THE ASSOCIATED ruT.nn PRESS SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER THE SERVICE Dally and' Snaday, carrier delivery, 13 frmim weekly. Vol. —No . 240. ATLAHTA, GA,, WEDNESDAY MOBISING, EEBKtTABY 10, 1915.—TWELVE PAGES. eo»Ie» OB tme nreets and «t i»en«»t«Md». B «*•*». Delegates Arriving fx>rConf^r

VICE SQUAD IS NO MORE,, FAIR% PROJECT v ASSURED, MAYOR WOODWARD RESULT OF AGREEMENT CLOTURE AMENDMENT IN EAST TO THE SENATE RULES Russian Offensive , Threat- , The Plainclothesmen, With Peac& Declared at Confer- MAY BREAK DEADLOCK Fourteen Detectives^ to ence Arranged With Mem- ens to Drive Wedge Be- Don Unifornis and Com- Administration Leaders De- tween Tilsit and Insterberg i bers of Council by Mayor i . • pose New Watch. Tuesday Morning. clare Session May Last a and Turn German Positions. _ - ^ Week Without Interrup- "When Commissioner Baskin walked 'With amendments dictated 'by Mayor STRUGGLE CONTINUES Intci the police, aboard' meeting last James G. Woodward at a conference tion—Republicans and the night 'and took his seat, It was the he had with, caucus leaders in his of- v IN THE CARPATHIANS first tiihe'a full meeting of the,.tooard fice, at,< 11 o'clock, Atlanta's general Bolters Are .Surprised at has .been In session einc'e last April, council, Tuesday afternoon, went into when fruitless efforts to elect a po- extraordinary' session, passed the sheet Strength Shown by the Ad- lice board chairman ended in an agree- 'by a vote of 18 to 4, ,and sC few minutes Russiar^s Win in the West- ment that no chairman -would be elect- afterwards the aldermanic .board con- ministration Forced. ed "unless a full iboard -was present. curred- In council's action jby a vo^e, ern Passes, But Fall Back Commissioner Andy King took ad- of S against'2. Washington, February 9.—Formal vantage of the opportunity to elect, , Mayor W.ooward sent for the amended notice tn waiting that '-he would seek in Eastern Passes Before «rad Immediately moved that the elec- sheet -immediately after he had been a cloture amendment to the senate 1 tion of a chairman be taiken'up. _ OFFICERS OF JOSEPH HABERSHAM CHAPTER, HOSTESS TO CONVENTION. told of the action of both (branches of rules to end debate on the administra- Strong Forces—Period ot The Woodward faction, realizing that the general couuncil, and. In the pres- tion shipping bill at 2 p. m., February defeat was staring It in the face; at- - Left to right, top: Mrs. W. L. Peel, honorary; regent; Mrs. A. P. Coles, First Vice Regent. Ex- ence of , a group of council memtoers, 1'9, and cause, a final vote to be taken v Calm in West. , ^r'ir'i . tempted to defeat Commissioner treme right, Mrs. J. A. PeMue, Regent. Bottoni,, ^Mrs. Samuel Lumpkin, Third Vice Regent; Mrs. he attached his signature. = v s three' hours later, was given bv Senator icing's resolution, tout c^nly mustered P. (H. Mell, second Vice Regent. The sheet, as 'it stands approved .Reed late tonight, -when the senate had London, February 10.—(2:03 a, Vm.)—\ «K" four votes against It. today,- carries* all ttie appropriations Delegates from every section of the ters of the American Revolution which state executive 'board met- yesterday been in continuous session, for more Tjhe Datiy Telegraph's Bucharest cor- Commissioner- W. B. Fain on the first for new projects except the appropria- than thirty-six hours. '• state "are arriving for the seventeenth convenes today. afternoon at the Ansley, but no in>for- respondent says: ' ^ and only ballot was named chairman. tion of $12,600 for salary increases Under the rules the proposed amend- "Fresh particulars received hero The vote oint of froe" took the position that Mr. ^Baskin 'and'l p. ra..-,to the headliner of vaude- 1 troops ,to 'Bast iprussla to Jtteet" tlie * of and promptly delivered. I ". Miss PoBtell from" the payroll. It has order and grave the floor to the demo- Russian offensive the^re. This offen- no logger was a memiber of 'th» poltoe ville fame. • Seven telephone girls went ^to work Safety of Amlncans. a similar, effect as to Miss- Azille Simp- crats by recognizing Senator 'Stone, He 1x>aSd, as he had moved from the first Miss "Wynjne, a traveler of "wide r«- In a committee room of the chamber of son, -who received '?95 a month, as • one held fast to his decision over "a volley sive threatens to drive a wedge be- ward. ' I . commerce at 8 o'clock Tuesday morn- of the instructors in the school; "' ,tween Tilsit and Insterberg, ' and, so, Chairman Fain will hojd, office ptfte, goes upon\ a brand-new sort of of objections and points of order from Ing and began calling every * home In '..___ ._ ". . „-. rkDXE"TET» in the .general council.' Councilmen tne republican side, and refused to to turn the fortified .-position In the through the March meeting, when the tour Thursday ' morning; a personally the city for the purpose of giving per- I NO I £ /O .AL>O\J OKAr 1 t,U Jesse Wood and Frajrrk' Reynolds led extremely difficult country of the board is again reorganized, and several conducted tour collecting-, bundles for sonal notice of "Bundle day," and-re-' _.__ ,..~.OT ...... ^ »•*!»*. >•» In a fight to prevent the $<12,-600 being grant a?i appeal from his ruling. new faces will be seen on 'Its roster. Masurian lakes. ^ If this movement, the poor on ^"Bundle day." She -will iquesting that the bundles be sent or] ON LjUSITANIA INCIDENT stricken from the sheet., They Joined Senator Ston« then ibegan an address succeeds the^ Russians would overrun The winning ballot last night Tvas be conveyed In a limousine and es- carried to the headquarters in the I in a motion to reconsider the sheet at on the bill while the .republican sena- - Xo. 470. corted toy a huge truck, on the latter Gould building. The same girls will next Monday's meeting, but they with- tors retired to the cloa.k rooms for a a considerable part of Bast Prussia When Mayor Jame'S G. "Woodbe demoted, and their j>ay l help to the poor makes me feel vary if you have a. pair of old' shoes that Btead and Kelley, who have lately 'be- | tremities of the ea-stern' battle •tront, reduced from $!K> to $90, the salary; happy. I'll have a jolly time and an you do not want send them down to tania'a -hoisting oft;the American flag- is come his bitterest opponents. interruption. Opposition leaders, how- In Bast Prussia and the Carpathian*, of a uniform ran'k policeman. awful lot sof fun." ' \ "Bundle day" headquarters. • that it Is a customary -war ruse. But "Council has done, a good day's -work ever, said an effort would be made to- are growing- in intensity,' according- to A special' resolution of the police at the'same time representations point- for the city of Atlanta," said the may- morrow to break the deadlock. Tour Start* at 1O O'Cloclc. The first bundle from -outrof torvn or as he was signing the amended Republicans were surprised at the information Breaching Petrograd today. board last night Instructs Chief of De- At 10 o'clock Miss -Wynne will em- was received by .Mr. Logan Tuesday ing out that neutral commerce might The same advices say that the battle In tectives Newport Lanford to select the sheet. "By strikinx g that $12,500 from sixteen membeixs of the newly consti- bark ^ In a limousine furnished by i suffer through continued practice of the the sheet it has given the city money front of Warsaw has subsided. 1 friends. It will' be decorated In honor i . of Locust Grove, and Continued on Last Page. tuted detective department from the was accompanied by the following let- strategem were deemed advisable. \ to -work with'. The mpne.y can be used Fighting along the lino from th« entire police department, -In order to of the expedition so that donors of Germany Miuft Explain. to Increase the salaries of the .grade bundles can' distinguish It. She will ter, in which was inclosed the -key of teachers. They are the \ ones, In my province of Plock,- Poland, to Tilsit, pick the sixteen men on the force best tour all the principal north and south the grip mentioned: ^ As for the German proclamation that East Prussia, virtually Is continuous. \ i ^quipped for detective workv It is not Locust Grove, Ga., Feb 8, 1915. it may be difficult to determine the opinion, Vwho deserve the most consid- thought, however, that Chief Lunfbrd side streets, and everywhere a ribbon Mr. Joseph C. Loira.n, Secretary Associated eration. - Atlanta Athletic The Germans today^ apparently ar« 1 suspends from the front door, «he will charities, Atlanta, Ga," character of a" vessel in the war zones "While the amendments1 show a sav- taking the offensive from O-umbinnen )vlll select any new detectives frqni Dear Sir: I am sending: by same post the -uniform policemen or former vice go In and collect the bundle.. ^ because of misuse of neutral flags, the ing of only $16,08?, still I .believe before and the Mazurlan lakes as far north On account of her matinee perform- a suit case ot clothing, both of which are tlie end of the year it will mean.a sav- Club May Combine squads- • ' 1S to tie disposed of as you see fit. Enclosed United States intends to ask for more UH Lipno, Poland, on the right bank The resolution stipulates that the ance, she will be forced to give up the i» key for. former.' with all good -wiahel information as to methods by -which ing of more than $7C,000, because we of the Vistula. N trip at 1 o'clock. , \ for Bundle Day and 'all other days. I am have started the ball rolling- in- the A -dispatch from "Warsaw says a i selections are to be subject to the yours truly. - - the order will ibe carried out. It twill "approval of Police Chief Beavers. The huge truck will be furnished toy (MISa> MART LAKE SHELDON, point out that It expects every effort direction of equalizing salaries, not With Capital City Commissioner- Andy King's plan of M. Rich & Bros. Co. v liudien Working Hard. upwards, tout downwards, and we will having police call officers stationed at 'Alt Grocery Wagon* to Help. to be made to verify the' nature of soon realize something' from salary re- a number of rtie fire stations in differ- Every retail grocery delivery wagon The ladies who met and organized ships flying neutral flags, assuming ductions." Wmather Prophecy Monday morning are doJng splendid that due respect for the safety of Committee of Latter Is Ap- j FAIR. ent sections of the, city and ion .duty work. They have secured the delivery Salary Equalization Urged. continuously, to answer police emer- wagons mentioned, visited the hotels Americans -will toe given. •• In connection -with the demands made pointed to Confer With I gency calls from those sections, will and appointed committees to canvass • Neither communication will so for- by th«-mayor, c'ounciroffered a resolu- ' t Gcortrin—Fair Wednesday and Thurn- •be carried out. .The board last night = j the suburban towns. • They will meet ward, it. is understood,' until complete tion ulrging the board of education to Representatives o f Ath- i «loy instructed Chief Beavers to place two — I at headquarters on "Bundle day" 'and information is 'available. As Vet the proceed. Immediately with the task of call officers at fire stations Nos. 7, 9, Two Hands Pull := j assist those who will . assort1 the cloth- placing the salaries of all teachers in I/ocnl Report. 11 and I". = long memorandum of the German for- the public schools on an equal .basis. I Lowest' temperature 24 ing. ' - ' ^ letic Club. 47 \ King's Plan. eign office, sent by wireless to1 the The resolution was offered by Council- I Highest temperature.. — __ i n*i <"V -""• -"=ilrs•. "«.Dan" j-iLylj ioe wilwinl reueivreceive aialll thrne American press, haa not reached - the jMean temperature 3(i All emergency calls from citizens ST Harder Irian (Jne = bundles from residents, of Colleg-e Park state department from Ambassador man Claude Mason, leader of the, cau- Normal temperature 44 foi\ immediate police protection will., = , ^ = i and taJke them to headquarters In her Gerard.. Nor has Ambassador Page, at cus * members, and It was referred, on Amalgation of the Atlanta Athletic J Rainfall it\ past 24 'hrs.', inches'.' .00 \ JJB heretofore, be received at police c r- motion vof Alderman Armistead, to the clu'b and the Capital City club was Deniclency since first of month, in. .01 = ' i S v ^ • London, transmitted an official report Exces a ince .S7 headquarters and transmitted ' from — Arrangements have been made to on the hoisting of the American flag committee on schools. Alderman Arml- discussed officially at a board meeting I ^ January-1, Inches. . there .to the call officers on duty at the When' manufacturer ' and stead is chairman of the committee. Report* Prom VartouH Station*. foregoing- named fire stations. A tele- •= take care of the' bundles that will come on the Lusltania. He cabled the state The finance sheet with the amend- of the iatter club last night -wi,tb, the dealer join together to push — (from the Agnes Scott institute, the department today, however, '$he text of ments suggested by the mayor was not result that a conference committee •TAT10NS , I Temperature. puionc for police use will be put in a particular product, results — j Washington' seminary and Miss 'Wbod- the British foreign office's statement, and. State of - reach of the fire stations, according to passed -without a contest. V was named to confer with a, similar ••WEATHER. I 7 p.m. | High. nch««. are sure to fpllow. = berry''s school. published two days ago, justifying In the present plans, which Is to connect The headquarters are at Xo. 10 De- general terms the use -by British ves- Mayor Woodward had considered committee from the athletic club. Atlanta, clear. . 42 .47 .00 directly with the signal office at head- It is. a cas,e where two several plans for bringing the general The committee named Is composed Birmingham, clear 44, ' 50 .00 is quarters. catur street in a room on the first sels of neutral flags to escape capture. council to terms on the sheet. His Boston, clear. '. , 20 '.00 heads,and two pairs of hands floor of the Gojuld .building, which has In the absence of .an official state- of Ed Inman, Ulric Atkinson and Ed- 36 ^ For information of the public Chief are better than one. first move was to Veto the sheet with wUi F. Johnson. \ \ Buffalo, snow. . . -14 1.4 .OG Beavers announces the following ter- been loaned for the occasion by L. J. ment from Great Britain on the Lusl- the amendments carrying $171,000 In Charleston, clear. 42 48 .00 The meeting ground for Daniel, of Baniel Bros. A ^arge sign tania Incident any Inquiry this gov- The conference committee from the Chicago, clear. . 30 33> .00 ritory'' to be covered by call officers anticipated revenue, and immediately .Denver, clear- • • 08 66 .00 from the four fire, stations: I mutual effort is the advertis- indicates the place, the Mack Sign com- ernment, may mak« on the subject of called \» special meeting 'of council to athletic club has-not yet been made, = i pany having generously volunteered to the use of neutral.flags by British ves- Galveston, p. cldy, 62 .O'i . From No. 7, at Whitehall ^street ing columns -of The Conati- get action on the sheet or on his veto but many of the influential members Hatteras, clear. . 36 44 .00 i paint the sign free of cost. sels probafbly will be "based on the for- Council showed no disposition on Mon- crossing, territory included in seventh tuti6n. \ . . ' V ' Pan-Hellenic Helps. of that club are said to be in Vfavor Kansas City, clear 40 44 .00 - and tenth wards and part of the terrj- eign office statement and confined to day to'take action on the sheet, so the \ ICnoxvIlle, clear. \ 36. V 40 -.00 When the manufacturer ad- TJhe» Atlanta Pan-Hellenic announces the general question. >• v mayor called for a conference Tuesday- of amalgamating the two clubs. tory in the first and second wards. that on account of Thursday being Louisville, clear. 36 ,. 40 .00 vertises his product he is cre- 1 Wilson Quoted on Questions. morning with leaders In the caucus While no definite plans have, .been Memphis, clear. . , 4-1 SO .00, Krorii No. 9, at Central, avenue and ating prospective .customers "Bundle day" for the Associated Chari- movement. made, it is proposed to use the Capital Miami, clear. . . 60 68 .00 Glenn street, territory included in first ties, they will not hold the , rummage •President Wilson, is quoted as say- He was careful 'to select only-those Mobile, clear. 54^ , 58 -.00 and secoiiU wards. for the store of the dealer. sale planned for Saturday mornin-g. ing that action by congress-could not members of council -who represent the City club town house as the town ! Montgomery*' clear 50 ^ 54 .00 From No. 11, a.t North avenue and When the dealer pulls with The Tan-Hellenic requests that the control .use! of the American flag ,by south side sections of the city" Thev home of the two clubs if the amalga-j Nashville, clear. . 42 • .00 packages which were promised for this were Councilmen Claude Mason of the x . 52 60 .00 , territory. Included ill the manufacturer he is cash- sale be sent in'stead to the Associated foreign ships, and that such restrictions tenth. J* i>. McCord of the second, .1 ^tion is effected. The athletic club's I ew Orleans, clear fifth, sixth arid eighth wards- and part Charities. •would .h-ave . to come through interna- 30 .0(1 ing in on, The Constitution C. White and S. L. Dallas of the sev-' town house on Auburn, .avenue Is to be j oklahofna? clearV 58 «4 .00 of territory In first and fourth wards. advertising. * ' . tional 'agreement. H« added that use enth a-nd Sam Freeman of the tenth. sold and the proceeds used to, adding I Pittj-iburg-,' snow. . 20 24 .01 lfrom Ko. 12, on DeKalb avenue) ter- I^e' shows the "goods in his of flags in that -way had been resorted Fair Project Endangered. \ 0 1 3 1 ly 54 58 .00 ritory Included (In fourth- and ninth = j AUSTRALIA TO ALLOW to frequently in the past. two extra stories to the Capital City .p ^ - ^* ' cjg'ar' ° 40 46 .00-. windows and oji his coutners, "Gentlemen." said the mayor to th«- I club to be used as a gymnasium with Kan^Franclsco. cly wards and part( of third ward. It -was indicated that the adminis- insurgent members. "I have called you 50 54 .40 Call officers from police headquar- bringing them to the notice 5| EXPORTATION OF WOOL tration is deeply studying th'e -war zone together In a. spirit o« co-operation I locker rooms and shower baths. \ St. 'Louis, clear. . 38 .00 v 1 50 56 .00 iters -will answer^downtown calls and of customers, and selling the question, with a view to determining know that you are all in sympathyl with In event of the combination the shreveijortfc^ear! ' v 60 , 62 .00 "go out on special riot calls and^ other goods. ' . ^ Melbourne, Australia, February S.— its effect on American shipping. Itiwas the fair for Lakewood pa.rlft and that callus involving a serious nature. (Via London.)—.Exportation of wool made clear that every effort will be you don't -want to do anything to kill' handsome new country 'home bf the j Spokane, cloudy- "• M2 46. .00 It is the kind of co-opera- that project. But you roust realiKe Atlanta Athletic club at East Lake is Tampa, clear.,, . , 52- l .00 When fire station No. 16 is con- tion tha^'spells mutual profit will hereafte.r be permitted to neutral made to protect American rights. that if the budget fight continues the proposed for the country home of the Toledo, cloudy. . 20 24 .08 structed in- Bellwood the present plans countries with which , this trade was The president takes the view that fair project will be killed. Now (r Vicksburg, clear. -62 .00 • of the board stipulate that two call permited prior to rehmposltlon .of the •hew club. The Bast lake golf linkg Washington, p. cly 28 36 .00 embargo February 5.' That will allow and 16-acro lake will be greatly im- officers, be also\..Btationed there. riiiiiiiiiiiimiiimmimiiimuiiiiiiiimiiir. exportation to tb« United States. . Continued on Pagp Two. Continued on Page Two. C. F. V0n HERRMANN. • ' .. T. • proved in. Uii* •vent. I r i INFAVSPAPERf I.EWSPAPER! THE CONSTITUTION, \ATLANTA, eA./" WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1&15. BageTwo. ® ™" •> •*" , . .... * ' ... i ""• ,-,..*..... \ - i

r number of German, -women -wefle- among office t*aay gave-out a.'". r.eport. on 'the navail; . forces. Since the British city-had no right to rescind its^, prisoners taken by the" Russians at progress- of :the fighting:1' <3at«H Febr ; admiralty on January 31 instructed arid he declared that the teachers will HOWARD TELLS FARMERS .the Junction of the Bziira river. Some ruary\ 9, which reads as follows: British merchantm'en to use neutral hive a good "aotlon "aOaw'lf they See t OF .RURAL CREDIT BIL& Of th«> women, it was said, were found "In the western arena of the flags, neutral ships,.even without takH fit, to go to court to collect the amount! •with rifles in their hands in the first nothing of importance ha» transpired.. ' tag into consideration the unavoidable due them. \ 'However, tW,e city code and | line of trenches; ' "On tb'S East "Prussian, frontier; wet accidents of war, run the rlsV of .be- charter of tHe city does not ipermlt a By Jobn Corrifcan. Jr. ; v have had several minor local success- ing mistaken for hostile merchant city employee to sue the city. Such' Washington, February 9.—-(Special. ) FRENCH DESTROY" es; otherwise the situation is un- ships and of falling victims of attack action would, automatically remove: Kepresentative William Sohley Jlo , changed." . '. -' -. . ' ".• ratflCATEDROliMAN. Intended for these ships. them from their positions. tonight addressed the .executive '-coun- GERMAN MINE GALLERY: I "It was to thi-s danger that the an- cll of the National Farmers' union, in BOMBARD; £ .>• ^ ;,. ,. . . • ,... . j nouncement particularly called atten- session at the Hotel Po \vhatan, on his Taris, February 9.—The following of- tolll for the establishment of a xural ficial communication was ,'issued .'to- RUSSIAN FORTS. \ Herr Hirsch Creates Uproar j Macon, Ga., February 9.—(Special.;)— I ^"rhe GeVman naval forces, of course. He-old plan of attempting to locate•*•- have received orders to use no vio-QUART OF LIQUOR credit system. • : night: ' • - . ?•...'.',". ' Petrograd, • February 9.—The. Turk- Mr. Howard received close attention • "There is nothing,of material im- ish cruiser Midirli, formerly; the Ger- by Demanding Termina- body tn the river by throwing in a, bale: lence against neutral ships ab^far as as he discussed the function of «the of fodder at the spot wliere' the" body these are recognizable as such, but' FIXEi)AS THE LIMIT local itepunty bank* which will deal di- portance to rep.ort. man cruiser Breslau, -has 'bombarded tion of Struggle. o ld n l ••During tb,e afternoon of Monday, Yalta, a port pn the Black sea^ In the last seen waa..tried, here today by , kJ;L.£ 5* « «5L . • instruction by^the rectly with the farmers who wish to v Crimea. No damage was.'done. .In FOR AN ALABAMIAN make long time loans on their land; February ' 8, we blew . up In front of response to this attack. Russian crul- the state banks, and finally the -central Fay, southeast of Peronne, a mine gal- bunk. He dlsfeussjed at some length ,se3s weht to the Turkish side of the , Amsterdam, February 10.—-(Via Lon- Ocmulgfee river; eight miles a,bove Ma- "Neutral shipping, therefore, can • '• i \- x lery in which the enemy's soldiers iwere Black sea and bombarded,; Trebjizond. don, 1:46 a, m.)—Herr, a social Montgomery i Ala., Februarryy S. — No« the necessity for a central bank which at .work." .. .'. V ' , •• . The text of the announcement; con- con, last week. In some instances the only be urgently warned again, as in transportation 'company' , ,afte_ir Jun_. e 30. j would 'brin„g tog-ethe_ „ r Vthe resources —of. 1st deputy,- created *a furore- in . the fodder has been known to go right to £?<; £a£1'?L/nn°UBce^entV,tV-av,?id can deliver more than one quart of i the fasmer borrowers in all sections of The report Issued t in the afternoon veying this Information follows: " Z ne follows:. "Sentries between Sebastopol and Prussian,diet toy assenting -that the so- the spot- where the.body, was lying and, -notice"" *"" ° further liquor to any one person^ in Alabama.*; the country. Following, the addre'ss , "In 'Belgium esterday, there were TTalta reported the cruiser Midirli ap- cialist patty * refused v further to sup- sink; but if there is anything in the! No protests, according to Herr von The Denson anti-sfilpping bill today ; Mr. Howard expresse:d the belief that proaching. Talta, upon which port she automatically became a law, it having; the committee woul;!- indorse the "bill, Intermittent artillery, exchanges and port the government * and demanding theory the body of Mr. Smith must Jagow, have 'been received from neu- remained on Governor Henderson's! The national officers of the fanners'' Yores an X ' '' '• • , Hava'na, February 9.—A , Frerfch t- years ago, was a.gain re-elected presi- New Tork, February 9.—Norman B. dent at a meeting of the directors on "There has 'been no change in Poland mored cruiser; , apparently the . the British cruiser Bristol, which for urged the election of Morris Lichtenv porations, died today. BERLIN SAYS. -"The Austro-German allies yesterday, some weeks has been alternating with stein as president and asked leave to Continued From Page One. Mr. Ream is understood'to have died- . Berlin. February 9.—(By Wireless after a 'battle of^se-vera!,days, took a, the, British cruiser Berwick in watch- serve the alliance in the ranks rather after an operation for intestinal '(to Sayyllle, N. Y.)—The Germaji War yillage north • of--'Vblovec,-which the ing the port and cruising outside Cu- than as its official head. trouble, from\ which he had suffered ban territorial -waters. There IB m.uch Mr. Lichtenstein, one of the vice have called you because you represent for several years. He was in his speculation in official circles regarding presidents of the Jewish Alliance, in- the southiside and are vitally interested seventy-first year. the purpose and the presence of these sisted upon the re-election of Mr. in the fair." Mr. Ream waa rated • among the cruisers. , . - - Krie'bshaber, whose successful admin- There followed a lengthy discussion country's most prominent capitalists. istration of the affairs of the alliance of the budget and ,the demands of the! He• was one of th3e organizers and dl- has w-on universal' commendation, and1! mayor. In the midst of the discussion rector"" s o~f" th"--*•*•'-'e ^Unite-->d State«•".-*—s ^--Stee,l cor__j:- i Russians had stubbornly," defended. his election was unanimous. Councilman McCord, of the second, poration, a director of the Baltimore PURE FOOD j Nu-merous prisoners 'arid much ammu- The following officers were re-elect- J loomed as peacemaker. He made ref- and Ohio, \Erie, Pere Marquette, Sea- nition and war material were jcalptufed. ed: Miss Melan eibelman, vice presi- ererice to the $12,500 appropriation for board Air Line and other railroads and IRISH YEttDW dent;. Morris i/ichtenstein, second vice sala-ry increases, and immediately May- a member of most of their executive "On the other Carpathian fronts president; Joseph Heyman, \ secretary. or Woodward became interested. * He committees. GROCERIES severe'battles occurred. In the west- Sigmund Weil was elected to'member- had referred to it in his v^to message At the time of his death he was a di- FAST DBLIVEBIES. e'rn sector the Russla.ii attacks were ship on the board of trustees and the and. had fought the increase at every rector of the Equitable Life Assurance PhoncM, 31. 1O61; Atl.. 4O4, 4^38. PURE unsuccessful, and 340 prisoners; and retiring trustees were -re-elected. opportunity si^ce last May. society, the National Biscuit company POTATOES three machine guns fell into ' • 7f> \ - ' training school for men and women to Terrell county's Handsome courthouse ARMOUR'S "STAR" or fresh THE BEST BREAD BODY OF MISS TUMLIN take" positions of clerks and Stenogra- narrowjy escaiped destruction by lire SNAP BEANS COTTON BLOOM . phers in the «ity government," he said. last riiS'ht. i ' \ • . .smoked Hams—8 to 12 KINGAN'S Lo»l 4c fSf. 7c TAKEN TO CARROLLTON The mayor's argument had its effeot, .Large Can Equals 2 STo. IO Pall, \% . As Clerk of Court ~\V. S.. Dozier was Ibs. each— ' - • v Quarts JPrenn llenns, BACON and the agreemenre t wasv, speedily reach- leaving .his office at 10 o'clock he saw Irish Potatoes, Carrollton, Ga.,. February 9.—(5spe- eel. Befoi* the counqilmen left the smok* coming down the back stall's . io^ - ; S7^ -\ . •• LB. 31f* clal.)—rThe body of Misp Ethel Tumlin, mmayor'a s office he had the promise that pepk ...... 19c eight membmbere s would support his con-1 and discovered flames enveloping the J7c8b. l formerly of this place, who was re- rear hall leading to the grand jury LIMA BEANS LIMA BEANS KINGAN'S Taters, ported to have committed suicide at the tentions room. He promptly sent in 'an alarm No. • S Size . Royal Ho. 1 Sine Royal peck 19c VDcAlpin hotel, In New York, last Sat- . Teachers Could Sue.. and. the fire department quickly re- BACON Scarlet Brand, Scarlet Brand, SALT MEAT urday, will be brought to Carrollton In the fight before council, Council- sponded, subduing the flames with a FRESH Country this afternoon or tomorrow, and in- man Wood, of the sixth, raised the loss of about ?500, covered by insur- Kingan's Delicious Sliced in ' .17^ ' •' • • 11^ 1 ' .LB. 9^< Eggs, dozen . . . terred In the city cemetery.^ \t the point that he did not believe the city ance. The fire is supposed to have pound cartons— time of Miss Tumlin's death she was council could legally or morally cut originated from someone dropping a EGGS Magnolia- Flour, head milliner at Capen Bros.' depart- off the salaries" of the school teachers lighted cigarette, on the hall floor. \ EGGS HAMS 24-1 b. bag . . . . ment store In Birmingham, -Ala., and after a kesolutioni had been passed op V This aftei-npon, fire originating from Ib. 30c Bine Ribbon: Strictly Good Quality, Swift Premium or 99c was in New York baying- spring goods providing for the Increase to/ begin on an ^unknown cause, 'destroyed tfie barn Fresh,, >' . for the firm. Her.only immediate sur- 1 Dove Brand Broyles' XXX Self-Rising Flour, the first of the year. He also argued of Mrs, Emma. T. Crouch on Church PURE DOZ. 24«* viving relatives are-Mrs. R. Lee Sharpe, that .even if the city council had the • street, together with most of its con- DOZ. 27<- -.; 17^ ' : her sister, and iMrs. N. J. Tumliii, her mother. No motive >has been assigned legal right to cut off the apportion- tents, including 'a mule that had ,been STARCH SOAP $ 1.04 for her act. ment. he regarded It as a poor policy put therein only half 'an houV before. Pork Sausage TOILET SOAP Hams, and bad precedent to take advantage of Stored in this barn -were 20 bales of it PnckoRcs Argo, . Iiennox 5c Laundry, the teachers' plight. cotton, which were badly damaged by Swiff's Family Style Sweet ' Maiden, Diamond C," Ib. 9 CAKES 25^ '3 CAKES 1O# 15!c MANY GOOD ADDRESSES City Attorney Mayson ruled that the fire. ' . - • . ' -~ v\- " 11^ No. 10 AT TIFTON RALLY TODAY Pure Lard TOILET PAPER CODFISH CHEESE v si. 5 liUTtfK Hulls, Red Seal Shredded, ITnll Cream, - Tifton, Ga., February 9.—(Special.) — 1V CASH STORES The first of the farmers' rallies which Iced Ginger Cakes 29^- •\v PKG. 6^V- , (LB. 19* TRADE AT NEAREST STORE will be held',In Tittiph . tomorrow Is a If you want something good rally for the entire'Second'district and not for Tift county'alone. This is the and fresh for your kiddies, first of twelv.e rallies to be 'held in buy these—. ' '-•'. different sections- of the' state under the auspices of' the State college and Fresh Georgia Pork department of agriculture and the Fed- 2 ibs. 21c EAT MORE CORN BREAD eration of Women's Clu'bs. \ The sessions of the rally will be held from 9s? to 12 a. m. in the- public V, Regal Brand Georgia White Com Meal Makes the Best Shoulders Ib. 'school auditorium, and from 1 to 3 FLOUR Strictly freali Spareribs, Ib ... p/m. in the courthouse. Our sales of our "Home-Aid" There are fourteen good speakers on -No. 10 the pFogram. They are: (Mrs. Nellie Flour are wonderful—everybody 12-Lb. Bag . . . 33c Silver" Leaf Peters, Black, Mrs, Ii 3, Armsden, Com- appreciates—it's the best on the missioner of Agriculture J. D. "Price, market—24-lb. sack, 24-Lb. Bag . . . 65c ( President A. M. Soule, of State College of Agriculture;r R...T.H. DeLoach, Julius H. Otto,-Dr. A. G. Fort, M. L. Brittaln, S^ L. Lewis,, .T. Phil Campbell, J. L. Shop at the Nearest Rogers Store Huncan, C. J. Haden and\T. E. Waldrup. COFFEE v ''YEGGS VISIT CHAMBLEEf Our Own "Home-Aid" Fresh SIX SUSPECTS NABBED Roasted, Decatur, Ga., February 9.^^(Spe- 23cib/ *• SEMI -ANNUAL STATEMENT for theV Six Months Ending December 31> 191*-, Gash firo. Co. 37 S. Broad cial.)-nrThe depot at Ohamblee, on the of the condition of Southern railroad, ,ta TDeKal'b county, was broaiied by the "Company, with the Par and Market Value of the' same "and the Amount Loaned thereon: • * HUGHEY'S 1 15 Whitehall •f-A Total Par'IValue ....'..../. .^...... $10,000:00 Sterling Paint Totnl-Martcet Value.. .. \! .',...... i .....'.'.. .. 10,600.00 ON SEA WAR ZONE Many . pareMs who •'drink 'coffee would not allow their Amount Tiouned thereon (carried o\it) .. .'. S.690.\00 A GUARANTEE OF i «. Cash belonbrifig- to the Company cleppaited 5n Bank.. 360,076;39 -children to touch it. " . j. Cash In hands of Ag.ents and in.eourse of ' trans- Continued 'From \ Page One. SATISFACTION^ \ • mission '...... '..:. i. . ' "...... 302,223.47 • • • . • ' . \ ; \ The 2^2 .grains of the drug, caffeine, in the average cup Vbu LL FIND IT At the -war zone proclaimed by Germany - TotaT.. .. :...... '.'.'..''.,-. •''. '.I'-'... ..'...... ;. :?G82^299.86 • r Total Cash Items (carried out) ...... \.' . $ 662.299.80 does not constitute a blockade or even of coffee vis far more injurious to the susceptible nature of a Amount of Interest actually due,\and accrued and unpaid.. a paper blockade. He stated \that- it Dozier&Gay simply was a. •warning. child than to an. adult, but, j'UiSt as constant dripping will wear Total admitted Assets.. I ..'. ... '.. ?2,862.-188.96 A bill to ma'ke it unlawful for a ship away stone, so will the^ ^repeated, doses of caffeine undermine Paint Co. Leas Market Val4ie in excess of Liabilities on Special De- of foreign registry to fly the American posiits', 2,057.46 flag for deception .was introduced, in the strongest constitution. •• V 31 S. Broad St. > ' ,i »,'..>•. . ' the house by Representative Martin, Atlanta, Ga. ; .Total Assets^pf the Company, actual ^ciish market value,. J2.860.131.49. of South Dakota. It would prescribe - ('-•'> . . III. LIABILITIES. ^ . a fine of $10,000 to $100,000 and con- V Parents .Who w"ould protect their own health as they do Phones: Male 1115; Atl. 320 J. Losses adjusted uucl .uripaid .. .1'. -..,'.. . .$ 40,352.30 fiscation ofvthe ship. that of their children \vill see the- reaso'n for quitting coffee *. Gross Tosses in process of adjustment or In sus- , . The Healthiest Fruit— WAR ZONE ORDER , pense, including ail reported and supposed Losses. ,241,085.00 i Finest I*' '' 'i --"-'-•- 3.-Losses resisted, including Interest, cost and all DEFENDED BY VON JAGOW. and using .. ^ ^ other expenses thereon 36,370..70 Grade rrUnCS Berlin, February !).—(Via The Hague 4,, Total'Amount, of Claims for Losses.. .. 317,808.00 D1" Ub' Airtight Packages. to London.)—Gottlieb von .Jagpw, the 8. Deduct Re-Insurance thereon.. .. ., .. ".104,699.31 " German foreign secretary wh6 is visit- ing Berlin, in the absence of Emgeror « 'Net -Vrndunt of Unpaid .Losses-(carried out)...,., William on th,e eastern front, today ex- Broadway yd 29% Si. !»' The Vniount of-Reserve for Re-Tns-urance'.. .. l. .• plained to the correspondent oJT the ll" Ml othpr claims ajrainst the Conipuny.. . Shipment Finest, Sweetfst ; Associated Press the nature of the re- ia" Joint Stock Capital actually paid up in cash.. .. 500,000.00 Indian f\^^ ! cently announced German naval meas- M! Sxirplus beyond all Liabilities.. -. • •• •- 632,933.71 ures to be taken iigainst hostile com- i "An\Hotel Where Gue.U are Made I River v/ranges •mercial shipping, over which, he'said. to Feel at Home" | ., \ ., .: : \ S3.S60.131.49 I there seemed to be misapprehension l-i. Total Liabilities. . .: .. • - - i • •- ^\ • The Best of the Season 1 abroad owing to delay in the transmis- A Not too large, yet large | IV. IN'COME mrRTNG THE SECOND SIX MOXTHS OF .THE TEAR 1914. ) sion of the memorandum accompariy- v j ihg- the proclamation. The phraye This pure food-drink contains nothing that is harmful or enough to afFordi the I I Amount of Cash Premiums received.. i • .. .. V $ 894.0B7.94 2 Pog. for 42c I "submarine blockade" as used in the 3' -Rereived for Tntc-rost -. . . . 39,85-6.37 t foreign press, the secretary said, per- injurious, but is, on theVcontrary, healthful and invigorating. ' maximmn of value at I fi Total Income actually received during the past,six months. .953.934.31 ... • .•' Biftmore '".; ;; ' haps als<> was . responsible for this V~ EXPEN*D\lTUniiS t>LTRTNG THE SECOND SIX MONTHS OF THE TEAR ' misapprehension. minimum expense. | 1914. • '- ;..'-'. '.• Wheat Hearts I "The announcement was not a decla- Dostum is easy to make; has 'a delightful snappy flavour, Exceptionally Accessible I 1. Amount of Losses Paid. ,-. ' ...... ? 401^74.44 The Ideal Breakfast Food, I ration of a blockade," .said Herr von 2. Cash Dividends actually paid 27,046.50 Jagow. "All question's as to its^valldity v.ery- much like Old Gov't Javas; and is good for bo^th childre^n 500 Room*—Moderate Restaurant Charge* I 3. Amount of Expcfi.sos paid, inelndmtr fees, salaries and com- Per pkg. only . .- . i promised on this theory are excluded^ . • ' RATES' - V | • The proclamation designated -waters ,and adults. ,''".'••' : missions to Agents nncl Of fleers of tho Comtmny. . , 340,05,5.04 i around Great Britain- and Iceland as Single Room v, ,>u_ running water \ 4 Paid for State, National and Local Taxes In this and other . _ • *i.«« to ssi.ui' :i .. . . *. . ., ^ .-,;-., ... . .,. ,27,977.71 I a war zone, announces Germany's in- " Slncle Raom with tub or xhower tention to conduct war operations in Postuni is sold' in two forms—Regular Ppstum, which ?,ttUi, . * to SG.UO '= B All other Payments and Expenditures.'viz:~VOt requires bpiling, i$c arid 25c packages; Instant Postum, „ . S2.0U to SJ.Un it = Double Room wltJj[»ij,Qr xbower " : Total Kxpenditkres during the ;,«econ«l : , six; months of the , ^'England months ago declared the .year.. .-. •.."".. V. '.'. . ."•. . •.. •'.''.'..•.. .. 796,806.81 •''!::-*'..fero •", whole of the North, sea war -area. Ger- which is soluble in hot water—made instantly in thd cup, 3oc, | b£tl« ' , . ' S;!.OU to -jO.liV [ man warships herettif ore'have destroy- Greatest Amount Insured in any oae.risk.. :,. .5 50,000.00 Cakes 'and all sorts of good thing* for ed merchant ships belonging to the arid Spc tiiiS' ( • :^:\ ••'':.- '.:• ' V • ••}.'>': | EDW.MH> C. FOGG, Managing Director I •Total Amount of Insurance outstanding.. .. .\. 2,855,980.19 ; £ RO If L. BROWN. -R ttiJtnt Manasrsr i I enemy'only w.hen\there was 'every cert ninintiiiiiiii. iiiiiiimiiiiMiiiiiuiliitiiim. uiiiuiuimiiiiimujiiirmttiuinimi? A copy of the Act of Incorporation, duly certified, Is .of file In the office tainty that their, passengers and crew * Both kinds are equally delicious, and the costvoer cup " could get away safely! But in the ••' ' -;.--'- •''-',.. ..) •. •-• ^ V . ' * of the Insurance Commissioner. ••','' " ,.' 1 Valentine i future this forbearance must be sub- STATK OF NEW TORK, COTTXTT C(F XEW TORK:— Personally ap- Teas— Parties—Dances j ordinated to military.. considerations, about "the r' ' ' ONLY ONE "Bromo Quiirine." that ia pSared before the undersigned. F. H. Crum, -who, feeing duly sjvorn, deposes ; and since England, by measures iriad- and says that he is the Secretary of The SX'orth River Insurance Companv, and Give us your order f era special cakeorfor — \ misslble under international law, has L.axatiye firomo Quinine that the foregoing ' statement is correctand -true. paralyzed neutral commerce with Ger- \ , ...... Any,.- of the. inaax;, good t ing^ for the ccca,- man.v ,{11 an atterifpt to force Up.ori the Sworn tq'anU subscribed! ^ me, this-. 4'th E Efehruarj^, 'I!ll4i fliDriJfo'uridfoii'jr-at K mper/sf . , German civilian population death by Corwa C6W in One Day, v : starvation. -'...'',. V , . There's a Reason" lor POSTUM ' ;' ' -••-'•'' - ' I --Tt'^JO*fA Ni "Anyhow," co3it3nueel Herr von Ja- Notar r'N. Y. Co"unty;~>To. 4097 gow, "hostile merchantmen have no H. I^E VEKT. claim to considerjition if. as in part -sold by Grocers everywhere . I* Klt,px: Peachtree Street already 'has-been the case, they are - to the Ger-


