V.I. SUBRAMONIAM COMMEMORATION VOLUMES Vol. I: Studies on Dravidian - Crown ¼, pp. xx + 515, Rs. 1,280/- (US$ 110/-) Vol. II: Studies on Indian Languages and Cultures – Crown ¼, pp. xx + 458, Rs. 1,150/- (US$ 105/-) Dravidian Syntactic Typology Sanford B. Steever, 2017, PB, Demy 1/8,

pp. xiv + 162, Rs. 240/ - (US$ 24/ -)

Vol. 44 No. 11 Website www.ijdl.org Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] NOVEMBER 2020


CONTENTS ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT OF Administrative Report of DLA 1 DLA (2019-2020) Draft National Education Policy 2 (Continued from the last issue) 2020 – Comments Report - International Conference 4 Fixed Deposits Review – A Linguistic and Cultural … 5 jksdfjksdfjlkDLA sdfjksdjlfk has 33 dfjkfixed sdfjkdjfk deposits dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfkfor the face value of International Webinar 5 Rs.dfjkjkdjfk 70,11,979/-. dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk Memorial Lectures 6 sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk National Seminar 6 DLAdfjkdkkd News dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk Ezhuthachan Puraskaram to Paul Zacharia 6 dfkdfkdfDLA jksdfjksdfjlk News , sdfjksdjlfka monthly dfjk sdfjkdjfknewsletter dfjkdfjk of the Dravidian Poet Akkitham no more 6 dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf Linguistic Association of India, was started in Aug ust New Publication of DLA 6

1977jksdfjksdfjlk and since sdfjksdjlfk then dfjk it sdfjkdjfk is published dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk quite regularly . DLA News reports all academic activities ofdfjkjkdjfk DLA, dfjkdjfkISDL and dfjkdkkd other dkkdk institutions dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk concerned with linguistics and allied disciplines. It also sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk deals with recentdfjkdkkd trendsdkkdk dfkdfk in linguistics and gives the details of seminars, workshops and dfconferences jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk organized dfjk sdfjkdjfk by the dfjkdfjk DLA, dfjkdjfk International School of Dravidian Linguistics, other dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfkacademic dfjk institutionssdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk and dfjkdjfk University dfjkjkdjfk Departments.dfjkdjfk d fdkjdkjkjdkfjfkjkfjdkjflk dlkfjdkdf lkdfjkdlfjdfkjdkfljdkfljdfkldjfkldfjDuring the year April 2019 to March 2020, 12 editions of the DLA News were ddfjkdlfjdfjkdjdkfjkdfjdfjkdfjjdfkjdfkjdfkdjfkfjdkfjdkfjpublished disseminating knowledge and information. Announcements of conferences and jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfkseminars dfjkdjfk on linguistics dfjkdkkd dkkdk and dfkdfkdf languages jksdfjksdfjlk organized in different universities have been given sdfjksdjlfkwide publicity dfjk sdfjkdjfk through dfjkdfjk DLAdfjkdjfk News dfjkjkdjfk. So also,dfjkdjfk the abstracts of the proceedings of some important dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfklinguistics dfjkdfjk conferencesdfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk are dfjkdjfk also dfjkdkkd published dkkdk in DLA News . Research articles of scholars in dfkdfkdflinguistics jksdfjksdfjlk are also sdfjksdjlfk serialized dfjk in sdfjkdjfk DLA News dfjkdfjk. dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk Through dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd its columns, dkkdk dfkdfkdf the DLA jksdfjksdfjlk fraternity expresses condolences to the bereaved family sdfjksdjlfkof the departed dfjk sdfjkdjfk souls dfjkdfjk who dfjkdjfk were dfjkjkdjfk eminent dfjkdjfk linguists or life-members of the DLA. dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjkThe DLA dfjkdjfk News dfjkjkdjfk is sent dfjkdjfk through dfjkdkkd email dkkdk to all those life-members who have email ID and dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfkto many dfjkjkdjfk of the dfjkdjfk institutions dfjkdkkd in dkkdk India dfkdfkdf and abroad. In addition, 600 copies of DLA News are jksdfjksdfjlkprinted and sdfjksdjlfk posted dfjk free sdfjkdjfk to the dfjkdfjk life-members dfjkdjfk of DLA (who prefer printed copy) and to the dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfkleading dfjk administrators sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfkand intellectuals dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk in India. DLA News is also mailed to scholars and dfjkdkkdinstitutions dkkdk in dfkdfkdf India jksdfjksdfjlkand abroad. sdfjksdjlfk It can also dfjk be downloaded from our website www.ijdl.org . sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdfTwelve issues of DLA News every year will cover most of the research activities of the linguistics departments of India.

