Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages Takashi Shogimen Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84581-6 - Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages Takashi Shogimen Index More information INDEX acts Anacletus, St 221 in accordance with right reason (licit) 70 on Tu es Petrus 220, 225 classification of 51–3 Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica 160 external and internal 250, 252, 253 Anastasius II, Pope 105 indifferent 128 angelic hierarchy, Dionysian 98 object of 124, 127 anti-rationalism 19 of perfection 54 apostates, as heretics 92 power as set of 169 apostolic power 175–80, 213 Ad conditorem canonum (papal bull, 1322) 1, 47 equality of 207, 208 Chatton’s response to 73 and papal power 174–5 admonition Aquinas, Thomas 57 fraternal correction by laymen as 107 apostolic power 213 of heretics 93, 95 Contra doctrinam retrahentium a religione 53, 56 Albert I of Hapsburg, Emperor 3 Contra impugnantes Dei cultum et Alberti de Prato, Nicholas, Dominican religionem 53, 56 cardinal of Ostia 40 De perfectione spiritualis vitae 53, 55 Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great), on explicit Catholic truth 98, 100 Dominican theologian on fraternal correction 108–9, 110–11, 120 on correction 107 on heresy 79, 84, 95 and knowledge of explicit faith 100 on implicit faith 137 and obligations of conscience 126–7 and interpretation of Matthew 163 papal primacy 218 and literal sense 201 Alexander of Hales and meaning of justice 69 definition of heretic 90, 91 on monarchy 177 on fraternal correction 107–8, 109, 112 and obligations of conscience 127–9 on heresy 79, 94 Ockham’s references to 53–5 and knowledge of
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