December | 2013 Newsletter Centre for International & Public Law

CONTENTS Note from the Director ...... 3 Events from December 2012 – November 2013...... 5 Australian Year Book of International Law ...... 19 Cambridge University Press Series...... 20 New CIPL Staff Members...... 22 CIPL Interns...... 24 New CIPL visiting programs ...... 25 Publications by Centre Members ...... 26 Presentations, Papers and other Activities...... 28 Centre Staff & Members...... 37

ANU College of Law Note from the Acting Director Dr James Stellios It is with great pleasure that I report on the Centre’s activities for the last The Centre has had 12 months. The Centre has had a rich and diverse program engaging with important issues of public policy across international and public law areas. a rich and diverse Our program this year was highlighted by five conferences: symposia to mark program engaging the 30th anniversaries of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the with important High Court’s decision in the Dam Case; a conference to explore the whaling dispute before the International Court of Justice, the 21st Annual issues of public ANZSIL Conference, and the Public Law Weekend which focused on a range policy across of important and current administrative law issues. There was also a public seminar to explore the High Court challenge to the ACT Marriage Equality international and Act 2013, with a number of other public seminars on a range of issues. public law areas. In many cases we were able to collaborate with other ANU and College Centres and our government colleagues in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department. We look forward to continuing those collaborations into the future. I also thank Professor Andrew Byrnes (UNSW), ANZSIL President, Professor Don Anton (ANU) and the other members of the conference organising committee for running a successful ANZSIL conference again this year. We were privileged to hear from two distinguished speakers delivering the Annual Kirby Lecture on International Law and the Annual Geoffrey Sawer Lecture. Professor Gillian Triggs, the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, delivered the Kirby Lecture entitled ‘Freedom of Speech and Giving Offence: Can a Balance be Struck?’. Former Dean of the ANU College of Law, Professor Michael Coper, delivered the Sawer Lecture looking at Geoffrey Sawer’s contribution to Australian legal and political life. His lecture was entitled ‘Geoffrey Sawer and the Art of the Academic Commentator: A Preliminary Biographical Sketch’. We were honoured to have heard their significant and insightful contributions to these premier Centre events. The details of our entire public program can be found in the newsletter below. I would like to thank my CIPL colleagues, particularly Don Anton, Kevin Boreham, Tim Bonyhady, Sarah Heathcote, Leighton McDonald, Andrew Macintosh, Wayne Morgan, Heather Roberts, Don Rothwell and Daniel Stewart, for their assistance in delivering this year’s program.

Top: Kaushik Ramesh, Rui Lam, Sascha Silbertein, Dr Ryan Goss, The Centre welcomed five new academic members in the last 12 months: Prof Donald Rothwell, Katelyn Ewart, Joshua Neoh and Dr James Stellios Ryan Goss, Joshua Neoh, Kate Ogg, Imogen Saunders and Pauline Thai. Left: Prof Fiona Wheeler and Ms Rosalind Dixon Their teaching and research interests (profiled in the newsletter below) add

Above: Prof Tim Bonyhady and Dr Heather Roberts considerably to the diversity of the CIPL academic community. The Centre also had the benefit of hosting four student interns, who worked closely on their projects with CIPL members. The students were Katelyn Ewart, Rui Lam, Kaushik Ramesh and Sascha Silberstein, and their experiences are described in the newsletter below. I would like to thank Centre members, Ryan Goss, Joshua Neoh and Don Rothwell, for their supervision of CIPL interns and their contribution to the internship program.

2 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 3 In 2010, the The Federal Law Review, one of ’s leading academic journals, CIPL Events Federal Law has an annual prize for excellence in legal research awarded in honour Professor Leslie Zines. The Zines Prize for 2012 was awarded to Dr Brendan December 2012 – November 2013 Review introduced Lim. Further details can be found in the newsletter below. On behalf of the Centre and its members, I would like to congratulate Dr Lim on this SYMPOSIUM a prize for legal outstanding achievement. research in honour 10 December 2012 With this newsletter, my time as acting director of the Centre is nearing 30th Anniversary: UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of Professor Leslie an end. I would like to thank the Dean of the College, Professor Stephen Zines. The Zines Bottomley, for his support of the Centre and its activities, and the Centre’s Prize for 2012 Advisory Board for its continuing guidance. I would also like to acknowledge The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea opened for signature and thank the members of the College’s Outreach and Community Support on 10 December 1982 at Montego Bay, Jamaica. Thirty years on, the was awarded to Team (COAST) for the professional and expert way in which they organise Convention has assumed the contours of universality – with 162 States Party. Dr Brendan Lim. and run CIPL events. In particular, I would like to thank Wendy Mohring for The achievements it embodies are immense. The drafters of the Convention her invaluable support of the Centre’s activities, with excellent assistance strived to improve global security and justice among states, while recognising from Christine DeBono, Kristian Draxl, Sarah Hull and Claire Atteia. that the oceans and their finite resources should be dealt with holistically. It is Professor Kim Rubenstein will return to the Director’s chair in 2014. a framework for dealing with the myriad ways in which humanity interacts with the oceans. James Stellios This symposium, co-hosted with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs December 2013 & Trade considered the achievements of the last 30 years and the challenges of the future.

CIPL Advisory Board Our Advisory Board members continue to provide invaluable support for the Centre. I thank Professor Stephen Bottomley, Dean, ANU College of Law, ANU, the Honourable Justice Susan Kenny, Federal Court of Australia, Professor William Maley, AM, Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy, Mr Richard Rowe, Senior Legal Advisor, International Organisations & Legal Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Professor Don Rothwell, Professor of International Law, Centre for International and Public Law, ANU College of Law, ANU, Mr Roger Wilkins AO, Secretary, Attorney-General’s Department, The Honourable Justice Richard Refshauge, The Supreme Court of the ACT, Ms Kathy Leigh ACT Deptartment of Justice & Community Safety. Bill Campbell QC, Prof Don Rothwell, Mark Alcock and Anthony Bergin

PUBLIC LECTURE 28 February 2013 Somali Pirates as Agents of Change in International Law and Organisation Dr Douglas Guilfoyle, Reader in Law, University College London Somali pirate attacks on world shipping are finally declining: but what explains this, and what does it tell us about international law and organisation? Both Somali piracy and counter-piracy efforts have proven highly adaptive. Somali pirates have been agents of international change, but largely at the level of generating new models of cooperation and soft- law. But to what extent are the forms of international cooperation that have emerged particularly new or effective? This talk considered a series of shifts: the move from a military approach to law enforcement operations; from unilateral enforcement to transnational coordination; from reliance on formal organizations to informal coordinating bodies; and from maritime law-enforcement to land-based operations, including criminal justice reform.

4 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 5 However, industry and market based measures may have proven the most atolls, and cays, a threshold issue will be the capacity of these features to effective in suppressing piracy—and pirates themselves may now be looking generate maritime zones consistent with the 1982 United Nations Convention for new markets to enter. on the Law of the Sea. In this regard, particular legal questions arise as to whether these maritime features are Article 121 (1) islands, or Article 121 (3) This lecture was co-hosted with Centre for Military & Security Law rocks. Even when those matters are determined, there will remain issues as to how these features will be considered for the purposes of delimiting EEZ or continental shelf maritime boundaries. Some of these matters have been highlighted by the January 2013 application by the Philippines to invoke Part XV dispute resolution against China via Annex VII Arbitration. This seminar assessed these legal questions, and also considered the ICJ’s 2012 decision in Nicaragua/Colombia which has particular relevance to some of these legal issues. The seminar was facilitated by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Dr James Stellios, Assoc Prof David Letts, Dr Douglas Guilfoyle and Dr Hitoshi Nasu

PUBLIC LECTURE 28 March 2013 War, Law and the Future Dr William Boothby, Geneva Centre for Security Policy In this lecture, which was co-hosted with the Centre for Military & Security Law, Dr Boothby shared his thoughts from his current research discussing ideas and concerns about the law of armed conflict and its development, its interaction with international human rights law, the developing nature of modern conflicts, the evolving spectrum of conflicts, evolving methods of Prof Don Rothwell and Mr Greg French warfare, and their implications for international law more broadly. ROUNDTABLE 4 June 2013 The Challenges and Opportunities of Elected (E10) UNSC Membership Ambassador Colin Keating In this roundtable discussion, a panel of UN Security Council experts explored the phenomenon of elected member (E10) diplomacy on the UN Security Council. Elected members serve on the Security Council for fleeting two-year terms. Among the major challenges confronting incoming E10 members are swiftly mastering the substance of Security Council Assoc Prof David Letts, Dr William Boothby and Dr Hitoshi Nasu discussions and learning to engage strategically with the P5 and fellow E10 members through the Council’s complex negotiating dynamics. The PUBLIC LECTURE panellists included Ambassador Paul Keating, Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of New Zealand and former Executive Director of Security Council 24 May 2013 Report, Professor Ramesh Thakur, Centre for Nuclear Non-proliferation Current Law of the Sea Developments with respect to the South China Sea and Disarmament and Ambassador Guillermo Puente Ordorica, Chancellor, Professor Donald Rothwell, ANU College of Law Embassy of Mexico to Australia and former political co-ordinator and Deputy- permanent representative of Mexico on the UN Security Council. The South China Sea encompasses a number of land and maritime disputes and while the majority of the maritime claims within the region are or will be This event was co-hosted with the Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy, generated from islands and other maritime features such as rocks, reefs, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific.

