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Volume XIX, Number 2 March/April 2019 How to Welcome Owl Visitors ■ Respect personal space. Do not disturb owls or their nests. ■ Protect darkness. Turn off out- The Next door lights overnight, or put them on timers or motion sensors. Owls need darkness for their night hunting. STEP ■ Retain perches. Leave some large horizontal branches on trees. Toward a Healthier Future Owls like to perch and roost in large mature shaded and secluded trees. A Bi-monthly Newsletter of the Sebastopol Toxics Education Program ■ Offer shelter. Keep trees with cavities and old nests for owls to nest in. Or explore building or buy- Encouraging Natural rat poison can be highly toxic to curi- ing nesting boxes. Learn what boxes ous children, pets, and wildlife. (See work best for your desired owls, and Rodent Control over.) We shared the story of a reader how to set yours’ up effectively. whose cat was poisoned in TNS IX/6 ■ Did you know that one barn Provide a summer bath. Owls ( don’t generally need birdbaths. But in owl can eat 1,000 rodents in a STEP/stepvol9no6.pdf). And poisoned year? Or 155 gophers a year? summer heat they can enjoy a deeper rats can die behind walls, causing an birdbath for drinking or washing, ide- Many local birds of prey (including unreachable smell. owls, hawks, kestrels, and eagles) love ally in a more secluded spot. to eat mice, rats, and gophers. Thus 2) Avoid using other pesticides ■ Take down soccer and other they’re our natural allies in managing outside. Many studies have shown nets at night. Owls can fly into them these pests without toxics that common insecticides and her- and get tangled or caught. bicides can kill and weaken birds Yes, these soaring beauties that lift and other wildlife — and travel far Learn fun facts about owls at www. our eyes overhead — and offer magi- beyond their original property lines. cal soft hoots in the night — are also (See Plus the facts.cfm. For information on local part of nature’s systems at work. And relatively new neonicotinoid pesti- birds, see they offer us their services for free! cides are toxic to birds at shockingly For instance, one study found low levels. According to The Ameri- that, after raptor nesting boxes were can Bird Conservancy, “A single corn Other Rodent Control Steps placed in farm areas, applications for kernel coated with a neonicotinoid highly-toxic rodenticides dropped 50 can kill a songbird.” (https://bit. Rats and mice can cause damage to 90%. ( ly/2S842p1) The STEP Index can help to and inside buildings. Here are you find less-toxic alternatives to some key less-toxic ways to protect What You Can Do your current products. your home: So, how can you support raptors 3) Consider encouraging owls on ■ Find and block rodent entry in their essential role? your land. This can be an easy and points. An expert can help; look for 1) Don’t use rat poisons, at low-cost way to help reduce a pest one committed to non-toxic ways. home or work. Also don’t allow population. See the top right sidebar ■ Store food in secure contain- your pest control service to use for more. (Note: You might not want ers (especially grains). them. When rats are poisoned, so to do this if you have outdoor pets ■ Trap rodents that get inside. are the raptors who eat them. This or chickens. Or at least keep them With mice, you can use live traps to harms them protected or inside after twilight.) catch and release. But don’t do this — and your 4) Use other smarter rodent con- with rats, as it’s unsafe and against rodent con- trols. (See bottom right sidebar.) state law. With both mice and rats, trol goals, BONUS TIP: Are owls already you can also use electronic or snap by taking visiting your land? We often don’t traps. The latter can go inside an those nat- know, because of their quiet noctur- enclosure box. Don’t use glue traps, ural preda- nal ways and skillful camouflage. But as these can trap other creatures. tors out of their calls can give them away. Com- the rodent For more tips, see: The STEP pare the sounds you hear to the ones c o n t r o l Index under Rodents • www. listed here: (I’m game. Also, delighted to discover that I’m being even small control • visited by a Great Horned Owl!) amounts of programs-services/rodent-program the next s t e p The Harm of Rat Poisons Spring Cleaning with Local Toxics Disposal ■ Humans, including children. Tea Tree Oil More than 8,000 people were re- ported poisoned by rodenticides in We’ve