Extension 16th to 20th February 2017 (5 Days) Trip Report

Arabian Golden Sparrow by David Hoddinott

Trip Report compiled by Tour Leader, David Hoddinott

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 2 ______Tour Summary

After arriving on a short flight from Addis Ababa, we met up with our local agent and headed to our comfortable hotel. After settling in, we enjoyed lunch at a local restaurant. By mid-afternoon, it had started cooling down and so we headed off birding in the nearby vicinity. No sooner had we reached some scrub in the city suburbs before we were watching the beautiful Arabian Golden Sparrow, a major target for this trip. First, a cryptic female was spotted and then a couple of spectacular males. This seems to be rather nomadic in the area and so it was with great relief that we obtained superb views of this gem on our first day! In the same area, we quickly found an obliging Graceful Prinia and several sparrows which appeared to be - type Somali/House Sparrows. It was then time to head for the mudflats and on arrival, we were greeted to more flocks of golden sparrows and then a superb Somali Sparrow. Crab-plover by David Hoddinott The vast mudflats were teeming with , an important wintering site for many species. We quickly added numerous species to the list, including Greater Flamingo, Abdim’s Stork, resident population of Eurasian Spoonbill, huge Goliath Heron, Western Reef Heron, Pink-backed Pelican, several Eurasian Oystercatcher, the strange and sought-after Crab-plover, Spur-winged Lapwing, Grey, Common Ringed, Kentish, Greater and Lesser Sand Plover, Bar-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel, Eurasian Curlew, Common Redshank, Common Greenshank, Terek and Common Sandpiper, Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling, Little Stint, and Curlew and scarce Broad-billed Sandpiper. We also found Slender-billed, smart White-eyed, Sooty and Lesser Black-backed Gull, Gull-billed, Caspian, Lesser Crested and Sandwich Tern, Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters hawking insects nearby, Rose-ringed Parakeet, a plethora of House Crows (well-established introduced population), Barn , Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin, Desert , beautiful Nile Valley , Ruppell’s Weaver, Red-billed Firefinch, Crimson-rumped Waxbill, and Western Yellow Wagtail. At a nearby freshwater pond, we found a splendid Little Ringed Plover and Wood Sandpiper. As the sun dimmed on the horizon, we headed back to the hotel to freshen up before enjoying dinner and a good night’s rest.

An early start saw us birding some en route to Foret du Day. Here we added up a number of new species for the trip, including Little Egret, Black-winged Stilt, Dunlin, Temminck’s Stint and Marsh Sandpiper. At a nice viewpoint over an eroded gorge, we picked Bonelli’s Eagle by David Hoddinott up White-crowned Wheatear, Pale

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 3 ______and a juvenile Verreaux’s Eagle at the nest. Continuing, we stopped off at the gulf of Tadjoura and saw Greater Crested Tern and then a lovely surprise in the form of a White-cheeked Tern. En route we also enjoyed good views of Dorcas Gazelle.

Leaving the coast, we headed inland and noted a nice adult Egyptian Vulture and a fabulous pair of Bonelli’s Eagle as we started the climb. Other species that were seen en route included , Eurasian Hoopoe, Hemprich’s Hornbill, Yellow-breasted Barbet, Ethiopian Boubou, Desert Lark and Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark.

After settling into our basic accommodation, we went in search of Djibouti’s only endemic, the Djibouti Francolin. Our search this afternoon yielded no francolins, but we did see Somali Bulbul, Brown Woodland Warbler, Common Chiffchaff, Red-fronted Warbler, Grey-backed Camaroptera, Somali Starling (certainly one of the better places to see this species), Blue Rock Thrush, Isabelline and Pied Wheatear, Blackstart, Black-throated Barbet, Common Redstart and Fan-tailed Raven. The afternoon highlight though must be Sombre Rock , which is a very localised species throughout its range. Egyptian Vulture by David Hoddinott

The following morning, we set off pre-dawn to the escarpment in search of the tricky Djibouti Francolin and were soon hearing the calls. A sigh of relief, as we hadn’t heard any calling the previous afternoon. A search in the gloomy light of dawn unveiled the shape of our quarry standing atop a large boulder, calling. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay long and moved off, with some members of the group not seeing it. You could feel the tension in the air. It took a little while but later, in better light, we fortunately relocated a pair and they eventually gave good views for all. Delighted, we headed back for breakfast and then continued on to Dittilou for the night.