Please buy and recommend the publications of DLA and ISDL to others. DLA and ISDL publications are now available at special discount. 1

sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk Website: www.ijdl.org dfkdfkdfDLA News jksdfjksdfjlk Vol. 44 November sdfjksdjlfk 2020 dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf j 4343 ksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk th th 47 ALL INDIA CONFERENCE OF DRAVIDIAN first issue of the 49 volume of IJDL (January LINGUISTS 2020) is already published. Many prestigious

DLA conducted the 47 th All India institutions including universities in India and abroad are regular subscribers of IJDL . In Conference of Dravidian Linguists & International Symposium on Language Endangerment at the addition to this, some of the accredited booksellers all over the world are the School of Humanities and Languages, Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi from 20 to subscribers of our Journal. This financial year 22 June 2019 and it was a great success. More (2019-2020) has shown an increase in the

than 150 scholars from all over India and total amount received from subscription of abroad participated and presented papers in the IJDL including the sale of back volumes of the

conference. Journal and the total amount comes to Rs. 70,729/-. It may be noted that the IJDL issues Collaboration and Support to ISDL are regularly sent free of cost to the life- The DLA extends full support and members of the Dravidian Linguistic collaborates with all academic activities of the Association of India. ISDL. Since DLA is presently housed in the ISDL

campus, the DLA gives all possible support for IJDL offers a platform for linguists and the works in connection with campus scholars in allied disciplines to express their

development, maintenance works, campus innovative ideas and new findings. The two beautification etc. During 2019-2020, DLA has issues of IJDL published in the financial year spent around Rs. 25000/- for this purpose. For 2019-2020, as usual, maintained the standards the completion of another seven rooms in the expected for such a prestigious Journal. The Tribal Block, DLA had spent around Rs. 12 lakhs contents of IJDL Vol. XLVIII No. 2 (June issue) during this financial year. consist of 9 articles, 2 reviews and Index. The Administrative & Publication Division contents of Vol. XLIX No. 1 (January issue) Dravidian Linguistic Association of India Theconsist second of 9phase articles of and 2 reviews. In both theissues, Orientation the contributors Course include well-known REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL forProfessors language teachers and young researchers. All OF DRAVIDIAN LINGUISTICS was held on 7 th and articles are selected purely on their merit. The International Journal of Dravidian 8th February 2019 at V.I. Subramoniam Linguistics was started in January 1971 by the DRAFT NATIONAL EDUCATION Memorial ISDL Complex, POLICY 2020 – COMMENTS Department of Linguistics, University of Kerala. Menamkulam. The

(Continued from the last issue) The journal was later taken over by the course began with an Dravidian Linguistic Association of India for its inauguralSuggestion session: The existing in which paragraph Prof. Naduvattom may be Gopalakrishnan welcomed the gathering. effective running in 1976. replaced with: Prof. V.R. Prabodhachandran Nair, former IJDL is published biannually i.e., in Head“It is well-known and Professor that many ST of communities Linguistics, in January and in June. Till now, this journal is UniversityIndia have, over of Keralathe ages, and perfected the recipientsystems of of published in time without having any break. The theECCE first consistent award withfor classical life-as-lived , by the

first issue of the 49 volume of IJDL (January inauguratedcommunity the concerned. course. Prof. InN. Gopinathan some cases, Nair, Latest Publications: EVOLUTION OF MALAYALAM , Anantaramayyar Chandrasekhar, 2020, PB, Crown 1/4, pp. 8+216, Rs. 450/- (US$ 45/-). THE DRAVIDIAN CULTURE AND ITS DIFFUSION , T.K. Krishna Menon, 2020, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. 58, Rs. 75/- (US$ 7.50/-). THE MOTHER GODDESS IN BENGAL AND IN KERALA , T. Madhava Menon, 2020, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. vi + 463, Rs. 600/- (US$ 60/-). INDEX OF KA AŚŚ A RĀMĀYA AM , Puthuserry Ramachandran, 2020, HB, Demy 1/8, pp. 1122, Rs. 1930/- (US$ 193/-). COLLECTED PAPERS ON TAMIL , Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan (Ed.), 2019, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. x + 374. Rs. 400/-

(US$ 40/-).