by conceited action on the part of the ROME PLANS TO \LIFT vested Interests Jn those states In mat- ters of vital importance affecting the Estranged Husband and Wife SMALLPOX QUARANTINE solution of \eeonomlc problems and GUILTY SHIP ULMINA ————^—~ i meeting commercial requirements. The example and experiences of those Rome. Go... February 9.—(Special.)— states, it is maintained, affords an The matter ,of instituting a more rigid object lesson from •which, all states not Sign Rerndrkable Document, } quarantine against Chattanooga, pro- so organized might well profit in the AND ARE ffie$125,000 ENTERSENGLISH PORT hibiting any person^from that city front formation of similar organizations. \ . \ • \ MEET NEXT WEEK \Vort In Other States. entering Rome, has 'been dropped toy Many other states are now in process the Rome city council, an investigation i of organization, and it Is the slogan of If They Refuse to Pay, They Vessel Will Be Seized and With Recorder as the Witness showing- that the smallpo^v epidemic Is those taking the initiative In the for- Will Be Ousted From Cargo Intended for Germany daily improving. People with health Representatives of Interests mation of a Georgia Manufacturers' as- certificates will, therefore, be permitted sociation that this state cannot afford ' Missouri. to come here, as in the past, and it Thrown Into Prize Court. Judgy George E. Johnson, forsooth, Leavader Do\\na specially agrees that she All Over the State Coming Invitations to all manufacturers •will not molest or follow or go around the is probable that* the quarantine will be throughout the state are now being acted a role other than that of police place of business of the said C. C. Downs. lifted in the next few days. mailed, urging attendance at the meet- Jeffei-faon City, Mo., February 9.— London, February 9.—A dispatch to recorder of the city of Atlanta Tues- "This agreement Is entered into by and to Atlanta to^ Perfect Or- ing to be held on the 16th. The ar- Fines aggregating $125,000 were levied with the consent of the Hon. George E. ^ • rangement of programs and all details Lloyds from Falmoutti announces that day afternoon. He was seen In the Johnson,, recorder. ganization. , -will bo in the- hands of competent com- i by the Missouri supreme, court today the American steamship "Wilhelmina 1 role of Dan Cupid, administering 'heart "This Sth day of February, 1915. . mittees, who will see that everything on five large packing firms and under arrived there" this afternoon. The balm fluid ^to an estranged husband (Signed) V Is done to make the first meeting of the decree of the court the right of Wilhelmina 'is bound from New York "C. C. DOWNS. . the companies to continue business in 1 and wife. In the nature of pacifying ^ \ "L.BAVADER DOWXS." LESS MEAT IF BACK . the association1 the most notable busi- for Hamburg with a cargo of grain admonitions. The manufacturers of Georgia, > rep- ness gathering ever assembled in the Missouri is conditioned on the payment and foodstuffs. Falmouth is a port resenting every known manufacturing state, composed of representatives ol I Thve husband had caused the arrest j of the fines by March 11. Otherwise, much used for the detention of vessels of his young wife because of an alleged Interest within the state, will meet in industries confined wholly within the or if they violate the anti-trust law, carrying cargoes under investigation. Buys Florida Steers. Atlanta Tuesday, February 16, for the state. \ I they must leave the state. v The .policy of the British govern- threat by her to kill htm and then Columbus, Ga., February 9.—(Spe- AND KIDNEYS HURT purpose of perfecting a Georgia Manu- ( The companies affected are Armour ment concerning the Wilhelmina, it Is kill herself. • cial.}—The Georgia Packing company, facturers' association. Bakers of the Southeast \& Co., Alocris & Co., Swift &-Co., the stated at the foreign office, has under- *TMy ijroodness!" exclaimed Judge of this city, has bought a herd of Flor- The objects of the association will be Hammond Packing company and the gone no change. Her cargo of food- Johnson, "I bet you folks will kiss and ida, cattle containing 100 large steers, Teike a GIas» of Salts to Flush to create and maintain an organiza- St. Louis Dressed Beef and Provision stuffs destined for Hamburg will be make up before I get through, with to lie slaughtered at the packing plant To Discuss Price of Bread company. thrown into a prize court and the ship you tWs afternoon." the company recently opened In Co- Kidneys if Bladder Both- ••: tion of the manufacturers of the state The suits were an ouster brought by will be released as soon as possible. lumbus. ,This particular herd was pur- of Georgia for their mutual benefit, At Meeting,in Atlanta Governor Major -when attorney gen- The American Commission for Relief This remark (brought forth instant chased at Hardaway. Fla. ers You—Drink Lots" and to that lend establish a. relation of eral in 1910 and were directed against in Belgium has received no further ad- denials of any such, reinstatement of mutual helpfulness between those en- the companies on the ground that they vices concerning its offer to buy Che matrimonial bliss from both husr the other concerns. the commission. that has been in progress for the past The court* summarized the evidence killed him long ago, and then turned Produces kidney trouble in some form v two months sounding the sentiment of the annual convention of the boutii- suicide, but I live in hopes of his see- or other, says a well-known authority eastern Master Bakers' association, ac- as showing an a/greement among the It generally is understood the Wil- .because the uric acid in meat excites manufacturers generally toward tne cording to a statement tonight by Au- companies to Restrict competition, fix helmina's cargo will furnish a test ing the error of his ways some day organization of such an association, the prices of live stock and of dressed case to determine if the British gov- and turning back into the right path. the kidneys, they become overworked, the campaign being conducted-fram gust Gellfuss, president of the asso- ernment can keep American vessels get sluggish; clog up and cause all temporary headquarters established ciation. The association comprises the beef, and dominate the trade generally. I want to see his soul saved." sort* of distress, particularly back- states of North \Carolina, South Caro- The opinion says the National com- from entering German ports with food '"Well," remarked Judge Johnson, as- ache and misery in the kidney region, here in the Peters building,*supported lina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and pany became a holding concern for, for the civilian population of Germany. by voluntary subscriptions on the part and directed, the five packing compa- the Wilhelmina was chartered from suming a compromising attitude, "I rheumatic twinges, severe, headaches, of the organizers. Tennessee. , , _ don't want to punish either of you. acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, "In view of the high prices of flour, nies named v , thereby destroying compe- the Southern Products Trading com- sleeplessness, bladder and urinary Irri- ^toe Active CtrEaniaer*. ^ the bakeries, except possibly the very tition and fixing dressed meat prices pany, of New York, by the W. T. Green Will you both promise to leave the The decision said: Cdmmisison company, St. Louis, and other alone if I -will dismiss the case?" "Yes, mothers, the tation. The organizers are: small ones, will have to advance their The moment your back hurts or kid-1, Oscar Elsas, president. Fulton Bas and prices very soon If they have not al- "It is disclosed that the National the cargo was consigned to the flrm's I This compromise was effected In a ne-vs aren't acting right, or if bladder ready done so," said Mr. Geilfuss to- Packing company, organized as a pack- branch office in Hamburg. short time, and tho signatures of dis- Forest Pines are given in Cotton "Mills. Atlanta, F. B Gordon, presi- ing company, but utilized entirely as . It had toeen contended that food- bothers you. get about four ounces of dent, Columbus Manufacturing company, night. "Some of the small bakeries a holding company, became, soon after stuffs for use of civilians only were gruntled husband »nd estranged wife Jad Salts from any goo4 pharmacy: Oolumbus; H. P Melkelham. -agent, Mas- have a supply of flour, purchased a not \ contraband. Subsequent to the were affixed to th« following agree- take a tablegpoonful In a glass or sachusettB Mills In Georgia, Lindale: J. B. month ago which may run them, a its organization, the owner "by pur- ment: water before breakfast for a few days ^Sullivan, president. Towers & Sullivan chase or the stock of the Hammond Wilhelmina's sailing the German gov- Or. Bell's and your kidneys will then act fine. Manufacturing company, Rome; M. E\ Cole, while." Packing company, the St. Louis Dressed ernment announced its intention of "State of Georgia, County of Fulton, City president, R. D. Cole Manufacturing com- Beef and Provision company, and 80 seizing all food products in Germany, of Atlanta: This famous salt^ ia made from the pany, Newnan; "•William Kehoe, president. MORE COTTON TO BREMEN per cent of the Swift, Armour and whereupon Great Britain declared all "Whereas, It appeareth that C. C. Downs acid of grapes and- lemon Juice, com- Kehoe Iron \Vorks, Savannah; George R food products contraband. has ^caused to be made a case against Mrs. bined with lithia, and has been used Lombard, president, Lombard Iron Works. \ Morris companies, and of the stock of Leavader Downs, charging disorderly con- . tor generations to \flush clogged kid- Augusta- Julius Gresham, president, Gresh- Cordele, Ga., February 9.— (Special.) other companies. DACIA PREPARING duct, and It appearing to the Hon. George For the quick relief of your child. neys and stimulate them to normal nm Manufacturing company. Griffin; H. A. One of the largest single shipments of "The prime purpose of the organi- TO BRAVE BRITAIN. E. Johnson, recorder of the city of Atlanta, activi,tv; also to neutralise the acids In Dean, vice president. Towers & Sullivan cotton ever made toy Cordele cotton zation of the National company was to that the said Mrs. Leavader Downs lias ob- "It's the best I know" says one. t;he urine so it no longer irritates, thus Manufacturing company, Rome; W. P. Stev- brokers went out today. The shipment enable the heads of the great packing Norfolk, Va., February 9.—Before the tained an Injunction against the said C. C. ending bladder disorders. x fjis, general manager. I-O Stevens^ Sons- was made by the J K. Livingston Cot- companies, Switt, Armour and Morris, American steamer Daicia sails from this Downs prohibiting him from following or Antiseptic All .lad Salts cannot injure anyone; company, Macon, Thomas K. Glenn, presi- who were Instrumental in its crea- port for Rotterdam with a cargo of in any wise harrassing said Mrs. Leavader makes a delightful effervescent lithiar dent, Atlanta Steel company, Atlanta, ton company, and included 1,000 bales, tion, to form a substantial and effect- cotton Intended for Germany, Captain Downs: Soothing 25c. SOc. $1.00 requiring an extra freight train of McDonald, her master, 'must inform his "It Is hereby agreed by the said C. C. Healing water .drink which millions of men and In determining the sentiment of twenty cars, to move It over the Sea- ive union of interests and thereby Downs and Mrs. Leavader Downs that the Boy to-day • women take now and then to keep the ijnanufacturerv s it has been pointed out board railway to Savannah. The final control not only the supply of HVJB crew of the true status low ed by ^a nipht performance. On Thurs- day two performances will be Riven also refuse to sail with her thej will be The company "is offering "The, Rosary" for given their dischai-go. Ten of the men the first four days of the week on account are negroes. V of the fact that Margaret Anglin is to TOie Daeia was formerly owned by STERLING play Friday and Saturday. For "The Rosary" the German Hamburg-American line. She has been transferred to American On With the Spring Sewing! the Company has had a wonderful set of v scenery built a-nd the play is given in registry since the war broke out \ \ a perfect manner to the smallest detail. > ^_^ \ The company is particularly well cast and PEPSIN GUM the performances of the week have been greeted with enthusiastic applause. At each performance a tremendous crowd has been « FRE§H MINT FLAVOR present, demonstrating- that the playeis MORTUARY White Goods Are Priced have won .1* place in the hearts of the (All Funeral Notices Appear ^ amusement lovers. L,n»t Pnice.) Margaret Anglin. ITS DELICIOUS' SMOOTH (At the Atlanta.) Warren Crocket, Marietta. Seats v.are now selling foi the engage- In A Timely Sale TASTE IS A REVELATION ment of Margaret Anglin at the Atlanta Marietta, Ga., February 9.—(Special ) v Friday and Saturday with a Saturday Warren B Crocket, va prominent citi- matinee.' Miss Anglin and. her New York zen of Marietta, died at his home here . i THERE IS NO CRUMBLING company are presenting: "Lady Winder me re's Sunday nig-ht at J.O o'clock, after an Fan," and the indications are lar^e au- illness of several weeks. During' the We list below iii the briefest form some remarkable -values created for diences will watch, each performance. Misb Spanish-American \war Mr. Crocket NO GRIT' BECAl^SE FINE Anglln has a, particularly fine company joined the Roosevelt Rough Riders and those wlio would'get into their spring sewing. ana Is seen to the best advantage of her made a brave soldier in the campaign entire career She foeema perfectly fitted in Cuba. When President Roosevelt MEXICAN CHICLE IS USED for the part she e^saja in this play and visited Roswell during his term, Mr. The difference between the^ regular price aitd the lowered price is a gen- is surrounded by a company which is per- Crocket was one ,o£ the bodyguard of fec.t In eveiy respect. The company num- the distinguished visitor there, he and uine saving. For m every instance the larger price is the one that the goods WHEREAS MANY GUMS bers twenty-odd players. Miss Anglin has 1 s been greeted A\ ith enthusiasm throughout Cobb county's big- sheriff, W. J. Frey, sold for or would sell for in the ordinary: run of things. < CONTAIN SUBSTITUTES tha country on li,er present tour and the \vho weighed^ then 340 pounds, riding sale bo f«ir serves io make certain a dem- together on hoiseback in lead of the onstration Friday and Saturday. profession from the depot to the city AS ARESULTOFIN- park, where Mr. Roosevelt was intro- Everything is as fresh and dainty as you could select werev you altogether Keith Vaudeville. duced by the late Senator Clay. The V \ funeral was conducted at 4 o'clock unmindful of.the savings. QREAS-ED COST OF (Atf the Forsyth.) Monday afternoon at the late residence V One of the cleverest combinaltionfl of on Cherokee street, and the remains 150 a yard, white checked crepes, 28 390 ayard, plain white voileb, 40 inches genuine* vaudeville features, IH the attrac- wcie taken to Arlington, Va., for buriar CHICLE TO MANUFAC- tion tills -week nt the Forbyth. Bessie Wjnne in the national cemetery there.. inches wide } . . , V xvirle . . \ In headline position, sustains the place. \ v TURERS ' * STERLING GUM With a charming personality, a delight- ful magnetism, and go\vns and songs that H. H. Kitchens, Camak. 150 a yard, white linonette suitings, 34 450 a yard, plain white French Voiles. positively appeal Miss Wynne Is one of the Camak, Ga., February 9.—-(Special.) — inches wide ....''. v. .... \. . .1 40 inches wide CONTAINS NO SUBSTI- most popular-stars in the theatrical world. H. II ICite'hens died at his home near ^Her program of songs this season is new. Camak Monday afternoon. He -was TUTES - - ABSOLUTELY The best one-act playlet ever seen at stiioken with paralysis about ten days 200 a yard, checked dimities, all size 650; a yard, cotton crepes de chine, thp Forsyth is "The Meanest Man in the ago, and gradually grew worse until checks, 28\inches wide World," as presented by Allan Dinehart the end came. Mr. Kitchens was one cream color, 36 inches wide .... PURE - and Marie Louise Over. The act it, splen- ^ rticUy .staged anrl the idea Is quite original. of the ttio&t prominent men in his home The story Is a blending of pathos and county, having been born and reared in 250 a yard, pJain white, crepes, 28 650 a.yard, plain white French crepes, comedy that is pleading. Al Hermann, quite Warren county, was an extensive . inches Avide 36 inches wi'de * ... a tombination of Al Jolson and Flank planter, one of the directors of Farm- t Tinnry, is cine of the successes of the hill ers' and Merchants' bank, Wa.rrenton, 1 THE STERLING GUM CO Because ho Is suggestive of the other t\vo Ga., also director In Farmers' and Mer- 290 a j-ard, flaked and striped white 8«£c a yard, • plain white crepes, 50 black face comedians it does not folloxv chants' Gin company, Camak, and sev- INC that lie Is borrowing their material. he eral other enterprises m this county, crepes,^28 inches wide \ . inches wide is- entirely original, and of the "make good" tie leaves se\en children. Misses Maude, NEW YORK cl,Us The Agoust Family in splendid jug- Myrtle and Leta, Messrs. C. D., A. K | 350 a ya>rd, white linoflax lawn, 40 $1.25 a yard, white embroidered crepes, gling feats closes a show that is interest- 1 v ing-, pleasing and refreshing from begin- and M. F . Kitchens, and one married inches wide ....'.... r .... 40 inches wid'e . . . . .JJ51.OO ning to. end. daughter, Mrs. R. W Ware. Interment The ii*>-vt headline!- -will be the famous was in the Bailie Hill cemetery. War- 'd \\arf comedian. Count Bogonghl, and ren ton, Tuesday afternoon 350 a yard, white rice cloth, 40 inches $1.2^ a 3'arcl, white French crepes,^ among the other featuieK \\ill be the Em- 1 pire Comedy Four, the first singing; quar- wide ^.. silk stripes, 40 inches wide . \. . \. SJ51.OO tette of ^tlie .sea-iqn. Miss Daisy Mathews. \ l The funeral of-JVliss Daisy Mathews, 290 a yard, white striped crepes, 27 . $1.75 a bolt (io yards) Imperial Eng- of 426 Capitol avenue, was held ,Mon- dav afternoon at the residence. Elder inches wide v . . .v . 25ft lish nainsook. 36 inches wide . . . SJ51.5O T ".T Heart, Re\ . W 4T. Major and Rev. Greatest Event G M. Kakes officiated, and interment 390 a yard, all white, striped crepe.s, was 111 West View cemetery. She was $3.00 a bolt (io yards) Lily of the \the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D M. \ 40 inches wide Valley nainsook, 40 inches wide .! in Woman's Life Mathews, and had 'been sick only a few days. Miss 'Mathens had been blind 'AH human experience looks back to since she was !! > ears old. motherhood as the wonder of wonders. •The patience, the fortitude, the sub- Mrs. Harriet Rawlins, Eastman We've Just Received Some THE lime faith, during the Ka^tman. Ga , Kebruarv- n.— (Special.) j • k Mrs Harriet Rawlins dropped dead last period of expectancy night at tKe home 'of her son-in-law, i AND ITS are second only to Joe Peacock. She was 66 years of age. the mother love he- Six children survive hei, Jim Rawlins, v stowed upon the chief of ioolice of Eastman, Niok Raw- World-Wide Interesting Attractions most helpless but lins, Mrs. Joe Peacock, Mrs. Isaac Rog- I Attractive Waists most marvelous cre- ers, of Kfibtman: Mrs D. W. Floyd, of \ ation—a hahy. Chester, and Mrs. J. W. Lovett, of At- \ \ Women are quick lanta. ^to learn from each IS CALLIN\ G YOU other those helpful agencies that aid to Captain M. J. Dean, Darien. So Remarkably Priced- comfort, and yet are^ perfectly safe to use Darien, Ga , February 9. — (Special.) — . The Atlanta Constitution makes it possible for you to and among these they recommend Captain Matthew J. Dean, pilot of the | "Mother's Friend." i Darien and Sapelo Pilot association, ( visit the two GREAT INTERNATIONAL, EXPO- died suddenlv Monday aftornoon at B thai we must tell you of them at once. They are such smart, dainty models SITIONS this year held at San Francisco and San It is entirely an External application o'clock at his home at Ridgeville, near v designed to lubricate the broad, flat Darien. He was about 50 years old werked out in such fine Crepes de Chine, wash Silks and Dimities, Voiles and ^ Diego. muscles and skin that protect the and is survived by a sister, Mrs. Belle abdomen. It has been In favorable use Lucas, and brother, Frank Dean, both the like at their prices they make unusual values. for nearly half -a century and is known of Ridgeville. __ i ^ to mothers in almost every settled com- munity In the United States -who highly Mrs. Mary Weatherly, Athens. and $2*25 waists Crepes de chin*;— DO YOU WANT TO GO? recommend it. You will find it on sale Athens, Ga.. February 9. — (Special.)— in drug stores. "Mother's Friend" is of ^organdies, em- __ ^ _ ^ *• 1 Mis. Mary Weatherly. wife of -Joseph i,n plain shades— utterly harmless, contains no t eadening Weatherly, R-randdaugrhter of one of the At $1.95 drugs, very beneficial, very soothing and a broidered in dain- At $2.25 that are washable governors of South Carolina, mother vMake this opportunity your opportunity to see San wonderful help. ^ I of seven sons and three daughters, died tiest designs; voiles finished with flat Venise —mais, flesh, white and black; hemstitched Frantisco, the two expositions, and'the many other Get,a bottle of "Mother's Friend" to- last night at her home here. Eight day at any drug store and write to us rephews acted as pallbearers at the •edges'; all-over embroidery waistsv feut collars that may be worn high or turned points of interest. for our Instructive little book to mdthers. funeral services this afternoon. She back. Also at this price are tub silk s'hirts Address Bradfleldi Regulator Co.. 313 v.-as past 70 jears old. ' their chief charm lies in the smarter, prettier Write today for information to ' Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. \ in a variety of stripes, hemstitched cuffs and Mrs. L. W. Coile, Winterville. ways that laces, embroideries^and tucks,are ' yokes and the collars are ^the new high-low Athens,,Ga., February « — (Special.)- . used and tl^e very graceful turn back collars. One of the saddest deaths of recent style. . v • The DAILY CONSTITUTION times was that of Mrs Leila Waggonqr GOLD Coile, at her mother's home at Winter- V ^ Atlanta, Ga. Mile, yesterday. She was 2G years olrl, and leaves a husband, F. I. Coile, of this Lingeries waists, we racist call them for the lack of a belief ternu cit\. The funeral was this afternoon at WORK Winterville V Sh^er laces and vpiles, dimities,, fashioned in new ways; plam with SS.OiO ' many tucks, edged with embroideries of notable fineness, low col- Stephen Meade. , lars and high collars—the variety is immense and we know the values are superior to those BEST SET Of TEETll Stephen Meade. aged 52, died last nigrht at 8 o'clock at a private hos- that $1.00 has bought hithertofore. >• \ ' •> ^ THATIV3ONE^CAN BUY pital He is survived by his sister. Mrs.^ Timothy Hynes, of New Haven. Conn, He •was a member of the local stone Wash $ilk Shirts, cutters' unjon. The body is at Bloon^- and $5.75 self Blood Poisoia Mastered field's chapel. an unusually fine striped and plain ^ — it is Incumbent upon joil to secure a thorough, searching Cecil Fulgham. At $1.95 grade of silk is ani Peachtree St. after a long illness. She is survived (by Uer soo&

SPAPFRf NFWSPAPFK! nations loofe to this country to enforce their THE CONSTITUTION American Railroads—The ETntafilfihcff! lAOS. , : rights where 'the belligerents are concerned. Official v Indictment THE STANDARD SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER Manifestly, the situation is one wHere I,. The Holland Letter Great Northern. Of Jefferson Davis th6 most delicate of diplomacy must com- By GEORGE BTTCH. V Author of "At Good Old Stir*ab.» Fuklisked Daily. Sunday, Tri-W«kly bine •with a touch of tartness. We must do A Valentine. In the produce exchange it has frequently the official indictment for treason of been said since the price of wheat at Chi- Jefferson Davis, president of tho Southern CLARK HOWEUU business with all these various nations, or I The Great Northern. Tallrpad was a happy Tcjlcr C8<3 (General cago passed $1.50' a bushel that consumers in Confederacy, upon which he was arrested in their remnants, at the conclusion of the war. idea of James J. Hill, -who built it at a time Georgia, but never tried, is one of the most Director*: Clark Ho well; P^oby Robinson, Most certainly, we do not want to become ft'hat sweet thought, dear, foreign lands will flnc\ that wheat costs them when Dakota and Montana consisted mostly 1 shall be your Valen- at the rate of $2 a bushel at least. For it-is interesting Vlocuments that have to do with Albert Ho well. Jr., E. R. Black. H. W. Qrady. embroiled with any of them now or later. tine, of boundary lines, and has owned it ev0r the civil war. Mr. Davis was carried as a in the foreign markets that the cost of trans- since, though in the early days he had to ge^t prisoner to Fortress Monroe, where he re- Telephone Main tHMJO. At the same time, we cannot afford to When sweet thoughts portation, insurance and like charges are out and help with the switching now and of you throng each mained two years and was released without stand idly by and see our commerce, which * golden minute? paid. These costs flo not come out of the then to save expenses. being arraigned for tila^. ^ A icward ot money received by the farmers for their The Great Northern originates at St. Paul, is just now getting on its feet after a shock When all the roses of the $100,000 was offered for his arrest after he earth incline wheat. The extraordinary situation occa- and proceeds liyestward through North Dakqta, was indicted. for which It was not responsible, ruthlessly sioned by both domestic and foreign demand sending out branches north witih a regularity As it is claimed that the original indict- Tour way, shower their rarest petals v which makes it look like the backbone of an slaughtered by the fighting nations. We are In it'r for wheat has been now for several days ment has been lost or stolen and that Very the exciting- topic in business circles here eel with the ribs attached. It crosses Mon- playing, it adeems, the role of innocent by- Only this thought: If you' were ever near tana just under the eave troughs of the re- few copies are extant, the following, which and presumably in the wheat-growing dis- was published from the original 111 1S66 and All that Faith dreams of Heaven would be tricts as well as in Chicago. It begins to be public, runs through Spokane, which was stander, but we have too much at stake to here \v Inch is copied from the bcrapbook of au submit to the punishment usually accorded suspected that a gigantic corner in wheat Atlanta ladj, will no doubt be read with cou- may be automatically created. Reference is sideiable interest that individual. . \ i II made to other 'corners, and also to conges- v The result probably will be that after \a Love would have all sweet flowers knowl tions which have \been so great as seriously Indictment of Jeff Bnvix. your name, * to impede the export or wheat, indirectly at "The following is the indictment found by series, of negotiations we will come to a defi- least, and harmfully to affect the railroads the grand jury of the United States circuit With every wind that breathes on them court, at Norfolk, Va , ^against Jeff Davis. nite understanding with the belligerents, to bless \it; and Business. Heretofore, the corners in "'The United States of Amenca, District both as regards the restricted sea areas and wheat have been the work of speculations. of Virginia, towit In the circuit court of Love's stars to light your steps with fade- The experience which those who undertook the United Stateb of America, in and for the contraband. The whole country has a stake less flame, .to corner wheat have met with, including Distiict of Virginia, at Noi folk, May term, Entered at the nostofflce at Atlanta in the matter, since it is engaged in ship- Tour lifted brow with angels to caress it. James R. Keene and Joseph Leiter, has 1S6*. the grand juiors ol the United States •econd-class mall matter. But not to angels all your thoughts impart of America, ii| and for the District of Vir- ping numerous products across the ocean. demonstrated that no one man or one group ginia, upon their oath and affumation re- Lest they should share my heaven in your of capitalists can corner permanently any of spectively, do present that Jetfer&on Davis, POSTAGE RATESi And the south's imperative need tovget out heart! the great staple products in .Athe United late of the city ot Richmond, in the county United States and Mexico. States. Those who have succeeded in specu- of Henrico, in the district of Virginia afore- its cotton and the surplus' grain it will raise 1 - , The iVcw Town Correspondent. lating in cotton have known exactly when said, yeoman, being an inhabitant of, and 2ct 24 to 3U-uuice paaera. Sec 8« «o this year increases our interest. Letter from the New Town Correspondent to realize their profits. Those who have un- residing; within, the United Stateb of America, papers. Sc. _ ^__ _ and owing allegiance and lidelity to the said of The Adams Eagle dei taken completely to earner cotton have United Stales of \America, not having the ATLANTA, GA., February 1O|! 191,5. "Nothing has happened since we were failed. That is true of wheat, according to fear of God before his eyesr not weighing, the appointed correspondent from New Town. The the best business opinion now, and It is true duty of his bkid allegiance, but being move,d &EADY WITH THAT BUNDLE! and seduced bj the instigation of the devil, RATtlJSt t people are in a conspiracy against us, and laid also of eoorii fcij Mail in the United States and. Mexico. Borrowing the vernacular, Atlanta ought Congestion occasioned by the inability to and wickedly devibing and intending the (Paya-olo tuvaiiaoly in advanc».> low when we took our pen in hand How- move wheat from the elevators to the mar- peace and tianquillity of the^ said United 1 mo. S mo. 12 mo to make a "killing" on Bundle Day, which somever, it won't be long before they'll be kets has occurred as recently as 1907. In States of Amei ica to disturb, ana to stir, Oilly anS Sunday ...... SOo ~ J3.26 »6.00 move and incite insurrection, lebellion, and 0 is tomorrow. Initiated and underwritten by cuttin' up, for when folks have got the the early fall of that year, when wheat was 600 2.2i v *-^ I/lmitn Its branch lines' to one pnsaengrer train war against the said United States of Amer- .... »•» »•«• the Associated Charities, the idea has caught devil in 'em he's sure to break loose some beginning^ to move from the harvest fields a day with Inflexible resolution. ica, on the 15th day of June, in the year of Tri-Weekly *•«» time or other" to the seaports, the elevators, especially our Lord, 1864, in the city of Richmond, coun- hold of the big-hearted people 61 this city merely an Indian scratching post when it was ty of Hem ico, m the District of Virginia, i By Carrier. those at Buffalo, were filled to bursting with aforesaid, within the jurisdiction of the cir- In Atlanta, 65 cents per month or 12 cents with amazing rapidity. Co-operation is the ""We understand that Mr. Carnegie has wheat, not because anybody had cornered i built, and lands at Seattle The Great Norfh- cuit co,urt of the United States for the Fourth been wrote to to give us a library which, ern also operates the largest ship on the per week. Outsido of Atlanta. 