Witness Table
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TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN EVIDENCE FORMS COMPLETED BY THE PUBLIC DMMO 3/09 NAME & ADDRESS PERIOD FREQUENCY PURPOSE SIGHTING OF WERE THEY WERE THEY WERE THEY HAVE THEY DID THEY DO THEY HAVE HAS THE HAVE THERE EVER HAVE THERE HAS IT EVER FURTHER AND TYPE OF USE OTHER PATH A TENANT AN EMPLOYEE EVER TOLD EVER BEEN EVER SEEK OR A PRIVATE ROUTE BEEN ANY EVER BEEN BEEN INFORMATION OF USE USERS? LOCALS OR OR TENANT OF PATH WAS STOPPED RECEIVE LEGAL RIGHT? ALWAYS STILES/GATES/ ANY NOTICES PLOUGHED/ OR STRANGERS? EMPLOYEE A PREVIOUS NOT PUBLIC OR TURNED PERMISSION BEEN THE OBSTRUCTIONS? ALONG THE CULTIVATED OF OWNER? OWNER? BY OWNER OR BACK? TO USE? SAME? ROUTE? OWNER’S EMPLOYEES? Mrs E. Abastado On foot and 25 times on foot Horse riding on Some of each. No. N/A. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. St. Anthony’s Cottage horseback and 100 times the circular ride Duncton 1995 to 2009. on horseback a from Cathanger GU28 0JY. year on average. to Heath End. Ann Baskerville On foot 1988 Weekly. Circular walks, Yes, locals and No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. Regent House to 2009. dog walking. strangers on foot Grove Street and on horses. Petworth West Sussex GU28 0BD. Sue Bennett On foot 1978 20 plus times a Circular route Locals and No. N/A. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. Brookside Farm to 2008 and year on foot and from Cathanger Strangers on foot Graffham horseback 200 plus times a Lane, pleasure and horseback. Petworth 1978 to 1999. year on and exercise. West Sussex horseback on GU28 0QN. average. Kate Blunt On foot 1970 365 times on Circular walk for Mixture of all but no No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. Fitzlea Cottage to 2009 and foot and 160 leisure. one in vehicle. Selham horseback times on Petworth 1974 to 1984. horseback a GU28 0PS. year on average. Dr. Humphrey Bowden On foot 1986 70 times a year From and to Mainly local people No, N/A. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. 6 Park Terrace Tillington to 2009. on average. Lavington on foot. Petworth Common car GU28 9AE. park in circuit to walk with dogs. Mrs. E. K. Bridger On foot and 100 times on Riding with On foot and No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 7 Hill View horseback foot and 200 clients. horseback. Elsted 1981 to 2002. times on Midhurst horseback a West Sussex year on average. GU29 0JX. J B Broadbridge On foot and 12 times on foot Cathanger lane Yes, mostly locals No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. Not in the past but No. No. Norwood Equestrian horseback and 156 – 208 to bridle path on foot and recently one path has Centre 1984 to 2009. times on 671 and circular horseback but been obstructed. Top Norwood Lane horseback a route. On foot never vehicles. of sandy track through Graffham year on average. the circular to Heath End. West Sussex route. GU28 0QG. M. Broadbridge On foot and 6 times on foot Cathanger Lane Yes local and No. N/A No. No. No. No. Yes. Not until recently now No. No. Norwood Equestrian horseback and 125 on to bridle path strangers on foot one path has been Centre 1975 to 2009. horseback a 671 also circular horseback. obstructed. Norwood Lane year on average. route on foot to Graffham and from car Petworth parking. West Sussex GU28 0QG. Peter James Broadbridge On Between 104 to From Cathanger Yes, on foot and No No No No No No Yes No. No No There are no 15 Turret House horseback 156 times a year Lane to horseback, some boundaries; the Felpham 1975 to 1993. on average. Bridleway no. local and some whole path is Bognor Regis 671 and strangers. used by public. West Sussex sometimes the PO22 7EN. circular ride for pleasure purposes. TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN EVIDENCE FORMS COMPLETED BY THE PUBLIC DMMO 3/09 Jane and Malcolm On foot 1996 2 or 3 times a Pleasure – Yes on foot. No. N/A. No. No. No. No. Don’t know. No. No. No. Brunning to 2008. year on average. circular walk. Kelston House Roundstone Lane Angmering BN16 4AX. Valerie Helen Cheal On foot and 39 times on foot Graffham and Local and No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. 80 Hampers Green horseback and 78 times on back later from strangers, on foot Petworth 1965 to 1974 horseback a Selham through and horseback. West Sussex and 1980 to year on average. H. farm. East GU28 9NP. 2006. Lavington and back. Sandra Coley On 50 plus time a Bridleway horse Yes on foot, No. N/A. