Inside: Dorm CounCil pagE! 3 Alcatraz Tnal page 5

B.C SWII'1 T am page 6 NY NIckS page 11

Fire Safety Regulations To Be Enforced

Because of the almost days. or fined not less than constant tampering witb frre one hundred ($100) dollars extingui..'ibers and fire alarms, or both, for the first offense. sons who are caught. will For each subsequent offense, r, '.t. ,'. t the following each person shall be :t'1!U I.e' F r om the imprisoned for Dot less than studt>nt ha, Id six (6) months nor more than 'Tampenngm ar.y way with one year or fined not more di$missal. than five hundred ($500) From Rhode Island S ruLes: dollars, or both. Section 2. This act shall An BCt. n'lating the to take effect upon passage. unlrorm (aJse ftrl' \larm (This has been passed) statute. S·lQO, Approved July CHAPTER 212 16. 1 fin It is enacted by the An Rct providing that .. General. Assembl:,. ill. roUows: unlawful interference with Section 1. St'<'tion 11144·21 f ir e a l arm a p pa r atus of the gent~ law in haptcr constitutes a r~E LO NY . PII/J'o Ir)' Hrillhorl 11 14 E'nlIUt'd l'ro.:pass and It is enacted by the Vandalt!In a .lr nded, is General A sse mbly as eteb:y at. , d d 0 read as follows: , New rchwa He d Named folow Section 1. Chapter 11-4 \. uf tn. ~ laws entitled ALAR !\non .. hereby The Edl rl 80trd or po 1&1 n. of Bu 10(' r ueue or our P Ion who Of amended Jhereto the Archway h .. _,,0U'ftCf'd \'I' naJt'er Adve-r i tn .. n .. I' po a T' @r. THE 1m~w," ' l y 110 that Robert unda, Jr Ma lager and M anag"'111 ARCI1WAY iA no II n 'f. a 11 l' I •. J. til'( ,ER- h as be ·-I, n.m~d t dlt ~ r have bt ome ub r,;at, n "a.. anE a flI Lt any m FIRE ALARM Editor·in·Ch f for ont year lDcreaatngly more .ware of (oUep! but LS now mdeed. h I br \i. ty of 8 APPAR'l"'~ PENAL Y R ob is a ath ~meater the responsibilities and ne-wspapt't • m.ldemeanor and upon • E"e-ry perlon wh o marketing m Jor ongmaliy problems 01 which t,he TIlE Altr:UWAY :as baa C(I.llv1.ction thereof ahaIl he unlll"'(Wly and WIthOUt just from Warwick. Rhode Island. Editor-in-Chief must he heen done '" the put will punished b)! ..mprtsonment cause WIllfully or knowmgly He now resides in ('raruton knowledgable. place grt'Jlt IILre.o;s on the [or not I ~ thirty 1;)01 continued P' e 9 with his wife of COlif months. The operation ol B objectiVity of Its n~ ..... Rob officially takE'S over hi' newspuper re~ardl('ss of Its reporLlIlg r esponsi bilit. i s after the lil~e is by no means a onC' In th(' pa.'il, advE'rtlsmg A r chway a ds banquf"t man job. A hardworking Rnd hal played II rathf'r ml:'nial w hich will lx" ht'ld this ambiliou~ 518ft is the- heart roll! for the'r, evening at the \'"nus de :-..tllo and guta o[ any newspaper .\dv''l'tl m..: rC~'l'nut: has never restaurant. Fortunal~ty THE i""'11 Ii 'I' 11 I: .] pn} W hen pd L 0 ARCHWAY has lUlt &Ul:h tl .;.re degr II. 'il, pay t comment 0 hi. new .taff This dOf"Cl no' Olear, our burdf'J;l I~m' 'xpenses. posit ion, Rol:J madP the that we do not have ~Itlo One of m r·m·:1I01 ~ goals as following com men avatlable (or anynnt' IS Editor-In hi.-' i r.o establish " A s t h e .Pt'\\ v.'IL:.~ to do som(-' rk. THE A CH\\ AY as a self Editof- in-Chief o f I!. THE AR HWA Y is, and s up p rt ,n g 'le w spa pe r ARCHWAY. my first and has been, the Bryant College throu I rigul <- ampaign to fo remost obligation is tbat o f student press since it has ine r fi

November to build a viable radio station. r feel that th~ college Ihould act now by giving U8 that Students Suspended money-~h e chet:ka and balancea have already been instituted, so that in six or seven weeu we can In What School Terms be on the air and iron out any ditriculUes before Ma y 19 so that w h e n w e come b ac k n ex t "Orgy" September WBCS will be ready to serve you in a profesaional way , On Thursday , two three fa u lty , and o ne ed u ca ti on a ll y, and as a n students received letters from administrative member. They entertainiog servi ce for the Brysnt will .hear the case and make community. the Dean's Office stating that What can you the reader do? they. were being suspended r ec o mm.e nd ations to the T e ll your o pi nions to your from Bryan t CoUege for not President. professo rs , c o ll e ge o f ficials, o b serving c o ll e ge rules The action comes from S tu d e nt S e na le, T HE concerning good order, an incident which took place ARCHWAY, and to me-Stephen in Dorm 8 last Sunday. A B ou lter . De mand that we morality, integrity, and the understand your feelings. As of rights of others. One student group of students held a this date 3/10/72 WBCS is even was suspended for two weeks sen si tivity session which better prepared to serve you. while t h e other w as " gr ew out of hand." A WBCS We have put in act ion the suspended for the remainder student in a neighboring suite inner workings of a radio station A fter readinlf last week 's the cotlege. This portfolio ovenan of the semester. hearing a gre at deal of articles in "Speaking Out"' and a without equipment; new suppliers co m motion c a ll ed the the li chool 's very tight·fisted have brought out total emergency When the Vice-President "Sad AlLernative," I felt it was $5 ,0 00 budgeted loan by of Student Affairs and the sec urity patrol who ti me t he Brya nt College reserve expense from minus $100 approximately $100. The ($5,lOO) to plus $800 ($4,200). Dean of Student Life were investigated . community was told' about the budgeted loan which we were told tragedy happening on campU5. We are alao working with the contacted, both refused to Students in the suite at was ready when everything was school's plant engineer IlOlving Finit, I feel that both articles ironed out . discuss the suspension since the time have expressed w er e on target, but th is installatio n and transmitting On November 3, I was told it would be violating the concern over rumors about ind ictment is their conclusion. problems before the fact. that MUrphy Labs i ndee d students' rights. Dean Smith the " orgy ." That nude Second , as General QUALIFICATIONS: proposed a total radio station at In dealing with the school, I commented, hovever, that students were "getting it on" of the statio n my thoughu I1 rl! no coot to the school and they b il cked u p by references, was either with a witnesa at the the suspensions were not a in the hallways is NOT a fact, wo uld only get the advertising do c u mentat io ns , and time, or 1 told the Board of fees. A very "noble" thought on final solution since the as are state ments which verbaliutiona; with my contacts Directors o f the station right after the part of the two frelhmen. students could appeal. to the a1lege to a quantity of drugs a nd the college officials with the event, and wrote it do wn. After thre e m o n th ~ of non-aca demic grievance w hom I have tal ked, Not to When 1 dealt with people outside being discovered. mention my prior experience and haggling over the unsubstantiated the college they have verbaliucl committee if they wished. At David Brown, one of claim. of Murphy Labs the &Chool the experience of the station their willingne" to back up my least ooe of the students has the m e mber s of the said we were wonying too much members wh ich enabled the statements pertaining to Mr. about their responsibilit ies and to asked for an appeal and at non-academic gr ievance .Lat ion '5 o fficers to fulfill their Murphy and 1 am awaiting their bargain in good faith. we did. press time the grievance committee has stated the elected positions and have a group So leHen confirming this. I also of a ppro xima tely thirty-five Much was settled. In January the gained valuable contacts outside committee waf be ing appeal should be heard at a ded icated members to back them contract was written up but with the college which will help to get contacted. The committee is committee meeting next up. n e w tw ists. Man y of our us off to a good start. comprised of five students, week. L as t w eek ( F e bruary compromises were broken, and In conclusion, I think you 28·Match 3 ) I was told by a Murphy La bs also wanted $5,000 know how I have anived at my college official that he had been as a down payment; they wanted feelings. 