was broken only by two violent hiccoughs f rom behind the organ where old Uncle Sap had absorbed his ’ Liza gin not

wisely but too fast .

Ma nezia Under the arched doorway, with g

Bunny barnacled to his arm , came the laboring

f o - eet f the sawed o ff brunet . By the time the Wildcat reached his side the ’ cadence o f Demmy s marching had slowed down m ’ like the tempo of a dying phonograph . De my s greeting croaked like the voice of an adolescent L I L Y 2 37 bullfrog gargling in a slough of despond . Wile

us . cat, is Demmy could say no more

“ ’ ’ I knows whut us is . Gimme hol yo arm ’ ’ ” till I sco rts you to de noose . Whuff ! ” Demmy finished a groan with a grunt an d the keynote of his despair was sud denly taken up and sus tained by a long dis mal wail from the organ behind which o ld Uncle Sap had begun his hand -car stunt with the bel lows .

o f Seated in front the organ , her fingers wan

’ n k deri g wildly over the ivory eys , was Mis Fern

Green, who had changed her name shortly after bein g excluded from a fate worse than death some years back . m ffl The marching trio, with De my shu ing along

e his k u b tween captor and the Wildcat , too p the slow course toward where the Rev . Kinney Tell

o f waited with the impedimenta execution . Midway o f the march the organist began paw ing the keys in a frantic effort to create sound where sound had suddenly died . The ravaged

’ ivory failed to respond . Mis Green cast a star tled c glan e at the master o f ceremonies . The

Rev . Kinney Tell ducked quickly into the narrow

— o ld nest behind the organ , the nest wherein

Uncle Sap had gone to roost o n an alcohol perch . 2 38 L I L Y Uncle Sap was dragged o ut o f the retreat and ’ while the Wildcat an d Demmy and Mis Bunny

- panted at parade rest, midway of the aisle , a blacksmith ’ s helper was substituted at the pump o handle f the organ bellows . The Wildcat whispered quickly to his two co m “ ’ panions . Retreat back to de front do . Dat ” u was a false start . The trio backed p to the ’ front door while Demmy s soul stuttered an in coherent plea to Lady Luck for another inter ruption that would be of a more permanent na

ture . O ff at the post again and this time avoiding overdrafts o n the volunteer air supply the organist cut the music to something slower than a three

bottle stagger . Between each step the Wildcat

had lots o f time to think . Demmy was beyond ’ ’ coherent thought . Mis Magn ezia s clenched j aws and flashing eyes served as an index o f her

mental state . The mid -point of the channel where the snag had been struck o n the first trip was met and

s pa sed .

At the half Magnezia led by a j aw . A little beyond this point Demmy ’ s bowed head

and his projecting cranium gave hima slight lead .

2 40 L I L Y

. r note matured It lived its little life, p otested, and died a natural death .

He mounted the rostrum and raised his hands . ’ B reth ren s re doo med , the wedding march will be ” w ido ut o f c le r ic al benefit g music . The marching trio milled for a moment un certain whether to continue from their . present poin t o r to get o ff their feet and return to the doorway for a new start . d h The Wildcat, enjoying a su den hunc , de

o an cided the question . He piloted his two c mp “ ”

s . ion back to the starting point Drag it, he “ ’ ’ whispered . Slow drag, Mis Bunny . Ain t elec t to walk

’ Mis Bunny dragged it . She dragged Demmy and the Wildcat . Demmy was little but now he hung back big .

’ ’ Mis Bunny s eyes wandered f rom their O h j ec tiv e and swept her diminutive companion with an inquisitive glance .

Demmy , enjoying a sudden sense of impending

e k . salvation , quailed b fore her loo n w In the stretch , while the ploddi g trio ere f u yet ten feet rom the wire , the volunteer p mp man back of the organ released the uplifted pu mp han dle . Inspired by this sagging weight the ghost o f G Flat bleated a final malediction over L I L Y 2 4 1 the audience . A covey o f giggles and grunts terminating in high , whining laughter drowned the G Flat ghost . Then suddenly the laughter stopped and ranks o f craning necks were turned toward the door o f the church . For the moment the impending ceremony was forgotten . Framed in the sunlit rectangle of the door, dancing impatiently beside a breathless stranger in whose hand was clutched a folded paper, was Lily . The mascot paused fo r a moment only and then with her widened eyes she discovered the di minutiv e o f form Demmy, her false friend, who by sundry kicks and curses had proclaimed him self her enemy . The ghost of G Flat found its sequel in an angry bleat from Lily which marked the instant o f her furious action . With four wheels skid ding o n a slippery rail Lily started down the aisle o f the church and her trajectory was the

