\ • THE CRANBURY VOL. XX. CRANBURY, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1905. .NO. 28. .ff-: "?;\ :7.7.'v£2iil£i^'••••••—"••••••;••:- ••.-..» •.-.•; In (l.o fining of IT.'JS Washington met r Us fate. He was riding on liorsefoiicU- from Mount Vornon to Wllllamsbtiri; with Important dispatches. In crossing NEW JERSEY STATE NEB ROOSEVELT GRITtCIZED 'S AWFUL LOSSES a ford of the L'nmuulcpy no fell lu with n Mr. Chnmbcriyjip, n ho lived In the Hot State Lnnds Cheap. neighborhood. With true. Virginian Governor Stokes met with the State More Than One Hundred and Eighty hospitality he prevailed upon Washing- Hipurlan CnmnilKsloncm, in Trenton, Senatft Amends Arbitration-Treaties nnd MiKCcsted a reoolution requesting Thousand Disabled. ton to take dinner at Ills house, mak- tho Attornoy-Cieuernl to examine all Despite President's Letter. WASHINGTON. ing the arrangement with dlttlculty, I-cfiifilative Krauts of IAIICIH under -water It \vnn nnnounccd nt the White House however, since the soldier was Impa- that nil the members of the Cabinet, 1 und' report on them to the board. The tient to got to WHIIumsbiirg. ' resolution -was adopted. The Impres* DEAD NEARLY FIFTY THOUSAND except Postmnstor-CienPral Wynne, Once Inside the Coloulnl house, whose f*lon prevailed that many of the grant- WAS FIFTY 70 NINE will he renppointod on Starch G. Mr. ors of rlpnrlnn lands have exceeded CdrtelyoH* will become Postmaster-' hospitable halls hroathctt welcome, his (fuiicrnl nud Mr. Wynne'will be r«rtlclpate In flint the nrbllriillon treaties mnended graveled walk In front or the house; I'l'iioi'-Cit'iiPi'iil of Canada Ml<« lieirraso fen IH and'largo white altnr candles in 1he«n lnndH :imnnutinR-to several hun- llio Sinhln; nr Trfiftllo Without lt«- OfTlrlnl .Army jouinal—Artlrltr In by the Scnnfe will not bft presonled to the servant grew ilrt-d, the horse brass candlesticks of (7reck design. tillbort^on.. a (Jhih^ow woman, SIIL* dred thousand tlollnrs. Two lenses C»rd to tlm rf«Rltlent'« Wlahes— Letter ^lancliurla— Admiral Togo Irftkvet the government** •with wlilch they were pawed and sniffed with Impatience— ha*. IIPICI ilu* position of pilvntu M'CTC- The wide walls of the room weie cov- hold by tho Now York, Susquphnnna negotiated. of (tin Kxocutlre 1ta*«mt«il. .laiian Again. iind Washington lingered.. tary In hiLii Tor (ho l;ibt Iliri'p yvnrr ered With pleated cheesecloth from nnd Western Itnllrorul and tho Now The House Committee oh Industrial A petite, liazel-oyed woman—she who at Jlowicl;. ami ns Lord (Jrpy wns not which wns .suspended n frieze of south- York. Lnko Erie nnA "U'ostcrn Docks WnRliinKton. I), c—The Sennlo ratU St. Petersburg, Itussia.—The iirema- Alrts nud Expositions fnvmahlv report- was once l'ntsy-DniiiKlgL-. but now tho willing in lose liev SITVIUPS, MIFSS <.;il- ern smllnx. The banquet WIIH In tlic nnd Improvomont Conipnny were con^ Tied spvon iirlillrntluii Irentlo^. after tint* publication hero of the ofllcfnl re- ed tt bill the purpose of which in to ' 1 vort(Ml Into grants. TI ngprogate of' widow of Daniel I'nrki- Custls—was dc- lin-tbon Ita * hcou .;;niiig ihroupli im assembly hall nud the grnml staircase J(1 nnioudiiiK Uiem hy <-trikhiK out tlH?" »f lfigsys In tlie war with Japan enable tho holding, of the proposed 1)ore Immense shower houquels of cos- the prnntfi IM $202,O0<». A grnnt of 700 .Tnmefitown Exposition. The bill cat- lajing Important affair*. At nightfall 'tmiKiial training to lit her for tin* now fcobnloiiK tho Delawnre Klver nt Cnm- .vord "nj,'roenH»nt" in Article II. nnd hits en used* a sensation. The- figures lies mi appropriation of ?2.(£0.000. theTiiRlnicted warrior rpincmliered Ills position. Wiiithar CVsllr was IUTino.s blossoms nml white lilies on each ilen "wan made to Peter Ho pan & Co3. Inserting the word "Irenty." This wits' were used ii; tlio ofllnlnl Messenger, mission, and made a hasty adieu. Mr. newel post nud wns outlined in smllnx. hl-honl. JIIHI she \r.