The birding around camp at Dittilou was most rewarding. We quickly added Nubian Woodpecker, Rosy-patched Bushshrike, Northern Crombec, Upcher’s Warbler, Arabian and Menetries’s Warbler, Abyssinian White-eye, Black Scrub Robin, Common Rock Thrush, Long-billed Pipit, Isabelline Shrike and Yellow- rumped Seedeater. In the evening, we celebrated a great day, and our triumph of seeing Djibouti Francolin, with some nice cold beers and a glass of wine.

The next morning, we set off in search of Green- winged Pytilia (the local distinctive form may be Djibouti Francolin by David Hoddinott split off as Yellow-tailed Pytilia). Sadly, after a thorough search, we could not find this species

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 4 ______but we did enjoy some great birding. Additional species seen included Cardinal Woodpecker, Eurasian Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat, Red-billed Oxpecker, Grey-headed Batis, Black Redstart, African Paradise Flycatcher, Basra Reed Warbler, Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill, Shikra and Siberian Stonechat. Thereafter, we made our way back to Djibouti City. En route we enjoyed superb views of first a pair of Striolated Bunting; and then several Persian Shearwater followed by a splendid pair of Greater Hoopoe Lark. After a nice shower and dinner, we enjoyed a good night’s rest.

After our final breakfast, we set off to the mudflats once more in the hope of finding a few more species before our flight. It wasn’t long before we spotted a small tern and to our delight, it turned out to be the sought after Saunders’s Tern. We also found splendid migrants, Red- tailed Shrike and Whinchat. It was then time to head back to the airport in order to catch our flights back to Addis Ababa and connections for our International flights home. Speke’s Pectinator by David Hoddinott

And so ended another fantastic trip! Thanks must go to a wonderful group of enthusiastic and fun participants as well as a superb ground operations team. I am very much looking forward to travelling with you all again!

Annotated List of species recorded Note: Number in brackets ( ) indicate number of days on the tour the species was recorded.

List powered through the report generator of our partner iGoTerra.

Birds (135 in total: 132 seen, 3 heard) Nomenclature and follows Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2016. IOC World List (v 6.4).

Birds: Gill, F. and M.Wright. 2016. IOC Birds of the World: Recommended English Names. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. Version 6.4. When the taxonomy differs from that of Clement’s, the Clement’s name will be written in brackets or differences will be explained in a note below the species.

Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced

IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies Phasianidae Djibouti Francolin (CR) Pternistis ochropectus (2) 2 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 1 heard Dittilou 19.2.

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 5 ______Good views at Foret du Day

Shearwaters and Petrels Procellariidae Persian Shearwater Puffinus persicus persicus (1) 3 Djibouti City 19.2. Splendid views in Gulf of Tadjoura

Flamingos Phoenicopteridae Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus (1) 2 Djibouti City 16.2. Seen well on mudflats in Djibouti city

Storks Ciconiidae Abdim's Stork Ciconia abdimii (1) 1 Djibouti City 16.2. One seen in Djibouti city

Ibises and Spoonbills Threskiornithidae African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus (1) 6 Djibouti City 16.2. Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia archeri (3) 8 Djibouti City 16.2, 6 Djibouti City 17.2 and 1 Djibouti City 20.2. Common around mudflats in Djibouti city

Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns Ardeidae Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (2) 1 Djibouti City 16.2 and 20 Djibouti City 19.2. Grey Heron Ardea cinerea (2) 6 Djibouti City 16.2 and 2 Djibouti City 17.2. Goliath Heron Ardea goliath (2) 1 Djibouti City 16.2 and 1 Djibouti City 19.2. Little Egret Egretta garzetta (1) 3 Djibouti City 17.2. Western Reef Heron Egretta gularis schistacea (3) 3 Djibouti City 16.2, 20 Djibouti City 17.2 and 3 Djibouti City 20.2.

