Highly Important Library of the Late George Daniel, Esq
-. CATALOGUE OF ‘rm MOST VALUABLE,INTERESTING AND c HIGHLY IMPORTANT LIBRARY OF THE LATE GEORGE DANIEL, ESQ. OF CANONBURY, TOOETIIEB WITH HIS COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AKD ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF OF TEE FIRST QUALITY, BY BABRETT, CATTERMOLE, COOPER, COS, DEWINT, HARDING, PROUT, PYNE, STANFIELD, STOTHARD, WILKIE, AND OTHER EMINENT ARTISTS. NISCELLANEOU8 OBJECTS OF ART, INTEREST & CURIOSITY, BEAUTIFUL ASD OTHER FINE EXAMPLES OF ART AND VERTU. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY XESSBS. SOTHEBY, W1,LKINSON & HODGE, auctioneers of Eiterarg wroprrte t titRorks iIIoalratibe of @e fine arts, -4T THEIRHOUSE. NO. 13, (late 3), WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On WEDNESDAY, the 20th of JULY, 1864, and Niue following Dags, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECIRRTaY. -- May be Viewed Two Days previous, and Cataloguee had. I. Thehighest bidder to be tho buyer,and if disputo mk? bd-ffeen bidders, the lot 80 dis uted sball be immediately put up again, Provided the seller cannotdeci Be the said dispute. 11. No person to advance less than GJ. ; above ten shilliop, 18. ; above five pounds, 2r.6d. ; and so on. 111. The purchaaera to give in their names and plnces of abode, adto pay down 108. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the puxhaee- money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s ex nse, immediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default ofwhich essrs. SOTIIEBS,WJLKISSOX & HODQEwill not hold themselves responsibleaK”if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed,but they will be left at the derisk of the purchaser.
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