Conference of States Parties (COSP12), United Nations, New York Side Event 12 June 2019 (8:15-9:30am) People with communication disabilities speak up for inclusion and participation: How the implementation of the CRPD and SDGs can support this right UN TV broadcast: and-participation-how-the-implementation-of-the-crpd-and-the-sdgs-can-support-this-right-cosp12-side- event/6047514452001/ International Communication Project: communication-project-event-united-nations/ Speak Up for Communication Rights Professor Sharynne McLeod, Charles Sturt University (
[email protected]) Distinguished Delegates of States Parties and Civil Society It is an honour to be speaking up for communication rights at the United Nations. Today I will speak about 4 topics: communication rights, invisibility, impact, and solutions. 1. COMMUNICATION RIGHTS As you know, last year the United Nations celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, UN, 1948). This declaration is the foundation for all other UN declarations and conventions, including the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD, United Nations, UN, 2006) that is the focus of Conference of States Parties 12 this week. Last year, I was privileged to be the editor of the special issue of the International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology to celebrate communication rights, particularly Article 19 of the UDHR (McLeod, 2018). The special issue received international support, as these photographs demonstrate. Every one of the 31 articles, written by people from 16 countries, relate to the COSP12 subtheme of awareness raising.