previously talked about ■ The next Sebastopol Toxics the U.S. in 2016, according to the how you can use vinegar, liquid Collections Day is April 9, American Association of Poison soap, and baking soda for most of from 4 to 8pm. To make an Control Centers — including 6,605 your housecleaning needs. For more appointment, call 707/795-2025 children under age 6. Health impacts scrubbing power, you can add Bon or 877/747-1870 at least 24 can be serious. Children can be ex- Ami or Bartender’s Friend. hours before the event. You can posed by curiously eating discovered Another handy tool to amp up also drop items at the Household baits. People can also be exposed via your cleaning is tea tree oil, a steam Toxics Facility. poisoned game such as deer. distillation of the leaves of the Aus- ■ For more about local toxics ■ Pet cats and dogs. About 95,000 tralian tree Melaleuca alternifolia. disposal, see www.recyclenow. pet poisonings from rodenticides To use it, just dilute two tea- org or call 707/565-3375. were reported to American Poison spoons in two cups of water in a Control Centers in 2010. A top source spray bottle and shake. Label the of pet poisonings, rodenticides can bottle. Then spray it as desired on Seasonal Detoxing cause illness (with large vet bills) and spots you want to clean, disinfect, death. Pets can be exposed by eating and deodorize. You can spray it pe- ■ Wrangling weeds. The much- bait, or dead or dying rodents. riodically on your shower curtain, appreciated winter rains have likely grout, and tub corners. Add some to ■ . California offi cials have fed robust weeds in your yard. But Wildlife your cleansing spray, or a few drops found rodent poison in more than don’t use toxics on them. Instead, to your scented room spray. Or dab 37 species of animals, including en- explore and use our tips for less- a little on a cotton pad and rub into dangered wildlife. A recent California toxic weed control! smelly items such as gym shoes. It study reported that rat poisons were can even be dabbed on bug bites to For instance, spray vinegar (diluted found in the bodies of 90% of tested soothe them. Just remember that it’s or straight) on driveways and gravel mountain lions, 88% of bobcats, and strong and a little goes a long way! areas — anywhere that’s separate 70% of northern spotted owls. from your desired plants. Skip the For Rebecca Dwan’s article on her Many wild animals have been found “weed and feed” lawn products; they success using it on bathroom mold, can include hidden toxic herbicides. dead from eating poisoned rats. Plus, go to the STEP Index under Tea as other animals consume their car- Instead, prevent weeds from the tree oil, and click on II/3. For more start by nurturing a healthy lawn. casses, these toxics are passed along recipes, see www.apartmenttherapy. and poison the web of life. Even And remember that some common com/how-to-disinfect-your-whole- “weeds” have been traditionally sublethal doses can weaken animals, home-with-tea-tree-oil-238685. making them more susceptible to eaten and used for healing! disease and accidents. For a good summary index to our SOURCES: • www.birc. weeds articles, go to the STEP Index org/RaptorQ.pdf • www.biologicaldiversity. under Weeds and click on XVIII/3. org/news/press_releases/2018/rat-poison- ■ Managing ants. Are ants making 12-12-2018.php inroads into your home? To see my systematic less-toxic, and effective ABOUT STEP approach for managing them, go to the Online STEP Index under Ants The Next STEP (TNS) is published six times a year by the Sebastopol Toxics Education Pro- and click on issue XVII/1. gram (STEP). STEP is a project of the City of ■ Sebastopol, implemented by local citizen volun- Using home & garden prod- teers. STEP’s mission is to support city residents Got a pest problem? ucts safely. As you enjoy your in reducing their toxic use and exposure, creating a Or a toxics question? spring gardening, DIY projects, and healthier and safer Sebastopol for everyone. preparation for summer fun, be sure Newsletter Editor, Lead Writer & Layout: The STEP Online Index can Patricia Dines, Email [email protected] help! It makes it easy to look to read product labels carefully be- Newsletter Editorial Team: Patricia Dines and up your topic of interest and fore purchase and use. To learn more Jim Gleaves fi nd our well-researched, con- about how to do this, see our Index Newsletter Design Concept & Logo Design: densed, and useful information under Assessing toxics, V/4.