Artificial Ecological Pyramid Model and Its Application in Autonomous Robot Strategy System Xue Fangzheng, Fang Shuai, Xu Xinhe School of Information Science &Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang, PRC
[email protected] Abstract—The Artificial ecological pyramid model is because its discovery is enlightened by ecological pyramid proposed to solve complex problems, which is a layered theory in biology. The most difference between AEPM and evolutionary multi-agent system model. The model has three traditional evolutionary and hybrid evolutionary methods is layers. The lowest layer is composed of “stimulation- that the AEPM considers the hierarchy of intelligence. response” agents called base agents. The second layer is Large numbers of agents with different intelligent level composed of combined agents that are combinations of base collect together to form an agent pyramid like an ecological agents. The top layer is composed of advanced agents that pyramid. The elements of traditional evolutionary methods have reasoning capabilities. Agents in all layers must be up are genes that indicate some information. These genes have against the test of environment. Agents on the lowest layer the simplest intelligence, which are on the lowest layer of can only improve their fitness evaluations by evolutional methods, and agents on upper layers can also improve their the pyramid, so traditional evolutionary method can not fitness evaluations by “eating” agents on lower layers. We have advanced intelligence. The evolutionary neural also construct a strategy system based on artificial ecological network system is equal to an intelligent system composed pyramid model to solve the problem of rivalry between of a neural network agent that has some advance autonomous robots.