6 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 7 CONFERENCE PUBLIC LECTURE 7 June 2013 4 July 2013 Whaling in the Antarctic Before the International Court of Justice The Annual Kirby Lecture on International Law Freedom of Speech and Giving Offence: court-justice-0 Can a Balance be Struck? In 2010 Australia commenced proceedings against Japan in the International Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian Human Rights Court of Justice with respect to Japan’s conduct of its JARPAII whaling Commission & Acting Race Discrimination Commissioner program in the Southern Ocean. The case commenced its oral phase on 26 Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs is the President of the Australian Human June 2013 with three weeks of hearings before the Court. Rights Commission, taking up her appointment by the Commonwealth This conference sought to review the background to the Whaling in the Attorney-General in 2012. She was Dean of the Faculty of Law and Challis Antarctic case, the Australian application before the International Court of Professor of International Law at the University of Sydney from 2007–12 and Justice, the proceedings to date, and the possible implications of the case Director of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law from for the International Whaling Commission. Consideration also was given 2005–07. She is a former Barrister with Seven Wentworth Chambers and a Governor of the College of Law. Mr Richard Rowe, Mr Roger Wilkins, to the anticipated legal argument to be made before the court, and New Prof Harold Koh, Prof Stephen Bottomley, Zealand’s 2012 Declaration of Intervention and the February 2013 Order The evening began with a video presentation by Michael Kirby who was Prof Gillian Triggs, Prof Andrew Byrnes, deciding that the New Zealand intervention was permissible. unable to be present. Mary-Christy Parker These proceedings have come at a pivotal time in the debate over the conduct of ‘scientific whaling’ under Article 8 of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling and the decision of the International Court of Justice will have profound implications for how these issues are considered in the future.

Dr Sarah Heathcote, Assoc Prof Shirley Scott, Dr Alan Hemmings and Mr Matthew Collis

Assoc Prof Don Anton, Dr Tim Stephens, Prof Donald Rothwell and Dr James Stellios

8 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 9 CONFERENCE The United States government has been conducting drone strikes within the sovereign territory of Pakistan since 2004, in breach of a plethora of 4 – 6 July 2013 international and domestic laws. According to independent sources, these 21st Annual ANZSIL Conference drone strikes have caused a large number of civilian casualties including Accountability and International Law those of women and children. Mr Akbar discussed the impact of drone warfare on civilians in Pakistan and outlined the various strategies adopted by the victims to seek redress. Dr James Stellios, Mr Shahzad Akbar, The 21st annual conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society Mr Steven Ratner, Dr Hitoshi Nasu and of International Law (ANZSIL) was held at University House from 4–6 July This lecture was co-hosted with Centre for Military & Security Law. Mr Moeen Cheema 2013. The conference, themed Accountability and International Law and the Prof Harold Koh, Prof Andrew Byrnes and program included excellent presentations from a range of governmental, Ms Mary-Christy Parker academic and non-governmental speakers who addressed this important theme across a wide range of areas.

Prof Shirley Scott, Ms Jo Tyndall, Mr Damien van der Toorn, Dr Tim Stephens and Prof Clive Hamilton

PUBLIC SEMINAR 20 August 2013 Choice of Court Agreements Convention 2005 and the Hague Conference Asia Pacific Regional Office

Ms Gabrielle Simm, Mr Wayne Morgan, Professor Anselmo Reyes, University of Hong Kong Prof Dianne Otto and Mr Dean Edwards Professor Reyes introduced the Hague Conference and the Hague PUBLIC SEMINAR Conference Asia Pacific Regional Office (HAPRO) and identified ways in which the ANU and other Australian students might participate in HAPRO’S 2 August 2013 work. He also spoke about the Choice of Court Agreements Convention Drone Strikes, US Policy & the Law 2005 and suggested that it offered a way to make litigation competitive Steven Ratner, University of Michigan Law School & Shahzad Akbar, with arbitration. Barrister, Foundation of Fundamental Rights (FFR), Pakistan The seminar was organised in association with the Commonwealth Professor Anselmo Reyes The United States government has offered a legal theory for the use of Attorney-General’s Department. drones based primarily on the jus ad bellum concept of self-defence as well as jus in bello concepts of distinction and proportionality. The US position, now elaborated in a formal paper by the Obama Administration, combines traditional doctrines and new ideas. Mr Ratner examined whether that policy is and should be the basis for a new set of legal regulations on drone warfare.

10 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2012 11 Dr James Stellios, Prof Anne Twomey, Prof the Hon Gareth Evans AC QC, Prof Greg Craven and Mr Jim Faulkner SC

SYMPOSIUM 22 August 2013 Tasmania Dam Case, 30th Anniversary Symposium The High Court’s 1983 decision in the Tasmanian Dam Case was a defining moment in Australian law and politics. The Court’s decision had enormous implications for the constitutional and political relationship between the Commonwealth and State governments. The decision paved the way for increased opportunities for the federal government to regulate in areas once the domain of the State governments, and added further constitutional significance to the Commonwealth government’s engagement at the Prof Michael Coper, Mr Ron Fraser and Ms Kathy Leigh international level. The impact of these dimensions of the case has been most prominent for environmental policy and in the protection of human rights in Australia. This symposium brought together leading Australian commentators to explore, 30 years on, its various dimensions and implications. It was co-hosted with the Australian Centre for Environmental Law, in association with the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department.

Dr Bob Brown, Dr Heather Roberts, Prof Tim Bonyhady and Assoc Prof Andrew Macintosh

12 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2012 13 PUBLIC SEMINAR 2 October 2013 Administrative Justice in Japan Professor Mitsuaki Usui, Meiji University, Tokyo Prof Usui gave a general overview of administrative justice in Japan with a particular emphasis on the system of administrative review tribunals in Japan. This seminar was co-hosted with the Australian Institute of Administrative Law

PUBLIC SEMINAR 14 November 2013 Marriage Equality Act Seminar Simon Corbell MLA, ACT Attorney-General; The Hon Dr Andrew Leigh, Federal Minister for Fraser; Wayne Morgan, The Australian National University and Kristen Walker, Victorian Bar This seminar looked at the enactment of the Marriage Equality Act by the ACT Legislative Assembly and the constitutional challenge to the legislation by the Commonwealth. The seminar focused on constitutional issues that arise and the question of which jurisdiction is the appropriate one to enact Ms Elizabeth Kelly, Prof Donald Rothwell, Prof Rosalind Dixon and Mr Bill Campbell QC same sex marriage legislation. Wayne Morgan, Kristen Walker, Simon Corbell MLA and Dr James Stellios

Prof George Williams AO, Prof Fiona Wheeler, Ms Jennifer Clarke and Prof Mick Dodson AM

14 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 15 CONFERENCE 15 November 2013 Public Law Weekend The Public Law Weekend is one of Australia’s leading public law events. This year’s conference focused on a range of important administrative law issues and developments, covering judicial review, tribunal decision-making, freedom of information, privacy and human rights. The program featured leading administrative law jurists, commentators and practitioners.

The Hon Justice Melissa Perry

Prof John McMillan AO, Timothy Pilgrim, Tara McNeilly and Prof Dennis Pearce AO

Assoc Prof Leighton McDonald Kristen Walker, Commissioner Linda Pearson and Prof Robin Creyke

The Hon Justice Mark Leeming and Prof Peter Cane Justin Gleeson SC and Prof William Gummow AC

16 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 17 ANNUAL ZINES PRIZE 15 November 2013 In 2010, the Federal Law Review introduced a prize for legal research in honour of Professor Leslie Zines. The prize is awarded annually to an author whose work is published in the most recent volume of the Federal Law Review. The intention of the prize is to encourage and reward outstanding legal scholarship in Australia and to recognise the many contributions Professor Leslie Zines has made to the better understanding of areas of law of interest to the Federal Law Review. The inaugural recipient of the prize was Dr Patrick Emerton, with Professor Stephen Bottomley being awarded the prize for 2011. The prize for 2012 was awarded during the Public Law Weekend to Dr Brendan Lim for his article entitled ‘Attributes and Attribution of State Courts – Federalism and the Kable Principle’ (2012) 40 Federal Law Review 31. We were greatly honoured to have Professor Zines attend the event to award the prize. On behalf of the Centre, we congratulate Dr Lim for his significant and original contribution to our understanding of the Kable principle. Our thanks also to Dr Amelia Simpson and Matthew Zagor, editors Emeritus Prof Leslie Zines of the Federal Law Review, for allowing the award to be presented in front of our public law community at the Public Law Weekend.