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. 9 The Sadlers horseback year on average. riding. horseback and Westhampnett 2000 to 2009. pedal cycle. Chichester PO19 0PR. Victoria Collins On foot and 30 times on foot Circular ride, Yes, both, no No No No No No No Yes No. No. 17 Stoney Shle Lae horseback and 100 times Lavington vehicles. Bognor Regis 1998 to 2009. on horseback a Common – West Sussex year on average. Cathanger for PO21 4LP. dog walking. Mrs. Sue Copper On foot and 6 times a year From Cathanger Yes, local and No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. 21 Lower Street horseback on foot and 100 Lane to join BW strangers on foot Pulborough 1989 to 2009. times a year on 671 across and on horseback. RH20 2BH. horseback on Duncton average. Common for pleasure. Simon Craig On foot 1995 12 times a year Maintenance of Locals on Yes, working No. No. Yes, by the No. No. Yes. Yes, by new owner. Yes, by new No. Pound Common State to 2009. on average. estate. horseback and for National new owner owner. Yard walkers. Trust, every and his Woolbeeding visit. fence. Nr Midhurst West Sussex GU29 0QB. Matthew Crichtion On foot and 30 plus times a To and from our Yes, mainly locals No. N/A. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. The Station Masters pedal cycle year on average. house when dog walking and on House 1990 to 2009. running and horseback. Station Road cycling, dog Heath End walking through Petworth access. West Sussex GU28 0JF. Mrs Verona Crickmay On foot 1982 4 times on foot a Circular route for Yes, no vehicles, No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. Broorlott to 2009 and year on average pleasure. local and strangers, Graffham horseback and 3 times a riders and walkers. West Sussex. 1982 to 2008. month on horseback. Angela Crocker On foot and 20 times plus on Exercising dogs Yes lots of people No. No. No. No. No. No. To my No. No. No. The Bull Pen horseback foot and 52 and horses, used this route – knowledge Henham 1991 to 1999. times on enjoying the local and visitors, always the Nr Beecles horseback a surroundings. foot and horseback. same. Suffolk year on average. NR34 8AN. Josephine Crow On foot and 20 times on foot Recreation, Yes, on foot and on No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. As I recall in the ‘60’s/ None. No. Witness has The New House horseback and 40 times on horse riding, dog horseback, both ‘70’s there was a wire marked on her Easbourne Lane 1958 to 2009. horseback a walking. strangers and fence across the plan where the Midhurst year on average. people I know/ entrance. We used to wire fence was West Sussex knew. squiggle around it on and where users GU29 9AY our ponies to reach the would divert (Formerly of Chapel track. It must have around it. Cottage, Graffham). fallen down and was eventually removed by the early ‘80’s. Timothy Crow On foot 1982 12 times a year Dog walking. Yes, walkers, riders No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. The New House to 2009. on average. and dog walkers, Eastbourne Lane both locals and Midhurst strangers. West Sussex GU29 9AY. TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN EVIDENCE FORMS COMPLETED BY THE PUBLIC DMMO 3/09 Emma Dally On foot and 50 times on foot Graffham (from) Yes, locals and No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. 45 Falkland Road horseback and 100 times for a ride, for strangers on foot London 1959 to 2009. on horseback a pleasure. and on horseback. NW5 2KB. year on average. Mrs Julie Denham On foot 1983 100 times a year To home for Mainly locals on No No No No No. No Yes No. No. No Toad Hall to 2008 and on average on pleasure and foot and horseback. Duncton on horseback foot and exercise. Petworth 1987 to 2006. horseback. West Sussex GU28 0JZ, Alison Dixon On Once a week. Riding from Yes locals on No No No No No No Yes No. No No 20 Fern Drive horseback Duncton horseback. Havant 2008 to 2009. Common to Hampshire Selham. PO9 2YH. Judith Elliot On foot 1988 700 times a year Lavington Yes, local on foot No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. 406 Coultershaw to 2009. on average. Common, and horseback. Station Road circular dog Petworth walk. West Sussex GU28 0JE. Ronald Elliot On foot 1988 700 times a year Lavington Yes, local on foot No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. 406 Coultershaw to 2009. on average. Common, and horseback.