THE ASSOCIATED ruT.nn PRESS SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER THE SERVICE Dally and' Snaday, carrier delivery, 13 frmim weekly. Vol. — No. 240. ATLAHTA, GA,, WEDNESDAY MOBISING, EEBKtTABY 10, 1915.—TWELVE PAGES. eo»Ie» OB tme nreets and «t i»en«»t«Md». B «*•*». Delegates Arriving fx>rConf^r<ence COUNCIL ADOPTS SENATE FIGHTS Ati NIGHT Of Ga, P. A. R! in Atlanta AWIENOEO SHEET; AFTER HGHTM, ALL DAY BOARD 'TIL BY MAYOR OVER SHIPPING MEASURE After .Eleven Months' Dead- $12,500 Salary Increases for Republicans, Aided by the lock, Commission Finally > Girls' High School Teach- | Seven Democratic Bolters, Elects, Winner Getting ers Denied—Normal Train- I Have Resumed Filibuster Seven Votes. ing School-.Closed. v ^ That Will Probably Force Extra Session, 10 STOP VICE SQUAD IS NO MORE,, FAIR% PROJECT v ASSURED, MAYOR WOODWARD RESULT OF AGREEMENT CLOTURE AMENDMENT IN EAST TO THE SENATE RULES Russian Offensive , Threat- , The Plainclothesmen, With Peac& Declared at Confer- MAY BREAK DEADLOCK Fourteen Detectives^ to ence Arranged With Mem- ens to Drive Wedge Be- Don Unifornis and Com- Administration Leaders De- tween Tilsit and Insterberg i bers of Council by Mayor i . • pose New Watch. Tuesday Morning. clare Session May Last a and Turn German Positions. _ - ^ Week Without Interrup- "When Commissioner Baskin walked 'With amendments dictated 'by Mayor STRUGGLE CONTINUES Intci the police, aboard' meeting last James G. Woodward at a conference tion—Republicans and the night 'and took his seat, It was the he had with, caucus leaders in his of- v IN THE CARPATHIANS first tiihe'a full meeting of the,.tooard fice, at,< 11 o'clock, Atlanta's general Bolters Are .Surprised at has .been In session einc'e last April, council, Tuesday afternoon, went into when fruitless efforts to elect a po- extraordinary' session, passed the sheet Strength Shown by the Ad- lice board chairman ended in an agree- 'by a vote of 18 to 4, ,and sC few minutes Russiar^s Win in the West- ment that no chairman -would be elect- afterwards the aldermanic .board con- ministration Forced. ed "unless a full iboard -was present. curred- In council's action jby a vo^e, ern Passes, But Fall Back Commissioner Andy King took ad- of S against'2. Washington, February 9.—Formal vantage of the opportunity to elect, , Mayor W.ooward sent for the amended notice tn waiting that '-he would seek in Eastern Passes Before «rad Immediately moved that the elec- sheet -immediately after he had been a cloture amendment to the senate 1 tion of a chairman be taiken'up. _ OFFICERS OF JOSEPH HABERSHAM CHAPTER, HOSTESS TO CONVENTION. told of the action of both (branches of rules to end debate on the administra- Strong Forces—Period ot The Woodward faction, realizing that the general couuncil, and. In the pres- tion shipping bill at 2 p. m., February defeat was staring It in the face; at- - Left to right, top: Mrs. W. L. Peel, honorary; regent; Mrs. A. P. Coles, First Vice Regent. Ex- ence of , a group of council memtoers, 1'9, and cause, a final vote to be taken v Calm in West. , ^r'ir'i . tempted to defeat Commissioner treme right, Mrs. J. A. PeMue, Regent. Bottoni,, ^Mrs. Samuel Lumpkin, Third Vice Regent; Mrs. he attached his signature. = v s three' hours later, was given bv Senator icing's resolution, tout c^nly mustered P. (H. Mell, second Vice Regent. The sheet, as 'it stands approved .Reed late tonight, -when the senate had London, February 10.—(2:03 a, Vm.)—\ «K" four votes against It. today,- carries* all ttie appropriations Delegates from every section of the ters of the American Revolution which state executive 'board met- yesterday been in continuous session, for more Tjhe Datiy Telegraph's Bucharest cor- Commissioner- W. B. Fain on the first for new projects except the appropria- than thirty-six hours. '• state "are arriving for the seventeenth convenes today. afternoon at the Ansley, but no in>for- respondent says: ' ^ and only ballot was named chairman. tion of $12,600 for salary increases Under the rules the proposed amend- "Fresh particulars received hero The vote <stood: Fain 7, Commissioner annual state conference of the Daugh- The credentials committee and the Continued on Last Page. promised Girls' High s.cnool teachers! ment must lay ovejr- for "one day," R T. Pace 8 and Commissioner Vernoy and an appropriation of £3,583 to meet from the Bukowina frontier indlcat« V and If this Is construed to mean a "leg- that the Russians haVe commenced the 2. Commissioner Fain was declared the expenses of ten months for oper- N islative day," there can be .'no action evacuation of that province." ' elected, havlnar marshaled ft. majority ating ..the Normal Training school, of ^ V of the twelve votes. Thus ended the which IMlss Postell Is principal. upon it until the senate adjourns and Petrograd, Felbruary 10.