PROCEEDINGS of the International Lilac Society
Lilacs Volume 10 PROCEEDINGS of the International Lilac Society Tenth Annual Convention Des Moines, Iowa May 21 and 23, 1981 Volume 10 PROCEEDINGS 1981 A publication of THE INTERNA TIONAL LILAC SOCIETY Copyright 7987 Editor, !.L.S. LILACS is the official publication of the International Lilac Society. Proceedings published annually. Research publications as received. THE PROCEEDINGS are benefits of membership. Copies of this publication are available by writing to the Interna- tional Lilac Society, cia Fr. John L. Fiala, 7359 Branch Road, Medi- na, Ohio 44256. Enclose $5.00 per copy requested. President: Dr. Owen M. Rogers University of New Hampshire, Dept. of Plant Science, Nesmith Hall, Durham, N.H. 03824 International Lilac Society, William A. Utley, Executive Vice President, Grape Hill Farm, 1232 Tyre Rd., Clyde, NY 14433 Secretary: Walter W. Oakes" Box 315, Rumford, Maine. 04276 Treasurer: Mrs. Marie Chaykowski 4041 Winchell Road, Mantua, Ohio. 44255 Editor: Robert B. Clark Cattle Landing Road, Meredith, N.H. 03253 MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICA TION Single annual $ 7.50 U.S. Family 10.00 Sustaining 15.00 Institutional/Commercial 20.00 Life 150.00 * Mail membership dues to l.L.S. Secretary. INTERNA TIONAL LILAC SOCIETY is a non-profit corporation com- prised of individuals who share a particular interest, appreciation and fondness for lilacs. Through exchange of knowledge, experience and facts gained by members it is helping to promote, educate and broaden public understanding and awareness. Published January 1982 J& J Printing,lnc.,laconia,N. H. Contents First Ten Years in Brief 1 Lilac Growing at Margaretten Park 3 Ewing Park's Lilac Collection 6 Des Moines Botannical Center 8 Lilac Clinic 9 Arie F.
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