\> hi:i>i> Infctructcil nt $2 a foot.. The question of granting the answer of tlio Senate to the PresI-' evidently without tlie sanction of the OUU ADOPTED ISLANDS. Chamberlyne, meeting him at the door, Iht'iv us to il:i; iiiTiiftglng and f-afc- At the head of tlie stairs wore deeorn- rlghtH to KhoalK In UnrncRnt Bny, In- (leut'n letter to Senator Cullom, where- War Department, but now carry with laid a restraining hand upon lili arm. live orange trees. The tables in the The death In the Honolulu Museum" kci'ping of royal leltevs ami stntu pa- oluding' tho right for the grantee to in ho Indicated, tlint if the Senate exer- them nn ofUchil character thnt cannot of n young llnwaiiau through falling "No guest r\or leaves my house after. Peru. banquet hall were iu the form of mi erect "iHlnndR** for jrounnlng purposes. ," he J-'aid. wns discussod. Tho board decided cised its pieropttivo lo amend, the be denied. Tiiclr tremendous Impor- on a model of nn altnr such ns were inuiicii.se \V, tlic Initial of the bride- iroatle.N lie had stilimltU'd, as coptom- tance to the people of KUHHIIL IS shown once used for human Micrillcea, hnR groom. On the two outside tables a that, slneo tho imposition involved thp ^ horse was put up, the servant WATKi: AS A XEk\ «, CiritK. protection of llsli nnd gamo. It could plntod, ho would decline, to exchange In the fact thnt thone figures prove that caused a revlvnl of f can of the heathen ghen his liberty, nml Washington rc- long, narrow hand foiutcd nf pink roses godtj In the Hawaiian fehmdp. "If iitM'vnns people would only drink nud fonts standing upright was used not be determined without giving the ratifications. Tin* vote on the amend- more than one-third of the entire HUP- niiilucd until the next morning, when mori: water thry woulil not.Jie to ncr- Klsh nnd Gnmo Conimlsblonors nil np- ment was ,V> to !». Apjie.iiIs for delay Man army lu tlu> Far East hns passed Hrigndler Geiidfnl Wllllmu H. Cnrter with new happiness In his heart, he down the centre of the table. Down portnulty to bo heard. reported engagemcutK of scouts wiUi iou-," reninrkoil a Ir.ilueil nursp the the two Inner tables ilils bund was wore voted down, a motion to adjourn through the hospitals since tUe. begin- Vulnjnncs, Son Jose. Snmar. Six guns dashed on to Willlamtburg. «ther ilay. "Ne.trly every pliysicliiu IVJIK di'/cjilerl !>>• 4."> l*> 3.1. and the Peii- ii&igi'Of'.the wnr.' The total is isa-Mli We may lvel! nuiry ilj.it Dor Image of bride roses nud ferns. The spaces Colonel H. M. Dickinson Dead. onptmed. No casualtlee. Gtistln, Sec- will lecnimui'inl a wo mini who K suf- between tables and hi the corners of ato licld two executive ses.^louR to dls- jirUwsrhud men. nnd this does not fn- ond I.Ieuteiintit of Tbltlpplne Scants, was before nlin :ill the way. aiio had fering from IUM VOIK pi nitration or Tolonol S. Moi'pdith Dickinson, who liosu of tin*- treatlet once and for nil. wounded, moderately; one neoiU.kil'pil, worn a gown of white dimity, with a tho room wero filled in uith palms and liad beno thief law elork of tho Court lude the dead. nervous r\lnuMlnii to di ink Ic>I A of iroptcnl plnnl*. Tlio electric lights of Chancery, at Trenton, for thirty* The feelinc in tlio Senate was in- The wounded wore. 1730 odiccrs and Hvf* wounrled. Thnusantl PtiJnjanes 1ft- cluster or May-blossoms at her belt, water botwppii mm!**. Init many «om 1 , 'I.S90 men. The sick were 224S officers cnted nt Mount Tngo. <1UG East Cnl- and r. little white widow's cap half wore lu festoons about (lit room. Tlic four your*., died hi ilmt place. He wns tense, though the vxpri'Rhiuiib of Sena- bnyop. Our forces co-operatlug with v\\ wit e of ilie xh\y. Water nhitlonnry family, being n gront-gran a nerve food, like KO:M1 rugs, divans, red lights and palms for jiitnl^', 17.722 were permanently inva- inn ml of the constabulary on the Isl- Custls was much older than his butter. It has a distinctly soothing u great-grnndnophew of John Dlcklii' present thoroughly understood that "Palsy," for she wns married when she a smoking loom. M>n, of the Contlnotnl Congrosn, who thoir action was intended to ho n hint lided. 1)420 wero returned to "Russia nnd of Samnr, Is nhout io return. Tfad effri-T, when *-i|»peil gnuliiully, as one A pretty fenttiro of the ceiemony wns wns nWo foundor of Dickinson College. 