TENTATIVE – WORK IN PROGRESS COMM 576: Participatory Politics and the Civic Imagination Spring 2018 Mondays 2:00-4:50pm ASC 240 Contact Information: Henry Jenkins Office: ASC 101C Office hours by appointment. Please contact Jocelyn Kelvin (Professor Jenkins’ assistant) at
[email protected]. Please send all inquires regarding office hour appointments to Jocelyn Kelvin and questions regarding the course to Professor Jenkins at
[email protected]. Course Description: Civic Media: “Any use of any technology for the purposes of increasing civic engagement and public participation, enabling the exchange of meaningful information, fostering social connectivity, constructing critical perspectives, insuring transparency and accountability, or strengthening citizen agency.” (Jenkins) Participatory Politics: “Interactive, peer-based acts through which individuals and groups seek to exert both voice and influence on issues of public concern. Importantly, these acts are not guided by deference to elites or formal institutions. Examples of participatory political acts include starting a new political group online, writing and disseminating a blog post about a political issue, forwarding a funny political video to one’s social network, or participating in a poetry slam.” (Joe Kahne and Cathy Cohen) Civic Imagination: The capacity to imagine social change, including the ability to envision a better world, the process of change which might achieve it, the shared interests of an imagined/imagining community, one’s own civic agency, the perspectives of others,