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Gray06 Nov-Dec 2017 Gray01 Jan-Feb 2005.Qxd RememberRemember fallenfallen comradescomrades inin youryour holidayholiday prayersprayers The Graybeards is the official publication of the Korean War Veterans Association (KWVA). It is published six times a year for members and private distribution. Subscriptions available for $30.00/year (see address below). MAILING ADDRESS FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Administrative Assistant, P.O. Box 407, Charleston, IL 61920- 0407. MAILING ADDRESS TO SUBMIT MATERIAL / CONTACT EDITOR: Graybeards Editor, 2473 New Haven Circle, Sun City Center, FL 33573-7141. MAILING ADDRESS OF THE KWVA: P.O. Box 407, Charleston, IL 61920-0407. WEBSITE: In loving memory of General Raymond Davis, our Life Honorary President, Deceased. We Honor Founder William T. Norris Editor Secretary Term 2017-2020 KWVA Liaison to Korean War Nat’l Museum Arthur G. Sharp Alves J. Key, Jr. Robert Mitchell Eddie L. Bell Sr. 3021 Rosefield Dr. 2473 New Haven Circle 5506 Emerald Park Blvd 1105 Craig St Sun City Center, FL 33573-7141 Arlington, TX 76017-4522 Houston, TX 77080-2609 Copperas Cove, TX 76522-3206 Ph: 713-939-8880 Ph: 813-614-1326 Ph: 817-472-7743 Ph: 254-661-4673 KWVA Liaison to Korean-American Assn. Advertising Manager Membership Chairman Jongwoo Han Gerald W. Wadley Jacob L. Feaster, Jr. Wilfred E. 'Bill' Lack 310 Summerhaven Dr N East Syracuse, NY 13057-3127 Finisterre Publishing Inc. 22731 N Hwy 329, 319 Sulphur Springs Rd Asheville, NC 28806-2518 Ph: 315-637-9836, 3 Black Skimmer Ct Micanopy, FL 32667 Emeritus Beaufort, SC 29907 Cell: 352-262-1845 Ph: 828-253-5709 Chaplain 843-521-1896 Robert Personette 7136 Oak Leaf Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95409 Treasurer Thomas M. McHugh Ph: 707-539-7276, Publisher Joseph L. Harman LR36534 217 Seymour RD Finisterre Publishing Inc. 430 W Lincoln Ave Hackettstown, NJ 07840-1001 National Chaplain 3 Black Skimmer Ct Charleston IL 61920-3021 Ph: 908-852-1964 John W. 'Jack' Keep Beaufort, SC 29907 Ph: 541-752-5588 3416 Mountain Rd Front Royal, VA 22630-8720 L. T. Whitmore Ph: 540-631-9213 Directors 5625 Canterbury Ln Membership Office Suffolk, VA 23435-1605 KWVA Liaison to Washington, DC Address Changes, Corrections, Term 2015-2018 Ph: 757-483-9784 Warren Wiedhahn (See 1st Vice President) & All Membership Questions Narce Caliva Sheila Fritts 102 Killaney Ct KWVA Committees Membership Administrative Assistant Winchester, VA 22602-6796 Appointed/Assigned Staff Budget/Finance Committee PO Box 407 Ph: 540-545-8403 (C) Cell: 540-760-3130 Judge Advocate Bruce Harder (See Directors) Charleston, IL 61920-0407 William B. Burns Ph: 217-345-4414 Robert F. Fitts 134 Saddlestone Place Apt F Bylaws Committee 2511 22nd. Ave. Camillus, NY 13031 Narce Caliva (see Directors) Webmaster Rock Island, IL 61201 Ph: 315-487-1750, Membership/Recruiting Committee Jim Doppelhammer Ph 309-793-1292, (C) 309-269-1937 National Legislative Director Eddie L. Bell Sr. (See Directors) Double Hammer Computer Services Lewis R. Vaughn Sonny Edwards 430 W. Lincoln Ave. Harder, Bruce R. 'Rocky' 623 Ashley Commons Ct 14370 Mill Swamp Rd Charleston, IL 61920-7471 1047 Portugal Dr Greer, SC 29651-5796 Smithfield, VA 23430-3536 Ph: 217-512-9474 Ph: 864-848-0368; (C) 864-593-5754 Ph: 757-357-2331, Stafford, VA 22554-2025 Ph: 540-659-0252 Election Committee National KWVA Headquarters National Legislative Assistant Tim Whitmore (See Directors) Lewis Vaughn Roy J. Burkhart President Tine Martin (See Directors) 623 Ashley Commons Ct. PO Box 204 Tom Stevens Greer, SC 29651 Willow, AK 99688 Resolutions Committee 5301 W. 122nd Terrace Ph 864-848-0368: (C) 864-593-5754 Ph: 907-841-9162, Luther W Dappen (See Directors) Overland Park, KS 66209 Tine Martin (See Directors) Ph: 913-696-0447, 913-449-7990 (C) National Legislative Field Man Fund Raising Committee Term 2016-2019 Donald R. Duffy Wilfred E. “Bill” Lack (See Directors) Executive Director George J. Bruzgis 1901 N Mercer St George Bruzgis (See Directors) James R. Fisher 230 Legion Pl New Castle, PA 16105-2845 15537 Barrington Place Haledon, NJ 07508-1420 Ph: 724-654-1961, Tell America Committee Montclair, VA 22025 Ph: 973-956-8672 National Veterans Service Officer (VSO) A. J. Key, Chairman (See Secretery) Ph: 703-740-7596 Richard “Rocky” Hernandez Sr. Tell America Materials Coodinator David J. Clark 114 Daffodil Dr. A. J. Key, Chairman (See Secretary) Immediate Past President Killeen, TX 76542-1819 PO