60 c«nt> per watchword. it, but because the railroads were unable to Ciicuit, . **in* itnvant dJ.VSJ ,fo Lll^r J thI^IeO L'l Districii; I, \JL Vt 4 1 go llllCXf r Virginia, montn jr 14 cents per week. God knows, is needed bad, we having noth- transport it. The trunk lines which have Pacific betweeii Seattle and the Philippines. a-foresil m. wit..h forc. e and- arms unlawfully...... Don't forget that Bundle Day will not cost terminals at Buffalo did not possess freight Fifty jeais ago theie wasn't a sodhouse talsely , maliciouslj and traitorously did com- J. K UOL-LIDA*. Constitution Building, ing but the Code of Georgia; and two dic- pact,, imagine and intend to raise, le\ y and cole Advertising Manager for all territory the participant a penny, while it may, and cars in sufficient number rapidly to move on the route of the Great Northern from Min- tionaries I sometimes wonder how we've this wheat. That was one of the contribut- nesota to the coast Today the system oper- carry on \vai-, mburiection and rebellion outeide Atlanta. > probably will, mean a great deal to the pulled through so far. It has been said — against the said United States , of America, ing causes whith brought on the Odtober ates almost 8,000 miles of track and hauls and in order to fulfill arid bring \to effect the The adciress of the Washington Bureau is beneficiaries. in the Good Book, if I make .no mistake — panic of that year No individual or railroad enough wheat and other crops each jear to said traitorous compassing, imaginings and, No. 1727 S Stieet. N. W.. Mr. John Cnrrlcan, In common with other cities, Atlanta has that much learning makes folks mad, so management was responsible for this condi- feed the warring armies and leave, enough intentions of him, the said Jefferson Davis, Jr.. Btalf coi i e&pondent, in charge. maybe we ought to be glad we escaped. tion It was due to the timidity of capital over for Belgium. We are an impetuous he, the ^sald Jefferson Davis, towit: On its problem of unemployment. Many people More in my next, if the Lord spares life." winch made it impossible for the railroad country, and nothing gets out of date so the said 16th Uaj of June, in the year of ^ THE CONSTITUTION IB on ^eale *n New quickly oh this continent as statistics regard- our IxJrd, 1S64, in the said city of Richmond, York city by 2 p m the day after Issue. It who normally •would have no difficulty in companies to secure sufficient funds to in the countv of Henrico. and district of can be had: HotaUng s Newsstands. Broad- purchasing good clothing and shoes, now "Winter WaMu. enable them to buy freight ^cars. ing ourselves. ^ • Virginia aforesaid, and within the Jurisdic- way and Fortv street (Times building Gray Winter hasn't long ti» wait Is Wbent Corner Possible? The Northern Pacific also runs from St. tion of the circuit court of the United States, corner). Thirtj -eighth street and Broadway find themselves positively harassed by the Spring's coming, — he'll not mibs it; An expression commonly heard not only Paul to the coast, thiough the same states for the Fourth Circuit, in and for the said tnd Twenty-ninth street and Broadway. problem. * She'll toss a red lose to him straight, as the Great Northern, but the two systems District of Virginia, with a great multitude And watch him catch and kiss it' upon the floor of the produce exchange, but live in consideiable peace and do not fight of, persons. whose names to the 1 The Constitution 'is not responsible for In the garrets, the attics and the old in the offices of the commission houses re- jurors aforesaid are at present un- advance payments to out-of-town local car- cently, is this: Is the United States in danger each other in a rude and scandalous way. known, to the number of five hun- riers, dealers ot agents. storage places of Atlanta are "salted of over-exporting wheat? That is only an- This is because they are owned by thei same dred persons ai\d upwards, armed and ar- down" many a garment and many an old man Some years ago the two i, systems rayed in a warlike manner, that Is to say other way of saying that there begin to be , bought the Burlington, but when Mr. Hill with cannon; muskets, pistols, swords., dlrkt,, "NA 7 ION A L COMMON SENSE. '* pair of shoes ^of which the owner intends sjmptoms observed (Of what may be called attempted to weld them into a homogeneous, and other warlike weapons, as well offensive to make no use. automatic cornering of wheat. If this does . water-tight, bomb-proof and lap-welded and i defensive, being then and there unlaw- In a. straightforward spee'ch Delivered at come, it will be due to competition, and may holding company, the cruel government step^ fully, maliciously and traitorously and atro- That garment or that pair of shoes rep- illustrate one of the evil effects of excessive ped in and forbade the banns. ciously assembled and gatheted together, did Pittsburg, Pa., James A. Farrell, president competition. For there appears to have been falselv and traitorously assemble and Join 1 x resents only storage space to you. The Great Northern has $260,000,000 cap- themselves together* against the said United of the 'United States Steel corporation, made created recently an unprecedented demand ital stock, and has managed to wiggle along States of America, and there and then, with They represent passable raiment and for wheat, which comes from two sources. on $245,000,000 bonds, of which it spent ?107,- force of arms, did falsely and traitorously, an extremely optimistic forecast of business weather-proof shoes to many less fortunate Those who are leaders in the wheat markets 000,000 buying the Burlington system. It owns and hi a warlike and hostile manner, dispose in this country and appealed to the "national in Atlanta. i across the sea are determined to secure all, enough iron lands in Minnesota to supply the themselves against the baid United States, of they can of the present supply, and are wip- country for^many years, earns $76,000,000 a America, and then and there—that is to common sense" to take advantage of the op- You can rest assured the garment or the ing to enter into contract for heavy pur- veour, pays 7 per cent dividends, and limits say, oa the said 15th day of June, in rho 1 >ear of our Loid, 1864. in said city of Rich- at hand. ," pair of shoes will reach a deserving desti- chases during the remaining months which its branch lines to one* passenger train a day mond, inV\the county of Henneo and Dibtiut will elapse before the harvest of 1915 will i with Inflexible resolution. of Virginia aforesaid, and within Jurisdic- Mr. Farrell is qualified to speak with au- nation. become available. On the other hand, the The most Imposing feature of the Great tion of said circuit court of the United States The Associated Charities has charge of domestic vdemand is unprecedented. No doubt for the Fouith Circuit iln and for the bis- thority. The commodity his concern han- Northern visible to the traveler is Mr. Hill s I trict of Virginia, In pursuance of such then this represents in ^part speculation, that is residence in St. Paul. dles is universally acc'epted as a barometer that part^of the proceedings, and the Chari- to say, the leaders ln{ the domestic market traitorous intentions and purposes aforesaid ties has made a' science of weeding the fit he. the said Jefferson Davis, with! the said of conditions. He referred to .healthy con- are persuaded that the price of wheat will persons so as aforesaid, traitorously assem- from the unfit among the needy of Atlanta. rise. They therefore buy and buy V and ex- bled, armed and arrayed in manner afore- ditions in the steel trade and declared they ecute contracts for future delivery. The best said, most wickedly, maliciously, and traitor- Tomorrow is the day. informed authorities here say that these do- ously did prepare, levy and carry on \ extend to every other line of endeavor. He against said United States of America, con- Get ready with the bundle. mestic buyers are not seeking to corner the With the Exchanges trary to the dutv of the allegiance and fidel- dwelt, also, on the improved outlook for If you, cannot give money, at least''you wheat market. These two demands running ity of the said Jefferson Davis, against the side by side inevitably cause appreciating THE CHARITABLE BURGLAR. constitution, peace and dignity of the said cotton. In fact, he could detect possible can help in this direction. prices ifor wheat, and It would not be sur- United States of America, and against the trouble or embarrassment in no direction. With its population, Atlanta ought to prising if the market price at Chicago were (Viom The Los Angeles Times ) form as the statutes of said United Statev as high as $2 a bushel. Intimations come to If in need of financial assistance addrebs of America in such case made and provided His appeal to the national common sense give thousands of bundles. a letter to "Burglar, General Delivery," and "'This indictment was found on the testi- "this city that many of the farmers are per- it, will receive attention This fa what Mrs. mony of James F. Milligran, George P Zai - is particularly timely, as was the recent v. Now, out if or a record! suaded that if they wait Jx>ng enough they Carrie Watkms, of 235 West Fifteenth street, bury, John Good, Jr., Hardy Henhen anil will be alble to receive as much as $2 a statement of President Wilson that business advises as the result of an encounter with Patrick O'Brien, sworn in open- court, and bushel for their wheat. ^ the "burg-lar " sent for by the grand Jury. Where the Dane-er la. (Signed) "L H CHANDLER, men could secure better legislation^ if they THE DUEL FOR WARSAW. Mrs. Watkms, Vvho has been ill, was "U. S. Attorne. y for the Dist__. o. f Viiginia" studied politics more intelligently. It is This Is one of the curious complications awakened to find a masked man in her Unless the Germans and the allies come and paradoxical situations •which have been room. ( American common sense that has conquered to grips before Paris, It Is probable the occasioned by, the EuTOpean war. A mere "I have been ill, and have no moneyA" superficial reading- o*f this tendency is likely Mrs. Watkms told the intruder. "That's hard every problem yet presented to it, and that present war will witness no military spec- to lead to the belief that the more money the luck," replied the man. As hp passed through also ib gradually putting the quietus on the tacle more dramatic than the duel between farmers can get the better off they are, but the dooii- he flung a five-dollar goldplece on RIPPLING RHYMES f' He Talks Right Out. By WALT MASON. A citizen sets himself right with the pub- it may happen that by reason of these two the bed with the remark that a letter would more riotous and harmful of the dema- Germans and Russians for^the possession of demands, one domestic and the other foreign, reach him "care ge'neral delivery." v v lic, in The Adams Eagle- gogues. the ancient Polish'city of Warsaw. "1 ain't no candidate for no offjce, I ain't more wfteat is bargained for than can be The generosity of the man is attributed THE GROUCHY MERCHANT. obtained. Then the consequences may be by the police to the fact that early in the Mr. Farrell spoke in a voice of encour- It is impossible to do more than guess never been an' ain't a-goin' tw De; but I'll say from the tangled press dispatches. But the this, right out in meetin': If lots o\folks -very serious to the country. The United evening a man answering his description The grouchy employer whose head's al- agement of the "live and let live" attitude that's been in office since Lord knows when States may not be able to export all the was seen loitering in the neighborhood of ways sore, is sure the destroyer of peace in general impression is that of two huge and would step, out and help the country- to grow wheat which we have contracted to export. 1412 East Fifteenth street, and some time his store. "I pay out good wages, the best of the government toward business. That unwieldy armies stretched oyer hundreds we'd have a lots better country than what The domestic buvers may not be able to se- later Perry Lucas, of that address, missed in the town, and always," he rages, "mv cure all the wheat which they have brought $1Q, a revolver, and a manicure set. The salesmen fall down. They come recommend- quality is an important one. We have had of miles, struggling like titans through snow we have now, though Lord knows It's mighty 1 nigh good enough now." v for future delivery. That would occasion same man, It is believed, entei ed the home ed as men hard to beat, bu^ ere a month'-j a surplusage of business-baiting and dire what may prove to be a serious disturbance. of Mrs. Maud Clark, 1439 Bronson street, vand ended they're dead on their feet." WHH and sleet and slush. t *• v threats issuing from Washington. One and It might lead to a collapse of the wheat mar- took articles of Jewelry valued at $600 and rantlngs and rallings he eases hie mind, but The suffering on both sides, and the *. The Hungry One. ket and the financial and business disturb- a small amount of money. I to his own failings he'ja stupidly blind. He all, theyv have been unsettling, especially in losses, which have been discreetly mini- (A Br'er Williams Revival Hjmn) ance which possibly might be occasioned always Is growling and roasting the clerks, the past five years. mized, must have,been tremendous. Those thereby would tend very likely to check tho FIJVDS 93,5OO IN" LUMP. his gloom and his scowling- affe«t the whole I. ' disposition, iwhich, unless it be checked, is (Bak»r»fl«ld dispatch to The Los Angeles who love good literature must hope that Times.)V works. No clerks oaii keep humping-, (with A mor^e serene prospect faces business likely to lead to general business improve- blows, smiles and becks, ilf someone i* Jump- among both armies are men capable of tell- Tribulation's hongry when he breakin' out o' ment and expansion. ^ Thirty-five hundred dollais' worth of gold in this country, if it will do.' two things: v Jail,— ing "all day on their necks. "It's no use to ing the story, when finally they emerge from Another effect of this Extraordinary and in one chunk—a nugget weighing 10 3-4 hustle and play a good game," they say, "the Co-operate m its various branches to the Dat's de time ter ude him out de country on unforeseen demand will be discovered In a pounds—has been found near the head of their gigantic death grapple. a rail, 1 Red Rbck canyon, on the Mojave desert, by old quss'll be mad Just the same." ^Gxown .greatly increased acreage devoted to wheat weary of nagging, they fret and they sii], end of scattering the last vestige of stage "Watch out when he comin'—don't you let yo* Science has recently taught the faVmer's how Dave Bowman, an old-time placer mineir, ac- courage fail, cording; to Lance Underwood, who arrived In their spirits are sagging, they'v* girief In the fright lingering from the European war and they may Increase their wheat harvests bulk J The dealer and seller should look for Tell him dat it's time ter hit devhighway! while at the same time not greatly Increase Bakersneld this morning from Mojave k the period previous; stand on its rights with a chance to boost the young feller who's keen 1HE D. A. R. II the acreage devoted to wheat. That Is a con- Mr., Bowman was not prospecting when regard to the politicians, giving assurance dition which has long been hoped for by he found the nugget, acopiding to Mr. Un- to advance. The merchant Is silly who rants Atlanta is honored in playing host to the De saints hez got de hard row, but de hoein' James J. Hill, Howard Elliott and others who deirwood, but was merely going into the can- by the xear; his store has a chilly and dead atmosphere. His men are alll^ wishing he'd meanwhile by its behavior that it will not seventeenth annual conference of the Geor- mus' basdone, aire thoroughly familiar with everys aspect yon when he saw the great lump of gold. Shine do light o' glory an' you'll make de of wheat growing in the United States Mr. The nugget is very nearly the largest cross the divide, so they,oould go fishing and tolerate any of the financial excesses which gia division of the Daughters of the Ameri- ever found in this vicinity. Mr. Bowman had let their jobs slide 7 s de^l run, \ ^ Hill, as the master mind of the Great North- previously gave the a handle can Revolution. Women frpm all parts of Ef you fix yo' wings fer flyin' you kin rise ern Railroad company, and Mr. Elliott, no scales with which to weigh the gold, but against_ legitimat-^ e_ business. ^ Georgia are here to participatp in important up ter de sun. through ten years' (service as president of rigged up a balance with a 10-pound hammer street man, couldn't you save money If vou But all de time it's trme ter hit de high- the Northern Pacific Railroad company, have on one end, and the nugget at the other end died?" There are all the makings, as President deliberations, and In the social functions way' l made constant and exhaustive study of wheat proved three-fourths of a pound heavier. arranged in thejr honor. The hostess, chap- (farming. Both of these authorities have been 1 HE NEVER S>AW NAPOliEON. Farrell took pains to show, of a great re- Asked and Annwered. persuaded that It is not advisable constantly FAMOUS TAVEKA CLOSES DOORS. ter is the Joseph Habersham chapter, of (Boston- dispatch to The Philadelphia Public (From The Newfoundland Quarterty.) vival of business in this country. All we This from 'the paragraph-man of The and exclusively to cultivate wheat tn the King Edward VII. as a boy worshipped which Mrs. John A. Perdue Is regent and Americus Times-Recorder- i great wheat belts of the north and northwest, ledger,) need is a little patience and level-headed- The "Bell-in-Hand," Boston's famous old Wellington, who lived for eleven years after Mrs. W. Lr. Peel honorary regent. ^ ""What has become of the old-fashioned but that there should be Instead cultivation the birth of the future king. One morning ness to materialize it. In the south th$ woman who used to make pillows for the of animal meat products and of other food tavern, which has r.ung the fame of .its old The Daughters of the^ American Revolu- musties around the -world, closed its doors the young Prince of Wales displayed with family with the feathers she picked from products than wheat. Nevertheless, they are pride a \drawlngr which he had made repre- situation is rapidly adjusting itself, and this tion have done much in kindling throughout chickens'' Why, bless her soul, there she Is convinced the scientific cultivation of wheat tonight. The building in Pie alley, oflTNews- paper row, which has contained the drinking senting Napoleon on horseback leveling a section may be relied upon to contribute its Georgia a love for the better and more en riow, going into a moving picture show with should make it possible for the American pistol at the head of the duke, who was a lap dog and a vanity bag." farmers to harvest as many bushels of wheat place that has been the delight of states- * quota to the general ^ forward movement. during of our historical traditions. They men, professors, Harvard students and plain advancing with sword drawn to cut down • * * * W ^u per acre as the farmers in England have been A Thankful Philosopher. common folks, is to be torn down for a mod-l, the eneniy. Just at this moment the Duke Reduction of* cotton is assured and djversifi- keep alive memories that deserve to live, able to do for many( years The English For the blizzards that hit me ern office building. of Wellington entered the- prince's^room. and their creed is to instill patriotism of the farmer, tf the weather Is fairly favorable, l "You are Just the man I want to see," * cation is being preached 'in every militia An' still didn't git me. averages albout twice as many bushels of Th,e ' Bell-lii-Hand" was started in 1795, finest sort, untouched by the pretentious or l cried the boy, holding up his picture in district. Though strong was their icy endeavor, wheat per acre as the American wheat by Jimmie Wilson, the town crier. Only the delight- ^ the blatant. I For fire that pelted fanner does,^ although the English soil has electric lights and the cash register are ^ An' still never melted, ^ 1 "How is that'" asked the \eterah duke. It would not be surprising if the Euro^ been In use for more than a thousand years now of the present day, the chairs and ta- "Why, because > ou can best criticise my pean war brought forth such an emphatic The 'thanks o' this mortal forever' There is likely to be this year a great Increase bles being carved with the Initials of the drawing," said l^he prince "Now, can you An Englishman who thinks he has a in acreage, or as great an increase as is dead of many years.v The ceiling was low, display of "national common sense" as to At Least More Freqnent. ' tell me who\ is on the left?" h<^ went on, sense of humor' advertises for work at possible, for our wheat belt is not so exten- and covered with old paintings, including a showing the picture to the duke i "It strikes us," says the "All Over Arkan- sive as are our corn belts. So that with fa- picture of John the Baptist, 300 years old. Americanize us more thoroughly, teach na sas" Man of The Arkansas Gazette, "that "Well," said the lattei, "fi om the waist- changing war maps. , vorable weather the farmers may with con- coat and the hat, I can see it 13 meant for our mutuality of interests more thoroughly, temptation is a blamed sight more cordial* fidence look for a harvest of approximately a WORM LEARNS AT HARVARD. than opportunity." Napoleon." ^ billion bushels of wheat. They will find a (Cambridge (Mass ) dispatch to The Phila- "Right," said the prince; "and who l ia than even the Spanish-American war. . I Another trouble is that Mexico has no i, delphia Record ) As Near as That. ready market for their wheat. More and more the other''" ' place free from war where she could quietly You may knock at Life's cabins in this financial district there is realization One-eyed Pete, Harvard s trained worm, "By the cut of the features, I should aay . I colonize her ex-presidents. Wherever you roam of the enormity, the intensity and the des- stands at the head of his class. Professor it was mjself." WHERE FIRMNESS IS NEEDED. And at a dim threshold perate character of the struggle which now M. Terkes is Pete's teacher. Every afternoon "Right agiln," ansnc-ied the urince. Find Heaven at home. covers practically the entire continent of Eu- Professor Tterkes lets Pete take a constitu- "Now, What I want to know is—is th» It is possible that President Wilson and General Prosperity finds few neutrals * * « W K ^ rope. Even should war be terminated by tional througft a tricky hole with two ends, drawing accurate'" his advisersf may find it necessary to re- when he presents enlistment papers. \ Say« the Old Philosopher. midsummer of this year there will, neverthe- one ending with a comfortable resting jljace The old duke put down the drawing jud sume toward both England and Germany If we could just make a Bundle Day of less, be as great a demand for American food, and the other charged with electricity. impressively ansKeieu. "My boy, I am gomg all Earth's troubles, and tilt 'em off the and particularly TV heat, next fall and winter When it came to the parting of tb.e wayb to tell you something that the English peo- the attitude of firmness displayed a few No use talking of when congress is "due earth! But we can bundle a world of Joys, as has been the case since the first of last the worm didn't care at nrst whether it went ple don't know. I never in my life bet eye.s Weeks ago in his note to England regarding to adjourn." Wouldn't risk discounting and scatter them as freely as God's sunshine. September. HOLLAND. to the riKht or to the left, and so was upon Napoleon! Onte, In the midst of a bat- shocked cbnsiderably. But recently Pete has tle, borneone cried, 'Look, there is Napoleon!' American shipping. Germany has an- those due bills. Another War Crime. avoided the capital punishment aperture, Before I could get the field glass to my nounced the intention to draw a new war Frpm a poem entitled "This Awful Wair," England Had Quit Knitting. and now it always goes into the hole that eyes the smoke from a field gun had au- zone around Great Britain and Ireland. In we select the following expressive stanza: (From Tvlie London Chronicle.) aftords comfort without any modern elec- veioped him ' The job of a diplomat in Mexico is no Another thing we might "keep from war trical improvements. the meantime, regulations regarding neutral "This woild would be a friend to grace PJTY THE POOR HAIR PliLl^ER. v picnic, where he has to protect his govern- But folks will tell you that time is knitting for numberless women shipping ihave returned to the hazy status whose hands used to be empty and idle 3VO DISTRACTIONS. '\ (From The Kansas City Stai } ment from a new revolution every morning. 'Twas made for raisin' of the place 1 (From The Philadelphia Public Ledger.) iHair-pulllng ian't confined to marital dis- they occupied a few weeks ago, and there Where lives th^ devil at. Until this year the Englishwoman knitted less than any other woman in the world A Broad street business man was joking, putes. Theie is a curious affliction, more of l And this, as \ have said before. a friend about his residence in a certain ia the contingency that American com- Billy Sunday didn't stay in Washington Is all I know about the war." ^ The Frechwoman's needles are crossing, nerves than of the skin, called trichotillo- crossing, and the ball of wool Is in her dreary district \ot Jersey. , \ mania, which causes people to pull out their merce, already handicapped, may be ^placed long enotighifor congress to learn thev lesson Don't All Speak at Once. •pocket; from 1O years old to the last year "Why do you live there, anyhow?" he own hair In the last number of the Journal at even a worse disadvantage by the clash of hitting straight and hard. she knits; so does the German, so does the asked. of the American Medical Association a Kan- Ton reckon you'd feel so thankful fer de K "«rv In Europe. v little blessings ef you didn't hear de bfg Belgian. The Italian is not so constant, but as to save money." sas City specialist described two cases which Beneath the surface friendliness of both ones comin' like a race boss on a plank road? she, too, is expert and moderately busy. "Is food any cheaper?"- he treated. A young woman of 27 was in the The kings called to the colors, But all Women In (Ens-land have surely regained "On the contrary, it is slightly more ex- habit of pulling out her \eyebrows, a school- Germany and England toward the repre- of them see' red. They Don't Know the Game. a-taste this year for What purely constructive pensive." boy of 11 tweaked the hairs out of tho left sentations, there has stood out the determi- [ &ays George Bailey, in The Houston Post: little labor which should remind us of the How do you save, then?" side of his head. The hair-pulling was Invol- "A Georgia editor was held up by a foot- great wool century of England—the thir- No opera, ?200 a year; no cafe meals. untary; irreBlstible linpulses, coming sud- nation, to let no outsider seriously interfere Since Villa's announcement that he had pad. So long as highway robbery is commit- teenth. Then it was the English flocks $500 a year; no theaters, J400 a year; no tax- denly, caused them to do It. Rest, freedom with'' their designs of a military nature. In taken charge of the presidency he has been ted by men who have no more intelligence clpthed France and Flanders, and people in icab fares, ?50 a year; no distractions of any- from worry and tonic containing arsenic the meantime, what are left of the neutral j busy trying to locate it. than that no very great amount of damage these Islands wore neither shoddy nor cot- kind, $76 s, year." produced noticeable improvement In both will to dpn«." ton, but went warm in wooL "See here, old top," expostulated to* Broad canes. \ "' i

,'SPAPO.r THE CONSTITUTldN, ATLANTA, GA., [ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10; 1915. Page FIREMAN LOWE DIES lift PLACED Great Singing Evangelist STA1E IS PREPARING HOSPITAL FROM OF WRIGHT Puts His Unique Signature , FOR FRANK FRACTURED SKULL SAME DATE LAST YEAR "Without regaining' consciousness, C. A. I/owe, fireman of No. 9 company, Whooping Cough Insurance Commissioner On 's Register Solicitor and Attorney General injured in the collision Sunday be- Treasury Department Having^ Well-^-everyone know* Charge of Affairs Until D in Conference All Day tween the hosewagon and the auto- the effect of Pino Forctto mobile .pf Emll Dittler, at the -corner Trouble Paying Teachers j cision bly Fulton Court. on Cough*. On the register at the Tuesday. of Washington street and East Georgia and Pensions. morning, would , rouse the other with avenue, died at the Grady hospital is this signature: 'tl. Timothy . early Tuesday rnorningr as the result of Insurance Commissioner William A. holidays. "Charles- M. Alexander, II. Timothy "We separated after our Active work has been begun by the!a fractured skull received in the col- The 1914 state taxes collected to date "Wright, who recently filed an inter- 2:15." ana at the railroad station we shouted state in preparation of its fight against lision. r Dr. Bell's to each other, as his train went away, are something more than $500,000 be- vention in Fulton superior court ad- That's how>the great "singing evan- tKe supreme court appeal of Leo Frank's ' He was 31 years of age, and lived at hind the ainount'collected for ,the cor- mitting the contention in the, case of •II. Timothy 2:16; II. Timothy 2:15.' For counsel. Solicitor Hugh M. Dortsey and 387 Pulliam street. The fatal collision Pine»Tar*Honcy James R. Brown against the Empire gelist," soon to stir Atlanta with his the whole year we stuck to that text. Warren Grice, attorney general, were occurred near the home of his parents, responding period on the 1913 taxes, Life Insurance company that the prin- gospel hymns, always writes his signa- "Whenever we wrote we iput the refer- closeted throughout yesterday after- 1 Mr. and airs. Alfred M. Lowe," at 192 and as a consequence the state treas- IB • remedy which brings quick relief cipal office of the defendant company ture. Where you see the name, there ence across'the left-hand corner of the Won and for a large part of the morn- East Grg avenue. ury department Is finding Itself some- A family with growing children was In Atlanta, and not in Aug-usta, fol- always follows the scriptural quota- envelope and sometimes on the letter what embarrassed in the matter of lowed up the intervention on yesterday h W tW^ children ^ and by should not be without it. by filing an independent bill in Ful- tion. The two are always associated itself. Many of our friends did the The conference was held in" the stateI e.r«h"e *"* ° ' paying ' the school teachers and the same with the letters they sent me. pensions., I ton superior court. and they always will be, since Mr. Alex- capitol in the offices of the attorney The funeral arrangements will be All The biil filer. Schuman. pioneer citizen, on Thursday and Friday, Februarv 25 lobby of the Grand, and are attracting gan street, near the club 'buildin. who for many roars-ran a di;ug- store and 26, when the state club will hold the interest and admiration of the The site of the proposed building is here. Dr. and Mrs,. Schuman lived In tneir annual convention for 1915 inyoungsters. The autos are a miniature a. lot 50x200, on the north side of uWor- Atlanta for (ifty j ears,/moving awav five years ago. * ^ Atlanta. Business sessions will be held leplica -of the big car, including lights, gan street, 50 feet west of Johnson I Mrs. Schuman was the mother ot at the and an elaborate steering gear, "\\iiid shield, wheels -with avenue. This site is just at the end of Mrs Charles H. Behre, wno is now on rubber tires and extra wheel fastened the car line, and is very convenient to Prettiest Spring Suits and Frocks barirjuet will also take place there on the way to Massachusetts. V Thursday night. v , , (pn the'-back of the car. the clubhouse. . Beginning today and t continuing The cost of the building is estimated Two hundred delegates at-_ least are through March 12, a coupon will be in the neighborhood of $10,000. JAMESON TO ATTEND expected to be present, and an excel- given away with each paid admission . lent prog-ram has been made up by to all performances at Uie Grand. The MEETINGS IN ^ NORTH ! the executive committee for the two rules of the contest are simple as A, WHILE HE GETS DRINK i . j da>s thev are here. The-delegates will B. C_ The boy who gets the roost of \ A. Jameson, secretary of the boys' make a tour oft the differendif t hospitals these coupons between now and noon BICYCLE DISAPPEARS in the cit a ld operations will Both Women and Misses wotk of the (Atlanta Young- Men's j >'- \ special on Frida\, ilarch 12, will be awarded \ be l Christian association, leaves tonight to I Performed at each ffor their benefit. an auto, and the girl who gets the most When Ben Maxwell, a furniture attend t\vo impottant gatherings of The directors of the association at coupons under the same terms will 'be dealer at 945 .Marietta street, left his present are: . Dr. E. C. Davis, of Davis- awarded an auto. workers unions boys. Boys and girls are expected to get new bicycle standing on Broad street Buy You* Spring Suits and Dresses NOW! First, hi- will be present at the an- Fischer sanitarium, Atlanta, president; father, mother, brothers, sisters ana while Ihe went into a restaurant to get I nual meeting of the National Council Dr. McArthur, of Cordele. vice presi- a warm drink, he intended mounting of R0y Scouts of America to be^helcl friends to come to the theater, as a dent, and Dr. (R. M. Haroin, of Rome, separate coupon is awarded with each it again in a few moments \to w'end 'his In WashmSrton, D. C., on Thursday. Mr. secretary and treasurer. Officers will tidket. Boys and girls can either keep way homeward for the night. .lainesnii IK a member of the national I be/ejected for the ne>w year. their coupons and turn them in all at As Mr. (Maxwell caused the drink to council, and has been prominent in the! once on or before noon Fridai, Marcn disappear, so did the bicycle likewise. development of the Boy Scout move- ' The police were notified and search for «nent. | 12, orvthe> can turn the coupons In In lots of 25 each to the box office as fast the thief has been instituted. On Saturday Mr. Jameson will go NEWSPAPER FOR GREEKS as they are collected. to New Tork iand attend vth« annual Women's Suits meeting of Directors of Boys' camps, ' IS ESTABLISHED HERE an organization of the leaders of camps GEORGIA CADET CORPS attended 'by more than 10,000 boys LIVES ARE ENDANGERED every summer. Another newspaper has 'been estab- ASKS FOR SPRING CAMP lished in Atlanta, The Greek Herald, a BY MORNING FIRES THE COATS—with the short high back—with bands—pleated belted effects national weekly, haying just moved Athens, Ga., February 9.—^(Special.) — D. T. D. FRATERNITY here from Chicago and established a Early morning; fires endangered the Officers of the cadet corps ot the -—elegant horseshoe and other style buckles—fancy detachable collars—others plant at 12 South Broad stieet. This lives of over twenty-five people Tues- University of Georgia held their first TO BANQUET TONIGHT is the otilyx Ureek newspaper in the day morning, damaged considerably annual banquet last night The chan- have highv"Marguerite" collars—plerfty buttons, silk braids and dangling or- south. the Ponce de Leon \ pharmacy, Bell cellor, dean and the president 6f the The Herald was formerly published apartments, corner of North Boule- state college were guests, as were the naments—satin and self-trimmed—each coat lined with lightweight peau de The Atlanta alumni chapte J r of the v T-. , . ~ r^—;4 ; V .,, "' *.«*. E ,i«n ..-vciitrii.-Athens,, uiGreece CJG<-C,. itit. was-W u» movedfnuvtJU tLoO vard and Ponce de Leon, and razed a members of the prudential committee of Delta TU.U Delta fraternity will Rive a New York and later to Chicago. The boarding house at 107 Piedmont ave- the trustees. Across the dining hall qygne. ' ( ^ banquet tonight a S o clock in the ma- -publication was made a weekly upon nue. was a banner with "We Want Camp" £?£?"*;,.„ M'".1" o£_ t?.?_.:V"S-le>L.h»?el- belnV moved to Atlanta. Miss Anno Belle Horn, a Girls' High upbn it. For two j^ears theie has been After the dinner a business meeting C. Sakelaracos, editor and publisher, school teacher, who occupies an apart- no spring camp of the cadets, it being THE SKIRTS—Proper Wgths and wide flare—500 of these beautiful and will be held to discuss a dance the fra- lisited the south recently and was ment above the pharmacy in the Bell s(at«?d that many of the boys got ex- ternity expects-to give in .March. well impressed with general conditions. apartments, discovered the fire that cuses to get out of the camp attend- highly fashionable suits, all new—NO OLD SUITS IN OT^K STOCK AT ALL. threatened for hours to destrov the ance. Over 250 have pledged attend- building. She awoke her brother, D. ance and petitioned for an encampment Poplin, serge, silk finish gabardine—black A. Horn, who gave the alarm. this spring. Gainesville, where the MRS. L. A. SALOSHIN DIES Shortly after this fire the home of camp was held several years; Augusta, and white checks \and satin soliel—in black, J. "W. Dean was razed by a fire of an where they went once, and Albany, are AT HOME IN NEW YORK unknown origin. Several boarders had bidding for the encampment. Gaines- navy, Belgian blue, gray, sand, putty and SoMd-QoId narrow escapes in getting- out of the ville today offered a cash bonus and Mrs. 1... A. Saloshin, well-known burning house. , combination checks-— Bracelets former resident of Atlanta, died last many free facilities and attractions. I night at her ho'me in New York city. c' 5,00 ; She is sur\i\cd by her husband and six children. two brothers-in-law, s !s Louis Saloshin, of The Constitution, $17.50 These Br&ce- and Fred Saloshin; two sisters-in-law lets avp\ made Mrs. Carrie Lang and Mrs. M. Waldman. of plump 10-k. She was 54 yeais old. Funeral and in- 14' , '19 , '25, '27 sold. ^ terment will take place in New York. T li c y a r o hand engraved SHELTER IS ERECTED And and you can SLOAN Ii a v e y our FOR ENGINE "TEXAS" Upwards t iioice of sev- Manager J. O.-Cochran, 06 o r a 1 styles— the park department, has lust com- pleted ^the erection of a pretty bung-a- Roman, Kng- low shelter to pr6te<-t the engine lisih or Rose "Texas," :>t Grant park. linisli. It was the "Texas" that was pressed mto service by the confederates, to give KILLS PAIN (Guaranteed) A s H^O r t e d chase to the General, the engine upon «Izes, from No. l which rode a crew of Andrews' raid- Silk Dresses (! to I'-i. ers. The yankees were \captured and Hundreds of well-known athletes make no secret • v T h, e y a r e brought back to Atlanta. of the fact that much of their success is due to the 350 OF THEM — everv one new and styles made for us exclusively in use of Sloan's Liniment in keeping their limbs and distinctive— NEW POPLINS, TAFFETA, lots of 150 or more by the WOMEN METHODISTS " muscles fit. Sloan's Liniment relieves stiffness CEEPE DEV CHINE AND PONGEES— largest gold jewelry factory i and strains; and is a fine stimulator. ^ in the world. Quantity buy- ELECT MRS. MA THEWS ins and dealing direct with Cordele, Ga., February 9.—(Special.) 15 Different Styles tlio rtoanul'at.'tu.rcrs saves vou The tourth annual session of the "Woman's Missionary conference W the fully §2.50 on this article." South Georgia Methodist conference Plenty for(the young girls and also for the matron — You will find here decid- ca.tne to a close here tonight after a Soreness five-day meeting. Two hundred dele- a revival of the style'p of the second empire — Bolero< edly the finest values to be gates and a number of noted speakers effects, with shirririg and tucks — fancy lace and had in the south. were in attendance1 and the session was pronounced the most successful vet chiffon fronts — with collars and cuffs to maich—a t Come to the store or write held. ^ Sprains for 160-page illustrated cata- The election of Officers today was Uogue. as follows: Mrs. G. TV. Mathews Pitx g-erald, president; Mrs. H. W. Pittman Macon, first vice president: Mrs Lu- Bruises ther McKinnon, llalcyondale. secon-d S, Inc. vice president; Mrs. G. T. Peabody ,\Vaycross. corresponding- secretary: Gold 'and Silversmiths Mrs. J. M. Fpag-in, Sat-annah, treas- urer: Mrs. J. W. Malone, Cuthbert, re- Stiff Muscles $ T5 corclmgr secretary. The next place of* 31 Whitehall St. meeting: will be Valdosta, the date in- AND UP cluding the .fust Sund?.y in February DR. CARL S. SLOAN. Inc.. Philadelphia. Pa, Si. Louii. Mo. 22 1887 The conference was especially privi- leged in haVlnsr S. B. Gordon, author of many ^devotional books and lecturer of I Price. 25c.. SOc. and fi.OO Third Floor international reputation, to speaik on several occasions. 1 J. M. HIGH CO. ;J.M^HIGHCO. -Jf


