OECD Skills Strategy Flanders
OECD Skills Studies OECD Skills Strategy Flanders Assessment and Recommendations Please leave this page blank. PAC will complete this page. FOREWORD │ 3 Foreword People’s skills are at the heart of Flanders’s vision for the future, which is a society where people learn for and through life, are innovative, trust one another, enjoy a high quality of life, and embrace their unique identity and culture. As globalisation and digitalisation transform jobs, how societies function and how people interact, the impetus for getting skills right is growing. People will need higher levels of skills and a well-rounded set of skills, including cognitive, social and emotional, and job- specific skills, to flourish in life both in and out of work. Flanders performs well compared to most OECD countries on most measures of skills development and use. The skills proficiency of Flemish adults exceeds the OECD average and skills mismatch is low. High-performance work practices that stimulate the use of skills are widely adopted by firms in Flanders. There are many good governance arrangements in place to support co-ordination and collaboration in adult learning across government departments, levels of government and with stakeholders. Financial incentives for adult learning help to reduce the burden for individuals and employers, promote cost-sharing and reduce under-investment. However, some challenges remain. Adult learning could be strengthened, in particular for older workers, immigrants, adults in flexible forms of employment and low-skilled adults. Shortages in professional, technical and scientific occupations persist due to a low number of graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
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