

Management of Overdoses

Sundeep Shenoy, MD, FACP1*, Shilpa Lankala, MD2, Sasikanth Adigopula, MD, MPH, FACP3

1Division of Inpatient Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona; 2Division of Hospital Medicine, Banner Good Samaritan Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona; 3Division of Cardiology, Advanced Failure, Mechanical Circulatory Support and Heart Transplantation, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.

Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are some of the most have been tried and have been successful. However, the commonly used in clinical practice to treat evidence for these are limited to case reports and case , , cardiac , and some series. We take this opportunity to review the various cases of . Recent data show that CCBs are treatment options in the management of CCB overdoses the most common of the cardiovascular medications with a special focus on high-dose therapy as the noted in intentional or unintentional overdoses.1 Novel emerging choice for initial therapy in severe overdoses. treatment approaches in the form of , high-dose Journal of Hospital Medicine 2014;9:663–668. VC 2014 insulin therapy, and intravenous therapies Society of Hospital Medicine

The 2011 National Data System (NPDS) of high serum concentrations of either CCB class, how- the American Association of Poison Control Centers ever, selectivity is lost, and patients may presents with reported that among the top 25 categories associated , , and decreased cardiac with mortality, cardiovascular medications were sec- contractility.7,8 ond to // in terms of CCBs show good oral bioavailability and undergo the number of deaths resulting from overdose. More- first-pass . During an overdose, the over, of cardiovascular medications, enzymes involved in hepatic oxidation can become blockers (CCBs) were the most common agents associ- oversaturated, which reduces the effects of first-pass ated with mortality.1,2 The 2012 NPDS report showed metabolism, resulting in increased quantities of the a similar trend, with cardiovascular ranking active reaching the systemic circulation and a among the top causes of overdoses, with an additional prolonged half-life.7 In addition, CCBs are highly pro- approximately 4614 cases in comparison to 2011.3 In tein bound and have large volumes of distribution.9 light of emerging strategies for the management of Calcium enters cells through specific channels and CCB overdoses, we sought to review the pathophysiol- regulates various cell processes. In myocardial cells, ogy of CCB overdose and its management. calcium affects excitation-contraction coupling and potential action generation in the sinoatrial node. Sim- PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF CCB OVERDOSE ilarly, in the pancreas, calcium facilitates the release CCBs are widely used in the management of various of insulin. CCB overdose can result in inhibition of conditions such as hypertension, angina pectoris, insulin secretion from the pancreas and a state of atrial fibrillation, and other cardiac arrhythmias. hypoinsulinemia and insulin resistance.10 Mtabolic 4 CCBs block L-type receptors on the cell surface. acidosis is a common presentation noted in several Based on their predominant physiological effect, CCBs published case reports.11 Metabolic acidosis represents have been classified as dihydropyridines and nondihy- a combination of insulin dysregulation with ketoaci- dropyridines (Table 1). Dihydropyridine overdose gen- dosis and hypoperfusion with lactic acidosis. In addi- erally results in with resultant tion, because CCBs block the entry of calcium into 5 hypotension and reflex . In comparison, the mitochondria,12,13 and because calcium is required nondihydropyridine overdose generally results in bra- for the normal enzymatic activity of the Krebs cycle, 6 dycardia and decreased cardiac contractility. With CCB overdose leads to lactic acid build-up from its direct effects on aerobic metabolism.14 The clinical picture of CCB overdose is further *Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Sundeep Shenoy, complicated by the switch in the mechanism of adeno- MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Inpatient Medicine, Uni- sine triphosphate (ATP) generation in the myocardium versity of Arizona, 1501 N. Campbell Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85724-5212; Telephone: 520-626-5797; Fax: 520-626-5721; E-mail: from free fatty acid oxidation to carbohydrate metab- [email protected] olism.15 In response to this stress, the liver increases Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of glucose production via glycogenolysis. With concomi- this article. tant hypoinsulinemia10 and relative insulin resistance, Received: March 11, 2014; Revised: July 1, 2014; Accepted: July 8, intracellular glucose transport is disturbed, with a 2014 2014 Society of Hospital Medicine DOI 10.1002/jhm.2241 resultant decrease in ATP production that quickly Published online in Wiley Online Library (Wileyonlinelibrary.com). leads to myocardial dysfunction and cardiogenic

An Official Publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol 9 | No 10 | October 2014 663 Shenoy et al | Management of CCB Overdoses