o f shortest distance between two points . One these points was the frontal bone Of Lily ’ s cra ’ nium from which branched the mascot s horns . The point at th e other extreme lay midway be ’ tween the tw o back buttons O n Demmy s bor rowed blue pants . Discarding all intermediate speeds Lily bridged 2 42 L I L Y; the first half o f the intervening gap o n high . Enjoying a firmer footing on the fibre mat which' paved her course she accelerated in the stretch to something less than the velocity o f an overdue cannon ball . The crash o f the impact was drowned in a gale o f laughter and a chorus Of encouraging yells . The first shock boosted Demmy ten feet ahead o f his captor . He landed sprawling at the ’ mourner s bench . Abo ve him the Rev . Kinney Tell struggled with a paralyzed tongue in an effort to call down showers o f blessings o n the sight that assaulted his bulging eyes . A moment only did the recumbent Demmy

en enjoy his reprieve . Lily again attacked and joyed a second victory before sh e succumbed to a foul tackle staged by the Wildcat . At the moment that Demmy and the Wildcat and Lily lay in a tangled snarl against the ’ mourner s bench the voice o f the dark stranger bellowed high above the ruckus . He craved to “ ’ M ezi . a n a know how come g , whut you doin ” at de altah wid dat sawed -o ff boy ?

Magnezia Bunny turned to the stranger .

Her Open lips suff ered a cry o f surprise to escape . “ ” Mah man ! and then the gangling and de feated bride fainted on top o f the general heap

2 44 L I L Y

o no o n the S uth , betrayed surprise when Monday Wildcat and Demmy asked for the wages due them . Where are you boys headed for from ?” here , in case the hangman asks about you The Wildcat and Demmy laughed heartily in “ o C el suh u s f . unn the manner expected them , ,

’ aims to ketch de train f O Memphis whah at my

’ ’ o l Cap n Jack lives . Got to retreat dis Demmy

’ ’ ’ niggeh f m whah dese wile wimmin is so ragin .

’ ’ Spec does he stay in Vicksburg o ne mo week ’ he d be penned up permanent wid some animil trainer . De boy is light built but when he falls ” suh ! he falls heavy . Yas s C H A P T E R X X

N France , throughout the war, Captain Jack

marched in time with the music , and when the bugles of conflict gave place to the fid dling dances o f the peace conference he lan guished with the inactive victors until he awak ened to a new interest in life which left him a ’ o f bound captive , meshed in the bonds love s youn g dream and totally married to the only girl in the world .

o f With his bride , the daughter a senator who knew his business , Captain Jack returned to his

- un home in Memphis . The home coming was marked , and marred by no adventure except the disappearance o f the sidetracked Wildcat who man aged to get himself lost in the jungles o f

sta New York, San Francisco and several way tions .

Thereafter, for more than a year, Captain Jack

o u b re p under his loss as best he could , relieving his acu te distress now and then by profane and complex threats, spoken under his breath, con 2 46 L I L Y cerning the fate that awaited the prodigal Wild cat when that truan t should see fit to return to ’ o his master s range f action . These outbursts usually followed upon the installation o f so me ’ new servant in Captain Jack s house . No longer were his days marked by the languid routine of ’ - a play lover s life in the South . Business was business no w and overtime was devoted to what seemed to be a perpetual round Of formal en tertainmen ts staged by his wife and inspired by

’ that lady s sense of her social duties . Where his establishment had numbered two black servan ts were now half a dozen whose com plexio n s ranged the scale from olive to ebony . ’ Captain Jack s personal servant , a mustard faced youth from Jamaica who spoke extrav a gant English and never forgot his British origin, had been installed some months before and had held his job only because Captain Jack was dis c o u raged and done with experiments which seemed invariably to land him one degree further down

o f the scale personal comfort . The Jamaica

o f quadroon, schooled as a servant in houses the

o f k foreign residents his native island, new his ’ work . After the first month in Captain Jack s house this Eustace Somerset, being mostly ape k ’ under the s in , knew more about Captain Jack s

2 48 L I L Y

“ ’ W ilecat Ain t got much time , , near sundown ” now . ’ Demmy s vote, together with a sneaking ambi tion to be knocked loose from his backbone o r to suffer some similar compliment at Captain Jack’ s t hands , carried the day and forthwi h the trio headed for the house that henceforth was to shelter

“ ’

. us u s them Demmy, soon as sees de Cap n

’ ’ says howdy to de cook . Sho hungry . Las

’ ’ time I lef de place dey w u z a gran woman

’ ’ ’ c o o i o se k n f Cap n Jack . Heavy t woman but

’ ’ a 01 han wid de real vittles . Woman named ’ l e o n Boo ne . Husban wuz dat ya ler Ho n yt e ’ ” Boone whut uplifted us boys durin de wah .

