
CONSOLATION OF ONE WHO DISBE- house-work at the same time. You car when I have no of it one in the end of I Pantaloons were worn In prwpect paying ; morning October, juet 1 longer July THE GREAT GERMAN LIEVES. than In Jonc—on»· day longer. do the dusting and make the beds juet eeems like begging, but I shall try and as True's father was getting ready to go Drmocrat " REMEDY " tThfiOvforî» Wkî.ijî' Κοιτοιι on Corns WASHINGTON Gt.ADDKN. the «ame a9 ever, and me once in a think it for th· bent." to tke came, not in her help «hop, May pha·- Ask for WflU' ·· on Corns." l"»c. *· Hough while about the darning and baking, but Yea, Hugh, it must be ao, for I ton, but with John, the coachman, in the Quick, complete, permanent care. Corns, TUKSDA Y. FOR PAIN. In the bitter waves of wi*, KVKKV HWIvvn uid rum warts, bunion#. HI.ISUKL) Beat eu and U>»sed about not an a rule.' And it was just the same know you have done all you could, and large carriage to take them all for the HT the sullen wind· that blow KIIKIMATISM, liy way in vacation, mother would eay I are yfc not of more value than many to her home. What letter in ttie alphabet is the best Froin the desolate shores of doubt, day 1 I;κ«>. II. WATKIN9, Neuralgia, initial for cucumber? Double you. Wheie the anchor* that ftilth ha* cant must store up all the health and strength sparrows?" It wu such a day as sometimes comes nml Sciatica, Lumbago, h.ituor lT,>|.rl<-t.>r. Are to the HAI'KAt'HK, dragging Kale, 1 could, because she wanted me to hi At that moment Mary Ann came into in the autumn, when it seems aim «t Mr. O. A. Miller, Clerk or Circuit Conrt, I am holding la*I M<1 : in tnu in., tooth u π». quietly Westminster, says "I usei»r Yfnr. what name said 1 was—a true the room with the tea, and that the Summer Queen is not but 1 .· " Τ·· the things that cannot fall. just my sitting Bobby dead, Iron Hitters and found it a tonic and SORE good ■ >MudiM That it I» good to lie; i-rau will l.e was a t 41 c: .m of l-«r»etv •PRAIK*. that unless I strong Isn cnz 1 do it, mother. Î made the haze about her. «*.· end of 'fee That love Ν better than darling. helped wrapped This Is the last, hut not the least of η t .1 ti" spite purple B1 It Sor#n*««, Cut· Brunei. «f« «Itl Au.I a than a that an my labors,rem irked a as he I» neighbor opy; odd idea, Ma) ? toast, an' I'm 'most starved. I^ct me Nearly the whole day they spent shoemtk-r, r«M··. KKUKTHITBi. began the construction of a belle's «!··()· «'<»»>'»· ·*· 1 know Ibat passion need* ·· Chicago Ill H**, M ALItM. Rut I should not wonder if it were roll mother's chair out." the hills and trees, shoe. The leash of a sober mind ; help among gathering up " Ami mII Olh»T Nxtlly arfcv* a .»r IVIII··! <·-.··<■< I know that deeds so. True, and 1 am sure mamma must In moment, said Mr. ferns, mosses and leaves and il···· ■Ulll («OllN generous Bobby," nuts, bright X. C. Perry, es«| residing at II mo- Some sure reward shall ·· ■.>'·«■ M.ITICM. FIFTY CENTS λ BOTTLE. linU; have thought so when 1 was sick, be- Darling, and he turned to the window memories for the winter time. ver St.. Boston, Mat*'., says: Kills'» »wfc. 91 Oil That the rulers must brighter b·! *—.M tijr aM I>nimci«t« nivl obey. Spavin ('ore h is curt* two of the worst «r ir»l <· »i. .'S l'MII». Is-»Vr> llmllmu lu II cause I used tu l»e so cross to clear from his face all traces of emo- learned which t That the givers shall increase; sometimes, Moreover, something cased of I ever met." ·«■ >. I l<(iOuatl. they iijiwl-'jall* V ■· -·ί ι**» lailguac**. ,J That duly lights the way that I am sure she never would have ami there sat True as still as a took a load of from their minds. % The Charles A Co. tion, ··» ttk «<>l 11 ► Vogeler anxiety » M For the ttcautinil feet of peace; "lam burning to stand at the heal of «· « % <ùtl (ft A CD > to call me a true or statue. were to start Ι <β In the darkest nlgbtof the year, thought darling, any The mills and factories up as the remarked when he ·· .>» H'·*1 β·!»'·, II» If I Murr, *·«·.. I .ft. A. my class," boy 1 ..ni \ » * When stars have all gone threw his schoolmate'β the « ·. the out. Wind of a for that matter, and True! I did not know in a week ; to Mr. meant exercise» iuto [·*" Γ. ·«. l w darling, "Why, you that, Darling, ι··.·" * -t ····, I 4 Thai courage is belter than fear. Are. ,- *V vnif»·, most 1 was cross were η; .9-1 K**cut time I think here—or have you been sailing of work, and comforts in the , Έ t.uu That fatlh Is letter than doubt. every just plenty «· '·r" Hood'a Is made \ Ami tierce ιΐιοιικίι the fiends may tlKbt, because 1 h as so weak and sick ; and *wav to or the Indies on mag- of which had come to Samparilla of root·, η- iulffllll,·"··1 K/ypt jujr family they sadly »nt <· >0»i>lrr«hlr thonirli the herb·, and barks. It t«ne to th· .. il.· Γ<·ηΙι·'ΐ««ίί And long angel* hide, givu· ut now mamma un- ic ?" feel the need. m «m· wupvlK tlMl I think of it, 1 believe carpel .ι.·, * «o. »·»' I know that truth and right •tomach and make· the weak " «trong. bwid ·· *· Have ttie universe on their derstood about it, because she never tried she and To True it meant that she mr "t lh·- HrVA'at side; No, father," said, looking might again «iv ri«in{ or». J. H' night suppôt* they ions are the that mike I I Kuitoi. vegetables you the S. M. I shall tee llltn,- at'd I will wait. ·. \·· » > «rl. l'rllcnill couldn't see the true That True with a sickest when do not eat them ·»· Κ things way, night for hours Ann for few weeks until her you your- H Vuk, T. C Κτ«η·. really lay Mary Γ»>» K'*, self." |u Sl«lr s|. a ■> ·'«>.. so of course not be wide out at stars a .. M »Vt rnflll.% ϋ TRUE DARLING S DKBTS. and 1 could good, oj>en eyes, looking the mother grew little stronger. IVi-l I, * Mkit(tn| $1 Otters M» e THE GREAT From Mr. William A On, t'hil*iel|>h», ttue and and with- Toward the close of the Blddefbrd, Maine, ... \ W Wrr person." thinking, thinking, saying afternoon, '· ,, ν S. U. Silr», Brackett writes as follows 1 111.; Ellis's k « O-, Cfcl<'*«CO. True sat in the window ·· means M»··. deep ledge, that is what it in her heart of hearts, "Father in heaven while Mrs. Darling rested in the S[> ivin Cure has cured horse of ft »ne ■ ■». Biitfea, Perhaps, May, carriage my «I H» ΚΙΗΚΚβ with her cheek in her hand and her It is all claim it to be." eyes about the temple of the Holy Ubost. teach me. I do not know the way." among the robes, True came to her with Sprnt*. you .fc« ι·.«Ι«ι·ι1 ·ΙΙ|* ttlarh· 4 That's true. • \»m '· u» [German Remedy. ·»■* * >tue, ·»η·Ι (hu<« «h>d- down the of her is the and that ii she and she dreamed her filled with nuts. .·. ,(iî tu->iiot following eagerly page The body. part temple, By-and-by slept, apron «« ..f Ih·· |>*\ment·. TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. she had turned a When little Edith cried because the su- t lu th« m irt-li^rnl book. when mother thinks that 1 take that as she there in the she her mother are m »r h tu Presently why ought lay starlight "True," said, "you ·· 1* kittens ha»l been her un- MM t" r *|.rr |>tid Ko tbo«« La.liea perfluous drowned, deathly ία delicate a a leaf, with little eager rustle, faint care of so that it will be a fit saw to a river to wan u. jus Spell*, who aro a'.! it, temple. Bobby walking away happy today. feeling papa jocosely remarked that (K ul>l .0 jhca.l.'i, « xftr HtHIHl I on m nirid(BTiniiown. should use a in the M·ni, came the chair at the a little mother." only drop bucket. U 1· ont et Ht -J voice from easy After I cannot that 1 find fi>h, for wtre all "Yes, \o '! inotifT 1. 1IK\ it AW.1 curef-plLTUl* lilTTUte. all, help feeling they poverty pour rt'· "loi i, * « h ;l·' Toll. «« other «ide of the room : haven't a to times but and Β had no shoes on his and "I fear have not been Boston Bloods. fl.OtW will be right my good ; >bby feet, you quite hap- paid Mr. C. S. Mollis, Dhs Giant Îor η case where si" L· this it has been so hard." Veterinary Surgeon, l>y*pep-] "True, deer, do )ou not remembr mother used to say that wh-;n the ritfht tie was over the wheat stubble, py vacation, i t is cured by » I! m r ltiTTEUs will walking Boston, Mass., certifies that he b us made t'fin/s, t Γ111 U UlTTSKS. Dut unit »r cure. It what I said about reading between time came I would know and theu she and while she was «hat she "Oh, mother dear, indeed I have been. the St. Jacobs the luevcr fails. day- it, wondering great pain-cure, Oil, * In t IN a sole remedy his practice for horse ail- «AU Ui«-iaU*c» ulutjrv light and dark would let me debts. So when could do she svw a star moving toward It was some wa) different kind, not a y Idoscly coailaed in C!caa»o|dii?\|tiâtrd pay my ments, and considers it superior to any r»a I work- blood irhea see to a }ou "Oh, yet», mother, but 1 wanted ■he was taken sivk I that sure her from out of the nearer, nearer, holiday like this, but better cure he has known in forty years. Ho s ; Wh< its burst· thought sky, happy at Law, :Op Cî«k% ltrpurillej tried the same on A'oti, CcjnsekT ο net in* the »k.a great paln-banlsher him- J ppocv-v sut through see what happened to Florence Hill. enough it had come, but the fi.st thing brighter, brighter, until the whole room kind, I think." V » τ I Λ»·-\ 'II.. Ι] Γ.. V:.t r\rrc: β, aa :·λ I'm ·. les, I·) true*, self for rheumatism and by which he was ν N>arc c irnV itnd Sore*, ltcly cn She did not die alter all," and True gave mother said 1 was not to leave school, was filled with its radiance—and a voice "Still you have to work so hard, and completely cured. η should tu» tj-itiR Itrrrut*. -in: Ί Κ. «!»·«, fcM ι τ runt lîniM « ( fi.-Mth wiU ful- a of relief and curled herself in I be more to take the the of the star "The time has have to your times with I; sigh up because would apt spi'it said, give up good The New York News hits the nail y v..l r. Λ t.. pretty Jglta· was a so that 1 ride with and on .. / < '// «eàk and s;cl;r. the window. It witb were at all the time so come True her, its head when it heads its retail .. '< L(Ht\ E3'* cozy place fever if 1 home ; work. !" May mi^ht right lj< ΙίΓΓΓΕΧβ Darling liK n L. «a StLrilt.lt market and dinners with: "The e :rc lirrrCom- about her. Sle a two have had no time for or rec- Sunday ·« Κ lt«UI< *. General lH-hi;itj will tie red curtain father had nurse come for you r ·»'· *1» >t· dropping week-, At the sound of the voice True sat reading Interior |Γ. Tie«-d* i* gentle U>nic kila.r.t. Don't bed:»· up Department.'' w atch the reation." l'»« Mirai u Bit Coura^ed ; it wiil cure liked to sit there and da) light and Mary Ann to do the work, and Hob- and rubbed her There t .. eyes. lay Bobby, I IN ri ·.«. an·! t««« w!l Amkiucan Spkcikic" relieved out was not to "OkraT ^ not led. fade of the world. She and 1 on at "I know, mother, I do like Lre Ux>ul glad by kept school, you know, in his bed, as his the soreness in thumb that was se- Scum* liimiR* asleep copper-toed my / '/or at that Florence Hill did not die, and be- now am to have such times work for its own sake, but oh, and In a few weeks entlr -ly .Ί"< ami I< :.'t V without (will bull J jou up and and I lonely shoes stood against the wall, all comfort- very verely jimmed 4» fjoîtle,. Try It; yo taako you »tnjnjc and cured it. I also found it a wonderful rem- •i'M»-Tvl .t. bt-althy. pleasant ought only able and shiny, and the next thing she edy for throat troubles. il. V?K. i; to think about. It was the of not But olfc 1 m and you have done so much for me that Kohkkt Μ λ Kris, beginning strong enough. thing, saw her tin savings bank upon the man- Danville Junction, Me. j ·«♦ »U', I felt down a feel- #* »·/·!«·< »·· / Bitters. the all of to read to her, and, a away great, tflad .1 t HAS BEEN PROVED you my began to shake it carefully, and picked F. W. Kinsman, Esy : Dkah Sik,— 'ft, The SUREST for it·. ν» CURC had that to visit her lit Ο «ο And I've been With we order ten gross Adam· Km ii She been day While True sat in her window think- the coins with a hard. mother, dear, pleasure pin. son's con- N>w i|imï'»>ir· Botanic Cough Balsam, showiu^ ■' η »w M' iiiClDNEY been that that is how God DISEASES.!! tie friend. May Rivers, who had over the had to- thinking perhaps that merit has won the and ·*· ing plat)» they planned is one she clusively day, Γομ \xmr bark rr dieorJ -vd ur· Indt- "Perhaps this way," thought » Vis. z' .·>· « '-»t κ vina THEN DO I.'OT with a fever all the summer would like me to debt to him. I that Balsam has taken the lead over l»A yen quite ill gether. it had gr<>*n dark, • pay my your u» K_. » quite llobby sun there on Il jITAI U. Cjr-Wort»: o. »d.-u^- and God let his shine just the many bottles of trash that now fl > id 1 r jrTueu-l tt)nul it v.'.l orcr- as own brother had used to I must and be lu «yoc.li'y True*s ww out talkmif to Ann, while she think try good, A* » long, just Mary so the market"—Smith, D >olittle If ΙΛί <1 «efc·* *ι>·1 r«.tor<· healthy action the bunk I would remember. An- Smith, LA "So to ./ΓΓΟR.VEΓ.-1Γ I ·>ΗίΛΟ Foroomplajsla peculiar·» been, and so it that True had lighted the and on the tea and do good things I could go Drujgiata, Botton. baUlvo· ;o» uf «ι, tuch * happened lamp put other the dream sai I was to work ; its Kir c, 1'iin^ \r l'e >a\TK Or tw·»· Ik «. ! !ir; \V rl :« uaniir; »—>i a« had heaven. I was like the with- not seen her nearly so often she ; and h"r father had c >tne in an 1 poor girl "Your said an Austin t ut «ι «ft ρ: -?·!τ »--1 ea'ciy. things mother said when the trie time composition," main'K funny school teacher to " is I \ :·^. I 1 :irS>i !· .Tn«n.-w,r»t*a:i3a ofuruta, used to do when were in school to- was talking with lier mother. But 1 rue out any father, just working for a home, Johuny Fi/./.letop, « .»t cr ; τ 'trj>r*.ta, »ntl dull β they came I would know and 1 do." the w >r»T* Pn"· f 1 " When she had shaken the last coin tence. at Law. come, and May was so much better, they «he was barely conscious of the low drone time the minister read this text, "If ye Attorneys out u|>on the counterpane she counted would be sure to have times tin, clat- love me, commandments." The best medical authorities acknowl- .1 /tlt/it*. happy ag of their words. Presently B-jbby keep my 1/·//·. I them over. There were five dollars, all edge the great ν ilue of Ayer's Cathartic for s father had bought her a pony tered out into the kitchen with That was all I heard, but it made me ► lit·»· ik. May Mary- au l fr· th ir use ·► -.ι* Mtrtit* >i silver. She them in a box and Pills, «ι mtly prescribe put see A. *. Kl*llA' L. aad and she was to ride out ev- and then there feli a in jment s si- how wicked and selfish I had been with the utmost confl lenee. well • Μ·»Ι.Γ. tie au α is weaiiiii phaeton, Ann, knowing wrote on a of paper these words, that they are the most eif dual rem >dy « W r. afutîi so that she rue back to her slip his commandments, tit.< HIMN Ί ery day might grow strong lence which brought 1 trjingtokeep just ever for caused de- "For Mick*." devised diseases by j a»?iin. own little home world in time to hear to get a place to stay in heaven, and not rangements of the stomach, liver and the When went down stairs that at La*. with mt* aimant ev- True bowels. Vtr wy & C->jnselor "And you must go these words which came to her like a re\- because I loved him. Now, it is differ- she found Ann in trou- morning, Mary want 1 want Dr. Walker has Invested seven /'»»·»«. W'»(n· ery time," May had said. elatiin. ent, 1 think, mother. I oh, Mary : her mother was taken ill with hundred aud dollars in a fast trotter. l.u-1»· »* «ltd I " ble very fifty ml as »"θ t l*i" «ir "Can I. Hivers? Oh, and so much to do because I love really, May High, dear." lier mother said, something Mary is one of the boys—that is to say, g to be rheumatism ; and Mary did not know Jo just think it must be beautiful ■he took hit hard palm between her thin, him." she would be had not Providence ordered » >l.iU lil&fcaKY, how to leave the work, but otherwise. Ικ Κ '* *HHVI %νιι Κηλιν ΤΚΚ4Τ you. so ait to Jo thing·* for other people ; white trouble* Saturday's j I' »r Il ιιι fingers, "something jou. ANECDOTE OF THEODORE l'A Κ- «»Τ, « *υ»" ·ι»·»·ι% Η)·ΐ"ΐ«, True was sure she could make the bread γ ( tit v»>urti«i· know I cannot, because we are llow Unim.kasan t)Unsi'I/ors LillV, •γ-·, ηνιΜμ·. Kit», Hfwm* you poor; I've (k*n it in your face ford-iy* ; tell me Κ ΕΚ. Ίιΐ flif, ν.·· vou Κιο· tmtinu rjuwd Ιιν the It is to see a beautiful child'.·» face disfig- ll«. so and bake the meat for and her H'trk/irill, ·. ι'ίι·· M η t λ that i·», not lik·* Sunday, g 9ιΜ poverty poor beggars, about it." When less than four years old, Theo- ured with vile humors, bursting through i'T H.p ««i η, HulVni < ·ι( the B'nia ret»t|iv«if t· ν «or <>irunp Γιμ " mother said she So the skin in blotches and sores, »ai Pi h. iC « we cannot have horses and might try. Mary pimples, Inm irit» «il I le lia* u> ni·»» df * an.l ·! at h but then I'm dore 1'arker was in the fields M »·*«■«* Why, wife, wishing you'd get walking and sadder when the and inno- 1mm·. 'Vmal·· ° ·Μ \*· lini»'t w», W»jknn· m to and Mr. Darl- still, yoaog like η >r mother cannot have Ann went her mother, rHhrr »<■* lnii>lu«!«rf I*··»· un i Siterinauirrh- things you, on better, to be sure." alone. Passing a little pond-hole, he cent are laughe I at an I twitted in all such \ ϋϋϋ£ ·»« ι·*«·(··1 U'·' ii»rr <·»(·Γ ion t»| lh<- bun. «ell to the ; but before he had real beautiful now she is sick : " ing shop gone cases; parents should give them that good «l>b*t or n*er ln at Luict and it seems as there is nothing am as as be flipped saw a Coum>t.ll**r ■· I on c«n»t know 1 could will an of the blood ev- J ι, ιind lor · >; "Ut I·»' mtil |irrpti t>f prie though doing nicely to the spot to examine it he spot- search i drive out MARt H u» ejre u* ct»«. With was to unrau Hir «iiiriitm boir· or or or said he not it until he had ery of hum >r.—// ιlt<\ Giiteltt. h I can do for her, you, father, ορ·„·η the beau- pirticle recti r i<*r ne l»r | fort; bote* »'·<·^>ιην«ηΙβ«| «ι ted tortoise sunning itself under κ ΐιιΝΚ». expected." corner. Κ »r will *entl th ^urfh»"ff our wntt··# fu»r seems as turned the Oh ! sometimes it " a ) tu if th- trrtiiu -ni ■··»» anybody. tiful flower. He had stick in his hand j t4· χ>- uni· t<> rvfiiO'i Ut- ·ΐι··χ Yes but the doctor said it would be K.tciiie of Frederick Md., has six- ► ··! Ho.. ·»** **'» ·*ο·Ι ; Judge ILtlli. not «Sert »nirf J (' %<'o was »n 1 H#r Wkhj· Proprietor* I owe debts and debts to While True the bread m » II HfUfn· every- moulding as seen do in teen beautiful and daugh- in; ι-aue H II H\Y k t'Il though to ride that it and did he had older accomplished >.i η»*»· Ibniu^li well fur you ; boys .