Pelicans Pelecanidae Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens (1) 6 Djibouti City 16.2.

Osprey Pandionidae Western Osprey Pandion haliaetus haliaetus (2) 1 Djibouti City 16.2 and 1 Djibouti City 18.2.

Hawks, Eagles, and Kites Accipitridae Egyptian Vulture (EN) Neophron percnopterus percnopterus (3) 3 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 22 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 6 Dittilou 19.2.

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 6 ______Verreaux's Eagle Aquila verreauxii (3) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 1 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 2 Dittilou 19.2. Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata fasciata (2) 2 Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 1 Djibouti City 19.2. Fabulous views at Foret du Day Shikra Accipiter badius (1) 1 Dittilou 19.2. Augur Buzzard Buteo augur (1) 1 Dittilou 17.2.

Oystercatchers Haematopodidae Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus (2) 10 Djibouti City 16.2 and 4 Djibouti City 20.2.

Crab Plover Dromadidae Crab-plover Dromas ardeola (2) 3 Djibouti City 16.2 and 6 Djibouti City 20.2. Splendid views at mudflats in Djibouti city

Stilts and Avocets Recurvirostridae Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (1) 1 Djibouti City 17.2.

Plovers and Lapwings Charadriidae Spur-winged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus (2) 1 Djibouti City 16.2 and 2 Djibouti City 20.2. Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola squatarola (2) 20 Djibouti City 16.2 and 10 Djibouti City 20.2. Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula tundrae (1) 2 Djibouti City 16.2. Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius (2) 1 Djibouti City 16.2 and 1 Djibouti City 17.2. Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus (2) 6 Djibouti City 16.2 and 2 Djibouti City 20.2. Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus pamirensis (1) 3 Djibouti City 16.2. Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii columbinus (1) 5 Djibouti City 16.2.

Sandpipers and Allies Scolopacidae Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica (2) 20 Djibouti City 16.2 and 6 Djibouti City 20.2. Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus (1) 2 Djibouti City 16.2. Eurasian Curlew (NT) Numenius arquata (2) 10 Djibouti City 16.2 and 4 Djibouti City 20.2. Common Redshank Tringa totanus ussuriensis

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 7 ______(3) 6 Djibouti City 16.2, 2 Djibouti City 17.2 and 1 Djibouti City 20.2. Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis (1) 2 Djibouti City 17.2. Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia (2) 3 Djibouti City 16.2 and 1 Djibouti City 17.2. Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola (3) 1 Djibouti City 16.2, 1 Djibouti City 17.2 and 3 Djibouti City 20.2. Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus (2) 20 Djibouti City 16.2 and 3 Djibouti City 20.2. Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos (3) 6 Djibouti City 16.2, 2 Djibouti City 17.2 and 3 Djibouti City 20.2. Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres interpres (2) 20 Djibouti City 16.2 and 1 Djibouti City 20.2. Sanderling Calidris alba alba (2) 15 Djibouti City 16.2 and 6 Djibouti City 20.2. Little Stint Calidris minuta (2) 6 Djibouti City 16.2 and 6 Djibouti City 17.2. Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii (1) 1 Djibouti City 17.2. Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea (1) 5 Djibouti City 16.2. Dunlin Calidris alpina alpina (1) 1 Djibouti City 17.2. Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus (1) 1 Djibouti City 16.2.

Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers Laridae Brown Noddy Anous stolidus pileatus (1) 1 Djibouti City 17.2. Slender-billed Gull Chroicocephalus genei (3) 1 Djibouti City 16.2, 3 Djibouti City 17.2 and 15 Djibouti City 20.2. Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus (1) 1 Djibouti City 16.2. White-eyed Gull Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus (1) 30 Djibouti City 16.2. Great views Sooty Gull Ichthyaetus hemprichii (3) 25 Djibouti City 16.2, 3 Djibouti City 17.2 and 2 Djibouti City 20.2. Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus (1) 1 Djibouti City 16.2. Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica nilotica (3) 6 Djibouti City 16.2, 1 Djibouti City 17.2 and 2 Djibouti City 20.2. Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia (1) 1 Djibouti City 16.2. Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii (3) Up to 3 Djibouti City 17-19.2. Lesser Crested Tern Thalasseus bengalensis bengalensis