Daughters of the American Revolution, I lighllully informal one, assembling the enthused over Hi- It* is really a most entertain\ at luncheon for Mrs. ir.ade .of white hyacinths; red carna- faculty of the school and"stheU" * wiifes. beautiful exposition of the prayer btook. Sliccr. v . ! The house plants, with !pinfc carna- Croup Relieved in .tions and blue violets; and other de- | tions and narcissi, were used" in taste- tail3~."w,ere.-in :.t|ie.-national,.colors., -' - . i ful decoration, and .dainty refreshments All-Day Meeting. i •vMrs. -Jplin, Grant; and./Mrs. Frances C. I were-.served. " : '•'. The AVonian's Mlssiouarv. societies of \ Fifteen Minutes table,-and '• 'Mrs. Matheson wore- a .becoming tlje at. E. dhurch, south, of the Atlanta Do You KnowtheReal sei-ving:-purichl wftre a charming group I gown, of black net. ; .'•* • . -. • district, -will, liave an all-day meeting -of young TJirls.^ 'They 'were; ! Thursdayy February 11, ibeginning at 10 No need to dose delicate little stomachs Miss Margaret. Grant. Miss Nell Waldo, o'clock at the Methodist church,. De- Food Value of with nauseous drugs or- alcoholic syrups. -Miss. Xiamar-. Slaton, Miss Louise Hold. Miss Informal Musicale. cat ur, Ga, Box lunches. Marion Perdn^ and Miss Toinmie Perdue. I .'A distinguished event of this after- Simply rub a little Vick'g "VapU3-Kub" Assisting; were Miss Dorothy High. Miss ! noon at the home of Mrs. Hugh Inman Spaghetti? Salye over the throat and cheat. The va-' liosalie Davis, Miss Lula Dean Jones, Miss wil1l be a recital by Mr. Hugh L. Hodg- To Mrs. SHcer. v pprs inhaled loosen the tough, choking Elizabeth Morgan, Miss Martha Crane, Miss son , pianist, and Miss Belle Gottschalk, Catherine talker. Miss Marie Dlnkins, soprano, -who will be in tlie city for a • , Mrs. Ewell Gay was hostess yester- phlegm andV ease the difficult brathinfr. Miss Rebie Wilklns and Miss Parker. few hours in the course -of a brief re- 3ay at afternoon tea at her hojne, the "When you talk . about buying ten., cents One application at bedtime insures a sound - Mrs. Slaton, always the gracious host- 1 ! cital tour. occasion a pretty expression of hos- or one dollar'1 s worth, of any foodstuff, night's sleep. 25o, 50c, or $1;00. ess, wore a beautiful costume of-light ! A few friends of Mrs. Inman are in- pitality and' a complimejit to Mrs. what do you mean by "worth?" The only blue brocade,. showing tones of- orchid i vitecl and the two young artists, after- Samuel Slicer, TV-IIO is 'being1 cordially, measure of genuine worth in the, purchase ate THIS rfwse MARK I family .supper -with Mr.'George Battey welcomed to the social life. \ of eatables must be nutrition. But do you Beautiful Reception for D.1 A. R. and gold. ;' • at his home, leave tonight for Athens. keep, nutrition in mind 'when you buy the ' ' '" v • * . , -- Mrs. William Gran t'sV handsome im- (The apartment Avas gay with jon- family provisions? Let us see., ^- \ ' • Miss Gottschalk, an American singer quils and in the dining room Va hand- Meat is probably your bigrgest-• item. Yet porte.d -grown was of lavender char- ! with a remarkable record of achieve-, somely, appointed tea table had as its no less an authority than; Dr. Hutchison., meuse with overdress of iridescent j ment in study and in opera abroad, is centerpiece a silver basket of vellow the dietitian, ,says that v. meat is. a dear beaded net. ! visiting friends in Athens and on Fri- Shasta daisies. The silver candle- food. "Why ?'Because we Piiy far too much Given by Gov. and Mrs. Slaton ' day night was assisted try Mr. Hodg- sticks had yellow shades and the can- for the amount of nutrition that we se- \Tlie several hundred, guests included • soii 'in presenting a beautiful concert ies were yellow. .11 cure. , Meat contains 75 per cent water- delegates to the conference, visiting : there before a cultured \audience. Miss XMafgaret Grant and Miss Vir- think of that. when, sirloin Is chalked up at D. A. R.'s arid: members of the three While they make no public appear- ginia lapscomb poured tea. « .- V 35o ~a \lb.—three-quarters water! UOVPI-IUJ!' and .Sirs. John MarshaJl Sla- Guernsey, state regent of Kansas; » Mrs. Atlanta chapters. ance in,Atlanta, their musicale at Mrs. Mrs. Gay was lovely in white tulle . Now, take Faust Spaghetti, inade from T. C. Parker; state regent of Georgia; Mrs. Inmaii's will afford the little audience Durum wheat, a rich, glutinous cereal. Of To ton entertained at an elegant reception and she wore a corsage bouquet of spaghetti and its allied products, the same on, N. C., last evening at the executive' mansion Sheppard W. Foster, the nominee for vies a rare privilege. pink roses. aujtiiorjty says that they contain only 10 president general -from. Georgia; Mrs. Wil^ the Mrs. SHcer was gowned in light blue VIA in compliment to the members of th"e At the CapiLal City club last night per cent water, and these foods are ab- I'aujrhters of tiie American- Revolution liam La^vson Peel,. Mrs. William Daniel satin and pearl embroidered net. sof-bed almost in their entirety—^go to make Georgia Railroad and Atlantic Coast , Grant. Mrs. Joseph ^Madison High, regent the informal dinner-dance was a de- Junior Auxiliary. Mrs. TV. D. Ellis, Jr., gowned in blue blood, muscle and tissue. Faust Spag-hetti 'conference, now in session h,ere. * lightful event in the Tuesday night satin charmeuse, received with her costs lOc a large package—nearly all worth. Line. Only through sleeping: car service of 'the Atlanta chapter; Mrs, John Per- 1i The Junior auxiliary of the Church .United Spates and Georgia flags, with due, regent of the- Joseph Habershain. series, and there was a large gather- of the Incarnation, West End. is re- daughter, and the guests were a con- '. Atlanta vto Wilmington, N. Cv vLeave I.iilr:is ami fern.-?, decorated the a.part- chapter; Mrs. Richard P. Brooks, of For- ing 'of the dancing contingent. I hearsing a little play to be given on genial company of the married friends 1 MAULL BRO§. syth, regent ot. the \.Piedmont Continental ^Among the ^out-of-town guests were 'the 16th of this month, the title -of of Mrs. Gay and her mother. \ Atlanta, 8:45 p. m., arrive Wilmington m'-nts, with baskets of red carnations Mrs. Cla-iborne, of Krioxvllle, the St. Louis, lA S. A. I 12:50' p. m.. - , effect'.'. My used In the drawing room, chapter; Mrs. Howard McCall, state' re- which is the "Little Pilgrims and the On Saturday Miss Margaret McKee cording secretary; Mrs. C. C. Holt, state guest of 'Mr. and Mrs. IS. E. Norris; Book Beloved." Both boys and girls are UaJlivv-ay and dining; room. In the other corresponding secretary; Mrs. William RUST Mrs. Gold, of New York, the guest of to take part and" have -become quite apartments the flowers were* pink car- sell' Banton, state treasurer: Mrs. J. L. Mr. and Mrs. Llndsey. Hopkins; Miss Lowry. state historian," and Miss lluby Murray, of Anniston, the guest of Mr. nations and narcissi. I, v . • Ray, t(tate editor, vice presidents general \ Assisting" .in receiving -were: and Mrs. H. B. Scptt; Mrs. R. S. Hall and the former sta*te resents. - , and Miss Beulah Hall, of Odala, Fla., "Mr?:. 'Elizabfeth. I*eery. vice president gen- The centerpiece of the table in the the guest ot" Dr. and Mrs. Guy Ayer; eral; state or Washington; Mrs. George T. dining "room was the insignia, '.of the Miss Conroy, 'of New Jersey, the guest ONLY SIXTEEN, ' . ' -•' ' ' • • :.''•.' ' , '• • • . of Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Jr/. To Miss Conroy. Mrs. John Morris, Jr., will give a OlRl VERY SJCK The Spring Note in Coats small tea Thursday afternoon at home • ' '"'-.' \ , In compliment to her sister. Miss Con- \ j . • - roy, of New Jersey. Tells How She Was Made The new Spring coat has -arrived to tell its Mrs. Jacdbs Entertains. WellbyLydiaE.Pinkham's own. fasliioii ne^s. Its opportune appearance^ is Mrs. Thoriiwell Jacobs entertained "Her Favorite" delightfully yesterday afternoon at her Vegetable Compound. appreciated when spring "storms in" iii a wet v home, inviting eighteen ladles to meet '.:••••' ' - . ;, , ?•••'!- v her guest, Mrs. W. M. Stone, of Flush- ^February, and blows thru March, not, waiting \ , ; ' , - • i - ing, L. I. l - \ ' • New Orleans, La.—"I take pleasure" The Valentine suggestion wa's car- for its true emblem — the April sunshine — one is ried' out in pretty detail of decoration, In •ymting these lines If you would (plfease. most, send her a and tea was served 'with accompany- to express my grati- glad to see the signs of the season inA the saucy ing, dainties. , Valeat'ine from Nuhnally's. Select one of the Mrs. Jacobs was becomingly gowned tude to you. I am \ little straw 'hats and the fresh charm of the new in dark blue crepe de chine. Mrs. only 16 years old and bright heart-shaped boxes now on display and Stone wore accordion-plaited chiffon in work in a tobacco .spring coat. . brick color. have it filled with her favorite candies. It is factory. I have Of course, everyone has welcomed the revival To Mrs. Stone. been a very sick girl a gift in perfect taste and one that will be re- air.-and Mrs. Ross Hunger will en- but I have improved of Covert —th e true coat fabric— one' long remem- tertain this evening in compliment to wonderfully since vl ceived with a full measure of appreciation^ . Mrs. William Stone, of Flushing, ID. I., . bered as a faVorite. . i the guest of- Mr. and Mrs. Thornwell taking Lydia E. ' ^ V v '• ' Jacobs:- - v ' '• Pinkham's Vegeta- Not only is it welcomed but expected as a nat- Mrs. James T.. Williams and. Blrs. ble Compound and Irving Thomas >ia,r'e also among those ural sequence. ^ All good things come back — even "To Please You--Pleases Us" planning pretty courtesies for iMrs. am now looking fine" Stone. ' . and feeling a thousand times better." >in fashion and fabrics. ^ In beautiful soft finish >—Miss AMELIA JAQUILLABD, 3961 Te- Miss Kuhrt Entertains. and soft biscui v t shade , witv h flare skirt and belted Miss Lucile ICuhrt -will entertain at hpupitoulas St., New Orleans, La. r9i the valentine baJl at the Driving club ' back. \ i • ' — •' ' ' ^ • • Friday in compliment >to Miss Helen St. Clair,.Pa. — "My mother was Conroy, of New Jersey, the iguest of .alarmed because I was troubled with, Mrs. John Morris, Jr. " suppression and had pains in my back Coverts $2 1* $3O Tech Cotillion Club. and side, and severe' headaches. I had The Cotillion. clu;b of the Georgia pimples on my face, my complexion was and $35 '' \ School of Technology will entertain 011 sallow, my sleep was disturbed, I had Friday evening, the dance to be given nervous spells, was,very tired and had Broken Plaids $21. 7 5 and in the ballroom of the Ansley hotel. no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- Special Prices on Valentine Flowers To Mrs. Hunter Muse. etable Compound has worked like a at Our Peachtree Store •Mrs. J. P. Fleming will entertain ^in- charm in my case and has regulated me. formally at bridge today at her home I worked in a mill among hundreds of Ttie New White Polo Coat in West End in compliment to 'Mrs. r Hun.ter 'Muse. There will b.e two ta- girls and have recommended your medi- . •> i'he popularity of the (Polo Coat has not waned. Its soft whiteness bles.' cine to many of. them.''—rMiss ESTELLA v Miss Caroline Muse -will entertain at luncheon Thursday for Mrs. Muse, and MAGUIRE, 110 Thwing St., St.Clair,Pa. hplds its charm. The new models are full of grace. Mrs. S. B. Nafit will entertain. There is nothing that teaches -more White Elephant Party. than experience. Therefore, such let- $15 andv $19.75 The Fulton and 'DeKalb. counties ters, from girls who have suffered and • •••'. . • • • • . •. • . . • %••'••• . . branch of the Equal Suffrage Party of •were restored to health by Lydia E.»- Georgia will give" a white elephant 1 Spe Window of th& Nevy Spring Coat Styles party thisV afternoon under the aus- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should '; Among the Latest Arrivals in pices of the ladies of the ninth ward be a lesson to others. The same remedyj committee at 217 Peachtree street, near is within reach of all. ; the Woman's Salons Everyone IB Invited. The admission If you want special adrice write to ;. - . • ' . ' ' . ' - • '^' is 10 cents. Refreshments will toe I P A lion F£ V"Yi si-53 served free. Valentines "will be on. s.ale Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.(confi- »/• JTi, J^UtZri VJ> \_^C/. Whitehall at reduced prices. * .,.;-. dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will All-are requested''to bring a white be opened, read and answered by a 1i elephant," for which they -will get some woman and held in strict confidence. one else's white elephant. If they are lucky enough to draw a certain num- v 'i Charming Silk ber In .the parcel which is presented to them, they will receive a delicious cake baked by a- lady who is r.enowned throughout the city for her cakes. \ The Lawrence Floral fcompany has*, kindly consented to decorate the "win- dow- '&\.headquarters for the occasion. Silver Tea. . A silver tea will tie given this after- noon at 3:30 by Mrs. Edwin 'Ste-wart Full, of spring fashion notions, and such quaint, and her. committee of ( Baptist church at her home,, pretty Ideas! ^oft, clinging silks and crepes, lus- 777 Ponce de Leon avenue. An interesting program will be pre- trous satins and shimmering taffetas make Sip these sented by Mrs. Frank Pearson, Mr. Wil- fred Walters, Mrs. W; H. L. Nelms, Mrs. now dresses, and they're fascinating.! R; B. Hartzog and Miss Sarah Adelle Eastlack. " , ., . Some have the new high necks, long chiffon To Mrs. McCrary. sleeves, and that higher waist line; so much talked 1- \ Amon-g the largest affairs given Iri v j Cartersville in honor, of Mrs. J. B. Mc- about, is quite in evidence. There are tucked 'skirts, Crary, ,of Atlanta, -while the 'guest of- her sister, Mrs. Hampton Field, . POGUE CO, and ruffled skirts, and, flare skirts, and skirts that the dance at Hill Top, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T. Peeples, on Cassville siiggest the days of your grandmother. \( ' road. The lower floor, -which was thrown together for dancing,-was deco- rated with house plants, pink flower- l, • • . Cincinnat-. x - ' . i s ' ,\ -.'.-• They are truly^ bewitching, and ;you "may liaye Ing begonias and azaleas. A buffet slipper was served in the them in the pretty sand or putty stiades,.and the new dining room, -decorated in early spring- ; blues, or bjack. ' . '• .A flowers. . ' i Most cordially invite you to view their The table :'held a gol1d Basket filleil . • ''•'.-•:' '. •'•,'** •with Jonquils and white hyacinths and yellow shaded candles... Fifty;- guests were present. Sand and Putty Shades i- Faculty Reception. Early Spring Exhibit \ • . . 'I*,,- '- "• • '- The president of the. Georgia School Someone has lately said that, of these of Technology and Mrs. K. Gr. M-athe-l son were hosts yesterday at a recep^- • ' " . V .shades are only successful when self-colpred, . and we tion: at the home, the .occasion a de- s" ' ' . ' agreed with thexa —til l this lot of dresses; came 4n» / Of all that is new, exclusive And , there are some combined; withfdark blue, ',9 or old, blue, or the new Egyptian bMc—rwhie h has a and\ ultra distinctive in V v ic|ash of green in it — and the effect is channing. jNtuch silver arid gold is seen in the trimming effects, vand you will note the military touches, in Women's Suits, Gowns, Dresses, braids, ball btittons, etc. . "^ ' . • A ' ' , • - , v There are coat dresses, suspender dresses, The Facts About an Interest- Skirts, Blouses and Captivating Attire for very "-high-waist dresses and hip-gii-dle dresses, ing Case of Serious Female Tro.uble Benefited by bhiffon and taffeta is often combined; both in the Use of Cardui. v Misses and C h i1d r e n bodice and skirt! Walnut Cove, N. C.—Mrs. 13. ,. A- Thcy^are dresses of inuch distinction of style — Bothrock, of this tow.n^ says: "Atbdut two years ago I \vas in very bad health yet are decidedl^ practical — and moderately priced. for three or four uionths. At this time I had a serious female Prices are $ 18, $22. SO $25, $3O, troutole, which lasted severely for nine At HOTEL PIEDMONT weeks. /I got ^awfully weak and could $35, $38.5O •scarcely go, and my doctor sailj I Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday — Fourth Floor. ought to ibe in ibed. / My two sisters, who had used Cardui February eighth, ninth and tenth "with, good ' results and Who now use it as a tonic, recommended It highly to me, saying it is a fine medicine. i Service • I felt if SI lived I must have some- *• , . . " ' thing' to Uielp me,, and as other medi- Even in the sorcalled dull moiith of February^ cines hid failed to relieve me, I replenished stocks greet you here from day to \thpught I wc^uld try OArdui, the wom- an's tonic. At this^time I was almost day—-there is always "something new." skin and bones. . ^ ,JBut\rei)lenished\stocks by themselves cannot I seemed to improve after the use of the second bottle 'o£ Cardui: The ci-eate enthusiasm among,those who come to trouble stopped, I 'suffered less pain, look. There must be 'enthusiasm among our and'.began to get back my strength and health. • I tookv five more bottles sales people to show and explain courteously the, and grot back my natural stats of health, also my flesh, and could do my whys and wherefores of the offerings. •work easily. . v This spring I was run down in Let them show you the new arrivalsl in the health; had ,over-wOrked myself. [ took nearly three bottles of Cardui, a a Women's Apparel Section today. a tonic, and it'brought me back to nit- natural state of health. 'n liast week I piil/up 78 jars of fruit,' \vhic.h I could not- have done before taking Cardui. T nm-glad I heard of it, and I' h.ope other women will too." Davison-Paxon-Stokes Company Vour case may not be as bad as the above, but even-if only a mild case, we suggest that you ibeKin today, to try Carchil; the wdman's tonlo.


tel Ausley in coraipliment to Mrs. J. E. Q. Harper. Athens ;'i Mrs. Joe Neel, Maconjj" Havs, oC~MontezuiTui, who is the guest Mrs. W. C. Vereen, Moultrie; Miss Ulien of Mt-sv Jottn A. Perdue for the state . TIdvreJl, Mrs. J. T. Carithers, Athens: Mrs. co'tifereVice, D. A. K. The table was in Dlznean Brown, Macon; Mrs. \Jolin A. a private diniiis? room and the artistic Seldon, ilacon, and Mrs. Perdue. decorations were in red, white and blue. The guests -included a number of ..out- of-town friends who are attending' the At the Vesper Club. conference and "were:... The '-Vesper clubhouse' on Friday, Mrs. Charles O. Holt, "of Macon:\, Mrs. night will 'be.the scene of a delightful Mallory Taylor, Maeon: Mrs. T. C. Pkrker, affair, the Vesper club's first F.ebruary Slacon; airw. Albert Tldwell. Qultman; Mrs. dance. The (honor guest of-the evening' Z. I. Fitzpatrick, Thomas-viHe; Mrs*. "Wal- •will .be Miss Louise Hill, of Macon, Ca., Mrs. McCall's Luncheon. ter - Lamar, Macon ; , Mrs. Qswell 'Eve, Au- the guest of Miss Laura Wyatt, of. Ans- Mrs. Howard McCall entertained at a gusta' Mrs. Richard Spencer,' Columbus: ley Park. Many invitations to non- pretty luncheon -.yesterday at the Ho- Jlrs. "John It. Graham, .Marietta; Mrs. A. mem'bei-s have ibeen issued by the dance v v ; x committee and a-*"large crowd is ex- ' - • • • • ' • - • >. '•'•.•.• ' ' ' • ' '- pected to be present - • . i , On Wednesday, February 17, the Ves- That's what our Borne manufacturers doswith many pf their foreign competitors^ I per cliib. will give a shower, dance. \" ' '. "' • • -"•-,- •' . '• • '• V - - '.•-,• ' ' . • , . • ' ' \ Each member and 'partner will bring something suitable as a -decoration for the clubhouse. All the proceeds of the When you patronize them you get QUALITY goods—-fresh from the factory. You evening will g Eastern Star, will give an , informal dance, at state—by calling for goods made by these firms/ v •Baft hall. Auditorium, Tuesday even-' ing, February 16. Menrbers of Terp- is tke one think tn^t slchorean, Argentine, Hyperion, Ves- per arid Danzor clubs are especially invited to attend. ' , make your hospitality Among the chaperons for the even- ing •will be: Mrs. Rose M. Ashby, past worthy grand different—and tetter. matron O. B. S.; Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. B. Cum- rningB. Mr. antl Mrs. N. A. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Thayer. Mr. and Mrs Guy Thur- man, Mr. and Mrs. C; R. Belk, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hirshbure, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. SHIRTS, Makes your ''party''a success G. Nesbltt. whether it's a real Tea or. just a Admission by invitation only. one table." "; •• . A • To the Misses^Foy. PANTS, OVERALLS i Mrs. Thomas I- Lynoa entertained at * Ask your grocer for it. . • 5 o'clock v tea yesterday afternoon, the occasion a delightful one and a com- CHEE^K-NEAL COpT&E CO., pliment to her guests. Misses Helen and Claire Foy, of Pittsburg, who have Nashville Houston Jacksonville been extended many pretty courtesies . during their visit hereA I The decorations in red and w^hit* carried picturesque suggestion of the Valentine season. The tea taible cen- terpiece •was of white hyacinths tied with red tulle, the silver candlesticks had red shades," and the candies were red hearts. Mr's. Lyncli xwas 'becomingly 'gowned in pink charmeuse with crystal net tunic. Miss Helen Foy was gowned in Flour green chiffon. Miss Claire Foy wore yellow tullfe and charmeuse. I Assisting her in entertaining were: Mrs. Samuel H. Galloway, Miss Kath- erine Coleman, Mrs. E" J. Coleman. Miss Nellie Lynch "and Mrs. P. J. Bloom- field. .,',.. Atlanta Milling A. M. Robinsori^Co. To Miss Hill. Miss Louise Hill, of Macon, who is ; visiting Miss Laura, Wyatt, was guest of honor at. a delightful dancing (party givem by Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dunn last night at their home in Ansley Park. T\he occasion -was quite informal. Browning Reading. Can Help Keep the • The Drama league meeting yesterday at the Georgian Terrace assembled the, 'usual large audience, and there was an Home Wheels unusual treat'in the reading of "In a Balcony," .this the first Browning af- ternoon this winter. Moving Extra Special (Mrs. Merrill 'Hutchinson, Miss Caro- lyn CoMo and Rev. W. W. (Metnminger presented a delightful interpretation. Cotton Bloom For St. Valentine's Dai/ To Miss Sciple. RED Mrs. Marshall .Clarke Johnson save a pretty luncheon yesterday in compli- FEBRUARY 14; 19/5] - ^ ment to Miss (Marie Sciple, tihe party in- \\> will 'deliver these spy time Saturday or Sunday: I eluding also Mrs. William H. Bokford, SEAL SHOES Bunch jbf one hundred of.the finest I>oulble Violets with, ' Mrs. M. R. Emmons, Mrs. John Cope- a tie;and pin, arranged prettfly in a Red Heart Box, all for land and Mrs. Wiilliam Shallenberger. .The table centerpiece on a lace cloth was a silver ibasket of ipink tulip^s,' the place cards were valley lilies and the entire' detail of service s was complete Sold and artistic. • Mrs. Johnson , was gowned in green $1.50 crepe m'eteor with tunic of black tulle. iBy All git-trj'$3."50 >\value. fragrant. Sweet, Inrush. '' i\ sure" ami' send your Valentine one of these riever4 A Practical Memorial. Grocers to-be-forgotten Valentines. Order early., L - At a. meeting held 'Monday by the Out-of-town orders will recejve the same prounpt atten-. Ladies' Aid society of the First Metho-^ tion as local orders. Write, phone ot" telegraph. '.A dist church a'Loua Vaughn- Nixon me- morial was organized iri inemor'y of the late Mrs. William Nixon, who was pi- sklent of the society for many years. WES T VIE W FLOR IS T -hls^ memorial •will take the form of JOHN WILSON, Peachtree un endowed .rt>pm in the Vaehti home Manciger Street at .Thomasville, .Ga.. and will be called the Loua Vaughn JJlxoiT, memorial. The scholarship has been awarded to ' a young Atlanta girl wle from Mrs. Nixon's young granddaughter, Lou a Vaughn Nixon, aiid a work bas-ket fully equipped, containing a pair of scissors from Mrs. Nixon's own work basket. . A further memorial to Mrs. Nixon is that her Sunday school " class at the First 'Methodist church will 'be known 'hereafter as the Loua Vaughn Nixon Should Spend Your ine-morial. class. ^ ' . . Tea-Dance. \ Money At Entertaining- at the tea-dance this afternoon at tilie Driving club will be Home Ridge and Mrs. Benjamin Hill, who will have a party of friends to meet iMrs. William T. Claibprne, of. Knoxville, who is visiting Mrs. E. E. Norjus. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Adair. Jr.,' will fmtertaMn Mrs, William Royster, of &rfollv, Va. ." Mr and Mrs. Jerome Simmons will, Stone entertain for .Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Another Month Sciple. ,The Quests will, be: • \ : Cornfield Mr arid Mrs. Solple. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Smith. "Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haverty, Mr. Gone, and Mrs. Milton Daragan, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Wrapped Charles. Remsen and Mr.'..and Mrs. Charles TC. Darihals. Others \vho- will entertain are Air. and February is here and still Mrs. John Sommerville, Mr. and Mrs.. Har- you have not started that ry English, Dr. .and Mrs. ^ Cyrus Strlcklcr, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hockaday and Mr. and Products Savings Account. Perhaps Mrs. H. M.' Atkinson. you have promised yourself that some day,'when you earn more money, y o u will start saving. But bear MEETINGS in mind that time is a very The O. E. S. "Ladies* Patrol,", will elusive quantity, and many have a social evening at the residence of Mrs. W. B. Cummin ge, Thursday, well-intending people never February 11. All members are urged fincj it. The fateful "when'? be present. ' • set for your start is the rock The Atlanta Woman's 'Missionary as- upon which the future of sociation, supporting the. Travelers' Baking aid work, -will meet this morning at ]0 thousands of , hard-working o'clock, at the Central Congregational young men have been church, corner Ellin str-eet, and Car- negie Lway. All ladies interested are wrecked. Better start today cordially invited, to atend. by opening^an account wjth this strong National Bank. Mrs. Thacston Badly Burned. \ Mrs. H. H. Thacston; aged(-23, was Are Helped When seriously burned last ,night when her clothes caught fire from an open grate in her residence, 54 South Jack- son street. A number of her friends, You Buy were present at theV time arid im- mediately -wrapped her in a blanket, putting out the flames. \ At Home She was rushed to the Grady. hos- BUHJHN ital. Her husband is in Ellijay, Ga., Sut has been -wired to come to Atlan-'a Made in Atlanta immediately^ ' - STOVES

Unusual Values in "War Special" Standard Cabinet Models See them in our showrooms, Electric and Gas Building Price covers charge for making reconnect ions. Terms permitted* Frank E. Block RANGES Other exceptional models are here, too. Come and inspect them. Co. Atlanta Stove Works Atlanta Gas Light Company Page Eight. THE CONSTITUTION, ATIiANTA, GA., WJUI»kESDAT, 10, 1919. In. the plant, and, though they h«ive nent visitor of the convention. . \ Plan Syrup .Refinery. not perfected their plans, they believe >• Land, as Mrs. T. E. Gurr. was state Tlfton, Ga., February 9.-MSpeclat.)— that they will have their plant in oper- treasurer of the Federation of Wom- Atlanta Boy Loses His Life ation in time to handle the syrup crop SOCIAL ITEMS en's Clubs, and la well fenown here, "JITNEY BUS" COMPANY Tltton wtll have a syrup refining plant of 1915. where she spent much time before go- in the very near future if plans now In«r to ilacon to reside. under way are put through success- Odessa cattle market IB the tersest j Mrs, W. A. McLain, organizer and re- " *•» fully. Three local men are interested In Russia. \ \ gent of the Dawson chapter of D. A. Mian May Hall, of 618 Capitol avenue. On French Battlefield While K., and now state chairman of patri- Is attending a house party in south ADVOCAB BY HANSON otic music, is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Georgia. - ^^ High for the convention. *•? I Blrs^J. G. (Dean, recent of Stone Can- Weil-Known Automobile Man Mrs. >L. ,F. Cato will represent the ^tle chapter, Dawson, Ga., is the guest Fighting for Native Country D. A. R-'s of Perry. She is a- sister of of Mrs. Otis Thornton, on Capitol ave- Measrs. Loyd and Frank Parks, of nue. l Moving Spirit of Proposed this city. \ •*« Organization. v \ •" Mrs Willie Ma*y Mixon, -who has been His parents, residing in French terri- Mrs. E« T. Spencer, of Columbus, is quite 111 at St. Joseph's Infirmary, is the guest of (Mrs. George Pratt, in convalescent. i ^ tory occupied by Germans, are una- Druid Hills, for the D. A. R. convention. Taxicabtolng from the Terminal sta- ware of his fate, but relatives in At- •*f Miss Ruth. Wing ie in Anniston, thV tion to any hotel in the city for a lanta have been officially Informed that The marriage of ATias Alma Stanley^ guest of Mr. and **Mrs• . John D. Wlngr. nickel will be the pleasure of the fu- and Mr. >Strother Callaway Fleming ture traveler ot Atlanta's streets, if Henri Loridane, former Atlanta youth will be an interesting event of to- Mrs. Frank Fleming, of Augusta, re- the "Jitney" bus organization pro- and graduate of the French National night at 8 o'clock at the home of the gent of her chapter, D. A. R., is the School of Arts, lies In an unmarked bride's uncle, and aunt, Mr. and \Mrs- guets of iliss Sally Brown for the D. posed, materializes, as expected. David W. Morgan. A. R. convention. One ot the moving spirits in the grave near tfne battlefields of "VTalmy, *•* Mrs. R. L. Jones, of Albany, arrives proposed "jitney" plan is George W. where he was slain in the great battle Mrs. Bbcn Buss, of Pennsylvania, today to visit her daughter, Mrs. Hanson, of the Oakland Motor Sales which has been given the name of that will arrive next week to visit Mrs. company, one" of the city's best-known Harry Stearns Hunter Muse. »», • automobile men He was in conference •village. •** Mrs. R. A. Johnson left yesterday for yesterday with George Kelley, an au- Because of the ban put upon mails Mrs. Fort E. Land, president of the li, visit with her sister In Dallas, tomobile man. of Birmingham, who has end communications with native in- Macon Woman's club, will be a promi- Texas. Captain Graham L. Johnson , V accompanied his mother to New Or- observed "jitney" ibus operations in habitants of the lower French terri- leans. other cities, and who has come 1here tory occupied toy the enemy, his (parents These\ Are the Flags of " **« with a ,view of taking up the local 'sit- do not know of Ijis death. Charles Mr. Joseph M. Lynch, who has been uation. critically ill fbr the past ten days at Another "jitney" bus promoter, .Loridans, an uncle living- at 212 Ponce France, Belgium and Rumania Positive Relief his residence on East Pine street, is Glenn Nichols, of ^Houston, Teias, de Leon' avenue, has been officially convalescent. *•* owner of successful "jitney" lines in notified by the French government. Mrs. William M. Denton, of Aug-usta, New Orleans, Houston and San An- Up until the opening of the Euro- Here they are as they appear For Constipation and Mrs. Max Land, of Cordele. are tonio, was also in Atlanta yesterday pean war, the slain youth had been in the guests of Mrs. W. W. Austell for looking over the field with a view of charge of the Southern Ferro Concrete in black and whtte. There is the^ convention. Miss Lucy Veal, of interesting himself. company in construction of plants In The progress of modern medical Austell, who has been visiting- Mrs. In event the proposed "jitney" or- science is, perhaps, no more force- Austell \for av week, is now with Mrs. ganization is promoted, it will be Jacksonville and Atlanta. He made hie absolutely no difference in fully evident than in the simplifying Marion Benson. **• launched with a capital between home with the family of Charles Lori- of many of the old time remedies Mr. and Mrs. George Bonney will en- $25,000 and $35,000. Anywhere between dans on Ponce de Leon avenue. He had of past generations. For instance, tertain at dinner Friday evening- in twenty and ntty machines will be pul them. To all intents and pur- the harsh cathartics and violent pur- compliment to Mrs. Laura Lathrop and upon the streets to ply the principal been a resident of Atlanta three years. gatives used by our forefathers to Mr John Lathrop, of Boston, guests of downtown and residential thorough- He was only 22 years of age. relieve constipation are now known Mrs. Hugh Inman fares. Young Loridans was a native of poses they are identical t to be not only unnecessary but really »•• One of the most important schedules v harmful. Constipation can be more Mrs G. T. Guernsey, state reg-ent of would be operated from the Terminal France and a civil engineering grad- effectively relieved without the dis- Kansas, as a distinguished visitor at- station every ten minutes via the uate of the National Sdhool of' Arts et But suppose toe should add the proper col- comfort and pain, these old-time tending the D A.