1 have worked wi th an told from " higher up" that he was the rest o f the money on the organization that streges good t o s pea rhead It c oor dinated estimated worth of the equipment fa it h , fair play, and straight plan ned effort of making and at the end of three years, forward btu;iness eihics. Dormitory Council keeping Bryant College a prison A fter re·n ego iating and Un fortu n a tel y, for Ih e of Blocks of A, B, C. A prison o f bend i n g s t a t io n m em b ers ' honest, hard ·w o rki n g a nd t. hirteen subdivisions w here c o nvictions even more it was dedi cated Itudents of Bryant settled. Everything became very Sends Proposals escape, like death, were one lind College, who want It radio ltation the lIame, the body was tight and I becam e enthui janic based on the t:lubs philosophy Lhe momentarily free but not the that the Il.& tion would fi nall y college administration ha5 reniled become a reali ty after more than To Dean Kurtz mind. on their word . The club, I, and In II " liberal institution of a yesr and one·half of hard work. other interested students feel that higher learning" and one of the On Friday, February 11, I we have been slabbed in the back The dormitory council one side of each floor and better ( ?) businfu collegft; it wa~ soliciting for used equipment repeatedly. Fortunately for the of Bryant College is now part the women on the other side. amaze. me that this college could when a series of evenls led to a students of Bryant Coll ege, the credibility ga p in the existence of of the Student Senate. The In other words, each floor be so unprofessional in its club mem bers are not quitters, will have two suites of men dralings··borded ng on the biZarre! Murphy Laboratories. So, 1 called b u t if it comes to that our action was taken because of I have been aecused of being on the station they p ~ potted to phil osophy is that we would lac k of interest by dormitory and two suites of women . an ego trip, making power pla YIi, have helped build and talked wi th rather not be a party to that that students in what has been These two suites will be the and J am accused of beillg a t he station's Program Di rector would be detrimental to the t h eir governing body . ones adjoined by the fire p atriotic money gra b b ing and Genet'S1 Manager . They told school. We want to participate in me to call back later alter they However, the senate asks that doors. i mperialut. These accusations a constructive organization and 2. The Dorm Council were not substantiated and to my had researched my problem. we an Itraining at the lea..h. in t e rested students attend knowled"e 1 was not investiga ted 1 called back, they had lIone Respectrull y Intended senate and special meetings recommends that a two-week b y t he college as to my t h rou gh t heir station 's entire Stephen Boulter to voice their opinions on notice be given to the people qualifications or was the club's history and they said they had no General Manager, WBCS vari ous dorm and college living in the dormitories evide n c e o f a Murphy or a conce pt o f a rad io ,.tation Dorm 11, Room 423 related issues. being used for wintersession. inveltigated ..a station o f the Murphy Labs doing work on their students, by the litudents and as a station or on a nearby ham In a meeting held last In o rder to a btain this service for the Bryant Community statio n. They talked with their . Vets And Wednesday, the committee two·wee k notice, we feel the Other things being equal this sc ho ol's public r e la tio n. which is replacing the dorm Administration should use all concept is really hard to swallow department which keepi the Fenway Park council made the following power at their command , For when the b~tter idea is to have entire school records from ils example, r egistration for two students (Gary W. urphy and inception in 18 l 9 --they had no proposa ls. The proposals Joe Cockran) who represented e v idence of their work To The Editor: have been sent to Dean Kurtz wintersession could begin themselves as an outside business either. In a friendly way, I The Bryant College for further action. They arise early , givi ng the named Murphy Laboratories to brough t this to the aUention of Veternas Club is sponsoring out o f disconte nt over Administration time to find build and and control a Mr. Gary Murphy and later the practices concerning the new out how many students will t o tally profit · motivated school on the 16 and 17 of Bryant College Day at grgani:z:ation. Fe bruary r espectively. Mr. Fenway Park on Sunday, co·e d do r mito r y and be living in the dormitories MUrphy gave me a personal winter ses s ion room during win tersession. It would co.t the school May 7, 1972. Arrangements reference which I could call to 3. The Dorm Council dearly in the human sense because have been made with the Red assignments. substantiate his claims. of the loss of valuable learning T he proposals are as requests that all notices that I called the reference and Sox organization for tickets ex perience to all ttte students in follows: are sent to the parents or asked him i f he would to be placed on reserve. If any divilion ; the 1011 of school guardians of Bryant College S Ubstantiate Mr. Murphy 's there is enough interest 1. The Dorm Council spiri t, unity, and an organization c1aims ..h e could not ..and 1 had to recommends that Dorm 6 Students be also sent to the t o t a lly without our members shown this year, the Vets calm down a very angry man students themselves. s u pport and that of many Club will sponsor this event (Proposed coed donn) be beca use he did not like Mr. students who have voiced their annually. divided in half. The men on Murphy using his name as a uns o l ic ited anger to me penonsl reference beeause the Details about the trip are personally. not to mention the reference had never heard of Mr. exp l ained in our higher total cost the school is MUrphy. w i l ling t o pay Murphy advertise ment in today's After having documented Fa urah Alallll Seminar For Secretaries Laboratories. ARCHWAY. I encourage all these actions and references, students··guys and girls--and Let me recount how the feelings, and after writing a let ter IC hool came to know Murphy to the school on February 2], the all the student organizations Lab oratories. After a year's work school is still interested in to participate in order to and a survey by a professional Murphy Laboratories. It has been make this a successful event. March 22, 1972 who was versed in JeUing up a three weeks (3/1017) and Mr. The trip to Fenway wi ll be staUon from top to bottom and Mur p h y has not refuted my fun for everyone, so make who ahowed us how to do it here, findings. It has been two weeki Richard Chamack, o ur spokesman since the school said they would your plans to go ! Report to Your Respective Teacher with the IiChaol, in early October ask him to refute it. Norman E. Vine Page 4 THE y -

VIEWPOINT Economy Seen An Alarming Situation "Not So Bad" by Richard S. Woolf Dormitory students are now confronted with a new (AFS)--While the front pages problem which is caused outrightly by a sheer lack of of major newspapers tell of maturity. The sad fact is. that the desired effect in donnitory increasing unemployment living which has been strived for by the administration, is and s piraling inflation, going to be done in by students. tucked away on the business by Rick Mitz You see , the ideal concept behind the donnitory village, pages is news that gladens the is the opportunity to live free from restraining edicts, heart of many an executive However, a certain group or-students in various dormitories The three largest banks in the Deaf Aunt lucy: are playing with lives when they fool with the fire co u n try had ex cel l e n t When you called last night, "But will she pay rent?" I extinguishers and with fire alarms. What is the reason for this records in 1971, and the four you probably wondered who asked as Wilbur walked away. game of Russian RuuleL~ for keepg? I suppose some student! automotive giants all report that loud voice was who When Wilbur first got Pad, think it's a big joke to empty extinguishers and risk the sharp increases in profit over answered the phone and he Jived in one of those chance of having a real fire without protection. 