Activating Mutations of the GNAQ Gene: a Frequent Event in Primary 29 Melanocytic Neoplasms of the Central Nervous System
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Genetic alterations in primary leptomeningeal melanocytic neoplasms Genetic alterations Uitnodiging Voor het bijwonen in primary leptomeningeal van de openbare verdediging melanocytic neoplasms van het proefschrift Genetic alterations Implications for pathogenesis, in primary leptomeningeal diagnosis and therapy melanocytic neoplasms Implications for pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy Op 4 juli 2014 om 10.30 uur precies in de Aula Major van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Comeniuslaan 2, te Nijmegen Receptie ter plaatse na afloop van de promotie Heidi Küsters-Vandevelde [email protected] Paranimfen | Ilse van Engen-van Grunsven Heidi Küsters-Vandevelde [email protected] Pieter Vandevelde [email protected] Heidi Küsters-Vandevelde Genetic alterations in primary leptomeningeal melanocytic neoplasms Implications for pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy Heidi Küsters-Vandevelde ISBN 978-94-6259-082-3 Cover design Pieter Vandevelde Lay-out Promotie In Zicht, Arnhem Print Ipskamp Drukkers, Enschede Genetic alterations in primary leptomeningeal melanocytic neoplasms Implications for pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen op gezag van de rector magnificus prof. mr. S.C.J.J. Kortmann, volgens besluit van het college van decanen in het openbaar te verdedigen op vrijdag 4 juli 2014 om 10.30 uur precies door Heidi Veerle Nele Küsters-Vandevelde geboren op 8 februari 1977 te Ulm (Duitsland) Promotor Prof. dr. P. Wesseling Copromotoren Dr. W.A.M. Blokx Dr. P.J.T.A. Groenen Manuscriptcommissie Prof. dr. M.A.A.P. Willemsen Prof. dr. A.H.M. Geurts van Kessel Prof. dr. W. Paulus (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster) Contents I 1 Introduction and general outline of the thesis 9 II 2 Activating mutations of the GNAQ gene: a frequent event in primary 29 melanocytic neoplasms of the central nervous system. Acta Neuropathologica, 2009; 119: 317-23 3 Mutations in G protein encoding genes and chromosomal alterations in 45 primary leptomeningeal melanocytic neoplasms. Submitted 4 Primary melanoma of the central nervous system in children is driven by 69 congenital expression of oncogenic NRAS in melanocytes. Cancer Discovery, 2013; 3: 458-69 5 Experimental treatment of NRAS-mutated neurocutaneous melanocytosis 97 with MEK162, a MEK-inhibitor. Revised manuscript published in Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 2014; 2:41 III 6 Improved discrimination of melanotic schwannoma from melanocytic 109 lesions by combined morphological and GNAQ mutational analysis. Acta Neuropathologica, 2010; 120: 755-64 7 Occurrence of ocular melanoma thirteen years after skin melanoma: two 129 separate primaries or metastatic disease? A case solved with NRAS and CDKN2A (INK4A-ARF) mutational analysis. Virchows Archiv, 2008; 452: 331-6 IV 8 Summarizing discussion and future perspectives 141 V 9 Summary 169 Summary in Dutch | Nederlandse samenvatting 173 Summary in German | Zusammenfassung 177 Dankwoord 179 Curriculum vitae 182 List of publications 183 List of abbreviations AKT: protein kinase AKT AM: acral melanoma, or melanoma of the acral surfaces BAP1: BRCA1-associated protein 1, or alias ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase BRAF-i: BRAF inhibitor BBB: blood brain barrier BN: blue nevus cAMP: cyclisch adenosinemonophosphate CM: cutaneous melanoma CMN: congenital melanocytic nevus CNS: central nervous system CNV: copy number variations DAG: diacylglycerol EM: extramedullary ERK: extracellular signal-regulated kinase, alias MAPK GDP: guanosine diphosphate GNA11: guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(q) alpha 11 GNAS: guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) alpha GNAQ: guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(q) alpha G protein: guanine nucleotide-binding protein GPCR: G protein coupled receptor GTP: guanosine triphosphate HPF: high power field ID: intradural IMC: intermediate-grade melanocytoma LM: leptomeningeal LMN: leptomeningeal melanocytic neoplasm LMM: leptomeningeal malignant melanoma MAPK: mitogen-activated protein kinase MEK: mitogen-activated ERK kinase, alias MAPK kinase MEK-i: MEK inhibitor MC: melanocytoma MM: malignant melanoma mTOR: mammalian target of rapamycin MucM: mucosal melanoma NCM: neurocutaneous melanosis PI3K/AKT/mTOR: phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/ protein kinase AKT/ mammalian target of rapamycin PKA: protein kinase A PKC: protein kinase C PLC, beta: phospholipase C, beta PRKAR1A: protein kinase A regulatory subunit type I alpha PTEN: phosphatase and tensin homolog RTK: receptor