Assoc Prof Leighton McDonald, Dr Christos Mantziaris, Daniel Stewart and The Hon Justice Melissa Perry

Prof Robin Creyke Prof William Gummow AC Dr Brendan Lim

18 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 19 PUBLIC LECTURE AUSTRALIAN YEAR BOOK OF Sixteenth Annual Geoffrey Sawer Lecture Geoffrey Sawer and the Art of the Academic Commentator: INTERNATIONAL LAW A Preliminary Biographical Sketch Volume 31 Prof Michael Coper, ANU College of Law, The Australian National University On the occasion of the 16th annual lecture, Professor Michael Coper took a EDITORS look at the man himself and his contribution to Australian legal and political Donald R Rothwell and Sarah Heathcote (Kim Rubenstein on leave) life. How does his scholarship stand up today, when so much has changed in the legal and political landscape? What is enduring and what is transient ARTICLES in a life’s work? What obligation do we, as the inhabitors of the present, have Kirby Lecture in International Law to mine the time-bound wisdom of the past? What lessons can we draw and what insights can we glean when we look at law and life through the lens of The Laws of War: Under Siege or Gaining Ground? biography? In a preliminary biographical sketch of this outstanding scholar >> Louise Arbour, President and CEO of the International Crisis Group and warm and genial human being, Michael Coper drew upon Sawer’s Dr James Stellios, Prof Marian Sawer, ‘Strength through Cooperation’: a 21st Century Treaty for Multilateral Ms Elizabeth Penhallurick, Mrs Michael Sawer, writings, oral history interviews and private papers to pose these and other Maritime Enforcement in the Pacific Mr Michael Sawer, Ms Jenny Sawer and intriguing questions. Prof Michael Coper >> Camille Goodman A Balancing Act: Retaining Investor-State Dispute Settlement Provisions in Investment Agreements and Balancing Stakeholder Interests >> Thilini Perera and Dalma Demeter Recent Developments in the Maritime Boundaries and Maritime Zones of the Pacific >> Christina Trahanas

BOOK REVIEWS Edited by Sarah McCosker >> Cases before Australian Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2010 and 2011 >> Australian Cases before International Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2010 and 2011 >> Australian Legislation Concerning Matters of International Law 2010 and 2011 >> Australian Practice in International Law 2010 and 2011 >> Annual Survey of Recent Developments in Australian Private International Law 2010 and 2011 >> Australian Treaty Action 2010 and 2011 >> Table of Cases >> Table of Statutes >> International Instruments

20 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 21 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS PART IV: National Security Concerns and Counter-terrorism Law The Security of Citizenship?: Finnis in the Context of the United Kingdom’s (CUP) SERIES Citizenship Stripping Provisions >> Rayner Thwaites Connecting International law with Public law Political Criminals, Terrorists and Extra-Criminal The Fourth edition in the Series Allegiance and Identity in a Globalised World Regimes of Punishment will be published in 2014 >> Ben Golder & Christopher Michaelsen EDITORS Dangerous Intersection: Migration and Counter-terrorism Laws in the Case Fiona Jenkins, Mark Nolan and Kim Rubenstein of Dr Mohammed Haneef >> Dr Susan Harris Rimmer Introduction: PART V: Forced and Voluntary Migration of Refugees and Children Fiona Jenkins, Mark Nolan and Kim Rubenstein Recognition and Narrative Identities: Is Refugee Law Redeemable? PART 1: Constitutional Legal Foundations >> Matthew Zagor Identity at the Edge of the Constitutional Community Myth-conceiving sovereignty: the legacy of the 19th century >> Elisa Arcioni >> Eve Lester An Odd Partnership: Identity-based Constitutional Claims in Modern Democracy Betrayal and Broken Ties: British Child Migrants to Australia, Citizenship >> Vito Breda and Identity >> Sharon Bessell Reconciling Regional Autonomy with National Sovereignty: What Does China Mean to Hong Kong? PART VI: Temporary or Permanent Labour Migration >> Simon Marsden Temporary Migration, Identity and Allegiance Is Europe Still Worth Fighting For? Allegiance, Identity, and Integration >> Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi Paradigms Revisited Transnational Labour Migrants: Whose Responsibility? >> Pablo Crhistóbal Jimónez Lobeira >> Susan Kneebone PART II: Indigenous and Customary Law PART VII: Transnational and International Legal Perspectives (Em)placing Law: migration, belonging and place in Solomon Islands The Complicated Case of Stern Hu: Allegiance, Identity and Nationality >> Rebecca Monson & George Hoa’au in a Globalized World Does Law Constitute Identity? Indigenous Allegiance >> Joshua Neoh, Donald R Rothwell & Kim Rubenstein & Identity in Australia The End of Olympic Nationality >> Asmi Wood & Jo-Anne Weinman >> Peter J Spiro PART III: Social Inclusion and Exclusion The Perils of Judicial Construction of Identity: A Critical Analysis of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia’s Jurisprudence on Pledging Allegiance: The Strangers Inside Protected Persons Democracy and Citizenship >> Tamás Hoffman >> Fiona Jenkins Primordialism and Otherness: The ‘Ethnic’ Underpinning of ‘Minority’ in When Immigrants and Converts are Not Truly One of Us: International Law Examining the Social Psychology of Marginalizing Racism >> Mohammad Shahabuddin >> Michael J Platow, Diana M Grace, Michael J Smithson The Relevance of Nationality in the Age of Google, Skype and Facebook Diversity, National identity and Social Cohesion: Welfare Redistribution and National Defence >> Rushi Gulati >> Peter Balint Concluding Remarks >> Thomas Pogge

22 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 23 NEW CIPL STAFF MEMBERS

Imogen Saunders from 2011–13. At Oxford, he taught Constitutional Law and Administrative Dr Imogen Saunders completed her undergraduate degrees in law (first class Law to undergraduates (2011–13), and Criminal Justice & Human Rights to honours) and science at the University of , where she was postgraduate (BCL) students (2010–13). Ryan currently teaches Australian a member of the 2003 UWA Philip C Jessup Team that won the Australian Public Law and International Human Rights Law at the ANU. national rounds and the International rounds. Imogen was also awarded His forthcoming book (Hart, 2014), will update and expand on his doctoral best speaker in the grand final in the Australian rounds, and best speaker in research on criminal fair trial rights as considered in the case law of the the international rounds in Washington. Since 2003, Imogen has continued European Court of Human Rights. The doctorate was completed in 2012 her involvement with the Phillip C Jessup International Law Moot Court under the supervision of Professor Andrew Ashworth. Related work on Competition, acting as an assistant to the Australian National Administrator ‘secret evidence’ and closed material procedures will form the basis of a in 2008 and 2010, as well as assisting with ANU team selection in 2009, contribution to a section of a forthcoming edited collection that Ryan is being the faculty advisor to the ANU Jessup team in 2011 and coach of the sub-editing (Hart, 2014). ANU Jessup team in 2013. Imogen is assisting with the selection of the 2014 ANU Jessup team. Ryan has done consultant and pro bono research on related issues in the UK, India, and elsewhere, for a number of NGOs. Imogen practised law at a litigation firm in Western Australia, before moving to to begin a PhD at the ANU, on the subject of Article 38(1)(c) of Joshua Neoh the Statute of the International Court of Justice. She completed the PhD in 2012, and graduated in July 2013. During her time studying, Imogen acted Joshua is an alumnus of the ANU College of Law, graduating with First Class as a sessional lecturer, tutor and marker in many law courses at the ANU Honours and the University Medal in 2010. He rejoined the College as a College of Law including International Law, Property, Equity and Trusts, Lecturer in 2013. During the intervening years, Joshua received a Master of Lawyers, Justice and Ethics, Corporations Law, Foundations of Australian Laws from Yale Law School (2010–11); affiliated with the University of Oxford as Law and Principles of International Law (LLM). Imogen also has attended an Associate Member of the Senior Common Room at St Benet’s Hall (2011); conferences and workshops during her time studying, including participating and served as an Associate Lecturer at the University of Adelaide (2012). at the Four Societies Conference held at University of California Berkeley in September 2012 as a representative of the Australian New Zealand Society Kate Ogg of International Law (ANZSIL). A publication from this conference is planned Kate has a background in both law and sociology and undertakes to be forthcoming from Cambridge University Press. interdisciplinary research in the areas of refugee law, human rights law, Imogen has been a full time member of the academic staff at the ANU litigation, access to justice and feminist legal theory. She is currently College of Law since 2012, and was appointed as a lecturer in 2013. She has conducting research on the exclusion of women from the Refugee been the international student advisor since 2012. Convention on the grounds of criminality, the legal regulation of rescue from and confirment to refugee camps and the links between refugee law and She currently teaches into the compulsory Property, and Equity and Trusts transitional justice. She is also the Co-Editor in Chief of the Oxford Monitor courses, as well as convening and lecturing the International Trade Law of Forced Migration. elective. Imogen is a course convener and lecturer for the ‘International Law’ Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Graduate Training Program Kate has worked as a litigator for international and Australian based law conducted by the ANU College of Law in 2013. firms. She has also undertaken pro bono work for the Homeless Persons’ Legal Clinic and Self-Represented Civil Litigants’ Service (both run by the Ryan Goss Public Interest Law Clearing House), the National Children’s and Youth Law Centre and the Refugee and Immigration Legal Service. Ryan joined the ANU College of Law in mid-2013. His research focuses on human rights law, and particularly fair trial rights; his teaching focuses on In 2012, Kate graduated with a Masters in Refugee Studies from the constitutional law and human rights law. University of Oxford with Distinction. She was awarded a full academic scholarship to study for a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from After completing undergraduate studies at the University of Queensland, Griffith University and graduated in 2007 with first class honours, the Ryan was Associate to Justice PA Keane (then of the Queensland Court university medal and the prizes for best honours thesis and the Queensland of Appeal) and a graduate and solicitor at a commercial firm in . Law Society’s prize for best graduating student. After undertaking postgraduate study at the University of Oxford with the support of a Rhodes Scholarship (BCL and DPhil), Ryan worked as Junior Research Fellow in Law at Lincoln College, University of Oxford