1970. Here are the joyous what that barking was in the apartment compl exes The pulling of alarm boxes without cause presents a statistics%joyous statistics: background. (Withering Arms Terrace more complex problem. There is no truly effective way of Only five of the fifty Wilbur, my first college East) for swinging singles and stopping students from pulling these alarm boxes. Yet efforts I ar g est ban k s made less roommate, is staying with me young harried marrieds with are being made. One idea is to evacuate a given dormitory money in 1971 than they did again. We used to room paper-thin walls--just like the each time an alarm is pulled, in order that the guilty party i n 1 9 6 9. The Ban k 0 f to gether in one of those dorm. Robert Cher, a jeal ou~ gets tired of being rousted. Also, fellow students who may America. largest of them all super-small dormitory rooms young husband, and his wife, know the person who is pulling the alarms, will put pressure r e p 0 r ted a lOp ere e n t with paper-thin walls, tiny Pat, lived next door to on him to stop his foolish acts. I am sure you are familiar increase in profits from d res sin g s t a lis. Wilbur. with the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," fortunately, 1970. First National City no matter how many false alarms are pulled, our security Bank of New York was up indoor-outdoor linoleum But Wi I bur w as force will not waiver in their efforts to protect us . Nor will 20%, to $169 million. And tile--you know, a typical preoccupied, trying, in his they sway in their plight to catch the imbecile who is pulling n u m be r t h r e e, C h as e college dorm. 1 remember my unique booming voice, to the alarms. Manhattan. reported a 15% first day at the dorm, teach Paddington tricks. The questions may be legitimately posed; how could a increase in profits. This giant wondering what my ,. R 0 II over. P a d ...Sl, -, gu- I ... Iay fire start? Simply through the carelessness of one individual. is so huge that it is nearly roommate would be like. 1 down, Pad ... fetch, Pad ... play arrived three hours before he For a moment. let's imagine it is one-thirty in the morning. twice as big as the next on d dead, girL .. get off the bed, Your room ate has had difficulty in catching 40 winks. He the li s t, Manufacturers did and I guarded the ~ Pad . .. bad gi r l ... stay, prostrates himself on the couch, and smokes a cigarette while Hanover Trust of New York. near the window, making Pad ... good girl, good girl...let writing to his girl friend. Finally, the Sandman arrives, Meanwhile, in Detroi t, sure I'd get custody of the me scratch your belly ... how despite the fact that the guy still has a lit cigarette going. It For d Mota r Com pan y top three dresser drawers so I does that feel, Pad? .. up, slips, falls on the couch cushion, and you are minus one reports the second best year shouldn't have to bend over Pad ... "and on and on ... roomate. The fact is, that the couch cushions when burning, in its history . with 1971 more than necessary . ...until Robert Cher came give off a toxic odor. So if the flames don't get you, the profits up to $657 million on And then Wilbur arrived, bounding into Wilbur 's fumes will! worldwide sales of $16.4 with a knapsack and a apartment. Students may ask why the alarms are not glass-enc1osed? bill ion. Genera! Motors menagerie of cats, hamsters, "Okay where is she?" I suppose it was thought by the architect that college likewise reported its second birds, gerbils, chamele.ons, "Who?' Who?" Wilbur asked students are mature individuals, able to employ a bit of best year ever, with profits at fish . Wilbur was an animal twice. restraint . I guess he was off the mark. You have probably $1.9 billion on sales of $28.3 freak. I'd wake up in ~e "My wife. My wife." Mr. heard grim statist.ics before, but they are worth repeatlng. billion. Chrysler Corporation, middle of Lhe night and find Cher answered t.wice. "1 Last year, 12,500 people lost their lives due to fire . These which only made $63.7 Wilbur's ten gerbils. stuck heard you calling her, you fires were not limited to residential homes. On the contrary : mill i o n last year, was up betwe~n .my toes, hiS f~ ur disgusting wife-snatcher, they frequently had their origin in modern highly fire from a $7.6 miUion loss the cats tauntmg ~e mynah ~I~d, telling her to lay down and resistive buildings. year be Co re . Finally , which was cawmg obscemtles roll over and get off your I am sure that the novelty of the whole thing will wear American Motors turned a that made the college bed ... " off. As a matter of fact, Cellow students may begin to tum in 1970 loss o f $6.2 million newspaper look innocent. the guilty party_ Yet, Cor now, we wiU continue to be into a satisfying profit of But Wilbur didn't have a dog. And Wilbut moved out. And now aCter three years inconvenienced for the folly of a few students. $10.1 million last year. Quickly. ~nd moved into my of being away from that zoo, place. QUicklier. So you see, 1 am coming with WilbUr Aunt Luch, that's what ae:ain . And not alone. Wilbur and his dog are doing " I al ways wanted dog," a here, ArrENT/ON FRESHMEN he explained when he arrived So now Wilbur spends his here. " You know, I used to days at the doctor (A good see those movies like Rill Tin eye, ear , and nose man) and CAREER SEAl/NARS Ti n , Lassie, and National looks for a new apartment, Velvet... " although he doesn't seem to A uditorium - 3:00 P.M. • 'National Velvet was a be in too much of a hU rry. horse ... " And 1 spend my days with " I know, but I ulied to a n u nr uly dog named March 20 - 24, 1972 squint my eyes real tight and Paddington. wlshing t.hat Liz it looked like a dog. I always would leave Dick and ride wondered what Elizabeth away on Pad into the sunset Monday: Marketing and Economics Taylor was doing riding n until a big The End flashes dog. Of course I called the across my mind's screen and SPCA Immediately ..... Tuesday: Accounting, Finance, and that this w hole " ... anyway, I Ci nally got a mess--Remembrances and dog a fe w weeks ago. She's Institutional Management all-is over. sitting on your w ble .. .didn't I haven't gotten around to you notice?" Wednesday: Management and telling my newly-wed Devouring my table was neighbors, Pat and Leonard the biggest sheep d og [ had Meister, about the dog yet. Systems Management ever seen; so large that even I've been too busy with the Richard Burton would be dog, trying to teach her to Thursday: afraid to ride her. And if I Law Enforcement and behave-- you know , " lay hadn't noticed the dog, J down Pad ... stay, Pad .. .sit, certainly noticed the little Teacher Education girl ..... roll over, Pad ... get off Rem~mbrances she had left my bed, Pad ... " fyom the door to the table, a Oh, now she's jumping on Representatives from these areas will present their fields and answer your la Hansel Gretel, without and my desk and I think she questions, Pre-registration will soon he here. These seminars will afford the fairy tale charm . wan ts some attention. you t he opportunity to find out the proper courses to select. " Her name is Paddington," " Do you want me to rub Wil bur said. " But you can your belly, Pad?" call her Pad." Hey, someone just came in The scm inal's arc open 10 enr\'onc, "Pat?" the apartment.. .Jt's, it's Mr. "No, Pad . Consider her Meister ...He's coming at me ... your third roommate. " March 17, ] 972 THE ARCHWAY Page 5 The Alcatraz Trial : New York To Take Action Again~t White Man's Justice Termpap er Business The Alcatraz Trial ended s tatem ents by various here on March 1 as three government agencies led the (CPS)--University professors Indi ans to believe that e mpl oy men t t hey wer e Indians were found guilty on and administrators wh o have offered and the questionnaire Federal charges of stealing Al cat raz wa s to be been wringing t h eir h ands recognize d as their own which must be completed by government property. Each over the fl o uri s hing the buyer. of the Alcatraz three was land--up until the moment it te r m paper bu s inesses given three years probation was raided by state agents. nationwide a re looking to In Massachusetts, Harvard Cor taking $500 worth of Judge Davies. in fact, New York fo r a possible University has move d to copper wire Crom A1 cattaz eri ticized the Government answer. support the New Yo rk Island. for its bungling of the whole A ttorney General in what Tbe guilty verdict came as affair. New York State Atty . could be a related case. At a surprise to most observers Davies almost guaranteed Gen. Louis J . Lefkowitz has Harvard , graded t.ermpapers here. The majority feeling the conviction, by charging filed suit against Kathleen were stolen from professors' was that the defense had the jury to find a guil ty Saksnitt, owner of New York mailboxes. One student was City Termpapers, Inc., and clearly established the Native verdict should they feel that able to track down his paper Termpap e r s Unlimited , Americans' rights to the the three had taken the for sale by a local termpaper copper , thus e ffectively charging her with aiding and co n ce rn , Termpapers Island. withlll the rather Raymond Cox, a member abetting students in fraud. strict limitations placed by eliminating consideration of Anonymous. Harvard is of the Assiniboire Sioux Federal Judge Ronald Davies. Indian claims to the land. ge t ting a sworn affidavit The defense had hoped to Lefkowitz plans to use 21 The defense had outlined tribe and one of the AJca- from Arthur H. Lubow, the pre se n t a case for actual purchase order forms the Indians' rights to traz three. student whose term paper was "Constructive Possession," a filled in by student buyers Alcatraz and the property found . This may ma ke legal term meaning that" title pro bation a favor," says and the contract signed by located on it: legal rights possi ble cooperation between should pass to those who detendant Raymond Cox, a the writers as part of the (under the wh ite man's Harvard and the New York have both the intent and 3 1 -year-old Assiniboine documents fil ed to obtain property law); social rights Attorney General's office. power to maintan the Sioux. " We were right, the the court order. (under Indian law); spiritual property (in this case, the judge has almost said so." A bill to ban the sale of (within Indian culture); and Indians). And the }urors? "They ~now t e r mpapers has also b een Daniel Steiner, Harvard. 