“ ’ ’ ‘ You tol me bout dat boy dis aftehno o n.

I remembers . “ ’ ’ Ain t gwine see him . Dat boy fraid to come ’ ’ ’ ’ r l eah s p o w in roun dis town . H de street . ’ ’ h ’ n ach ral . W ut s Lawd gosh , ain t dat house ’ all dem white folks comin o ut ? Neveh seed so ” many ladies in de place . “ ’ k Visitin ro ll . Looks like high tone fol s . p y ’ o ' Pr lly is . Us goes down dis alley an in de back way, Demmy .

Up the alley, with Lily at their heels, trailed the pair until they came to the door o f the wood ’ shed that bounded the back o f Captain Jack s L I L Y 2 49 pro perty . ;The Wildcat fumbled with the latch f o r a moment bef ore he managed to open it .

“ ’ ” Go t a new kind o f f astnin o n dis place . En tering the shed he noted that the interior had been considerably cleaned up since his former “ e occupancy . Dat paint makes de place look lik ’ dese new houses w hut s to o fancy to git com ’ — ’ f table . in All de trash cleaned out , place don t ’ ’ so o lic ed seem h melike , Demmy, p Up like spec ” tion day in de A . E . F .

betteh Demmy reserved comment . I wait

’ ’ ’ W ilec at - beah , , till you sees yo white folks an

’ ’ ’ ” ranges f o Cap n Jack to hire me o n . “ ’ Dat s right . You wait beah wid Lily . The ’ Wildcat s tone reflected something of o ld au tho rity borrowed from previous association . “ Wait heah whilst I fixes dis job bizness wid de ” big man . Alone the fixer prowled o ut o f the woodshed in the direction of the house . En route to the back door he noted that the back lawn had been renovated , bordering rubbish eliminated , and tw o new steady-put clothes lines rigged from trimly painted poles . Co nfiden tly he mounted the short stairway that led to the kitchen door . He hesitated about open

c o n ing the door without ceremony and then , 2 50 L I L Y ceding a point for fear o f off ending the cook o n c o m ro m whom he proposed to lean heavily, he p ised by knocking loud and long on the reso nant panels that framed the swinging screen .

There w as a delay in answering . He knocked again, and this time indignation sounded in his

k . summons . He tried the door and it was hoo ed

be He heard some parley, evidently passing “ tween the cook and a peaked voiced male . Som

’ ’ ’ set see o n , honey, who s makin de clatter dat ’ ’ ’ I s flo uh el-b back do . in de to my ones an ” bis i kaimt leave dese k ts . The Wildcat proposed to tell the world who was making the clatter . Into the interior of the “ ’ house he called loudly . It s me . Open dis

’ He heard the cook s voice . Who is you ,

’ ” im den ce ? p And then , through the door, he s aw the approaching form of his mustard- faced o f rival , Eustace Somerset , late Highgate, Mid

dlesex . County, Jamacia “ ’ ’ Whah at s Cap n Jack ? Open dis do

Leave o ff the racket . I am Eustace Somer ’

set . , the Captain s valet What is your business with the gentleman ?” The quadroon’ s inter rogation sounded to the Wildcat like a challenge

- from a guard house sentry .

2 52 L I L Y

’ He led the way to Willie Webster s barber sh0 en p, retailing, en route, the details of his

e . counter ‘0 with the Somerset p rson When he came to the shop he walked in the front door . At his heels trailed Demmy and the faithful mascot . The Webster organization consisted Of a two chair industry devoted to plain and fancy ton so rial ff e ects , with musk extra, and hair straight f ener fi ty cents . When the Wildcat entered , the front room was empty, save for a pair of sleeping hounds and the assistant whose presence gave the proprietor enough freedom from professional occupation to conduct an intermittent gambling den and athletic club in the room behind his shop . “ ’ ” W hah s Willie ? The Wildcat wanted to know . The somnolent assistant moved ‘his lower ’ h eah s see j aw . Willie, a man whut wants to yo u . A faint clicking o f parading cubes ceased and in a moment the Wildcat saw his barber friend emerging from the portals o f the door to the “ ilec ! ! . W at back room Well , I be dog Whah you been all dis long time ? L I L Y 2 53

’ Willie , dis my fren Demmy . I been travel ’ ?” lin back . How is yo u “ ’ — ’ ’ M . iddlin eatin . Kain t , reg lar complain Come o n in de confidential parlor whah de gal — ’ ’ ’ lopers is pastured , bring yo fren an dat mas ’ o c t . Looks like dat goat has growed since las ” we met . “ ’ Growed mean er . Gittin Old .

i The tr o , with Lily, passed into the back room , w herein was gathered a mixed audience o f other

wise unemployed . Nearly all o f them were old friends o f the Wildcat and the chorus o f greeting

as e w appropriat to the reunion . After the first furore o f salutations had died down Demmy was

fo llo w m introduced and then , g a direct lead , the k Wildcat as ed his little world who, why and ’ h o w much was the yaller So mset named nigger

k o k who wor ed f r Captain Jac .