24 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 25 Pauline Thai Kaushik Ramesh Pauline Thai joined the ANU College of Law as an Associate Lecturer This year marked the 30th anniversary of the landmark Tasmanian Dams in February 2012. She has taught Contract Law, Australian Public Law, case. So for my internship project, I looked at the impact the case has had Foundations of Australian Law and Labour Law. She was awarded the 2013 on the realms of international law, human rights law, environmental law and ANU Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning and Commonwealth-State relations. the 2012 ANU College of Law Award for Teaching Excellence (Early Career The internship didn’t just involve writing a paper however. By far the best part Teaching). Pauline has research interests in Labour Law, Contract Law and of the internship for me was the opportunity to assist at the Tasmanian Dam Constitutional Law. She is currently a Co-Editor of the Federal Law Review. symposium. It was great to hear from speakers who were personally involved Pauline graduated from the ANU with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons I)/Bachelor in the case, such as Dr Bob Brown, who was imprisoned for protesting at of Economics in 2010. She was awarded First Class Honours in Law, a the dam site and the Hon Gareth Evans AC QC who was the Commonwealth University Medal in Law and 14 prizes/scholarships, including the Supreme Attorney-General at the time. Court Judges’ Prize for graduating first in Law. From January 2011 – January The internship was also great as it gave me my first taste of archival work 2012, Pauline served as Associate to The Honourable Justice Virginia Bell AC at university. To this end I would like to thank Dr James Stellios for taking of the High Court of Australia. time out to personally meet me at the National Archives and showing me the ropes. I would highly recommend the internship to all students, especially those who have a keen interest in constitutional issues. I would like to thank CIPL INTERNS Dr Stellios and CIPL once again for the opportunity to participate in what was a very interesting internship project. Katelyn Ewart Under the supervision of Dr Ryan Goss, I wrote about the availability of habeas corpus under s 75(v) of the Constitution. Earlier this year, the full Federal Court discussed the availability of habeas corpus where no jurisdictional error exists (Marku v Republic of Albania [2013] FCAFC 51). In my paper, I contemplated the High Court’s interpretation of s 75(v) from Federation to the present day. In analysing the modern jurisprudence, I considered the uncertainty around the authority for, and content of, jurisdictional error. I then discussed habeas corpus, and argued that the availability of the writ should not be confined to jurisdictional error, but rather should be available in all cases of illegal detention.

Rui Lam I was given the opportunity to complete an internship with CIPL under the supervision of Joshua Neoh. He is co-authoring a book on law and religion Kaushik Ramesh, Rui Lam, Sascha Silbertein, in Australia. Joshua has kindly allowed me to assist him with the research for Dr Ryan Goss, Prof Donald Rothwell, Katelyn the internship this semester. Ewart, Joshua Neoh and Dr James Stellios The chapter that I chose to research on was law, religion and culture. More specifically, it was the relationship between the law, religion and public debate in Australia. My research was focused on finding a balance between NEW CIPL VISITING PROGRAMS freedom of expression and freedom from religious insults or vilification. In 2014, CIPL will introduce two new visiting programs: a Judge-in- Residence Program and a Government Visitor Program. The programs In the international level, both of these fundamental freedoms is outlined in offer our visitors the opportunity to enjoy a research intensive period at the UDHR and ICCPR. However there is no clear answer as to which of the the ANU College of Law. Visitors will have the opportunity to be part of the freedom should prevail. research community, benefitting from, and contributing to, the vibrancy of the My research led me to propose that Australia should use the existing College’s research culture. offences such as defamation law or the Summary Offences Act to protect Further details of the programs can be found here: the freedom from religious insults instead of enacting new anti-vilification laws which carries a high risk of intruding into the freedoms of expression. >> Overall, I gained a lot of knowledge of this area of law, and the internship experience was a highly rewarding one.

26 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 27 “The Role of the United Nations Convention on the KATHERINE YOUNG A SELECTION OF PUBLICATIONS Law of the Sea as a Confidence Building Mechanism Constituting Economic and Social Rights (Oxford in Maritime Affairs” (Autumn 2012) 19 Dokdo Research BY CENTRE MEMBERS University Press, 2012) (with Foreword by Martha Minow, Journal 58–63 Dean of Harvard Law School). The book was the subject DECEMBER 2012 – NOVEMBER 2013 Harris-Rimmer, S (2012), ‘Timor-Leste: International Alex G. Oude Elferink, Erik Molenaar, Donald R. Rothwell of an Author-Meets-Reader panel at the Law and Society intervention, gender and the dangers of negative peace’, (eds), The Law of the Sea and Polar Regions: Interactions Annual Meeting in June 2013. DON ANTON in Edward Aspinall, Robin Jeffrey and Anthony J Regan between Global and Regional Regimes (Martinus Nijhoff, The Comparative Fortunes of the Right to Health: (ed.), Diminishing Conflicts in Asia and the Pacific: Leiden: 2013) xxxii + 432pp Anton, International Environmental Law (2 vols) Two Tales of Justiciability in Colombia and South Africa, Why some subside and others don’t, Routledge, (Edward Elgar, 2014) (contract signed 2013) Alex G. Oude Elferink, Erik Molenaar, Donald R. Rothwell 26 HARV. HUM. RTS J. 801 (2013) (with Julieta Lemaitre). Taylor & Francis Group, New York USA, pp. 19 – 36 Anton, Klien, McBeth & Triggs, International Law in “The Regional Implementation of the Law of the Sea On 11 April, the Harvard Human Rights Journal held and the Polar Regions” in Alex G. Oude Elferink, Erik a colloquium on Litigating the Right to Health, in an Australian Context (Oxford University Press, 2014) ANN KENT (contract signed 2013) Molenaar, Donald R. Rothwell (eds), The Law of the Sea celebration of the article Katie co-wrote, with Julieta Ann Kent, ‘Engaging China on Human Rights’, in and the Polar Regions: Interactions between Global and Lemaitre of the University de los Andes, Colombia, Anton, ‘The ‘Thirty–Percent Solution’ and the ‘Future of Morten B Pedersen and David Kinley (eds), Principled Regional Regimes (Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden: 2013) 1–16 published in their latest issue. Katie presented the first International Environmental Law’ (2013) 10 Santa Clara Engagement: Negotiating Human Rights in Repressive Donald R. Rothwell (ed), The Law of the Sea paper for the colloquium, which was joined by Colleen J Int’l L pp209–219 States (Ashgate, 2013), pp 75–100 (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK: 2013) 823 + xxv pp Flood of the University of Toronto and Frederick Abbott Anton, ‘Treaty Congestion in Contemporary International of Florida State University College of Law. LEIGHTON MCDONALD Erik J. Molenaar, Donald R. Rothwell, Alex G. Oude Enviornmental Law’, in Routledge Handbook of ‘Socio-Economic Rights: Adjudication under a International Environmental Law, Shawkat Alam, Principles of Administrative: Legal Regulation of Elferink, “Interactions between Global and Regional Regimes: Trends and Prospects” in Alex G. Oude Transformative Constitution’, 11 INT’L J. CONST’L L. Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan, Tareq M R Chowdhury and Governance, Peter Cane and Leighton McDonald, 270–274 (2012) (also published in Erika J Techera, eds (2013), pp 651–665 2nd edition (Oxford University Press 2013) Elferink, Erik Molenaar, Donald R. Rothwell (eds), The Law of the Sea and the Polar Regions: Interactions Anton, Book Review: Richard Garnett, ‘Substance JOSHUA NEOH between Global and Regional Regimes (Martinus Nijhoff, ‘Women’s Social and Economic Rights’, 18 AUST’N and Procedure in Private International Law’, Leiden: 2013) 389–417 J. HUM. RTS 193 (2012) Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012, Lvii, 384 pp Joshua Neoh, Text, Doctrine and Tradition in Law and IBSN 978-0-19-953279-7, DOI:10.1017/S0165070x12, Religion (2013) 2 Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 175 Hitoshu Nasi and Donald R. Rothwell “Re-Evaluating (2013) 60 Netherlands International Law Review (in press) the Role of International Law in Territorial and Maritime DONALD ROTHWELL Disputes in East Asia” Asian Journal of International Law, Anton, Book Reivew: ‘Climate Change and Indigenous Available on CJO 2013 doi:10.1017/S2044251313000210. Peoples: The Search for Legal Remedies’, Randall “Introduction” in Donald R. Rothwell (ed), The Law of the S Abate & Elizabeth Ann Kronk, eds (Edward Elgar: Sea (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK: 2013) xiii–xxv Tim Stephens and Donald R. Rothwell “The LOSC Framework for Maritime Jurisdiction and Enforcement 30 Cheltenham, UK & Northhampton, MA, USA, 2013) “Maritime Security in the Polar Regions” in Alex G. Years On” (2012) 27 International Journal of Marine and pp i–xxvii; 1–590, (2013) Australian Journal of Human Oude Elferink, Erik Molenaar, Donald R. Rothwell (eds), Coastal Law 701–709 Rights (in press) The Law of the Sea and the Polar Regions: Interactions between Global and Regional Regimes (Martinus Nijhoff, JAMES STELLIOS MICHAEL COPER Leiden: 2013) 367–388 Michael Coper, ‘Reflections on the Internationalisation Australian Constitutional Law (2014) (forthcoming) (with “South China Sea dispute dynamics” East Asia Forum Nicholas Aroney, Peter Gerangelos and Sarah Murray) of Legal Education’ (2013) Chuo Law Review 27. (June 16, 2013) Hanks Australian Constitutional Law: Materials and SUSAN HARRIS RIMMER “The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and Commentary (9th ed; 2013) (with Jennifer Clarke and its relevance to maritime disputes in the South China Harris Rimmer, S (2013). Entries on Afghanistan Patrick Keyzer) Sea” in Leszek Buszynski and Christopher Roberts (eds), Independent Human Rights Commission and Truth The South China Sea and Australia’s Regional Security ‘Kable, Preventative Detention and the Dilemmas of and Reconciliation Commission (Solomon Islands) in Environment [National Security College Occasional Chapter III’ (2014) Australian Law Journal (forthcoming) Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice 3 Volume Hardback Paper No 5; September 2013] (National Security College, Set, eds: Lavinia Stan and Nadya Nedelsky, Cambridge ANU: 2013) 13–17 DANIEL STEWART University Press, 2013 ‘Comment: Deciding on Jurisdiction: Public Service Association of SA Inc v Industrial Relations Commission (SA)’ (2012) 23 Public Law Review 236

