Benefit Incidence Analysis of Constituencies Development Fund Spending on Education Bursaries in Makueni County, Kenya
BENEFIT INCIDENCE ANALYSIS OF CONSTITUENCIES DEVELOPMENT FUND SPENDING ON EDUCATION BURSARIES IN MAKUENI COUNTY, KENYA MAKALI B. MULU K96/12327/2009 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ECONOMICS TO THE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS OF KENYATTA UNIVERSITY JUNE, 2015 DECLARATION This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university or any other award. Signature ---------------------------------- Date ---------------------------------- Makali B. Mulu B.A (Hons), M.A (Economics) Reg.No. K96/12327/2009 This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as university supervisors. Signature ------------------------------ Date ----------------------------------- Prof. Nelson H Were Wawire Department of Applied Economics Kenyatta University Signature ------------------------------- Date ----------------------------------- Dr Susan O. Okeri Department of Econometrics and Statistics Kenyatta University Signature -------------------------------- Date ----------------------------------- Dr. Dianah Muchai Department of Econometrics and Statistics Kenyatta University i DEDICATION To my family for prayers, support, encouragement and patience ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Above all, my sincere thanks and praises to our Almighty God who has brought me this far. Special appreciation and gratitude go to my supervisors Prof. Nelson H.W. Wawire, Dr. Susan Okeri and Dr. Dianah Muchai for immensely providing guidance and suggestions during the Thesis writing as well as showing keen interest in my research. Without their unwavering support and advice, this Thesis would never have become a reality. I also acknowledge the valuable comments and advice received from my lecturers at the School of Economics, Kenyatta University. I am equally indebted to my classmates Elphas Ojiambo, Maurice Ogada, James Karau, Mutuku Mutinda, Kennedy Ocharo, Fredrick Owiti, Herman Mwangi, Maina Mutuaruhiu, Charles Nyadenge and Maurice Ombok for their encouragement, inspiration and moral support.
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