tyrosine kinase TF: transcription factor UM: uveal melanoma part I 1 Introduction and general outline of the thesis INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL OUTLINE 1. MELANOCYTIC NEOPLASMS 1.1 Background 1 Melanocytic neoplasms originate from melanin-producing cells, which are derived from the neural crest early during embryogenesis. [1] Precursors of melanocytes, so-called melanoblasts, migrate during embryonic development mainly via the dorsolateral route and travel to the skin in the first trimester of gestation. [2-4] The melanoblasts first reach the dermis and subsequently the epidermis that starts to become populated around week 7 in the human embryo. [3, 5] Smaller numbers of melanoblasts also travel to mucosal surfaces of e.g. the aerodigestive and urogenital tract, to the inner ear, the uvea, and the leptomeninges, i.e. the soft membranes covering the central nervous system (CNS). [6] (Figure 1) Primary melanocytic neoplasms can therefore arise in cutaneous as well as in extra-cutaneous localizations, although the latter is much less frequent. The primary function of melanin pigment is protection against the adverse effects of sunlight, but its function in UV-protected locations is less clear. [6] In the inner ear, melanocytes are involved in maintaining endocochlear potential that is essential for hearing. [6, 7] The function of leptomeningeal melanocytes is not well determined. Melanocytes give rise to both benign (melanocytic nevi, melanocytomas) as well as malignant melanocytic neoplasms (melanoma). Cutaneous melanoma (CM) is the most common malignant melanocytic tumor (~95%), while mucosal melanoma (MucM), uveal melanoma (UM) and primary melanoma of the CNS account for approximately 1.3%, 3% and 1% of all melanomas cases. [8-11] 1.2 Oncogenic mutations in different melanoma subtypes Relatively recently, it was established that melanoma is a heterogeneous disease with distinct oncogenic mutations in different subgroups of melanoma. [12-14] Figure( 2) Activating mutations in the BRAF gene, encoding a member of the RAF family of serine/ threonine kinases, are frequent in CMs, especially in those occurring in intermittently sun- exposed skin (approximately 50%). [15] Activating BRAF mutations lead to constitutive activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, by transduction of signals from the cell surface to the nucleus through phosphorylation of a cascade of kinases that results in cell proliferation. [16, 17] Approximately 70-75% of BRAF mutations involve the c.1799T>A (p.(Val600Glu)) alias BRAFV600E hotspot mutation, which is a target for treatment with selective BRAF inhibitors in metastatic melanoma patients carrying this mutation. [18-24] 11 CHAPTER 1 Activating mutations in NRAS, one of the three major isoforms of the RAS family of GTPase proteins and an upstream signaling component in the MAPK pathway, are present in approximately 20% of CMs and MucMs, respectively. [25-30] NRAS mutations are hotspot mutations occurring in codon 12, 13 or 61, and are mutually exclusive with BRAFV600 mutations. [31-33] Activating NRAS mutations cause aberrant signaling in several downstream cascades including the MAPK and the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathways that are implicated in cell proliferation and survival. [34] In contrast to BRAF, small molecules that selectively inhibit mutant NRAS are not available. [35] One strategy for therapeutically interfering with mutant NRAS is the use of inhibitors that target downstream activated cascades such as the MAPK pathway and the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway. [36] Melanoma cell lines harboring NRAS mutations were shown to be sensitive to inhibition of MEK, and a recent clinical Figure 1 Melanoblasts, the precursors of melanocytes, are derived from the neural crest early during embryogenesis and undergo migration to reach their destination in cutaneous and extra-cutaneous localizations, the latter including mucosal surfaces, uveal tract, inner ear, and leptomeninges (arrows). The highest concentration of melanocytes is found in the epidermis of the skin. At the centre, a cross section of a human embryo is depicted showing neural crest (NC) cells that detach from the tips of the neural folds just before or shortly after they fuse to give rise to the neural tube (NT) (in embryonic week 4) [1]. These multipotent NC cells, represented by black dots, yield melanoblasts, which become spatially and temporally segregated from other NC-derived cell types. 12 INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL OUTLINE phase 2 trial with MEK162, a potent MEK inhibitor, has revealed activity in patients with NRAS-mutant melanoma. [37-40] As NRAS activates multiple downstream pathways, combination of inhibitors such as MEK and