Downloaded 09/23/21 06:07 PM UTC DECEMBER1956 MONTHLYWEATHERREVIEW 437
436 MONTHLY WEATHER, REVIEW DECEMBER1956 HURRICANE SEASON OF 1956 GORDON E. DUNN,WALTER R. DAVIS, AND PAUL L. MOORE Weather Bureau Office, Mlarni, Fla. TABLE1.-Damage and deaths from all tropical storms and dis- 1. GENERAL SUMMARY tnrbames of 1956 The 1956 hurricane seasonwas comparatively mild Type of storm Area from thestandpoint of stormfrequency. Only eight - ~___- tropical storms developed compared to an average during 4 La., Miss. 0 Tampico, Mex. thepast two decades of ten;four reached hurricane 18 French West Indies. 9 Puerto Rieo. intensitycompared to a normal of five duringrecent 0 Bahamas. 27 Mexico. years. In onlytwo of thepast 15 years have tropical 15 Mostly in La., Miss., Ala.. Fla. storms been so few and, by 1925 standards of detection HurricaneGreta- ...~~..~ 0 Mostly Fla. east coast. 3-5. ~.~ 1,899,201 Puerto1 Rico and other and classification, possibly only three storms would have islands in Antilles. Tropical disturbance.. ~ ~ July 4-5-. ~ ~ ~ 503,000 0 Alabama. been designated astropical. Two storms reached the &uasi-tropicalstorm...~~ Oct. 15-16." 3,000,000 2 Florida. c___~ coastline of the United States, both in theGulf of Mexico. Total in United .. .~. -.~ ~. .. ~ ~ $30,007,605 The 1956 season was also mild from the standpoint of States. TotalAtlantic I..."-.-- ..... I$67,836,806 I il I tropical stormintensity. One of thestorms was of hurricane area. I I/ hurricane intensity for only a few hours, Flossy was of *Zero indicates no deathsreported. full hurricaneintensity nomore than 24 hours,and hurricane Greta was asmuch extratropical as tropical storms and there was never any definite center or eye.
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