\R. conference and is downtown hotels out Peachtree street metiers of Chalon, He was of a con- remedies occasion. the gruest of Mrs Sheppard W. Foster. to the Georgian Terrace. Other lines ors to each, the sameness would immedi- £. combination of simple laxative *•• will be organized through Peachtree genial disposition and quite popular herbs with pepsin, sold in i,drug Miss B. Louis Patten, first vice re- •with a wide circle of friends. Imme- stores under the name of Dr. Cald- gent of iTomichlchi chapter of the D. A. and Whitehall streets and Edgewood ately be lost, "and each flag "should stand well's Syrup Pepsin is most effect- R, will be the guest of Mrs J W. Mc- avenue. diately at the beginning pf the war ive, yet mild and pleasant. It is ab- (Mayor Woodward, it is understood across the sea he enlisted with the 48d solutely free from opiates and nar- Arthur at her residence, 287 Gordon will be consulted today. The success out as an individual, a striding representative cotics and equally as^ desirable a street, during the D A. R. convention. of the innovation in cities along the regiment of Infantry on the eastern v remedy for the ^tiniest babe as for Pacific coast, where it has been given French: battlefield. ' *• of \n>hat # stands for. ^ ^ rugged manhood. A free trial bot- a more extended tryoUt, assures At- He was slain in the trenches on De- tle can be obtained by writing to In Memory of forgo. lanta of an early demonstration. IE Dr. W. B Caldwell, 452 Washing- Portland, Ore., and Seattle, Wash., it cember 3. Now, do you see the analogy to the use ton St, Monticello, Ills. New Yoiik, February 9.——The Ameri- is estimated that the "jitneys" are can Express company announced today doing a weekly business of $18,000 and that the business of that company over $20,000. of paint in advertising ? Color is truly 73,000 miles of railroad in this country, Mr Hanson stated to a reporter for Baskin's Resignation •would be brought to a standstill lor The Constitution last night that in distinctive, gripping, interesting; it pos- \ five minutes at noon tomorrow as a all probability "Jitnies" would be plying Asked in Resolution mark of respect to the\ memory of the streets within the next week or so. sesses a psychological attraction that James C. Fargo, for thirty years presi- "I am in accord with any movement Introduced in Council N EW YORK dent of the company, -who died last that is beneficial to . the city's progresl s cannot be eluded. " night and welfare," he saia, "and I really be- \ >. l*,eve that the 'jitney' bus would be one $10 CASH $5 PER MONTH of the most popular and beneficial in- Is Dr. A H. Baskin, member of the novations Atlanta could possess." police board from the first ward, en- Color means power i^n advertising; and , An Investment without a parallel, j T>d you know that the rapid Erowth\\pf New titled to recognition as> a mem'ber of Bulletin Boards are the most powerful York City is the talk of the civilized the hoard, or has his removal of resi- v world? I vi 111 sell you a larere plot of BOY IS ARRESTED dence from the ward vacated the of- of all colored display. Augment this ground containing 10.400 square feet at fice? V tue \ AND BOUND OVER Councilman J. N. Kenfroe has taken HENRI LOBJODANS. Color value of Bulletin Boards with the VERY GATES OF NEW YORK CITY the position that the first ward board for $10 cash and ?5 pe^- month; total IN RECORD TIME place is vacant, and City Attorney advantages they possess in Size, Loca- price, 9^60. Send for maps, photos, etc , James L. Mayson says that if Commis- School of Instruction v v.1 to W. Kaye, 277 Broadway, New York , Public Speakers sioner Baslkin has removed from the tion, Persistency, Lack pf Competition City. t v ward, such removal has the effect of Lawyers Preachers "The law moves rapidly, sometimes, automatically vacating the office. Be Established when the ball is started to rolling," . Tuesday afternoon Councilman Ren- and Economy; and you have the ulti- Teachers Singers remarked City Detective J. H. Kirk froe said he had been informed that By Board of Health N&W YORK the resignation of Dr. Baskin would, fee mate in advertising, a combination of For Tuesday afternoon at the close of the in the lianas of council, and when Vhe That Weary Throat! trial of Leon Stone, an 18-year-old learned that document had not yet The state board of health will estab- every feature that is best in publicity., white boy, who was bound over to the reached City Clerk Walter Taylor he lish a-school of instruction about the superior court under 'bond of $300 by introduced a resolution declaring the middle of February for training pros- Judge George E. Johnson on the office vacant. Friends o£ Dr. Baskin pectivfe health commissioners to head v Let us talk to you- Or. Bell's objected to the resolution on the ground the sanitary districts conditionally Caught Cold? charge of stealing $1* from Rosby that Dr. Baskin would resign, and that created by the last legislature. Thompson, age 16, of 110 West Harris a resolution asking for his resigna-^ The school will last six weeks, after street. i tlon would only have the effect of em- which examinations will be held. MASSEHGALE BULLETIN SYSTEM JACOBS' CATHARTIC As a Gargle At the time that Judge Johnson pro- barrassing him. nounced sentence on >oung Stone it Councilman —.enfroe denies that such Will bring Instant Relief. waa his intention He explained that 56 Edgewood Ave. was exactly orte hour from the time the members of the ward delegation NEW COUNTY OF EVANS Ivy 16$6-J. Dovers- Quinine All Druggists. 25c., 50c. and $1.00 that Detective Kirk had received a call •were anxious to re-establish -ward rep- E. E. SUTHERLAND MEDICINE CO. from the mother of Rosby Thompson resentation on the .board and wanted to HOLDS ITS FIRST COURT 4T immediately stimulates circula- to investigate thS robbery at her pave the way so that the election will «_-W—«——— \ tion and liver action, relaxes the s Philadelphia St. LOUISA house. be in order when council meets on Claxton, Ga, February 9.—(Special.) Monday. The first session of the superior court bowels, draws out ^ congestion and Detective Kirk left detective head- Two\candidates are out for the place. of Evans county, the youngest of all fever and stops inflammation. Two auarters immediately upon receiving W F. Foster is said to have the support the new counties created by the last the call, proceeding to 110 West Har- of Councilman Renfroe and Alderman legislature, convened here Monday- or three doses, and headache and ris street, where Mrs. Thompson gave Seawright, and it is understood that Judge Walter W. Sheppard\ and Solici- soreness are gone; Jn one night it him an accurate description of young Councilman Alverson wants ex-Council- tor General W. F. Slater, of the Atlan- completely breaks up a heavy cold Wilson's Clothes Stone, whom she suspected of taking man A. L. Wardiaw elected to the va- tic circuit (to which the new county cancy. , is attached), together with, Clerk of or grippe and roots it out. ARE GOOD—VERY GOOD her son's money, which 'was in a the Court R. R. Tlppins and Sheriff Real Estate-Renting-Insurance Cathartic Dovers-Quinine does Always S1S.OO. 12 Edgewood Fourth National savings bank. F W. Rog&rs organized the court. Rev. not nauseate nor have any of the He then proceeded to a pool room Jackson Rifles Inspected. - H. B. Wilkinson, who did so much 1 at No. 11 South Broad street, where Jackson, Ga., February 9.—(Special.) toward securing the creation of the bad effects of quinine. You can he found Stone beginning a ganie of The Jackson Rifles, Company A, Sec- new county, was elected foreman of take it safely. Quickest and best pool. Stone was arrested, the money ond infantry, were inspected Monday the first grand Jury. CHAS.R remedy for colds, coughs and Biiiasiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii night by Major F. E Palmer and Cap- There is much business of impor- l found on his person -with a portion of tain J. M. Kimbrough, Jr., represent- tance toward the organization 'of the Marline Harmsen, grippe. Tablets or Capsules, 18c; = Refit an the broken ba'nk. He was carried to ing the state and United States mili- county to be transacted by the grand by mail, 20c. police court and tried and bound over tary departments, respectively. The jury, but* few criminal cases of any by Judge Johnson. company bad a full quota of men In importance to claim its attention. No GLOVER Manager 1 UNDERWOOD atone said he stole the money be- line and, it is stated, made a creditable civil cases wil l be,x tried at this term All Jacobs' Stores cause he Was out of work and hard showing. of the court. B TYPEWRITER pressed. Insurance Department S It's a sound investment REALTY SE —certain to increase SOUTH AMERICAN TRADE 5j5 your income. IS JOACHIM'S PURPOSE WALTON STREET 55 •'TbtNlaMneYouWIIIEventuallyBuy" J HOTEL Benjamin Joachim, special agent of SS Underwood Typewriter Co. the department of domestic ana forelg-n commerce ol the government, will bt SEOVn-ANNUAL, STATEMENT for the Six atonths Ending: December 31, SS 52 N. Broad St. iij room 521 at the customs house to- 1914, of the condition of the , day from 9 a, m. to 5 p. m. to meet GOTHAM any Georgia manufacturers or mer- chantb and answer questions m,icgard PECIAi 30-DAY CUT YBICE OK OtlR to oppoitumties for South American STRAIGHT WHISKEY 1 trade. LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Mr. Joachim spent eighteen years in Mad* to Mcure 6,000 new customers South and Central America and de- Hotel ofrefihecl ^ OF LONDON, ENGLAND SeaAtotZ callono of this whiskey «l clares that the merchants and manu- the cut price of *3.5O, Expreu Paid, TAMP A, FLA. facturers of Georgia would be amazed organized under the laws of the Kingdom of Gieat Britain, mkde to the and compare the quality with 2 gallons of were they aroused to the wonderful C/elegance, located in Governor of the btato of Georaia, in puisuanoe of the laws of said State any other kind advertised in this paper C*-!"7 AC ROUND *3Qo mission . . ... \ 483,879.41 We refer to Atlantic National Bunk, Jack- I and bankers planned-for Columbus in Single rooms with ba ... 683.88 most of the cotton ^ belt, have been largely on a cotton basis. Planters are Ave & Ftf--fifth St. Total A|Ssets of the Company, actual rash market value .. $3,698,932.0^ now breaking Vavvay from the one-crop ^ j HI LIABILITIES. idea and the necessity of a more com- prehensive credit system is apparent. 1. Losses due^aiid unpaid $ 22,262.46 Supply men who sell to farmers have NEW YORK. CITY Losses unpaid, not due . . ... 10,826.00 NEW ORLEANS, LA., and return ------$15.03 not fully outlined their policy for the 2. Gro,ss Losses m process of adjustment or In sus- MOBILE, ALA., and return ...... $10.35 year, except that the general tendency pense, including all reported and supposed « Is to malce the annual advances as Losses ... 749,481.00 PENSACOLA, FLA., and return ...... $10.35 small as possible. This verv conserv- 3 Losses resisted, including Interest, cost and all ative policy, will in itself substantially oth^er expenses thereon 42,874.00 i- aund trfc^i- Thar* reduce cotton acreage, "as it will be i necessary to pay more attention to food 4. Total Amouirj>of Claims Tor Losses $825,443.46 k>r-ui s» If \ HB, 1915 crops. ^ 5. Deduct Re-Insurance thereon . 289,634.06 6. Net Amount of ITnpald Losses (carrried out) B35 803 40 i—BIG RACES DAILY IN NEW ORLEANS—< COPPER BEARING 10. The Amount of Reserve for Re-Insurance i2 292*775 For detailed information, aleeping car reservations, etc., call Bell TORREY MAY CONDUCT 11. All other claims against the \Company \ 83697 87 REVIVAL AT ATHENS 13. 'Surplus beyond al^ Liabilities ...... , 7S6)74s! l{ Phone Main 53, Atlanta Phone 157, Atlanta and West Point Railroad v Office, Fourth National Bank Building, and Terminal Station. _ you want 14. Total Liabilities . - ...... $3, 698,982 00 Athens, Ga_, February 9.—(Special.)— IV. INCOME DURING THE SECOND SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1914. Ministers of several evangelical chuichee of the city- aie planning to meals cooked 1. Amount of Cash Premiums received ...... $1 414 056 60 invite K. E. Torrey, of California, one 3. Received for Interest ...... 72'9B6' l4 4. Income received from all other sources ...... ' 28* 82 of the leading revivalists of the world, 5. American Branches of Foreign Companies -will please report to come to Athens for a three or four better, quicker amount of remittances from^-Home Office during- the six \ s weeks' campaign for the churches, x holding- the day meetings at the months ...... v ...... 53,304 churches downtown in rotatloni,a.nd the at less cost, night meetings at the biggest audito- 6. Total Income actually received during- tile second six months rium In the uptown section. Dr. Tor- s« cash ...... i ...... T, ...... «I,54fl,344 rey has a daughter finishing her in a more V. EXPENDITURES DURING THE SECOND SIX MONTHS OF THE course at Brenau conservatory, and an- pther married daughter living at El- 'bertoti, and it is hoped that these cir- comfortable \ 1. Amount of Losses .Paid {...... S 776,25077 . 14 cumstances xvill be Inducements to se- 3. Amount of Expenses ipaid, including fees, salaries and coml cure his services here. missions to Agents and Officers ot the Company .. . . 513,8,31 . 43 Florida Service kitchen? 4. Paid for State, National and Local Taxest in this and other \ States .. i. . i . .. ..- . V. VIA 6. All other Payments and Expenditures, viz Agents' balances 5,316 40 Columbas Theater Bought. \ charged off Allen's Princess Loss an sale of Bonds Columbus, Ga.. February 9. — (Spe- 6. American Branches of Fore'oreijfi n Companies will please repoi t cial.) — W. S Gillls, W. H. Tolbert and solves the question of fuel amount sent to Home Offices during the second six George N. JIurah have bought the economy, kitchen comfort, months j. Bonita theater and will take charge 1 v 3 00,4 7J. 80 SOUTHERN RAILWAY March 1. R. E.V Martin, the present time saving1 , cleanliness and ' Total Expenditures during the socond six months of the owner, is having a new theater, the cooking superiority. year inv cash ..\.. ... si T98'S4 4> mAti A M Pullman sleeping cars, 'dining car, day coaches. Grand.\ constructed and will conduct Greatest Amount Insured in any one risk ! correct and true • -wanner. Ask your dealer. Write for booklet. ! x CHARLHS L CASK, -XA D U Pullman sleeping cars. Arrives Jacksonville United States Managri S4U r. III.. 9:20 a. m. ^ Sworn to and subscribed before mo, this 29th day of Januar-v, TM3 H I ALLEN MANUFACTURING CO., (Seal ^ l FRUriKRfCK T CASK, Breakfast on dining car before arriving Jacksonville. mined T, therefore, ha\e n6 insurance | NASHVBULE, TENN. Notarv Publ.c, Now Yorlc Counts. ith this company and I positively DO NOT Name of State Agent—WALTON GRIFFITH. rcoemaitad It OT It* •••nt, K. B. Browne. J. M. MBANa i, Name ot Agent at Atlanta—THIS c HARiiKS P. GL/OVER REAi*TT OT& t ^ I v <•

KWSPAPLRl Ul Ul VII VI11 IUI1 W&.1MI II I It/ • f II I Will I uary SO. ' V New Tork. February 9.—(Special.)— Word Moves OfOoes. ?1.800—Mrs. Lydia McKInley to Mrs. Ida- -Ljiwti^utjLiverpooLl surprisev>ut i*« *^^id* ever*iT~..yj gagrgage loaloann businessbusiness. annonnnpannounce»* thethe. re-- ^ * uca Company.) v,T.--' -f ~ff,,i:.a»„ iu'.>Tir*}iA**&^ *««« iTuo-tu^as, a.iiiiuuacev cne re-< .No. 544 North BoWlevord, 45x137 feet. Jan- Granges. Indian river, box . ..J2.25®2,60 ^$&T*~"SSg^>^.«£ f^*Aft$XJP&J£*?[&a' 'uary 25.i „ STEADY TONE RECORDED BY GRAIN HB HEAVY DECLINE piles. her continues t. very „ the Fourth National Bank $l,200-i-Henry Wlllett to Mortgage-Bond, ssssa^sfc ??*.;• -. -:&zs! bearish, and „„ „„no„t believe the advance uilding, where he will be pleased to company of Now To,rk, JTo, 100 Highland Grapo fruit, box .. .. .$1.25d .luruuu. uiu be sustained. They * feel the serve the public in the matter of plao- avenue, 50x163 feet. February 8. , Apples, barrel $3.00« large export takings for the past two weeks ing real estate loans. $3.000—Mrs. Relnetta M. Frazler to Mrs; Apples, box .. .. »1.6St Cotton Market Was Quiet. Wheat Closed 3-8 to 3-4 Pineapples, crate f represent old business at. lower prices for "He states that several of his clients Fanny Joseph. No. 362 Gordon street, S6x Lemons, new crop, box _ cotton, and that the demand will not con- have signified their willingness to ac- 170 feet. February 3. Lemons, old crop, boat ..$2.B ^arket, Which Started Off "3^ Ther"~ e seems to be littl...«-—.,.„_.e speculation., cep~_t ^choic e loans at 7- per cent*= , and. thi...s i $2.000—Mrs. Lucia A. Perrlgre -to Alex \V. Opened v at a. Decline, But, Cent Higher—Corn Closed Grapes, malaga. lies investment holders still retain the news should -be of interest to bor- Smith, Jr., lot on southeast corner Wood- fMmwmo ta ward avenuo and Ormewood avenue. 60s Cranberries. eal., 35-barrel.. BROS. & CO. • re 173 feet. ' February 2. Better Demand for ^Spot 1 3-4 Cents Up—Oats Also With; an Upward 'New Residence*. $2.000—Alex W. SmltU. Jr., to Mrs. Lucia New Torkiork. February 93.. — (special.>—-i-n(Special.) —Th e I TJ- ,„- „. . . „ _ A Perrlsro, same property. February 8. • Cabbage, found market today maintained a steady tone, | .-**• V\- - -. r'T."".Nichole, — "sw &~ Sons~v—"», contractors*-v.*«.«.«~ •.«.«., JSOO—Mrs. Lula Snipes to A. Bennett, lot Steadied^the Market. Higher., Idency—Bonds Easier. start this week a handsome ve- Onion*On, - red or yellow' . B*ck.". owing to- the support of Liverpool and lo- on northeast aide McDonough road. £00 feet \ . - Onions. Spanish, crate ..... V cal spot firms, whose buying was large neer brick residence, to cost $8,000, on southeast of Laney street, 50x202 feet. Feb- Onions, white, sack enough to absorb the miscellaneous selling Highland avenue road, just opposite ruary S. BAN'GE IX NEW 1TOBK COTTON, i Chicago, February 9.—Revival of Potatoes, irmn. ISSt" " .V " 00 •Ne-i^ew Torkx.OIK,, Februar.r ejji UCLI yj 9.—StockST.—OIUUAEs, werw«*.e« ( thamatt occurredoccurrea. Althougjtitaougihi locaivuwli Vsentimenf»c««iiirj KimballvillA-iuiijaiivjije farmlarm,, on a five-acrrive-acre tract,. $2,500—J. H. Camp to Penn Mutual Life i foreign buying more than offset an in- Potatoes, sweet, bushel "i»6c ' inclined to make further upward prog- , is in favor of lower prices, the absence of, for J. C. DeFoor. A great deal of care Insurance company, lot on east side North [Last! Prev. 80® sua- ' southern . pressure.^ 'combined. with. the Boulevard, 05x193 feet, being lot 5 of Pearce [OpenlHIghl Low! Sale| Close. Close. crease of country* .offerings today in Tomatoes, fancy, crate..""..".."[email protected] ress early in today's session, but be expended on the grounds, mak- wheat. As a result, the market closed i^^RSfl Choice, crate ••_--J?-29 den weakness in itew ifork , Cei 1 property. February 1. ... .f 8.30 8.35 C^.Sh'^^'^-S^^&l^ch.V'S. '»«Tlt~on?*f the most beautiful'coun- $15.000—James R. Smith and William H. .Feb ... • steady at % to %' net advance. Corn s™ Plant, fancy,' crate.'. :heaper level. try homes around this city. March \ 8.C3 g.63 8.611 i>.66 s.fiS 8.64 Jdeans, green, drum The following: contracts have just Hlgrgins to same, lot on east side Peters May . 8.89! 8.S4I S.S6.I 8.91 s.uo S.S9 I gajned 1 % (& 1 % to 1% net, and oats Squash, yellow crooked, JAT. BOND &,CO. street, ^ at northeast corner Thornton's al- ' %@1 to 1%. In"" provisions the out- per Iaf been closed by Nicholes & Sons: C. A. July. 9.07 » 13 9.04J S.ll 9.12 8.09 k ?f£ % ee crate, ley, 58x150. February 5. Aug . 9.19 9.18 come was 10 to 12% to 35c decline. bunch Tappan, veneer brick in Atkins Paris, $1.500—R. D. Stlnson to J. D. Pou, No. Wheat traders, isvho usually act for $7,000; W. H. Brlttain, veneer brick, Oct %. »;^a 9.37 9"35 9.34 a. 32 S«2U'35S1 214 Fort street. 66x103 feet, lot on north- Oec . 9.41 9.50 9.'Io( 9.48 !).4J 9.46 I seaboard export houses, were con- Lettuce, drum.." ".*" " .".'$2.25 of $100,000,000 bonds at 6 per cent in- BALANCE FAVORING US $8,000, Briarcliff road; a B. Stuart, west side Chapel street, just in front of, Jan . 9.54 9.54 spicuous in the purchasing here of the nCauliflower ,,...„ , pound . ..'".".".. .. -^ .\Y ,'.' .".6'®8c terest. veneer brick, »i^000, Briarcliff road. Barracks avenue, \70xll7. feet. February Si, KMay delivery, and it was said a good flrum MM9SM I Another development which should LARGEST ON RECORD $250—Katie and Annie Few to John R. v PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Burress and B. L. Chappell. lot on north- Closed steady \ Ideal of European business was^done have redoubled to the advantage of the K I at the seaboard, but not t^ade public,. Fo Un local market was a further break in Washington, February 9.—^Foreign trade east corner West Fair and Proctor street*. RANGE IX ?TEW ORTJEAN8 COTTON. fens, a,Hve. ? ' **** ..13@l*c ^exchange on London to the lowest Q.UO- t for the week ended February 6 as reported Warranty Deeds. i 50x100 feet. February 8, '• In addition, cash handleis here were Frys,, alive...... ' 18c T I Last! K Prev. 1 known to have sold 120,000 bushels for Ducfcs., alive " tations since October of 1907. The de- i to the deportment of commerce today by $5 anA other considerations—Elizabeth M. Low] Sale! Close. I Close. ' export by way of the gulf and to have i cline resulted from extensive offerings the thirteen principal customs ports show- Bowden 'Smith et al. to D. N. Bow-den, two- Quit Claim IJeeds. Turvei-B. ailvi;.;; .7 ;• ed a balance of $37,134,226 in favor of thirds interest In one acre on nortlt boun- $10—->Irs. R. Relman to Mrs. Pauline Fet> . 1 7.81 7.90 received bids for more. Roosters, alive, each ,. .'." TJ '." .. ate of ibills against supplies 35 8.32 8.331 8.33 Hens, drea.sedv t ance on record. school property. December 7. 1914. 46x12x5, feet. January 11, 1910. May , S.53 S.b3 8.5S B.bO! 8 60 S.59 A sharp falling off in the movement ments now at war. Incidentally, Ger- Exports for the week totalled ^59,581,106 $200—J. D. Chtlds to J. S. Skipper, lot $10^Mrs. Paulino Furstenburgr to airs. July. S.l-i 8:83, 8.T3 8.791 S.7» 8.78 from the country helped to advance Frys, dressed ....".". '.". .'. .many's gold status once more came into and imports $22,446,880. 6. block Bn, on Lee street, 50x172 feet; Mattle F. Butler, same property. Febru- Oct . - S.90 9.10 9.00 •J.0^1 9.00^ 9.05 prices and there was an improvement Ducks, dressed .. -- -- 180 consideration, with a new low record Exports for the past ten >veeks totaled Eagran. Park. December 31, ,1914. ary 4. Ofc . 1 9. IB 9.26 9.26 9.26J 9>21 9.20V of export demand. Turkeys, dressed ...... ____ 200 for marks, while London" reported the Rabbits. each $519,350,29v 5 and Imports $244,006.650, mak- $55,000—Mrs Mary G. Prochaska to Her- $B—Mrs. Susan G. Jones to Mrs. Lydla. Oats developed unusual firmness de- J^r "^ «zt»v«j . , . .. _— .... ••• .10OI20 removal of about ¥1,500,000 , foreign ing a balance- of ^$275.343,745 In favor of bert H. Dean. No. 11 Crescent avenue, 81s McKInlay, No. 1C Miranda avenue, 40x100. Opossum, pound ...... = ." fe Closed steady. \ spite free\ profit-taking by holders. Eggs, fresh, dozen . , 2BC gold coin frtfm the Bank of England. the United States 'for that period. 143 feet. May 20, 1913.' February 4. Heavy receipts of hogs acted as a Storage, dozen i. .. .. Declaration of the regular dividend Cotton exported during the week amount- k $6SO—-D. J. Strickland to Henry Acey, lot $700—W. T. ^Walden to Mrs. L. C. ElUott. New York, February 9.—While trad- weight on the provision market. ^on American Sugar shares was ^n ed to 385,733 bales, making the total for on eastVsidel Sunset avenue, 80 feet north lot east side Center Hill avenue, S06 feet ing continued quiet, cotton showed a ,_ UltOCEBtES. Keeping with popular expectations, the last nine weeks 2,616,432. of Spencer Wtreet, 40x149 feet. May 29, north of Mayson and Turner's Ferry road, " Chicago Quotations. 1914. >• 70x281, December 15, 1914. generally steady tone today, closing (Corrected tiekby' Oglesb6%: y Grocer3 y Compajy.) albeit the stock was feverish pending Following were Quotations oa the Cfat- " — - ""i ""!- ">'• chocolate. definite announcement. Another ad- Sugar. ?1 and other considerations—Mrs. Char- $1—ri«ia G. Candler to Walton Realty steady net unchanged ••to 2 points cag-o Board 61 Trade today:- 2 vance in the refined product was made lotte O. -AdlcinKon to Henry Wllletjt. No. 100 company, lot 150 feet north of Luclle ave- higher. , \ Prer. Canned Goods—Por k and beans, la, SB by independent producers. New York, February 9.—There was a Highland avenue, 50x163 feet, January 23. nue and 250 feet west of Lanshorn street, \ I Open. High. Low. Close. Close. and SB. $ t,o $4.20. Corn, »1.7B to »2.40. further advance in sugar futures today Ii5—C. W. KlAssett to Cecilia B. Wal- 100x15L February «.^ The opening was barely steady at a WHEAT— Peas, J1.90 to J4.2O., Strlns beane, IB, 2» Bethlehem Steel, whi points ^net higher. The Leather—Diamond oak, 4»o. changed, but a slight hardening of the lot ISO feet north of Luclle avenue and T^ennant, lot north side Ogiethorpe avenue, talk was that houses with European Receipts In, Chicago. Pepper—Grain, ISc; eround, 2dc. rate for long-time accommodations -was Country Produce. 250 feet^ west of northwest corner of Lu- 6*3 feet east of Lawton street, 63x150. No connections so-ld contracts to the Articles Today. Flour—Klegant, ?8.76; Diamond, 38.60; manifested. Interior banks bought New York, February 9. —Butte r unset- clle avenue and Langhorn street, 10x151 date. amount of about 10,000 bales a.gainst Wheat . 225 cars Best Self-Rising, $8.26; Monogram, ?8.00:. moderately of mercantile paper. tled; • receipts, 10,695; creamery (92 score) feet. February 6. Corn . . . 305 cars Carnation, J7.90; Golden Grain, 37.75; Pan- $1,000—Mrs. Emma Hendon to Dr. B. G. purchases of actual supplies in the Oats . . 234 cars cake, per case, $3.00. Bonds were easier exceptv certain 34; do higher scoring, 35; firsts, 31@33%. ' Sheriffs Deed. , south, andv it \v:is believed the sales I-aid •• and Compound—Cottolene. 47.20; minor issues which showed gains. On Cheese firm; receipts, 3,910, state, whole Gribble, one-fourth Iriterest in lot on Aah- $70—0,. A. Wheeler (by sheriff) to Ful- reflected thu liquidation of old hedges. Hogs . . .30,000 head milk, held upecials, IT'QlT.^i; do average ley street at northwe&t corner Richardson Snow'Drift, cases, $6.00; occo, 8%; Flake the curb there -was active trading in land, 485x539 feet. February 8. ton Supply\comnany, lot on east side Acorni The offerings were weli absorbed, but . the proposed New York Central 6s at fancy, 16%@16%, state, w.hqln milk win- avenue, 850 feet north of Mayson avenue. the market eased ulf a few points dur- Bradstreet's Visible Supply. Soui Gherkins — Per crate, 11.80; krgo. ter made export type, specials, 16@16%; do $1 and other considerations—A. L. Grtb- Bradstreet's visible- between J03 and 104. Total sales of average, fancy, ble (by executor) to Dr, B. G. Gribble, one- SO.\ir/2 feet. February 2. ing the afternoon, under realizing. Wheat Increase 1,157,000 bushels. SC.503iS.00; sweet, mixed, keen $12.50. bondsmas,, parr value, aggregateag®aiecdt $2,152,000$z,io2,uuu. %?•"-' iVno«*ti«/i • iw»M»7t* isii4- fi-P^h Olives, 93c to 54.60 iper dozen. 1 fourth Interest In same property. January There weie small buying orders all Corn increase 3 004.000 bushels. United States registered 2a defined I *££,. "JK!" ?fce, *!?&, i^extra flrrtt 28. Bond for (Title. t around the ring* at the closri, which VSugrar — Granulated, 5%; powdered, 6%; gathered extra fine, 27@27%; extra firsts, Oats aeerea&e 1,433,000 bushels. cubes. 6 % ; tlomino. » >&, per cent and the coupon 2s pel- 26%; firsts, 25%@26; seconds. 24%@25. .. $1 and Bother consideration—Same to Mrs. $3,800—J. T. Klmbrough to J. O. Hudson, were probably encouraged by the con- cent on call. Poultry, dressed, firm; western roast- \Emma Hendon, one-fourth Interest In samo lot W west side Tift avenue, 212 feet south tinued steadiness o£ the southern spot Gram. !n£ chickens, 17@21; fresh fowls, 13@18; property. January 28. of Shclton btreet, 30x135 feet. Febluary 5 Spot cotton quiut; middling uplands PKOVISION MARKET. turkeys, 14 ©22V.. \ ^ $121—West View Cemetery association to S.65: sales 102. February 9.—Cayh wheat, Xo. 2 (Corrected by White Provision Company.) Chicago, February 9. —Butter - unchanged. B. H. Stevens, lot 6. • section 13. July 22, I.len. red. $1.8l163. Cornfield hams, 10 to 12 average 16^4 New York Stocks. Eggrs. unchanged, receipts, 5,626 cases. 1914. ' $G—Sople Sons v. W. H. Ppck, 19 Bdjfo- Sold ana BpuRbt Back. Ryu. No. 2. $1.29. Cornfield hams, 12 to 14 average.. ..16 v Prev. Potatoes lower; receipts, 36 cars; Michi- wood avenue. February 8, New Orleans, Februai y y,—-Price Barley. Sli&X!> Cornfield skinned hams, 16 to 18 ave 16 High. Low. Close. Closei gan and Wisconsin red, 40@43; do white, Loon, Deeds. ~. _ , movements in cotton today were nai- \Dimothy. $0.50(^6 50 t Cornfield picnic hams, 6 to S average. .12^4 Amal. Coppei\ . 51% 53% 53% 53% $5,000—W. R. Jester to Dickinson Trust Hulldlnc Permits. row, the market standing 5 to 6 points Clover, §12.0014.00. CornfieldB. bacon .. ., 24 Am Agricultural , 50^ 50% BOVi 50H Poultry, alive, unchanged. i company, Nos, 248, 260, 252. 254, 236, 25S. $1.600—J. T. Kimbrough, two 1-story St Louis, February 9.—Cash- i Cornfield sliced B. bacon, 1-lb. cartons, St. Louis, February 9. — Poult under 4 esterday's final tiguies at the 12 to case, per case ;. . ,.$3.50 American Can ... 29 28% 28% 28% y unchanr-i 260, 262 and 264 East Pair street. 120x frame dwellings. Day. lowest, aucl 4 to 5 points over at the WHEAT— Close. Prev. Close. Am. Car & Found. 45 44% 46 44% ed except chickens at 13%. ' 168 feet. February 5. $750—J. T. Davis, 15 Estorla street, re- No. 2 red . . 161% 0162^4 190 I Grocers' vbacon, wide and narrow .... 19 Am. Cities pfd . . ,. . 60 Butter, creamery, 33. $9,000—G. M. Huie to Maddojc-Hucker pairs. Highest The closp was at a net de- Xo 2 hard . .162^@163 1\I2 Cornfield fresh pork sausage, link or 48M, V cline of 1 point to a net rise of 1 point. Am. Cotton OH . .48^ 47----% 47% Eggs, 24% ©aS. 1 1 CORN bulk. 25-lb. buckets 13 Am. Smelting: . . . 04 "4 63% 64% Kansas City, February 9. —Butter, cream- In til*- enTly trading, pi ices were de- Cornfield wieners, 10-lb. cartons .. ..15 American Snuff 150 ISO ery, 29; fflrats, \27; seconds, 25; packing, pressed b>'short'selling of scalpels, but N"o 2 white 79 78 Cornfield bologna sausage, 25-lb. boxes..13 Am. Sugar . . . .105 103 104 102% 20. this selling \vaa met by a quiet de- OATS — Cornfield luncheon ham, 25-lb. boxes..15 Am. Tel. & Tel . .120% 120 120% 120% EBBS, Vfirsts, 22%; seconds, 18. No 0 .DS S7 @ 3714 Corntield smoked link sausage. 25-lb. CHARLES J. METZ, mand which, it was said, came from boxes .10 Am. Tobacco . . .232 232 232 230 Poultry, hens, 13 % @ 14; robsters, 10 V4 ; spinners .arid t>nol" interests. A large No. ^ white .-,9' 58 ©58% Atchi&on 94 Vi 93% .03% 93% turkeys, 15. v lflE^ PUBLIC ACCOUNT Kansas City, Ffbruari 9.—Cash' Wheat. .Cornfield-wieners in pickle, 16-lb. klts.$2.25 pait of the- cotton sold short in the Cornfield lard, tierce basis .... Atlantic Coast Line 104 103% 103% 104%. President Audit Company of the South morninif %\ ab later bought back at No. 2 red, [email protected] ; No. 2 hard, Baltimore ~& Ohio. 69% 6S% 69 61 Country style lard, 50-lb. cans .. 56% Live Stock. Heatey Buiidtnx \ higher pi ices. Compound lard, tierce basis .. *. Bethlehem Steel ..57% B5% 66 « Cora, Ko. 2 mixed, 74©77; No. 2 white, 77 Canadian Pacific.- .139® lEI>-!i 160% 367% Kansas City, February 9.—Hogs—Receipts While foreign clearances were on a Va^TS, No 2 yellow, 76@77. \ D. S extra ribs . . .1 Central Leather . .8694 35% 36'n 36 fairly libeial scale, 43,588 bales from Oats, No. 2 white, 57 % @58; No. 3 mixed, D. S. beilies, medium average .. . 27,000; lower; bulk $6.60(8)6.70; heavy $6.60 all port.s, they were smaller than has D. S. bellies, light average .\. .. Chesapeake & Ohio 42% -11% 41% 43% @6.65; packers [email protected]; light $6.55® AUDITS SPECIAL EXAMINATION* SYSTEM ATIXIN O 56. Chi., Mil. & St. P. £794 85% 86 87 G.77%; pigs $6.0006.30. been the case- for se\ era! \days past. Brie 22% 22 22 22% This led to the claim by bears that the 'ATLANTA LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle—Receipts 7,000: lower; prime fed Coffee. (By W. H. White, Jr., of White Provision General Electric ..142, 142 142 141 steers $8.25 ©8.75, dressed beef steers $7.00 export movement was finally about to Company ) Great Northern pfd 114% 114% 114% 114% @8.25; houthern steers $5u75@7,00; cpws ALONZO KICHAKDSON & CO. fall off. The selling which resulted New York, February 9.-.—Coffee futures Good to choice steers, 800 to 900 average, Illinois Cantral 105M. 105% [email protected], heifers $6.75lg>».40; stockers pared down the advance. i were easier today, under liquidation and $0.00 to $6.25. Inter.-Met. pfd . . 57^4 5614 56?4 56% $5 [email protected]. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Rec'eipts for the day at all ports trade selling, which seemed to be due to Good steers, 700 to 800 average, ?5.BO to Kan City Southsrri.i 22 22 22 22 Sheep—Receipts 11,000; slow; lower; were 116,81 y bales, and bulls claimed reports of an easier cost and freight situa- Lehlgh Valley . . .135% 134 184 134%lambs $8.0008.50; yearlings [email protected]; 86 00. Louisville & Kashv. IJtj 116 116 117 I^MPIRH BUILDING ^ i * ATLANTA, GEORGIA that this continued heavv movement of tion, continued full receipts vin Brazil and >ledlum to good steers, 700 to 800 average, wethers [email protected]: ewes $5.65®6.26. A Staff of Thorou hly Trailed Vad Qullfled Aeconmtamtn. Wkmte Exvu the ciop to the .seaboard was the best rumors that part of the near month selling 55.00 to 55 50 Liggett & layers 210 210 Chicago, February^ 9—Hog&—Receipts 30,- K was against high grade Riob for contract Lorillard Co 180 180 000; lower: bulkx [email protected]; lighfs $6.55® Knablo Tbeua t« Blake CrltlaBl AmmlymlM of Boolt* aiul Accttunta, of indications that theie would be no> Good to choice beef cows, 800 to 900 aver- Mo., Kan. & Texas. .11% 11% 11% 11 Vi immediate let-up, in exports. delivery The market opened at unchanged age, $4.50 to ?5.BO. 6.80; mKed $6 [email protected]; heavy ~$6.45®6.80; prices, but ibpon weakened and closed at a Medium to good cows, 700 to 750 average, Mlaaouri Pacific ... 12% 11U 11% 11% rough [email protected], pigs $5.25@G,.«0. Spot cotton steady, unchanged: sales net decline of 12 to 14 points. Sales 40,000 / Mex. Petroleum ... 77 76% 76? 76% Cattle—Receipts 4,000: weak, native $4.00 to. 84.50. ' New York Central! '88% 84% 84% 88% 1 J Good to choice heifers, 750 to 850 average, N. y., if. H. & H. ,, 80% 49 49& 50% steers $550@875, co\vs and heifers $3.00@ Spot irregular. Rio No. -7. 8 fc; Santos No. $4.60 to $5.00. 7.85; calves [email protected]. Norfolk & Western,,i'01 lil 101 100% Sheep—Receipts 10,000; .unsettled, sheep Hio —exchange on-- Smicfcm -was reported Medium to good heifers, 050 to 750 aver- Northern Pacific ..105% 102% 10.2% 103^i $6.40«i>7.10, yearlings $7T50(g>8.00; limbs HUBBARDBROS. & CO., Cotton Merchants 3-32d lower at the close last night, while age. $4.00 to S4.50. \ Pennsylvania . . .105% 104% 105 105%$7.40@8,.75. milreis prices were 75 reis lower at Rio The above represents the ruling prlre of Reading . . . \ .146% 144% 144% 145% i St Louis, February 9.—Hogs—^Receipts HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK and unchanged at Santos with cost and good Quality beef cattle. Inferior grades Rep. Iron &, Steel .,.20% 20,% 20% 20% 10,800; Mower; pigsj and lights $8.25 (S>7.25; and dairy types selling lower. ' do. pfd 75% 75 75 74% Member* New York Cotton exchange. New Orleans Cotton Exchange, N«« freight offers this afternoon about 10 points, mixed $6.90(5)7.25; good heavy $7 00g>7.10. Tork Produce Exchange; associate member* Liverpool Cotton Association. lower on thf average. Brazilian port re- Rock Island Co. .' i % % Cattle—Receipts 3,900; lower: native beef ceipts yesterday 55,000; ^Jundiahy 26,000. Medium to good steers, If fat, 800 to 900 do. ptd 1% 16 1% 1% steers 57.35i§)8.85: cows and heifers $5.00 @ Orders solicited for the purchase and sale ot vcotton and cotton B,eed oil for 6VER SIXTEEN CENTS , Futures In New .Tort ranged as follows: average, $5.00 to fB.50. St. L. & San Fran. i,.