TABLE 1. The Most Commonly Used Calcium dycardia, hyperglycemia, and persistent hypotension, Channel Blockers with signs of hypoperfusion usually manifested as altered mental status, clinically defines a severe Dihydropyridine Short-acting agents: overdose. Longer-acting formulations: , , , nifedipine, , * Nondihydropyridine Verampamil and MANAGEMENT APPROACH Maintenance of the airway and circulation is of pri- NOTE: mary importance in CCB overdose cases (Table 2). *Longer-acting agents generally have little cardio activity, with amlodipine having the least.6 Hypotension and bradyarrhythmias are noted in cases of severe overdose, and some patients might require endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation shock. The resultant clinical state of acidosis, hyper- very early in their management. The initial treatment glycemia, and insulin deficiency is similar to diabetic strategy typically consists of the use of intravenous ketoacidosis.11,14 A presentation of symptomatic bra- crystalloids and gastrointestinal (GI) decontamination; is reserved for symptomatic bradycardia. Some patients may also require transcutaneous and transvenous pacing early and emergently due to com- TABLE 2. Treatment Options of Calcium Channel plete cardiovascular collapse. Therefore, having a Blocker Overdose medical toxicologist or a regional poison control Initial resuscitation measures expert involved from the time of initial management Intravenous hydration with crystalloids, colloids. is advised, especially for cases of severe overdose or Gastrointestinal decontamination consumption of extended-release preparations. Activated charcoal 1 g/kg body weight in hemodynamically stable patients who can protect their airways.1 Best administered within 2 hours. However, in poisoning from extended release preparations, it can be used beyond the 2-hour window. GI Decontamination Anecdotally, WBI has been utilized in overdose. In cases of severe overdose, patients may present with However, it is not the recommended approach, especially in patients who are hemodynamically lethargy from hypotension and poor cerebral flow, unstable. Atropine and the risk for aspiration and pneumonitis should be Reserved for bradycardia; 0.5 mg every 3–5 minutes, not to exceed a total of 3 mg or strongly considered in these patients if GI decontami- 0.04 mg/kg (per ACLS protocol). nation is considered. GI decontamination is best in cases where the patient is hemodynamically stable and 1–2 mEq/kg boluses of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate when QRS widening is noted on the 46 presents early to the emergency department (ED), ECG. For severe acidosis or persistent ECG changes, a sodium bicarbonate drip can be initi- 7,9 ated with 150 mEq sodium preferably within 2 hours ; early use might decrease bicarbonate in 1 L D W to run at about 100–125 mL per hour.46 drug absorption and enterohepatic circulation, thus 5 16 Following intravenous hydration and GI decontamination (hyperinsulinemia-euglycemia therapy) lowering the drug levels. However, in cases in which or vasopressors are usually initiated as resuscitation measures. the drug consumed was an extended-release prepara- Agents used to reverse the calcium channel blocker poisoning tion, GI decontamination is beneficial even when the Hyperinsulinemia-euglycemia therapy (refer to Table 33). 17 Glucagon patient presents late to the ED. GI decontamination Initiated at 0.05–0.15 mg/kg as bolus dosing, with a repeat dosing in 3–5 minutes. An intrave- is typically achieved using activated charcoal (1 g/kg nous infusion can be initiated following this.1 body weight) or by performing Calcium salts (WBI) with .9 However, there is A bolus of 0.3 mEq/kg of calcium can be administered as intravenously over 5–10 minutes very little evidence that either approach changes the (0.6 mL/kg of 10% solution or 0.2 mL/kg of 10% solution). overall outcome, and WBI can be potentially harmful If beneficial response noted, an infusion of 0.3 mEq/kg per hour. 18 Titrate the infusion to obtain an adequate hemodynamic response. Serum ionized calcium for patients with hemodynamic instability. There- levels should be monitored, and target ionized calcium levels should be less than twice the fore, airway and circulation maintenance is preferable upper limit of normal.2 to this approach. Adrenergic agents Norepinephrine, dopamine, . Catecholamines Intravenous lipid emulsion therapy 20% fat emulsion is what is usually used with 1 mL/kg given as a bolus followed by a continu- Catecholamines, such as dopamine, dobutamine, and ous infusion of 0.25–0.5 mL/kg per hour. norepinephrine, appear to be obvious choices in the Phosphodiesterase inhibitors management of cases of CCB overdose, because most Amrinone, milrinone. patients present with hypotension and bradyarrhyth- Invasive therapy 19 Transvenous and transcutaneous pacing for high-grade atrioventricular dissociation. mias. However, there is no evidence to show the Intra-aortic balloon pump. superiority of 1 agent over another in the management Extra corporeal membrane oxygenation. of CCB drug . Catecholamines increase the and pressure and increase systemic NOTE: Abbreviations: ACLS, advanced cardiovascular life support; ECG, electrocardiogram; GI, gastroin- vascular resistance, which can potentially decrease the testinal; WBI, whole bowel irrigation. cardiac output by increasing the .