's national (under intemational The Indian Way of we are n gh t, morally Tight. introduced in the New York genera l c ounsel says, law inv o l v ing treaties ownership is based on use, :hY ~a n;~ they commit Legislature by Assemblyman "There's a viable legal theory between the U,S. and the not on scraps of paper or emse ves. th Leonard P. Stavinsky. Two which could cover unlawful Indian Nations). There was some sympa y interference in a contractual sp o ke n words. All things on the all-white jury for the y a n g, m e m be r s o f Attorn ey Don J elinek ~ relationship. " ultimately belong to Mother Indians' land claim' one Stavmsky s staff posed as a pointed out that the U.S. Ear t h ; Ind ians r egard government has so often woman was crying ~ the potential bu~ e r of papers, themselves only as guardians tore man a nn o unced the and a potential writer. At a S t einer believes such a contradicted itself in dealing for fu ture generations. Any with Native Americans that verdict_ But she apparently co.nfe r.e n ceattended by relatiol)ship exists between a tool or land le.ft abandoned was unable to overCome her uOl\'er!u tyadm lnlstrators. university and a student , and the Indians could only rely belongl> to those who would commitment to the white fa cui t 'l and 5 t. u de n t that such companies carry on on the govemment's actions use It. until such time as It is man's legal ystem. re pre s entatives . t he two business to the detriment of as a guide. A combination of retunled to the Earth. publil' policy. inaction and cO " I do n ' t co n sid Continued on page 10 described the conditions for



free A&M 2 LP SAMPLER to everyone who registers Page 6 March 17, 1972 . THE ARCHWA Y FILM REVIEW ' Sing A Song Sound Recordings Of America by Rich Charnack Lee Michaels A/flciJetlJ david t. pandozzi Lately everybody "Screw your courage to the sticking place" and get thee to seems to be t.rying lo a theatre, the Four Seasons Cinema that is, to see Roman figure out. the ingredients Space & First Takes Polanski's?IAC BETH. Hugh Hefner's production of Macbeth, o f D o n M cLe a n's Playing out his contract. Wi th A & M Records, Lee direcled • t1y Roman ~ Polans ki, has given Shakespeare still " American Pie." anottrer Image, The song, a nine Michaels delivers his sixth al bum, the second to be released The youthful and ambitious Macbeth, played forcefully minute view of the music within one year. In what seems to be a dog's worth of by j on Finch is evenly matched by F'rancesca Annis, the o f the Iac;t ten years, has material (only 4 cuts) and with the utilization of three other 4;:ohspiring wife, Lady Mac beth. Together, they create an become t he subject of musicians and the eye·catching promotional package , one insatiable urge fo r power which leads them to their own e ndless attempts at can't help but gather that Lee Michaels has, or forced to be, destruction. interpretation. It is now sold out to commercialism. A puzzling questi on of why the film is rated " R " can only the number one album The cu ts are elongated bits o f funkiness that we have al l be answered by the description of two nude scenes. The fi rst and single on all the heard before. "Own Special Way, " continues the Michaels' scene finds Macbeth dragged into the damp and dismal various record charts·-a im pression of top-grade rhythmic keyboard progression, meeting place of several hideous and naked witches where rare achievement. However, " First Names" (are too much for my brain) is a they are mixing a concoction of frogs, lizards, blood, snakes, It's all happened so I weak attempt at solid musicianship with much reliance on Drake Levin 's (remember "Barrel" ) keeping rhythm and other tempting goodies to wet the tongue of Macbeth. very quickly for songpoet and breaking through with stoned improvisation that surely The second scene takes place as Lady Macbeth meticulously McLean. First, " American doesn 't rate 13:36 worth. Mixed down is the Lee Michaels washes the blood of King Duncan from her guilty hands in Pie" has turned out to be feeling, that vibration which made his style so worthwhile to the raw. Not as displeasing as the first scene 1 might add. The one o f the fastest selling listen to in the past. gory and detailed killing seemed again much more of a single records in record Another improbable tune, " Hold on to Freedom," reason to keep the kiddies at home. busi ness history. The marks the start of Side Two. What makes it so conspicious is Blood spurting [rom nec ks , axes cutting into backs as the album version is close the weak lyrics and already weakened chord progression ; " 1 blood gushes down and small children slain beyond behind in sales. saw the meaning in the sky, change your mind, hold onto recognition are the results o f Macbeth's treacherous Don has been the focus (reed om. " A more realistic message may be found in his ambl ti ~ n . o f in tense interest on the second LP. " Recital," and other early works. Finally, the Jon Finch as Macbeth persuasively envisions his horrorful par t o f ne wspapers, title cut, " Space and First Takes," is exactly what it has been victims with a belieable madness. He also d isplays in his final magazines and television. labeled, a full blend of workings that have been stretched to scene a fine job of fighting in his burdensome armor wilh Even the rock community the po int of boredom. Macduff to his gruelsome decapitation. has embraced ., American What makes SPACE AND FIRST TAKES impossi ble is Polanski 's MA C BETH is reason enough to see a Pie" and Rolling Stone, the obvious weakness oC his last album, Lee Michaels. fifth, Shakespearean play and it should run a close tie with the the underground musical released jusl six months ago (the similarity of tunes and production o f " King Lear" starring Pau l Scofield which, by bible, has called the non-existent evidence of any real change). And what is no apparent reason, has not shown in Providence to date. single "song of the year." apparently a cash-in by A & M leaves no wonder why his ;rhis screen version of Macbeth provides the viewer with Y e t , fo r a ll t he next album wi ll be on Columbia. Precisely, listen to it before careful and exact images of play never able to be seen on the attention, no one has yet you waste your money. A wiser investment would be stage . Despite Trinity Square's rousing production of be en able to pin a " Barrel" and Lee Michaels, bo th far superior in musicianship Macbeth, they were not able to capture the frightful terror d escription o n Don and direction. of one man's ambition. Ironically, ~" a c beth could be set in Mc Lean. Some see him as And this the lost cycle continues, first Frosty his only modem dress and settings and not lose its meaning for are we a Co lk singer , and true inspiration), then A & M and now possibly his capacity not living in a fearful age of ambitious men? although he does perform for producing not just a fair album, but as in the past, some with just an acowtic superior musical contribution. gun,ar for accompamment FOR SAL E: Two speaker enclosures. Four 12" and is a part of the folk J enso ns in each. KENWOOD AMP model music communit y, having Live Cream Vol. II KA6000, 180 watts. Garrard SLX turntable. worked with the likes of Here's an unex pected remixing of some of Cream's Pete Seeger, Josh Wh ite greatest. hve performances. Atco Records, into their