Bernheim, Nele. "Fashion in Belgium During the First World War and the Case of Norine Couture." Fashion, Society, and the First World War: International Perspectives
Bernheim, Nele. "Fashion in Belgium during the First World War and the case of Norine Couture." Fashion, Society, and the First World War: International Perspectives. Ed. Maude Bass-Krueger, Hayley Edwards-Dujardin and Sophie Kurkdjian. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021. 72–88. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 27 Sep. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections,, 27 September 2021, 18:11 UTC. Copyright © Selection, editorial matter, Introduction Maude Bass-Krueger, Hayley Edwards- Dujardin, and Sophie Kurkdjian and Individual chapters their Authors 2021. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. 5 Fashion in Belgium during the First World War and the case of Norine Couture N e l e B e r n h e i m What happens to civil life during wartime is a favorite subject of historians and commands major interest among the learned public. Our best source on the situation in Belgium during the First World War is Sophie De Schaepdrijver’s acclaimed book De Groote Oorlog: Het Koninkrijk Belgi ë tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog (Th e Great War: Th e Kingdom of Belgium During the Great War). 1 However, to date, there has been no research on the Belgian wartime luxury trade, let alone fashion. For most Belgian historians, fashion during this time of hardship was the last of people’s preoccupations. Of course, fashion historians know better.2 Th e contrast between perception and reality rests on the clich é that survival and subsistence become the overriding concerns during war and that aesthetic life freezes—particularly the most “frivolous” of all aesthetic endeavors, fashion.
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