· » lice Mini Hi every day I'Ui aicnU. Portland in ters, one of wbom is married. Tuis » Mi 7 10 l>ruirfi»t·. o«<» Mt..juaciion and could never into the Hivers drove only Il nw«l. OfB I» ·ι*» from I U> 1 l body never, pay—" tins, May up raised his arm to strike the harm- Wi κι χ an.l Kree Ste. would do you more than any other sports, is what the French would call an em >ar- * * ··»!'«·'» iir «lih· p· Wrt ι·ι»ιη «»·τβ4. good her phaeton and True ran out to speak and rassmeut of Bitches. "Oh, Oertrude Darling, just stop; thing, but I do not know of a horse I less creature. But unlike older and some I know \ one with her ; way, hardly LTKK r. KUBINSOft. how you talk. Why, no besides could worse boys something arrested the fatal No Giousk κυκ Him η Davis. get." " .1. U how it but instead of True, it When Greece her knees—Greece her father and mother ever, ever did so much "And he his bill ? That is happened, blow, and he heard or felt a voice say, SUR VEYOR. gave you knees—Greece her knees," stammered an was True'8 mother who rode with me as have. knows May then turned from the Sl'KCKiKY 1)E. YTI ST, for you Mother it, what is troubliug you. 1 feared it would "It is wrong ?" He embarrassed school-boy, forgetting the East Sumner. Maine. and when she came back There Is no that again ran as next line of his recltition. » Tranutt t ». I think I should have a so day, rhodora ami tortoise and home H iruif f»i-ch «««t n«v» Suryevor'» |l Why, just be my beiag sick his So. Par's àXataa, Ke great expense, occasion to grease anybody's knees," «ai u· d> ail nul» ol' s>urvû)ing. with a faint of color in her " > Kami. |>rrp«rr4 not so to just tin^e him and ick ovm « if had been fast as his little would carry teacher shouted. Go yo'ir 'r»«u» obi liu*-· r »i~ liliy. died, you good long." legs study ». .i .»· u n t >. trute« * » "k » »■»·>» l· 1. I■ me was so " cheeks, and Neither grease come and cheer up when I It isn't so much the of glad and told his mother about the voice, piece." expense your your hair. Parker's il lir Β ilsam is all the Λ. tell. After she and Bjb- Μ ·Μ»ΝΜΙ 1(1 M.. were could May and She the j |"KtTIM ISAAC BAaNALL. bad. You know all the other girls sickness, we should not have felt that, asked her what it meant. wiped dressing you want. Restores the original had the invalid into the house, and color to or faded hair. Does fever. used to to by helped tears her with her took gloss gray /' Sttrgeon. Woolen Manufacturer ! afraid of the I say the times are so hard and money is from eyes apron, 'fX'cian Λ'· only to the two not soil th·) linen ; not a dye ; good for the Ma. t»r*cturr# < *n»i m tut· ,Stn « rrr», Cottw and she had lain down rest, : Uf f It Ε «.ruck mamma, if it were not wrong I no work to her in her arms and said "Some out. and Wool, «n i ail Wiiul rutNNKLJ, ΓκουκίΜΟ· only close, and I get almost do, boy scalp; prevents falling |«ιτ t »< "Util in the and Cm ·· B'-fh. θ|.«η loi) Ya* >».Ct»rvi· CUITH DUIIIHO m4 Roli a girls shut themselves kitchen, it the would wish to be you; for you have a little now and then. men call it conscience, but 1 call UMOIHH. only horse-shoeing Péri». while True watched the of the > l>sna. nul hanovkk, mk. for baking in the soul. If listen rri-»l<«n t I>r«. I. T nice way of doing things people and You see when the mill and factory stop- voice of God you II H>rk.,ol PodlU'I. bread she with her sums for PROBABLY NEVER never eeem to know it. Then, besides, it took all the helped May to it and obey it, it will speak clearer ped work, blacksmithing In of medicines has a whole hour. When had gone the history proprietary GEORGE WISE, could on in and out May and and ; you keep right school, out of my hands. The mills gave clearer, always guide you right any article* nu t succès* at home c>|tul to that FEASK fi. TILTCN. M. D. m vni rtcnuKx or went about dinner. home she getting a ear to it will which has been iiimhi IIixiD's Sarsa- are in arithmetic, any after were taken so I did but if you turn deaf it, i»ouree«-n taking >»·' keep will be guide." ·. *<.·,. .· ι·»»», rf, MONUMENTS, worrying." done she left to see that the same time. Every week brings new evi- 1 m. wl " Bobby -M >1. l'm· e H ou'· li a> toi p. Oh, dear ! if it wasn't for arith- I didn't think the trouble was so bad nearly of Hemln'nnrM, T"hl*t*. Table longer. time since the dence of the woudertul curative properties L the did not burn, and went d)wn A Smart Cat—Some Ίο Shrirm, «fr c. metic I'd now to because all things this medicine. μ*, try study up, as that, but is the 'rainy day' money became ac- Β WD »KV M. D., to call her father. She stood of Island 1'ond, Vt., C* was to the dogs MUNUMENTS FURNISHED TO ORDER. we have been I ?" shop th· GRANITE always together, only gone, Hugh a which to combines MP. in the her father at customed to chasc cat, escape MOl'TÏI ΗΛΚΙ8. " doorway watching IIUUUHnnH\ Ο hist Remedies l'i ri fin <$r so in arithmetic—" Yes, that's the very worst of it ; I ii Surgeon, stupid them ran under & barn. There waa sit- ρ the anvil, and said very λ ·// of the vegetable «οι th om», *4i*r. " I do used it all the bills. The last only quietly Oh, May, did really you any to^ay up that barn an old well in «* «» •9 1 m·. nf thf CHUT ft he "Dinner's uated beneath IIWitRia Ε. W. CHANDLER, when looked up, ready." such '*·"»' Drnr <|or» because if I did I'm so for was not even to advance the SarsaparillaΓ proportion Hol.1#p'· good? glad, enough which there was from one to four feet of He left his work then and came out as to derive their greatest medicinal effects AND ever so times I've I was month's rent for the But 1 H-srs a UAkX, CONTRACTOR BUILDER, many thought shop. thought water. There was an so that with the least disturbance to the whole sys- J y.> Maaulactuic· of to the and his hand on open space times when I had no if Hicks understood be would be sunlight, putting tem. In fact this preparation is so well bal- ητντΗΤί. having good right willing the cat could under the WINDOWS & SCREENS, her head he little true woman, go anywhere anced in Its action upon the alimentary Sin|*tT V'LI AO·. Ml. DOORS, never mike times b-ck to as I had never failed in a said, "My .* suiir Ruildia*. Ρ uuiu* and could good wait, pay· h η te saaiiif, Hu«iiiy, barn, but when a followed her under canal, the liver, the kidneys, the stcmach, at .la<*k«<>o have God bless dog T«etii In*«ru-<1 wi tèoid. >*11»·» »· toil Turuiuf, *br>,. Viji-»;^, So 1 at his house you your father, the »· U for other ment before. stopped helped to the bowels and the circulation of blood, »■·:< Sa l*-r. W* S T rtl'MN MIT. again people." it, it dark, she the plan '· " " * a lut «I Shin*!»» dial I being adopted that it about a action of th· Ké **. *.rt *FK. W V'oo I have I*'*·· " there is mother; we did no» last to about it, but he would you." brings healthy sell «> in it »a an it· louirhl au m» here. Now, night speak over the well. entire humuu that can be will am eo run and directly organism, hardly îaeTiTure. do s so ? Then I jump uTeiKJiit ever before she was not hear a word of and so this "Oh, you iy credited those w ho have not seen the re- have a gitl hardly waiting, The not it, would "land" by before I was dog, noticing Its use. Freedom Notice. was and I thought just good markable results that have followed D*roxi to Female InTmlidi. sick, because she said she could do the m »rning he down bright early glad. — water. she sufficients < tu* c. rifle· that 1 in the This pursued If the docs not prove Exoiarirely T' «lit·· ii y c e a for I do now ?" practice Sarsaparilla Mo. It I., hove as there were a id a to let the nothing. May things a few dosetof IIood'h \"ελ- WATtmroao, ,o t i- II·» (iven Mfidsunt work only up placard shop, some half dozen ly laxative, take easily enough, posted until she had cases of w Ρ Ιο idr ·ο·Ι act f tr h m-ell thjt 1 tbtll jumped ktablk I'm.ι.». It is well In all -ΗαΠΤι Κ, H. D., Soperi"'<»B !i*f Phy I- imr must out the in two '"Yes, child." ο r | av any of hit four of us, and in that way she could and said I be of shop biliousness to take thew in connection ir*««>o. Ifi l latorvMÔd la ιιι ii"..e oh· ran'oif. in'o the bottom of the well. Wheth- pills ·»«» thia >ia'e do^s with the for the llrsl ten «'η.! fi r C ronlar. ill to itracltd tilci as reut. to all the storms and sunshine Sarsaparilla days. CIIAKI.I> D. KOWK. •ave a little money, she weeks or advance the 1 tried collect Through sick can be 'rainy day' er was on her in That dull, sleepy, feeling wholly there any design part use remedies. Win ·**>»» w —William C. Hicumumi. as overcome by the of these t.. C lKfUTKH, new would not let me do some of little but did not suc- of an autumn time True was as Ιβ'ί. calls it, and she my debts, busy or whether she you them a trial and be yourself again Τ j," IhI'·1. Am. *. _ this mode of procedure, give never sewed on I cannot for I have a the hous*, to her ; I ceed, and press them, bee, keeping reading of tills of Hood'· AUCTIONEER anything hardly why, was interested in the busineu car· An cx-aldcrmaii city says of soap the machine, or baked bread or things, now a fellow for honest men who mother, to lift the cloud pover- Sarsaparilla. "Ills the strongest barsac*- Κ feeling trying on the owuer of the no one nul,nil Hill, Ho'ninza />ίtfrirf, J. U. P. BUKNHÂmT ried by barn, rllla I ever saw." when 1 about it cannot their debt. It is almoet im- which the hard times had brought HE. a id spoke sometimes, pay I ty HLTHKL, but the cat knows. Kach dollar bottle contains one hundred to ; but I must have her home, and with 1V R. " mother would Not get money upon helping May I* ·χ ) (Λ1 I.oCKK Mil U*. PHOTOGRAPHER, Siturdays, say, yet, possible (averages) doses. Sold by all druggists. return took —Crushed hi* a at hard and even if I have to borrow the her lessona In May Mrs. strawberry-colored village Price one dollar, or six for five dollars» built Studio child ; you are studying now, the shop, her when the cart* are seen at and some are Hood's Sarsaparilla, prepared only bjrtt West Paris Hotel are not 1 want for it's our bread and butter. Darling to ride in phaeton Newport, when you studying you money, I. HOOD & CO., Low· 11, Mia AND MECHANIC FALLS ME., ears are bound A|M)t>tecaries, « oik so that she had drawn whose aid «il ihrre tor ibe | reaetit. NhouUI any as much as That is all, Hettie, wife. You see it might weather would ]e mit, by donkeys * IVCK1 »F«BI C a or οι to be out-of-doors possible, w ■ h..* itri ic« a for »i. k aeœaaed peraon to be lite when with ribbons. ifUi· UooD'rTwra-reirvM· "· J. C VI lor ir |ic*a«.· at:«Ire·» Mm there. be out-of-door» and do be worse, but «till I don't like to borrow grown 4 strong again ; 1' DWH-.LI. Proprietor, euU·, kftd you cani.ot W».,J PaiU·. j. υ. t. ulrxham. Mus. We wish them " ι ifnce she came from I up here among the ««Oxford Bears," hav- ■ling before the Qollah of against the wicked Quaker»."—Bridjton tbe dlrec- In OXFORD COUNTY LOCALS. intemperance 1 ■access for it is a step In right This State flne ot «eh. and of Newt. βΐΓΐηβ8 other opposera that reform which <ΙθΠ· we MveraÎ condition. Br «peeial retient publiah f„r tlie u. Ι™™*?!them a number of black bass weigh- Oar sidewalks are In like Ν. are Is among S of Nashua, II., of that .. tèrforb Andovkr, Aug. 24.—The drouth Ret- the people need and will strive to Her. Daniel Leavltt, people »ufterreached leh.f^ ting is I or there will be Mrs. Tow le of Everett, Maw., visiting PARIS, MAINE, AUGUST 1883. are seldom lower than at 24th.-Dlxfleld lires al- pair the broken planka, present DixrucLD, etâl I 1er friends In this vicinity. Kczar kama— Q. etacy is at- to set. The walks are dan· Over i»5 ο in the shade it has been as to com- Sidney broken limbs and of Chi- yesterday. though very quiet school at N. Parsonefleld. Wm. George I'. F reach femlly, Eig-hty-fivo tending in after friends in A foo-i CbrUtlao man. well Hon. V. Poor and wife of Brook- munications to the Danocrat. gerone, several places, nightfall. are their known thr·,, „i Henry Oxkori) Chapman has a lot on the 'ago, Illinois, visiting our Mate for hi* *<*><1 Work» SIX PAGES. bought Square, are to from his \ m in The friends of Dr. Estes Invited , ;hla He has l**en absent statement* cannot b* line, Mass., are spending a fcw weeks I The village is quite busy and we meet and will erect a building next season. place. Impea.m· |, I h. V""* Oar summer visitors united in a at make him a farewell call at the residence )ld home nearly twenty years.—Rrcortl. this place, stopping with hi· brother, S. many of the former residents who have re- picnic sr.r^tïï"' Decisions. I Churchill's grove, Paraonstleld, last of Mr. J. C Cuminings, on Tuesday eve- Newspaper Poor, esq. 'UI DtH' to spend their vacations among us. Roxburt, 22.—The hot wave has | Wednesday. The Piper Free High to leave Paris Ang. 1. wh> take* a ning. Dr. Estee expects Amy peraon paper regularly Miss Lola L. Abbott, of South Andorer, > riday the 27th was spent very pleasant- School, Silas A. McDanlel, principal, com- caused quite an amount of sickness. Thousand liott l< s irom the offlc·— «briber directed to hianuue or on and menced last with schol- for Winchendon, Mass., Thursday, been C. Wife hi* alao another'·. or whether he hu sub··τΐbed or not ta will attend the Normal School at Plymouth, the folks to the number of Tuesday forty-five those on the sick list have Mr HflvM f >r vr»r. ly by young of Imong Wl(h lor the ars. Mr. John son of J. M. Da- will be a time for the •ame reaponaible payment. Ν. the aatumn. Davis, this fitting people Mr. R. L. trouble anl palpitation of the i,„.r, ο H., coming forty, with Mies Anns Harlow. Dancing II. Phllbrlck and wife, and Tay- * i. If a person nier» his discontinued be that terrible di.eaar that m paper vis, is visiting his parents in this place. to their regret at the to ν »n uqi ■»« *J> or and her sis- this village express woman ,V. P*y arre^ragea, ihe pabliaher may Mrs. ffm. Allen of Auburn, and singing helped along by Ice cream and It is his first visit In nine The or. I* aufferinjr with, Kemalc voiubN to aeod it until tu and years. «eakne,,**· pavaient made, their loss of so estimable a citizen. barn collect the whole amount, whether the la ter. Miss Lettie Mar*ton, are visiting cake. workers In this office were made Ladd has been ralslug his paper happy was at Henry taken from the οΛοβ or not. Hon. Geo. K. of Portland Andover friends. Frank and Ε. Y. this week by the present of a box of peare. Emery for a cellar under it. Sold in Ι8Μ·> 3. The l\>urta have Stanley family, Rey- ind preparing deviated that rtrti*»** to from Road Cornish. House laat week. η he from Um M. F. was summoned to High Farm, Many the Hubbard We newapapera and periodical* poet Corson, esq., nolds and family and guests have been linger* yet. t empleve·! aeveraJ -lo-tnr. „n.| Un,.| oiBce or «ni friend Smith. The White Stock- Haying ™"Γ· Γ««<ιτΐηκ leavier them u oc» Ilea for ! thanks, There will be services at the Universal- ent kin·!» of mef rain. Merits It is quite here now ; fevers turned from where the sickly just Ilarpswell Wednesday, turns. Although mills throughout suffering badly. medicine. To all men anl teenth Maine Regiment Association, at j We are see that onr blacksmith, 'w>m*n th:i; and diphtheritic diseases have been the sea air. state are down or run- the Is- glad [to PiifferiiiK with anr of th* above trv it. I .«nu'>t >. Auburn, Mr. on the Kezar Falls Woolen it. K. Gillman, who has been up pra h The M. E. Ladle»' Circle met with The band have been in ning half-time, house a* It J? (Quadrille great lands. Orren Swan and wife keep denerve··, t» th·· ·υ(Ι·*πηιτ ρ*iple. |;. .,, week. Co. has run on fall time all is about his work, and Mrs. Abel Marston m. and Manufacturing sprained anale, again HT.40HN8MMNB1 mI *. Thursday p. demand this week. to do for them their absence. j, summer, and will probably continue during much tbe of this week. 1 is he bis been very needed by Till 4L ROTTLKM «3 < Gov. Kohik bus nominated Hon. J. A. evening W. K. and F. S. Chase hsve sold their so.—Record. Pound party, Friday night last, at the |H Peters of Bangor for the position of Chief The village school recommences Monday, matched span of colts to Massachusetts house of I. D. Faunce, who, as was stated jeople. MEDICINES1 are the looks of the crop that 3. Mkxico.—Many in Mexico engaged M I fear by apple That are hlfhlv recom η»ηΊι· ! relu Justice of the Supreme Court of Maine, to Sept. parties. a week or two ago, has been laid up" hy to do without green pie In our atate. for on»umpti.in I» Mr. Willard Newhallof Boston and Miss In haying yet. Some farmers say "They last we shall have apple 1)11 the vacancy occasioned by the retire- Great rush or grain at the threshing mill. with rheumatism since the first of m*l* dlMtWMi ΚΙ Ιη··ν Lung tl I have stacked all could out and lie this winter, In this vicinity. ltlllou*ne*a. l.o*t Manho «1. It ileum ment of Chief Kva Newhall of So. Framingham, Mass., they doors, Justice J. 1'. Johnston has the outside of his Catarrh and 8er .lelou* llu nor*, A·· Appleton. April. : Messrs. Abbott are their Mrs. H. O. Bur- the rest In the bam." All kinds of Another new enterprise visiting sister, house and to It put It has been decided to locate the site of Kev. Davti) Fostkk Est*- son of H. completed, expects occupy a The Hous ii )ld C. this town. crops look finely excepting that of apples. i Doble have just built large slaughter· Blood P(J dette, of J the ilrst of the of the Paris Hill Manufact- Estes. I). 