Website: www.ijdl.org

DLA News Vol. 44 November 2020 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

community concerned. In some cases, these systems home areas. Non-tribal personnel posted in schools may be reinforced so that education above the levels in such areas will be relocated in order to envisaged by these systems may be seamlessly accommodate ST teachers wherever available”. made available to the children. In other cases, new [Note: Some ST communities in India traditionally procedures may have to be developed, complementary adopted a 20-based number system. They have been, to the traditional systems, and incorporating the over the years, adjusting to the 10-based system, but there may be still pockets where at the hamlet level, the concepts being developed in this Policy. The ST earlier system is still in use. This, and several other communities have under enactments like PESA, local issues may arise in our vast country – this Forest Rights Act etc., several rights of self-deter- emphasizes the need for a decentralized operational mination that cannot be compromised by bureaucratic strategy rather than centralized approaches.] decision making. The Central Ministry of ST Affairs The Policy rightly emphasizes the will jointly with those of MHRD, Women & Child importance of ensuring sound nutritional Development, Health and Family Welfare help the standards. This is complicated not merely by State Governments to devise programs specially availability of the requisite materials, but also tailored to the ST communities in their States, by cultural preferences and familial behaviours. consistent with the culture of the ST community Especially in ST areas, children may be concerned, and with the full informed consent of the exceptionally sensitive to such issues. community concerned, through their organizations Biological features like intolerance to milk recognized either by tradition or by enactment”. etc., may also be complicating factors. 3. Foundational Literacy & Numeracy: One of Therefore, the provision of breakfast etc., in schools in the ST areas should be carefully the most welcome statements in the Policy is in regard to “Special attention (to be given) to planned, with the full-informed participation of employing local teachers or those with familiarity the parents and medical experts. with local languages”. In States where the 4. Drop-out : It is well-known that one of the recruitment of teachers is through highly centralized reasons for drop-out is the need to utilize the agencies and procedures like the State Public child’s labour in traditional occupations like Services Commission (e.g. Kerala), the formulae for certain forms of agriculture. This is not always posting of teachers consistent with rank gained, reprehensible, because such occupation is the preference expressed, and community identification future livelihood of the young people, and often result in the posting of teachers to schools early exposure to its chores is invaluable – in where the dialect which the teacher uses is the perception of the student and his people, unintelligible to the students. In ST areas of such even preferable to the attainments promised States, teacher posts are left unfilled, even though by the formal educational system.

ST recruits from those areas are posted in distant As a special solution to this problem, locations. particularly in the case of families below the Suggestion : A paragraph may be added, as poverty line, school systems have to be devised follows: that will harmonize the school vacations/ holidays and the periods for cyclical increase “In several ST areas, teachers’ posts remain unfilled even though qualified ST candidates in demand for livelihood occupations of the from those areas are posted elsewhere. community.

Wherever necessary, rules will be changed to The Policy emphasizes the need for the ensure that ST teachers are posted in their own re-establishment of the credibility of Government

TRIBUTES OF LOVE AND AFFECTION: REMINISCENCES OF PR OF. V.I. SUBRAMONIAM , Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan, T.P. Sankarankutty Nair & C.S. Hariharan (Eds.), 2019, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. vi + 212, Rs. 300/- (US$ 30/-). THE RIDDLE THAT IS TAMIL , R. Kothandaraman (Ed.), 2019, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. iiv + 480, Rs. 750/- (US$ 75/-). STUDIES ON BANGLA LINGUISTICS , Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan (Ed.), 2019, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. viii + 385, Rs. 450/- (US$ 45/-).