The replies were various . Jamaica nigger great han’ wid de wimmin at socials an’ such

’ like speaks sort o f N O rlean s French talks like a pre ach eh only he uses bigger words neveh sees him at no chu’ ch workin’

’ ’ O si f o r Cap n Jack goin n x months .

Demmy asked two questions . “ ’ ” Claims he s Jamaica bo y? 2 54 L I L Y.

“ ’ ’

Sho h . do . Claims he s a Britis nigger

’ ’ ’ Worked fo go v men t folks in Jamaica an Barb ’ ’ ’ ’ ” dos an T rin dad an all dem English places . “Speaks French ?” “ — ’ lo w . N O rleans Some , down De boys kin ” k o u ma e him t . “Huh ! ” Demmy grunted once and thereafter reserved all further comment and criticism . A member of the assemblage volunteered some “

. W ilec at more information , you gits a chance

’ ’ ’ So mset n ex W ens da to meet dis , social like , y ’ Cri i night does yo u crave to . Sis Tilly rnm t is ’ d gwine to give a party W e n s ay night . You

’ ’ ’

nOw s is . k S Tilly Come long an bring Demmy . ’ ’ Y o u gits a meetin wid dis So mset nigger at ’ ’ ” Sis Tilly s house .

“ ’ ’ sho Me an Demmy come . In a secluded corner o f the room the crap game

’ which had been side tracked by the Wildcat s ar rival , suddenly came to life . Willie Webster issued an invitation to the Wildcat and Demmy .

“ ’ Git in an see kin you make de clickers behave . The stakes were running light and with more than four hundred dollars in the Wildcat’ s pocket “ his craving for action was not acute . Much ’ ’ 1i e b d . g , Willie Me an Demmy aims to git

2 56 L I L Y:

’ ’

leavin . w nigger in his own heat I kno s , an I tells yo u . “Tomorr’ I secs Cap ’ n Jack an’ tells him he

’ ’ ’ don t need dis So m set no longer an den “ ’ W ilec at , leave me advise you . Wait till dat o u boy is gone fust . Den when y sees de ’ ’ Cap n dey ain t no hitch . When you secs dis ’ ’ So mse t at de party W e n sday night you gives ” him dc run so he neveh comes back . “ ’ 2 — f m Whut you mean , cut him loose Memphis ” w id de blood hoo k ? ’ ’ s Dat s de las thing I means . No blood rucku . ’ ” u Jes promise whut yo aims to do . “ ’ ’ in all to ' romisin Demmy, g y I hates do de p fust but dis time I does whut yo u sez . I talks ’ ’ A f eh . t to dat boy an warns him dat , less he h eeds de spo ken promise, I cuts him down to ’ ” - grass size an lets Lily c at de remains . “ ile a W c t . Dat nigger leave easy , I knows his ’

. Y aller f m i kind Ripe orange nigger . sk n to skin .

’ ’ At Sis Tilly s party Wednesday night the Wildcat and Demmy preceded the enemy by

fifteen minutes . The pair edged toward the crow d that had already swarmed around a huge L I L Y 2 57 tin dishpan in which was a mixture which from its aroma promised to carry enough authority to ’ make it worth drinkin g . Sis Tilly and her hus

flo o r o f o n e band, who was the ninth j anitor of

the tallest buildings in Memphis, had a reputa

f o r tion hospitality second to none , and hospitality in the brunet elect there present w as gauged

by the alcohol index o f the refreshments served . ’ With the Wildcat s third cup of the in vigo rat ing fluid he heard in his c ar the voice o f his “

s . hoste s Mistah Marsden , lemme make you ’ ’ ’ i c quain ted to M steh Somset . Mis teh Som s t ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ w uks f o o l leadch — I yo mil tary , spec you gits ’ ’ ’ n f re ly real soon count 0 dat . fi ered Demmy, standing beside the Wildcat, gg ’ that Sis Tilly had o ne more guess coming to

her . Th e Wildcat threw diplomacy and reserve to h “ ’ ” f . t e w . our inds I knows dis nigger, Sis Tilly

“ ’ ’ Som set f m He turned to his rival , git away ’ k ” me till I gits done wid my li ker . Deliberately he spilled the dregs of his third cup o n the quad ’ “ ’ ’ o ro n s polished shoes . Useless , stan back befo ” you gits drowned .