1).. has his September. buildings now meat to the just resigned pastor- Messrs. E. S. à Ο. B. who have Cider will not be made to an alarming ex- louse, and are delivering Poor, Our is about com- uring Company on land of Albion Taylor, Caugh Syrup. ate at Vermont, and Academy building J Λ UK. A MO f >K Virgenues, accepted fitted a convenient for the tent this fall. îungry. up building pur- and a second to none in at the north end of the village, and several ltli«um %tl,». Arti·· an·! the in the Biblical ; plete, is beauty, Pain·, Professorship l>epart- are a busiuess The health of our is very good, pose doing quite threshing Mr. Dunham, people acres have been in NEWS OF WEEK. Till: KELIEF ment the County. The principal. accordingly purchased THE LUIIKu. of the Frecdman's school, at Atlanta, us are sick. grain for fanners who hauling to but few among The«e mciione* am prefer tells me that the indications are that there the field on the west slJe of the R. K. just Map).m j.-t , Georgia. Is and It seems must be pure oil* of root· and r>.r·»*. , the threshers directly from the field rather Everybody busy, : Jeremiah 8. Black, the will be lYom 75 to a hundred scholars. He below the Monday Judge rr* JOIIV W l»CKKIN-< A CO ρ.,πι, ,i \, crossing. In wait a "machine"' to come well." < died at his home HOWDITCH. WKBSfKU. A CO —A correspondent says that the Oxford than for along. "doing wa« llstlnguished jurist, Am/,·· w, has an able corps of teachers, and he has Yesterday au exceedingly quiet day Whnle*ale |teal*r«. bar hare unanimously signed a request to are made In the A few uew buildings are being put up. k'ork. Pa. Improvements being established his as a teach- here with a small attendance at the church- recon- Governor to reputation good A French fleet sailed to Kobie, asking him nominate steam and much is doue. More Monday: grist mill connected with the Smith repairing being of our having The of n'arriiiiird Hon. Enoch Foster of Bethel, for an Asso- er, and with the above number of scholars es,—large numbers people mitre the coast of China. city | κ. has been used in this section the ef- mill. paint during to at Poland. Toronto wits partly under water, ciate Justice of the Supreme Court in the a good term is warranted. gone down campmeetlng CLOVER BITTERS ! a the la«t y<-ar than for many years before. at fects of a rise In the river. event of vacancy, and that the — 4 Morrill the ball the Valoalile I,if* ·■'· probable Bryant's Pond, Aug. 21. Jeremiah A number of our young folks are taking Hurnham open that Tonic, ''ire* eomo r< art; Mr. Gladstone admitted ou* bars of other counties have united in the Good horses aud oxeu scarce, but Tuesday: «Tofula Humor. ΒΙ'ι >a*ne«* p. f, r, a corn to employ Bartlett. citizen of this lessons in vocal music; Mr. Buttertleld shop, today. They expect arrest of an cltlz-n in Mada- an·! skin « request. The correspondent adds that the esq., respected ;be Kuglish ry |)w,»«i. All Dntft ι». colts and young stock plenty. was »ell It members of the bar who had village, died at the home of his son, F. M. of Washington, I). C., as Instructor. I a larger force than usual the present fall, gascar by Fren.'h naval authorltl·^ many signed are re- I'KICK ONLY SO ck\ rs. Former residents of this section of to the relations of France petitions for other gentlemen, not knowing Bartlett. on Saturday the 18th lust., at understand have leased the fair to thst end have had a larger nninber calculated Impair they A, Τ HIT.I- that Mr. Foster's name would be His visiting us lu considerable numbers.— and ind Kngland. *fA**MKM>'« present- the age of 73 years anil 4 months. to In. It will be quite a cans made up, the buildings enlarged that Mr. ground practice : A struck the cltv ed. say Foster's appointment on Sl'AUKKS. Wednesday cyclone ftinural was attended Monday, by Rev. relief to some of us if it is so. a new bol!er put in, new pans, over .'loo would be an oce. and repaired, )f Rochester, Mlun., destroying eminently appropriate in Capillaris. L. II. Tabor, of the Universalist church. is still alive for we baskets, etc., and buildings and killing about persons. I» *: >rrr< would give general satisfaction. We Oh. yes! Dlxfleld Norway.—From the Advrrtisrr : Stone bought everything fifty It unlike moat of the lUir lt< l home has progress- Port ιη<| Mr write* tine mind, an unsullied character and don, having purchased printing ap- in this week sommenced. ►>·(.. legal taking Mount Washington * a few weeks. The masons have com- : the last sur- CA PII.LA ΚΙ V'ha* trt· <1 Wi -k / at that when he can do the State are stopping here of Χ. Β Holt. Advertises to do have ing rapidly of late. Friday Count Ohambord, just age paratus Freeland Howe and family been MfVlMM I lia·I k··· my of the Bourbon roval IDM] |i* the most service. Governor Robie cannot Mrs. Dunham widow of Daniel the walls and are now doing the in- rlvlng member family ι·λ«>Ι an·! free Irotn in w Mary ί all kinds of job printing at short notice to Old Orchard. A cow belonging to L. pleted lamlrulT, I mj a if France, died Ooe thousand persons with me I· **vln* it t* far a· to do more creditable or satisfactory act Dunham, died at her home in I. had a leg broken and had to be side It will In all probability parlor anytk ι «uddvnly and for small Bartit.tt plastering. it Rochester, are destitute rea- we have ever u»e>l fir the toilet than to nominate Mr. Foster for price. Lord has in a Minn., by W appoint- on killed Street Supt. put first of the \( ,, South Woodstock the 30th Inst., be completed by the October, >on of the late ι ment as au Associate Justice of our Su- It Is warm and quite drv In Dlxfleld. drv Mr·. Stev- cyclone. Mi * M (i t{if·"·*. f ·*ο»'| ι. \I. bridge Wlnthrop in the contract. Court.—Isvriston Journal. aged 73. Garden stuff and vines are need- opp0*'lti at time agreed upon IΜ Ρ·* kltklr plni*il wltti} mr lata !>r nj preme especially ens' The pay role the whoe fac- " house *CAPf!.l.\ΚΙ·* that I Ι·*-· ι· -* m A/el Pi-rham has sold his at No. ing rain venr much. Corn I* well ad- The cucumbers have been coming in so I.AST WKKK, AT 7 A. M.— Mr. Foster has received a very cordial place tory for the we** ending Saturday, Aug. ΤΚΜΓΚΚΛΤΓΚΚ laoP'liti/ it to mr tri*-i«t I ··>■ k ►■«.·..·« vanced and will soon be fall in the milk. It ° » of Mrs. Alice Merrill week as to two or CJ 3. ; »'.l clear ; merit t iai "U eUlin f.ir I» an I I t a from all sections of the State. Woodstock to Geo. Jackson Rumford, l«th was *·><·.-'ι iW fast for the past require Miuday, cloudy Monday, rf support, has attained a and we think wno ii |e« it « ill a'w for of Manchester three hands to them off Tuesday, Μ ι. mall brings him large numlers of the will be good. weigh M 3 Ml-S ROt,| Every yield vlsjtlngKe*· w· w· :lear; Thursday, et 3, clear; Friday, T. IIII. τ. Messrs & Karourn have a five Ν secured, a father's. R S Freeman. them for but unless we ηποο-ι,ιι. ΚΓ»μ> letters from endorsing Houghton The hay crop mostly only up ready shipment, 51 clear. !*<·>·laι·<ι. Main*. prominent lawyers, returned from his visit "down east" :Iear; Saturday. 3, cent In their which few late and meadows now to be cut Hooper rain almost the vines will him for the A number of and ten counter store, pieces two have Immediately position. large cut Wednesday. Mnr/V Judklns caught Some of the oats and barley have been In on John Collector of Taxes for ! nOUUIIMii: M 0( k is a new feature for this place. ha** .*» lb*, and 2 oz. John not bear scarcely any more, fact, Black, these are from men who have signed for Potatoes have given us a good and that weighed yield on Treasurer, last Mrs. Julia BensonN Tubbs Is here on a Freeman caught 13 bas* that some are about ruined I'arls. called the County others, before Mr. Foster was announced no rot appears on them as yet. recently sandy pieces they ENGLISH AND assessed CLASSICAL an weighed between 30 and 40 pounds.—— Jkax. ami the County tax, π*τιτγτι: his su- visit from the west, after absence of Summer companv comes in prettv now. (•'rlday paid as a candidate, but who. knowing We recently visited the town farm. and A y kMILT (Ml 11 \ < v, l|.c.| tn Paris, for 1883, though It was not due fitness, now retract twenty-eight years. plenty. In The 2Λ.—The be- Siij'Ii-nt» due·! I ir Col ej; <>r f ·' Η·ι·ιη·>< perior ability and H. G. Walker and have moved to found every thine good shape. Wkst 1'akis, Aug. hearing family ;lll 1. Paris pays about one tenth of rer t| γ··»ι·'ι intuit \n ιΤι t .■ f and and BrckrisLD.—Mr. John Lewis Chllds and was and part of the Sept their former letters signatures I.lvermore Falls where he" Is working up having completed fore the County Commissioners, on the teacli'-r* H.-alttiiuln*-·ot l«>cn un t. 1 are Tax. there are » grain was harvested. The two barn* ;he entire County though P*|i 'Wrn. .Kin* Ur-t Μ·ιη·»*ν ι· '· il I r his Mr. Foster's per- Rev. A. Hagenian. of Ν. V., spent his white birch Journal. a new road across the little urge appointment. (jueens. ; strips so as to for c.tt»lii uc .rIV nt lui) .il.tr· « I Ir·1 crowded and mowed out almost petition 1ύ towns and 3 plantations taxed. ρβ"| his record last week with Mr. Chllde's friends in t Γ'Ι ΓΑΚ* '»t't{ Vk.VV er, of Saco, now pastor of in \ΙΓ are Μ Ε. church on m 19. formerly Martain take good care of their family the Maine an Kent's V» »»rk .'ara '· 11 J i*r »· « k m » > the and have l'resbyterian I'oughkeepsle, doors which Hill, has accepted position Principal trr so well known and that Hon. George I). Bisbee family lic benefit, but whether it would be of su HI r MM BMl W niter t |.1r .r recognized, ( all to the farm. at Mass. P*ll k*to BiW'l ΐ., last here, on his way matters pertaining if th·· Huh School Mlllbury, < > to his been a vacation to the islands in spent Sunday Mtu/lr ai.d part eilar*. IICIi-ON" Ml·'.. bar of several counties came solklly taking district No 10 in this town, is clent service to warrant Its construction one the best of the mountains, and at School I'rof. Chase has been of | kvr.,Nn \ through preached Ave soon after his name w.as put Into Portland Harbor. j noted for old there being a that should be con- Maine educators, and his removal from the support, He quite people, is question carefully the Cong'l Vestry, Sunday evening. old. All of them 11 ;» K< -S île '> and The Rumford Falls à Bucktleld Railroad persons over eighty years a road would be State will be a loss to Its school interests. i>ut>lo:lt the field. His nomination sidered. We think such ■· appoint- •t ne Ν η· * ι· \ '». spent some time here during his are w«·!! and some smart. Last Π\ IkMitiaa a boyhood, quite quite ■* ment will be urired Company are building large freight de- and desirable if It could he B|>|'I ··»!·»· t »r ., W II \ tl" if* by many representa- a at John Hen- convenient t.Tip O.K. with his uncle Rev. Carlton Hurd. Friiiav they had gathering If * îv N. ^ we at this The new tive men of the State, and confidently pot place. locomotive, Mlllett's. Mrs Henrv W. Millett, M built and in repair, without being too Ft'KNlTûKK —Some Idea of the extent of Mrs. and Miss Annie of ry kept Shepley Shepley branch of business as now carried on v» that so fit an will be the Bucktleld," which has just been put vears old. Is spending the summer with It seems to be demand- this (··► | itl'ril Κ* in be ·η ν β expect appointment Miss costly. certainly W inchester. Mass.. are In town. Mrs. A. F Jackson, and she in Boston, can be obtained by visiting the n i in nv r· ΐΊμ··. t. ».t hv mail for£■»· e ι·· '·η and on the road, was built at Providence, R her daughter. a and there made by Governor Koble, promptly ed by great many petitioners, on II »'·· Vlvin. *r ne I» Ta* ·So Ιοβ w la·· goes to Packer Institute, Brook- drove her own team and took Mrs. H. C. ware-rooms at l'alne's manufactory, confirmed the Council. I., at a cost of about hundred Shepley by seventy-tlve her to the is little or no opposition manifested. ['aual Sleet, Boston. This Is one of the lyn, X. \ this fall, as teacher of draw- Reed 81 years old. with party. Oi'ivios or l)u. Morr, ι.»γκ ϋ··ν.ΐίΝ dollars. M and his house is a run In the with show rooms, Nathan Millett 83. Levi Millett The maple having good largest country, mi'vi t'ntcMi-r. or room, stocked *· *- » .«.ί party of custom, the new and enterprising I'I-asti it —Mv inv.sluaii m >>( Λιι· CATION'S. I fur- of house furniture, at manu- bron Class Of has obtained ably no other district In town could •very variety t.n ν t.· 1 Academy. "*J, J. much liked Γι hum's Ι'ι.ι»γκκ -h'tara U lii runt (Ilritjjtton News lord, Mr. 8. Caldwell, being facturers and which save visited their native town this week. nish a like record. importers prices, J ι·»»· Ί ι·ι ·* n.it (·· in ha* in a a as teacher in the schools Uilile mill n'i injjr··,1 1 Oxford Connty pat motion position village He also has a livery stable in connec- ibout one-third the retail price to their Mr. Richardson and family bare moved good tn anr nther |il i»t.-f* Γ»··»»· In Jr·· "'-a very formidable boom !n the Interests of at Bucktield. customers. of the :ar·· ι» Γ« 11 ν ιιι··<1 tint \ i Enoch Foster of Bethel for Asso- from and are established in their Oxford.—W. W. Miyo, Principal |>r.i(Mirti Hon. The School commenced Brldgton, High Monday, wan town la.nl week. Mr. Buckn&m lias entered loto partner· c«i«k'« l'tiroii· PltaU-r will not πι»·· ciate Justice of the Supreme Conrt. F >r new home. There is a prospect of a full Hebron Academy, In IN Μ Ε MORI A M. Mr. Foster !» Aug. 20th, under the instruction of F. A. with Mr. Tuell iu the meat business. t· r* ur i-x * > IV i? Irrilili'iii. nul 1 It living in Oxford County school. He hi<· a wide as a flrst-class ed- ship reputation Mason's IIaLL, Bethel, 1883. >u ι· rior to am I more l'Ili.'icot t tan any probably no better qualified for the posi- Robinson. ·.· The Μ Κ Sunday School ha in an in his by of Lovell Ceiitre, lsst week, we saw Sumner. The "Empire" gaily eminent degree «piteof location. rack. They seemed to he well furnished lage that the die· Cause unknown, lie was 74 of aire, iti·! the solemn note betokens Χ ι. fil Ι$Γ.ιιι·ΐΛ·.ιν. Ν. V.. M 2.1. I»· cannot do better than to take years a in*n. decorated, with scorrs of «mailer double iy Gov. KoMe with and tin horns, to the dis- some good shooting by Western good lungs lolation of this our tabernacle has coeni/.ance of the united voice of the bears and was much respected by all who knew and loaded with chil- earthly comfort of who did not Two men. one on each aide, threw up class single trams, happy Ρ in ibis many go. our outer and this Ρ FOT AL I respect. him. A time igain alarmed gate, Last there was a balls or marbles Into the air In quick suc- dren and older people. pleasant Saturday evening, hop ime has removed from our midst and tak- Β γ Hon, Aug 22.—Joshua M. Merrill, of bul- wti : boat», swings, croquet &c., NEW ROOM THF. JUDICIARY <>F MAINE at Court Hall. cession. He would break them with enjoyed ;n to a of our beloved PAPERS, this town. died Aug. 20, of cholera mor- were furnished for the occasion. sphere happiness KO i KAI.L 1 CAOK aT Porti.asp. M*.. Aug. 24. The appoint- A of boarders left Mon- lets before came down, never making large delegation they trothers Dei I.amson C. Smith auut in celestial Lodge high will him for the and his exceptionally HaMie M. S. Howe, Miss snuff the ashes of the cigar without putting work should every qualify position, Misses Pike, Architect of the universe f >r- will also contribute to make him sessed of natural he has taken whatever who is at all inter- he supreme affability good ability, E. Mrs. Frank It out. A useless and dangerous experi- zen, of party, Gllnes, Mrs. £. Hastings, f we to meet again. a worthy successor of Judge Appleton. a in local allairs. and tilled ested in the the acts and actors ver reigns hope prominent part Locke, Mrs. Q. O. Warren, etc., etc. The ment.—Ei> legislation, FOR THE HAIfl' AND SCALP.] The circumstance* that led to the appoint- ] That in this second dlspen- various town offices till advancing years a of the half score during the Resolved: H*S HO EQUAL TOR lUDfÊS1 fOILEt ment will also influence the Ice cream, made Mr. and Mrs. F. A. In the evening of Saturday, lage party Congresses, appointment by of we have a vacancy with failing health and eventful decades covering the con- iation providence li Lnl'venK, Tli»c*erti>,'and Restofts of a member of the bar to the position of eyesight placed was served on the stage behind a chartered the Island Belle, and went dowu two " Wiley, η our ami in our town not easily Associate Justice. Advices from different him on the retired list." He had lost at career of the Lodge, Hdif to ft e Bald,, and 3 case ûf by screen of trees. Flower stand, tlsh pond, the for a corn-roast. Stopping gressional distinguished a pond our brothers were to portions of the State indicate quite death, tour daughters very suddenly tiled, for prompt Disease, DandtufΓs>r of (two fortune teller, etc., were Island, took on W. F. Hutch- author. Faffing theH^ifj change in the status of the several candi- gaess cake, among Megulre they ever manifested a in one son who was an Mrs. who has been 111, Is luty as Masons,and deep his n·' bee'v producçd ihaf dates. The friends of Enoch Foster of early womanhood), the other attractions. Iho. inson, and then went three miles further, Emery quite .^C'fjt-J interest in all pertaining f u rot invalid for and his wife. He .ad lively things Milans" ^ Bethel have of late been actively at work many years, to Mayberry'e Landing,—a rather high Improving. Ciiied.'/.