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TABLE 3. Hyperinsulinemia-Euglycemia Therapy cyclic monophosphate (AMP) by stimulat- ing adenylyl cyclase, a mechanism by which glucagon Bolus dosing 7 Check finger stick blood glucose, and 25 g dextrose can be given as a bolus, provided the patient possibly exerts its inotropic effect. Most studies con- is not markedly hyperglycemic1 (eg, blood glucose >400 mg/dL). ducted on the use of glucagon in the treatment of 0.5 IU/kg of insulin given as bolus. An acceptable alternative would be to give 1 IU/kg as a bolus CCB overdose originated in an era in which bovine or 1,3,4 to saturate the receptors. porcine glucagon was used, and these animal glucagon Maintenance dose infusion products contained insulin.9 Glucagon is typically ini- Short-acting insulin initiated at 0.5 IU/kg per hour, and this dose can be titrated up to 2 IU/kg per hour. Doses as high as 10 IU/kg per hour have been tried and have been successful.1,4 tiated at 50 to 150 lg/kg as bolus dosing, with a 9 Continuous dextrose infusion might be required to maintain euglycemia (25 g per hour intrave- repeat dosing after 3 to 5 minutes. A continuous IV nous infusion would be a reasonable choice).1 infusion can then be administered following the initial Monitoring treatment, because glucagon has a very short half-life Monitor blood glucose every 30 minutes for the first 4 hours and then hourly. Titrate dextrose and works rapidly.7,9 However, there is no established infusion to maintain euglycemia.1 Dextrose containing fluid can be initiated at 0.5–1 g/kg per hour and titrated to maintain maximum infusion dose of glucagon, and it should be euglycemia.10,15 titrated to the desired clinical outcome. IV glucagon Monitor potassium levels every 60 minutes and replace as needed to maintain at lower limits therapy also carries a risk for nausea and ,7,28 of normal (2.8–3.2 mEq/L). which in combination with lethargy may increase the Titration of the insulin infusion is usually to the resolution of hemodynamic parameters. risk for aspiration pneumonitis. The evidence for the Discontinuation No clear evidence to say if a weaning protocol is necessary. In several case reports, the protocol use of glucagon in cases of CCB overdose is predomi- 27 was discontinued after objective parameters of clinical resolution were achieved; however, contin- nantly based on animal models ; evidence in human ued dextrose infusion may be required despite the discontinuation of the insulin.5 subjects is limited to case reports.11,28,29 Some cases have demonstrated an improvement in hemodynamics with glucagon, whereas in a few cases, glucagon failed Calcium Salts to result in such improvement.30 In cases in which the In cases of severe overdose, the initial measures are ingestion history is unclear or there is polysubstance typically not sufficient for stabilizing the patient. ingestion, as with b-blockers and CCBs, glucagon is 9 Intravenous (IV) calcium salts have been evaluated in an ideal treatment agent ; in contrast, in single CCB animal models20,21 and, anecdotally, in human case overdose, glucagon might not be as helpful as more reports.22–24 However, the response to treatment has recent treatment modalities. been mixed, with improvement in hemodynamic parameters in some cases and treatment failures in Hyperinsulinemia-Euglycemia Therapy other cases. Moreover, the effects of these treatments In recent years, increasing evidence from multiple case are typically short lived, and repeated dosing might be reports and case series has shown the superiority of required. Calcium salts are typically administered with high-dose insulin therapy over other treatment modal- 31,32 the theoretical scheme of reversing antagonism with a ities (Table 3). Insulin acts as a potent higher calcium load and increasing cardiac inotropy. and vasodilator. In their prospective observational Calcium gluconate and calcium chloride are 2 fre- series of 7 patients, Greene et al. report the successful quently used agents, although no clear guidelines exist use of hyperinsulinemia-euglycemia therapy (HIET) regarding this approach and the required dosage.22 with no significant adverse events when combined 33 There are also published case reports in which refrac- with conventional measures in a critical-care setting. tory hypotension was treated with continuous calcium Similarly, more than 50 cases have been reported in infusion in an attempt to reach predefined serum cal- which HIET was used successfully in the management 34 cium levels.24 However, the fear of iatrogenic hyper- of CCB overdoses. calcemia and its consequences is constant.25 Calcium Although there is wide variation in the insulin dos- chloride contains 3 times the calcium for the identical ing regimens in published case reports, hyperinsulin- volume compared to calcium gluconate and is more emia therapy is typically initiated with a 0.5 IU/kg to corrosive to the blood vessels; therefore, it is best 1 IU/kg bolus, followed by a continuous drip of 0.5 administered through a central intravenous access. UI/kg per hour to 1 IU/kg per hour. This dose is Although the evidence is limited to a few case reports, titrated every 15 to 20 minutes until satisfactory continuous calcium infusion appears effective and safe hemodynamic and clinical stability is noted. Titrations as an adjunctive therapy for patients with severe are usually avoided for a shorter time interval because hypotension resulting from CCB overdose.21–24,26 insulin must enter cells and initiate intracellular sig- naling and metabolic activation. However, the Glucagon response to HIET might be delayed, and other thera- Although insulin and glucagon are physiologically peutic modalities could be required simultaneously counter-regulatory, they have a similar effect on heart until the clinical effects of insulin are observed. stimulation. In animal models, the positive inotropic Euglycemia should be maintained by checking the and effects of glucagon have been clearly blood glucose levels every 30 minutes and using a demonstrated.27 Glucagon increases intracellular dextrose solution to maintain the blood glucose

