SPICe FERRY SERVICES IN SCOTLAND briefing ALAN REHFISCH 9 November 2007 Ferries provide a physical link between remote mainland and island 07/56 communities and major population centres. Scotland’s ferries play a particularly important role in the social and economic life of the Western and Northern Isles and the island and peninsula communities on the River Clyde. This briefing looks at who provides these services and how they are funded. It goes on to examine how EU legislation has affected the provision of ferry services and provides up to date statistics on ferry usage. This briefing only looks at ferries serving destinations within Scotland and does not look at ferry services linking Scotland with Northern Ireland or continental Europe. Photo: Good Shepherd IV - Shetland Islands Council Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) Briefings are compiled for the benefit of the Members of the Parliament and their personal staff. Authors are available to discuss the contents of these papers with MSPs and their staff who should contact Alan Rehfisch on extension 85158 or email
[email protected]. Members of the public or external organisations may comment on this briefing by emailing us at
[email protected]. However, researchers are unable to enter into personal discussion in relation to SPICe Briefing Papers. If you have any general questions about the work of the Parliament you can email the Parliament’s Public Information Service at
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