·^ ^«"Ί κ γ κι» Concert at ο and were and upright if no or in his and a number of was at the time of his death with F cru —Graivi Frythunj. from Paris, Ilill is the order, good contains lead, behalf, large living bluff with a nice spring of clear cold water Miss Itiplt-y, teaching sulphur, have been sent in the Gov- a son. The citizens of and vicinity will All itizens In our community. matter. The Entire Base" petitions urging his only remaining child, A pro- Fryeburg out of one side. They built up a a small claas in music at this place. coloring ernor gushing to recognize the country bar of the a concert Portland That to the families of onr is Vaseline and Christian since no one be favored with by sar- our music scholars woa'.d do well to im- Resolved: CosmojinerSol.d by State his The fessing early youth, rousing tire, roasted corn, devoured by appointment. probabili- those who here last we extend our heartfelt syra- ,P J00»STS «.DpALiBS IN TOltfP. Ai»TlC4.t3i·· would have been more missed in talent. Among sang of lessons 1 ite brothers mLt K«»iV'tLO rape eo ■> r>_* ν Pi »»/'■; ty is that no appointment will be made till religious dines. crackers, and then tried prove the opportunity receiving destroyed of affliction, what to be the will of as well as secular atTairs than "Uncle year, Mr. Will Stockbrtdge will be pleas- an lustruc- In this hour great fa- so I iathy « appears expressed to see who coold tell the biggest lie—a from thoroughly competent Ron John C. Praetor tr»ker, Cenu-nntil tl the the wind to the the members of the bar throughout Joshua" A large number of friends and antly remembered and will be gladly wel- ! day He, who tempereth irritée: vorite form of amusement In the country. tor. '■»· State has been received. At present Mr. look down and bless and cont- PORTUii), Mi.AQtii relatives assembled at the fUneral comed Mr. Harvey Murry, pianist, mill will be closed for awhile f horn lamb \ Foster's to be in- to-day. again. A of a Lewlston paper opened the The steam I hwe owl rour II tir DiMtlig "CAPII strength appears rapidly reporter a. sermon was Rev. Mr. and one of the finest musicians In the f ort them. K1S" only » »!i >rt rmf, but ih * it h.n and bids fair to if not ex- The preached by so much than of In about a week, the lumber being nearly creasing equal ball with one larger any Mrltl von rlti η fir it on your Irmlftra of bas- That a of these resolu- ·. ceed Mr. but if he is of from Revelations xiv., State, and Mr. Robinson Augusta, Rewired : copy Κι·»»ι« Κ n-nian Α ΙΜ··η. Iiru.·. Emery's; appointed, Deme, Andover, them ever dreamed of before, that all the all worked up. (in|ip there will be no Associate Justice and contralto have not on the records of the Cor Mi Ml* an 1 Pre b e Si» write· residing is. so. The soprano awe. Miss Clara t ions be placed x crowd npon the in School begins Monday, Bry- 4 *·· Til east of the Kennebec River, the natural gazed prodigy to the WE Β Κ I.IK VK "C % PILL Η I been decided upon, but It Is safe to as- 1 an attested copy furnished ·■ M\ '. Caxton.—From the Téléphoné : I. B. yet back at 12:45. ant teacher. ,odge; riNKSTMAlR PltK'' \Κ \Tlo\ is I'll dividing line of the State.—Jour- They got 1 I Γ H V Ν" sure the It will include some of the of the deceased and also sent to the k'KT OURf Γ4ΤΟΜΚΚ4 l.kIM Fuller is at the saw-mill. people are at rives > nal. threehing grain, Thursday, Alfred Hackett let his wagon Mr. A. J. Bicker's family visiting ICQUAI. *S AN ΚΚΛΙ»Ι \T< M{ ο Κ 1· (Μ A little child of R. A. Barrows is dan- well known Next week we will ( )xford Democrat lor publication. kNfi «Η \ IIA IK l»KK»*|N i. Ol'R .l.vl.is singers. a stone in front of the bis father's In York County. sick Ed has laid a run against big » PttuVK ΙΓ3 Ρ0ΡΙΊ.4ΚΙ Γ\ —Since Judge Black's death, the Hon. gerously Thompson be able to a of the con- Abiel Chan'di.er, give programme and was thrown Messrs Tuc ll and Bucknam do quite an HKSPK'TFI I.LV, Horatio of and Jos. Holt, of new platform in front of hts store. H. Lake House, out, striking Ebrn Kii.burn, V Comm. King, Maine, cert. GUPPV. KInsmas' 4 A I.DF.n DeShon is sealed on his head and shoul- extensive business in meats, and the hand- K. Estes. Kentucky, are the only surviving members J. receiving proposals with great violence S. ) Jardiner M. Parker, Enl %PII I doing job grading once more, after her the foundation for a —Comer's Commercial » «· ried into Baker's store and Dr. Stevens the cellnr and laying [ procured of you, ami find it «loin* all jt,»n — Is a about new store. Mrs. S. S. doing > > New Advkktiskmxnts. Twenty-four Peabodys Many of our summer boarders are leav- with stable connect- * as a world-wide reputation. '•1 ft would, Marling nut a new Vr iwth <·ι Robinson and sons, of Auburn, are visit- called In. HI· shoulders and head were aew slaughter house, ever before. It has Probate Notices. uger business than GARDINER M PAKKKK ing us, but new ones are rapidly taking bank. have chosen ing friends in Canton and vicinity. -A bruised and cut, but no bones were >d on the river's They ( ad for its students some of the smartest »nJ Six Notices. badly 1. P. 4. (Jool'l, K»<|, Drujgiat, Or.Contre·· Insolvency named Barrett, in the Brett their it. The one business uen in this family living places. broken. good location for present a nd most prominent Myrtle su write·: Two foreclosures of Wm. a child cholera Infantum, was I. !·> mortgage by house.lost by Miss Margaret Farrlngton In town, somewhat obnoxious c ountry, who speak In the highest terms Portland, μκ., '««p. Smith French has lost what he calls ias occasionally been have Tour for t. man g of Susan Samuel Burbank has Just of this model Instltu- I u-e.1 "CAPILI-A KIS" H. Whltcomb Norway, against Monday night. c f the excellence re·1 I1* Monday. rare breed. to In the Immediate neighborhood. ianilruff with the inoat aati»ta''tory gone to Lewiston with hi* colt, which is some very valuable she«p—a people 1 Ion. II. I*. S. gov'·'*· Somes. The Fair of the New Church 8oclety was Κ- n. jr. f entered for the colt races Aug. 3oth. Dogs did It. ï'iward I». Whtff (with Dr. George ?<'*· town of Bethel. : Non Resident Tax Sale, R. C. of Portland, was in town a success. κ. ο. one of the Drutgta-) write» Bradford, great Ex-Governor was In town, last —Mr. McClelland, telegraphic Μι: I···: hear- on a Long to PoRti.ijiD, County Commissioners' orders of Tuesday. He started to-day sport- A. of this s trlkers, and who seems be their chief lv«r Sir—M· »en for a-vera I .t-ir-.. ing on petition of Fred A. Porter and 20 ing trip Philips Rangely Ηακγκκκο. Aug. par- had a very bad apoplectic tit, last s pokesman Committee, failing a excursion and piace, I Kffn no or oiiUin m ·ι would ορ A load of grain near the station was and Tuesday, "moonlight for some e to the committee his plan for se- ould to put others for and of road ty, including Solon Chase, esq. wife, Those present thought xplalned t which -t. i«~! grading widening at Sunday. " Ul.t'l I trie.) "C \PILLAKIη. overturned by the horse taking fright ball" on Island. A crowd went but an c a more distribution of ·· <»f in of Ed· from Chase's visited Hartford Cold Megulre time that she was dead, application urlng equitable '» falling, and h ι« brought out in ah indtn· Rumford, and on the petition the train, p. m. The team be- Mills, and Tuesday and a time. jf the at hand soon revived her. ν realth between laborer capitalist," •air wh»re I bad Mille or η me I report good remedies " 1 ward S. Dunham and 73 others for new to of Livermore. the third party from Turner It hnliev |[ ha* II" 1 longed Henry Drake, Spring, being has had one flt of this kind be- ν rhlch was that the Government should ilDluead to the public, mg E. Is the VIrs. Fox r, for. from A of wheat, 4 ft. 10 in. in at the J. Flood, esq., visiting Range· of as or all that it la rointiietilen ride and the A boy In this place quart· .here perfect "No.lt never »rn"U.itrt-| u> an P* L H. Hathaway. So. Paris, offers for Τ are injuring grain somewhat, and petite the beautiful carriage to of Gould neuf'' amali ■ bey He Is unwell. Sugene Stanley, at So. Hiram, have it a x>ut as the plan punishing by lnuehia, I »** young orchard. a Having acquainted place, and life bec une diri inu-ic. ing. Charles Kills has purchased with advocate the of xperlence, »n 1 * has for sale Solon for and read 1 iome one cannot be found capiul and a strong tendency to plan ired all over, with pa u iu ihe lower litnt»·. Noyes Drag Store, Norway, house lot. next above new cot- Uncle many years, A. L. Hkrsey of Oxford I r'e'' Sylvester's Paris.—Dr. to in the and set it h the Government take charge of ev- aoitnf awa*e of nl^hr·· R»neet'v various the mergy put machinery ivlng lying ''1. Diamond Carde. Condition on Maine street, and will soon build his papers under the titles, Dr. him ne of BENSON'S CAPCINE ΡοΚΟΓ- Dyes, Birthday tage made us a pleasaut call, Saturday. thereby making it a source of e ■y mm from the birth, provide with Iwrnty·y a a boom in and re- | unning; Κ ILS and wa« decitlnl in papers only has in town. >roflt to themselves blessing tta c imfortable deposit >nr hour*. ηιι-ιτ Ιι^η· been season. Lowell B. Hersey patients It provili··"- pairing, this Smith, I was to all his life and we c-edit t" 0-*u»<»n riage Painters' You can get a of one of Them SUtrt, prepared have believed that our I armers in this vicinity. We hope before tl te savings bank long, id the work, but I κινι* 'hi Supplies. of has an tree which is the Who would plank »·η »»' reve"' ·'··' Canton, apple see be tried it to oroua pl»«ler." Mr Τ:ι 'f him. He never so soon have succumbed < k to it'done. & free that if the thing ought a*· · s square deal, every time at of watch the effects upon ap- sidewalks would year oe* hire credit, but Provid-*nco .rk-bv Noyes Drug champion Oxford county. It is esti- We U ** touch! In some A Sabbath-school, whh Moses F. Norton b with the telegraphic operators. them Iteanon'· rank- mated that it now a more mood to me and to time's igln nd anion* plfter J'*«··ι Store. has 26 bushels of Bald- in happy destroying when this is in relief peared be the ι j was after h ιτβ no donbt that scheme η f*tem*l remedy It n't* -lulckly win it. He also has a tkey look as if tbey might Superintendent, organlzied worm II» J. Γ. P. Burnham has now a apples upon number the result will be, in the coming election places of the to Gould the monster will re- ealing, and render* life Iwtter competent of a road constructed in I he close forenoon services, last s< ibmitted ot it' I' of young trees which are bearing well this remnant military 'rice Ά centa. |/wk In the middle force of Artists in his Saloon, and he will a thorn to those who i at the church Id this Praise ct it with scorn and insult; but Mr. Mc Norway O. O. Stetson and prove sharp days Captain Miles Standish, lunday, place. je ;r lor the word CAl'CINfc. A»k your pliy·""1*· season. wife, of Au- Pilgrim by most not be this. cards, cabinets or alcoholic drinks from the flask or for the of "those God-like I s due Mr?. Harriman, who has labored In- C lelland discouraged by bout It all orders for copies are visiting friends and relatives in use gild· easy passage New lorx. gusta. < to them to one ever Ε PutL keabuiy Λ Johoeou, CheaiiU, 8 ta taon rara b· David with m«n of old" in one of their noble crusadea 1 eutatly get organize teniwj win b· promptly and well filled. ί,-anto*. Mr. reports flatting •d saloons. He will » « { ♦ *· *# * *9·

VOLUME 50. PARIS, MAINE, AUGUST 1883. NUMBER 31. TUESDAY, » 28, »· rf. I

Fop the 1>β net» tod e bai re wboac tall high back I This doctrine, ao nearly correspond in g to Bacchus, Bacchus to Alcobo WHERK WOMKN CAN VOTfc Facts ! ! GUMPSE8 IN AN OLD King Facts Facts •eem io r to strange disproportion to tbei the Hebrew account of the fall < >f King Alcohol to $anta Cruceensis, and IB The recent report of the bureau of ed- HEBRON •lender These ■ ο houses hold the his Adam, the and all most fiend be exorcu ucation states that women INDISPUTABLE. PKMRKOKK, MASS. kgp. tempted by aerpent, stubbop poison may may vote at Item tories of the or the oldei ι the a Ιχνίτ kn->w« who h.i» tried, and tho*e * ko place and people belief in never-ending torments, i ed by the Beelzebub of Hereii school meetings in Kansas, Nebraska, η·ν<· 101-h'OlJ c» treasured. Or the road will air, and on the of thei r All women in Idaho vote as and in an old letter, well preserved, hi carefully generally tope physical analogies speak against may to special lead you from these to mountains. The Druids of ■ the idea the iti Hen's, Youth's and Boy' wrote he was on friendly terms with th< quiet spots busy highest Eng th»t human system, in district taxes if they hold taxable prop- BEGINS a mile or two farther on, where before its Julius C;rsar normal Indians who were hoeest and trustful villages gland conquest by condition, requires any toxic slim' erty. In Oregon, widows having chil- l hfre is a g teat crash and roar of machin- their in th< ι ulant and the teetotalism of an- In 1639 the house was enUrgtxl and for- [terformed religious orgies ; many dren and taxable property may vote at ery and of whistles and darkest human fell tified so that it became a refuge for those blowing rattling forests, where beings cient philoephers and modern brain- school meeting)·. In Indiana, women of see 28th HATS, CAPS, &< wheels, and at night you can the victims to the sacerdotal knife workers that mental is com- not married nor who taxes Aug. who feared the attacks of the savage* unsparing, proves vigor minors, pay Tuesday, ! xtreel* full of men and women were a The Persian or estab- with are as during the desolating war that Kinf hurrying priests magi patible non-stimulating diet. The and listed parents, guardians or *n.| roatiow >3 wevk- luttructor*, for car and coaches to take them to some of Saracens Assortment, Philip waged in Plymouth and Maua lished by the elder Zoroaster 2900 yean history the Western proves heads of families may vote at school Large restfal as came. chusette Conn tie· in 1(376 when thirteer place just paeeed you u. c., and were regarded as the sages, that whole peoples may excel in both meetings." In Kentucky, any white And again the road will lead and men of and mental while ab- woman a towns were destroyed and six bundled ol through philosophers learning through- physical activities, having child of qualified school «RR4T VARIETY dark, cool woods where the mountain W. W. MAVO, A. M. the colonists «lain. More recently, the out the Empire. From that day down staining altogether from all artificial ton- age is a voter ; if she has no child, but laurel ahowe Us leave* and the the sacerdotal classes ics. The evil with us is that the is a vote on LOWEST PRICES. outside of this building was boarded and polished ujthe present period, great tax-pajer, she may the ques- y ar.alea woos with its delicate with few controlled the tion of taxes. are Principal shingled and now stand*, gray and fragrance; have, exceptions, road to ruin is paved with milder stimu- Women eligible to where the curious orchids iie bidden and bolly of the world. and that the of confirmed hab- school offices in Illinois, Iowa, ItilaiHjt.ttik l.an|U(M. Please Call and Examine leather beaten, the oldest house in religious opinions lants, age Kansas, f is red berries for Christmas— At a certain the infidels -AT- United States. promising time, attacked its is reached by few who have not lost Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan,Ver- and then the lift their fair the of when the ι Such was the commencement of the ponds again doctrine Zoroaster, King, heir best safeguard against inebriet;, mont, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wy- faces rt " ELLIOTT'S CLOTHING STORE and the fleeted glories of the sun- called a of the an to school district offices in Colo- M. Lathe, A. B. settlemens of Pembroke, a quaint old Artaxerxes, synod magi namely, unsophisticated physical oming ; Agnes set or the laiut of the stars warns to counteract their assaults and rado to office NOM W AT. N IIRR. I town about twenty miles south by east image sustain conscience." Young children learn to ; any except superintend- that sea a M or Mall. the is few miles away the faith. No less than 80.000 ask for tea and and even for ent in Wisconsin. serve on Pm vjttrrss, WOl'i^aite way lot Boston It was originally a part of only popular coffee, beer, They may a ad night may in the chill that met in council. One of the number fell in and but was in 1712 bring fog and often they imbibe stimulants with school committees New Hampshire Κ»(ΐΙ·λ 1.k Alan a full to·* »f revolutions. The now Lane······ f of the large export of silver, and de- prevailing religion evil of intemperance at its beginnings, ALEXANDRIA. is which in the sev- CONFECTIONERY. clared themselves free to act in opposi- Zoroaster, the founder of the Persian Mohammedanism, attacking the formation of the habit in Alexandria is no squalid, lazy oriental baa all lh» Ile al·» enth the faith of Zo- use rem* tion to the and hi* counsellors. flouriahed centuries be. century supplanted the of the milder stimulants, are town, but a fine modern built city of CANNED GOODS. king Kdigion, many roaster. There are but two or three hun- edies which the writer Sum- which has ra- Com m a la I Ml. no* 10 the market, ittriudiuc the California fruit The town is made beautiful by the f<»re the Christian Kra. Some place him suggests. 2t»0,000 inhabitants grown dred known the name of the ease a be is a de- four ten or thousand, by ming up whole in sentence, for the last It Confectionery, Fruit, Α'ιιίι, 1 all kind* alwat* h*nd In large quanti tic-· short drive in almost any direction will hundred years prior to the birth of Christ. religion. "Only pot by a« aaou lor μμΊ. be proper have been lants is easier than Port the Mediterranean mouth or Hattie P. disclose a beautiful sheet of water Rollins, the ancient historian, say· there They greatly persecuted by temperance. Said, Bailey, I hare juat added a snowy their Mohammedan Suez for it has the chief har- now with lilies and set in a frame of were two Persians the name of oppressors. Many the canal, Maiir. FISH | bearing A FORGERY. MARKET, of the Parsees fled to Hindostan, who bor on the coast and Mehemet Ali re- over Zoroaster ; the former at an 1 to bu*in«-« and «hall have 01 green. appearing •«Ui'a'-W iMlrMi)'" Will ·*> III-* attr.l III II lié. my conatantljr Oay pleasure parties glide The recent célébration of William hand a foil line of now number about 200,000 and 70,000 the canal of to the Nile, Ublll a pel lUanrbl W»r trr Ι·Μ«'·>«4 ι··τ blue white and introducing the opened antiquity |ι*Γ·η'·Ίΐ the surface in their winged early day system, I'enn's visit to America in 1082 has Uir books giv- advanta- pla"« FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, CLAMS, Etc. which was more in Persia. It is said their sacred to Alexandria all the boats, or silent fishermen invite with fully defined by the lat- bringing w en freeh to a letter attributed to A Cai*'nr>* jit4 Ι···»), MaU'aiif lb**·»!!»#· Cait ill riait l'ari· Bill. Tuei-daya an'ii «μ|.|ι· all Zoroaster, and man how to avoid Mather, years A narrow of land like a Τ pro- :· .