Ten seconds later, with half a dozen burly

u th e male g ests restraining vociferous pair, the Wildcat’ s challenge was answered direct and with 2 58 L I L Y o ut s l immediate as istance . Mr . Marsden, it wil afford me great pleasure to have the opportunity o f meeting you in the squared circle to-morrow ” night . “ ’ You means you c epts ? ” I do . “ Th e r s Wildcat add es ed the company . Folks ,

’ ’ ’ I po lo gizes f o bavin any hand in a ruckus in ’ ’ ’ ’ o ne Sis Tilly s house . I vites you an all to ’ ’ ’ ’ de second an last roun twixt me an dis So m set nigger tomorr’ night in de back room of Willie ’ ’ ro u h rc e be tteh Webster s barber shop . De g bring a shovel to s ave funeral charges on dis

afteh usso n l Useless I blows his p a Taps . Sez us ! ”

2 60 L I L Y

’ ’ ch am n Dey says pe e . Ain t no doubt is you . The Wildcat slid into his champion pants and then set about festooning himself with his outer raiment . Throughout the day he wore the pants and derived comfort and moral courage from th e secret knowledge that he was branded with truth and that when he stepped into the ring the world could read the broadcasted facts wi thout having to wait for a demonstration . ’ e At breakfast , against his trainer s advic , the Wildcat had indulged himself heartily . “ ’ ’ flo o Demmy, I don t aim to let no prize fight ence me against rations . Whilst I kin, I eats . ’ slo um— Dat s my g , eat whilst you kin git it

’ ’ cause some day 01 Man Trouble ketches yo u ’ ’ an a fteh dat yo teeth gits a furlong When the rations had been met and conquered' ’ ’ “ the pair returned to the Wildcat s ro om . Git ” “

W ilec at m . rested, , Dem y advised Lay down ’ ’ ’ ’ an stay do wn till it s time to eat some mo . ’ Save yo strengt This was an appealing program and the Wild cat adopted it . Through the day, until long after noon he snored himself into condition to hand

- his rival the slogan proving ticket to dreamland . ’ I n the contest department of Willie Webster s barber shop the battle-pen w as finished by four L I L Y 2 6 1

’ o clock and the ropes which h ad seen service in a dozen similar encounters were stretched as tight as the canvas covering that concealed the floor of

the elevated ring structure . The aren a was ready for action before the

Wildcat had finished his elabo rate suppe r .

’ ’ At six o clock, from various sources, Demmy s ears were assailed with bits o f whispered dope c oncerning the opposition . All of the gossip was adverse and it reacted unfavorably o n the sawed o ff n seco d . He joined his principal and the Wildcat was quick to note some change in his

’ “ o companion s mood . How come you s down ? ’ ’ ” casted , Demmy Li l while an de skies is clear . “ ’ d' a d ile o w n c ste W c at . Ain t , You mistook on i . s nna e my look Go easy dem p g greens . ’ ” Greens kills yo vigor . “ I is . Dey eats easy . How is de ’ ’ ’ Bettin is even . Dey s some money comin ’ ’ ’ ” n So mset - m s l m o o f . out , y outside niggers

‘ The Wildcat hauled out h is roll . He handed “ ’ ’ ’ ’ h ah n d m . e s o fo h un d e it to Dem y Boy, goin ’ do llah s dat us win f m dat Sledge man wid de u its clickers . Stand it p whah it kin broadcast ’ ’ meanin whilst I knocks dat So mset nigger loose

’ ” f mhis job wid my white folks . “ W ile t. . ca Demmy took the roll I bets it, 2 62 L I L Y,

o t o be teh I g to git my w n cash laid out . Us t ” n o git to de place w . Go ng at eight . “ ’ ” Le s go . Us beats de gong . The pair walked to the Webster establishment

where half th e spectators had gathered . The Wildcat was accorded a reception which left no doubt in his mind as to the outcome o f the fray . o n .Thr ugh the crowd he plowed his way, leadi g his mascot goat behind him , and his progress was a continual march of premature triumph . Demmy lost himself in the crowd and fo r half

s o n an hour, bu y the various mysterious errands o f a manager, he was absent from the Webster h 0 s p. His actions during this absence were worthy o f note . The first thing he did after he left the crowded barber shop was to buy a red bandana handkerchief at a little store . Further down the

fo r street, at a butcher shop , he negotiated a handful o f thin sheep ribs from the narrow end

se of six mutton chops . He hurried to the elusion of his room with these trophies and spent a feverish five minutes in scraping the shreds o f meat from the bones he had gathered . Then he tore the red bandana handkerchief into strips two

- inches wide , cutting each long strip into four inch

f . sections . A ragged towel su fered the same fate

2 6 4 L I L Y.

