Passenger Rolling Stock
1 Foreword Its conclusions are entirely consistent with the findings of the recently published Rail Value for Money Study by Sir Roy McNulty. I am pleased to present the latest output from the Network Route Utilisation Strategy To achieve this will require the procurement of workstream: a draft strategy for passenger rolling stock to be fully aligned with planning the rolling stock procurement and associated capability of the infrastructure across the entire infrastructure planning. The document has network. Piecemeal approaches, or been produced in conjunction with train approaches which give low priority to whole-life operators, representatives of customers, whole-industry costs, to operational flexibility, or manufacturers and rolling stock owning groups to the interface between wheel and rail, are as well as the Department for Transport, unlikely to prove efficient. Transport Scotland, the Welsh Assembly Government, The Passenger Transport Going forward, we seek to work with our Executive Group and Transport for London. industry partners and, through engagement with the Rail Delivery Group, to take on the Under whichever structure the British railway challenge of driving out unnecessary cost from network has been organised, the alignment of the planning of future rolling stock, together passenger rolling stock procurement with a) with the infrastructure to accommodate it, to the customer needs and expectations and b) the ultimate benefit of passenger and taxpayer characteristics of the railway infrastructure has alike. always been complex. The historical development of the railway saw different track Paul Plummer and loading gauges, different platform heights and lengths, different signalling systems, Director, Planning and Development different braking systems, different types of electrification, different lengths of vehicles, different policies on maximum gradients (affecting train weights and speeds), different interior layouts of rolling stock, different operating practices, and so on and so forth.
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