· »··. the Zend A vesta, some author- taught tongue The Mb·«I hW ι·»· r rfgu'ir ava Hey «hich the are stocked. A few book*, by tour lull ponds been about in the columns of ■ ihiit ·· toto b miutiM, baa evil and sin and The drifting ises considered as old as the of expiate impurity. into the Mediterranean. Along foer »·*γ* *ai*V · coti»*rrM years ago the (lid Railroad pur- days jects ttedy<4 tu >*e HAVE IT ! Colony American The letter is dated im-nt, »n«l an uaciaaaitl. .1 J. ^artm it. tar HERE YOU 21 volumes but newspaper·. the of Alex- Muses, are said to be a revelation from writings originally filled the stem of this Τ lies city • hi rinnot i>nr-»«· a '^pi'tr roar*·· | chased Jones River Pond, so called for | " address- rf toi ie » ill ·«* Ul.l-4 ye 1.5th, 1683,"and »i ,«r> I Uh· Kali heaven. were mostly lost after the overthrow of September, andria, with Mehemet Ali the or fwiK h- I ur t of and Square, ï S ΓΙ»·« the Mayflower, to and beloved John S a-«- jthe Captain ed "ye \l«*-t.'a—3 daaaby. Layman. ginson," proceeding the hand or eastern arm of the Τ I>phf. Bargains to to right 4 Itr Ana 1%»ia. of thuse who old invocations and several ΚηΛ-:ι II -tor* I' IIi»T.irv. (Ii«h great disgust cling thanksgiving now at sea a our -AT- There be sblppe (for so which i.rauimar Kri.tlK, Ki>>ik an·] l'itœu includes the new harbor, called, customs and manners. It is about one Deities, whom, was con- • on»· rl iM r««h among Orroazd Ellas of did ad- J THF DKIXK PROBLEM. friend, Holdcroil, London, out Τ*ι· ia thr u*rm lor f.btir, Fr*i.. h. is much filled with sand and bem«*rr no t Ihrr» a.ν t» days Supreme Dr. Felix I* article on The by packet, Oswald's the obelisk in a b^V »n ·»■ !·"»! «ail eome called W>/- of which Oorringe towed of thr of the week trains hundreds were his servants. Ahreman the time in August;, ye T»>* r*^ru»«·» *1» Τ.·Γ* Ιο» ; » «t*tr m«*nt long carry destroy- Drink in the International Problem," or western ιιμάοΙ Mirno oflh·· atutle-ito tbe jrrar u D. IL Greene vu which has wooden box caisson ; the pul BOLSTER'S Ν, <*"»»«, master, i|<- of men and women and er, and the some- big e \reary merry j Mythra mediator, of in- |{ :*··β 10 tb» ratal..«l though Review, is a discussion of the evils twartl or ■board a hundred or more ο I ye heretics arm incloses the old harbor, which is fur- F-.r anv infornia-oa >r to ragug* children, amid and wav. what dissimilar, bear a ro*-iD·. lb ΓγΙ·η:1ιμΙ. South Paris. great shouting striking analogy from the rather than temperance physical and mallgnanta, called Quikers, wfth W. ther a breakwater curv- Hrbro·, Mf .July tt lui. to the protected by long of and flirting of handkerchiefs, Chistian Trinity—and by skeptics the moral of view but its facte Penn at the head of them. Ye Genera] ing flags point ; around toward the main land, ao as to the is to be that be- ing 10 lbs. of Granulated from the heated streets of Bo*too thought the origin of and the deduction· from them are of a Court haa accordingly given secret orders Sugar, to cover The of Ras-el- are lief. to Master Malachl of J\>r- shipping. palace cool groves around the Lake, which character which should the in- lluxlett, ye brig quicken tin is also on the of the T, being entertain- poise, to waylaye ye said Wtlcome as near top GOULD'S 11 lbs Coffee Crushed fitted up for their It was a custom the terest of the in this Sugar. admirably prevailing among great question. forms a public ye coast of Codd u may be, and make nearest the sea, which here bay ment. I ersians to adore the sun and to First, ad to the of the evil, the worship proportion· captives of ye said Penn and his ungodtle so that vessels can be wholly outside 12 fbs. Brown ne region ww & rar*ui*c υι tannics® fire as the emblem of states that in Great Britain Light Sugar. purest Deity. They Dr. Oswald crew, so that ye Lord any be glorlded and harbor in fair weather. The Egyptian for tbe Indian*, who found excellent it came down from heaven and the of fermented and dis- not mocked on ye soli of this new country 8 lbs. Good Raw Rio Coffee. pretended consumption fortifications are around Kas-en-tin and ACADEMY, hunting in the forests and to was under the of the since 1850 at with ye heathen worship of these people. grounds tilled has increased placed protection liquors still more about Fort Oabbari, which is whom the labor Much 4poll can be made by selling ye pond* yielded by easy magi or ta who it continually the rate of 3$ per cent, the west 7 lbs. Best Raw Rio Coffee. pries kept average yearly whole lot to Barbadoes, where slaves fetch on the mainland and opposite abundant of food. Relics of BETHEL, MAINE. supplie* burning. This of the and in France at the rate of 2 per cent.; practice preserving good pricM in rumme and sugar, and w* harbor. these inhabitants are seen in all the wcred was to ves- A^a.lcinie yaar b fia· Roasted Rio Coffee. early fire carried Rome, and in Northern the manufacture shall not do Lord eervice 8 lbs. Good Germany, only ye great by CRIME. fields and and the roadsides. 1866 A SINGULAR gardens by tal virgins were appointed to guard it of malt liquors has doubled since ; ponlsblng ye wicked, but shall make gayue The crazy Frenchman who ran through 6 lbs. Best Roasted Rio Coffee. Hundreds of spear and arrow beads are night and day in the Temple of Vesta ; and in the United States the consump- for His ministers and people. 1883, In bowels of Christ, Fourteenth Street, New York, the other 28th, tamed up the share, and for its was considered a tion drinks has advanced Vours, ye August of lao'ruciioo u lut by plough extinguishment of ·*β* intoxicating ur4r· '►>» year. Cottow MaTIIKK. as women as he Mt-ud lor Ulcat elr-.Qlar· te utone and wor. of day, stabbing many 14 bars French Laundry Soap. hatchets, tomahawks, pestles great calamity to the nation. The at a rate exceeding our rapid growth was into the with a of kettles are discovered the farmers. sun its while This document copied could reach, pair compasses, " by »bip of the probably had origin one.fifth. Last year, population by cue from the H. W. JOHNSON, Prin., 16 Welcome The tribe of the Massachusetts, before in Advertiser, last week, with the remark may have taken, his reports Soap. powerful long the days of Zoroaster. When famine was raging in Ireland and that it seemed incredible that an eminent of the trial of a criminal who MAINE. " numbering three thousand warriors, dwelt our primitive ancestors beheld this re- Eastern Brazil, and thousands of men singular BETHEL, with at Bremen and 21 in these a sub-division known as divine like Cotton Mather could have has been dealt Bombay Soap. regions, splendent orb of heaven, thej ascribed to were in Persia, Armenia, Syria and just dying was a man named the written so a letter. A friend has Strasburg. The latter Mattakusetts living in the neighbor- it creative power, and through ignorant Cashmere for want of bread, nearly four rascally 8 a born at packages Soapine. hood and a were since called our attention to the history of hair-dresser, Bridgton Academy, of the ponds of Pembroke, fear idolized it as the Supreme Author of hundred million tons of breadstuff* Théophile Mary, the letter in the of the Mas- Barr, whose vicious took the 10 cans Sweet Corn. part of these were tbe Praying Indiana the universe. converted into intoxicants, to become a proceedings tendency with a NORTH BRIDGTON, ME, to sachusetts Historical at the June form of inflicting slight stabs dag- having been converted Christianity sun was curse instead of a In and Society The worship of the formerly blessing. England he Kon«rMUral Tain, and to in 1870. on women. At Strasburg persuaded give up their savage the ancient Scotland half a billion bushels of meeting ger young PI mutton, In (be County oi prevailing religion among the alone, In Franklin no fewer than nearly < >«»orrt for the 1(04 customs and embrace the habits of civil- Dr. Samuel A. Green then said that attacked eighteen, r«U T« m of tif!vr week·. coetraaoe· year nations of the for we ruins cereals have been consumed in the hat 0/ itiMM r«nl relate ol earth, find the pro· on breast. He The following in a all of whom he struck the ««Mr· Frank I ta Plantation ization John Eliot the of the the letter first appeared Pennsylva- oon-re*ldeni ta by apostle of temples once dedicated to the sun, due Lion of alcoholic drink·, and in Rus- ror the «urIMU. la 6111· mbbHM «D C'IiwIm H. made his first two years ago, on Um Indians. nia the Easton of 28, appearance Karauin. cotiertor of inKl Plantation scattered over almost the entire sia, Denmark and Austria, from one. fifth paper, Argua April tat boa· Mturned by him world.' he terror Τ Aug. 28,1883 Ml, lay of -lone MM. It was stated in the Easton when for a month spread uesday, on the it.1. ol anna- 1870. pa· J u> aw aa remaining napak) day The town is crossed roads to an ex- to of the is by Sir John Lubbock refers them to the one-fourth grain crop to ■ay I MB, by οι· oeiîieeele of OU* dale an.l now letter was found Mr. the inhabitants, all effort» cap· that li ρβτ, that the by among ua 1IELRX M. STAPLE*. Teacher oj Motletn public chives of body by guished m Utatm No. I aaid naatation, on the ?«tk day swims with the effort to determine where Dus ruined erected tilled drinks has declined, U l Util. temples, apparently by appreciably he was soon arrested, of January 1MU, at ten o'c loci In the forenoon. of Dr. Green was There, however, of Com- are ii and Greenleaf Milden." *lv> Α.. M LliΑΠΒ'Ή'ΚΝΚ Prio-lpal you and where you ought to be. Λ race of people long before that country the want has been supplied by other «nu-aï a> <1 u-a. her of lodu» the librarian of sentenced to seven imprisonment, u.eri-tai Itep* In himself, at that time, years' Uui Uivii.il· neighboring town, in which the highways was inhabited the Incas. After ages even more deleterious stimulants. by Judkins and handed over to the Strasburg author- M. ROBISSUS. Teacher of Kng the No person named Misa LOl'ISA i have the same crazy character but lead at had rolled mankind had Paris, alcohol is in by society. 1»Q »nt El ««Uui> ι ι «! away, improved, part superseded there. The to be dealt with eigh- ι ι it have ever been in any way connected with ities Bh\ M. UNCOL.V Cbao aia. I 5 I i Hi it last to the village, has given origin to a it became apparent the sun was absinthe and chloral, among the Spanish· I compoaed ever teen women whom the Mlvi I IZ/.IE Κ BAKKK IT Teacher ol Knfliah Charte» D. l.*ne. the No chest of papers had young prisoner Ktt Hulton l«n t«UU kind of local man can af therefore a belief Peruvians coca, and in San Francisco library. I and tae Hulifr lar··. $Μ>«Ι proverb—"A get matter, general pre- by Μ N <. Κ Κ * Υ, AMletaot ι· at|W(m " l'« 3QU so- wounded of them, fortunately, tame 1"* been in the archives of the had (none Mataeiaattca. " 3uu into but out." ^ ailed far of In London and St. Peters- deposited Heme. 10 Mi Duxbury he can't get that, beyond the bounds by of opium. as witnesses against Ml'J. I\A Μ ΤΙ"BMCR, Teacher lT»wm| ir· of Ττη-dhy Robert Greenleaf of Maiden. severely) appeared [Vl. at however differ < existed a of users of wines have ciety by aoJ Paiatlag Walker, lot of The roads Pembroke, creation, Divinity, the maker burg many high had ever him. An declared him in posses- MBS J r. MOODY. Taacber of In^troaeoUi la»d Iiveoded No member of the society expert i>om these, in that, lead *11 At the abandoned them for ether-drinking, and a Mniie mirth by land of they anywhere things. present day, nearly sion of his senses, ascribing his acts to W. H. Bi»bop, heard of Robert Greenleaf of Maiden. M.SS NEI.l.lr Ε GIBBS. Teach of Vocal Muale and and for this very reason ill the most tribes of the earth in and the Swiss canton» parte rl * by town everywhere, degraded Savoy adjoining and the court sentenced The letter wm * miserable and morbid vanity, of Pern, a'Util afford the loveliest drives in the world. tiave well ideas of an arsenic eaters are the abstainers from forgery, and ax defined Overruling only to be Tbi· -chooi offer· greater ailT.HDta*··· b* land of chaa. all the circumtances of its dis- him to one years' imprisonment, lower «*· thou aay other lerlin h>· ia the B.*b*-e, w«>t by run to Dr. Os· pretended pri· " trim, white all Power. alcohol. These facts eieeBut loard all 2 25 lfto 2 VJ They by cottages suggest him at County Young la«1le» get County roa·), were added to the sevto for covery invented with the intention years given touacue· appl? Same. ers, that clamber over parch and roof; pre- ated two Angels, one of Light and one original meaning of the word intoxica- Principal. 3*c>eiary. or Κ»-τ. >. l.iar. In Hem or Joka I.. of ita to the Sher- t-aei an purpose putting credulity A Ghastly t.EO Ε CUA1>BUI B>K See'y. Abbot, tentious square mansions with ponderous >f Darkness. At the end of the world tion, that "poison" and "stijaulaat'' Wzxrox.—Capt. β Poor Ο HI HI M So l; i«lf Vegetine are realized immediately you FARMERS! ny letter. This page can now be seen j :ommence taking it. ûRemecrat. For jour Fftll Plowing try tho framed in the Cleveland historical room». , SUMMER GOODS. woman her hnsband A Voxbnrgh gave When call at was once asked you want to new fresh Choap for ceeh, PARIS, MAINE, AUGUST 38, 1883. I remember that Browne morphine to care him of chewing tobacco, buy goods [t cared him, bat she Is doing her own to to 'The Presa* at a Ben Frank- Plow. respond urvestlng. Celebrated Chilled Swivel but lin festival at the American house, Draft, to handle, and SUPPLEMENT. Hind's Rai>u_ai. Corn Remover sellsnot Nerer fails to give satisfaction. Light winy his head in silence. The neat day f M. M, PHINNEYS. perfect hung over bat In kinds of Boil. >nlv all this country, largely and boo the stock of good· Including Black and Color- does good work in all his in the in the Mexico and South America. splendid jnst opened, Decisions. 'speech* appeared report | ?uba, ed for 18 Mulls from 20 to 45c., Newspaper Bantings and 25c. yard, Spat Figured to a trial in the to a per Plow field, failing please «ho take· a mnilarly of half column of blank space. Western that an acrobat Iawuh Scotch Every sold, subject thorough 1. Any per*on paper shape * A paper says 10c. White Lace Suitings all Ginghams, to hianatue *r only per yard, prices, from the office— whether direete.1 a on a locomotive smoke to will be refunded. ι» turned somersault Seersucker American Dress Cambrics from 12c., can be returned and uotWi, or «better he has lub^jlbtd or not Ginghams, Ginghams, 8$ money JUDGE DAVIS'S QUIT CLAIM itack. That Is An can reapoMibte tor tfco »·▼—t. nothing. engtneer IVrots from 5 to a line of Black Silks, Cashmeres, he 7c. We alRO have full ALSO t. lit penoo urdero hU paper *« Of frM>l. of Miss Burr and David Davis Flannels, Woolens, wedding Cow-bells are hung over the garden-gate of Rubber took place Wednesday, visited Washing- In the country, and tied with big bows Flannels, Shawls, Oapes, Hoop MASON BROS., THE GENIAL SHOWMAN. blue ribbon when the young ladles are at ton a* the guests of Mrs. Hoge, the wife Skirts, Sunshades, Hosiery, home and papa away. Bustles, NORWAY BLOCK, NORWAY, ME. from West λ Cl.KVKI.ASI) CAKKKR. of the irgin- new, A1TKMVS WA*D*S representative Mr. E. O. Reed of Boston, Mass.. says: Summer Corsets-something these ladies were anxious to ia. Both "One of my horses had Ftstulou* H'itAers, HIS OWN Velvet Ribbons, Neck A HOIORIST WHO SXJOYBD visit the White House and see the Pres- the ulcer being very large and deep. El- Hamburgs, Laces, Fichues, CLOTHING. Hl'MOR. lis's Spavin Cure has cured him." CLOTHING. ident but the did not wish to es- Ties, and a line of Dress Trimmings. York Time·.; judge large [New " MEN'S AND BOYS'. He was will- In a lecture. Burdette said : found in a first-class the associate editor of cort Miss Burr. perfectly Speaking Customers will here find everything usually city tfeorge Hoyt, L)f the telephone, one hundred years ago to show Miss Green the sights, and the Clerelami Plain Isoler, in a casual ing it would have been thought an Invention J. F. & Co., Block. he addressed a note to the President say- of the devil—and I sometimes think it is Huntington Norway conversation with the writer some gave now." Small Profits. wished to call with a at DRY AND FANCY GOODS STORE, Stock, Sales, and hie friend- ing that he lady Large Quick unpublished points touching the mansion. The President Fever and ague, malarious fever, bilious and we sell them at tho lowest cash Remember place, LOOK AT THE FRICES. when the two the executive price. ship with Artemus Ward, anil typhoid fevers all originate in oue Men's Suits. A· a time and the visit was Men's Suits, $5.00. $(J.OO $13.00 worked in the old Plain Dealer appointed paid. producing cause and may all be easily together Pills. Good serviceable suit. Indigo Mue. Miss Green is a and very hand- prevented by Partons'* Purgatitt office. young Men s to These pills act directly anil powerfully up- Men's Suits, $7.00. Suits, sill' $15. some and the President immedi- 44 "In those early days, before Ward was person, on the blood. M. M. PHINNEY, Diirk Colored Caseiinere. Nobby F nry (Jaunimere. she to the conclusion that " Men's Mena Suit*. $15 to $20. famous," said Mr. "he was ately jumped An exchange asks : Is Suits, $10.00. Hoyt, plain correspondent Fine D. ess Suit. was Davis* intended bride. He there that can be burned to Good Assortment in light and «lark colors. Charlie Brown, and it was not until af- Judge anything keep Norway Village. away the mosquitoes?** Oh, yes. Burn Good business Suit. showed her every attention, escorted the ter he left us th*t the ΗπαΙ 'e' was ad- the mosquitoes. That will keep them the house and the con- PANTS! PANTS! PANTS I ded. He had been doing local work on couple through away. a bunch of flowers for $1.00, il.00, .<2.Γ»ιι, $3.00, $3.60. $4.00, 50, $.">.00. a Toledo and some of his servatory, plucked It Is a dangerous thing to allow the di· paper, quaint Suits Short and the and talked until the be- arrbiva or to go unchecked and Good assortment of Children's in Long I^egs had attracted the attentton of J. lady, judge dysentery aquibe there is no need of it. A small bottle of came to leave. When the CUSTOM WORK MADE TO ORDER. editor of the Πα η leader. impatient .Λ»Αns>tn'» Liniment will cure the to or«l< r. Μ ·>ι k \V. Gray, Anodyne \V<· o*rrv a Itnr·' lino of λη· weuli-ni (Tinn wliirli wi' will make κηγιιμί^ returned to the hotel the old gen- most stubborn case of either that cau In- lit* wurru between the two soon re- couple PILLS an·I PARSONS'NEWRICII Correspondence MAKE III^OOD, tleman observed to Miss Burr that produced. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Miss] And « III rhan^ th* blood In Ihf fnllrr tyatrni In thrro month*. Any prrw sulted in Browne's arrival in Cleveland, tomplrtflj NPck W. IMkf« «·Ιον<·», \r., to 1*· Γοιιιι·Ι m <»* American went to to »oun«< Τ1ι<· 1).·λΙ «t'H-k of ur, Ifoslory, Collant, ΓιιΐΓ·», Green had the President. An young lady singer •on who will take 1 1*111 ouch night from 1 to 13 wrek·, mit, he rralornl as a I ior»l < 'onnty. where he went to work captivated rustic name of h»to ιιο reporter. Euwpe hearing the Mary- health. If aurh it thing 1m- poaallilr. For curing Keiimle Compilai nt· I In·»·· ΓΙΙΙ· A few later the of the and her is now HATS AND CAPS. was then a a «mall news- days justices Jane Boggs, cognomen equal. l'hyalelana n»r them In thrlr pnwiliv. Molal rvrrj whrpr, or arnt bjr mail for compositor upon sea A law Htoek in all the Int.· and StyU-a. A ηΐβυ Ι1ιι<· of straw <·ο«»·1*. Court dined with the President. Miss Nina I.afonti. Effect of the air, Srml for ctrrular. 1. S. JOHNSON Λ CO., IlOsTON, MASS. nobl.jr called the and, hav- Supreme eight letter-atarnp·» paper Daily Rex-iev, you know. Davis was a When the, ■■ BRONCHITIS. a taste for cartoons, I pro- Judge guest. 1I I^PII CROUP. ASTHMA, J. F. & Block, ing making mistake for JOIINSOVH ANOOTNE LINIMKNT-llllnatan- Huntington Co., Norway Norway. w Men often were the President, ith ·.·" notoriety Ill «111 1 HI Κ I I I ÊÊ tl.eae terriMe di»· aaea. kiwi will duced a little cut the ideAl cigars lighted ■ II rn0 ■■ I ■■ ■§ Κ I ■■ fanauajal? reiicire (kxIUt·!/ representing fame,"bnt never mistake Kldnev-VVort I cur· nlic oaaea »ut of trn Information that «111 un they Ill g Ï & 1 ·Π| j 11 mock tendered his congratula- for medicine. Kidney-Wort is I II ■ III ^^1 man, lit»· a.-iit ft··* t>y mall. l>»u t d*lay a ruumanL Artemus ward, in the act of formality, any quack mJI II ]| rurt. showmAn, V I I II I II I HI I I'm fiiLfcm la Mlrr than 1883. tions to the of the Senate. universally recognized as a standard rem- 1883. at his desk. It president 'genial composition' edy for all diseases of the liver, bowels, ANODYNE LINIMENT '£ζκζ"π!& that there was no JOHNSON'S < X Α. LINE OF at The ind Ne* ralgia. Inflornz*. f*>r* '..uugt. Hireling at lit· l-ung·. iTironic H-iaraenraa, Harking Cough. Whooping oufh, HAVE FULL and he it the judge protested j kidneys. Trouljic·. Intra»·· of Uia pleased Gray, placed c Kl it m irrhe·. Ckronla lljiMBtanr, (Mil llertoea, KMtejr .t Mast. reason he should be and I aim· Hack. -Hold ·*· rj where. !»end lor pamphlrt to I. 9 J Co.. ItoaTuy, head of each of Ward'· letters in the why congratulated. Farmer Jones thiuka it was a great Nplne The President persisted in his congratu- mistake to make the earth three-quarters IMM I Μ Λ MM II ■ ■ |M I ■ I ■ \/f Plain Dealer. It Brcwne also, < II κ I Mk av and i-oqntrv ·*> that mo*t mkmM U L Toilet in thi· Patent tww tra< Img Goods, pleased so Medicines, water. That is what makes land con- r III ^ I M* V lations and the demanded to know· the l| .f»·· ai>4 < attic l'nwdrr» «·Μ here RM M* H ^1 ^ Fancy and he it as the justice Hr V erldan a adopted only 'correct' founded high, he says, because there's so are le., ira.h |ψ| ff |% ^ Il lill V ·Π I the The President told of the on.l ti n | ar·· »'«.«lule!v pure arid mystery. little of it. ·ιι fttrndaii'a t'onditfctfi l'owdrrv I Niae. ] n- likeness of the showman, his mil»!·· \taltia>>le. S :l ing earth will make hem lai like teaap TOBACCO AND CIGARS, requiring fur 1. S Jouaaoïi A Co Horroa, Miaa. visit of Davis and Miss Green. .U1 tu 1 puai l.*«i .Hull c«*rjwb«f*.uf Will b> inail a latter atampa Judge a subsequent illustrators, Mullen, Stephens readers will notice & new ad- And all of the Goods kept in The veteran the idea of Jf^Onr Staple usually and others to it wherever they jurist pooh-hooed vertisement, Clover Bitters. This medi- reproduce > on- it «'«.id < h ( Tntr«. the and he un- cine we have h»'ard spoken of highly a* it SAVE YOUR MONEY had to Ward. marrying lady, squirmed CLASS DRUG occasion represent flrom the red and white Id the town 01 Rrownfldd »ιι·1 < ounty of Oxford IIlll STORE. Is compounded AWI· PLACE IT IN der the tha1 fbr the year l*m. "I soon and held pleasant congratulations clover. It contains great virtue for sprinir changed my situation The follow Ok' li*t of taxe* on realc»tateof non are were on even· side. and blood diseases and all who ailicg owner* in the town of Itrownllcld lor the a case in the Plain Dealer proffered realdcnt composing ihould call on their druggist* for it. ve&r in bill* commute·! to llroughton Itartlett An Endowmet "You as much as Collector of «au) town, on the ÏUth day of July, Policy PHYSICIANS PRESCIRPTIONS PREPARED PERFECTLY PURE. room. Ward came to where I was may deny you please, —IX A— up lN-α. he· hren r.-tarnr.l bv him to me a* remain· I that but vou would not dare to A New Orleans doctor advertises on the liith day of May iHKt, by hi* at work one and said : Ί Am judge, sign a] in* unpaid day gUd of a for that date, anil now remain* le can cure people love whiskey- certificate of unpaid, from 0 to λ. 1 to an ! 7 to p. m. claim in favor," re- anwn l>oit«e In «aid town,' Life and a of all his publie Insurance of a wa* up signed relinquishment >ublic. but It is a settled fact that no couch <>n the eighth day 01 January, 18*4, at twoo'el.tck Company country gawk. His hair of Ροκτι and. M «ink. Is now m it* long, •an he cured unless it is cleans- In he afternoon. Thirty· title and interest in Miss Green, thoroughly Klfih Tr«r, ami At no Mm» h»« II b»«i nuorr his trousers too at the and right, short feet bag- *1 out of the blood The Hon «ehΟ Id Blood |>ni*pen>u«, mote «ηΛΟβΜΓαΙ. Il» rmult* laal the President marriage i'urirter and Coush is compounded year w«« A I. AK'.KI.Y Ini'KKASKU baalite*·. In ging at the knee. Before he went to provided propoeed Syrup rmlu·, GREATEST SLAUGHTER rom pure oils of roots herbs, l>ivlilrndu 10 am! all M-cuml a to her within the term of one year. This policy hn*o .nd lot. preeence on l« sketches for it, including απ elaborate ti- >ne of his horses 4'TinTatr," after a brand oa.t .ill- of J pareil»· to ™.ΙJromM·1· M. a J OVER SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Arthur has been reticent re- >f chc tohacco. To the well-informed tle page consisting of a of Wsrd. remarkably win* north of J.inc* Urown* ρ lac *·α |i 30, portrait animal run το ρομγτ iioi.dku· the affair since the engagement he title would indicate that the Kra-tu* ('oie. m"""'*"" '"l οη,' surrounded by the Accessories to girding sa·' meadow mountain, aooth peculiar plug." l. f- Λ) 1 V was of Γ II R«Tnt°n himeatea Over Millions of Dollars- his sub- of Judge Davia to Miss Burr an- Eighteen Browne took them for alaop%rt of lot No '"·*w-* •if-our ne» bn*lne>a tliu· (arm 1ΛΟ, abowa · Made calling. it Τ V" l„.,r»·»· over ISKI. mission to i JAckson, his to-r » 90 78 —EVER IN- Derby publish- nark. '· L. the blood, '..t of Porter Ready Clothing F.," purify giving W».hlnrt<>n Γο cord A lm;. n ers. but some of his chsr- through piece lew life and to the whole tlm»*' Mandtne theJohj*■· we,t "ld BUSINESS IN MAINE. OLI) STYLE APVERTISMENT. vigor system. <γ> «η,, » «ο of Stephen Round* farm, acteristic carelessness he lost the whole never his Interest 1H01 ΙΜΗίί L F. Atwood ha« gold Clayton l>re*.«ror We are to Mr. Charles Foster. " " K«-t »t' J lot before New York. indepted ο one Wood." nor to one Moses F. and lot. .Itnaicl at reaching l>e not misled their 1J Bath. Me., for the following documents: \twood," therefore, by 100 5 20 $246,000 I $366,000 "I suppose," added Mr. Hoyt, "that ilgnatures." To close sommer pool* >,τ Mne' no humorist ever his own humor Fmm, The Boston Evening Poet Not. Agent» Wanted Everywhere, enjoyed The joke of nominating General Crook ,|ΓΓ'ΐ'1^β* 30 SO 130 ™" so much m Browne his. He 30. 1747. for President appears to be taken serious- Λ' enjoyed vTf'iSiSS'iS",J.me· HennottWarm. hounded FREELAND A number of newspapers have corn- ^ ^ ^ ^ HOWE, wis a his To be A y. Agent, & in while sold, BICKNELL young Negro a.s he farm NIvAL, always giggle putting likely nenced to abuse the if Old home» teal gentleman pTntel i»uiêh. #β ; Λ AT NORWAY. MAINE. OF on When he had a Woman that can do all sorte of House- ivere a pickpocket. of Joaiah Llnacott, joke· p*per. partic- .Same, farm k.O.WB WHAT ARK ularly good one he would call on me to hold Business, and can be well recom- f%rm. south of Ρ lli· J Ax Err το Βγ&ινκμ. of the H K'iiB.la farm. ^qq» ^ou 5 >> listen. 1 remember especially the Mor- mended. Enquire at the Printer» Shop. Α. M. Gerry, the Druggist, is always Jamc. M f.ib»<»n *ltuaU· CROCKETT'S Branch of Lewiston, • Ide of road leadlBt from!'^ P. * O. Norway, virte-awake to business and he spares no mon letter, which described Ward's in- 11 K. i'ri>ot to RrownfleM WILL OFFER From The Boeton & Advertis- of In Poet-Boy )ains to secure the best every article ane weat of W. C. R >«· · Ρ terview with lû0 40Û 10*·), Brigham Young, and his er. 7, 1764. lis line. He has secured the agency for May Hartford. eituated N-'rtt» Yellow Dock Bitters? 4 Bnlsam for Consumption. Coughs. Ueo"·'W. a note of some Mormon statis- vemp's ra t of P..rur Une and >o. ea.t of making To be sold, on reasonable Term·, and all affec- CLOTHTNG Asthma. H °® OF jOlds. Bronchitis, c of ENTIRE STOCK by are Howard» h otaeatead *B;' The y entirely rentable boin? >rai>oaed THEIR of an item in regard to tions of the throat and lnngs. Sold on a eiat"·!·'· of road fM" tics'—especially Samuel of Charlestown, Either -q jju J yo to make room for fall at tlrnt will astonish Thin sale Hendley xvltlve guarantee. Price 50c. and $1 00; Hrowntleld to ke*»r 't-V1,'""**"·· goo»ls, prices everyone. Brigham's wives—«time of whom, as Eli W. Johnson. known ». ».1*arl „/ for cash, three months Credit, or to be rial size free. will coramcnoe lame* John·"· Yellow Dandelion, declared 'Were sealed to me. fojw». 45 HO 2 00 Dock, Brigham for Molasses at common the north b* exchanged good "Look here!" exclaimed the young gen- Sam' altnate.l FrT'h·^"0'.eaat ni 1·Λ·''· pMr.'«* 'Whereabouts ?* asked the showman ; f or 50 or 60 Hogsheads of good old leman in conntricted unmentionables. 17th, and continue 30 price, " Pricklev Ash, Buchu, July days. and I can still hear Browne over I)o take me for a fool?" I take » . Hops, laugh New you SSSSÎfcSSWtf?»· u visit Rale as it will l>e a to some- Don't fail to the grand good that England Rum.—Telephone. ■ou for just what you are." was the opportunity buy conceit. It seemed as though he Mandrake, Sarsaparilla &c., at low —The of Illinois what ambiguous response. clothing price. would shake himself to He was Adjutant-General like and pieces. .«othby^V^Tu^uTh making the boat remedy for received a curious memento of 8 eo 2 M in fact, but a but in that recently Os Τπικτν Days' Trial. am^Xar" nothing wag, ïeT'brA^** east oi Marshall, Ge<> W I ewi·, Lintoln, which has been in the Tii* Voltaic Bei.tCo Mich., sMfand eaât of line he was a He could never placed mêt low mount*!»# BICKNELL * NEAL. genius. rill send Dr. Dyes's celebrated Electro- ^ ^ ^ Museum of the at General Biliousness, talk on and it was Military Capitol voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on D«An'ie* LnX'r he "'of. OB Debility, Norway Branch of Lewiston House. seriously anything, ► Bart meadow bomUW It is a little rial for thirty days to men (young or old) lie of ,0£'^ not in him to see but the ludi- Springfield. only pine end P-irter north 11·· and nor. anything rho are afflicted with nervous debility, 30 m 3 20 six inches with crous a board, by eight square, ost and kindred troables. guaran- Nems, Mixtion, a side of subject. It was Browne vitality "A Nimble Sixpence is Better than Slow Shilling," holes in and in the centre a black eelng speedy and complete restoration of who first added the 'ist' to words it, desig- lealth and manly vigor. Address as above. about the size of a silver nating a person's calling—a 'fightist,' a spot quarter. ?. B.—No risk is Incurred, as thirty days' Dyspepsia, Costiveness, on all aldea by jreat It was used as a target by Mr. Lincoln rlai in allowed. Sara#. bounded 'shootist' and a 'sculpist-' The latter ^ ^ while an inmate of the White House. at the Coffla, lot on Liver and Diseases, Jaundice title is the one he on A who touched λ "squid" Same,'kBow. Kidney always bestowed gentleman the wf at »id« of road leading by A memorandum on the board ex- ylng at the surface of the water was ^ ^ me. His resources as a pencil AND A3 A GENERAL wag were bound- Irenched from head to foot with Ink. We torn··'ieînd^Tld'ed part ûf seven weTe lot aad So. β» less. that the holes made telleve the was the model rua lB*aIla bo« the^^ Once he burst into the green-room plains equld original 3» 31 7υ seven consecutive shots fired from a if the stylographlc pen. of Carncroes i minstrels at by Dixey's Phil- ,ii;KS?rof roada oppoalte of Detereu '-r; PURIFIER. ride at a distance of Kl BLOOD and insisted Spencer forty yards, Heart affections, kidney and liver troub- adelphia, upon 'going on,' Sutler** Kimball. bounJfrl on1 the Mr. at ?s affect nearly one-half of mankind. Yet aouth of and on he went in of by Lincoln, Washington, August north by Une, spite everything, iow many heedlessly pass through a short- McKtnney•r7«har* lot and J. M. Harmin 50 cents Bottle. 1863. One shot was a "centre" and ^ 450 11 "0 Only per in hand, and in full cork. 18, ned life giving no care to these com- j guitar Lowle all that part of hi. PREPARED ONLT BY all the rest but one were close ilalnts which cause the human family such Peary, "Some of the funniest planted homeateaU irinlf M>uth of Frye and oddest distress. Does your heart beat vlo- 1Q „ Μ around the bull's The markman- ;reat things he ever did were done unconscious· eye. pntly from the least excitement? Have Kidion '{VVi. north of porter Una back is excellent. on flte of dizziness? Does your «100 3 ly. He was to Detroit once on a ihip pronounced LOOK JK.T THIS S I? Xj EN" ID ID ENGIN Ε, going che? Are your bowels constipated? 4oo1 S. L. CROCKETT, ffjttwgrsfftt Built in a and short are Portable, Self-Contained. Superior Manner, full]/ vacation, and engaged me to do As Extraordinary Find of Honey. 'hese symptoms the first warnings. Efgt»tered Apothecary. la dangerous. Be wise In time, Warranted. Ju»t the Engine for Stave Millλ and other his work in his course —Some men in )elay city absence. Of engaged making repairs health Brown's tegaln perfect by using road from Brownfleld Center to NORWAY, MAINE. work where light power is required. I was new ^Çn9^n'K:îiVoVp3of in that and the ell of J. P. ron Bitters. p. ft Ο. E. R .tatlon and east line, in order that jpon Capt. Tenney's I am now fitted up for building up to 00 horse Alio Yatch or Boat ElUa Spring* hom^atead. 5 J0 engine* power. I or might fully appreciate my burdens and louse in Deering, were assailed by what The following extract is from a letter of Kphralm 8anb>m. 2-S cotnm°B engines with reversible link motion. Boilers of any size style tarnished from the " undlT.ded of Ue Cyroa ln«ll.".J bent manufacturers in the at short notice ami at : I am to hear SHORT & HARMON, country lowest possible prices. Steam before he left be it first to be and ongratulatlon delighted boe on eaat »lde of Ssoo river LOME, responsibilities, just they thought wasps, lot, and all other kinds of Steam Fittings, Boiler &c., &c. hat Mary Is doing so nicely; but you have uù 80. of Wm. Bean, meadow -iiA.vurACTuuïRî or— Pipe Puinps, me a tow I have In a Thousand Dollar Lathe can now brought string about a foot and Iriven from their work. Investiga- ot told me of what sex the child is, so lot· ^ ^ Jff2 recently put Shafting and furnish shaft- C. Η. ΓΟΟΟ. a half bat I cannot whether I am uncle or ing of the very beet quality In long or abort lengths and of any si/.e, at short long, and told me that I must fur- :ion the insects to be say Tr.aiurer of the town of Brownfleld. yesterday proved st s as low as can be bought of No occasion unt." Brownfli U. Aniu.t Î \&Λ· price anywhere responsible parties. nish about — that much copy each day, and Italian bees, and they were found to have now for going out of the "Dlrigo" State for Shading, Pulleys, I {augers, Glaring, 4c., left the BLANK when you can obtain it everyway Just as well at heme. Correspondence solicited and measure on desk as a remin- iccumulated a store of some Huhax Blood.—On the and vital- BOOKS, my seventy-five parity BUY TOUR promptly answered. der. It was all a serious matter with jwunds of honey, which w; s secured. In ity of the blood depend the rigor and health DEALERS fît ot the whole system. Dite aie of various J. W. Mechanic Falls. him, as his idea was that so much ι :he of Mrs. this swarm PENNEY, copy opinion Tenney kind» is often only the lign that nature U Doors, Windows, Blinds HEW and SECOND HANS January, 1883. meant a fulfillment of his routine task, < )f be^s have had their hive in the house trying to remove the disturbing caote. A remedy that gives life and vigor to the no matter what that matter was nor from ι lome four mouldings, year·.—Près». blood, eradicates scrofula and other impart- STANDARD what source it was obtained. ies from it, as Hood's Sarsaparilla on- LAW BOOKS A Bjq come from does, must be the means of ρ re- and were Prarl.—Reports loubtedly Stair Balusters. Neiels "Paper pencil alway· at diseases that would occur Bail School Book*, Mexico of the discovery near La Paz of renting many ASH ASD PIKE SUKATU1NO, hand, and if a happy thought struck him irithout its use. Bold by dealers. Wall Paper*, HORSE AND CATTLE he largest pearl the world has ever seen, MEDICINES, in the night he would jump giggling and WINDOW and DOOR FRAMES, Fancy Good·, PREPARED BT [t one is of light color and oval fotm, like a rls- etc. fasten it. Β Η. Barney, agent of the A Lkgal Point.