Website: www.ijdl.org DLA News Vol. 44 November 2020 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Schools. Kerala has signally achieved increasing Vellanad, used to ponder over the conundrum the desirability of admission in Government of whether “Education” should be for “Life” or Schools in preference to even prestigious for “Livelihood”. He sought for answers in a private institutions in the same locality. It is combination of the philosophies and

heartening to note that in this context, the methodologies adopted by Rabindranath Policy states: Tagore at the Viswa Bharathi, “Community “Alternative and innovative education centres Centred Education” developed by Morgan in will be put in place in cooperation with civil USA, the liberal value systems enshrined in the Danish Folk School Movement, and society to ensure that the children of migrant labourers, and other children who are “Craft-centred Education” practiced by Mahatma dropping out …. are brought back into Gandhi in Wardha. He tried to implement mainstream education” ( emphasis supplied.) these innovations through institutional systems, but found that the emphasis had to shift [Note: This emphasis has been supplied because it is from “Education for Life” to “Education for one of the rare mentions of recognition in the Policy, of Livelihood”, the latter being synonymous with collaboration with local communities in devising and entitlement to employment under Government management of educational activity!] or other institutional employer as far as Children should LOVE going to school. Kerala is concerned. The abiding lesson from

The responsibility for ensuring that should be these experiences is that every system of primarily with the teachers concerned. The informal education has to factor in local attractiveness of the school will depend largely realities and conditions. Ideally, they have to on its acceptability to an association with the be individually tailored to meet specific local communities . individual requirements. Endless variety,

Multiple pathways to learning : The Policy, changing combinations, and differing strategies again rightly, emphasises the Socio-Economically are essential in what is a most dynamic Disadvantaged Groups (SEDG) and advocates situation. both formal and non-formal education modes. [To be continued]

It proposes to expand and strengthen distance T. Madhava Menon (IAS Retd.) education systems for “meeting the learning Former Vice-Chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University needs of young people who are not able to attend a physical school”. However, the programs TATATATA proposed are closely “equivalent” to the levels AATA

and grades of the formal school system. Thus, AASSTT the Policy will lead to a “formalization” of STATSASTS informal systems in order to achieve “equivalence” T with school products! (Continued from the last issue) The need for non-formal systems arises Plenary lectures were delivered by Prof. B. from a multiplicity of causes, the most Hariharan, Head, Institute of English, University of important of which is requirement that the Kerala, India, Prof. Anter Abdellah, South Valley child is a participant of the production processes University, Egypt, Prof. Ivy Song Jiayang, Xiamen constituting the livelihood of the community. University, China, Prof. Lal C.A., School of Distance Here again, the variations of conditions that Education, University of Kerala, India, Mansi Bajaj, may be encountered in India are countless. University of Texas, USA on the topics The Diary an The essence of non-formal systems should be English Teacher did not Keep, A Brief History of ELT in a corresponding variability. Egypt over the 20 th Century, Brief Introduction of

The noted educationist, the late Sri English Language Education in China, Continuous Professional Development of ESL Teachers: Need and Viswanathan (Padma Sri) of the Mitraniketan, Lacks, Teaching a Foreign Language On line respectively. EVOLUTION OF A COMPOSITE CULTURE IN KERALA , B. Padmakumari Amma, 2019, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. xiv + 341, Rs. 35 0/ - (US$ 35/-). EFFECTIVITY AND CAUSATIVITY IN TAMIL , K. Paramasivam, 2019 Reprint, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. 6 + 83, Rs. 150/- (US$ 15/-). AAA , S. Sarojani Amma, 2019, HB, Demy 1/8, pp. 1854, Rs. 1650/- (US$ 165/-). EUROPEAN IMPACT ON MODERN TAMIL WRITING AND LITERATURE , Somalay, 2019 (Reprint), PB, Crown 1/4, pp. 88, Rs. 185/- (US$ 18/-). 4