28 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 29 Anton, Macintosh, Zagor, Slurs Against Legal Aid put JOSHUA NEOH ACHIEVEMENTS, PAPERS, PRESENTATIONS Our Environment at Risk, The Sydney Morning Herald Presentations (November 2012) AND OTHER ACTIVITIES BY CENTRE MEMBERS ‘Law and Lawlessness: Legal Theory in Seven Biblical MICHAEL COPER DECEMBER 2012 – NOVEMBER 2013 Narratives’, Research in Progress Seminar, ANU College of Law, 6 June 2013 Received the Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished DON ANTON Pro bono Legal Represenation Contribution to the University, which will be presented ‘The Image of Law and Love in Abraham’s Binding of at the Conferring of Degrees ceremony in December. Isaac’, Peter Herbst Seminar on the Power of Images, Achievements and Activities Appointed as Counsel to represent the International This award is made in recognition of ‘contributions to Humanities Research Centre at the Australian National Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in advisory Promoted to Professor of Law at the ANU College of the economic, cultural, scientific or social development University, 8 May 2013 proceedings at the International Tribunal of the Law of Law (effective 2 January 2014) of Australia or the international community [which have] the Sea (ITLOS). The proceedings involve a request for demonstrated eminent achievement and merit of the KATE OGG Elected to the International Council of Environmental Law an Advisory Opinion from the Sub-Regional Fisheries highest degree’. (ICEL), the world’s oldest environmental law body Commission (SRFC) located in Dakar, Senegal and Presentation (April 2013) comprised of seven member states: Cape Verde, the SUSAN HARRIS RIMMER “At the edge of law and morality: A feminist and Australian supported nomination as the inaugural Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal comparative examination of exclusion from the refugee Media United Nations Independent Expert on Human Rights and Sierra Leone. regime” presented at a conference hosted by the Law and the Environment (January 2013) Research Grants Heartbreaking headlines for Coonabarabran, The Drum, and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand 21 January 2013 and the Canadian Law and Society Association in Awarded ANU Vice Chancellor’s Excellence Award February 2013, awarded a $900,000 grant in the 2012 Vancouver in July. This paper is being published in the for Public Policy and Outreach (December 2012) Rising Up in Support of Women, The Canberra Times, Round of the AusAID Development Research Awards International Journal of Refugee Law in 2014. 14 February 2013 Conferences/Seminars Scheme (ADRAS) as sole Principal Investigator (with a team of co-investigators including Professor Donald Home and Away (comment on federal election date), DONALD ROTHWELL Presented a public seminar of the challenges facing Rothwell (ANU CoL), Associate Professor Colin Filer CAP News, 20 February 2013 developing countries in connection with deep seabed (ANU CAP), Professor Rosemary Rayfuse (UNSW), Awards mining, National University of Singapore (November Sector on a Fiscal Cliff, Development Policy blog, Associate Professor Robin Warner (Wollongong), “Best Result from a Media Release 2012” 2013) 25 February 2013 Dr Joanna Mossop ( University, Wellington). ANU Vice-Chancellor’s Communications and The grant will fund a three year research project Co-organised and moderated the inaugural joint RYAN GOSS External Relations Office Awards Symposium of the International Environmental Law designed to determine how developing countries can Appointment Interest Groups of the American Society of International best manage deep seabed mining both within and ‘Wedding Crashers in Canberra?’, Oxford Human Rights Law and the European Society of International Law beyond national jurisdiction. The project has three main Hub Blog, 25 October 2013 Appointment as member of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the KGL Law of the Sea Centre, (held 22–23 November 2013, The Graduate Institute, aspects. Interview with WIN TV News Canberra re legal battle University of Tromsø, Norway Geneva) September 2013, successfully lead ANU College of Law over ACT marriage laws, 22 October 2013 Conference Papers Presented a Paper on Deep Seabed Mining at project proposal in a joint ANU Government Partnerships ‘The looming legal battle over ACT gay marriage’. for Development Grant (GPFD) grant bid, approved at Concordia Law School (August 2013) Crikey, 14 October 2013 “International Law and Arctic Shipping” presented at the concept note stage, that should see $2.76 million Spoke at a Canadian-Australian seminar on the 2003 Battle for the North: Is All Quiet on the Arctic Front?, drive a research capacity building partnership between Interview with Tim Lester for Fairfax Media’s “Breaking invasion of Iraq ten years later, culminating with a public Michigan State International Law Review symposium, the ANU Colleges of Law, Asia Pacific, and Arts and Politics” on the Commonwealth challenge to the ACT’s forum with former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Michigan State University College of Law, East Lansing, Social Sciences and the University of Yangon. marriage equality legislation, 11 October 2013 Fraser (2 April 2013) Michigan, USA, 21 – 22 February 2013 Media Op/Ed Contributions ‘Ten Thousand Miles from Wall Street: Muldoon v “The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and its “The South-Western Caribbean Sea Case and Its City Council’. Oxford Human Rights Hub relevance to Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea” Consequences for South China Sea Dispute Dynamics” Anton, UNEP to help Bougainville Clean-Up Rio Tinto Blog, 4 October 2013 presented at 2013 ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research Mine (interview on , September 2013) presented at South China Sea Conference, National Forum, Taipei, Taiwan (Republic of China), 16 May 2013 Interview with Crikey for “Crikey Clarifier: Australia’s Security College, ANU, 28 March 2013 Anton, What are Our Options in Syria?, ABC Drum counter-terrorism legal landscape”, 19 September 2013 (September 2013) Panellist “Arctic Law: The Challenges of Governance Interview with ’s “Hack” on ACT Same Sex in the Changing Arctic”, 107th ASIL Annual Meeting Anton, Whaling Before the Bar of the ICJ, marriage legislation, 19 September 2013 (American Society of International Law), Washington, Australian Financial Review (June 2013) DC, USA, 5 April 2013 Anton, The Dark Days of Data Collection, LEIGHTON MCDONALD “The South-Western Caribbean Sea Case and Its The Canberra Times (June 2013) ‘Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v Li’ paper Consequences for South China Sea Dispute Dynamics” presented at 2013 Public Law Weekend, ANU College of Law, 15 November 2013

