Water Resources Department Performance Budget
GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (MAJOR, MEDIUM IRRIGATION AND CADA) PERFORMANCE BUDGET 2017-18 JUNE 2017 1 PREFACE The Administrative Reforms Commission set up by the Government of India, inter alia, recommended that Department/Organizations of both the Centre and the States, which are in charge of development programmes, should introduce performance budgeting. In accordance with this suggestion, the Water Resources Department has been publishing performance budget from the year 1977-78. The performance budget seeks to present the purpose and the objective for which funds are requested, the cost of the various programmes and activities and quantitative data, measuring the work performed or services rendered under each programme and activity. In other words, performance budget represents a work plan conceived in terms of functions, programmes, activities and projects with the financial and physical aspects closely interwoven in one document. It may be mentioned here that, in the performance budget compiled now, an attempt has been made to relate the traditional budget to the programmes and activities. Suggestions for improvements are welcome and these would be gratefully received and considered while publishing the performance budget in the coming years. Bangalore Principal Secretary to Government June 2017 Water Resources Department 2 INTRODUCTION Performance budgeting helps in focusing attention on programmes, activities and their costs as also the performance in both physical and financial terms. Having regard to the merits of the technique, the Government of Karnataka has decided to adopt the system. As is inherent in the technique of performance budgeting, programme has been presented giving brief particulars of the programme, irrigation potential activity, classification and source of finance.
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