own Package deal S500. Co ntact Charles Feldman, and Brownie McGhee, he revival, has decided to put together the important recordings Dorm 6·423, 231·3706 . is somethingmore. Besides that were captured during the last brief moments of Cream's existence. lncluded are " White Room," "Tales of Brave ,~ ~::~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"F.. ~~Grn~;lru~·':UC~~~~~~9~~ Ulysses," "Sullshine of Your Love," "Politician," and ·'Hideaway. ,. Cream, you may somehow remember, left quite an imprint Oil rock mU f>ic. Musicians li ke Ginger Baker, Eric Claplon, and Jack Bruce are scarce to groups these days and once comprised what has to be the fin est raw ever to be played. LlVE CR EAM VO L II is just the example of how good Cream really was. The cuts are all treated with the same lengthy dose o[ tight ex ecution and remixed to STU DENT SENATE perfection. The album is highly recommended to those who have Dance - Concert appreciated this super of groups and to those who would like to audition a new sense of rock music. And while you 're at it, you may also want to listen to the o ther five records for Featuring "Jack" Cream's not just another rock band, and one taste of LIVE CREAM VOL II Will , for sure give proof to that. What else is Saturday March 18, 1972 there to say? STEREO TAPE PLAY ER FOR SALE: ' fo r :ull omobilc , excellant cond ition, jack included. First 525.00 takes it. Contact Rob Rounds in the ARCHWA Y Offlce or 8:30 - 12:00 p.hI. call 467·7059. Bryant College Rotunda Jim Himself NO! Admission Hot Sandwiches Those who wish to, may make donations to the Bryant College 9:00- 1:00 Ecology Club. Every Night \1.m.1! 17 , 1972 THE ARCHWAY Page Anxiety and the ~Ial'ijuana OI'i\Cl'~ Krishman's Critique Found To RI' SarI' By Harr( Krish",... College Student PROVIDENCE. RI (AP)··A \\'p CM b(>~t understand ·'anxiet.y'· II we accept- its forthcoming Federal study subconsciou!> motivation. I am not speaking of "worries"; we indicates that persons who Three In One usually l'an name them, pinpoint them, be specific about drive under the IIlfluence of them. Anxieties nre sor t- of free-floating, hard to grasp or manJuana are more cautious place selS of feelings, now with. us, now partly forgotten, and less aggressive than The Little People but always prescnt somewhere in our minds. Worries can be drivers un der the influence of Smithfield polil'e wert' on Bryant Carnpu:> yes~rday to vaHd .. we worry or are concerned about children playing on alcohol, the director of the invf>Stigatp a L'wl that hull' tilly men WIth green hats and Rt. 7 at 6 P. ~l. or about our propensity to delay Injury Contr o l Research ~hott pant!> w('re comll1it out of th~ tTl'l'S, Police Serge decision-making or our appearance fo r a dale. But when a Laboratory says. Gerge Will.ianu. slated "we werE'n't exartly sure what to complete study bl ock occurs, it's time to think in terms of Dr. Robert Mc Kelvey says expect, Most of Uli figured it \Vas Just ~om(' crazy long·harr anxiety. further tests are planned to who had taken some drugs. Another though~ wru; that t In an average healthy 18 to 22 year old American, living determine the Vigil ance of Keebler people had opened R. new factory in the art>a; but in the most affluent society in the world, w'e find many marijuana smokers over a found that no new industries had filed popeno in the to anxieties. At t.his stage much revolves around pass/fai l, 3-to-4 hour period behind hall. We were told that these lUUe p(!ople had pipes !rom relations with women, parenLS , or most fugur~s in authority; the wheel of an auto which 3 strange odor eminated We called In the N-arcoti at least. t.he student thinks these outside events or figu res are simulator machine. Squad." to blame, But the forces at work on the subconscious which McKelvey says the tests, The police arrived and proceeded to searcb the area f are sabotaging the conscientious efforts of the student are completed last June after 10 these "little poeple." An e%ten~ive lIlvestigation came abou McCrued a cb multiple in most cas~s . We need to look behind the smoke months do not mean that which ended when Corporal Edward found screen of the immediate presenting complaints to find the persons under the influence of gold located at the end Cironit.-ally enough) of a rainbo ~ anxiety producing problems in the background. When we are of marijuana are safer drivers A student in Dorm 1 (wbo hftJ asked to remain anonymous very young our feelings are continually stepped on--do this. than persons drinking <;aid be hpard two of the little poople talking and it sounded don't do that. etc. gradually building into sLrong loyalties alcohol. (by their dialect) as if they were "foreigneri," Nearby the and allegiances to those ·,It is quite possible that chest. of gold was found a wooden walkinlJ 5tll.:k lind a pair of d ose to us, des pite the suppression of our own feelings. This they are not as alerL," he said pointed shoes. Jo'urther invCili~tion ia expected. Capl.8in cultural tradition of unswerving loyalty conLributes to our Tuesday. The study, directed Ricbard Webf-J' at tht' Rhodf- bland Slate Police :;.aid, "we relUctance to all ow into consciousness the irritations and by Dr. Andrew B, Dott, have had report" of a 'pot of gold' and are asking the annoyances experienced during the years. At some point compared the driving skills of President to start up Pro)ect Ink-ct.·ppt once 3gam. We feel such suppressed feelings will break out, taking forms of persons who h a d taken thi~ 'gold' is coming trom Mf!xico." nuisance value or of an anti·legal or anLi-moral qualit, and so various s'trengthli of often rationalized as a " new found" way of life. The newness marijuana or no d r ugs. Rotunda Rhyme itself can be frigh tening, disconcerting, so metimes anxiety Comparisons also were made producing by itself; for the first time we are able to make with the results of identical Here I ~it in solid nquandor, wondering of the things I OUT o wn decisions without parents breathing down our tests Lwo years ago on drivers pondE'r. Who first thought lht' world was round sailed to th necks. Some panic. Others become defiant, still others go w h o wer e und e r the end. but never Wall found, In~' times of indescretion mto depressed states; some take it in stride. or present a in fl u ence of moderate wht'n I wnk of ['ompen~ation, where the .ky ~ condensatin4' good facade. Few humans can break off a family relationship a m ounts of a l coho l . lit-tie rhymb";,ome not worth w31Lmg. With holes in ru as a young animal does; we are not t-hat- self-suffi cient. So McKelvey said. TI)Ot$ need plugs grt'en & whitt' & Drangt tupjupon ro from nigh tmares to drinking bouts we try to struggle with Mc Ke lvey said studies " reI pupul.. rest the' tght.d of .om~thlng mort! than less. In anxiety when relief through therapy is just. around the showed the marijuana 'parate thl')" oft urnes It 10 gruupi of t>ighu to tirel corner. What is therapy? And why does it seem to be so of Le n sm okers were less aggressive pupiJ;,. rht th(" tghts of omelhing mote- than 1t!1S. In ,sf"parate just around the corner? and made f~wer attempts to they ott Urnes J.l.L 1Il groUIl& Cor eight Ii to groups of Therapy is more that advice. It is an interpersonal action pass other cars than persons three s-but shll. t ley can't ee th(l fori st through the trt'e<> between two or more people, carried along verbally, and who had been dnnking. He some body language, but mostly built up from a ""reading" also saId the studi es showPd News Fl ash of the subconscious need!; expressed III the verbalization and marijuana user;, hud no more 'w. F18.h IDuellne ,'ovetnbl'r 26 1972, body movements. Some therapy is dir(>l,;ti ve: mO!it is ac clde n ~ whlie under the President .. xon "ollle down with the rare ~1iddle non-directive. All therapy to he Iruly efrective must admit of influence of the drug than I· .l"r dlSease called gut )"l'!terday .. n route from a subcons('ious in human nature and employ expert wording they had while not under its Con r.anunopll' to ,\nMfa, '1 urkto quiver lind he waJ; and manner for relief of inner ten;,ion. ~Iany student.!; feel influence. pf'rspmnJ! likP it h'aking faueN 'nw caravan pulled In at a that their parpl1l!i have pu!>hcd them out of their lives (at the McKelvey noted that the !