An d o f hur from there , in case emergencies or

r s see . ried departu e , Demmy could him fine A rising murmur heralded the arrival o f the o p ’ “ ’ — . Somse t dc aller bo position Dat s , y y wid de big coat . In the crowd Demmy edged toward the new h ’ comers . W en So mset passed him Demmy reached o ut his hand and into the near pocket o f the big c oat he dropped two thin bones and two o torn shreds f the red bandana . This aecom plished he retired to a secluded space near the Wildcat ’ s corner of the ring where four clothes lines suspended long curtains which formed the

o the walls f ringside dressing room . The Wildcat was stripped to his champion

an d o n bo x pants was seated a , waiting easily for

o f . the moment battle Beside him , nibbling

o n heartily the end of a yellow necktie, sat the mascot goat . ’ ou eelin Demmy sized up his champion . Y f ’ ” right f o de fray ? “ Demmy, I feel a million . Is de money bet ?” “ ’ All bet an dc stakeholder at de ringside . They were interrupted by the penetrating voice o f Willie Webster who began to address the as “ ’ ’ b e ! sem la . g Folks , git ca m De night s con L I L Y 2 65

’ tes is between Misteh Vitus Marsden who yo u ’ ’ betteh W ilec at Misteh s knows as , an Eu tis Som ’ undeh set . s , de great unknown De e men fights ’ ’ ’ 01 s rc ssc d de time rule bes p by de simple advice, ’ ’ git yo meat . I has de honob of servin as ’ ’ ’ o u h ree sec o s c ntch r g . Principals an n will ’ doo c e ist dc . inter s M eh So m ring Folks, I ” set . A murmur of applause greeted the Somerset ’ “ . T e ro u h ree Misteh entrance lh g continued , ” ”

d . Mars en , bes knowed as de Wildcat The Wildc at returned to his corner and sat down in a chair beside which stood Lily . On ’ the mascot s face was a look of wonderment but her expression was considerably concealed by the flowing ends o f the yellow necktie upon which s h e steadily munched . Lily turned from her survey of the crowd and upon the visible sections o f her countenance was written a question which the Wildcat read and answered . “ ’ ’ ’ ’ — ' So msc t How s it comin out, goat , dat ain t ’ ’ ’ — ’ o ut . an . comin He s goin , feet fust at dat “ Blaa-a As well as she co uld Lily expressed her faith in the Wildcat and her belief in the ’ truth o f the Wildcat s prediction . m o f Dem y, busy a moment with the laces the ’ Wildcat s thin gloves , whispered his final words 2 66 L I L Y!

’ — o f . f m dat advice Stay away him , boy looks ’ ’ heavy in de hands . Bide yo time an when de ’ ” o en in ! p comes , fill it up “ Demmy, I fills it . Fills it wid my head . i ’ ’ ” B utt n ain t barred . “ ’ ’ ” hin d Nut barre . Git yo meat ! “ Us gits it . Us learns dat nigger who works ’ ’ a fo C p n Jack .

‘ Bang ! The go ng . Two dancing figures in the center o f the wide co ne o f light that spread downward upon the arena .

to The Wildcat, looking for an early chance utilize his battering ram technique, kept his head low . ’ So mset o n , light his feet , covered the distance around his opponent three times before the crowd began to hand out free a dvice .

Lily, standing tense beside Demmy in the ’ to d Wildcat s corner, tried her best understan what was going o n . She chewed more slowly o n

the yellow necktie .

Then the Wildcat saw his chance . Head low, ’ ’ t s he rammed straight for Somse belt . “ ” Barn ! d Before the instant of contact , which seeme l strangely de ayed , the Wildcat was conscious of some intervening catastrophe which had not been

2 68 L I L Y;

ran . Demmy quickly to her side Goat , I ll

dc ch am een ! o say you gits p belt C me wid me , ’ ' ” you gallopin dynamite He returned to the

’ ‘ the s Wildcat s corner, dragging ma cot and then, f under c over o the turmoil , he reached downward ’ “

w Rev un d s . to ard the Calamu Jordan All right, ’ ” rev i un d ! His hand returned carrying a tight package which he stored in the depths of his right

c han d po ket .

a m -o ff d This cco plished , the sawed secon walked ’ to the Wildcat s side and held a bottle to the ’ “ ” a s W ilec at ! n . u f lle one s lip , wake p, drink dis

“ ’ n ine o ff Lif dat e j me . Who flung dat anvil ? Whuff ! Gin ! Whah you ’ ’ it W hu g de gin, Demmy ? t s all de folks doin heah ? “ Set u W ilec at. o u to p, Does y feel able ” w alk ? “ ’ ’ ’ ” o W h a s mset ? Sho d . h So l“ ’ ’ ’ Dey s c arryin d‘at nigger to de clo es room ’ k ’ f m b e . whah lit Looks li e he s killed. “ ” Whah at I hit dat bo y ? f “ ’