An Official Publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol 9 | No 10 | October 2014 665 Shenoy et al | Management of CCB Overdoses within the upper limits of normal.35 Hyperglycemia There have also been cases of CCB overdoses in noted in CCB overdose cases indicates the degree of which insulin therapy has failed, which may be insulin resistance and serves as a marker of the sever- because the insulin protocol was initiated late as sal- ity of the overdose.14,15 In particular, patients who vage therapy or because of the severity of the events.35 are hyperglycemic at presentation may not require Insulin therapy should be initiated early in the course supplemental dextrose infusion despite the high-dose of management rather than as salvage therapy.7,35 insulin therapy. The blood glucose level should be Agarwal et al. reported their experience in treating an checked every 30 minutes for the first 4 hours and patient on 3 separate occasions of CCB overdose. then hourly to avoid overlooking dur- These authors reported rapid improvement on the ing the treatment regimen, especially in intubated and third occasion, in which insulin therapy was initiated 40 sedated patients. Fluids containing dextrose may be early during the course of management. In recent initiated at 0.5 to 1 g/kg per hour and titrated to years, HIET has been shown to be a promising maintain euglycemia.9,11 approach in the management of CCB overdose. However, there is no consensus as to how long the Patients with third-degree heart blockage resulting infusion should be continued once initiated. Although from CCB overdose reverted to a normal sinus rhythm insulin has not been shown to induce tachyphylaxis in while on an insulin drip protocol without the inter- 11 experimental animal models, many clinicians prefer to vention of a temporary pacemaker. discontinue the infusion once hemodynamic stability High-dose insulin therapy can also result in hypoka- has been achieved. There is also no evidence indi- lemia, which theoretically may represent a beneficial cating whether a weaning protocol would make any response in the management of CCB overdose, difference over abrupt discontinuation.36 The physio- because it provides a membrane stabilizing effect by prolonging repolarization and allowing more calcium logical effects of insulin persist for hours after the dis- 11 continuation of the infusion and will gradually taper to enter the cytoplasm during cardiac . Yuan et al. suggested a serum potassium range of 2.8 to 3.2 down with time. Therefore, theoretically, an abrupt 11 cessation should seldom cause any deleterious mEq/L during insulin-glucose therapy. Hypomagne- effects.11 Dextrose supplementation may be required semia and hypophosphatemia are other electrolyte derangements reported during treatment that are simi- to maintain euglycemia for up to 24 hours following lar to conditions observed in patients with diabetic discontinuation of the insulin drip due to the elevated ketoacidosis.41,42 insulin levels.11,36 Insulin is a potent vasodilator in the coronary and Intravenous Lipid Emulsion Therapy pulmonary vasculature but does not increase the CCBs are naturally lipophilic, and intravenous lipid requirement for myocardial . Instead, insulin emulsion (ILE) therapy has been attempted with suc- facilitates endothelial activity through the cess in cases of severe CCB overdose.43,44 A system- phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway, which atic review by Jamaty et al.45 showed that, although translates into vasodilatation of the capillary micro- the overall quality of the evidence for this modality vasculature and better perfusion at the capillary junc- was poor, ILE could be beneficial in the management tion. As a result, insulin corrects the capillary of severe cases of CCB poisoning. ILE therapy was dysfunction that is the major pathology in cardiogenic first described by Weinberg et al. for tox- shock and the ultimate presentation in severe CCB icity in the year 2003.46 ILE is commonly utilized as overdose. part of total parenteral nutrition, and several case Gradinac et al. reported that patients with cardio- reports have shown the success of its use in the treat- genic shock, in the postoperative period of coronary ment of local toxicity.47 Although the bypass grafting, showed a better cardiac index 48 37 mechanism remains to be clearly elucidated, it is with the use of IV insulin therapy. In an experiment hypothesized that this emulsion in the circulation cre- on explanted human myocardium, von Lewinski et al. ates a lipid channel, which causes sequestration of lip- demonstrated the positive inotropic effect of insulin ophilic drugs, and stimulates the redistribution of through calcium-dependent pathways as well as PI3K lipophilic drugs from the tissues to this channel.47 38 pathways. Moreover, Hsu et al. demonstrated with Recent data have further revealed the inotropic prop- human myocardial cells that this inotropic property of erties of lipid emulsion; when used for acute overdose, insulin was dose dependent, with better responses lipid emulsion improves ventricular contractility and observed after the use of higher doses of insulin; in diastolic relaxation, going beyond its role as a simple addition, this effect was rapid (ie, as fast as 5 minutes fuel for cardiac tissue or a “lipid sink.”49 Lipid emul- after the infusion) and was sustained throughout the sion in the circulation also stimulates insulin secretion, duration of insulin treatment.39 The best clinical which is beneficial in reversing the antagonism caused translation of this finding was demonstrated by Yuan by CCB on the b cells of the pancreas.50 However, fat et al.11 in their case series of 5 patients with severe embolism, , and the development of acute cardiogenic shock secondary to CCB overdoses. respiratory distress syndrome have been reported as