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 8 ______(2) 10 Djibouti City 16.2 and 1 Djibouti City 20.2. Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis (1) 1 Djibouti City 16.2. Saunders's Tern Sternula saundersi (1) 1 Djibouti City 20.2. One seen well on mudflats in Djibouti city Common Tern Sterna hirundo (1) 1 Djibouti City 19.2. White-cheeked Tern Sterna repressa (1) 1 Djibouti City 17.2. Great views of one in Gulf of Tadjoura

Pigeons and Doves Columbidae Rock Dove Columba livia var. domestica (4) Up to 100 Djibouti City 16-19.2. Speckled Pigeon Columba guinea guinea (4) 1 Djibouti City 16.2, 20 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 10 Djibouti City 18.2 and 10 Djibouti City 19.2. Laughing Dove Spilopelia senegalensis senegalensis (3) 10 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 20 Djibouti City 18.2 and 20 Djibouti City 19.2. Namaqua Dove Oena capensis capensis (5) Up to 2 Djibouti City 16-18.2, 1 Dittilou 19.2 and 2 Djibouti City 20.2. Bruce's Green Pigeon Treron waalia (1) 2 heard Dittilou 19.2.

Owls Strigidae African Scops Owl Otus senegalensis senegalensis (1) 1 heard Dittilou 18.2.

Swifts Apodidae Little Swift Apus affinis aerobates (2) 20 Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 1 Djibouti City 18.2.

Mousebirds Coliidae Blue-naped Mousebird Urocolius macrourus (1) 2 Dittilou 17.2.

Bee-eaters Meropidae Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus persicus (1) 7 Djibouti City 16.2. Seen well around mudflats in Djibouti city

Hoopoes Upupidae Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops (3) 1 Djibouti City 17.2, 2 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 3 Dittilou 19.2.

Hornbills Bucerotidae Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill Tockus flavirostris

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 9 ______(1) 3 Dittilou 19.2. Hemprich's Hornbill Lophoceros hemprichii (3) 4 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 6 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 3 Dittilou 19.2.

African Barbets Lybiidae Black-throated Barbet Tricholaema melanocephala (1) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2. Yellow-breasted Barbet Trachyphonus margaritatus somalicus (3) 2 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 2 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 5 Dittilou 19.2.

Woodpeckers Picidae Nubian Woodpecker Campethera nubica (2) 2 Dittilou 18.2 and 1 heard Dittilou 19.2. Cardinal Woodpecker Dendropicos fuscescens hemprichii (1) 2 Dittilou 19.2.

Falcons and Caracaras Falconidae Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus archeri (3) 2 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 3 Dittilou 18.2 and 2 Dittilou 19.2. Lanner Falco biarmicus (1) 1 Djibouti City 19.2.

Old World Parrots Psittaculidae Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri parvirostris (2) 2 Djibouti City 16.2 and 3 Djibouti City 20.2.

Wattle-eyes and Batises Platysteiridae Grey-headed Batis Batis orientalis (2) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 4 Dittilou 19.2.

Bushshrikes and Allies Malaconotidae Rosy-patched Bushshrike Telophorus cruentus cruentus (3) 2 Forêt du Day NP 18.2, 2 Dittilou 19.2 and 1 heard Djibouti City 20.2. Black-crowned Tchagra Tchagra senegalus habessinicus (1) 1 heard Dittilou 19.2. Ethiopian Boubou Laniarius aethiopicus (1) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2.

Shrikes Laniidae Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus (3) 1 Djibouti City 16.2, 1 Djibouti City 18.2 and 2 Dittilou 19.2. Red-tailed Shrike Lanius phoenicuroides (1) 1 Djibouti City 20.2. Steppe Grey Shrike Lanius pallidirostris (2) 1 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 6 Dittilou 19.2.

Drongos Dicruridae

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 10 ______Fork-tailed Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis divaricatus (3) 2 Djibouti City 17.2, 8 Dittilou 18.2 and 8 Dittilou 19.2.