>mali Shpil -statlUll to fllI·up wiUl ~ll,." wht'n the Prl'sidenl "arne time demandin~ freedom) to such an extent that they control groups were different bUr!d him on a !;maJl wooden coL_ Th, woman pr4,("~ed to plat:l a buwl full of burnmg leaves by thtt cot. uncovering. not ,imply the feeH ng or ~eperation, but the deep atlachment.'l made during the growth period. These may Theta Delta She next took a large pi('~'(" of papt'r and fanned tJl(' l'mokt' III Lhe ilr Idenl'~ fact<'. range form ho ..... we were "tucked" into the crib and how long we were "cribbed" to overprotecLive parents or Now Th ... President with a remarkable amount of stamma, .... a!; uJ:: rejecting parents; ho" we were prepared for our first schuol and around wiLhlO mmut\'s. Th£' Pre:;ident l It lru~ht hi: ~IOted) 11 to l'xpcrience, etc. :-\0 one thmg or aCLion can be singled out: Student NEA purt'hasl.·d hag or Uleae leav('lI hring toack to Iht' Theta Del ta has changed l nited States fur th,. m~ll'al profe "ion to study anxiety ha... multiple causes. it.i name to Student National Some of the more dIfficult cru.cs re"'olve around hidden Education Association, and it fail. is also changing from an inactive club to an actIve l' ·.-"u t.nIH\· ,orne'om:' \\ho h gculIlli: marnoo; 3!>sociation. I L!iI ne w ,~ ':T. f' (,n'· whl) has not;h )'f:l ;l.cqul(f~d a photographer, affiliation with a national , 'u l':tl"! ('arn an P,by S10, organization is one step III lly leavmg your name and phone nu mber, thIS direction. , Along WIth th ... names and phone nu mb.:?rs, A guest speaker, Robert .IOIfN HUQNIA,N - • ••• ""', ...... ,,' &..... fft:rft ~.I/W_ dl'l

Ecology--Who Cares •? Bring Home My by Bob Ireland Brothers W hat does ecology support . Their projects mean to you? To some it incl ude the establishment 0 means genuinely caring about a recycling collection cente In New York, the ACLU Senator Robert Taft has resistors and deserters forced , our environment but to a on campus, the clearing 0 op e n s a specia l office to introduced a bill that would the public to focus attention large segment of our student nature trails in the wooded work for a s olution. In exchange amnes ty for three on the nature of the war. body it apparently means area behind theUnistructure camp a ign speeches, years alternative service In They forced t.hose of us who very little. The Bryant (p ossibly to in c lude politicians take stands. In the nation al interest. were drafted to have long Colle ge Ecology Action camping area) and hosting an Congress, a senator proposes Candidate John Lindsay second tho ughts about Comm ittee has been in ecology conference for high a bill. All are concerned with vehemently disagrees: two alternatives to induction. In existence for over a month school students. They have the same question: should years is long enough to refusing, they showed the and to date only about eight many other ideas but need amnesty be granted to draft satisfy him. Senator George cour age of conscience so people have attended the people who are will ing to resistors and deserters? McGovern, with the PhD's sorely needed now if this weekly meetings with assist them. As one who was caught in penchant for splitting hairs, staggering society is to be regularity. The Ecology Committe the d raft, and became a would forgive resistors but saved. _____ The o rganization has will be meeting in Room 259 combat veteran of Vietnam, not deserters. And Senator many plans bu t in order to every Thursday at 3:15. Give I'd like to examine the Muskie side-steps the issue Education be successful they need your 8 damn and be there. I arguments of those who neatly by claiming it can't I completely oppose amnesty, even be discussed until the Act In those in favor of it, and those war is over. urging only conditional Conditional amnesty is Congress ... amnesty. typical of the tit-for·tat WASHINGTON D.C. GReltT Those in comp l ete capitalist mentality: "if you (CPS)·-The Higher Education opposition contend that promise to be contrite, we'1l Met • Act which will guide federal amnesty would be unfair to let you come home and WILLI/ aid to education for the next those who served, especially work." In other words, " We'll forgive you tor five years . i s now being !Il\I AT fi Rt those who were wounded or con s id e red by a making us doubt our sacred killed. This view is predicated House-Senate con fe rence ~ i G~ r 5~5 7 institutions, if you'1l admit on the assumption that all committee. which will settle your debt to society." With three mJilion Vietnam major d iffe re nces between th e H ouse-passe d an d Senate-passed versions. The Senate version of the I , student aid provision would I awa r d up to 5 1,400 per I stud ent. pe r yea r, t o be I administered on a national scale. i The House version would give needy students up to 51,500 per student. whith the funds being allotted states and then administered by college financial offu:ers. I The House versi on 31so I authorizes the establishment , of a National Foundation for one eye toward the Post,...Secondary Education to in the war. Don't boot h, the politicians seem ,wtlttl Nlt ioster refo r m among you believe it.! ut ot my 25 more interested in a ··just.e educational institutions. The ($>, t.Xj 10 man reconnaissance platoon, mi lieu" than in justice. Who ~W iHI ~ in which we had a dozen Senote did not adopt tbe i s forg iV Ing whom ? !'\ixon administration·s Pi\" » \(lIlTrJ~~ casual ties, I can't point to a Condit.ional amnesty would single man who believed in proposal. o nly serve to satisfy the The H o u se likew ise what he was forced to do. Puritan need for punishment Bu t granting amnesty, its ignored a prov ision passed by by branding a scarlet letter lhe Senate t hat wo u ld op ponents say, wo uld on the brows of those who prOVide up to $150 million in undermine the draft. This were right in the first plat!e, emerg e ncy g ra n ts t o ~:::: 3 s pec ious argument ignores .J'M (CI~ fO and have sacri ficed and in s t it utions in financial the fa ct that Nixon himself is suffered accordingly. trouble for each of the 11it SUN ~T questioning the draft in his Those of us who favor two years. \J \C:s HT proposal of a voluntary unconditIOnal, complete and Add ition ally, the House army. It is obvious rather immediate amnesty can offer than radical to say that the did \lot adopt provisions that ' '''~~A. several reason s. Most would ha ve incl uded l• draft is inequitable. Are we practically. the military is in undergraduate admissions to avoid challenging an effect already granting policies in a ban on sex institution merely because it amnes ty by discharging d isc rimina tion in higher is an institution. regardless of deserters. The eight sail ors education, while the Senate its validity, out of fear of who jumped their passed it. "undermining" it? Vietnam-bound ship and The conference committee I The third argument against took sanctuary in a San • will begin deliberating on \ amnesty is that it makes an Diego church recently were these differences this week, in d ividual more important gran ted general discharges than state. Presumably then, under honorable conditions. expected to be formulated I wit hac 0 m pro mise an individual has no right to Second l y , there is an within 10 days. billl~_;~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~ decide which laws to obey. historical precedent for TE:LL I1t i-I AAI,y The moral inadequacies of amnesty: the great George I this argument, reminiscent of Wa shington f o rgav e Lost: Navy blue snorkel ~ PNe ),Wt~~ Nazi Germany , s eem participants in the Whiskey parka·-size 38 at Dorm 1 2nd SW f inc ongruous in a country Rebellion; Lincoln offered floor party-·Saturday night. SlltJ allegedly dedicated to the amnesty to some members of If round, pl ease return to Stl IiJ{; rights of the individual and the Confederacy and to Dorm 8 R oom 3 4 1 , freedom of choice. Henry Union deserters before the 231-4495. J'm getting cold. T h oreau, Margaret Sanger, Civil War ended ; Harry TIltC and Martm Luther King are Truman appoin ted an ~D . just three historical examples Amnesty Board that forgave Lost: Brown LeaL herette of those who fo llowed the ten percent of the ] 5.000 case wit.h notes , notebook higher law of their own who refused to fi ght in World a nd li b rary books. If cOllsciences. War II. 3etween the opponents But perh a ps the most whereabouts is known. please contact Rich Charnack in \ Q ' and the advocates, btand t.hp convincing argumcnt is lhe Archway officc. A reward is era fLy politicians who simplest. damn it, they wert> 1 1oi·.t·j~·_:-:'--ii~il:l.\\.;,t;~.IO'lllt.J'-Alm ... p"'v .nllht aU the time! Tbl' drafl offered . March 17.1972 THE ARCHWAY Page 9

r\,),,,IS rl-lt: 1)(;( ., iUl ERICA N PIE rt:.t:.LIN6) i ll t..= ~I · lfl ~ Continued from page 6