^: stockprs $5 [email protected]; Texas and Indian future delivery. Special attention and liberal terms given for consignment* \ Open. Closem~c... Mixed to common cows if fat, 700 to 800 i 2d pfd 3% 3',4 &teers $5 25®7'.25. * \ of Bpct cotton for delivei-y. Correspondence invited. v February 6.68®6.70 average, 53.75 to 54.50. Seaboard Air Line. 13% 12% 12% 14 Sheep—Receipts 13,000; lower, native FOR COTTON IN GERMANY March 5.85( '5.95 «.75©l! 76 Mixed coVnmon, $3.25 to $3.75. do. pfd 36 36 36 36 muttons $5.006^635, lambs i [email protected]; April . 6.95( '6.05 6.84©6.gG Good butcher bulls, ?3.50 to $4.00 Slos.l-Shef. S. & I.. 26 26 26 23 yeiullngsV $7.00 <3> 7.65. \ \\ aahlnRton. February 9.—WJood middling MaMiiiyy .. .. •• •• >. . . 6.0u.v;9j «.94®6.95 Southern Pacific* . 83% S3 say. 83% cotton was -.ellinK on February « in Ham- June 6.05(8)8.09 6.90®>6.92 Prime hogs, ICO to 200 average, $6.90 to Southern Railway.. 15% 14% 14% 15% burs and Bnnien at 16 >,i. cents a pound. July 6.10 bid- [email protected] $7.10. \ do. pfd 53 B3 53 55 Ambassador Gerard cabled today from Ber- August G15@>6.20 7.05(§>7.07 Good butcher hogB, 140 to 160 average, Tennessee Copper. .. 29% 29i 29% 29.% J!n September .... ". " " 7.1o©7.1f . j.u m/ i .6 j. u 56.80 to ?C.90. Texas Co 132^4 133 October . [email protected].. 0 7.20®7.22 Good butcher pigs, 100 to 140 average, Texas & Pacific 12 12% " -'•=•- -- $8.60 to $C 80. Union Pacific . . .119% 118% llft% 119V* FRED W. COLE November .. [email protected] .36 ATLANTA'S STRIDES ' Provisions. Light pigs, 80 to 100 average, $6.40 to U. S Steel .... 41% 40% 41% 40% $0.60. ' ( do. pJd 104'/i 103% 103V 104 Chicago. February 9,- Cash Ri'ice. Heavy and rough hogs, 200 to 300 average, Utah Copper .... 53%^ 52% 52% 52% Pork, [email protected]. $8 00 to $0.50. Va.-Carollna Chem 21 21 FIRE INSURANCE Ijiird, *10.37. New < >rleans. February 9.—An active de- Above quotations apply to corn-fed hogs; Western Union . . . 63%, 63% 63->i 63% v Kibs, $9.25(^)10.75. mand continued for rough \rlce today, Total pales for the day\248,900 shares. DAY TO DAY while a strong- tone prevailed in the clean mast and peanut-fattened, 1% to 2o under. 1014 Empire Building gi ade. Quotations were unchanged. Re- ifeipfs. Rough, 4.405, millers, 4.405; clean, Cattle market unchanged. TO MARKET FOOD CROPS. 1,902. Sales. 3,110 pockets'-clean Honduras Hog market steady. New, York Bonds. With the completion of the new club- SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT for th* Six Months Ending December 31, at3<-g@B, 317 pockets Japan at 4 6-16. 1914, of the condition of the FLOCK, GBAIN ANI> JTEEIK U S. 2s registered 98% house at East Lake and the plans of \ J. M. Gaston Heads Butts Flour, sacked, per bbl.—Victory (in tovvel do. coupon the town, -svihich was recently .granted hafts,), J8.BO; Victory (our finest patent), U. S. 3s registered ,<,' ••}??%''a new charter to issue bonds for civic COTTON MOVEMENT. do. coupon l .. .. • County Organization. $8.35; Quality (in towel bags), $8.60; Quality IT. S. 4s registered .. .. J ..109=S impioveinents, much interest of reality- LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE CO,, Ltd. (our finest patent), $8.35, Capitoia, $8.oS do. coupon . 110? men centers in the beautiful and \fas.h- Jackson, Go.., February 9.—(Special.) Atlanta February S.—Cotton steady; mid- ©865; Olympla, $S.30(5>S40, Miss Dixie, Panama 3s coupon ionaible suburb of Atlanta. dling 8%. self-rising. $8.75©8.85; Clesoo (superlative A story is printed elsewJiere in this l OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ^ At a mass meeting of citizens held in I American Agricultural 06, bid . . . .100Vt JJew York—MkUtlinf? 8.6R; exports 1,280; patent). ?8.75@8SG; Angpl Pood (finest pat- American Cotton Oil OB, bid . , issue of The Constitution of .plans for * i * the couithuuse in Jackson, it was de- sales 102. stock 99.0B9. ent), $S3o; Gloria Cielf-riiing), $8.23; Nell American Tel & Tel. cv 4%s.. . a $10,000 rootning hquse for bachelors organized under the laws of the Kingdom^of Great Britain, made to the rided to establish a market for the New Orleans^—Middling 8 3-1G; receipts Robe («el£-rl£,InT), $823, Perfect Bfscuit, American Tobacco 63, bid to 'be built near the new clubhouse. Governor of the State of Georgia, in pursuance of the laws of said State. 20,382, exports V 4.800, sales 3,200, stock (.-.elf-rislng), $8.25, White Lily (self-rl.slng). Atrhison gen. 4s , .. . Principal Office in United States 57 and 59 "William Street, New York handling of all kindri of farm products, ( $825, White Lily (12-lh satks), $-8.40; Puri- This is also near the handsome sum- 42-l,90S I Atlantic Coast Line col. 4s mer homess of Lowry Arnold and Thom- Executive Office 20 and 22i Trinity Street, Hartford, Conn. paiticulaily food crops. This market Galveston—Middling S'n; receipts 40,683; tan (highest patent). $8.00; Homo Queen Baltimore &. Ohio cv. 4%s 86% "Will bfj jy chaise of J. j\I. Gastozi, gen- ialcs 1.390; stock 36b,863 i (hiffhesL patent). $S.00. White Cloud Oifg-h Central of Georgia 5s, bid . . .. . as B. Paine. \ , , ^1 CAPITAL STOCK. eral manager of the Farmers' Union Mobile—Middling S, receipts 359; sales patent), ?77S; White Daisy (high patent), Central Leather 5s.. ".. .. .:• .. .. 99 ', Mrs. Nora G. "Webb has just com- 1. Whole Aiinourit of Capital Stock , .. .. None 350. s,tock 15.609. ,,... pleted a new residence on the south v warehouse, wlio has made a marked $775; Ocsan Spray (good patent), • $7.00: Chesapeake & Ohio cv. 4%s 74% II. ASSETS. I S.i\annah—Middling 8vi; receipts 15,559; Southern Star (good patent), $7.60; Sun Chicago, B. & Quincy Joint 4s.. . 90 M [side of Morgan Btreet, just east of v the succefas ot infctitutiqri*. Corn, hay, exportH 10,637; fales 2,121, stock 317,llS. Rise (good patent), $7.00; Tulip flour (low- Chicago, Mil. & St. BauLcv. 4%s. 06% club grounds, and other buildings are 1. Market Value of Real Estates owned toy the Company .. ..$ 300,000.00 oats and client will be handled in any Charleston—Middling S H $ receipts 1,S1S; grade). $6 00. | Chicago, R. I. & Pac. R. R. col. 4s. planned. 3. Stocks and Bonds owned absolutely by the Company: V Par stock 139,013. ^ , Meal, sacked, per bushel—Meal, plain, 144- Value, $2)976,935.00, Market Value (carried out) 2,875.837.50 quantities up to caiload lots. The cit- Wilmington—Middling S>J; receipts 2,105; Erie cen. 4s Tihere are also several realty deals of izens of the community will be in- Ib. sacks, 98c; meal, plain, 96-Ib. sacks, Illinois Central ref. 4s, bid some importance pending in Bast Lake. 5. Cash in the Company's principal office $ 2,014.90 stock 53.S75. 99c; meal, plain, 48-lb. sacks, $1.01; meal, ~6. Cash the Company deposited in Bank. 655,506.46 structed in the but,L methods of pre- Norfolk—Middling SVi; receipts 2,424; Louisville & Nashville un. 4s _. . . The board of assessors of East Lake pating their products for market, and sales 1.644,Wock 87,13. plain. 24-ll>. sacks, $1.03. Ligcett & Myers, 5&, bid .. ..I.. . will make their report Maroh 1 on the 7. Cash In hands of Ag-ents^ and' in course of Trans- Grain, sacked, per bushel—Corn, white, Lorillard 5s. „ .A \. . taxable values of Bast Laike and will mission L 571,126.85 will be taughts in the beginning that Baltimore Middling SVI; stock B.234. $1 07, do. yellow, $1.06, oats, fancy white Mo., Kan. & Texas 1st 4s, bid . . . Cafeh in hands of United States Trustees 468,398.95 their products must ^be equal 111 quali- Boston—Middling S.G5; receipts 101; stock clipped, 73c. do. No. 2 white clipped, 74c; New York Central gen.. 3%s,. bid ...... announce a date for a bond Issue elec- ty to those grown elsewhere. JO,400. do. white, 7Sc; No. _2 minced, 70c. N.. Y..,, N.. H & Hartford cv. "is. bid.. 10 its, tion. There is very little doulbt, it is Philadelphia—Middling 8.90; stock 9,563. said, but that the bend Is^ue will Total Cash Items (carried out) - 1,697,247.15 Ther<- is county-wide interest in the Elinor portt.—Receipts 10,439? exports 26,- Hay, etc.-—Timothy, choice, large bales, Norfolk & Western, cv. 4».is, bid , 9. Amount of Interest actually due, and accrued and unpaid.. 44,189.59 movement. The merchants of Jackson 891. stock 129,5291, $1.35; trmothy No. 1, smail bales, $1.30: Northern Pacific 4s.. . . . carry. 10. Bills receivable, not matured, taken for Fire, Marine and In- ha\e promised to handle all the farm Totaib for daj—Receipts 116,813; exports large light clover mixed hay. $1.30; small Pennsylvania cv - 3H» (1915) Build School HOUMV. - land RiskST ^ i -../.. .. 898.81 products grown. It is pointed out that light clover mixed hay. $1.26; alfalfa, Reading gen. 4s.. , 43,58S,- sales 8.S07: stock 1,888,322. Republican Iron « Steel 5s (1940) One of the primary objects of the 11. All other Assets, both real and personal, not included hereln- ii market, is needed befo7'e the people Totals for week—Receipts 250,148.; ex- choice, pea green, $1.35; straw, 65c; cot- 'before: can get away from the all-cotton idea. ports 250,628. ton seed meal, prime. $29.00, cotton seed St. Louis & San Fran. ref. 4s, bid . bond issue is to .build a modern school t hulls, square sacks, $9.00. | Seaboard Air Line adj. 5s building} which will accommodate 150 Balances due from other Companies 403.43 The farmers of Butts county are ar- Totals for season—Receipts 7,101,243; ex- Southern Boll Telephone Cs 98 ranging to fljant largely of food crops ports 4,37t).8S>C>. " Chicke l n feed, per cwt.. Aunt Patsy mashv , or more pupils. Qther money will be 100-lb. sicka. \$2.60: Puria chowder, 100- Southern Pacific cv. 4s spent on seweVs and water. \ Total . .54,918,576.48 this year, stimulated by the idea that lb. «acks. $2.85; Puria pigeon feed, 100-lb. Southern Railway 5s.. . 100 Deduct Excess of Market value of special Deposits over "Cor- they can find a leady cash market for 'Interior Mo\?ment. V do. gen. 4s ...... 65% 'The contract for the street lights will Houston—Middling 8^4 , receipts 18,344; sacks, $2.05, Puria scratch, 12-package ( be signed' this week and tfl\e work of responding- Liabilities 17.325.2S all the foodstuffs they can raise. bales. $2.50; .Purina scratch. 100-lbv sacks, Texas Company cv. SB 100 V shipments 19,490; sales 3,786; stock 218,167. Texas & Pacific 1st, bid 951/4 installing these lights will proceed at -Memphis—Middling 8; receipts 2.y6C; •S2.45, ,Victor scratch, 100-lb. sacks, $2.30; Union Pacific " 85 % once. V Total Assets of the Company, actual cash market value ., . .54,901,251.20 shipments 4.368: sales 2,000; stock 230,328. Dandy scratch, 100-lb., $2.20; beef scraps, Some street -work has already been III. LIABILITIES Augusta—Middling 83-16@8ii; receipts 100-lb. sacks, $3.35; beef scraps, 100-lb. U. S. Steel 5s 101»g sacks, $3.60; charcoal, per cwt. 50-lb. sacks, Virginia-Carolina Chemical 5s 94 done and more is planned. 1., Losses due and unpaid ? 30,121.00 L',098; shipments 1,334; sales 2,651; stock Southern Pacific cv. 5s 97 iA For some months an engineer has 149.304. $2.10, oyster shells, 100-lb. sacks, 75c; al- C. M. & St. P. cv. 5s ...... 2. Gro^s losses in process of adjus tment or ^ jn St. Louis—Middling 8; receipts 2,650' falfa meal, 100-lb. sacks, $1,45; chicken ..100% been at work under contract in East suspense, including all reported and supposed Losses 245,949.04 shipme'nts 3.143; stock 38,503. ' wheat, per bushel, $1.50. Pennsylvania Cen. 4«:s 104% Lake fixing the grade lines. The 3. Losses resisted, includinxg interest, cost " and V all Cincinnati—Receipts 1,522; shipments Ground feed, per c\\ t.—Arab feed, $1.90; grade lines' are now established on all other expenses thereon _.- * 0» 26,550.00 ' ^ 1.173; stock 10,750. 1 i King Corn horse feed, $1.80; Victor horse the main streets, and improvements Uttle Book—Middling 7TS; receipts 7S3- feed, $1.80; A. B. C. feed. $1.70: Sucrene ' Financial. may be~ made uppn property fronting 4. Total Amount of Claims for Losses $302,620.04 shipments 2,333, stock 61,920. horse and mulo feed, $1.55; Sucrene dairy on these streets accordingly. 5.^Deduct Reinsurance, thereon „ .i 81,645.47 Totals for day—Receipts 28,293; ship- feed, $1.55; alfalfa meal. 100-lb. sacks. $1.45; New York, February 9.—Mercantile pa- 'wn authorities^ are" also direct- ments 31,861; sales 8,417; stuck 708,972. beet pulp per ewt., $1.65; Capitoia mo-per. 3% 6?: 4. lasses feed, cwt., $1.85. i Sterling exchange weakr 60 day bills, 6. Net Amount of Unpaid Losses (carried put)l 220,974.57 Seeds, sacked, per bushel—Amber cane $4,8175; for cables. $4,8825; for demand, 10. The Amount of Reserve for Reinsurance .. 1 ) 2,\791,005.63 Comparative Port Receipts. seed, three-hushel sacks, $1.30; genuine $4.83. ~ ' 11. lAll other claims againsc the Company: V Following were net receipts at United Georgia seed rye, $1.25, Tennespee seed rye, Bar silver, 48%. Contingent Commissions .. .." 7,400.00 States ports on Tuesday, February 9, corn- $120; seed barley. $1.20; Appier oats, SOc; Mexican dollars, 87. , , Unpaid Expenses 2,733.94 Medical Reports Show That' Government bonds Heavy; railroad bonds Unpaid Tayes .' 57,275.00 paired with those on the corresponding day \v inter grazing- oats, 75c; Tennessee Burt easy. , • v v Ias,t year; oats. I85o. Texas rust-proof oats, 4-busliel Time loans firmer; atxty days, 2%@2%; l Unpaid Reinsurance and Return Premiums 36,871.47 People Who Eat a. Great 1916. 1814. sacks. SOc; Oklahoma red rust-proof oats, 90 days, 2%3: six months, 3H- 13. Surplus beyond,all Liabilities 1,784,950.59 Xe\\ Orleans 28.352 9,896 4-bushel sackfa, SOc. Call money easy; high, 2: low 1%; ruling Calves ton .. 40,686 25,939 Shores, bran and mill feed—Red Dog rate, 2; last loan, 2; closing bid, 1%; of-, 14. Total Liabilities .*. $4,901,251.20 Deal of Meat Are Subject Mobile .: 359 1,487 shorts, 100-pound cotton sacks, $2.05; shorts, v 1 Sav annah ..' 15.659 ,4,995 fancy mill feed, 75-lb. sacks. $1.95; fered at 2. WANTED IV. INCOME DURING *TH^E SECOND SIX MONTHS OP THE YEAR 1914. ^Charleston ». .. v London. February ».—"-Bar silver 22 9-lBd v 1,818 164 do. P- W. mill feed, 75-lb. sacks. $1.80, per ounce. ' - ' 1. Amount of Cash Premiums received - 81,395,406.64 v to Typhoid Feyer. Wilmmgton .. .. 2.10S I 1,0>7 ] v brown, 100-tb. sacks, $1.70; Georgia 3. Received for Interest S 95,783.74 Norfolk 2,414 \ "59 •feed. 75-lb. Micks, $1.75; germ meal, 100- Money* 1 per^cent, ^Discount rates short ». • ' Boston ...... bills, 1% per cent; three months. 1% per 100 Empire Oil, Preferred 4 161 89 lb ^ack. $1.70; do. 75-lb. Hacks, per sacks, cent. ' 6. Total Income actually received during the second six months Texas City 16,880 $1 SO, bran and shorts mixture, 75-lb. cot- in cast ^ x $1.491,190.38 , The death ratei of typhoid has been Minor ports 10,139 ton sacks. $1.55; —Cotton spot steady; shillings; futures, 63 pounds. peared before the undersigned, A. G.\ Mcllwalne,, Jr., who, being'duly sworn, good middling, 3.42: middling, E.10; low - Spot tin, 173 pounds MJ shilling?; lu- newed activity of the liver and vou turea, IBS pounds. Naval Stores. deposes and says that he is the manager of the London and Lancashire Fire will feel like a new person. middling, 4.69. Sales, 8,000; speculation Insurance Company, Ltd., and that the foregoing statement is correct and JACOBS' LIVER ^ALT is 'better and export, 1,000. Receipts, 33,93*. Futures Savannah, b«nnaey. Atlanta. ,\..3.14H i.U for war PUTVOM* *ofitlai»d steady. - ' - ,< - .' A OF GEORGIA Name of Agent at Atlanta—FRED W. COLE.


LEGAL NOTICES PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1 ) CLERK'S OFFICE, P. H. Dreu-iter. Albert Moirall. Jr_ Hunh M. Dorsey.. jl rthur Herman, Edited By SUPREME COURT OP GEORGIA. v Horsey. Brew^ter. Howell A Heyman. . ' Atlanta,' February 8. 1915. \Attorneyii-at-Liin'. .' ,. .It .appears" from, the civil, docket of the 1 Supreme Court of the State of Georgia for Offlces: 202, 204. 205. Z06 . SC7. JO*. •*• orts White's Seconds Throw Up Sponge Jemisttn the March Term, ^1915. that the order of Klser Building-, Atlanta. Ga. circuits with the number of cases from each Distance Telephone. 9023. SM4 anfl Is as foljows: £02K. Atlanta, Gm. - NORTHERN CIRCUIT. 1 Elbert 2, Madison 2.. 4 HELP WANTk *—Female - , WESTERN CIRCUIT. Jack White's Seconds Throw Banks 5.1 Clarke 3, Gwlnnett 4, -Jackson SALliStVOMBX—SOLICITORS. 3. Walton 1 ,. 1. .. 16 WANTED—i. Timeon Bowden, the former Uni- In making this ,,,move, ttap Chlca.- first round and a strong finish at the Manager Smith, who Is back on th New York, February .3.—\ Although I SOUTHWESTERN CIRCUIT. -Free echolarsr-ip offer. Mllllonry work fraa.. versity of Georgia baseball an4 ' foot- goan's seconds took the Tight step. end of the second, giving him a shade job again, after a brief illness, Is no the principal 'business for which the Lee 2, Macon 1. 'Sumter^l I- ball star, has signed his contract to They saved-their, fighter from a fur- in this round. National league club owners gathered CORDELE CIRCUIT. ther lacing at the Tiahds of the '.'At- The third round was 'even, with at all pleased with the schedule tha here, for the an'nual schedule meeting, Crlap 5, Irwin 2, Wilcox 3 \.l V . .. 1 HELP Play with the Crackers during the com-. lanta favorite." \ pretty exchanges head to head by the schedule committee of the South which began today, was to ratify and ALBANY CIRCUIT. . , * ' ,ing aeason. White's left eye was, closed, his face both men. The fourth was White's ern league drafted. adopt the playing dates f«r the: coming Calhoun 1, Dccatur B, Grady 2, Turner Bowden, accompanied by Rip Reagan, was cut in several places and he was only round of the fight.' In this one li Worth 1 ,. \.. 1 BUions. Try him. Ivy 3333. Representa- he rocked Whitney's head with left The schedule calls for the, \Crackera season, that matter was laid over until SOUTHERN CIRCUIT. tives wanted every where.' 179^ Auburn manager of the Charleston club in the bleeding fromi a. (constant pummeling to travel over -9.000 miles during the tomorrow, when tha schedule will be Berrlen 1, Colqultt 3. Echols 2. Lowndes avenue. A,t!nuta. ; t South Atlantic leaguel and both Mc- of the nose by the Cedar Rapids star. hooks. taken up immediately after the meet- : 3, Thomas 2, Tif t 3: . 1 IF you are" looitlne for a. position, ••• ««L l>onough, Ga., boys, made the trip to To have continued the bout further The fifth and sixth were even and coming aeason. New Orleans being the ing reconvenes in the forenoon. \ OCONEE CIRCUIT. Commercial Employment Agency, «16 For-. Atlanta yesterday in an automobile. '•would Have but prolonged the punish- In "these two rounds the boys swapped only team in the league that has rnor At the session of the :board of direc- MontBbmery V. ..\ : syth 'building. Bowden had a brief conference with ment the game Chicago lad was tak- punch for puncli, countered, hooked and mileage than tne Crackers. tors which preceded the regular meet- DUBLIN CIRCUIT. , Manager Smith,' expressed his delight ing—a needless procedure. His game- ja1)bed, each landing several telling j Then, too, there are several longfIng today. President \Tener announced Johnson 3, Laurens 1, Twlg^g-s 1 ,. .. .. i ness caused universal .comment after blows.-, jumps during the season -that . the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. WANTED—Teacher* ' over coming here, his satisfaction ^>yer - Whitney's- powerful 'Straight rights, that he had appointed as umpires the Glynn 1, Jeff Davis S ..- - ..• the-terms of his contract-and his will- the "show. • " Crackers have to make, for instance following: R. £>. Emslie, William J. WAYCROSS CIRCUIT. TEACHERS—Send for samples and price* ingness to give the Crackers the best Whitney weighed 138 pounds .and short left hooks and right uppercuts Mobile to Nashville, that does^not ap Klem, Mai Eason. William Byron, E. 'G. Charlton 2,. Ware 3 .. , i of medals, class pins, diplomas, graduat- that he has In shop at 'all times. White 128, according to the weights had White in a bad way in the seventh peal -to the local magnate. Quigley, William Hart and Al Orth. ATLANTA CIRCUIT. \ ing certificates, promotion cards, keys and •witnessed by several fight fans Tues- round, closing his left eye and bring- Furthermore, the Crackers close ths George Cockill, who was manager of Fulton . •. ,. S: translations, entertainment books and sup- day afternoon. - After the fight "White ing the claret from his smeller. season away .from home playing no the Harrisburg- club of the Tri-State CIRCUIT.'. plies. School supplies. Teachers' Supply LLOYD RICKART HEADS stated that the difference Tn weight It'-was a wonderful, fight up until less than five straight series on for- league, was appointed as a substitut Clayton 2, DeKalb 1. Newton 1 ...... Company, Greenwood. S. C. \" was too much for him. the sponge-tossing ended it, and the eign territory the last of the season umpire, but there is stlU a vacancy t MIDDLE CIRCUIT. \ ACME TEACHERS' AGENCY—Beat MI Tie*, FlBhter. In Word Duel/ fans were yellicg- like a bunch of Co- All these complaints will be thrash- Emanue! 4, Toonibs 2 .. < most llbei'al terms. Free to >chool boarda- ST. LOUIS FEDERALS mahches. be filled on the regular staff. Charle AUGUSTA CIRCUIT. 12SS tlealey bld^_ Atlanta. Oa. T«y TOM. "White challenged Whitne'y for an- ed out at the meeting to', be held in Rigler has not been signed' so vfar Burke 1, Columbia 2, Jenkins 1, McDuf- v other bout, provided the latter made The . Preliminaries. Little Rock on February 20. Secretary John A. Heydler stated tha fle 2, Richmond 5 1-! St. Ijouis Mo., February 9.—Lloyd 133 pounds. He also challenged him The semi-windup between Budd and no .application for a position had bee- EASTERN CIRCUIT. , Rlckart, secretary of thei<. Federal to fight, winner • take all. Whitney Kelly was a repetition of all other received from Henry O'Day. Chatham ...... SITUATION WANTED—Male league, was elected president today of answered this with the statement to meetings between these two boys; a , ' Sew Player Limit. * ATLANTIC CIRCUIT. \ the St. Louis Federal club to, succeed fans that he would make 133 pounds slap-bang bout oC the fiercest variety, Instead of revoking the edict * tha Liberty 1, Tattnall 11 .p .. .. 1 AK ANSWER TO TOUR AD \ ID. A. Steinlnger, who resigned^ several at 13 o'clock in the afternoon, that he with honors even and a draw decision no player's 'be sent into training camp , MACON CIRCUIT. OR several of them ma^ be eent la days ago. . \ - could not make it ringside, but White extremely popular. i BASKETBALL Bibb, 7, Crawford 2, Houston 4 1 as late as a week after your t.d must post a forfeit of $-100 for appear- ' Kid Underwood stopped Kid Durin by any club befofel March 1 each year VTOOMBS CIRCUIT. last appeared In The Constitution. ance. ^ in the third round of the scheduled this was made a hard and fast ru^ Glaacock 1, Tallaferro 1, Wllkes 2 .. .: . 'Sueh 'responses are the result ot MV- In view of the 'Wonderful mill these eight-round opener. and read imto the constitution. ' Slim eral forms of special service which Grammar School Soccer. The Atlanta Boxing , / cluib, which lar action was taken as to the fevi Total. k.. t ..246 The Constitution Is renderlnc In be- • •This afternoon, at , the two boys put up Tuesday night, a re- slon of the player limit from 25 to 21 All criminal cases filed In this office on bait of all Situation Wanted adver- turn match under the terms stated Staged the show, deserved a better LL END TONIGHT adopted at the Decem'ber meeting. Th or before \March I. as well as those now tisers. So, if you. \?ant a wider x grammar scli-etrt-—soccer championship abovei, would pack any house, that house than they had. There were range of choice before accepting a will be decided when Normal and For- about 600 persons In the house, but New York club representatives tried t the docket for the Mfcirch term, will be ii position, hold your box number card . ^ rest Avenue schools tie up at 3:30 could be - secured to stage it. The have the .limit raised to'' 22, but thl order for hearing on Monday, March IB. Bijou would he entirely too small.. every one of them left entirely pleased Club Standing. was voted down. In addition, all playe Further-announcement will be made as to and call at or phon* -to The Con- o'clock. v\ . For the first six rounds the bout, •with the evening's entertainment. It Won. Lost. Pet when argument In. civil cases will be heard stitution frequently for at least a managers who participate in one o week. . ' had it ended there, could ha PERiONAL SPECIAL rates for iltuatlons want- rang and saved him further punish- support of the 'boxing public of At- Apaches ... .25 1 to September 1 each year. • ed ads.: Three llne& one time, 10 lanta. '. Coma.nch.ea . ,00' Chairman Herrmann, of the commit cents; S tlmee) 15 cento. To get t ment. ; tee on constitution, submitted ai FREE HOSPITAL these ratt«. a^s must be paldln ad- Tonight's Gnnies. amendment providing that there' shal vance and delivered at The Consti- | You're On j Cherokees v. Mohawks. be no recall after a waiver has 'been SERVICE tution Offlco.. . " \ Ottawas v. Comanches. asked on a .player. It will be dlscussei NO MORE largre sums necessary for doctors ( Apaches v. Winnebagoes. ^ tomorrow and probably will 'be adoptee and ^ medicines——$1.01 0 per. mo»th gives SUCCKSSFUL SALESMAN, with 27 years' A letter was received from the In you this service. Call for particulars. Co- experience In hardware business, IS 1 Your Way I Withv the above standing, and th operative .Hospital Association, 200-202-20' ypars on road, .last 14 years with firm now FREDDY WELSH FAILS MERGER FIVtPLAYS N three above games scheduled to be ternational league asking for .permis Brpwn-Randolph^ *-'-' — with, '11 years 'in retail hardware with on« 'Played tonight, the six clubs in th< slon to place a club ' in the Bronx firm. 7 years manager, wants a position -as E ' Busily engaged in business 5 local Y. M. C. A. basketball league, wil borough of this city, \but no action wa m-an'ager with some good retail hardware wind up their 1915 season. taken in the matter. Every club in SPRATLING IS DYEING business; prefer southern states. Addrcsn ^ = pursuits. ' = The league has -known -a very-good the league was represented at th MOURNING BLACK IN ONE DAY'S . Box 864, Opellka. Ala. ______. _ S -You feel like smoldng S ! LOCALS 'THURSDAY year, and in everjr instance all games meeting, which adjourned late in tn NOTICE. IF YOU are in need of a salesman, pne have 'been hard foug-ht - and closel> day. until 10 a. m, tomorrow. .FREIGHT g. is Relieved was 'an acceptance of Fed- perience, wants permanent or temporary chanrpion to miss as often as he him- The line-up: " : eral leag-ue terms. Gaffney showed H. McCarter. the Ta.ilor, haf position. Knowledge of books. Best refer- held "Wednesday. Klversitie. JPos. . • Athens. Ills last letter to the player, offering J self did. \ According to the- rules of the con- ; . , ' > moved from I'liO Whitehall e|ices. Address G-337, Constitution. sulebearsj3ie\(M [I The 'Champion found It necessary to test the losing team pays for a ban- Crane <4>. . i. Guara . . . ."Woods (2) him a SX.OOO contract, wltlh'the ten-day Street Into new and larger quartern. Watch WANTED—Position by young lady sten- Thurmomi.... Guarti . . . . . Duggan clause, while -Man.n is fholdlnigr out foi personal column for new' addresw. ographer! employed for the past few years Seware ofcounierfeits fight hi's best to make a showing quet f6r the victorious team and the Hiiney. .... Center;.".. ..F. lianlor (9) $3,500, with the clause omitted. Gaff- against Shugrrue's heavy work. Neither losers are bound by honor not to dis- GibscmM4). . . Forward . ..W. Lanier (11) WAITED—Cases to • nurse by undergradu- by a large'New York corporation; best ref- showed any Jnatfks oi the battle. . turb this banquet.' doda (6>. ., . .Forward . . -Broome (6) ney informed the playe r th-av t $3,T>00 was erenccs. Call Ivy 5720-J. i , his last offer. i ,,-ate nurse; long experience: highly in- •WANTED—Position ala practical nurse or President Barrow, of the In tern a- do'f'Bed by the best Atlanta physicians; ma- companion: either, city, or country; best iional league, has called a. spring meet- ternlty a specialty; $15 v/eek. Ivy 8391-L. references. Address G-336, care Constitution. ing to tie 'held here iretoruary 15. LIFE HEADERS—Foster, Boyd. .Mediums, Phrenologists. Low fee. Advice on all POSITION as nursery 'governes*. compan- affairs. -Satisfaction Guaranteed. S Auburn, ion or housekeeper* best references given. near Peachtree. .1 Address Mrs. . L., Cleveland, Tenn. \ NURSERY governess desires position; . can GEORGIA-ALABAMA FREE—Our 1916 Magazine catalogue, Just teach kindergarten, music and painting: \ out. Phone .or write for It. ' Charles D. if required. Address G-336, Constitution. LEAGUE WILL BE Barker, Circulation, 19-2^ Peters. M. 4623-J. SMOKE Efe-M TOBACCO for Catarrh. REORGANIZED SURE Bronchitis, Asthma and Colds. lOo bags. BUSINESS AND MAIL OftDER Your druggist o'r EE-M CO.. Atlanta. Ga. DIRECTORY. " s EXPERIENCED nurse wants contagloiis or ^;pme, Ga., February, 9.—(Special.)— maternity cases. $18 week. City rfefer- ATLANTA TITL,E GUARANTEE INSUK- Thiit the Georgia-Alabama league will ences. Nurse. Ivy 6903... - ANCB COMPANY, erouad floor Baultable unquestionably be reorganized for the WE MAKE switches from combings, $1 each, building. Main 5420. _ coining season, althougli It may . . t'•*•*f • •:' • S) side line. No samples; can make from even matched, a, good game should re- £30 to $50 per week.. Room 35, ilO*^ Au- E. GARRAUX sult. . * burn ave. CABINET ' MAKER and builder, auto and all Boys' High1j after a bad start at the jijjier woodwork. 91 Houston st. Ivy 8474. jeginning of the year, have been play- 8TOKES AND OFFICES. ^^CgNTjtACTJLNO AND ItEPAlltlNG. «ngj great .ball lately and their team YOUNG man may. earn' $60 monthly work- •work has been one of the sensations Ing fo'r newspapers during spare time. kinds, lowest possible prices, satisfaction of the season. '• . Press Association, 313 Jenifer bldg., Wash- guaranteed. It. J. Faulk. 1018 Atlanta Na- Riverside has also a strong aggre- ington, p. C. jJonal Bank bldg. Phones M. 3702. At I. ««O. gation and so far have had a very suc- cessful season,- defeating :some of the PROFESSIONS AND TRADES. est teams In the state. YES—If you have two hand;*, prof. G. O. Bra»nnlng will teach you thu barber trade $4.75 — COAL — $4.75 for ''930, and give wages while ' learning; MAIN 666-.T. GATE CITT COAL CO. P. A. Makes raying position in our chain of shops. At- LdST_AND FOUND anta Barber College. 1C E. Mitchell, 31. YELLOW CR.EEK ,.„ „„.... \ PHYSICIAN wanted as assistant in largo and domestic coal, Operating Cooke-Jelllco, general practice; state training:; experience Hignite and YelloW Creek mines. 618 Wal- LOST articles eoraetimeB ere never and genera} information. Addreas Co-Oper- on building. Ivy^ 1685. J. T. McKlnley. You Smoke Peaceful found; often they are stolen with ative, 200 Brown-Randolph BlJg., Atlanta, rnanager. .^ no chance of recovery, but when ' 0 \ .. jgBEaa picked up by honest persons they ' ,_ ATTENTION:, Breakfast bacon, will get back tn the Jwuer If adver- GENTS.. hams and other meats cent parcel post: When you bit the smoke trail via the Prince Albert tised In this column. WANTED—^Hustlin g workers, to , sell mag- Price list mailed. Parlor Market, lie nificent new^maps: attractive features; low Whitehall, , Atlanta. STOLEN—Sunday afternoon, 6-passenger prices; easy sellers; big profits, quick and line, you are off to the joy lands^ traveling first class, all Clssel Kar from Universal garage, 828 jure. Hudgins Co..'' Atlanta. Ga. OLD HATS IHADls NEW — Satisfaction l Peachtree. License number 2231. Motor AGENTS WANTED—Fast selling specialty suaranteed. HaK orders given prompt «t- lumber 2881. Model L. D. 10. Car number with • big profit; no experience neces- de^ts paid and money iii the tank. Quicker you make your 2385. Driven away by mechanic named sary. ' Write! fpr- free particulars. Jones LCM'K IJCATTERS. :o • BAST HUNTER ar. Celly. Weisht about 145 pounds, about 5 Specialty Co., Ainu. Ga. B eet 6 Inches tall, dark hair, wore cap, ~ ~~HL !fiE£: _._._„. break for the real thing, the sooner youll find the real joy of smoking. gray flannel -shirt. Reward for return. MISCELLANEOUS. R. J. CRAIG & CO., Int. > DIAMOND ear-ring Saturday night. Reward WANTED—If you want position as flrt- It returned to E. D. Hood. Constitution.. roan, brakeman, electric motorman. con- »49 1JECATUP. STREET. \ ^ ductor, . colored' train or- sleeping, car por- Main 604S; Atlanta Phone 17S4. er, Georgia roads, $65 to $1B5 month, ex- LUMBER. CALL VS. perience unnecessary. Inclose stamp, name COST OF LOCAL, WANT ADS position wanted. Passes and uniforms fur- nished. Railway Inst.. Dept. 17. Indlau- IN THE CONSTITUTION apolls, led. WA.NTED—MEN TO LEARN THE BAK- !• Innertion lOc a line BBR TRADE—The. world needs more !bar- \,, , 3 Inncrtlon» 6c n line ers than any other tradesmen; f.-j\v weeks painted and re-covered. Robert Mitchell. v the national joy smoke 7 InaertlonB 5c ai line lualillea; tools Included;, board If desired,; 27-29^K(lgcv/ood. avenue. Ivy 3073. lc per -n-ord flat lor" claaalflcd «drrr- wages while learning; open to all. JIOLKR Utsfaff from antaide of Atlanta. JARBBJ? qOLLEGB. 38 Luckle. strttt. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY- >fo advertisement accepted for less S'ANTED—Man with homo and rig to car- can't b^te your tongue, ndr any vothef man's^ because the patented process han two lines. Count six ordinary, ry newspaper route., A hastier can make vG. W. FLOYD wordq to each line. good money. Apply City Circulation l>e- 'OR house paintlne, wall tlntinr, etc. Wall controlled exclusively by us takes out the bite and leaves pure pleasured Discontinuance of advertising nfust iartmont Constitution. , tinting a specialty. Satisfaction Kuaran^ re in writing. . It will not be accepted THOUSANDS GOVERNMENT JOBS OPEN eetL Call or write C4 Brotherton street. y phone. This protects your interests TO MEN AND '-"WOMEN. $05 to '$150 Once you've been over the route, you'll pack back whenever you feel that month. Write for 'list. Franklin Institute, ,gLyMBiNq. as well as ours. ^ Dept. 63-B. Rochester, N. Y. , , LYLE PLUMBING CO. insidelong£ngforapuUattheoldvca^ iOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. •LtJMBING s.ild ga« flttlnc, 168 8. Pryor. If ran • can't brfnfr or «end My .free bcoklet, H-102, tells how. Ex- All w;ork suaranteod. Telephone connec- ro'ar Want Ad. phone Slain mlnatSons .In this state soon. Wrlto today lon.s. Atlanta 56; Mala 4573. \ Prince Albert is sold wherever tobacco .is on the calif in the tidy red tins, 10c- . 5OOO or Atlanta SOO1. • —NOW. Earl Hopkins. "Washington, 13. C^ VANTED—A first-class amateur baritone toppy red bags, Sc; pound and half-pound tin humidors and the jim-dandy singer; must not be over 18 years of age. ranijH and furnace repairing. Try pound P. A. crystal-glass humidor that certainly does keep the tobacco Courteous operators, thoroughly fa- •with neat appearance; no roughnecks heed our soot compound; cleans chimney*, store miliar .with rates, ^ rules and clas?lflca- apply. Address C-211, care Constitution. ipe. • raugeii 'o-nd furnace.s without taldnc wonderfully fresh and delightful. One for the office and one for lons, will ^elve you complete informa- WANTED—Men. Become chauffeurs; earn own pipe. . \\j s. Korsyth at. Alain 2»0e. home is your gait! . A '•.••• l ' — ion. And, If you wish, they will assist while learning? sample lessons free, 'I. ' 1SHO) E KBPAIRING. fan In :wordine your .want ad to make ranklln Institute, Dept. S3S-A, JRecheeter. ~ t most effective. yew York. ; ^_ V . , Accounts opened for\ads by telephone LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WAjiTED^-No 50 GENTS R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY o accommodate you if your name is In canvassing or soliciting required. Good AT GWINN'S SHOE SHOP. « LucW» et. the telephone directory. Other want ncotne assuied.: Addreaa National Co- opposite . Both phones. In Winston-Salem, N. C. operative Realty Co., V-714,, Harden bldg., a hurrr? Call Toxicuub Company for nutu ads .taken by, telephone are to be paid Washington,' P. C.^ ant BcrvJcc. \ »»v« lor immediately upon publication, bill ATLANTA mall carrier examinations now to be presented by mail or .solicitor the schedule.! for May 12. SSOO year. Apply lame day printed. or sample questions. Box K-281. Constitution. ^ HOME HAS USE FOR. COJN- SHORTHAND lessons, night or day. fl 00 BOUNTKEE'»S, •T1TUT1OA HVANT ADS. aaocthli.-. Addreaa u-340. Constitution. Phones; Bell. Male 1C7«; Attant^ iff*.