Monarch Flycatchers Monarchidae African Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone viridis (1) 1 Dittilou 19.2.

Crows, Jays, and Magpies Corvidae House Crow Corvus splendens (4) Up to 200 Djibouti City 16-18.2 and 6 Dittilou 19.2. Fan-tailed Raven Corvus rhipidurus (1) 6 Forêt du Day NP 17.2.

Larks Alaudidae Greater Hoopoe-Lark Alaemon alaudipes (1) 2 Dittilou 19.2. Desert Lark Ammomanes deserti assabensis (2) 20 Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 4 Forêt du Day NP 18.2. Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark Eremopterix nigriceps melanauchen (3) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 1 Dittilou 18.2 and 2 Djibouti City 20.2.

Bulbuls Pycnonotidae Somali Bulbul Pycnonotus somaliensis (3) 30 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 10 Dittilou 18.2 and 20 Dittilou 19.2.

Swallows Hirundinidae Hirundo rustica rustica (1) 2 Djibouti City 16.2. Pale Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne obsoleta (3) 4 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 3 Dittilou 18.2 and 2 Dittilou 19.2.

Crombecs, African warblers Macrosphenidae Northern Crombec Sylvietta brachyura leucopsis (2) 5 Dittilou 18.2 and 3 Dittilou 19.2.

Leaf-Warblers Phylloscopidae Brown Woodland Warbler Phylloscopus umbrovirens umbrovirens (1) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2. Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus (1) 1 Dittilou 19.2. Common Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita (3) 2 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 6 Dittilou 18.2 and 2 Dittilou 19.2.

Reed-Warblers and Allies Acrocephalidae Basra Reed Warbler (EN) Acrocephalus griseldis (1) 1 Dittilou 19.2. Upcher's Warbler Hippolais languida

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 11 ______(2) 1 Dittilou 18.2 and 2 Dittilou 19.2.

Cisticolas and Allies Cisticolidae Graceful Prinia Prinia gracilis carlo (2) 8 Djibouti City 16.2 and 2 Djibouti City 20.2. Red-fronted Warbler Urorhipis rufifrons rufifrons (3) 4 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 2 Dittilou 18.2 and 3 Dittilou 19.2. Grey-backed Camaroptera Camaroptera brevicaudata abessinica (2) 1 heard Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 1 Dittilou 18.2.

Old World Warblers Sylviidae Eurasian Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla (1) 1 Dittilou 19.2. Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca (1) 2 Dittilou 19.2. Arabian Warbler Sylvia leucomelaena somaliensis (3) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 4 Dittilou 18.2 and 2 Dittilou 19.2. Great views Menetries's Warbler Sylvia mystacea (2) 5 Dittilou 18.2 and 3 Dittilou 19.2. Great views

Yuhinas, White-eyes, and Allies Zosteropidae Abyssinian White-eye Zosterops abyssinicus abyssinicus (3) 3 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 3 Dittilou 18.2 and 2 Dittilou 19.2.

Starlings Sturnidae Somali Starling Onychognathus blythii (3) 10 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 4 Dittilou 18.2 and 6 Dittilou 19.2. Seen well on several occasions

Oxpeckers Buphagidae Red-billed Oxpecker Buphagus erythrorynchus (1) 6 Dittilou 19.2.

Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae Black Scrub Robin Cercotrichas podobe podobe (2) 1 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 1 Djibouti City 20.2. Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin Cercotrichas galactotes (5) 2 Djibouti City 16.2, 2 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 1 Dittilou 18.2, 2 Dittilou 19.2 and 2 Djibouti City 20.2. Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros (1) 3 Dittilou 19.2. Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus (1) 3 Forêt du Day NP 17.2. Common Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis (1) 1 Dittilou 18.2.