Website: www.ijdl.org DLA News Vol. 44 November 2020 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Lacks, Teaching a Foreign Language Online distinct, separate and unique language. The earliest respectively. There were nine technical sessions which available literary work of Tamil-Malayalam school is which is a style of poetry which were brainstormed with the nuances of language learning and teaching, pedagogy, online teaching, assessment. Along stands as a best example of the influence of Tamil with the Yemeni professors and research scholars, Literature in the formative period of Malayalam. many eminent personalities from Egypt, Malaysia, Again, in promoting the Devi cult in Kerala, China, USA, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and India played a very significant role. As per the Tamil epic, Goddess Kannaki’s ascent to Heaven participated and presented papers. Stalwarts like Prof. Anter Abdellah, Egypt, Prof. Bindu R.L., India, was from Tirucenkunru. Again, , a puppet show performed as a ritual in the Kali Temple Dr. Morsal Shaif Mohammad Haidarah, Yemen, of Palakkad district, has a Tamil origin. Furthermore, Dr. Muhammad Azanee Saad, Malaysia, Prof. Rajendran the origin of Musical plays in Malayalam is also S., India, Dr. Basim Alamri, Saudi Arabia, Dr. Bekalu inspired by the Tamil musical Plays which were Atnafu, Ethiopia, Prof. Dr. S.A. Shanavas, India and widely staged in Kerala in the latter half of 19 th Dr. Sajeena Shukkoor, Post-Doctoral Fellow, University century. of Kerala, India chaired the technical sessions. Chapter 10: Tolkāppiyam and LLïlïlïlïlātilakamātilakam The conference witnessed discussions and The first book on Malayalam Language is deliberations on ELT for Community Engagement, which appeared in the second half of the ELT Teachers’ dilemma in classrooms in vernacular 14 th century. The paper deals with the comments as schools, effects of Audio Visual aids, innovative depicted in regarding the language pedagogical styles, impact of ICT resources on ESL spoken at that time in Kerala. According to learners, use of folktales in ELT, effect of teachers’ there were only * and feedback, selecting and evaluating podcasts, best *, regional dialects of Tamil and it is practices in online language assessment, usage of digital eventually interesting to note that there is no tools, use of corpus-based instructional mediation, use * at that time, though geographically Kerala of inquiry-based writing instruction, role of games in was a part of the ancient Cera Kingdom. Again, the EFL learning, role of linguistics in ELT, English commentators of called the language of education at higher secondary level in Kerala, India. Malaināţu (Kerala) as n but it The conference proceedings were summed up by Dr. had its own phonological and morphological features Sajeena Shukkoor, India. The two-day conference which are alien to Tamil. Taking into consideration of ended with the release of the book titled The Relation all these references, proclaimed the language of Kerala as + * which is different between Stylistics and Linguistics by Dr. B. Sreedevi, former Emeritus Professor, University of Kerala. The book was from Cola and Pandya Tamil. compiled and edited by Prof. S.A. Shanavas and [To be continued] published by the University of Kerala. S.A. Shanavas INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR ON 5T5Tss """TRANSLATIONTRANSLATION,,,, THEORY, TOOLS, TECHNIQUES AND TACTICS """ Review. A LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL STUDY The Department of Linguistics, University of OF MALAYALAM AND TAMIL. Naduvattom Kerala, India in association with the Department of Gopalakrishnan. 2018. Thiruvananthapuram: Translation, Faculty of Languages, University of Sana'a, International School of Dravidian Linguistics. Yemen and the School of Language and Literature, Farook Pp. 183. College (Autonomous), Calicut, Kerala, India is organizing a (Continued from the last issue) three-day International Webinar on " Translation, Theory, Tools, Techniques and Tactics ", from 23 to 25 November 2020. Chapter 9: Influence of Tamil literature in Malayalam For more details, contact Prof. S.A. Shanavas, Head of the The paper tries to portray the influence of Department of Linguistics, University of Kerala, India Tamil Literature in the evolution of Malayalam as a ([email protected] , +91 -9495074811 ). yyy FOREIGN MODELS IN TAMIL GRAMMAR , T.P. Meenakshisundaran, 2019 (Reprint), PB, Demy 1/8, pp. 8+330+iv, Rs. 320 /- (US$ 32/-). SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC ROLES IN BANGLA AND MALAYALAM , Dhrubajyoti Das, 2019, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. xviii + 250, Rs. 300/- (US$ 30/-). DRAVIDIAN , Suniti Kumar Chatterji, 2019 (Reprint), PB, Demy 1/8, Pp. 6 + 84, Rs. 150/- (US$ 15/-).