666 An Official Publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol 9 | No 10 | October 2014 Management of CCB Overdoses | Shenoy et al complications associated with this therapy.51 Thus, it several case reports reiterating its efficacy. However, is prudent to involve a medical toxicologist or the euglycemia and a stable electrolyte panel should be regional poison center to decide whether a patient maintained throughout the clinical course of manage- would be a candidate for this treatment approach. In ment. Most of the benefits observed with HIET were most cases, this is reserved as a last resort in the man- noted in cases in which insulin therapy was initiated agement of CCB overdose. Typically, a 20% fat emul- early in the course of management. ILE therapy, tem- sion is used, with 1 mL/kg given as a bolus followed porary pacemakers, and intra-aortic balloon pump by a continuous infusion of 0.25 to 0.5 mL/kg per counter pulsation therapy are used on a case-by-case hour.7 basis and best applied in consultation with a medical toxicologist or the regional poison control center. Sodium Bicarbonate Metabolic acidosis resulting from CCB overdose facili- Disclosure tates the binding of CCB to L-type calcium channels; Nothing to report. thus, correcting this acidemia might improve the References hemodynamic profile. Sodium bicarbonate has been 1. Bronstein AC, Spyker DA, Cantilena LR Jr, Green JL, Rumack BH, suggested as a useful adjunct because it decreases the Dart RC. 2010 annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS): 28th annual affinity of the CCB for the calcium channel. In cases report. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2011;49(10):910–941. of severe toxicity, electrocardiogram (ECG) findings 2. Bronstein AC, Spyker DA, Cantilena LR Jr, Rumack BH, Dart RC. 2011 annual report of the American Association Of Poison Control may show widening of the QRS complex; these ECG Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS): 29th annual report. changes are mediated through the inhibitory action of Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2012;50(10):911–1164. 3. Mowry JB, Spyker DA, Cantilena Jr LR, Bailey JE, Ford M. 2012 CCB on fast sodium channels, similar to that observed annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ in cases of overdose from tricyclic .9,52 National Poison Data System (NPDS): 30th annual report. Clin Toxi- col. 2013;51(10):949–1229. Although the evidence is limited to a few case 4. Bechtel LK, Haverstick DM, Holstege CP. toxicity dysregu- reports, treatment with 1 to 2 mEq/kg boluses of lates the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway. 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668 An Official Publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol 9 | No 10 | October 2014