30 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 31 presented at 2013 ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research ABC Radio Canberra 666 ‘Mornings’, 15 November Discussing a US Court of Appeals ruling issuing an interdict boats carrying asylum seekers from Sri Lanka Forum, Taipei, Taiwan (Republic of China), 16 May 2013 2012, 9.42am discussing the rights of Australian’s injunction against Sea Shepherd restraining their protest and return them to the high seas) to protection overseas and the need for a Consular activities in the Southern Ocean against Japanese “The Legal Proceedings to Date” presented at Whaling ABC Radio “The World Today”, 14 February 2013, Services Act whaling, 19 December 2012: in the Antarctic before the International Court of Justice 12.17pm discussing the case of Ben Zygier and the Conference, CIPL, ANU, 7 June 2013 “Connect Asia”, 16 November 2012, >> ABC Radio ‘AM’, 19 December 2012, 7.14am (various) circumstances under which he was held in Israel and 11.34am discussing the rights of Australian citizens >> Patrick Caruana and Sarah Malik “Sea Shepherd Australia’s obligation to provide consular assistance to “The Tasmanian Dam Case and Australia the Good to receive consular assistance and the need for the undeterred by US court order” The Australian (online) him during his detention International Citizen” presented at Tasmanian Dam Case enactment of a Consular Services Act 30th Anniversary Symposium, National Museum of >> ‘US judgment ‘could hurt anti-whalers’ David Wroe “Department relied on Israel over ‘Prisoner Australia, Canberra, 22 August 2013 ABC Radio National “Sunday Extra”, 18 November X’” The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 February 2013, p. 4 2012, 8.45am discussing the rights of Australian citizens >> SBS World News (TV), 19 December 2012, 6.53pm (discussing Australia’s obligations towards dual nationals “UNCLOS Navigational Regimes and their significance to receive consular assistance and the need for the who have been detained overseas, in this instance in for the South China Sea” presented at The South China Discussing a US Court of Appeals ruling issuing an enactment of a Consular Services Act Israel) Sea: UNCLOS and State Practice conference, National injunction against Sea Shepherd restraining their protest Institute for South China Sea Studies, Haikou, China, Daniel Flitton “Abbott called on ‘illegal’ slur” The Age, activities in the Southern Ocean against Japanese Also reported in: 24–25 October 2013, 42pp 22 November 2012, p. 2 discussing whether persons whaling, 20 December 2012: >> David Wroe “ ‘We failed out duty’ to Prisoner X” who enter Australia without a visa do so illegally under “Maritime Regulation and Enforcement: Law of the Sea >> “Sea Shepherd activist vows to defy court over The Age, 15 February 2013, p4 Australian and international law Dimensions in the South China Sea” presented at The whaling fleet” The Sydney Morning Herald, >> David Wroe “Prisoner X did not get any help from Aust South China Sea: Cooperation for Regional Security and Discussing New Zealand’s decision to intervene in 20 December 2012, p6 officials”The Canberra Times, 15 February 2013, p6 Development, 5th International Workshop, Diplomatic the case between Australia and New Zealand in the ABC TV News Breakfast, 24 December 2012, 8.05am 3AW Breakfast, Tuesday, 26 February 2013, 7.20am Academy of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam, 11 – 12 November International Court of Justice discussing the prospect of criminal charges being discussing the reported intervention by Price Charles in 2013, 24pp >> ABC Radio 666 “News”, 23 November 2012, brought in either the UK or Australia against two 2Day the case of two Australian nationals being held in Dubai Lectures/Seminars 12.06pm FM presenters involved in the Royal prank telephone call “Our Claytons sovereignty gives whales no sanctuary” >> Andrew Darby “NZ intervenes in whaling case”, “Diplomatic Protection of Australian’s Abroad” ABC New Radio, 2 January 2013, 11.25am discussing The Drum Opinion (ABC Online), 27 February 2013, at 23 November 2012, available at Vice-Chancellor’s Lecture Series, Australian National legal issues associated with the 2013 whaling season [discussing University, 14 November 2012 including Australia’s case against Japan in the ICJ and the hurdles Australia faces in enforcing Australian law, case-20121123-29xh9.html the two INTERPOL Red Notices that have been issued especially the EPBC Act, in Antarctica and the Southern “Current Law of the Sea Developments with respect to >> ABC News Radio, 23 November 2012, 4.47pm against Sea Shepherd’s Paul Watson Ocean] the South China Sea” CIPL Public Lecture, Centre for International and Public Law, ANU College of Law, ABC Radio ‘PM’: “Australian man detained in the ABC Radio National ‘Summer Breakfast’, 3 January Discussing the ruling of the US Court of Appeals ANU, 24 May 2013 Philippines” (discussing the case of the Australian 2013, 7.45am discussing legal issues facing Sea regarding the injunction sought by the Institute of citizen Drazen (Danny) Jovica being held in Immigration Shepherd in the US and in Australia following a US Court Cetacean Research against Sea Shepherd, 27 February “Whale Tales: An Update on Australia v Japan” Detention in the Philippines), 30 November 2012, 6.49pm of Appeals injunction and the issue of an INTERPOL 2013: ANU International Law Society, 14 August 2013 Red Notice “How Australia can end the Assange stalemate” ABC >> Andrew Darby “No peg leg, but Sea Shepherd pirates, “The Law of the Sea and South China Sea Disputes” Online ‘The Drum Opinion’, 5 December 2012, available ABC Online – The Drum Opinion “Japan, Sea Shepherd: court says”, 27 February 2013 Victorian Chapter, International Law Association at a whale of a legal web”, 4 January 2013, at >> Radio New Zealand National “Checkpoint”, 6.15pm (Australian Branch), Melbourne, 2 September 2013 svl=theDrum (discussing legal and diplomatic options discussing Australia’s >> ABC NewsRadio, 7.25pm “The Law of the Sea and South China Sea Disputes” open to Australia to resolve the situation of Julian ICJ case, and Japan’s legal proceedings against Sea Faculty of Law, University of Tromsø, Norway, Assange) Shepherd and Paul Watson ABC Radio ‘PM’, 28 February 2013, 6.16pm discussing a pamphlet which is being circulated in Bendigo 19 September 2013 Radio Australia “India warns its navy will protect its 2UE “Legal Matters with Luke Bona”, 6 January referring to ‘illegal boat arrivals’ and whether boats economic interests”, 5 December 2012, 10.08pm 2013, 6.42pm discussing legal issues associated with “Arctic Sovereignty and its Legal Significance for carrying asylum seekers into Australia are in violation discussing India’s concerns over its economic interests Japanese whaling, Sea Shepherd and Paul Watson Canada” Legal Forum Centenary Speakers Series, of Australian law in the South China Sea and how it may legally protect Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, “Re-Evaluating the Role of International Law in Territorial those interests at sea Discussing the arrival of a vessel in Geraldton carrying Canada, 29 October 2013, 19pp and Maritime Disputes in East Asia” submitted to persons seeking asylum in New Zealand, 10 April 2013: Media Cathy Alexander “Don’t arrest me: Sea Shepherd Asian Journal of International Law, co-authored with boss plans Australian visit” Crikey, 13 December 2012, Hitoshi Nasu, 8 January 2013, ACCEPTED MAY 2013 >> ABC NewsRadio ‘Drive’ at 5.15pm SBS Ethnic Radio ‘World News Australia’, 1 November available at >> ABC Radio ‘PM’ at 5.07pm 2012, 6.21pm discussing the intention of the Australian Bianca Hall and David Wroe “Coalition blockade against me-sea-shepherd-boss-plans-Australian-visit (discussing government to extend the excision of the Migration Zone law, UN says”, 5 February 2013, The Sydney Morning SBS TV ‘World News’, 10 April 2013, 6.44pm discussing whether Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd may be arrested to continental Australia Herald, [discussing a policy proposal by the Coalition to the return to Australia of an Australian citizen deported in Australia on the basis of an Interpol Red Notice) from Canada following the completion of sentence of