—He looked AC. Stationery a brackets, picket», nch in and of an ig young lawyer, as he entered Jersey Great Western was Browne's length three-quarters ,74 Cokohkbi 8τ Opp. Pbpbl* Που» Deepatch, the other and inquired for the -o*- Maine. nch thick at iu shortest diameter, and ink, day, Paris, room-mate at that and he telle ishler. Rawasa'a Coadltlon Powder». Raw··*·· Iterated Olntratat. time, 1 PORTIAND MAINE. >f lustre. " a check here beat and cheapest la the market. Sure death to Give· some surpassing No doubt the oy»- Has any person presented universal tatiPfactios in all caaea where stories about ec- 5. p. maxim & son. voiiqj. Leave the In extraordinary his ;er Smith?" bor*e good oondltlna. «ueh a ta needed. was glad to be put out of his misery, taring my signature—J. Q. NOTICE. retundy centric to " Bawaea'i Ileave Powder·. companion. I used go to his ror its tenant was too No, sir." MAINE· be in a«Mion ibe IUhiob'i Water Reaalatar. to be accom- SOUTH PARIS, The Selectmen o( Parle will ... .. _ big 44 a was tilled in for at the town Sere cure for Cold·, Fever room to him If such check 9200, lr«t Tu«-e» a» so îad been unable to close its habitation, "No, sir—not even if the signature Ν Β. Kvery deaerlptlon Maine. iMh, lata remedy con»untiy hand. and u»ed μ »ny delighted in. The most elaborate ParU. May power. as and the note filled In for but derangement 1· noted. ["he owner of the pearl says that an offer genuine 1- was concocted one Sunday in November. io r , if ι sum less than 850,000 for his t re as- Cure· coU, I vu » Br3S· îr.MACALASTERS K'c'.Si'ïï ·praina, bruiaea, apavlna, sad all refunded 1850, not before Browne "Ah-eh-yes! simply making toothache la the ohilUren'a friend a ail Mother'· inch trouble·. It la slao Mr long left for ι tre would be treated with con- good Eheuautian, perfect point. I bank in my rest pocket, omtort it deadtoa the nerve tad five· per.ma· Neuralgia, Csta, Bursa, Scald·, fee,, oa hamaa I Ma«u£anredaedfor»ale, *1 >'* te «it ei % New York. gal 1 Of courte, all I did was to l empt. ood moraine." RUBBER PAINTS, ί «ftt niter. f*t Withy «*!«· la MtMM & tab. by J, H. RAwMS, aa above. 1 TU Κ subscriber notice that To the HonorahU Cmi nti/ Commltttontrt fer the A TRIP TO MOOSE CAVE, GRAFTON. TRIAL AT OXFORD. I OXFORD, M:—At a Court oi Probate held s1 hereby five· ptiolie POLITICAL. ! Pari*, within and fur the County of Oxford, on be has been duly appointed by the lion. Judge County of Oxford. To the lor the Editor of the Oxford Democrat: th· tiird Tuesday of Au*,. A. D. 1883. of Probate County ol Oxford andassumed We, Um nndereinged «iU>M« ·( Ik* tow· of OW SPECIAL IXTRRR8T TO FARMKRS. (,. KoKwK PRK8GOTT, Exeeutor on the eaUte the trait of Aumlnistrator of the estate of in the County of Oxlord, respectfully A K. HH Κ Riimiord, general Invitation wu given out for a —Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota are thrw of Ells A Ring, late of Oxford. in aaid County, HANNAH LI), late of Bethel, represent that the publie safety and convenience • Mid loud as tbe " States which are to vote on thi deceased, having presented h la account of a-'min- In County. d»c**std,by giving rei| uire that the gra'llog of hill·, anil the widening ride to Moose Cave," Aug. Uth, 1883. Mason of John contiguous κ he therefore all In Bros., Norway, against lsfratiou uliho Estate of asld deceased f>r allow- law dlrec ; requests persons of the County road lending from Rnmford Point liquor question at the coming election. It to the ei'aie of aald deceased to make lm- We started about 6 1-2 o'clock a. m. A Reuben Rich and Horace anfe: debted to tb· Mexico town line, no the WMt iide of Swrtt Burns, Rich, It and those who hare de- all three of them the Republican party Okiixhkd,that the aaid Executor gl»e notice niediate payment, any river In «aid town of Rumford be made. We nice shower the to exhibit the sann to niicht prevton* had laid (three cases) claiming pay for superphos- committed to restrictive wblh I to it 11 pt-rsona luteiv.sted bv causing a copy of thla mand* thereon therefore that your honor» legislation, l IIA Kl.fc.fi V. MAKTIN. T»*peouully rr<|uo4t the order to De published three tnki -ucoeaaively in to vl««w «aid route anil order each grad- dust, and the cool ni<>rning air waa all phate sold aud delivered to them Id the the Democracy Lm to free whts * proceed pledged th4 Oxford Democrat, printed at Paria that they Aug. 21. ISKt. inxofhill·, aud widening ol laid road,»* In yov that could be desirvd In that M of 1881. key. at a Probate Court to be held at Paria uablio and convenient re- direction, spring may appear THE that judgment the eifety " on lubaorlber hereby gives publie nouée — In '«aid County, tha third Tuesday of Sept, and ti« bound will we left home. Soon we were —The Boston Journal says : Th( he haa bee· the honorable ated at Burn ford thl« ".♦•ti of A. I>. of Probst* for the of day July, Herald frequently refers to the polltlcai If the aame ahould not be Judge County Oalord.and 1«K«. A. ΡΟΚ Γ It it, nod *J other·. several friends who bad started of 1881 the defendants came into any they have, why 01 KKKD upon the spring bossism In Maiue. It all be but assumed the trust of AdmlnistVof the Estate may true; nilbwed Ι.ΟΛ ΜΙ R. PEA law of itumlord, same There was a store some K. A. FKYK, Judge, BODY, trip. heavy fog which plaintiffs' and purchased super- these facts io favor of sensible civil servlcc In said deceased bond a« the STATE MAINE. A true copattest:-If. C. DAVI8, Register. County, by giving 07 covered the low lands aud hid the sun phosphate, he (one of the Arm of Mason cannot be refuted. Of four Collector» of law directs; he therefore requests all persons In OXKORt», M.—Board ol County CommiMloner·, debted to the estate of laid deceased to make im- May Nation, lxtl; held by adjournment Aug. from our view. A few the port of Portland who have held the of- OXFORD, us:—At a Court of Probate, held at miles brought us Bros ) supposing they intended to pay for mediate and thoie who hare any de- 20, 188». flee since two died in the two Parte within and for the County of Oxford payment, to 18fil, office; mand· thereou to exhibit the came to the petition, iatl»factory evi- the River. Here we It when sold their corn In the fall. on the third Tuesdav of Aug., Α- Ο. 18H3, Upon foregoing Androscoggin they have been in office CHARLEd V. MAKTIN. dence bavlni; been received that the leading deputlee twenty (jKuKuK H. WATRIN8, Admiulatrator on the petitioner* were to be across in a He let 1883. that Into the mérita of conveyed rope ferry them have what they wanted and years ; the greater of the force has catate of Aona It. late of in aaid Aug. SI, arere«ponal6le.and la^ulry part Wntkina, I\»»la, It la ordered that the boat. The ten to fif- bis account their ipplloatlon («expedient, signal soon the charged It to them. Masons' books were been in continuous service from County, deceased, having prfaenied OXFORD SS. At a Court ol Probate held a( Co mini·» loner· meet at the Poet Otlleeat brought ferry- of admin la trat ion of tberstal* of «aid deceased County teen years. The Internal Revenue Collect- Part*. within and for the County of Oaford Rumford Centre on Tnealti»»w purity the Louisville Commercial. The former ford the drat of aaid publication· «n «Il M >ne ·Ν->·ο<.ιηΙ<·* by certain lostrument purporting to be the Ual Will aerved and at IT. nifi As we were ourselves and look to the Winslow OXKOKD,sa:—At a Court of Probate held at other notice·, to be made, poated 1 k t- »!i ·<·.·ι I ·,* II congratulating superphosphate State has believed In the doctrine of pro- •nd Tellement of Andrew Martin, lat* oi Brown· ol to the Paris, within and for the County ol Oxford leasttnirty day· before «aid time meeting, η ei h ·,··ττ ,'ι·ΐι ·*'Μ·>« ι··«ι. ►bor· upon the road, we soon found that the for Mason Bros, admit and while Held, in «aid Conoty,deceased having presented and then W|>KK Co passed Bethel had made unsuccessful effort get the That the «aid Executrix notice not be > they Ordered, give the e»t*ie of John Wcntwor'.h late of Bethel. In tbe prayerol ·αΐα petitioner· «hunid granted. of The area of the a ^ <»k. not plenty pistol pockets. to all peraona Intereated by -causing copy of A : 8. ΓΙ V. Clerk. V» reached far in Newry, and the dust amount due them from the defendants, of •aid Countv decea*nd, haring presetted his flnal ttest ALB EUT AI two States Is the same ami one thla order to be three weeka order of Court practically publiahed account of administratioD of toe Esta* of aald A tme copy ol aaid petition M'l ww au ν thing but agreeable, and the sun as the Win&low because »uear okiikkki),that the said Administratrix £lre notice Atteat: ALBERT S. AUSTIN, began through fog began to they that Company were owing the other. But the population Court to bo held at Parla, In «aid County on the to all person* Interested by ciuslnt; a copy ol this tell us that we double that of Its rival. It Is dotted all third of next, at t> o'clock Α. M and Hmrtl nf Count CirmmltrlonTi Were to encounter a very défendants, bnt do not consider they for- Tuesday Sept. order to lie three weeks auceesrlvely in To the Honorable g show cauae if any have, the «aid Inattu- jiublished ui Ο and over with thriving manufacturing towns they why the Oxford (>emocrat. printed at Paris that they firtSe Count of font AH'tnumyçiu warm feited their claims the defendants ment ahould not lie ami al- volar· interval·.I, r». day. against a proved, approved ■nay ap|>ear at a Probate Court to bo holden at Th" undersigned le*»l that give home market for Its agricultu- lowed aa tho last W ill end Tcntament of aaid de- Uiat conono cooTfQujoci BROWN'S^ I'arl* on ttin of next at rrpretfot of the were so third nine iptcifully Many farmers still haying by doing. ral The these mar- Tuesday <*<;pt, out and ematrtic- products. advantages o'clock lu the loreuoon, and show cau»e II auy and nece»»ittr req'ilr· tbe laying The defendants' sides It was at that R. A FRYE, Jndge. lion from Hebron In Mid of Ox- i in the tl»*]da by the road-»lde. As they saw kets give is seen in the ditTerence in the thej have why Die same should not be allowed. of· road Connty A tru eoopy—atteat: D .C. Davis. Register. lord, to We«t Mlnot in *ai4 County of Androaeog- us time the usual custom for the Corn Pack- monthly rate of wages paid to agricultural R. A.FKYE. Judge. approach they geucrally dropped their at from xomo υjiot near >. be foot of the A true copy— Attest:—U.C. DAVIS. Register. gin, irtia* to furnish the farmers with laborers in the two States. In Ohio OXFORD, as:—At a Conrt ot Probate held at llill" ao called in «aid IL-bro». and scythes, ami as they leaned upon their ing Companies the Dr. Carr IRON average wages last year was 8^4 55 per Pari«. withl. .nd for tho County of Oxford on OXKOKD, es:—At a Court ot Probate held at lei mutating at a uoint i.ear the reaideto of corn stood as seed and superphosphate, taking pay the third ol A. D. lK«ct >ar >naths, If somewhat astonished month, while in Kentucky the average ot Tuesday Aug Paris within and lor the Countr ol Oxford on eph Crook-r io W-«t Mlaof. Wherefore y p«- ON the petition of Wallace It. A4· D. 1-W'l. ti'loner· lull ν that yowr bononaoie to see for the same wheu for the corn was Cumralngs, the third Tuesday oi Aug., A. respect |>rav such a Even settllrg up was 818 20. But then it η procession passing by. wages only m Iniatrator of the estate of llerni Cummlngs, ON lie petition of Sumner W Thompson ol Board will view and lay out aaid road, and cauae the next fall. The defeudauts went to the some satisfaction to the late of Id Mid ! the dogs, which would bark at a single probably agricul- Alosny. County, deceased, pray- Portland, county of Cumberland, praying that he the *ame to be built or uitl a road may b· laid ing for licenae to tell and convey ao n.uch of the mar mistrator on otner ioaie thu ·ΐιι»ΙΙ aoc omin xlale the BITTERS. of the Winslow for their tural laborers to know that if they did lose be appointed Adm the estate of outoy any agent team, remained silent and let us Company n »l estate of *al< privilege "protection chargea: ministered. KDW.MtD DUNHAM, one we corn, but told them he was all out of super- robbers." Ordered, That the aaid Petitioner give notice to the said Petitioner ^InUrlii. I hfr niitl 1'assing Held, saw a man upon barons" and the "tariff Ordered, That gire notice ill persona Interested, by causing an abstract of to all Interested, by causing a of thi· STATK OK MAIN'B. Κ !«!·*« > < ouipUÉNU. MriiKI^U but that he should have some person· copy his mower, just tipping the cold phosphate, —The Democracy have a hi* petition with thi« order thereon to be pub- order to be published three week* In OXFORD, a· Boar I of Countv Coemia»U>u»ers h il it rtl>«trftNv«% rmlnrv ||. |ag (of extemporized successively more In a few ami If did not lished three weeks sucoesilvelv In the Oxford the Oxford Democrat, printed at Purls, that .May Session, IHkJ; held by adjournment Iron tier* water, we as we had no reason days, they war that think has millions in it. they only Pmwn Ky supposed, cry they η newapaper at In «aid at a I " Democrat, printed Paria, may appear Probate Court to be held at Paris, Aux. ft), l*a H want to some of the Turn the rascals out." The Boston a to think he had wait they conld get It is County, that thev may appear at Probate Court, in said on the third of the foregoing petition,eaUafactory evidence on stronger). County, Tuesday Sept Upon ι- > ajui tr α Je-murk wrapper anything to be held at Paru, on the third of -Sept. Mason Bros. The defendants understood II·· raid usually has a leaning toward the Tuesday next, at nine of the clock in the forenoou, and havniii been received lUat the petitioner· arereapon- Soon our foreman halted and we were next, at nine o'clock In the fore-noun, and abow • hew It the same should •ible aud that into the merit· of their Democratic party, but once in a while has cause, any tbey have, why inouiry ap- this that Mason Bros, would let them oauae If any they bave why the aame ahould not not be granted. is told that, while our horses took a little by a and on one of those plication expedient. Republican day days be granted. S. Λ. It la Ordered that the County CommlMloner· have su on the same condi- FRYE, Judge, rest, we would take a view of the site per phosphate has the following : RICHARD A. FKYK, Judge. A true copy—atf»»tî U.C. Davis. Register. meet at the AenueuiV In aaid Hebron, on 1 : H C. Davis, as the 'Turn the rascals the true copy—Atteat tteglater. Tue»«lay, the day »l October next, at tions the and got "To cry. out,' — where once was a saw mill. Here we met agent, accordingly OXFORD, an. At a Court of Probate held at ten of the o'clock Α. X. and thence reared to ras- ρ will be made, "Keep the Paris, within and for the of Oxlord In immedi- a some and went home. When they brought reply surely Notice of Foreclosure. County view the Itoute mentioned «aid petition ; two-horse pleasure team from Bethel; on cals out.' How would the Democratic the flrst Tuesday of Aug., A. D. 1«K1. ately after which view a hearing of partie· and wit- in their coru, iu the due-bills were Hussn Mosaea ol Norway, Oxford WAI.DO also a from who were fall, a on this line? The I'ETTENUILLO, gusrdian ol Ruth nesses will be had at aome convenient in the vi- party Norway going leaders enjoy campaign C ontr. State of Maine I>y her mortg«ge place WIIKRR4S C"ll1u. an Insane person, ol Rumford, in said and auch other ineaaurea taken lnthe given them, payable at a future date, but Democratic Is the of Swartout deed, dated till A. n. ItWi. and recorded cinity premise· through to the Ltkee and pass arouud by party party February County. hiring presented Ins 1st account of guar- a· the commissioner» ahall And it la in Oxforl Registry of Hook 1M7, Psg» .Vi, judge proper- before that time came the Wluslow Pack- and Tweed. 'Keep the rascals out.' The Deeds, dianship of said ward lor allowance: lurther that notice of the time, the White Mountains in Ν. 11. c->nre»ed to me Mi·· undersigned. a certain ordered, place and parcel Ordered, That the *aid Uuardlan gi re notice to last Democratic cabinet and the last Dem- h >uo thu Commladouer·' meeting aloreend, failed, and Mason Bros, of real estate situated in said Sorw ly, and I Interested a ing Company all persons by causing copy of this ■Civen to ail and Interest· Here wan a fall of water and the ocratic collector at New York stole more cd ·a follows, to wit: on the northerly aide l»y Grpoaeof person· lOrporation· splendid order to be three w«eks successiv- ed attested el «aid and were now trying to collect it of them. W«t«*r Siree'. or road from Norwav Vil- published by cau«ln^ copie· petition of walls on each side of the stream must than all their successors for nearly twenty leading ely in the Oxford Democrat, a newspaper thl· order thereon to be terved upon the Chairman high to irner: bv land of After a no evidence lage Prost'aC easterly Robert at may at aProb:ite of protracted hearing, the rascals out.' The Dem- bv the helra piinted Paris,that they appear of the County CommUaionera have furnished one of the best mill years. 'Keep Hani;· ; southerly land tielnntfing to Court to be held at Pari* in said on the An.|roaιβ signed to prevent of Ituckdeld, in said County. deceased : poated walls on each side of the stream aud tease def«d deled the twentieth dav of pceember before «aid time ol meeting, to the end but out about ami where Is the gross frauds by which Demo- Ordered, That the «aid give notice thirty daya States. jind It, money exposed A. I·. Iwxt, and recorde In Oxford Registry of petitioner that ail, and corporation· may then United the showed that the constant flow- the rascals out.' to all person* lntereited by earning a copy perton· ledge a crats seated him. 