In dc . foot Wid yo neck . Drink dis gin ’ ” an us goes away sudden . Demmy stopped only long enough to edge into ’ the opposition s dressing room, ostensibly to ex ’ H tend the Wildcat s compliments, e lingered L I L Y

n two minutes , fi ding opportunity to secrete the balance o f th e red and white rags an d the thin ’ ’ o m se bones in various pockets o f S t s street clothes . “ ’ ” So mset k u When wa es p tell him git home quick, “ ’ ” a he dvised , Cap n Jack likely need him. C H A P T E R X X I I

HE Wildcat, able to walk, got some of the story o n his way up the street from Willie ’ the Webster s place . The more he heard “ ’ ’

W . . orse he felt Don t tell me no mo , Demmy, ’ - aller I se heard twice a plenty . Dat y baboon ’ ’ kick me to sleep an us sleeps nu f to let dat green

- back money git away, dat nigger still got his ’ ’ job wid Cap n Jack an heah us is ’ u — dat Lady L ck , could I ketch dat woman I d ’ ’ c w a ti run her whah d devil s i n wid de brimstone . “

. o n Demmy made no direct reply Come ,

W il a . ec t . Git he urged Drag dat

c h ampeen goat wid you . “ ’ W hah s us gwine “ ’ ’ ’ Us makes dc alley back o f yo Cap n Jack s

’ ’ sec so methi in teresti house . Might n n if us is in ” time . They turned into the alley at twenty minutes ’ n ea before nine . In the shadows r Captain Jack s woodshed they waited quietly for five minutes and then the stillness o f the night was broken by th e 270

2 72 L I L Y “ alle ! y r Eustace . Redeeming Lard Red rag ” ! W o w -o ! b ! and . the white bone o o Z o m y The frenzied traveller carried a suit case with him and he shrivelled with the fear o f some in visible menace . “ d ’ c . Demmy, dat boy gives me creeps Sho ’ ?” acted crazy. Whut you spose ails him ’ When the departing So mset neared the far end

a the of the lley Wildcat, who had emerged from an the woodshed to watch him go, ventured ’ tr v llin other question . Whut kin ail dat a e fool ?”

His co mpanion did no t reply directly . In “ ’ - d W ilec at . stea , , you ain t seen no speed yet ’ Watch him now an you sees him begin to travel easy, he advised . Demmy cupped his hands and moaned a long-drawn reverberating word “ ” r m mm-m-m Z o m-b ! afte the fugitive . . y “ — Lai s Lawd, Demmy, look at dat boy go . g ’ ’ tw inklin ! Wuz de tongues o ut dat boy s shoes ’ ’ he d be flyin ’ In the distan ce the racing So mset seemed to ’ a triple his pace at Demmy s l unching cry . “ o The accelerat r turned to his companion , Go ’ ’ ’ ac Da o n in an git yo job wid Cap n J k. t ’ ’ oms t k dis lac S c nigger neveh co min bac to p e. ’ Neveh no mo ' 2 L I L .Y 73

“ ’ ’ me I se gwine, Demmy, but befo I busts tell whut ails dat yaller “ ’ ’ uthin - Z afteh N ails him , cept de ombies is ’ ’ im — e h . d m Ghosts , dat s whut niggers mos l’ Z b ’ d e . O om r ads y comes an leaves a sign , ’ ’ ’ li l bo ne or else mebbe a 01 piece o f rag an dem ! ! Hayti niggers goes hog wild . Jamaica Huh ’ *W ilec at fw h en , dey tol me dat boy talked dis ’ French -like talk I loo k close an seed de Hayti ’ nu aller blue deh his y skin . I se been in Hayti

o n a banana boat . I knows dem island niggers . ’ ” Knows dem an all dat voodoo stuff dey believes . “ ! Demmy, all I sez is hot dam You beats ’ hell ! Mebbe yo u is middlin sized outside but ’ inside yo head yo u is all whale meat . Come o n ’ ’ ’ heah wid me till 01 Cap n Jack gits a look at de ’ ’ livin w o ndeh o f de w orl “ ’ ’ ’ GO - git yo job wid yo white folks . Me an dis ch ampeen goat waits in de shed whilst yo u

meets de big man . The Wildcat started away and for a moment

Demmy gazed at his companion in silence . Then he reached into th e depths o f his right-hand pocket ’ after the package which Rev und Calamus Jordan had handed up from the ringside after the sudden “ W il a k o f . ec t conclusion the battle , come bac a ” in i k m n t . He spread a thick stack of greenbac s 2 74 L I L Y on the floor of the woodshed and divided the “ ’ ’ ’ . W ilec at h eah s f o pile into two parts , yo ’ ’ ’ h un ded do llah s dc an same repe ated . Dat s whut you win when “ ? ? Whut I win Ho w yo u bet dat money ’ I figgered you didn t kn ow dem French nig ’ k - an dc aoc ident . gers kic , dat might git you ’ ’ ’ ’ ” He h s inn n . a i s msc t w o So . It did yo . I bet n

sez — Demmy, all I is dis , has Lady Luck got ’ ! ! a husban you is him Hot dam Boy, I repeats my fust claim , no matteh how light built you is ’ s outside , de inside of yo head is olid gold whale meat ! ”