Registration No. KL/TV(N)/116/2015-2017 Date of Publication 15.11.2020 V.I. Subramoniam Memorial ISDL Complex St. Xavier’s College P.O. Thiruvananthapuram - 695 586

Tel. 0471-2704953, 2704951, 2704282 Price Rs. 5/- Fax 0471-2704953 x RNI 29572 Web site: www.ijdl.org DLA News Vol. 44 November 2020 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

LIST OF DLA LIFE-MEMBERS DR. SOMASEKHARAN NAIR LECTURE HELD IN ISDL awarded the (In Padma the Chronological Shri in 2017.Order; Continued) Apart from the Ezhuthachan Award he won in 2008, Akkitham was Dr. P. Somasekharan Nair Memorial Lecture was bestowed with , Asan Award, held on 6 November 2020 in the International School Award, Lalithambika Antharjanam Award of Dravidian Linguistics campus at Menamkulam, and several other honours. Thiruvananthapuram. Prof. G.K. Panikkar delivered Harikumar Basi the lecture. Prof. Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan

(Director, ISDL) welcomed the gathering and ISDL RESEARCH FORUM Dr. Abdul Samed proposed the vote of thanks. LIST OF PAPERS PRESENTED IN OCTOBER 2020

NATIONAL SEMINAR 07.10.2020: Review of Natural Language Processing Renjith Sekhar R. The Bengali Unit of the International School 14.10.2020: Pāṇar Community in the Sangam Period of Dravidian Linguistics is organizing a one-day Dr. Vijaya Lekshmi C.S.

National seminar on n n 21.10.2020: Bengalees in Kerala – “A Sociolinguistic Study”: nn n n n Data Analysis on Language Aspects on 26 November 2020 in connection with Stalin Sardar th his 130 birth anniversary at Rabindra Bhavan, 28.10.2020: Malayalam-Bengali Dictionary: An Introduction ISDL campus, Thiruvananthapuram. He is the first Mr. Akash Bhagat President of the Dravidian Linguistic Association of

India. NEW PUBLICATION OF DLA COLLECTED PAPERS OF V.I. SUBRAMONIAM TAAASAAT AAAA Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan (Ed.), 2020, HB, Crown 1/4, pp. 6+187, Rs. 450/- (US$ 45/-) Ezhuthachan Puraskaram, the highest literary honour of the , in the name of NEW LIFE-MEMBERS OF DLA (October 2020) Thunchaththu Ramanujan Ezhuthachan, the father of 1. Mr. Praveen Singh (Membership No. 1408/2020 ) modern Malayalam, has been awarded to Paul 1/724, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow – 226 022, Uttar Pradesh

Zacharia for his contribution to . 2. Dr. Manish Kumar (Membership No. 1409/2020 ) P-304, Shri Radha Vintage, Opp. Shri Radha City, Govardhan Road,

Madhura – 281 004, Uttar Pradesh TATAContribution to DLA NEWS ENDOWMENT FUND 3. Dr. Meena C. Debashish (Membership No. 1410/2020 ) Malayalam poet and Jnanpith laureate E-203, May Flower Grande, Mallapur, Hyderabad – 500 076, 1.16 Dr. Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan Rs. 50.00 Akkitham Achuthan Namboothiri (94) died in Telangana TOTAL AS OF LAST MONTH Rs. 1,88,056.00 4. Ms. Vijaya Lekshmi C.S. (Membership No. 1411/2020 ) Thrissur CURRENT on 15 October TOTAL 2020. He was Rs. born 1,88,106.00 in 1926 at “Lekshmi Bhavan”, Kurinchilakode, Kokkothamangalam, Mandela, Kumaranallur in Palakkad. He has authored four P.O. Nedumangad, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 543, Kerala dozen works in poetry, stories, plays and essays. His 5. Mr. Dupukuntla Ramesh Bhushan (Membership No. 1412/2020 ) work Balidarshanam won the Kerala and Kendra nd Room 323, 2 Floor, SPPEL, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Sahitya Akademi awards in 1972 -73. He was Manasagangotri, Hunsur Road, Mysuru – 570 006

Printed and published by Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan, Dean, Dravidian Linguistic Association of India, Thiruvananthapuram. Edit ed by G.K. Panikkar on behalf of Dravidian Linguistic Association of India. Pageset by Harikumar Basi (ISDL). Printed at Time Offset Printers, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Published at International School of Dravidian Linguistics, V.I. Subramoniam Memorial ISDL Complex, St. Xavier’s College P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695 586, Kerala, India. 6