32 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 33 manslaughter and whether Canada may make a request SBS Radio, 11 June 2013, discussing the legal Discussing Australia’s case before the ICJ concerning ABC Radio JJJ ‘The Hack’, 4 July 2013, 5.37pm for extradition obligations upon Australia to rescue persons at sea and Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean, 25 June 2013: discussing the legal situation of the ‘Peru Six’ who are whether those obligations extend to the retrieval of the wanted for questioning with respect to an death of a ABC Radio ‘PM’, 12 April 2013, 6.30pm discussing the >> ABC Radio Victoria South-east: 9.05am bodies of those who have been lost at sea hotel employee in Lime scheduling of a hearing date for Australia’s case in the >> ABC Radio “Mornings”: 11.24am >> Also ‘The Project’ Network Ten, 7.11pm ICJ against Japan and issues arising from that process ABC Radio JJJ ‘Hack’, 11 June 2013 discussing the >> Radio New Zealand options open to Edward Snowden to avoid extradition ABC News Radio ‘Mornings’, 18 April 2013, 9.50am >> ABC Radio 666 Canberra: 5.33pm Discussing a proposal of the Coalition to use the SAS from Hong Kong to the US following his role in the discussing the adoption of legislation in New Zealand to interdict vessels carrying asylum seekers if those release of US classified materials Jacob Gershman “WSJ Blog: A Potential Safe House recognising same sex marriage and issues under persons had threatened harm to themselves upon being for Snowden?” DowJones Newswires, 25 June 2013, Australian and International law for the recognition of ABC NewsRadio, 12 June 2013, 9.15am discussing the rescued at sea, 8 July 2013: available at commenting on such marriages in Australia options open to Edward Snowden to avoid extradition >> Sky News ‘Agenda’: 4.45pm potential legal options for Edward Snowden following his from Hong Kong to the US following his role in the ABC Radio ‘PM’, 3 May 2013, 6.34pm discussing the arrival in Moscow >> 6PR Radio Perth: 4.06pm release of US classified materials commencement of international arbitral proceedings Discussing Australia’s case before the ICJ concerning Discussing a proposal of the Coalition to use the SAS between Australia and East Timor under the Timor Sea Joe Kelly “Libs to kick out criminal refugees” Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean, 26 June 2013: to interdict vessels carrying asylum seekers if those Treaty arising from allegations the CMATS Treaty was not The Australian, June 17, 2013, p. 2 discussing a Coalition persons had threatened harm to themselves upon being >> ABC Radio Far North concluded in good faith proposal if elected to amend the Migration Act to allow rescued at sea, 9 July 2013: for the deportation of visa holders convicted of crimes Dan Harrison “East Timor seeks to sink sea treaty over Australian Associated Press “FED: Wilkie offers >> Bianca Hall “Lawyers warns of legal issues” with a 12 month prison sentence spy claims” The Age, 4 May 2013, p. 6 discussing the confidence to Rudd”, 26 June 2013, discussing The Sydney Morning Herald, 9 July 2013, p. 2 constitutional issues if Prime Minister Rudd were to lose commencement of international arbitral proceedings 2CC Canberra ‘Breakfast’, 18 June 2013, 7.20am >> Bianca Hall “Boarding refugee boats ‘could amount the confidence of the House of Representatives following between Australia and East Timor under the Timor Sea discussing Australia’s case against Japan over whaling in to piracy’” The Canberra Times, 9 July 2013, p. 4 Treaty arising from allegations the CMATS Treaty was not the International Court of Justice a vote of no confidence >> Bianca Hall “SAS proposal under attack” The Age, concluded in good faith “Crikey Clarifier: Australia v Japan in a whale of a case” Opinion – The Conversation – “Whales in court: Australia 9 July 2013, p. 5 v Japan in The Hague”, 27 June 2013, available at ABC Radio ‘AM’, 6 May 2013, 7.14am discussing the Crikey, 21 June 2013, available at >> Nick Butterly “Plan to stop boats may not be legal” www.the commencement of international arbitral proceedings The West Australian, 9 July 2013, p. 4 between Australia and East Timor under the Timor Sea japan-in-the-hague discussing the commencement of Discussing Australia’s case against Japan before the ICJ >> ABC 666 Canberra “Mornings” 9.08am Treaty arising from allegations the CMATS Treaty was not hearing at the ICJ in the Whaling case over whaling, 23 June 2013 concluded in good faith Justin McCurry “License revoked? Australia takes Japan ABC News Radio, 10 July 2013, 9.17am discussing >> ABC TV News 24 Mornings – 10.27am Australia’s response in the Whaling case before the ICJ ABC Radio National “Late Night Live”, 7 May 2013 to court to stop whaling hunts” The Christian Science >> ABC TV News (ACT) – 7.06pm and submissions made by the Attorney-General 10.07pm discussing current developments in Monitor, 28 June 2013, discussing Australia’s legal action Arctic governance prior to the 2013 meeting of the SBS TV World News – 6.46pm, 23 June 2013, against Japan in the ICJ Radio 4BC Brisbane, 10 July 2013, 1.07pm discussing a Arctic Council discussing the issues arising for six Australians if an ABC News 24 TV “The World”, 2 July 2013, 9.35pm proposal by the Coalition’s policy to ‘turn back the boats’ INTERPOL Red Notice was issued against them with and options for the Rudd government with respect to ABC NewsRadio/Radio Australia “Evenings”, 9 May discussing the asylum claim of Edward Snowden to respect to an inquiry in Peru into the death of a hotel asylum policy 2013, 7.55pm discussing the prospect of the Russia and other countries doorman in 2012 commencement of a legal claim against the United ABC Radio 666 ‘Breakfast’, 3 July 2013, 6.47am Channel Ten ‘The Project’, 10 July 2013, 6.40pm Nations for its legal responsibility for the cholera ABC Radio 702 Sydney ‘Breakfast’, 24 June 2013, discussing the asylum claim of Edward Snowden to discussing international prisoner transfer agreements in outbreak in Haiti attributed to UN members 7.26am discussing the situation of Edward Snowden Russia and other countries the context of the Jock Palyfreeman case who is wanted by the United States and who had fled David Wroe and Deborah Snow “Prisoners ‘gagged, SBS World News, 12 July 2013, 6.34pm commenting on Hong Kong and is en route to Russia ABC News 24 TV ‘Midday”, 3 July 2013, 12.08 deprived’ to make them pliable” The Sydney Morning discussing the case before the ICJ involving Australia the failed Australian effort to extradite from Indonesia the Herald, 18 May 2013, pp. 1 – 2 discussing revelations that Andrew Darby “Court challenge to whaling faces top and Japan with respect to whaling alleged people smuggler Sayed Abbas Japanese negotiator” The Sydney Morning Herald, Afghan prisoners may have been subject to abuse while ABC Radio ‘The World Today’, 15 July 2013, 12.26pm 24 June 2013, p. 10 discussing the issues that Japan Also: held in detention facilities in Afghanistan in 2010 – 2011 discussing the role of AMSA in responding to distress may seek to raise before the ICJ when proceedings >> SBS Radio ABC Local Radio Gold Coast ‘Mornings’, 21 May 2013, calls from vessels under the framework of the Search commence in The Hague later in the week >> ABC Radio Perth – 4.06pm 8.40am discussing the case of Matthew Joyce and his and Rescue Convention Opinion – ABC Online The Drum “Constitutional >> ABC TV News – 7.08pm conviction in Dubai on bribery charges Radio Australia “Asia Pacific”, 15 July 2013, 9.51pm consequences of a Labor leadership change”, 24 June ABC Radio ‘PM’, 10 June 2013, 6.27pm discussing the ABC Radio Southeast ‘Mornings’, 4 July 2013, 8.50am discussing reports that Japan is considering 2013, legal obligations upon Australia to rescue persons at sea discussing the case before the ICJ involving Australia nationalising a number of distant islands that make up [discussing the constitutional issues if Labor was to and whether those obligations extend to the retrieval of and Japan with respect to whaling the Japanese archipelago switch leaders at the end of the current sitting period] the bodies of those who have been lost at sea

34 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 35 Discussing the conclusion of proceedings before the David Wroe and Bianca Hall “Claims soldiers cut off ABC News Radio/Radio Australia, 24 October 2013, Parliamentary Submission ICJ in the Whaling case between Australia and Japan, dead insurgent’s hand” The Canberra Times, 31 August 7.55pm discussing the case of the Arctic Sunrise and Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence 17 July 2013: 2013, p. 5 discussing allegations that Australian the decision of Russian prosecutors to charge crew and Trade “Australia’s relationship with Timor-Leste” members of the SAS in Afghanistan had mutilated the members with hooliganism following events associated >> ABC Radio National ‘Breakfast’: 6.36am – Submission regarding bilateral relations, especially body of a Taliban fighter buy cutting off their hands for with their protect activities in the Russian Arctic >> ABC NewsRadio : 10.17am with respect to the Australia – Timor-Leste Maritime identification purposes ABC702 Breakfast, 30 October 2013, 7.28am discussing Boundary in the Timor Sea, 7 May 2013 Discussing the conclusion of proceedings before the ICJ Michael Bechelard and David Wroe “Indonesian MPs the legal issues associated with the six Australians in the Whaling case between Australia and Japan and ABC Radio National “Late Night Live”, 7 May 2013, slam ‘offensive’ plans” The Sydney Morning Herald, wanted in Peru for questioning over the death of a the options now before the court, 20 July 2013: 10.07pm discussing current developments in 20 September 2013, p. 10 discussing legal issues hotel employee Arctic governance prior to the 2013 meeting of the >> Andrew Darby “Verdict alone won’t harpoon the hunt” associated with the Abbott government’s ‘turn back the ABC Radio ‘AM’, 9 November 2013, 8am, discussing Arctic Council The Canberra Times, 20 July 2013, A14 boats’ policy the apparent standoff between the Australian and >> Andrew Darby “Verdict alone won’t harpoon the hunt” Submissions Michael Bechelard and David Wroe “Asylum transit plan Indonesian governments following a search and rescue The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 July 2013, 10 irks Jakarta” The Canberra Times, 23 September, p.A3 operation off the coast of Indonesia “The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and its >> Andrew Darby “Whalewatch: waiting for the ICJ discussing Abbott government policy to use Indonesian Relevance to Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea” ABC Radio National ‘Breakfast’, 12 November 2013, decision” The Age, 20 July 2013, 16 ports as transit places for the relocation of asylum submitted to Leszek Buszynski and Christopher Roberts 8.30am discussing the legal obligations of Indonesia seekers from Australia into the region (eds), South China Sea Maritime Disputes (Working Title) ABC Online ‘The Drum’ “Australia can’t simply build to receive persons recused at sea by Australian (Routledge) fences at sea”, 29 July 2013, available at >> Michael Bechelard and David Wroe “Abbott’s asylum government vessels operating within the Indonesian au/news/2013-07-29/rothwell-australia-cant-simply- seeker transit plan raises suspicions in Jakarta” SAR zone KIM RUBENSTEIN build-fences-at-sea (discussing the Coalition policy of Sydney Morning Herald, 23 September p. 9 Editorial “Abbott on course sticking to tough policy on ‘Operation Sovereign Borders’ and the issues it raises for >> Michael Bechelard and David Wroe “Proposal for Appointments boats” The Australian, 13 November 2013, p. 13 quoted Australia’s maritime zones and the law of the sea) transit ports stirs anger” The Age, 23 September with respect to the international legal position regarding Appointed as a member of the expert jury for the 2013, p. 4 Alix Piatek “What would a serious lawyer make of the Indonesia’s obligations to accept persons rescued at sea UNHCR Award for Statelessness Research PNG deal? Not much, says Brandis” PoltiFact Australia , ABC ‘FactCheck’ “Is it illegal to turn back boats in Joe Kelly “Jakarta ‘bound by law of the sea’” Conference Paper 5 August 2013, available at international waters to Indonesia?” ABC Online at The Australian, 12 November 2013, p. 4 indicating the o-meter/statements/2013/aug/05/george-brandis/non- Presented paper with Mark Moshinsky at the 2013 legal position between Australia and Indonesia with lawyer-PNG-deal-legally-binding/ (discussing whether back-boats-policy/4979898 (discussing the legality or Gilbert and Tobin Constitutional law conference respect to persons rescued at sea and Indonesia’s the Australia/PNG Regional Resettlement Arrangement otherwise of Abbott government policy with respect to obligations to receive those persons once rescued Media is legally binding) turning asylum seeker boats to Indonesia) ABC Online ‘FactCheck’ “Does Indonesia have to Opinion piece “Modern Migrants Loyalty is an Asset to ABC Radio 666 Canberra ‘Mornings’, 20 August 2013, Joe Kelly “Move fast, warns Downer” The Australian, take asylum seekers rescued by the Australian Navy?” the World” (written with Danny Ben Moshe), The Age/ 9.05am discussing the commencement of litigation in the 2 October 2013, p. 4 discussing the Abbott 14 November 2013, The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 February 2013 High Court of Australia with respect to the PNG Solution government’s options regarding the implementation asylum-seekers-rescused-st-sea/5099168 indicating and its consistency with the Migration Act of its asylum policies with Indonesia JAMES STELLIOS the legal position between Australia and Indonesia with “Syria crisis interrupts election campaign” ABC Online SBS Radio, World News Australia, 4 October 2013, respect to persons rescued at sea and Indonesia’s Achievements ‘The Drum’, 26 August 2013, available at discussing the legal issues associated with the obligations to receive those persons once rescued ARC Discovery Grant commencing 2014 with interaction of AMSA and Barsarnas with respect to ABC Radio National ‘The World Today’, 21 November Prof John Williams and Dr Gabrielle Appleby (Adelaide) weapon/4911912 discussing the alleged use of chemical asylum vessels in distress off the coast of Java on 2013, 12.15pm discussing the Australia/Indonesia weapons in Syria and Australia’s role on the UN Security 26 – 27 September Admitted to the NSW Bar, September 2013 Council in considering this issue relationship in light of revelations over Australian SBS Radio, World News Australia, 8 October 2013, telephone interception and whether the Lombok Treaty Conference Papers ABC Radio 666 Canberra ‘Drive’, 29 August 2013, discussing the detention by the US of Anas al-Libi in has now been suspended ‘Engineering Constitutional Law: The DNA of 5.36pm discussing the legal issues associated with Libya and his detention on board the USS San Antonio ABC NewsRadio/Radio Australia, 25 November 2013, Constitutional Interpretation’, paper delivered at the the use of force in Syria and Australia’s role on the UN as he is questioned with respect to terrorist activities 7.47pm, discussing the case of the Arctic Sunrise and Australian Government Solicitor Constitutional Law Security Council associated with US embassy bombings in Africa in 1998 the decision of the International Tribunal for the Law of Forum, Canberra, 22 November 2013 ABC Radio ‘PM’, 30 August 2013, 6.35pm discussing “East Asia Summit focuses on regional security” the Sea to grant provisional measures ‘The Centralisation of Judicial Power within the allegations that Australian members of the SAS in Australia Network News, 10 October 2013, discussing Australian Federal System’, paper delivered to the Afghanistan had mutilated the body of a Taliban fighter Parliamentary Inquiry the legal and political issues associated with the South Australian Association of Constitutional Law, Melbourne, buy cutting off their hands for identification purposes Appearance as a witness before Joint Standing China Sea 8 November 2013 Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade ‘Australia’s Relationship with Timor-Leste’, 21 May 2013