—(Via Lon- Have a Bundle Ready ° ends the legislative day of Monday. longest struggle in the 'history tot -the Council's - acceptance of the mayor's don, 2:03 a. m.)—By their advance to- police Tboard to elect &•* chairman. NOTE TO demands and the approval of the sheet •^ Senators Gallinger and (Smoot vainly ward Madvorna and Kaloza, which is far eleven months th» board has- with the above funds stricken from it, made vpolnts of order against Senator evidently being made in great fprce, fb'een -without a_ chairman. Mayor Wtood- If You Want a Visit means that there . will no salary In- Reed's notice, and the republicans gen- the Austro-German armies threatert wart, by virtue of his office, iwrtlng' creases for the high school teachers erally let it b« known that they'Votlfld the Russians in this quarter with the ^ chairman. ' l ' \ in the immediate future. v fight to the last ditch against an at- alternative of isolation or the -complete DRAFTED BY WILSON 4 , Last Nignt'H Ballot. Mean* End of Training School. tempt to adopt any for,m of cloture evacuation of Bukowina! A (Last nl«hfs ballot -was: For Fain, From Pretty Bessie Wynne It klso means -thai the Normal Train- rule. ^ King, Dlflkson,- l*tton, Smith, Vernoy, Gave the Floor to Democrats. ( London, February 9.—The chief In- l ing school must be abolished fox the terest In. the lighting still lies In the Fain end Baakl'n^ for Pac«, WooAwarfl, lack of funds to operate it during the Senator McCumber, who had yielded Would yo-u ' like to h«v« Bessie ON SEA M ZONES to "Senator Reed on the understanding east, operations In' the -west having Johnson. and Clarke: for Vetrnoy, Gai- In the city -will be collecting bundles on remaining nine months..'"Miss Postell, lapsed^into a.p'erlod of calm, with only ner and T"ac». Wynne, the Forstfth star, as a visitor? "Bundle day." That .'was decided upon principal of the school, received a sal- tha* he -would not lose the floor, re- Then, pin a rUbfbon on your front at a meeting of the Retail Grocers' As- stimed his speech. Senator Sherman a few small engagements on narrow It was Commissioner VernoV's vote T~ ^ ary of $242.98 a month. Her assistant, fronts, which can have little effect on • ' that gave Commissioner Fain vthe re- door knob early tomorrow morning in sociation Tuesday evening. " President Will Insist He Miss Mary Anderson, received ' $140 a interrupted with some remarks about ' quired majority to elect. Commlasloner Indication of a (bundle awaijtine col- ' With the grocery wagons and tne month as. principal of the Lee Street the bill, whereupon Senator- Simmons the campaign as a whole. • Saskin's right to vote was not ques- lection. -parcel post wagons and the laundry Expects German Navy to school, and an, additional. 550 a-month rose and declared that Senator aiciOunv^ In the -cant the Germans, checked In, wagons, all the 'bundles not carried or .for her services as assistant to Miss -their efforts to ttreak; the sfussian lines tioned, although. Tuesday afternoon »;t You rtiall, without fall, play host or : 'her had lost the., floor. SeijaWr Lea. sent to the "Bundle day" headquarters Postell. -.- ^ ' ' . before Warsaw, have transferred many council meeting Councilman- J. Vf- Ken- hostess botrween the ihours of 10 a. m. by the donors-.-w-ill easily be taken car* Show Due Respect for the Abolition1 'of*the training school cuts' in the cha,u-,, sustained th«, j>oint of froe" took the position that Mr. ^Baskin 'and'l p. ra..-,to the headliner of vaude- 1 troops ,to 'Bast iprussla to Jtteet" tlie * of and promptly delivered. I ". Miss PoBtell from" the payroll. It has order and grave the floor to the demo- Russian offensive the^re. This offen- no logger was a memiber of 'th» poltoe ville fame. • Seven telephone girls went ^to work Safety of Amlncans. a similar, effect as to Miss- Azille Simp- crats by recognizing Senator 'Stone, He 1x>aSd, as he had moved from the first Miss "Wynjne, a traveler of "wide r«- In a committee room of the chamber of son, -who received '?95 a month, as • one held fast to his decision over "a volley sive threatens to drive a wedge be- ward. ' I . commerce at 8 o'clock Tuesday morn- of the instructors in the school; "' ,tween Tilsit and Insterberg, ' and, so, Chairman Fain will hojd, office ptfte, goes upon\ a brand-new sort of of objections and points of order from Ing and began calling every * home In '..___ ._ ". „-. rkDXE"TET» in the .general council.' Councilmen tne republican side, and refused to to turn the fortified .-position In the through the March meeting, when the tour Thursday ' morning; a personally the city for the purpose of giving per- I NO I £ /O .AL>O\J OKAr 1 t,U Jesse Wood and Frajrrk' Reynolds led extremely difficult country of the board is again reorganized, and several conducted tour collecting-, bundles for sonal notice of "Bundle day," and-re-' _.__ ,..~.OT .....
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