V \ RA11.ROAD SCHEDULES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE— Miscellaneous FOR RENT—Rooms FOR RENT—Houses FOR RENT—Farms Tfco' "arrival and departure of passenger j FOB 8A1B. FUBNISHEO—NOKT1I SIDE. SIXTY ACRES of rich farm land for rent, v NICELY furnished rooms, block 01 postof- UNFUItMSILEI). , near Federal prison. T. R. Sawtell. 108 trainfii Atfa«a. -~T < '< AT LAST AJST ABSOLUTE- flce. 34 Cone street. Ivy 6162. weekly rent list e>ven toll description Whitehall street. 1 •BCONB-HAND PRINTING SIATSBUU. of anythinc for rent. Call for one or let TWO large nicely furnlshea rooms, private aa mail at to you. Forrest & OeorKe Adalr. SEVERAL good farms for rent. I.A Groaa- »&S ^ir'af fiSSSSliSfSi'S. ^ ILY PERFECT SELF- TOB SALE CHEAP. home. 280- Euclid , man. 9C Whitehall St.. Atlanta. Ga. Euaranteed: FOR UN* co«t If a: sale prto* LAKGE. nicely furnished room in privaSS street. S. 1STA E R FOR FORD! « y v home. Come to Bee it. Ivy 3489- J. PhQne"Maln'3B3sT ,?& 'capito'l a!ve • Atlanta Terminal Station. " \ k •0 lower-caae new* eases, fid) «i*», oost see; NICELT furnished, large, steam-heated REAL ESTATE—Sale, Exchange •Dally except Sunday. • 'Sunday only. CARS. v" •ale price. ISc. room, with lavatory. 64 Forrest ave. FOR RENT—On March 1. 9-room. housV. 2G9 Entirely Concealed. FuJly-Guaranteed. Caller rack. holiUn* ten galleys, up to tbrc* 1 South Pryor street. Ivy 262 WANTED—To exchange equity in apart- Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic. :\ \ Retails for $16.00. V columns, tS. • HOW MUCFJ LARGE *:ont room and sun parlor, steam MARCH 1, 16 Boulevard teVrace, 5 rooms. \ ment house In Atlanta for farm. Must be Big Money for Agents With a. Ford Car, Ten woodett doable frames, coot $*.6»: •>!• netnheat. 1A6O -isE.. aierrtusMerrttts. Iv*vyj ^^u«-«4267-J. f Apply 53 E. Merrltts. or call I\y J791-J, unencumbered, on public road and, worth Effective January H4. Arrive. I Leave. Exclusive Territory Granted, price. »2.TO. T3VO large fur. rooms to young men; pri- the money. Apt. rents for ?60 per montn. JBrunswick, Waycroaa results list your property with Sharp, Clark & Stewart. 629 Healey bldy. ' __ OUR general sales agents, Messrs. Eteen & Twelve double Iron frames, holding 1* vate home. 20 W. Third. BoylBton & Day. 12 Auburn avenue. and TJiotnasviiie 6:10 am] 7:30 am UZaeauJey, will be in Atlanta for one week coat 117.60; sale .{nice. $10. HAVE YOU anything to exchange for un- Brunswick, Waycross 3 NEWLY painted rooms, separate entrance^ and will install starter1 s and assign territory. 1 one prbofprem. will take a, three-column •prl. bath, veranda, sink. Owner. Ivy 99. . encumbered lots or stock? Values con- and Tnomauville...... 10prollO:SOp™ Th-sir mall address will be care Folsom'a sal* price. »10. ^ FURNISHED. sidered. S100 to $50,000. See Owner, 304 Garage, where they will have a demonstra- ROOM in private home, $8; use of parlor. CUTE, cozy, comfortable bungalow, fur- Sleeping cara on night trains between At- Two ctonea and one Mand to bold them. "of your: "home is used nished in old mahogany; ideal location; 3 Fourth National Bank bulldlnfe. tion gar. Come and Inspect it and set your about > feet long. Mle price, SI*. .. _. 83 Forrest. Ivy 5S53-L. GOOD unincumbered vacant lots to exchange lanta and Thomasville. territory. - I One wooden -case rack, holds 30 (nU-alxe 600 PEACHTREB st. double and single car lines near: reasonable to reliable party; THE NEW DENVER TFOUD CORP., j no children. Ivy 7311. for renting property. Dodd. Main 1287. .Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company, case. co»t tie; aalo price, »«. rooms, steam heat; reasonable. L i592-J. 1777 Broadway, New York City. j This material wilt be sold In lota to »•»«• BOO PEACHTREB ST.—Double and single Xo. Arrive ITronx — No. i Depart To— Pay your own frcl(ai. merely as a warehouse ? rooms, steam heat, reasonable. Ivy 7o92-J. ,42 West Ft. 8:15 am S5 New Or., 6:25 am WANTE1*, ! FOR RENT—Business Space ^XSColnm'a. 10:E5 am 19 Columbua 6 45 am WANTED—Automobile. Will give room and ONE large fur. front room, private home. 38 New Or. 11:50 am 33 Monte1 y.. St.ifl am board in nice Peachtree b.ome for good TBXI CONSTITUTION. ATULMTA. Ojk. $12 per month. 254 Spring. NORTH SIDE. 40 New Or.. 2:15 pm 39 New Or.. 2:00 pm 5-passenger automobile.^ State make of car, Stop storing and start LARGE, nicely fur. rooms; all conveniences; 34 MontgT . . 7 . 1 0 pin 17 Columbus 4:OJ> pm how lons\ in use and price. References ex- close In. 145 Spring Bt. NORTH SIDE HOME , 30 Columbuj 7:46 pm 37 New Or.. 6:20 pm Khanged. Address G-338, Constitution. i FINE, large, nicely fur. room with all 26 Nsw Or. 11:35 pm 41 West l?t. 6:45 pm 'WANTED—Car, Ford prefened, in ex- conveniences. 41 Cone St. AT A BARGAIN v I change for genuine paper shell pecan ATTENTION: PRESSING ONLT J6.500 for one of the most attractive Central of Georgia Railway. Celling the things you ONE large fur. front room; all conven trees. Empire ^Pecan Company, Parrott, Ga. HIGH-GRADE iences; close In. Ivy 5589-J. story-and-a-half bungalows to be found "The Way." anywhere. Has 9 rooms and two baths, _Arrlve From— Depart To— St7PI?UES—ACCESSOIUJC8. ONE pretty lur. front room.; all conven- CLUBS , , large living room and elegant dining room, Tbomasville 6:25 ana Savannah 8:00 am ( JELLICO COAL lences. Young men only. I. 1368* parlor and bedroom downstairs, and four Jacksonville 6.47am Albany S 00 am . FORD STARTERS don't need. Constitution NICELY furnished, steam-heated rooms, WE are offering for rent a new store-room bedrooms upstairs: very large closets with Savannah... 6:25 am Jacksonville 8.15am I HAVE bold "all the Sandbo starters for next to T. M. C. A. 69 E,uckie. Main 4065. on Peaehtree street In block with. Geor- windows. Finished throughout in the very Albany 6.25am Macon 12:30 pm Kord cars except 12. This is a mechanical Jellico lump, per ton . . . ., $4-50 \ gian Terrace hotel. A money-maker for best manner; furnace ana garage with ce- Jacksonville 7:40 am Macon 4.00 pm starter and gives two compressions. I \,took Block, red ash, per ton .' . . $5.00 FCKNISHE1)—SOUTH SIDE. high-class Dry Cleaning and Pressing Club. ment^ driveway frojn front. C. R. Hasktns, Macon 6.25 am Jacksonville 8.10 pin! them for debt and\ you can get them while Want Ads. are for that LIGHT housekeeping accommodations, .com- One block Ponce de Leon Apartments and Owner, 507 Gould building. Macon 11:01 am Savannah.. 10:10 pm they last for $7.75. Send money order with / ^ plete furnishings: convenient, very clean surrounded by good, high-class residences FOR SALE—15 per cent Investment renting fia.o. Arrive B'rom— . .Depart To— A CONVENIENTLY located garage, posses- all conveniences. 352 Whitehall. Main Ozburn Realty Cotripany. Third National 36N. y 4 6:45 am 36 N. i' 12:01 i m sing unsurpassed facilities, for day or 2594-L. FOR RENT—Offices ~lBank Bldg Ivy 1276., 23 JacUif o' le. 6.65am 2» Kan. City 6.15am night storage, either regular^ or transient. R. P. BECHT CO. Phone your wants to 4S~Washi'n. 8:05 am 20Coiuin's.. 6:15 am First - class repair shop in connection. 129 AUBURN AVENTJE. Ivy 1269. Whole- NEW S-room bungalow, Highland Avs., 1 Jockud'le. 6:10 am G.20 VCharges reasonable a,.d work guaranteed. sale pianos and player pianos. Will sell Adalr Park, between Adair and Virginia. 12 Shreve't. 6:3Uo.m 12 Rlchm'd. 6:55 am I Gasoline, oils and supplies. good pianos 55 month up. We rent good This beautiful home, planned and built by 17 Toecoa... S -.Id am 7 Chatta'«i. 7.10 am Open Day and Night. pianos *3 month up. A.RTISTIC PIANO Main 5000. Ask for ROOMS completely fur. for housekeeping, I a masteV hand. Is cheap at $7.500. Offered 26Heflln... 8:20 am 3? Ft. Val'y. 7.15 am PHONE—IVY 7906. TUNING AND REPAIRING A SPECI- also ^nlce bedrooms. 161 3. Forsyth at. today*, for $C,500. Say 5500 cash, assume A " I 33.000 loan, balance to suit. Would take SChatt'a,. lv.35ara If Macon.. | 7.45am ALTY. THRBK newly fUrnlshev d rooms, real close FOR RENT—Offices in Constitution build- 7Maconj. 10-40 am « JackbO'le 11:45 am AUTOMOBILES In. men only. ll Garnett st. Ing; all modern conveniences. See John some exchange. One of the finest homes 37 Ft. Val'y 10 45 am 33 N. Y... 12 05 pm Knight. ' in this high-class section. W. H. S. Hkm- FOR SALE—One meat box in Classified Adv. Dept. THREE newly furnished rooms, real close' Uton, owner. 402 Equitable bldg. I. 623*. 21 Cdlum'3.' 10:50 am 40 Charlo'e l£:15pnl REPAINTED In, men only. _ 11 Garnett vst. 6 Clncrn'U 11:35 am 29 Birm'm. 12 25 pin TOPS re-covered and repaired. Wheels, aac- ' good condition with block and \ ANSLEY PARK bungalow, six rooms, hard- 2»N. T 12:10 pm 30 N. y 2:25 pm les and springs repaired. Hieh-crade work ROOMS, neatly furnished; rates very rea- wood floors, turnace, handsome combina- 40 Blrjofm. . 12:40 pm 16 Cnatta'a. S.Oftpm at reasonable prices. hdoks, §15 down, v$5 per monthi sonable. 104 8. Fryor street. tion fixtures, two tile baths, ^double floored, SOBlrm'm., 2:10 pm JOHN M. SMITH COMPANY, \ Atlanta 5001. l 1 \ storm-sheathed, clone to car line; lot 60x 89 Charlotte 4:30pm 18 Toccoa 4:45 pm 120-122-124 Auburn Avenue. \ Call M. 352-J, or Atlanta 5657-F. 'CNKCKNISHKU--NOKTH sn>E. B Clncinn'I. 4 55 pin YOUNG couple have room suitable for light ISO, built to selil for $0.760. But we must sell: 5 Jackao'le. 4:45 pm housekeeping, or two gentlemen; unfur- SEVERAL desirable offices, single and en J5.350; terms $500 cash,-$40 per month. This S71OY. 6:00 pm ZZColum's.. 6:10 pm Atlanta Motor Car Rep. Co. O. K. Produce CO. nished. $3 month; fur. J7. Atlanta B612-F. suite; some of these nre equipped with is a sacrillco and a bargain. Martln-Ozburn IBBrnna'k.. 7;00pm 28 Ft. Val'y. V5.20 pm OVERHAULING REPAIRING CHEAPER SELL poultry, ergs, butter, vegetables, e4e. ; compressed air and dental waste; hot and Realty Company. Third National Banlc 81ft. Vary. 8:00 pm 10 Macon 6.30pm than any_ pjace__ in city\ . ,A11 our worlc everybody phone us. Main 4238. Atlanta THREE large unf. connecting rooms, in pri- i cold water in all offices. Prices very rea- building Ivy 127C. , 13 Jaeltso'le. 8 -10 pm ZBHeflln... E:48pm FULLY GUARANTEED. Give us a trial 607. or call 47 East Alabama street; con- vate family. 3a E. North Ave. I. 5B90-J., sonable. Candler building and Candler an- 11 Hlchm'd. • 8:16 pm lS.Cinclnn'1. 8-20 pm and be convinced. 318 Whitehall at. Atl. BT. elgnment" ' s solicited" . 3 OR 4 connecting unfurnished (rooms; close nex. Asa G. Candler. Jr., Agent. Phone A NlCE~iuodern, 2-story, 8-room house on IS Chatta'a. 9.35 pm 44 Wa&hm'n. 8:45 pm in. $12.50 per month. 10O E. Ellis. .vlvy 5274. 222 Candler building. Seo Mr. * large, east front lot on Moreland avenue, ». City 9:G5pm 24 Jackso'e. 10:03 pm Wilkinson. near Clebui ne, has sleeping porch, hard- ' ..... 11 Shreve't. 10.50 pra AUTOGENOUS WELDING SODA -FOUNTAINS JftSSPSSSSJ THREE room4 kitchenette, private bath, wood floors and piped for furnace. Price 2 Chicago. 10:45 pm 11 .Jackso'le 10:55 pm iWORN PARTS built up, broken machinery; service fountains; also bargains in rebuilt Inman Park, with owner. Ivy 2329-L. \ $7.500, on terms. Will take tfmall piece of 14Clnctn'l. 11:30 pm 14 iJncKso'le ll:-(0pm ail metals accurately welded; guaranteed, and second-hand outfits. Quick delivery, property aa part payment. W. T. Newman & THE METAL WELDING CO., eapy terms If desired. Address Manufac- UNFURNISHED— SOUTH SIDE. FOR RENT—Typewriters Co., 616 Third Nafl Bank bldg. Ivy 8746. All trains run dally. Central time. 179 South Forsyth St. Main 301S. turers•s'' Agent, P. O. Boyx 128120. Atlanta, Ga. City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. ROOMS THREE, mice large rooms, unfurnished, fire- {3 A MONTH rents a Royal typewriter. For AUTOMOBILES FAINTE D s places* in each room, half mile of Kim- letter-writing, card-writing and, billing, the WEST END. AND REPAIRED. LUXURY PECANS EXCELLENT board can be obtained at 121 ball house. 130 Crew street. No. 5 Royal fits every need; does the work IN WEST END. on fine paved street, near Union Passenger Station. GIVE^US A TRIAL. PAPER-SHELL, sun-cured, lingering fla- Simpson st._g!5 a month..Atlanta 3824 THREE or four large, sunny rooms in new of several machines in .one We deliver the car line, wo have a new 6-room bungalow •Daily' except Sunday. •• Sunday only. GEORGIAN TERRACE GARAGB. vor; ten a day keeps doc. away. For sale house; electric lights,; 15 minutes' walk to typewriter, going" and coming, and guarantee with sleeping porch. The house has hard- Ivy 298. Third and Peachtrea Sta. by O. K. Produce Co. Phone Main 4239. 47 OGU2THORPE "APT, 6, elegantrooms center of city. 124 Cooper ^street. \ its service. Telephone Ivy 2053, or cal(l at wood floors, tile bath, combination fix- Georgia Kailroad. East Alabama street. steam heat, board optional. lyy^ 2091-J. Warlick Slieet Meta,! Mfgl Co. TWO nice, downstairs rooms, with all con- 40 North Pryor street. Royal Typewriter tures and H furnace heated. Large lot with Ho. Arrive Prom—• No. Depart To— FOR SALE3—Several hundred Indian flint LARGE nicely fur, rooms, with meals if veniences, also two closets; rent reason- Company, Inc. alloy in rear. Price $4,500, on easy terms. 8 Charle'n 6:x)0 am • 2 Augu'a and RADIATORS, LAMPS, FENDERS. T.ANKS. arrow points; some perfect, some broken. desired. 33 Hayden St. Atlanta 2408. W T. Newman & Co., 616 Third National, _. ETC., MADE AND -R13PAIRED. WE able, 407 Capitol avenuo. Main 1179.' SWllm'n. 6:00 ami East... 7.30am 1 First check for $15 gets theV lot. Herman GOOD meals with room, in private home TYPEWRITERS RENTED Ivy 3746. . 18 Buckh'd. 7:35 arn 6 Augu'a 12:25 pm ARE PIONEERS IN THIS CLASS OS Camp, McElderry, Ala. 685 Peachtree. Ivy 6671-J, FOUR nice, clean, first floor rooms in home ! FOUR MONTHS for $5 and up. S"actory\ re- •M Buckh'd. 8:30 am I 8 Augu'a. 3:30 pm WORK. 348 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. with owner; adults preferred. Main 173S-J. I built typewriters, all makefa, from $18 to FOR SALE—New and up-to-date c-room i FOR SALE—Two 4^x9 six-pocket pool NICELY furnished, steam-heated rooms 148 Windsor St. V - \ bungalow, hardwood flours, panel dining • 1 Augusta. 1:00 pm [ 14 Buck'd C:10i^m i tables; used short time, but in good con- I ?70 each. AMERICAN WRITING MA- 6 Augusta 4:30 pm **16 Buck'd F:00pm E. H. ODOM BROS. 1 also garage. 35 W. North ave. Ivy 6T74-L THREE or four unfurnished rooms, cfobe l CHINE COMPANY. 48 1ST. Piyor fit. Phone room, celling, handsome flxturas, dandy lot. HAVE your automobile repaired tho \rlght dltlon. H. L. Blrchard, Sumter, S. C. right ut cur line in West End, terms $500 7 New York 4 Oharl'n. 8.45pm NICELY furnished rooms in private homo in; reasonable. 124 Cooper st. Ivy 8447. Atlanta. OR. cash, ?36 per month. Price. $3,650. Martln- and Au». 8:15 pm ; 4 Wilm'n. 8-45 pm way. 70 Ivy street. FOB SALE—Diamond locket with seven board if dehired Call West 77S-J. stones; cost $176. Will sell lor $85. : Ozburn Realty Company. Third Nat'l Bank JPhone Ivy 5793-J. NICELY furnished room, wlth\ or -wlthou UNFURNISHED—WEST END. ( building. Ivy 1276. lonlsvUlo and KaahvUle Railroad. _ _ _ _ TWO or three nice connecting roonuj. 23 T—Miscellaneous CLOSING out stock of household and office Oat; street. Effectlvv Nov. 22— Leave. I Arrive. ,^ furniture, new and second-hand. 146 S. GOOD room arid" board can be obtained ai MISCELLANEOUS. Cincinnati-Louisville \\ . tr OAK DREfaSER, has large imrror; 227 Courtland street. _ Chicago and Northwest.'.. / '« Pryor street. V FCKN1SHED OB UNFUBNZSHBD. burn avenue, suitable for sales offices, I WILL SELL FOR QUICK SALE 'J .50 pm stead, mattress, couoh, rugs, coal range; NICE rooms, board If desired; close in. Ivj ^.tailor or printing shop, or light manufactur- 3S DEGOETTS Ave., 5-room cottage, for Cincinnati and Louisville. .7 12 am jrood condition: reasonable. Apply Morn- GRAPEFRUIT—Send J1.25 for a box of ONE furnished room and kitchenette, with ing, space about 50x50, well lighted, cen- Knorville via Blue\ Ridge. .7:25 am 6.00 pm ings. 4i>6 Central ave. ' the best you ever ate. J. E. Miller, Home- 6673-J 170 Ivy street. all conveniences, close m, walking dis- $1,500. Cobt me $2,000 three years ago. Knoxvllle via Ciirtersvtlle. .7 12 ,tm 9 DO pm stead, Fla. FRONT room, steam heat, all conveniences, tance \ 118 East Fair stret. trally located, gas, electricity and water: Level lot, city Improvements. Always (.ant- ICnoxvlllo via Cartersville. . 4 .4-5 pm 12-10 pm WE PAY highest cash prices for household splendid location: reasonable. Ivy 7848-J. reasonable rent to acceptable tenant. Apply ed, white tenants. Terms, $300 cosh, $16 Blue Ridge accommodation.3:40 pm 10:30 am goods, pianos and office furniture; cash N. BOULEVARD, front rooms, ulth or The Central Garage. 38 Auburn avenue, V month. advanced on consignment. Central Auction without kitchenette; hot bath, electricity. IF YOU want to rent apts. or business prop- 401 S. MORELAND Ave., my home place, SOX5TH SIDE. Rent reasonable. Ivy 3534-L. ' _____ Seaboard Air tine Railway, Company. 12 East Mitchell st. Main 2424. STRICTLY- EXCXAJSIVK BOARD—Beauti- erty, see B. MA Grant & Co., Grant bid,;. for 54.850; large 2-story.'8-room and bath: FURNITURE—S. M. SNIDER, SOUTHERN ful location ap-*l large, comfortable rooms FURNISHED or unfufnishPd rooms; all electric lights, gas. etc. Level lot. 50x210: Effective January Z^ 191F. OLD MATTRESSES excellent table ooardj^very convenient to conveniences;-close In. Ivy 8167-L. servants' hou^e, barn and chicken house ana No. Arrive From— ^ Depart To — WRECKAGE CO., 114 SOUTH FORSYTH runs. Property cost mo ovo^ $7,0')0. Will STRUEJT. BUYS AND SELLS FOR CASH. RENOVATED and thoroughly cleaned; business. 97 Capitol square. Phone M. 911 FOR RENT—Stores^ l UN. *Y 7:00 am 11 Birm'm. 7:10 am r called for and delivered same day. make term& > 30 Monroe.. 7.00am V K tmy new and second-hand house-hold PRIVATE boarding place, can accommo- F"oUR~tVne~new scores and loft3~aT~llM-Y3's" 403 S. MORKLAND, Avo.,\ cottage, for $1,800 11 Norfolk.. 7:00 am .tucl offl^p furnltjii^e. 145 S^ Pryor st. WE BUY FEATHERS. date several transient boarders: gooc FO'R ^ENT—Housekeeping Rooms IfWaahl-n. 7.00am 6 N. Y ____ 11.33 am meals; nicely furnished rooms if desired. 1381 and 126 Whitehall street. Also two on terms. Lot 50x200; richest garden In 11 Portam'h. 7:00 am 6 Wash'n. 11.33 am IF" you need any old furniture call at 227 AMERICAN MATTRESS CO. Main 918. ntores at 67 and GS South Broad street. Atlanta. This cost mo nearly $2,500. Guar- 17 Abbe,B.C. 8-BOam 5 Norfolk. 11 33 am CVuirtland street. 17» PETERS, ST. MAIN 486. ATL. 1687. THREE nicely furnished, connecting house- George W. Sciple. Office 19 Bd^ewood ave- anteed titles on all throe places. B Memphis 11:23 am 6 Ports'h. 11 S3 am WANTED—rSecond-hand furnishings for 11- EXCELLENT room and board at 181 S keeping rooms or will tuparate to suit nue Both Dhones 203. MRS. II C. BLAKE, OWNER. « Birm'm. 11:23 am 6 Richm'd 11:33 am room house; no furniture house need ap- Pryor St.; home cooking, close in; rates tenant Reasonable. Close in. 100 East Ellis 18 E Hunter St. Mam 17B9. Atlanta S848-B. SS"" Birm'm' . l-25pm 23Blrm'm.. 3 55 pta reasonable; home-like HUrroundingu. G. M _____ ply. If you have good furniture address Beets. 181 S. Pryor. street. Phone Ivy B356. "WE make \ a »r>ectalty or Georgia lands. « N. y — 4 :EO pm 6 Birm'm.. 6.00pm C-208, care Constitution. FOR RENT—Garages ancj Thou. W. Jackson-Burwell Cc.. 101S-1» B W.ashi'n. 4 :50 pm 5 Memphis. 5 00 pm 1 WILL trade yo^u~oTd~^tove~or~range'f or TWO nice unf. rooms and kitchenette; pri- B Norfolk.. 4:50 pm IS ABbe.K.C. 4 00pm a new range. Guaranteed twenty-five WANTED—Old geese feather beds at once; in WASHINGTON STREET vate family; north side; steam heat, hot FOR RENTV^Garage S>r~TwT~ai Fourth National BanU BldK- v B Ports'm.. 4:60 pm 12 X. Y ... 5 3B pin years. Call M. 5125-J. \ will pay highest cash price. Phone Ivy NI,CE, CLEAN rooms with good meals and cold baths adjoining rooms; walking $5 each, at 314 Peachtreo st. IF IT IB real estate you .vttnt to buy or «ell. 18 Blrni'm.. 8:45 pm 12 Norfolk.. S:55pm 7565, or Atlanta 4451. Address New York prices very reasonable V distance, reasonable. Apply 819 Forrest aye. it will pay you to see me, A. Graves, 24 c Feather Company. 17 Warren place. 29 Monro. _____e . 8_ 0..0. ,pr a ___ . S' '. pm EXCELLENT board and rooms; home cook- FOR RENT—Two or three furnished or \ifi- Bant Hunter street. C.lty Ticket Office, 83 Feuclitree St. JVK^NEY TO LOAN ing, table board, every convenience, rates furnished rooms for light housekeeping; WANTED—Real Estate FOR~SALi:—Bargains Will build for you. WANTED—Moving- picture cam- raqsonablc. Mrs. Webb. 72 CapKol avenue. all conveniences, north side, private family. ,&>avo you money. See A. J. Moss, 508 Phone Ivy 1635. WANTED—Six or eight-room modern house, Western and Atlantic Rallrond. SPECIAL ^OME^PUNDS era. P, O. Box 656'. BEAUTIFUL rooms, with all conveniences, on large lot in suburbs on north side. On Temple Court BldK Main 3642-J. .No. Arrive From— No. Depart To — TO LiEND on Atlanta homes or buslnens close in; meals if desired; home cooking; TWO suites of nicely fur. housekeeping or near car line. Price. $6,000 to $7,000. 3AYE 25 per cent. We build your home. Lot » Nashville. 7:10 am 94 Chlc5 am to builders. Writs or call WANTED—fFotir refined boarders to occupy ley Hotel. No. 1122. No phone calls an- FOR quicTnTale, list your property with us. S Rome — 11.20am S" Memphis. 4;55 pm TWO FUR ROOMS, kitchenette and sink? swered. V 72 Rome. ... S -15 pm beautiful ^furnished front rooms, with or Porter it Swift. 120 H Peachtrca «treet. • Memphis r11*55 am S. W. CARSON FOR SALE—First-class drug . store, good without private bath. Call Main 812. block from Peachtree, on car line. 75 E. 1 Nashviile. fi 35 98 Chicago . S.25 pin Pino, corner Courtland. Ivy 1460-J. LIST your rf-al estate wUh u&. We have the FOR SALE—Half lot In Oakland cemetery; location, all ort a controlling interest, EXCELLENT board ajid rooms for gentle- customers! Geo. P. Moore. 10 Auburn ave, Information call W. IBSO-J* or sa« aeitop. •5 Chicago . S 20 pm r 4 Nashville R 10 prr 413-14 Empire Building,. Louisiana town, population 15,000 Corre- ?OR RENT—One room and kitchenette, fur. second floor. Salesmen: I. W. Harreil, lx>uis No. -35—Dixie J Iyer. . arrives men, in private tfamily, 54 per week. Broad and Marietta Streets. spondence solicited. Reasons for selling, in- jgjj&_ E. Fair st. Atlanta phone S012-F. or unf. 116 Forrest Ave. Ivy 5749-L, M- JohnWon, T. M. Word. Cqme to seo us. TIMBER LANDS. Station. terference with other business. Answer THRBK largo connecting rooms for light No. 99—Dixie Limited, arrives Terminal T-lg, uarc Constitution. 310 WHITEHALL S1-, excelieritfrooms and WANTED^ApZrtment site up to $8,000, FOR SALE-—Twenty thousand acres of Statlor. board, hot and cold water; rates reason- housekeeping. 32 13. North Ave. I. 5500-J. will exchange farm and income property .saw mill iind turpentine timber; haa new CONFIDENTIAL—M (5>N E Ys FOR SALE—Drug store, in whole or in ablo, s minutes,' walk to heart of city. TWO largej connecting rooms, for light and pay saomo cash. W. H. S. Hamilton, railroad running through It, a fine propo- lots to suit druggists. A liberal discount 402 Equitable bids Ivy R234. i TO LEND ON DIAMONDS from wholesale cost, also two 2ine Angle- 115 13. FAIR St., first-class boarding with housekeeping. 59 East Alexander St. sition foi sa\\ mill or turpentine; all titles bile scales, one fine cash register. Frank all conveniences; rooms, with or without THREE connecting housekeeping rooms, HAVE customers tor homes. Sfe me at [,a^vi-i o KCXK! For f ui ther infoi mation address .AND JEWELRY. CAN PROB- O. Watsuii & Co., selling agents. 20 West board; also table board. modern. N. Jackson et. I. 6140. Atl GUil-B. once. Carl Fischer, Fourth Nat'l bide. ' F,. B Simians, Slrmink. Ga. ABLY ARRANGE OTHER Mitchell. Telephone Main ^822.^ MIC13LY furnished rooms, with or without r\VO l.iree", eorir.eJtlne rooms for light \ TAXICABS PARTY wishes to give liberal TliScount 7m ~ ££2£^_11.9_^^lilnf^n^t_.__Maln_4£80^L. housekeeping. 3IQ Spring street. 1 LOANS. 88 N. BROAD ST. collateral note, maker rated from $75,000 NICE room and board, close in; reasonable TWO large, connecting rooms, for light FOR RENT—Houses FOR RENT—Houses to $100,000. G per cent first mortgage gold ratesj_garjsg^ 237 Washington. M. 3173-J. L O C A L ^ money for quick bond given as collateral. Chos. D. McKln- housekeeping; walking distance. Ivy 7986. \ Belle Isle ney, 1406 Candler bldg. CHAMBBRLIN house, handsome rooms, e celleut bnard. 148 Whitehall st M. 6233. SOUTH SIDE. Apartments FOR RENT Residences loans, W. B. Smith, T08 FOR SALE—Milk depot cheap for cash, ROOMS AND BOARD in private home, near FOR RENT—Two housekeeping rooms, Tvy street—Georgian—Nos. 154 Hayues street, 6-r.. .J16.60 quick; good reason for selling. W. T. Mc- with hot water and furnaca heat, ut 51S 148' avenue, 6-r.. .. . 11.00 IVY o!90; ATLANTA 1598, Murry, 11V4 N. Forsyth, Atlanta 233. Terminal Station. 47 Markham street. 3 and V6—5 rooms each; steam Fourth National 'Bank Bldg. Capitol avenue. Main 2851-J. heat J35.00 G1S Chestnut street. 6-r.. .. . 13.60 WEST END. fHREE connecting first floor rooms, fur- ^ RESIDENCES. 103 Spring street, 5-r . 15.60 MUSIC AND DANCING EXCELLENT HOARD, elegant meals; prices nished or unfurnished,, complete, $21; use 227 W. Peachtree, S-r .-.special 47 West F.ur street, !>-r.. . . 18.00 . TAXICAIBS MQNEY TO LOAN on real estate; current reasonable, .splendid surroundings: 62 Gor- of phone. 346 Washington S'.. Ivy 240. 102 West linker street, 5-r. . . 20.00 •EXCELSIOR AUTO COMPANY. ratea. The Mortgage-Bond Company at rlo_n street. We<*t End ^ 08 K. Ga. avenue, 8-r 5^5.00 New YotK. J. S. SI leer, attorney, agent, lA?fclNG~SC^IO^L TWO nicely furnished rooms to couple, light 20 OabHeberry street, S-r . ... 15.00 6') nienr.wood avenue, 5-r. ,-. 13.10 ATL 3660. S LCJCKIE. I. 3,22. Hunter St. Phone Main 889. IvICE rooms, good board, young men 01 housekeeping. 70 Woodwar^ avenue ^ S:iS Greenwood aveniip, 6-r . . . 27.50 21 W, PLANTS ANC^JJEIEDS real e.state Mrs: E. S. Hurst. solicited. PurcUaso money ALEX J. SATER Dance Studio. Special prices INMAN PARK. THREE fur. housekeeping rooms, prl. bath, v LIEBMAN notes bought. Quick service. WA T3 D P1 lni Ice c u e to hot water, couple only. 318 Washington. v to clubs \and classes; cor. Peiadhtre " e and J? ? X ft J£ ° P' FINE COTTON .SEED CALL FOR REX B. MOONET,,^ EdEewood. ISntrance 10 Edgewood>d. I\i\y yJT846 T846. private family Phone Ivy 3911. REAL ESTATE AND RENTING ABSOLUTELY pure*, bound od rooms: every convenience.' West 1205. REALE STATE—For Sale 1211! Third National Bank bids. orchestra, call Miss Howard. Main 100D-L. price. Address C-213. Constitution. ONB MILLION EACH KLONDYKE L.icly , "WANTED—Furnished room, close in, by re- EDWIN L. HARLING Thonvpfcon, Arouia, Excelsior and Mission- j \V13 HAVE FUNDS IN BANK FOR LANE'S DANCING STUDIO, 217 Vi Peachtlee fined young lady. T. B.^J., 319 Southern WANTED—Ap'artmentei ary strawberry plants, a^paia^ua itnd other j St.; all tho new dances. Phone Ivy 5786. Railway building. r ^^^^ RJBAKfeSTATE.^^32 EAST ALA33 A M A, BTRKET. B O T H PH O N K S _1 j 8 7. aiHT NKGOT1ATIONS ON FIRST VDRNISHED. r Email fruits and tj-ocis. Write today for j •AN1> IhECOND MORTGAGE PAPER- ^fVK^ljjEY^PAjKK" HoSTE^AT A'~"SACKlF lCB^On^me of th^ best ^rrWerT17r*AnVi63r"ParkT^ prices. Chattanooga Nurseries, 5 Missionary WANTED—4 or 5-room furnished apart- convenient to the Peachtree car HriC', we )iav«s a. magnificent 8-room, two-story. Ridge. Chattanooga. Tenn. ' MONTHLY OH YEARLY NOTE'S. L. H ment, steam-heated, all conveniences, -fo/r ZUULrNK & CO., 601-2 SILVER BLDQ* FOR young couple; responsible party. Call at Bteam-hcated reRTdence, oak flooro, beautiful fixtures,^ that we offer for $5,500. This FRUIT TREES, shaded trees., rosebushes, I iplano taken for'^debTT once. Ivy 1J!338. ; house cost the present owner ?8,750, 51,000 cash, balance on your own terms. The grapevines, privet hedges and ornamentals j MONET FOFOPR. SALARIED PEOPLE" never used a-nd have no ubCi for it. Will owner muat have jnoney at_onc-e~. ThlH IB a triok^up\ in a lionic^^^p~ o Vou j\vant It?\ " win add greatly to the beauty and value AND OTHERS upon their own namaa- sell far below regular price to set rid of It. BA.RGAIN IN GRANT PA-RK COTTAGE—Facim? the choicest part or arant park, we of your home. I Soe Smith Brtia. & , Lee, 3J | cheap rales,, ensy payments. Confidential. Genuine bargain. Address G] D. J.. care ASK THE CONSTITU- FOR RENT—Apartments have a modern 7-room cottage, lot 65x150, that we -\\III well for $3,500, $500 cash. Stmlh' BrAad street. \ ' i Scott it Co. S20 Autatell buiMlng. Constitution. j balance 1*25 per ji^onth. Th|>^ is a $5.000 piece or piopeity. If you will let us show K TION WHERE TO LIVE VUKlNlonKV. 1 STRAVi'JBERRY PLANTS FOB 8A"LE—As ' MONEY TO LOAN either straight 1 to you, you will readily se* tnat it IB being offered at :t greatv sacrifice. If you are In If. on A FliEE BUREAU of boarding and 'OR RENT—In high-qlass home near W. j tho market for a home, jo^u cannot mist, bff'ng thih house and lot. . grood as Krow. 'Send, fur^cataloK. 60 \a- j monthly plan, ue. WANTED—Kice room \\ ith or wlthouTljoard rooms In an>vpa.rt of ^he city or sub- ncludinc electricity, heat and hot water. ford Hall,\ Hhoiiesdale. Md. JiT.O ami two sums of $1,000 each to loan on on south side, state everything in~firs t let- urbs, ash *Tho Atlanta Constitution. "" per month. Call Ivy 1479. NURSERIES will mall >ou cntaloc Atlanta real estate. Dnnson & Gay. U09 ter,, Address C-210. cai^ Constitution, We will be glad to help you get what FOR RENT — My 8-room, steam-heated of nr-st-clasa fruit treeH. plants and vines, WANTED—By refined business lady board you want. \ apartment, completely furnished, for four GEO. P. MOORE. Bhado trees. Privet hedge, pecan \ trees, etc. TO LOAN at 6 to S per cent on in private family. References exchanged. .Main Floor Constitution Building/ months. .Tuniper_Etreet_ . Call Ivy 72SS. _ Morro-w. GA- Atlanta real estate. Dunson & Gay, 409 Address G-339, Constitution. MAIN 5000 ATLANTA 6001. L?, ESTATE AND RENTING A GREAT" STOCK, of superior seeds now TruMt Company of Georgia building SMALL steartj-heatrd apt., completely fui-. for housekeeping, private bath, hot water__ _, .10 AUBURN AVENUEA SECOND FLOOR ready; tuant( peas, potatoes, bpinach, etc. MOXKY TO LOAN on- improved Atlanta FURNISHED—NOKTII SIDli. 11 conveniences. 266 Ivy. Ivy 8384-L. __ \_ '^Mark "Wi^ "Johnson Seed Co , :;5 S. Pryor St. real estate. Fltzhueh Knox l«ls Candier BOARD AND ROOMS JBAUTIFCLLY fur. 4-room apartment; all SIX-ROOM COTTAGE on car line, a few fept off Capitol avenue. Nice^level THE EDGEWOOD HOTEL niodern conveniences. Phone Ivy 4130-L v MONEY TO LOAN on Atlanta real estate. I 104 RDGEWOOD AVE., i lot. Price, $2,650, $300 cash and $25 monthly. No loan to assume. ' SEED AND PET STOC^K Swuth, 70S 4th Nafl Bank Bldg. rm-r-i-i •r-i/'-v-v-oirn-rm-i-r THE COAl STITTT- NEWLY FURNISHED, steam-heated, elec- ,$700 — TWOl GOOD HOUSES — on lot -50x103, Smi,th street,^ in Pittsburg. LOANS on Atlanta property. J. R. N"uttlng " „ •*• s 1 trie lights, hoY and cold water, rooms, WBJLL-TKAIXBD, ,t-yuar-old \ pointer dog & Co.. 1001 Empire Life bldg. Ivy Bi 50c per day or $2,50 per \veeU and up; one KALMIA APARTMENTS i Rented ?8. . Some terms. No loan. ' • \ for sal* cheap. Phone Ivy 4166. T_L\_Of block of Auditorium and Atlanta theatei*. MONEY TO LT3ND on city property. \V. O. Phone Ivy G204-J. 45 EAST CAIN §T.' I CLOSE IN, ON DAVIS STREET— SIX-ROOM HOUSE on lot 44x80. Rented IX}It SAJUE—Scotch collie male puppiea.%! Alston. 1316 Third Nat'l Bank bldr. A FREE BUREAU of boarding and AN apartment southern exposure, new Call Main 47U6. , rooming house information. If you v tor $12. Price $1,200. . This has a speculative \Value, and is worth the T. J. BETTES & "CO. want to set a place to board or rent THE PICKWICK brick, steam boat, two rooms, bath, MORTGAGE LOAN^S._102p_CANDL;BR_BLDG. kitchenette. \_ Some terms and nb loan to assume. V rooms in any pare, of the city or sub- TEN-STORY AND FIREPROOF. FOR SALE—Live Stock $2.000 PRIVATE money to Iend7>n implroved urb*, ask The Atlanta Constitution. Well-furnished rooms, with connecting DISAPPEARING BEDS city, property. Mr. Dodd. Main 1287. We will be clad to help you eel what bath. Convenient shower baths on each Vacant February 15; references required. \l v v -v HOGS- St6.000~Tb LEND on city real estate. AiP you want. floor. 77 Falrlla gt.. MM Carnelle library 22.50 per month. Apply Janitor. y, V ply Samuel A. Boorstln. 1204 Atlanta Nafl. .Main Floor 'Constitution Building. FANCY BER-KSHIRE PIGS, i MOKEY to lend on improved real estate C~ MAIN 6000. ATLANTA 5001. 528 PEACHTREE STREET FRAZER APARTMENT > ST. CHARLES AVENUE LOT l TttE best of breeding. Kle.ll 'J,p<.'» out of j C. McGehee, Jr.. 622 to 824 Empire bldB- TWO large rooms, \vit1 h private bath, $28; v 1 one large upstairs room, private bath i EAST SEVENTH STREET] big. fancy-breil sous and Mred b> tlu best , ] 100X180 FEET boars in LJeorKla- SIS eui-h feBi--tei,-il .uul I XOBTH SIDE. §20_._t\vo rooms and bath. $30. Ivy 1727. glass ^wjtll aa flue a pedierec at can bv> uii',tcn J—-Monjy^ CLOSE in, Hrst-claSB board; 11 it is board _ pon ?5,'500— PRETTIEST ^LOT on the street; fronts north, level' and shady. The Kxtra fine sow, vt\\o fj-ncy yi'ut-*)td. Ij^ecl 286 PEACHTREE '- SSFs'rl^ >ou are looking for, and want plenty of yy ____ owner paid $6,000,- but on account of leaving city must sell. Terms to gilts, on« of the tlne^t boart. in tht- cuuntry ' Everything new and up-to-date. Steam good thing's to eat, at reasonable price, call THE LAWRENCE— Two. three and four- ] „,,:,. \\Vnillri a and young boars 16 suit ;ill. Tmr \ lew Wo can Invest your money for you on first ivy 8268. 15__ Currier Ht' 50x180 mortgage, high-class, improved property. heat, best table board, $•> week: flve-min- Farm, yulmetto. Ga ute walk ,to town. v NICELY" fnrhlshed front room for one or It will net you 7 and 8i per cent. . T. Turner, Res. Mgr., Apt. 8. 62 West PINE PIECE OF CENTRAL PROPERTY GEORGIA HER EFORDS. best quality and 1 DESIRABLE rooms and board; best rssP two gentlemen, In private north side V denttal 'section; furnace heat, electricity honie; all conveniences; very close In; rea- ^eachtfeo place. "Ivy 8080J I ONLY $257 PER FOOT ($9,500) —On p block of the Aragon hotel and Peach breeding: all registered: 100 to select v TtTRMAN & CALITOUTv. 1 fro;n-_ Evana LunaConi. ICovlnKton, Ga. __ Second Floor Kmpire. and all home forofoils. 17 Crescent avenue, Boriablft 7Call Ivy _ 73*6.^' _____ NORTH SIDE ' - rear. between feacliireo (.luce and Tenth street. TWO" rooms, furnished, connected; also one N "FOR SALC—Throe, Jersey cows, fr«r«h in, \*TK CAN LEND your money on Ixnprorcd Ivy 6138. 1 single room, heat, gas, electricity, bath, poNB ° u milk. Atlanta 5705-M , Atlanta croperty 0.1 7 to 8 per cent, fa*- _ _ \ ter <* Hobson. 11 EdurewooA &v«irti». phone; must be seen to be appreciated: SONAL ENGAGEMENT. 647 PEACHTREE meals if you_wisih. fi65_Peachtree. iENT FREE — Steam heat and elertrio lights furnished reasonable timo bo desir- .__M SELECT boarding, steam heat, hot water ! HOUSEKEEPING" Tutte; 1, 'l or 3. with MEDrCAL \ and ail rojnvenlencea. lyy 6634. kitchenette, on. bmall bedroom suitable ble oarties New 8 anrf 4-room apartments : TURMAN & CALHOUN WANT K D—B?ef~catrfc jT~B~3uttles Union WANTED—Nice, congenial couple without gentleman or business womann,, aall conveii- Iso 9-room home; best north bide, ivy 7877. Call Ivy , , ,_' 203 EMPIRE BUILDIIfG. Stock Yanis Main rJ2941. .•___—— AtlanUu_5!i3^- I AKB your kidney1s doing their duty? "if children to board in my home for com- lences. walking distance, 1532-L. FOR RENT by owrier, two apartments of ' fill- fr-uLl* f'nw.* ,1T llp**f> not try "Acco ' Kidney Couipoxindu. pany. Owner away from hom of 014 B Karrls St. five rooms; all modern conveniences, close 1 J\LJ(Ji^rnAl~)n PH i,Bachelo- r rooms de n. The Satford- Ivy 4886. 32 Carnegie way. | luxe; every modern convenience. Ivy 3071, OR RENT—From March 1 unfurnished 6- ' TWO nicely fur. connecting! rooms, also a room Apt. * in the Avalon, W. ivachtree I 7 ROQMS—-LOT 100x200 single room, hot water, electric lights, nd North Ave. Call I. 4168. or M 1754. j connecting bath. I. 5287. 2BG-B Courtland. ative Iio,spitul Ass'n, 200 to 204 Brown- EDUCED rates, 3 to 6-room steam-heated POULTRY Ran dolpjtiVtuildTng. , • x. x»wj.«.u, ?a 3.vy st.; transient $!-$!.50 i TWO Ij-rge. fur. front rooms and dressing apa.rtments^Apply_M£. Kelly. Ivy 3390. ,$3,5,00, $500 CASH, $25 MONTH per clay. Special rates by week. 21 meals room, with hot ami cold water, home- MODERN 4-room apartment. 301 Rawson i--" \NM>( '-ijDs ;,. , i T3T-. HA f KAWAY. specialist In speciav l 'Idi.*- £4.50. Atlanta 4104 heated. Owner, 66 Forrest aye. I. S489-J. purest Rhode Island Ked frdm Lorlng - cases of men and women. Cori street. Apply 67 Cooper street. i THIS HOUSE is a beauty. Just been fainted' inside and out. Everything; .»,. • . • , ,v,v ln>ji'K M.,.0 , t. ;i. James. McKenzle bldg., op^- CandJer FOR RENT—Nicely 'furnished room, \ cou- 21 EAST^CAI[ N ST. ' nectine bath, furnace heat, with or with* FOK!VISHBD t)U | put in trinii condition. Half a block from car line, |n the prettiest part rtlAo Barrel! Uuck i-Bf>. ji.aO per ^octitis. OH. B. W. SMITH. »!l We»t .f.acb- , BXCKLLENT noomu and board, hot water out board. 188 W. Peachtree. Ivy 5975-1^ Rarp oppoituntlj. o, K. Produce Company, . Ivy 469 Diseases of v/omen Blid chi)- ' i Ivy 21^0-L. I of College Park. Water and lights. Level lot, 100x200. House cost $2,690. 47 East Alabama. ONE or two gentlemen, delightful room, ) THE attractive, sunny front room, witu private home, furnace heat; will board. SHED ROOMS and furnished three- 1 PUR SAL.K — Hi^u-bred ~\vhite ofpinetons, S room attached: excellent table. room apartments. 123-&-? Spring street. Handsome, roomy, comfortable. Chicken yards, cowf house, etc. Lot value bred ami culled for m\ u\\n u^«. All pul- 32%-.West Peachtree. Phone laty 994-L> 31yrtle, near Ponce de Leon. Ivy 1495. i leta and la>ing. Call Ivy G66-1. AUCTION SALES. UNE~niceTj- fur. rtiom^for rent, with elec- \f 1,500. Can sell for §3,500 NOW. EXCELLENT "board, Vteam heat, priv-ite tric -lights and steam heat; all conven- THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAL- home, walking distance, v S2 E. Linden, FOR Ivy 7S0.2-L. taicej. i Apply Apt. 37y!CftS Ivy ^st. VAGE COMPANY, at 90 South Pryor. wUl FOR "RENT—Beautifully^furnished, steam- ":iSHED. i buy or *ell your furniture, household goods i heated room, gentlemen' only. 19o Ivy. HOUSES, stores, offices and business splice EDWA'RD H. WALKER >!ano ' Phone Ball. Main 320B mcubatort-, the ^tUndnrd . 790 PEACHTKEE Apt 7. Ivy tfOCO-L. for renj A phone message will fcring o^ur fectioir In artificial incubation. ROOM, with, board. lyy 6392-J, rent bulletin by mall, or a polite, intelligent 35 NORTH FORSYTH STREET. batch every hatchaMe estr \Vrit^ foi c.itj.- ATTRACTIVE, nicely furnished room, dress- 382-PEACHTREB^-Largre^front roam, small representative to .help you find what^ you locuo. Ttfarbto A atinor. ga. , Advico on all :?E\\ IXG done by da> or at home, by col- TVVO connecting front rooms, singly or en of two ear line;.; makes an attractive home. 44 \VARREN ST., at Kirkvlrood, 5 rooms, modern; lot 60x155. Pripe $2,750 — o, ,.j girl Call West I61-L. ICICKLY furn^sAed room, a-11 conveniences. ,.Lite, -couple ur t . _ I\'y_3845, ____ ^_ _ Can make a good proposition. Plione - $250 cash, assume loan $1,030 -M 7 per ct-nt, balau-eq 820 per month. near >>*achtree._ ' _____ ^_ _ 34 Con-? at., block _of poftoftice. I. S162. Owner. Main S393. CJ ROGERS ST., a-t Klrkvjood; 5 'rooms, modern; lot 47.7x173. Price ?2,250, as- EXCELLENT board and room, nioclc of .post- NICELY fur. room^. reasonable rates; al! CAST-OI*F CLOTHING FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE and hall, cafe, «Iec- sume loan of $3 ,00*1 -at ? per cent — $200 oaali, "Balance $15 per moJBtli. \ MULE. VALAIRE . office. Ivy 5BOO-J. 72 Walton. ____ con" y eniencefe. ciofae I'.u 1 1 E. Alexander St. \ triolty. bath; instantaneous heater, good NO. 30 STEVENS ST., fiVe rooms, modern; lot 40x120. -Price' J2.000, astujn* 'redilings for the JieoA lew aays DU' IP A CARD; wo'll TWO large rooms, all conveniences, private T*w"o nicely furnished rooms, all conveni* condition; rent reasonable. Apply ,*66 C«n- loan of $1,000, cash $150, balance $14 per 'month. Whitehall street. *n*>«lotJiln«. Ttw.VesHw*.,. OecaturM. 'family, with board,'OH«wanted. - •ccca, close in. 72 Falrlle street. tral avenue. PHONE OWK3CB at Main 834, if Interested.



