V L A A N D E R E N Flanders Leader+ Projects Survey PAJOTTENLAND + [Improving the quality of life] Co-ordinator : Jos Huwaert Pajottenland+ De Pastorie Donkerstraat 21 1750 Gaasbeek Tel: #32 2 532 57 58
[email protected] www.pajottenland.be Brussels Agricultural broadening through employment – Agricultural landscape management This project aims at taking actions to stimulate agricultural nature and landscape management in the area. The preliminary activities contain an inventory of the present situation and the possibilities in the sphere of agricultural nature and landscape management in the Pajottenland and the making of an area-oriented scenario concerning agricultural nature and landscape management, offering solutions for the bottlenecks found. The long term purpose is to create a more typical landscape and to involve the farmers in the development and maintenance of it. Contact : Bart Sammels Boerenbond Diestsevest 40 3000 Leuven Tel.: #32 16 28 64 38
[email protected] The house of the living tradition Muziekmozaïek, a local association that has been organizing folk music events in Gooik for many years, is going to develop an educational centre dealing with all aspects of the folk culture of the Pajottenland (music, literature, traditional games, gastronomy, …). The centre will provide 1 V L A A N D E R E N V L A A N D E R E N Flanders Leader+ Projects Survey information (through an interactive documentation centre and museum), as well as organize concerts, exhibitions, lectures and workshops. Contact : Walter Evenepoel Muziekmozaïek Wijngaardstraat 5 1755 Gooik Tel.: #32 2 532 28 38
[email protected] www.volksmuziek.be Ironing and mending shop By setting up an ironing and mending workshop, the six OCMW’s (local public social services) of Pajottenland+ want to offer employment and training to underprivileged and low-skilled local women.