36 ANU College of Law CIPL | December 2013 37 CENTRE STAFF & MEMBERS

‘Australian Constitutionalism and the UK-Style Dialogue NSW regional radio stations: Aboriginal rights if any >> James Stellios, Associate Professor, >> Ann Kent, Visiting Fellow Model of Human Rights Protection’, paper delivered at in relation to minerals including call seam gas on Acting CIPL Director, the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Seminar, Dublin, Aboriginal land >> Wendy Kukulies-Smith, Teaching Fellow 2 July 2013 >> Kim Rubenstein, Professor, CIPL Director (on leave) >> David Letts, Associate Professor Chanel 7 TV: Constitutional and legal implications of >> COAST, Administration & Events Comment on Paper Presented by Prof Helen Irving, Operation Sovereign Borders, including implications >> Anne MacDuff, Lecturer Australian Association of Constitutional Law, Sydney, of proposal for an army general to be responsible to >> Glenda Waddell, Assistant Editor, Australian Year >> Andrew Macintosh, Associate Professor Book of International Law 6 February 2013 the Minister for Immigration and to be in a command >> Leighton McDonald, Associate Professor relationship over civial public servants >> Donald Anton, Assoc Professor (Professor in 2014) >> Robert McLaughlin, Associate Professor DANIEL STEWART >> Peter Bailey AM, OBE, Adjunct Professor Sydney commercial radio: Legal implications of >> John McMillan, Emeritus Professor Seminar Presentation proposals to tow back to Indonesia asylum seeker boats >> Tim Bonyhady, Professor >> Anne McNaughton, Senior Lecturer without Indonesian consent >> Kevin Boreham, Lecturer ‘Looking over the Horizon’ presentation, Sparke Helmore >> Rebecca Monson, Lecturer Lawyers, 7 March 2013 >> Stephen Bottomley, Professor, Dean MATTHEW ZAGOR >> Wayne Morgan, Senior Lecturer & Sub Dean LLB/JD ‘Statutory Authority to Contract and the Role of Judicial >> Peter Cane, Distinguished Professor Matthew was one of ten international experts invited >> Hitoshi Nasu, Senior Lecturer Review’ paper presented at After Williams Colloquium & Associate Dean (Research) to attend the Sixth Colloquium on Challenges in >> Joshua Neoh, Lecturer 2013, USQ School of Law and Justice, 4 October 2013 >> Hilary Charlesworth, Professor & ARC International Refugee Law hosted by Professor James >> Molly Townes O’Brien, Associate Professor ‘Plaintiff S10 /2011 v Minister for Immigration and Federation Fellow Hathaway at the University of Michigan Law School >> Kate Ogg, Lecturer Citizenship: the end of legitimate expectations?’ paper between 22-24 March. The colloquium drafted and >> Director of Centre for International Governance >> Dennis Pearce AO, Emeritus Professor presented at 2013 Public Law Weekend, ANU College approved the Michigan Guidelines on the Exclusion of & Justice (RegNet CIGJ) of Law, 15 November 2013 International Criminals which were published in (2013) >> Moeen Cheema, Teaching Fellow >> James Prest, Lecturer 35 Michigan Journal of International Law. >> Tony Connolly, Associate Professor >> Richard Refshauge, Adjunct Professor KATHERINE YOUNG Matthew presented ‘Adventures in the Grey Zone: >> Michael Coper, Professor >> Simon Rice OAM, Professor Presentations Judicial Review of Executive Power in the Migration >> Robin Creyke, Professor (on leave) >> Matthew Rimmer, Associate Professor Context’ at the Society of Legal Scholars annual 6 April, Katie presented at the New Voices panel at the >> Dominique Dalla-Pozza, Lecturer >> Heather Roberts, Lecturer American Society of International Law, on ‘The New seminar, Dublin, 2 July 2013 (‘Changing Landscapes: >> Lynn DuMoulin, Senior Lecturer >> Donald R Rothwell, Professor, Head of School Economic and Social Rights’, which will be published in comparative perspectives on rights based constitutional >> Imogen Saunders, Lecturer the next ASIL Proceedings. review’). Proceedings of the Seminar will be published in >> Thomas Faunce, Professor mid-2014. >> Jeremy Farrall, Fellow, Asia-Pacific College >> Amelia Simpson, Senior Lecturer 12 April, Katie presented at a Harvard Radcliffe of Diplomacy >> James Stellios, Associate Professor Symposium on Constitutional Reform in Ghana, Matthew stepped down from the National Committee organized by Lucie White of Harvard Law School and of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights in March after >> Jean-Pierre Fonteyne, Senior Lecturer >> Daniel Stewart, Senior Lecturer Raymond Atuguba of University of Ghana, Legon, on four years, having contributed to several parliamentary >> Ryan Goss, Lecturer >> Pauline Thai, Associate Lecturer the subject of ‘Constitutional Participation’. submissions, government consultations and media >> Don Greig, Emeritus Professor >> Fiona Wheeler, Professor, Deputy Dean releases. His final contribution was with Alex Reilly, >> Kath Hall, Associate Professor >> Ernst Willheim, Visiting Fellow 20 May – 2 June, at the Law and Society Annual Vicky Kuek, John Southalan and Genevieve Balgarnie, Meeting, Katie presented at a panel on ‘Mobilizing for submission to Senate Standing Committee on Legal and >> Sarah Heathcote, Senior Lecturer >> Matthew Zagor, Senior Lecturer Human Rights’, organized by Balakrishnan Rajagopal of Constitutional Affairs, Migration and Security Legislation >> Vivian Holmes, Senior Lecturer >> Leslie Zines, Emeritus Professor Massachussetts Institute of Technology. Amendment (Review of Security Assessments) Bill 2012 >> Judith Jones, Senior Lecturer (December 2012). Symposium Matthew delivered training in international refugee law at Redemptive and Rejectionist Frames’, 4 the Office of International Law, Commonwealth Attorney- NORTHEASTERN U. L. J. 323 (2012) (Symposium General’s Department, in September 2013. on Framing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for Mobilization and Advocacy in the United States) Media ERNST WILLHEIM ‘Giving Teeth to Racist Dogma’, Sydney Morning Herald, 5 April 2013 Media Interviews Northern Star Lismore and several regional radio stations: Commonwealth powers to control or prevent coal seam gas mining

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