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 12 ______Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius (3) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 2 Dittilou 18.2 and 1 Dittilou 19.2. Whinchat Saxicola rubetra (1) 1 Djibouti City 20.2. Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maurus (1) 1 Dittilou 19.2. Seen well at Dittilou Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina (4) 3 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 4 Forêt du Day NP 18.2, 1 Dittilou 19.2 and 1 Djibouti City 20.2. Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti (1) 2 Djibouti City 16.2. Seen well around mudflats in Djibouti city Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka (2) 8 Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 3 Forêt du Day NP 18.2. Blackstart Oenanthe melanura aussae (3) 6 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 6 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 2 Dittilou 19.2. Sombre Rock Chat Oenanthe dubia (2) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 6 Dittilou 19.2. Seen well at Foret du Day and Dittilou White-crowned Wheatear Oenanthe leucopyga leucopyga (2) 4 Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 3 Dittilou 19.2.

Sunbirds and Spiderhunters Nectariniidae Nile Valley Sunbird metallica (4) 2 Djibouti City 16.2, 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 4 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 1 Djibouti City 20.2. Shining Sunbird Cinnyris habessinicus habessinicus (3) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 4 Dittilou 18.2 and 2 Dittilou 19.2.

Old World Sparrows Passeridae Somali Sparrow Passer castanopterus castanopterus (2) 20 Djibouti City 16.2 and 2 Djibouti City 20.2. Great views Arabian Golden Sparrow Passer euchlorus (2) 50 Djibouti City 16.2 and 6 Djibouti City 20.2. Splendid views of this stunner

Weavers and Allies Ploceidae Rüppell's Weaver Ploceus galbula (5) 10 Djibouti City 16.2, 4 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 15 Dittilou 18.2, 10 Dittilou 19.2 and 2 Djibouti City 20.2.

Waxbills and Allies Estrildidae Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala somaliensis (2) 1 Djibouti City 16.2 and 1 Djibouti City 17.2. Crimson-rumped Waxbill Estrilda rhodopyga (1) 3 Djibouti City 16.2.

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 13 ______Wagtails and Pipits Motacillidae Western Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava (2) 1 Djibouti City 16.2 and 1 Djibouti City 17.2. Long-billed Pipit Anthus similis nivescens (2) 1 heard Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 2 Forêt du Day NP 18.2.

Finches, Euphonias Fringillidae Yellow-rumped Seedeater Crithagra xanthopygia (2) 40 Dittilou 18.2 and 20 Dittilou 19.2. Common at Dittilou

Buntings, Sparrows and Allies Emberizidae Striolated Bunting Emberiza striolata (1) 2 Dittilou 19.2.

Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 14 ______Mammals (10 in total: 10 seen) Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced

IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Hyraxes Procaviidae Rock Hyrax Procavia capensis (2) 6 Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 10 Dittilou 18.2.

Old World monkeys Cercopithecidae Grivet Monkey Chlorocebus aethiops (2) 10 Dittilou 18.2 and 10 Dittilou 19.2. Hamadryas Baboon Papio hamadryas (2) 20 Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 20 Dittilou 19.2.

Gundis Ctenodactylidae Speke's Pectinator Pectinator spekei (3) 4 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 10 Forêt du Day NP 18.2 and 6 Dittilou 19.2. Great views

Hamsters, New World Rats and Mice, Voles Cricetidae Crested Rat Lophiomys imhausi (1) 1 Dittilou 19.2.

Squirrels Sciuridae Unstriped Ground Squirrel Xerus rutilus (3) 2 Djibouti City 16.2, 2 Forêt du Day NP 17.2 and 1 Djibouti City 20.2.

Cattle, Antelopes, Sheep, Goats Bovidae Dorcas Gazelle Gazella Dorcas (3) 1 Forêt du Day NP 17.2, 3 Dittilou 18.2 and 3 Dittilou 19.2. Salt's Dik-dik Madoqua saltiana (1) 2 Forêt du Day NP 17.2. Soemmerring's Gazelle Nanger soemmerringii (1) 4 Dittilou 19.2. Klipspringer Oreotragus oreotragus (1) 2 Forêt du Day NP 17.2.


Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia - Djibouti Extension 2017 15 ______

Rockjumper Birding Ltd Labourdonnais Village Mapou Mauritius Tel (USA & Canada) toll free: 1-888-990-5552 Email: [email protected] Alternative email: [email protected] Website: www.rockjumperbirding.com