Box 552 Event Chairman/Revisit Committee/KWVA Larry C. Kinard Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-0552 PH: 254-702-1009, 2108 Westchester Dr Liaison to Washington DC Ph: 703-695-2186; Cell: 781-913-2735 National VAVS Director Warren Wiedhahn (See 1st Vice President) Mansfield, TX 76063-5322 J. D. Randolph Ph: 682-518-1040 1523 Pinebluff Dr., Allen, TX 75002-1870 Ethics and Grievance Committee Paul H. Cunningham LR46220 Stephen Szekely, Chairman 1841 Pool Frg Ph: 972-359-2936, 1st Vice President Lancaster, PA 17601-4627 POW/MIA Coordinator National Ceremonies Committee Warren H Wiedhahn Ph: 717-299-1990 Bruce “Rocky” Harder David Clark (See Directors) 13198 Centerpointe Way Ste 202 1047 Portugal Dr. Annual Membership Meeting Committee Woodbridge, VA 22193-5285 Luther W. Dappen Stafford, VA 22554-2025 Warren Wiedhahn, Chairman (See 1st VP) Ph: 703-590-1295 Ph: 540-659-0252, 510 W Pipestone Ave Awards Committe Flandreau, SD 57028-1619 KWVA Liaison to Canadian KVA Robert Fitts (see Directors) 2nd Vice President Ph: 605-997-2847 Warren Wiedhahn (See 1st Vice President) Jeffrey J. Brodeur 48 Square Rigger Ln KWVA Liaison to South Korea Hyannis, MA 02601 John Y. Lee Ph: 617-997-3148 PO Box 1827 Vienna, VA 22183-1827 2 Ph: 703-827-0957, See detailed list of committees at WWW.KWVA.US November - December 2017 The Graybeards From the President Tom Stevens “I have announced to our officers and board members that And may God bless those who still stand at I am not planning to run again for KWVA president.” the ready and may he give us the wisdom to do what is right for tomorrow. n October 21, 2017, we lost one of our rations here in Washington, D.C. Often Thank you.” Orevered past KWVA presidents, LTC referred to as the forgotten war, the Korean I had been planning to recite the six- Louis Tarleton Dechert Sr. “Lou” was War began on June 25, 1950, when some missions statement of KWVA, but the mc preempted that plan. So I did a little in loved and held in the highest regard by all 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean flight speech revising. It worked out just who knew and worked with him. He served People’s Army poured across the 38th paral- two terms as KWVA president, 2004-2006 fine. lel, the boundary between the Soviet-backed and 2006-2008. (See his obituary on p. 28.) Following the ceremony in Arlington Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the Lou served and performed in a manner National Cemetery (ANC), a second cere- north and the pro-western Republic of Korea that earned him the reputation of being a mony was held at our memorial. Jim Fisher to the south. The Korean peninsula is still very capable president, leading the organi- and many others who assisted are to be zation through some tumultuous times, but divided today. commended for miraculously handling the always keeping the best interests of KWVA Today, I would like to pay special tribute to all logistics, which resulted in a ceremony of and the legacy of the Korean War at the who have served on the Korean peninsula, which KWVA can be justly proud. Both of forefront of all his deliberations and deci- from the start of the war to the present. Your these events have served to make KWVA sions. He will be greatly missed by his fam- service and dedication to ensure the stability better recognized and appreciated through- ily of course, but also by his many KWVA and freedom of the Republic of Korea will be out the U.S. friends and brothers in arms. May he rest in remembered for years to come. We honor The ANC ceremony was covered by peace. and thank you for your service to our coun- national television. At our memorial, two actors from the TV series, “The Brave,” Veterans Day, 2017 in Washington, D.C. try and to the Republic of Korea. was one for the history books. As many of spoke at our ceremony. I have just seen my On this Veterans Day, and all such days you know, the KWVA was the host veter- first episode. It is intense. The program airs ans service organization. Many of you when we pause to remember, there are on NBC Monday evenings. I have my VCR donated to the cost of hosting the event, essential lessons for the young and indeed set to record it. which was considerable. I want to express for all the rest of us as well: Another treat was to have Deana Martin, how much your KWVA leadership appreci- • Appreciate the blessings of freedom Dean Martin’s daughter, lead us in singing ates your support.
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