folk singers aren't down his native Hudson supposed to have hit River vaUey carrying a records and .. American message of ecological Pie" has proved to be one warning. One of the of the fastest selling origlflal members of records around. anti-pollution sloop Some see him as part of Clearwater, Don has also the rock revival, and it is served as Hudson River true that McLean is a Troubador for the New great fan of the late York State Council of the B ud dy H o l ly and Arts. 1n that role he did .. American Pie" is, in 25 concerts in six short part, a tribute to early weeks, sometimes singing rock. But early rock and up to 40 songs a day to roll singers wouldn't have crowds of from 2 to committed themselves to 2,000. as volatile a movement as Recently, Don has ecology, which Don has done a television public done (or years. service announcement for Still others say it's the The Sierra Club, a major voice and the strum that conservation group, and do it, and Mclean has this spot is being been compared to the broadcast nationally. likes of James Taylor. Although " American Neil Young, and El ton Pie" has become such a John. And yet he is like stagge r ing s u ccess, none of them. McLean has not let the What Don is is a little u p r oa r change his bit of all these things. lifestyle. He still lives in a And more. s mall house near the " 1 don't write just to Hudson River in upstate write," he'll tell you. " I New York. He still want to build a catalog of per for ms w ith o ut a 1,634,000 songs that will say back·up band and he still Freshmen somet h ing about the refu ses to come up with human condition. When easy interpretations for ToVote the songs are true they .. American Pie. " Three-fourths of the nation's last even when the truth "People ought to rely 1,634,000 college freshmen changes, and sometimes it on their own feelings say they plan to vote in the does. about something," Don 1972 Presidential election, said. ~' If something makes I am an optimist you feel a certain way saccorurveydi ngco tonducted a newl y byreleased the 1~~_-._",:",~-..t:~:;;~~~;~~~~~~~- J. without illusion. I am also then there's no reason to A me ri c an Council on all who plan to vote do, it orientation. But 38.2 percent an idealist w ith o u t analyze it to decide why. Education. will lead to a 76.1 percent said they were "liberal or far illusion. My optimism The problem is that Researchers for the turnout, much higher tha.n left," thus confinning the stems from the fact that I people are never satisfied Council said that over 90 the national average. leftward trend among U.S. have my own beliefs as to until they've destroyed percent of those surveyed in Th e sur~vey results college students. the capaci ty of people to whateve r magic they the newly eligible 18-20 age demonstrated a lessening of The 1971 survey was based change. " found in the first place. range, thus contradicting political polarization in this on replies from 288,526 One of the major And I believe in magic. " almost all other political year's freshmen class as 46.8 f reshmen entering 487 themes in Don's two As you can see, it really pollsters who have been percent of the respondents participating institutions. It for United Artists isn't easy to pin a label on predic t ing a low voter said they were middle-of· was weighted to reflect have been ecology, t he Don McLean. But there is turn-out for this age group. If the - r oad in po lit ica. l national norms struggle to save what's left one thi ng you can be sure of our air and water. of, he is a new artist with McLean has been involved a great deal to say, and a in t h e ecological clear mastery of the way movement in many ways. to say it best. o~~ co~~ He has travelled up and co~~ ~« 1.------For Sale 2 Acre Treed Lot Bryant College Day at Fenway In Red Sox vs. ~linn. Twins North Smithfield Sunday, May 7 300 foot frontage Sponsored by Vel'S Club basic tests have been done! Complete Transportation, Rese rv ed Grandstand Ti ckets, and ..All you Can 'JJrin/' $8.50 Com plete this form and deposit in Red Sox n Oll in NAME Rotunda. This form shows 11 0 ADDRESS ______comm it m enl but simply intent and interest. Further TEL EPHONE ______i nformati on In f u turc NUMBER OF PERSONS ARCHWAYS. iii T HE ARCHWAY March 17. 1972 Alcatraz Trial from page 5 First I.C. Swimmer At B.C. The d efense readil y to go north to fight the acknowledged that Cox, "Big Ar ctic pipeline which Th is past Sat urday, John" Hallo ran (8 threatens wilderness land, or Bryant College had its first 35-year·old Pima Indian). to go east to the Rosebud swim meet of the year at an d Frank Robbins (a Sioux reservation in South Bridgewater State College in 7 32-year-old Yurok) took the Da kola to join others in B, Massachusetts. • wire as part of a tribaJ effort relearning the spiritual ways John Johnson was the . to raise money for supplies. of the Indian. only member from the team - They pointed out that as The govemment during to participate in the meet many as 80 people were the trial insinuated that the and swam the 1.000 yard and openly invo lv ed in the Alcatraz Three had acted for SOD. yard f r eestyle "theft," s lowly d igging their own personal gain, but competition. With less than a th r ough six inches of the thr ee refused to be fe w weeks training, John r e inforced con c re te to isolated in this manner. managed to place seventh in remove the wire. Al though the nineteenth both events. For one who AlcaLraz in many ways was Ooor courtroom was to them wasn't in top shape, John did - ..... the first step in the the most fo r e ign of extremely well. r e- understa nding a nd e nvi r onments, regular John swam in his Junior Mark Rafferty and John Johnson practice racing at t endance by Native implementation of the and Senior years at McKeon dives as the f"maJ days of workouts draw closer. traditional Ind ian Way. Americans and a few white High School in Delaware. During the eight-month supporters silently testified Mr. Sussman of the team together and is aiming potential for the majority of occupation many on the to the living unity that was Marketing Department is for next semester. The team the members are experie nced Island once again found the born on Alcatraz. presently getting the swim is young but has plenty of competition swimmers. Indian relationship to the NOTE : One of the land, fulfilling the SioW( government's most potent prophecy that the buffalo weapons against the Indians would return from the west, bas been the legal syste m. WeB ANO P[f

March 23- 7:30p.m. Judging· Auditorium

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Trophies And Awards To Be Given - - - Sign Up With Any Brother or

PHI S IG ~I A NU 231·4299 brell 17. 1972 THE ARCHWAY Page 11 Intramural Hockey By Peter Lockatell Speaking To The Pros Fish Downs DelVecchio's 5-1 The Fish stretched their The Fish extended their beaten streak to four, with lead even further in the third unimpressive victory over period and a combination of New York Knicks determin ed Delvecchio Delvecchio errors and bad Part I J.D.: When Cazzie was W. F.: I think you'll am. The Fish now 4-0 on luck. Fish's Bob Bush got The following is an interview playing with t he Knicks he remember that "O ne. I could he season . will face credit for a fluke score aq woth some of the New York was kind of a crowd favorite. have forgotten it that day if J utherland next week in a 5:20. Bob took a slap shOD Knicks after a 112-109 loss Everybody thought he didn't hadn't made that last shot. ttle of the unbeatens. The. [ the point that went at Boston Garden on Sunday play defense--but he really first period of tonight's game high over the Delvecchio net: afternoon, March 12th. did. Now that you have Jeff Doppelt: Bill, what I was scoreless. Both sides had The puck hit the boar~ in taken of the role as a favorite do you think of Ivy League good scoring opportunities, back of the net, came out ball players that are going to Between Halves in New York, do you think butfine w o rk in their and hit the goaltender in the fans think of you as all be coming into the Pros, like es pective defensive zones shoulder and deflected into Co rky Calhoun and Bob S D > d Ch ' offense and possibly not as kept the score at 0-0. the D elvecchio cage. teve lamon: TIS , h d f , Morse? H d d " > Ste muc e ense. Finally t he Fish broke Delvecchio finally got on the ow a you o . m VE E. M. : Well, I just think Bill Bradley: I haven 't Diamond , form Bryant the ice in the second period scoreboard, as Hank Suhr seen them. College. th e fan s m o re o r less Bob Malachowski scored scored