The enthusiast turned to his mascot go at . ’ ’ i t o o u u . L ly, spit whut is catin Me an ~ y

’ ' Demmy buys you di monds to eat does Lady Luck ’ ” keep travellin like she done to-night ! “ Demmy interposed a suggestion . B etteh go ’ ’ ’ ec a k o n in now an s Cap n J c . Me an Lily waits ” heah whilst us gits hired o n .

Stepping high the Wildcat made his second ’ kn o trip to Captain Jack s back door . His ck was “ o u answered this time by the coo k . Whut y ’ ’ ” so ? want, rappin de do late

2 76 L I L Y it lightly with his hand . Then he began curry

- ing it gently with his o w n coat sleeve . As he worked he looked not at the faded coat but at the white man seated in the zone o f light that spread “ ” - ! over the library table . My o wn white folks He quit work o n the coat and devoted himself to the single business of looking at Captain Jack .

Presently the brushing was resumed , this time

u with unusual ind stry, and to his labor the Wild cat breathed an accompaniment of whispered song

’ ats w en kin it it s ee s mo s all dc time E h I g , l p , ’ ’ o i o o ne i de s un o n e e ne I d n t g ve a d gg f d t n v h shi .

Captain Jack looked up ! The song grew from a whisper to a bee -size humming

’ ’ at s dc reaso n I se a as a bee D h ppy , ’ ’ I do n t bo theh w o rk w hen w o rk do n t bo theh me.

c Wild at ! Come here . “ ’ ” ICa n essuh ! p , y In four long strides the

ck ffl prodigal gained the library . He cli ed sti y to attention and swung a perfect salute toward ’ ” h heah ! . su Captain Jack Cap n , us is L I L Y 2 77 ' “ ! ut At rest Cut that monkey business o . ” Whe re in hell have you been ?

The Wildcat relaxed on e millionth o f an inch . ’ ’ ’ o u . Cap n suh , no place cept comin back to y ’ ’ ’ Been comin dc lon ges time ! Sho proud to see — o u . m y Dis coat seems mussed up bad, so e tri ’ flin nigger “ P ut it back . Captain Jack turned from the Wildcat and l “ ! ca led through the doorway . Eustace Eu stace Somerset ! ” “ ’ h su . Cap n , dat useless nigger is left Is he ’ ’ still goin de way he wuz when I seed him las ” he be in Cuba by bedtime . Captain Jac k l ooked at the Wildcat and a faint “ o n smile his face served to soften his words . Go upstairs and get th e shotgun in my room . I aim to kill you about the time Eustace lands in Cuba . ’ Tell the cook to feed yo u first . I don t want to o u o kill y on an empty st mach . ’ ’ essuh ! Cap n suh , y Sho will . Departing, “ he hesitated at the doorway for a moment . Deys ’ — - o ff a boy wid me, Cap n , sort of sawed , dwin li ’ d n nigger named Demmy . Boy seems took him bad wid dc work itch . Mebbe could you let ’ trim de grass an “Is he a good boy ? 2 78 L I L Y

’ ’ ’ ” suh eveh ! Cap n , de bes boy I se seed

Tell the cook to feed him . Bed him down .

’ ’ ’ o f I ll try him . If he s no good I ll kill both ” u yo Friday afternoon when I get more time . “ ’ essuh o f th e Cap n , y In spite orders to con trary the Wildcat contributed full military honors

o f to the ceremony his exit , but once clear of the zone of visibility his manner changed . By the time he reached the kitchen he was a writhing “ k personification of Old Man Joy . Coo , honey, ’ git de skillit o n de fire ! Prepare heavy fo my ’ ’ ’ k mi n s secon comin . I gits bac in two n it an I ’ ra warns you, woman , git goin strong wid my ’ ” tions befo sudden death delays you ! The whirlwind galloped to the woodshed where “ waited Demmy and the mascot goat . Hot dam , ’ ’ ’ Demmy ! Us is hired o n ! 01 Cap n sez f o us ’ both to git to work ! De fust job is train in dat ’ ’ ’ cook how big a ration kin be when it s f o me an ’ ! ’ ’ you . Git comin Come long, Lily, befo de ” ! h eah us ! flies eats you Lady Luck, is