'n.tlte.l>.re.sld£j)i..noL ui go too fast In nml 21.ri.~il nre Mill in hospitals. The In drones nre F&it tcred nnd have been was but seventeen. He was a faithful <'nn tost for hui^elf. I nin not enough report does not say how numy were driven Into the remote iinountniiiF. and affectionate hif^band, but be had the large cornucopias made of Mowers Prior to tho outbreak of the Civil TVnr tlenllng with complicated foreign nf- of a tL-ienl^l to be able to tell you the Colonel Dickinson was In business In rnir.t without eoiiHiiltlng the coequal killed in battle, but roughly estimates many of their. lenders have been killed not appealed to tier Imagination, and and ironud about tlic necks of the two the Him1 her 'it between -10,000 .mil and 100 have been sentenced to terms reiifoii why it does this, but nntrr little Mower girls. These cornucopias New York Ofty. lie wns com missioned treaty making power. ot imprisonment. , _ it was doubtless through her Imagina- sipped slowly and f;radti:illy had some- n pnymnPter In the Navy, and served Statements clearly Indicating that "(MKXi. tion that the big Virginia Colonel won were tilled with pink rose petals .which on tho sloop of war Dnlo. of Uie North i Thus. If tho ItiiMlnu nViny strength what the same i|tiit>tlng eu*eeL ns deep were scattered before the bridiil couple. the Senator* wore aware or tho gravity Senor Abelln. who was elected Gov- her heart. bicMiliiiip."—New York Tribune. A thin tic Sriundron. under Admiral .Du- nf the situation wero mndo by such fn Manchuria ho taken nt 430.000. the ernor of the province of: Cnmnrlucs. She left Mr. CuambcrlaypO,. and -Laurn A. Smith, Iu What to Eat. pout. In 38G"i he wns made Asslstnnt close frleiulK of tho President and tho MntlMics hhow Unit at least IS0.00O of P. I., will not be allowed to take-Iho went to her home—the "White House" yVdJutimt-riciirr.-i] of this Stato. nnd Administration ns Messrs. I^odge. Kor- [lil.s uuiubvr. were within n year killed office. Governor General Wright de- P-IM' MA11MUSUT IN ML'l'T. ^ 01' Inter Deputy Slnto. Controller. Ho wns nker nnd Sjmouer. who Insisted thnt voiindod or sent to hospltnlw. These claring that Abel la bought votes open- —near William's Kerry. The story Is 'Ppnlliug ligurcd linve opened the eyes that when Washington came from Wlll- A new fad amoiis women which will Not until yon linve seen tlic pretty alde-dc-ramp to (Sovernor Abbett. the Senate >-linnld preserve Its oonstitu- ly In the government building. Hppral lo the elass who went in for Slneo tho dcnlli of Judgo Stewart. In tlonal right to participate hi tho milk- f St. Petersburg to the frightful losses lamsburg he was met at the ferry by tilings made of paper can you appre- if the war, nnd us. they will now be FFftcen hundred constabulary( and 1 pot chameleons .several years nno Is 1WH, ho had boon chancery reporter. ing of treaties without regard to tlie ficouts nre patrolling the rivers and OK. HIS qunlnt old steel engrnv- one of Mrs. Custls slaves. "Is your ciate its possibilities, s-.ys the l'liila- sent to overy city and town In the em- lutlouary fame, was the son of the II12 currying «f pet marmosets lu the desires or the President. Tarty lines roads in the Philippine Island?. The r, j! I»S wl!lcl> sliows laeorge "Lowland Ueauty," and some tcudor mistress at home':" he Inquired of the dclpbia-Dulletla. were forgotten lu the discussion. The Lire there IK no doubt that the (Jovern- nrmy Is co-operating effeetlvely by gnr- . 5 ami Miirthn WasUlngton negro Tho was rowing bii across the t>]£ uiuffs that arc still the correct A really hoautiful scrap basket ran I'Vozon Corpse in n Ditch. • jueut. Hhould the wnr • routine, will memories of the mother may have been Driving from Ollphnnt's Mills, near overwhelming vote on tho amendment 1 rlsonlng the towms. The telegraph K silting by n table, -wlillo tde river. tlflng in furs. The marmoset is a small bo made of "stiff cardboard covered wns a KUfllelcnt indication of the feel- rum oxtreine trouble in forcing the m- mingled with Washington's fondness .Medfonl, Charles Hewitt, a tenmster. J-ervlstt. In going to the Far Enst. lines will be cxlcmlod and the ronccn- SfOtr CIIBIIS eliildrcn stand duti- for the young soJ-'ior. .stiulrrcl-llke monkey hailing from with ilowcred crepe pnper. Cut tliu Ing of the Senate. trntlon cnmp» will be abolished. Soon "VCP, salt," replied lh- darky; then South Aiuericn. Fiiw tho IXKly of n mnn who hnd been i Toklo. Japan. — Miinchurlan lieail- fully by, Is a familiar picture in many added, slyly, "1 reckon .