Low Impact Hydropower Institute 34 Providence Street Portland, ME 04103 Tel. (207) 773-8190 • Fax (206) 984-3086 www.lowimpacthydro.org LOW IMPACT HYDROPOWER QUESTIONNAIRE Alcoa Power Generating Inc. Tapoco Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2169) [Excerpted from Part VI, Section E of the Low Impact Hydropower Certification Program. Words in italics are defined in Part VI, Section C, and line-by-line instructions are available in Section D of the program, available on-line in PDF format at http://www.lowimpacthydro.org .] E. LOW IMPACT HYDROPOWER QUESTIONNAIRE Background Information 1) Name of the Facility. Alcoa Power Generating Inc. Tapoco Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2169) 2) Applicant’s name, contact information and relationship to the Facility. Robert Smet If the Applicant is not the Facility owner/operator, also provide the Environmental and Natural Resources Manager name and contact information for the Facility owner and operator. Alcoa Power Generating Inc. – Hydro Division PO Box 576 Badin, North Carolina 28009 704-422-5644 phone 704-422-5776 fax
[email protected] 3) Location of Facility by river and state. Little Tennessee and Cheoah Rivers North Carolina and Tennessee 4) Installed capacity. 347 MW 5) Average annual generation. The average annual (gross) generation of the Project over the last 20 years Alcoa Power Generating Inc. Tapoco Hydro Project (FERC No. 2169) Application for Low Impact Hydropower Certification August 2005 1 (1982 – 2001) has been approximately 1,445,582,200 kWh). 6) Regulatory status. FERC Project No. 2169 – Recently relicensed for a 40-year term by FERC Order dated January 25, 2005 7) Reservoir volume and surface area measured at the high water mark in Gross storage capacity: an average water year.