'Keep Rook I'.'i χ;" mnvftH to one and there and shew cauae, if any thejr at stake always make written contract, tv''d', Pa»e ol this order to be published three week* successive- appear of Chicago, has ι» «ai l Norway, s cer'ain ol Und have, tne ol aaid (hould AL iTTfMION GIVFS TO PICT- ing of the water had cut many curious The ΓηΙοη League Club, Π·η*« of parcel Intn· Oxford Democrat printed at Paris.that why prayer p'titloner· L and it shall come to pass that you will wit : ly not be discovered Incontestlble proof that a|tfiat»»r#»nrh «f iho CAnHI. W|LLIe MOORE, Extcntor |0 a r«ru|n r»ai lent we under foot to in- to bill· to ω had retched the end of our openlv trampled fior· th#^' f «*m»n n fnrccl^tnr^ of lurportlng be w,|| venr l**2 In committed τ, h, Cbapmin, journey ness. jorities mort* Instrument the ,Ml ,nd the r>i of »>' *trr ·»■ »>ore. of »a»d town, on fhe of lune, were sure Democratic ascendency. O, 'keep g*gt· «nd jMvi» thin notio# for th*t Testament |>t„ nf Lorell. in Colleetor »{|,tay in that direction. While the horses j deceased, returned bv him to me a· remain- rascals out."' WM If. WlflT^OMH. •aid Countr. havini{ presented the in»», ha· hceti on the '.Eld dxy of June. 18KI, hitched the ladle»» were making π^ΐι»,| àt th if* of Aafuat a. d. In? unpaid being prep- LITERARY NOTES. Norwâf iUtdty „msfh,Pr^"·me «aid now remain un- ΙίΚ*. Ordered. That Exe^qtor glre notice to bv hi· certificate of th*t da'e and for dinner. A nice that If the «aid taxe·.In- arations shady spot A WAR WITH VARIATIONS. all per*on* by causing u copr of thi* paid : notice ί· hereby flven CRY ln<^r**'<"5 not Into the Cholera! order to be publishedI three week· lu terest and eharr··· are paid Trea»ury succes'irely was selected. ar.l It 1* needle*» for me to —"Little Men and ami of month· from the Women, Pansy The New York Sun, the mouth-piece lfM«fnrrr'« %«»tce. the Oxford De®o«rat printed at Paris, that ther of aaid town, within Mehteen or * « of the «aid bill·, ao mneh that we were soon to our denominated the Demo- '»Fvtcic or Tli" «uvwtvr nrrottn COCTCTT mar at Court to be held at Paris date of the commitment I say doing justice Babjltmi," justly "peerless and Dana, originated appear to Dors··}' ΟΓ * taxed a· will be «uffleient CHOLERA MORBUS as " ST \TV M «ve· In said Countr,"" ""''bird Tuesday of next of the real estate us an amoug javeuile magazine," they appear cratic rrv of Turn the rascals out"; hut Sep». and ilinner. as the ride had given excel- «« ·_ * »r "S·»·* ». π ι<»ι in the amonnt due therefor including Interest of annutls for are if «▼«•ord at 9 o'clock ,orpnoon and shewcan«e if any pay in the form 1833, pos- to have a home ami ap- w t»ο without further notice be aold at CHOLERA INFANTUM rinding it personal I. to »lv» n«»<—. th·» »h» >>nd ther hare whv «*i,l instrument should not be chanre·. will pub- lent After a short rest, a few " said town, appetite. sible, more attractive than ever. Our Sun has substituted, The il·» rtf An". * T>. ixfl W"»rra"· In in·»!· and lic auction at the Treasurer'· office In plication th«· T«M« nrored, approved "J"1 allowed as the last Will In ΤΜΛΤ leatifcl Ant ft' th^ Crtn H nf In«ftlr'-ncv ISM, at 2 o'clock sups brought us to the cave. This I shall home artiste, of whatever age, will have a must iro." Testament of «aid ed. on the Mtb Ήτ ofJanuvy ASIATIC CHOLERA Republican party for ·»ΙΗ ΓιηιΙτ ftf Oxford *ira'n«t th» »at··» of Κ A. FRYK. Judire. the afternoon. A'îtrtu welcome for Decorative a not to describe, but it if a rout ., i'laqu^s, The Prmn says that very rf attempt 1'hiladelphla Vh'" e. l|li"h«rU (iu'ln», In fnr whl»1 pétition wi< fll»d on th» î'ind OXFORD. s·»:—At a Court of Probate held at designs by F. Barnes, they the Democratic papers to at once give in- | a we returned to our little f»«r nf K*r Α. I» |«| tn which U«t n«m«vl Paris. within and for the County of Oxford. on > YIELD TO THE INFLUENCE OF for while, grove are to their skill in color- readers and to S* expected employ formation to their point rl*i» |nt»r»«t nn rt»lm« I· tn 1>» »nmp«lt»<1 : that th» the thlH Tues.lav of Am·. Α. D 1%CJ. S ï; | two. § 3 and spent an hour or As several ing. Appropriât·· poems by Mary E. Wil- new after the fashion: of nny «'»M« «ml the d»l'v»r» *nd tr*n«f»r MOSKS sm Administrator on the estate ^ κ their cry following p«rm»nt ART, |Sa 5 ·ί βΐ T «t»v to in him of Albert W Smart la'.» of Sweden. In sal»lAnrin«' ·*Μ <1»l>tnr. I 24 4M g **1 singers present, The public higher—The hi·» flr«t ae.-ount Kimbtll Cro··. part 20 fi be oue or for h'· η»·. ·ηΊ th» rl»l'r»r\· and tran«f»rof anv fv. dreeased, having present·*! will unquestionably pronounced ot must go. Snnie. «ch-wl hou*e tax, j $b were soon with music; after Republican party nrnf>»rt\- hv h'm *r»'firhlcrat. printed at Pari*, that they lnv<»n4orv. gentleman, shape—The half of three cf BOWEL DISORDER. lished from advance sheets in Is at nine nV|n»k In th» forenoon. mav appear at a ooort of Probate to he held at Same. undivided occasion. A re- Eugland, 4. n 1«Cl. 41 3 23 4 Ή prayer for the go. in nountv. on the third of fourth* ni Κ"* lot, propriate an innovation creditable to the never before been Given nnder mr han.l th»d*t» tir·* above written. Pari», said Tuesday enterprise Manufactures have and Same. untl·νΙ·1«>·1 half of Ε. ! W« one of the la- AI.VAN R. iîonwiv. «h»rlflT. Sept. nest at nine o'clock In the forenoon, citation fund,bed by of the American 1). under of 24 S 15 2 M publishers. Lothrop more extended than Republican »· M»>«»nr»r of th» Court of for said shnw « allowed. D. M. Go·* or unknown, Ma (Ma ::e of my sailors was atutk- by Republican party County of Oiford protection—The R A. I). M. tioas term all east of » t.l cholcra morbus We ad- '· FRYE. Judge. ! Nlav we all live long to remember —The Xnrth > lut erica η lit· riVtc for »MJliei h.m." long Sep- fo· A true copy—attest :—H. C. DAVIS. Rerister. Pi.a K. tr, acd saved revenue was- never collect- of hi· _road, Λ Hrvllmrr. tht D. was tember is an admirably constituted number The Federal !Votlr· of Αι·Ι(η·· Appointment- Enerv tV meeting at MooselW expressed OXFORD, as:—At a Court of Probatetieid at (to*· land. all west of *' we the timeliness anil im- less cost—The party Ru-nf In th» Οοιιη'ν of Oxford and State M. W m Vt : !· whether regard ed with Republican At >nl. MO 5 ΐβ J. S !■>. Br»n'eboTP. *ay» of course was the sentiment Paru. within and for the County of Oxford road to Boau'· eorner. tuiMca attacks by one. which or the of Watne, the ?îrd day of August, a. n. ft xa4 portance of the subjects presented must go. on the thirl Tueadav of An?.. A. D. 1881. Cha«. A. Mlmball, piece of it tw, f » cr 1 h*v« w»tt fcuatl of us *11. the authors of loss oftlclal defalca- EDWARD β. CORLISS, named Executor in deact (bed in Inven- eminent competence of the The per cent, by h»r»hv giv»s notice nf hi· Ian·! nnd»r«lgr>»d a certain Instrument to be the last 40 194 comes in last ten years has been less than a4 of the estate of purporting tory. chosen for their discussion. First tion the appointment A«»lgn»» Orln late of I Soon we started homeward. Stopped THF nf Will and Ten'am»nt of Fraaher, Solon Coffin Λ Ε. F. Farwell, J of Democratic President frem Jack- N»than S F«mtim of Rumford,'n th» t'ountv S " "State Regulation Corporate Protlts," under any Hartfonl, in ml I County. decetsed, having pre lot. 10 44 and visited the Jail." a few miles belo* Oxfnrd insolvent d»htor. whn ha· ho»n declared ] meadow Chief Justice T. M. of Michi- son to Buchanan—The party sented the »«rae for Probate : Hiram Putnam, meadiw SELL by Cooley Republican an Insnlvent ttonn hi· n»»ltlon. by the Court of : ΠΙΚ1 «OOG1STS IT.I was That the «aid Kxecutir five notice of 31 2 4 58 thle We concluded it rightly named, gan. showing how far, wise legislation must go. for said Conn'r of Oxford. Ordered, part by Insolvency >λ I'· sons Interested, by causing a copv of this P. the House in the last two years WALDO PETTKNGILL. As ignee. Thoma· Blake, Spof· and by applying in the spirit of enlighten- A Republican onle·· to bo published three week* successively in V> 1 74 ford place. > ed the of the com- reduced the burden of Federal taxation four the IVmoorat. at Pari·, that the? a nart of 13 1 29 1 i were no other entrance than that which jurisprudence principles Oxford printed John Holt, by of I*Vain«. at a Probate Court to be held at Part* 7U mon law, the harrowing exactions of cor- fold more than the Democratic majorities State may appear Same, school honte tax, we a door could be sup- In said Conntv. on the third Tuesday of Sept. Mr·. J. L. Spencer, house went, very easily aud In over six Oxford «·:—Court of Insolvency, 4th Wed ββ ! ! porate companies monopolies gen- extending years—The Republican next, at olne o'clock In the forenoon, and «how lot on Cho»eh St, it secure or neslsvof A ug Α. l>. l«Kl. CARRIAGES plied that would make quite eral may be restrained and the Interests of party must go. eanse. if anv thsv have, whv the said instru llol>ert W. B«lrd, h)u*s lot In the matter of Ephralm Wight cf Gilead, 1 29 John A. in Congress ment «hould not be proved, approved and near I. P. To-rn« a duo lot of criminals. As we came out through the people effectually conserved. The R* publican majority Insolvent D*btor. *r® htfi on lusJ allowed as the last Will and Testuuient of said O. H. M ASOS, Trsa* urer of Bethel. Kasson. M. writes on lie- has a law which makes merit the It I· hereby ord»r»d. That notice be given to j we bad to be C., "Municipal passed 1813. might heve looked enough ^ lnter»ated In th» settlement of the deceased. Bethel, Aug. 22ner herebv gives public notice that Beach and Concord abatement of the evils of misgovernment The party must go. Intnleent rausloir a A true copy—attest TI1K Wagons, Escaped Republican above-n«m«d Debtor, l,y duly by the Ho·. Jndgc 01 that com- two •he ha· Ιχνη appointed claim the "honor" of being. i in our great municipalities will nopr of thu orl»r to be published week·, OXFORD, 88:—At a Court of Probate held at I and the — for the Conntv of Oxford assumed At-SO A r«w— in the Oxford Democrat. a new*, of Oxford Probate mand the earnest interest of all cltl- successively. Pari·. within and for the County of eitate of we started. A good trait of \dmtni«tmtrix the At 4 43 o'clock, again paper printed In Paris in said County, that they on third Tueadav of An»., A. D. ttSS I zetis without to Richard the JOSEPH B. SCOBS·. late of Paris, respect party. mav at a Court of Insolvency to be held * RLES L. A-tministrat >r on breeie bad cooled the air somewhat, appear CH DOUGLASS, In *ald Conntv deceased, by giving bond a· thelaw .tight Grant White treats of "Class Distinctions at the Probité Cou-t Itoom on the Id Wednea» of John If. Diud«w, late of I'pton, In the e«taie direct»; *he therefore requests a'l persons who a·* was as the sun a that is des- dav of next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, deoesse.1, having presented his ac. OPEN BUGGIES, but the dust fearful. Just in the United States", subject Sept. said County, to the estate of «aid deceased to make ov If the* a»e caua«. the estate de- Indebted more atten· and be heard thereon, and jec.t eonnt of administration ot of aaid and those who have any de- 1 ·* we tiaed to more and the Immediate »· ι. ·. ■» T' was behind the mouutelns, oceupy Eui#Wn(>e A. payment, h ■** going agiln R FRYE. Judge ceived for allowance: the same to as manda thereon to exhibit ·· f· ο »hr ·»··ι 1 tion of the American great for- of Court. Oxford County. that the said Admin'r notice » ». tm .n tli ".. nuiQtr the river. Soon the was people Insolvency Ordered. five LTDIA M. MORSE. reached ferryman a of this ■( »t <ι. an! wnaM to be a» r*i rra< ated. tunes increase. "Shooting at sight" Is A true copy— Attest: H. C Davis, RegUter. to all persons Interested by causing copy In tbe Auc. 21, 18*1. Κο r.t, t>. ma l an«»«rrub!ie noticethat '83. government. ltf>, and ut>on in said County. deoased, h«vm< pre- TH E subscriber hereby pt Specialty. Bktukl, Aug. 18th, valuable In removing prepare:.„n that will." tie the aame before Kryebonr, ie Hon. Judge of an article with court that a hearing had upon administration of the he haa been duly br the ίο of contributes sparkling epi- *(.u> moins sented their .11 account of appointed Our >U>e* »>ni>i»U awntue n iu. of Oxford, on «· «and assumed the put uinBS, j ■aid court at Paria, In aaid county rrooait- torιογ thenm County of Oxford wife of Isaac I. on the "Limitations of Freethlnk- estate of «aid deceased for allowance: Probate ""y Mrs.Lizzie Young Young, grams, •r »m1 iti.buitf bitklrrvrkl«*l«k. the ISth of A. P. 18f«, at on «he estate of Wednesday day Sept., Ordered, That the said Executors give notice trust of Administrator Β -sies, in 0'I and Gold Leaf, Grant Allen, the most charm- o'clock in the forenoon; and tnat notice late of Pari·. Colo's Japan, and of Charles C. and I. ing". Finally nine to all interested by causing a oopy of this JANE CURTIS, daughter Lydia I'Mltlir I «Ul-nrc or Ab>o!u1r ( urr·. In the Oxford a persons bond as the law Transfer Orna- ing of all writers ou natural history, dis- (."■dUputr·! thereof be published Democrat, order to be published three weeks successively in in said County deceased by giving Go d and Silver B'onje, died 20 in said county of Oxford, he therefore all Bryant July 2Ut, aged years, courses on "An American Wild Flower". newspaper publish·*! tbe Oxford Democrat printed at Paris, that they directs ; requests IT WILL CURE IT LEADS ALL once a week for two aucceasive weeks, the last estate of said deceased to perjouilsdejltodmake latmealale ments. and American Varn- may at a Probate Court to be held at Paris to the English months and Ιβ days. Published at 30 Place, New York, where other» £ail the world, and to be seven before tbe day of appear who haye demaid· there Lafayette publication daya In said conntv on the third Tueadav of Sept. next, payment, and thoae any isnes. Skms. fcl'lINT*, KIM.HONLi *· in hii.hu and that all credit m who hare Mm* to Cnamo^s Sponges, We uiU» tbe· LUxle I» our home. and for sale by booksellers generally. hearing: proved at nine o'clock in the forenoon and show eanse if on to exhibit tbe other toav J ASON BALL. low. their debt·, and peraona interested, have the same shonld not be allowed. Dusters &c. Prices We ml* thee, everywhere. A. lli: Π»Τ uf utl IIopm lir.ncdlr*. and time and show If any they why appear at said place cauie. RICHARD A. FRYE, Judge. Ann.3t.leSl. INDEED. have, a should not b·) But If we're fcUbful to the «d. A COMPLIMENT any they why discharge A true II. C. Davis, Register. HISTOkV OK THE IIOKsi. AFAlXtEUL to tbe of copy—attest: notice that there granted said debtor acoording prayer THE Subscriber hereby give» public NOYE 3' DR'Jj STORE, We'll meet thee, "over With what disdain must the practical polltl w.th will convince every one. teatlmoniiCe, his haa been by the Hon. Judge of ciaus view the "schoolmasters testa" now ap- petition. Oxford, as:—At a Court of Probate held at Paris he duly appointed H Kc.l frMM tw bd bur >B I. Oxford, and aasumod XOKWAT. A! SB. alter a Appllr.llna. Atte«t: HERR1CK C.I)WIS, Register of on the Probate for the County of Mrs. passed calmly away, under the direction of the civil service within ami for the County Oxford, non of the Young plied of (aid Court for eaid County of Oxford. the trust of Adminstrator de bonis commission. How lollWv they must sneer at We |rr;orr ContlitWn ai d lit» f in aiment. third of Aug-· A. D. 1883. Illness of Tuesday of the of very distressing only forty-eight of office on the of ilruTe i'uwdern, W· π»ι 1 ο* .« r a:i.| iVlic Γ «"! Γ*. Nancy 8. Whitman, widow of Daniel A. Whit- estate Copartnership the Idea bestowing ground DAVID F. BROWN * CO., lato of Bethel, leaves a husband who is business instead of partisan service. OIFoRD. 88— At a court of Inaolvene*. held man, late of Mexic>, deoeased. having presented boed as tha hours. She capacity thi-«e on na]«-at I>ruir Pri'-e of till;'* Sj«»la said deceased, by giving BURNHAM'S PHOTO ROOMS, theie was but one test All at Paris, within and for the of Ox ber for an allowance out of the In county, Under the old system j County ford, petition personal he therefore all persona a little «ton »iindharneesdeaVr· ! '.-ur f l.OO j» t«.ttU\, on of a. : law directs: requests inconsolable, and daughter —fidelity to the boss. The fitness of the the ?3od day Aug. ο 1*83, estate of «aid deceased estate of said deceased to INT appli- notice who are Indebted to the NORWAY, cant was the last Portland Adver- Fur ti β ·οΙ... rt * îUj Ιο ON tbe petition of Waldo Pettenglll, assignee Ordered, That the said petitioner give who have ^n months beside a numerous circle «juestlou.—I jartlcnUrs Immediate payment ; and thoee are * <- atien .h >mi>otent foreoof tiser. EUH CO., to persons by causing thereon, to exhibit the aame to was a £>U M.. Ηα-tcn, ur Κ76 4lb,.V> o., New York. an order to aell certain real estate described In order to be three weeks successively la the any demanda Of relatives and friends. She very of our Siadbur> published ADDISON K. HKRRICK. On the simple question fact, bia on file In the Probate at Oxford Democrat printed at Paris, that they «ay CAHDS, CABINETS. petition Office, pub- 18ta. estimable who won the confidence is that the lic or aale: at a Probate Court to be held at Parts, Ann· il, ant all othrr »U«· attention paid to lady, judgement "practical politi- private appear tbe said notice on third Tnesdsv of notice that all who became ac- cians" are not without reason If, as well Ordered, that petitioner give la said County the .Sept. next, THE subscriber hereby fires publie esteem of nearly η and cause if Tnd to all pertom Interested by causing a abstract at 9 o'clock in the forenoon show any he his been dnly appointed by the Hon. Judge may, they look with disdain ou the Fowl For Sale, as- COPYING 013 PICTURES, with her. this is the third time they Fancy of hia petition with thi· order thereon, to they have, why the same shonld not be granted. of Probate for the County of Oxford, and quainted tests. So far as hints of the 1 Bree l'en caeh of Black of Partir·of Lati ·· an J Genu can b»· waited ui>an schoolmaster ling I.Wt Brahnm, be published two weeks in B. A. FRYE, Judge. sumed the trust of Executor of the estate our have been Ke.l Utoe, and Β. Β Κ Game Hantaan*. aucceaaively at -n.Ttu ·( >*. -'a: ιυη !. wu»r«o:ee.l. Pleaee within one Tear that family aud their character have been BreuUxl the Oxford Democrat at Pari· that they A tme copy—attest : H. C- Davis, Reel «1er, ANNIE L. GILBERT, late of Ctnton, questions printed as the rail. It may at an Insolvency Court to be held at In said County, deceased by ftying bond called together on similar occasion* to the they are la large de- appear as:—At a Court of Probate held at la· given public, For Sale. Paris In said county on the 19th day of Sept. next, OXFORD, law directs; he therefore requests all persons and in no within and for the Connty of Oxford, on make Im- β to us who remain to be also gree irrelevant, inconsequential, at V o'clock In the forenoon and show canine If any P*ris, debted to the estate ol said deceased to peaks loudly Ke