-on am de man 'four sides nnd the square hotloin from frozen to death In u ditch nlong tho The difnctilry-nrose over an effort by 1 a belt road will ue. constructed from It was "Ijisht Horse Harry," also, A womini who .'ippcatcd on Chestnut the Senate tu huvi> Itself (^nsulted In quartoi-H sHVf-: "The Husslnn * sliellctl btmscJiokls, yet few of us remember who said of the Commaudcr-in-Clilcf what am expected." (lie cnrdtionnl, curving the top in any roadsldo. Undertaker Kellly, of Mount JmU tnlce iittnckod AVnltno Mountain. 111* town of Taft on the east coast of that the tlrst Lady of '.lie White House street with one of the little animals in desired design. (Jot that particularly Holly, took tlie body to tho Morgue. It rasea of arbitration. lt| nought to the Island to "Wright on the west that ho was "hrst in war, tlret in peace, It was late in (lie afternoon of the amend the arbitration treaties BO as to Pint were repulsed. Smntt-forct'S of const An unusually heavy liemp crop .was not always tirst In the hcar^ of her and tlrst In the hearts of Ills country- next day when Washington took his her possession created something of a pretty pale Rreeu crepe pnper TVIUI tlio IR that of n mnn apparently fifty years ftussliiu iiifmitry nttneked I»npatal nnd liusbaud. ficii:>:itipn. .She was equipped -with n of ncc. smoolli fnce, five foct seven necesHltnte having every uigreement is being moved to tlie coast from Hie men." By nuoMicr trick of fate, the departure, but he hail her promise, and design of green ferns, and cover tlie for arbitration submitted toy. for rati- [IlaiiPliaiitai, but were defeated. The Interior without molestation by the out- Tlio years have brought us ns a peo- lin^e muff, trimmed with animal lionrtF. inches In height nnd weighs about 170 (Itussimirf <• iitiiuied to construct in- grandson ot the "Lowland Ueauty" wns happy. A ring was ordered from cardboard on both sides with this, pounds. The mnn hnd been HOCI> lu tlciitlon. nini'iidiuent or reJoeWon. Tim law P. ple a growing reverence for him who was Ucncrat Uobert Ii. Lee. Who can L'hlladelphla, and is duly set down lu nnd several pedestrians who tool; u drawing It Miiijj. The fern design Provident strongl.v object«l \to any ItreucUmonts iu tlio neighborhood of ]icep nt tho muff MIW two heads on Modford. wlioro ho stated thnt his Huikuutnl." 'Governor Wrijrht approves the pay- was in truth the •father of Uls Coun- say what momentous changes might his accounts-, "one engagement ring, should hti'iul up from the bottom of home wns in (;io\icouter nnd his wife sueli procedure. ment of $1,137,000 for the linus church try." Time has Invested him "with god- have liceu wrought In history had one side and only one on the other. A the basket. l'ip lihluui of pale son- Tlie publication of his loiter eonsiil- • ItejHjrtri from Linovang place tlic to- two pounds sixteen shillings." • lived In rhilndelphin. Pn. Hf.s feet ,lnI Itusbiiiu force at 2SO.O00 nn the cjitntc lu the Philippine.*, being part of liko attributes, yet none the less Do second later there was only one anmi.il srct'ii satin to tie the oonr.'rs to^etlier. wore fro/.en nt that time. ernbly Jnrred tlio Semite's notiolis of the -191.000 ncrcs of friars* Inndn, for was a man niuong men, ami the Hot bead on each ejid of the, inuf/. etiquette, ns (ht> treaties are supposed lighting lino. Tho condition, of the mabliiK two bows uf oiie-Huu whitli [prisoners :unl cf tho bodies of the uea'l which the Government agreed to pay blood of youth rau tumultuously lu bis A couple of men remnikcd that per- up each corner, and at Hie top of each to bo held undoi* the strict si>nl of to- &7.239.7S1 In four per tent, bonds, the Merchant!* H.iml For Protection. orecy nnd are being connlrterod by the hudiento that the Hus