United States Patent [191 4,612,644
United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,612,644 Partin [45] Date of Patent: Sep. 16, 1986 [54] LEAD-ALLOY-TELLURIDE by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, Journal of Electronics HETEROJUNCI‘ION SEMICONDUCTOR Materials, vol. 13, No. 3, 1984. LASER Weber et al., “Waveguide and Luminescent Properties [75] Inventor: Dale L. Partin, Sterling Heights, of Thin Film Pb-Salt Injection Lasers”, Journal Applied Mich. Physics, vol. 44, No. 11, Nov. 1973, pp. 4991-5000. [73] Assignee: General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Primary Examiner-James W. Davie Mich. Assistant Examiner—-Georgia Y. Epps Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Randy W. Tung [21] Appl. No.: 754,171 [57] ABSTRACT [22] Filed: Jul. 12, 1985 A double heterojunction lead salt infrared diode laser [51] Int. Clx‘ ....................... .. H018 3/19; H01L 33/00 having an active region layer of a lead salt semiconduc [52] US. Cl. ...................................... .. 372/44; 357/16; tor of a given lattice constant, energy band gap, and 357/17; 357/61; 372/45 index of refraction. The active region layer is sand [58] Field of Search .................... .. 372/44, 45; 357/ 17, wiched between two lead salt semiconductor layers 357/61, 16 containing calcium and one element selected from the [56] References Cited group consisting of europium and strontium that are mutually of opposite conductivity type and have sub PUBLICATIONS stantially the same lattice constant as the active region Partin et al., “Wavelength coverage of Lead-Europi layer. In addition, the two outside layers have an energy um-Selenide-Telluride Diode Lasers”, Applied Physics band gap greater than the active region layer and an Letters, 45(3), Aug.
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