Haynes, receiver. 3. Morris & Co. et aL T ! SENATE FIGHTS ALL NIGHT Hinson. 4. McDonald v. Head, ,\FIFTY Masonic Temple, corner Pcachtree and | tration forces when Senator Clarke, of 2. Georgia Ry. & Electric Co. v. City Moultrle,*, Ga., February 9—(Spe- Cam streets, this (Wednesday; Arkansas, moved that the senate ad- or Atlanta. 3. Ponder v. Payne et al. cial.)—Fifty Georgia newspaper edi- evening at 7-SO o'clock sharp. 4. Worthy et al. v. Farmers Life Confed- The Mailer Mason degree will Boosting journ until boon tomorrow. They had turned victors in the two games Criminal Cases Heard Third eration. 5. Georgia Granite R.-Co, et al. tors jMit In a busy day here today aa hoped that Senator t^orrie, progressive ed in tlie prep league Tuesday after- v. Miller, trustee, et al. 6. Majors v. the guests of the chamber of commerce^ brethren are cordially ancr fraternally In- Monday of March—No Civil I McCall. 7. Bruce et al. v. Jacksrfn et v lteii to "Bundle Day" republican, would ,not stand with the noon. Boys' High defeated PeaepcJs. i al. 8, Hubbard v. County, of Fulton. 9. and the Moultrle Packing company. J rr.eet nltli us By order of making their second win of tlie season . A. BR1TTE cCHAPMAN, W. M. democratic .majority on the motion. Cases Till Further Notice. Williams v. Southern Ry. Co. 10. Ful- The morning was spent in inspecting j PRED $ ^j^ s eS£t.rv. TTH U R S D A V is "Bundle Senator Norrife, however, voted against over this quint, while Tech High even- ' ton National Bank v. Fulton County. 11. thee bige packinimckineg- house andd stock yartlyard;s I L> . .. . L. ed matters up with Donald Fraser bj , Thomas v. Metropolitan Life Iris, Co. 12. * * Pay." Charitable Atlanta will adjournment, as did Senator La. Fol- defeating them in easy style. ~ Tech Atlanta Steel Co. v. Gumbel & Co , Ltd. IS. and all of the visitors evinced surprihe \ bpecial conclave of do its share. Rich's, of course, will lette. Senator Kenyon voted with the High, by defeating the Decatur quint, 'Returns day for the March term, 1915, Fleck ct al. v. Ellis. 14. Jackson et at the magnitude of the plant. At Coeui tie Lion Commaftd- administration forces for the first time takes third place, while Boys' High of the State supreme court, which was v.V_**- LyonsIjX'ons. InIS. Moorainni"ie» ftt-et nall . Tv. . T.-tcr-vKlser. en*t al. noon the party was served dinner at ery. Xo. !, K. T., will bt> co-operate. Here is how; moves a little closer to the leadership 1 held in its, asylum, corner since the beginning of the fight. The Tuesday, showed a substantial Increase -' 16. Klser et al. v. Moore et al. 17. Clark the Colqultt hotel, following- tvliich the vee and^Cftin streets, —The Parcel Delivery •will collect -vote -was 48 to 4-6. / of, the league. nS 1 all bundles from houses within in the amount of business to come be- i Jj ah °19. Underwood^t aa U^Under^ ^loultrie band gave a short concert. (Wednesday) even- its zone Outside the Parcel De- Had the opposition alliance forced. Teen Hfgrn as, Donald Krnncr 31. fore the court. wood 20. Hubbard. by next friend v Mayor Kline welcomed the visitors ing: at 7-30 o'clock sharp. adjournment republicans had planned Criminal cases will be heard on the Williams et al. 21. Goldberg v. Provident in behalf of tlie city and "W. G. f «-ill be conferred, livery Zone. Tech High more than evened mat- -* ._ , . _ , at -I--- M*.«.....-n .-,f-uA- i^.iii^tiL-Knis-ht5s iirare ccourteously In- to try to ^displace the bill tomorrow ters with'•Donald Fraser for, the deteat tliird Monday in M'arch. No civil cases c< **• for the packing house and chamber of j vltcd to attend. Ry cider of Rich's Special Delivery of by a motion to take up for considera- handed them bv the Decattir team in will be called until- further announce- I commerce. These exercises were held RICHARDSON', Automobiles and Motorcycles tion the postoffiice appropriation meas- the second ^game of the season by win- ment. j 25 Coppedge et al. v. Coppedge et al. at the courthouse at 2 o'clock. Mr. Ooirmamler ure and s.uch an attempt may yet be ning from therii in easy style Tuesday, c Thompson v. Arline. 27. Keilsohn >. ULXIE E THOMAS, 1—Will bring in any bundles The docket is as" follows and will be) ^ laton, governor, et al. 28. Tree v. Vereen, who acted as chairman of the made. Should it succeed administra- 62 toU*. Tech High led at the end of v you wi<3h delivered. ^Simply Phone ^. ( the first half,*. 20 to 9. called in the following order: Throvrer v. Baker. re- meeting-, then palled upon several of the rRIPOO Recorder. tion leaders probably would be un- Ji'orthern Circuit. *. ceiver. -Main Z}32. *, Ed Czintz, Bill Fincher and Judv 1 Bullock et al. v. Martin, admr. 2. 30. Prater et al. v. ' Crawford prominent editors present for short I—Women delivering their own able to get the pending measure before Barlan starred for Tech High, while admx... et al.. 31.. Georgia Terminal Co. addresses. Those responding' were: H. A leyular communication of I the senate again between now and Mack 3. Thompson and Talley starred Martin v. Shields. 3. Brewer v. Settle, 4. v. Temple Baptist Church Capital*. CU> Lodge. No 64_'. F. "Bundles" and wishing to escape Pulllam v. Galnes. Stone Mountain Circuit. M. Mclntosh, of The Albany Herald; TV. i; A. 3.1 . T.MII be hcKl this the March 4. for Donald F^aser. Wester• WBlOrnu Circuitvut^uul.. .^ 1. Newton County v. Everett.! 2. T. Anderson, of The Telegraph; W. evening:. FobruiTv* Congestion at the Democratic tenders Confident. CzJntz *<26> Hamlett (2) & Son v. Hlghtower, et al. S. Heery, admr., Sutlive, of The Savannah Press, and 10, 1815. .it the Iirt!, 430'j 2. Baldwin State Bank v. National Bank v. Heery, next friend. 4. Town ot De- Marietta iitreet, at *7 ,!0 o'elocK In the light of the vote tonight, dem- R. F. . . . . Mack (4) of Athens. \ 3. Tate et al. v^ Phillips et al. catur v. Randall et al * Volney Williams, of The "Vyaycross Local Charities Office Harlaa (14) J. Bedell (4) The Entered Apprrnticp Ut>- ocratic leaders were confident their 4. Hunter v. Mahaffey. 5. Thurmond et al., Middle Circuit. Journal, all of whom paid splendid gree \\1I1 be cont'eired by tlie —may bring their "Bundles" to L. F. '..Talley '(9) for ube, etc., v. Allgood. B. Wilson & Co. 1 B lines -would hold although some re- Flncner (14), Harlan \ Sims et al. 7. "Wells v. Jones. 8. Sims ' . *5fai MIXCCY. less the filibuster could be broken and W. Bedell (2). . L. G. . . . H. Thompson R. & Bke. Co. 11. Moss, Survivor, v. Geor- pire Store v. Commercial Advertising Bu- The editors were then given an auto- Summary Time of halves, 15 minutes. gia R. & Bkg. Co. 12. Pee Dee Manufac- reau. . B. Toumans et al. v. Moore. 6 ^ ^ orbhtpCul Mut-ter the continuous session ended. >Referee, Jameson (T. M. C. A.) Field goals, turing Co. v. Georgia R. & Bke. Co. 18. Davis v. Swainsboro Fertilizer Co. mobile tour ot the city and surround- Attest \f. X. MARTIN. Secietary. .After the strenuous all-night session Tech High SO, Donald Eraser 3. Foul goals, Harris, admr., v. Pendergrass et al. 1-4. . _ Augrusta Circuit. \ ing country, which included a trip to Clzntz 2, Talley S. Southern Ry Co v. Hurs>t. 16. Blackwell 1. Patterson et al. v. Outlahd. 2. Lansdell, Monday, the day in the senate was an Bros. v. Atkins National Bank. 16. Kemp the live stock farm of Joe Battle, FUNERAL'NOflCES. February Sale exciting one, enlivened toy parliament- admx.. y. Lansdell. 3. Armstrong v.\ Wal- which is the largest south of the Ohio Boys' High 4O, Peacock 14. v \Bona Allen, Inc. ton, ordinary, for use, etc., et al. 4. United v of Housewares ary entanglement's and denunciations By the cotmt of 40 to 14, Boys' Higrh Northeastern Circuit. ' States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. v Walton river. ^ RljAIR—The friend^ of Mr. and Mrs. v of proceedings by insdrgent democrats. downed Peacock Tuesday afternoon on 1 Northern Contracting^ Co. v. Maddux. ordinary, for use, etc., ct al. 5. Lansdell v E. L. Bl.vir rue invited to attend Ulie Senators O'Gorman and Hitchcock as- 2. Waldrep v Foster, \ Lansdell, admx. 8. Burney v. Southern Ex- of their ihfant daughter, Net- Almost everything needed for the the latter's ^court, and thereby made Blue Ridge Circuit. ' press Co 7. Philip Carey Co. v Central Fer- sailed the attempt to coerce support of it two straight for the y ear over the 1. Meridian Life Ins. Co . for use, etc , v. tie Bui-nice, this (Wednesday) after- kitfhen in— v Fourteenth street lads. The score, at tilizer Co. S. Crowell Publishing Co v noon at 2 o'clock from tin? residence, the shipping ball, and both referred to leathern. 2. Le\\ is v Harris,, trustee. 3. Jeffersonian Publishing Co. 9. Atkinson v. 83 iPoole's Place, tliiterment at West Aluminum-ware, ' the president's attitude on the measure. the end of the first half was: Boys' Sexton et al., by next friend, v. Burruss. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co. 10. SUton High 17, Peacock 9. 4. Sexton v. Burruss et al 5, Allen, admr., governor, for use, etc., v. Morrison, admr View. Carriages will leave tlio par- Enamelware, President Wilson took occasion dur- Alfred Scott, as usual, starred for the v. Allen et al. 6. Suddeth v. Collins. 7. et al. 11. Atlantic States Lite Insurance lors of Harry G. Poole at 1 p. m ing the day to reassure callers that winners, although the work of the en- Beavers et al. v. Wilson et al. S. Coates v. Cg. v. Continental Trust Co. Electrical Goods, Coates et al. 9. "Western and Atlantic R. Eastern Circuit. ' "Smooth Finish friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. there was no intention of withdraw- tire team in the final spasm was good. Co. ,v Roberts. 10. Wllkle v. White. 11. ing the bill, even should it be necea- Pew and Knox starred for Peacock. Rarre" Ot a'° V' RuslunS' ?• South- A. I/owe, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lowe and Woodenware, etc., The line-up: Gartrell, trustee, et al. v. McCravey et al. .^ *• \ familj are Invited to attend the fu- ba!j to call an extra session. 12. Dorriq et al. v. Farmers and Merchants' Mitcnell et al. 3. Tyson, admr.. v/ Kqul"- Boys- High (40) Fos. Pea«ook (14), Bank. 13. Leatherwood v. Loulsvlllo. & neral of Mr. C. A. Lowe\ Thursday aft- is at special prices for the entire If opponents ofv the bill can prevent •White (6). table Lire Assurance Society of the United for men of generous propor- .. . Knox (8) NashvUle R. Co. 14. Houze v. Black-nnell. btates. «. Train et al. v. Emerson. 5 ernpon at 2\ o'clock irom the resi- a decisive vote for many more days an B. Adams (8). F Parker (2), 15. Jett v. Lord. 18. Southern Marble Co. dence, 38? Pulliani street. Interment at month. Special ^ Nlcolson Emerson v. Train et al. 6. Rahn v Hamil- alternative plan of getting the bill v. Newberry. 17. Louisville & Nashville R. ton. 7. Hamilton v. Rahn. 8. Rltch v tions, if one wants to pro- "West View. The pallbearers will bo Scott (22)...... C...... Pew (2) Co. v. McHan. 18. Cowart v. Southern through has been suggested. The plan I/. Adams. . . ..B. G. -Hamilton. 9. Hamilton v. Rltch. selected from the Atlanta file depart- . Jones Marble Co. 119. Pace v. Cochran, by next duce a highly .tailored ef- Aluminum would be for hotise leaders to call up Uddell (4) . . ^.L. G. . . . Man^Pt (2) Atlantic Circuit. ment and will meet at the parlors of friend. 20 Brown v. Bank of Gumming. 1. Harvey et* a!, v. Beafeley. 2. Smilev v. Harry G. Poole at 1:80. Services at for passage the bill introduced by Sen- summary • Referee nth. Time ol 21. Southern Marble Co. v. Faucett. 22. halves 15 minutes. Field groa Smiiey et al.. by guardian, etc. 3. DeMent fect," said Jack, as he tried the grave will be in \charpre, of the D em1 onstrat Ion ator Weeks early in the session, which ils, Boys' High Southern Marble Co Pinyon, by next & Co. v. Rogers. 4. Warner & Co v IS. Peacock 6. Foul goals, Parker 2, friend. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. *X_4 v passed the senate, providing for turn- Scott 4 Stri9kland. ^B. Smith v. Rogers et al 6 'on a nobby two-button sack —Sec qricldle cakes and waffles ing- over some ships of the navy for Cherokee Clrcnl Collins v. Burkhalter. 7. Strickland v. Bell' FISCHER—The f;icnds of Mr. and \ , 1. Louisville A-'Nashvllle Co. v. Mar- S. Moore v. Hendrlx & Hodges. 9. DeLoach baked to a delicious brown on alu- mail and commercial seryice between tin. 2. Forrester v. McKaiR et al. 3. Ala- next friend, et al. -v. Georgia Coast & Pied- for a 225-pound customer Mj-s. E. B. Fischei, Mr. and Mrs. New York and South American ports. bama Great Southern R. Co. v. Brown. 4. mont R. Co. 10. Georgia Coast & Piedmont 'Howard Fischer aujcl Mr. and Mrs minuniware without greasing, with- DELEGATES ARE HERE Miller v. McGhee Cotton Co. B. Owens v. yesterday. With this bill 'before the house it R. Co. v. DeLoach, next friend, et al 11 Georg1 e C. Smith are invited to attend out smoke, and without sticking. City of Dalton 8. Lance et al. v. Klnc Beasley, trustee, v. Smith et al. 12. Frank- V the funeral of Mr. E. B. Plseiier this would be part of the plan to attach FOR D. A. R. MEETING et nl. 7. Vick v. Dyar. a. Brown v. lin et al. v. Blackshear Manufacturing Co ( (Wednesday) afternoon at 8 o'clock Tour cooking oan be made the ship purchase bill as an amend- Cay I or, trustee. 7c. Western Atlantic Macon Circuit. i "In addition to the mate- from the parlors of Harry G. Poole. In- pasior and ibetter. Le* the WEAR- ment and to pass the amended bill un- K. Co. v. Smith et al. 8c. Southern Hy. a \- c°PeIan *~In the privacy of the home, hotel or —70 dozen—eight hundred and mittees, continued. guardian, et al. 4. DeVaughn, exr., v. v organized a r«lay to allow part ot Ureer, exr. V. cluib or *• in one of the fine private forty dresses in all^—with choice,of their forces to " rest while, others for Conference. Cordele Circuit. rooms of the Neal Institute, 220 Wood- more than twenty styles. All sizes. talked. 1 1. Lovett et al. v. Taylor. 2. GrifOn ward ave., the Neal Treatment will None -worth under $1.25; many The following: young girls trill act as v. Russell. 3. King admr.. v McDuffle, eliminate the poison, create a loatninj; After nearly two hours' debWe, Vice pagreg during the conference: (Misses next friend. 4. Bruce v. Bruce, for use, Forrest & George Adair for Drink or Drugs, and restore noi worth $2; average is easily $1.50. President Marshall ruled further dis- Tommle and Marion Perdue, Manor and etc. B. Wash, gruardlan, v. Kennedy, adrar. mal condition in a few days Office Choice 9Sc. ^ cussion of the proposal out of order, _ladys Hardin, Sarah Mellichamp, 6. Kennedy, admr., v. Wash, guardian. 704 Silvev Bids1. (M. 1078), Atlanta, GH and Senator Brandegee appealed from Frances* Kennedy, Willie "Williams, 7. Eamb v. Dixie Trust & Security Co. the decision. Senator Reed moved to Mary Griffith, Marie Dinkins, Floience 8. Seaboard Air Line Ry. v. Browder et Heallnstltutes In 60 Principal Cities 1 Miles, Annie Mayson, Elizaibeth Oaten, al. 9. Cunningham et al. v. Strom et al. lay the appeal on the table, but his Eosa Bell Chapman, Rebie "Wilkins, 10. Georgia Southern & Florida Ky. Co. v. 900 Regular 50c motion was defeated—38 to 36—th« Wise of Macon, Marion Powell, Juliett Thornton.. I Albany Circuit. t WEYMAN & CONNORS seven insurgent democrats voting with Due and Misses Cooper- 1 Higdon et al. v-. Bell. a. Garner et al. Bungalow Aprons the lepublieans Senator La Pollette, The reception to be, give- n, b^ -y the v Butler. .). Sutton v. Ford et al 4. Faimeis' Ginnery & Mfg. Co. v. Tlirabher AMUSEMENTS 10 11 V0t d WUh the d m C M et al.. 5.. Mohlev et al., by next friend, v. L.LclL£>cr'ats". " ' ' « H«"e! -i,,^,,.,,.*£sK^d. „„,! -tVtAl.. Vtste^c + ncco^ u ^> n rl nil flffi- I ferencl e and their hostesses and all offir Belchei. (>. Spooner Bank o: Donal- Mortgage Loans on Atlanta Real Estate in beginning the night attack against ce ra of the three Atlanta chapters on somllle. 7. 1'aireliilds Hartbtleld, admr. 39c the bill, Senator ilcCumber. of North Wednesday, from 3 to 5 o'-cloclc, will S. Hardee et ai. v. Bank of Donalsonville Established 1890. Trust Co. of Ga. Bldg. ATI AM"8'A Dakota, charged that the democrats, be one of'the notable occasions of the et al. 9. Askew v. Melvin. 10. James et al. A I LAN I A Thursday. —75 do/.en—900—of the high- r. Patterson. within the last tew days, had "demon- Southern Circuit. 2.4OS 1"e«i«crA«y Saw grade Bungalow Aprons. Made of strated their'incompetency to manage The "Wren's Nest" has been (Beauti- 1. Phillips & Anthony ,v Strickland 3. the affairs 'Of th\is great nation." fully Secoratd ..,_,_ , ValdoBta, Moultrle & Western H. Co. v. Val- BALDWIN-MELVILLE CO. In a sturdy percale—full length and The ladies receiivlmgr with Mrs. A dobta Bank & Trust Co., trustee, ot al. S. full cut. Style buttons In back over Unnkheart Aids Republicans. McD. 'Wilson, president of the associa- Giddens et al. v. Valdosta Bank & Trust "THE ROSARY" pearl buttons. Stripes, checks and tion, are: Co., trustee, et al. 4. Valdosta Bank & At 10:45 Senator McCumber, who had Mrs. B L. Connally. Mrs. Robert .T. Xowry, Trust Co., trustee, v. Valdosta. Moultrle & Matinee Today, * aeat designs—black and colors on spoken for several hours, ^yielded the Mrs. Joel Chandler Harris, Mrs. John Mar- Western R. Co. et al. 5 Mobley v. Pierce 2=30 -and Thur. white grounds. Neck, arms and shall Slaton, Mrs. John A. Perdue, Mrs. T. et al. 6. Tharpe v. Griffin. 7. Ford et al. 50c. floor t6 Senator Bankhead, -who moved T. Parker, Mrs. AV. Tit. Peel, Mrs. S. "W.\. Tlftoii Guano Co. 8. Spengler v. Spengler. pocket tape triinmed. Regularly that the senate adjourn. The, motion Foster, Mrs. "W. A. Winburn, Mrs. ,T E. 9. Grlggs Fertilizer Co. v. Adams-Olift Co. 25 TYPEWRITER 25 50c; choice today at 39c. was lost bv a tie vote, 44 tof'44. . Haya, Mrs. Herbert Franklin. Mrs. C.v C. 10. Stewart v. Jackson et al. 11. McLeod v, Senator Fletcher, in charge of the Holt, Mrs. Howard McCall, Mrs. J. M. High, McLeod. 13 Baker v. Patton. 14. Camp Cents RIBBONS Cents Friday, Saturday, SAUSR bill, then took the floor to prefent doc- Mrs. R. P. Brooks, Mrs. TV. D. Lamar, Mrs. Lumber Co. et. al. v. Strickland. L uments supporting the democratic con- C. Helen Plane, Mrs. William McArthur, Oconee Circuit. SeatB Tiorr on Sale Fo» tention that there immediate need Mlsa Nina Hornady, Mrs. Joseph H. MorKan, "-1 Georgia & Florida Ry. v. T,apley, by MARGARET 9 O'Clock Sale of for the enactment of the bill to relieve Mrs. B. R. Fitzpatrlch, Mrs. Guernsey, Miss next \Criend. an emergency. Ruby Felder Ray. , 'Dublin Circuit. In "IiBdy Win- Those assisting In entertaining are' 1. Shewmate v. Shewrna-te et al. 2. Han- THE BEST MAKES dcrmere'« Fan" mbroideries Senator' Fletcher .read telegrams of nah et al. v. Union Consolidated Warehouse g^MMBMMMMMM^MMMMMMMW V ANGLIN recent date from customs collectors Mrs. J. F. Purser. Sirs. John McBacliern, Co 3 Greenway v. Greenway et al. 4. Superb Company and Production. along seaboard telling of Mrs. Howard Crumly, Mrs. J. O. Hard \\ ick, Ward-Trultt Co r. Bryan ct Lamb et al. B 921 Mat. 25c to 91.5O. Values tieight congestion, -which ibade fair to Mrs. Victor KreiBShaber, Mrs. W. A. Byers, Carter v. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. grpw worse because of the lack of Mrs Emily "W. Stewart, Mrs. R. H Dobbs, * Brnnbn-iclt Circuit. Everything for Your Office 79c $1.2& to $2 ships. Mrs. John J. Simpson, Mrs. "W. P. Ander- 1. Lamb, receiver, v. Robinson. 2. Cltl- son, Mrs. John Spalding, Airs, Xitician Har- While Senator Fletcher was talking' ris. Mrs. Fred •Wagoner. Jr., Mrs. Edwizenbn ' National Bank of Danville, Ky, v. Business Is Qreait at Atlanta's BaBy Theater AVK you seen the modish six members of the 1 cabinet, some of Camp, Mrs. Evelyn Harris Mrs. Arthur Matinee Today 2:301 H Venise lace bands displayed them * accompanied by - their wives, en- Wilson, Jr., Mrs. Henry Tucker: Misses Edna FOOTE & DAVIES CO. Tonilfit at B 30. rtn the new white ratine and crepe tered the gallery. Secretaries Bryan, Wallraven, Frances Siinpson, Ijucile McRae, Garrison, Daniels and Lane, Postmas- Alle and Julia Purser, Frances Connally. PHONES: suits for summer? Well^ these ter General Burleson and Attorney To serve punoh, Misses Sarah Colcord, Vir- The Lady Dalnty—BESSIE WYNN General Gregory, with J. P. Tumulty, ginia Collier, Alice McMullen, Frances Camoron & O'Connor, "Hired «Hd Fired." Prince bands are high in fashion's favor, secietary to the president, sat Lai Mon Kin, The Chinese Tenor. Allan Dlnehart and they're here at 79c; Tallies in a Stokes, Katbryn vickers and Louise Nich- Main 260O OR Atl. 38O1 4 Co. Button, Mclntyre & Sutton. Al Herman, group listening to the debate. ols. \ *. the new blackface. Los Aaoust, "A lolly (tinner at $1.50 to $2. White, cream and ecru;- Maxim's " 5 to ft inches wide. v Five Seconds From Five-Poiiits $1.50 Eriibroidered i. Net Flouncings 79c 5ASS BA£ JASS BASS BASS BASS —A firm net of delightful trans- parency, embroidered. Oreani and Bankrupt Sale white, 27 inches. > TWO HEIGHTS IN THE MOST IVIOIM ON POPULAR $1.69 Allover BASS DRY GOODS GO. Under order of Hon. Percy1- H. Embroidered Nets 79c ATLANTA REAL ESTATE Adams, referee, I ivill sell, on Febr^- —^-Imagine a \3S-incli net, snofw- Missslon ary 11 > 1915, at 11 o'clock, a. m., at whitc. allover embi-oidered in the Mortgage Bond Co. of New York Vlainty colored sprays of flower Mission Costumes Room 513 Grant Bldg., AUanta, Ga., patterns. Can you fancy any- Extra strong Mis- J. S. SLICER, Atty.. Agent slock of merchandise, consisting of thing- sweeter for summer-frocks? Large Mission Oak, sion " Tabottrettes, DUDLEY -2y* inche. 1216 EMPIRE BUILDING - --, - - - - PHONE IVY 83S9 shoes, dry goods, clothing and no- NORMAN 2% inches tions. Inventory $2,949; fixtures $250. Costumers, full six the kind you pay All located at 532 pecatur street, At- Raglan Sleeve feet tall, like cut; $9c for else- 4 g* 2 for 2S cU. Cluelt. reahoajSCfl.. IIK. ».a«M where, pur I Ml* lanta, Ga. Crepe.Kimonos 98c solid oak and extra BANKRUPTCY SALE For inspection of stockl and inven- price only . •*"» on trustee. EW kimonos—as fresh and strong; I will receive bids on Soda Fount and Fixtures at 48 Marietta St., known, N welcome as a spring day. Cut worth New Ironing Boards as SMITH.SODA CO. Bids will be opened in office of the Referee Thursday, full and free of a high-grade $2, only ; ^Poplar-top Ironing crinkled crepe. Made in the ap- Board, with solid oak February 11, at 11 a! m. proved raglan sleeve style—outlin- frames. In this sale T. J. RSPLEY, TRUSTEE ed with matching silk cord; cord v only HARRY DODD, Receiver, Grant Building trimmed also at neck and cuffs. Feather PillOWS Magazine Racks B. A. ARNOLD, Bankriipt. —White, light and dark grounds In J MOORE & POMEROY, Attorneys. floral patterns. All covered or Large, ,. w e 11 - spaced designs with floral borders made Mission to match. M a g*a z i n e JN SHIPPING. s Racks, like cut. FIRE SALE OF PAINTS Wash Gingham Good finish; tns The Perfect OI>i ^KHT IMC». 3 S. BROAD ST. Household Ooods Petticoats 50c worth $2.00, at Our stock of Paints, Stains, Varnishes, etc., 'that was damaged In Hnic vthcni jisu-kod properly. A ' appearance by water at the recent fire, we will dispose of at bargain cheap job nil! . welcome. All white or with red TI-IE -TRIF»OD I=»AIIM or blue trimmings. Sizes 8 to 12. Temporary Office, 302 Foots 4. Davies Building. BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS ard in cigar values. B Opium. WtUtcy gad Dlf* Hnblta trntcil Phones: Main 4710, Atlanta 406." I ot Home or at'Bock •• n$ M. RICH & BROS. CO. I Tree. DR. S^M. WOOIXET. 7 -N, V