at 9:50. A minute Ch ris Schenkel: I'm r e member me for playing J . D. : Before you take a at 2:45. A scant two minutes later, Bob Antignano gave >oto against New York, and tbey shot you're always thinking feeling good. Are you I later Bob Bush converted to Fish a 4-1, as he scored from just appreciate the typel of ahead of time. Sometimes ti close in. Then at 11:59 of the broadcasting? increase t he Fish lead to 2-0. talent that I got. looks like your shooting the Though Fish had a 2·0 lead third period, Fish's Keeon S. D.: I'm into writing. D D 'd S. D. : It must be tough S..: a you conSI er ball almost before you get it. going into the third period, put in a rebound off a Do you really have control of Delvecchio had their chances. scramble in front of the net. to be in another a rea yourself a showboat? E. M.: No, I'm just an the ball when you shoot that On two occasions in thel Delvecchio protested that the commentating bowling, and t he n ext day do i n g average ball player that just way, or it's just you have to second period, Delvecchio's net had been moved, and shoot it that fast to get it basketball. does a little more than the T om Vatholly had that time had run out. The over a taller defensive B. breakaways. Unfortunately , referee, however, ruled 'that C. S.: Well, with smooth average ball player. B.: Sometimes I have control (or Tom and his team, the the score was legal and Fish t r aveling connections, it's J. D. : How are you of it and sometimes I don 't. I Fish goaltender was equal to had a 5-1 victory as the game easy. physically going into the try to keep control of it but both chances. ended. playoffs? Do you feel that S. D.: I take it you like sometimes I don't. what your doing? C. S.: It you can maintain the pace? Or Sutherland Bombs Kulaga-Byers 14-2 beats farming. are you going to have trouble Jeff Doppelt: Phil, I The team of Dave S. D.: It's going to be with your h S. D.: Do Sutherland added three more know that you have a good Sutherland continued to roll goals. AI Cerone started the close. you consider yourself a hook shot. but what towards their big showdown goal rush with his second of S. D.: Takti care. showboat? happened to those steals you with Fish next week, with a night at 1:20. Dave Stone C.S.: Bye. E.M.: No, I'm just an used to make? 1 remember a 14-2 over Kulaga·Byers in the picked up the other two average ball player that just game against Baltimore your .second game of Tuesday 's goals, as he scored at 3:05 After the Game does a little more than the first year in which you bockey action at Burriville. and 11.30. The period was average ball player. single-handedly diminished a The Sutherland team wasted not a complete disaster for Jeff Doppelt: Earl. in a J .D.: How a re you ten=poin t lead, and the little time as Jim Teixeira Byers, as John McKinnon game like this. how up were physically going into the Knick s won. D o yo u scored at the 13 second mark br o ke through the the Knicks really? playoffs? Do you feel that remember that game? of the first period. Dave Sutherland defense for his you can maintain the pace? Or Phil Jackson: Yes. it Stone, Vic Fera. and Dave second goal of the night at Earl Monroe: Wel l, areyougoingtohavetrouble , t > t o ge t was a long time ago but I Sutherland added four more 4 :40> we r e r ylng with your heel? goals before Byers got their Sutherland added the momentum going into the remember it. It's just a playoffs. It makes it a lot E . .M. : Well , I just hope different style of defense we rirst goal of the night. Doing " frosting on the cake" with easier on you than let's say I can go into the playoffs full play now. We were a ten man the honors for Byers was five more goals in the third having to stay off and maybe strength. If I can do that it team at that time. On the t hei r scoring leader John period. Connecting for the going into the palyoffs on a will make it a lot easier on bench we had Emmett Mc Kinnon as he scored at Sutherland Scoring Machine losing streak. everybody concerned. Bryant, Van J\-sdale, and 10:13. Sutherland 's .AI. were Dave Sutherland (2), Steve Diamond: Why J. D .: Kn owing that Walt was on the bench. and I Cerone scored at 11: 00 to Jim Teixeira, AJ Cerone, and are you not starting lately? you 've lost to Milwaukee was on the bench. It was like close out the scoring in the Dave Stone. The game ended E. M.: I never have only once, and you've only a nine man team. Just run fi rst period. with Sutherland winning In the second period" start.ed. beaten the Lakers once, do nine men in and out. But you S D.: Is it just time you have a preference if the can't do that unless your Preferably 2- 3 before' you wor k into the Knicks should go thai far Havlicek the whole game. to s ublease at Stillwater Manor. For further details , call . starting rotation? who you would rather play? Steve Diamond: It for months of 't E. M.: Well , it doesn.!t seems you were getting hit 231-5223. Please bill to: J. E> M>, WeB , I don b h a e , July , and August. know what's happening. matter really ecause t e lot today? Located 1 1/2 miles from Moody, P.O. 1816 Bryant Whatever happens you know playoffs is altogether a P. J .: Boston is a very happens. different type of balJ from physical team because they J . D.: How have you the season. Anything can get a lot of shots underneath ad JUs> ted t 0 no t s tartmg.> ? Have happen in the playoffs andd the hoop. They set a lot 'o f Accounting you changed your game plan you just have to ~ ready an p icks around, and they re :l t ai,'. D 0 you 'I>k e no t s tart>I.og? able to. accept Just ababout very smart because they have E. M.: No, I don't like anythmg. . a lot of veterans, so they can Assoc. !lot starting. You know It's S. D.: How did you get away with more than h t happens so I'U have to pick-up the "Pearl" and other teams do. Not that you wlccepl a t >t'. when? M > can cry at it > but it's just lart Pm en t. Two Speakers E. _: A long time ago of the game. J. D.: It 's like you. say in college. Iforgotwhy. S' D.: W ere you From Tupperware Corp. to yourself your a superstar worrirying about fouling out? and if he doesn't want to P. J.: Of yea, I was play me there's nothing you J eff Doppelt: Walt, concerned anout it. I got off Presentation on can do. earlier in the season it to a bad start. A few fouls in E. M.: Well, I like to seemed that you could the last two minu tes of the Cost Accounting think of myself as such, of almost score at wilL What first half. Two fouls that I course, a lot of people have a would you attribute most to didn't have to take and I your success? little bit to say about that. took them. I'm a lways Walt Frazier: Mostly S. D.: What's the wo rri ed abo u t fouls . ju st confidence and Monday Mar. 20, 1972 difference between Balti.more Especially you know as experien ce. lik e say and New York? depleted as we were without sometimes you get in a grove E.M.: It's a bigger city. DeBusNext Week: Dean like that when you can score 3:00 P.M. Room 386 S. D.: How about the a lot of points. It seems like Me minger, J erry Lucas, basketball team? every shot you put up goes Eddie Mast, Red Also- E. M.: Basically it's the in. But it's hard to maintain Holtzman, Trainer Danny Nominations For Offices same type of team. We were that for a long tome. Whalen , Art "Hambone" disputed as being a one on J_ D.: Do you ever think Williams of the Celtics, etc. A 1972 -1973 one team in Baltimore, you'11 forget that Milwaukee tape recorder was used to whereas, New York is more game (Mon. Jan 3)? produce a word for word or less a team. interview. tlage l 1. THE ARCHWAY M3rch 17. 1972 An Interview Suga rloaf .. Ecstacy With Coach Stein by Paul Barringer by Mark Krinsky Riding along Maine On Monday, March 13, I Hogan and Norm Trahan, Route 27, around a certain interviewed Bill Stein, coach both freshmen, have good bend, and WOW! it's there. of the Bryant College fas tballs and curves, They Fantastic. The view is out of baseba ll team, Mr , Stein pitched exceedingly well in this world. Snow coverad seemed quite optimistic trails break up the forested the fall and are expected to about the team. He said that be in the starting rotation. m ountainside . The snow team spirit and attitude were fields blanket the summit. excellent, as a matter o f fact, Su garloaf looms over the Re lie f for the the best be '5 ever seen, He Indians include Cy and whole valley. Hill demonstrated this fact by Larry Labidi. Both look good The skiing is as great as pointing out Lhat Lhe ball or now_ Their real test, of the m ou n tain looks. as players workpd exlremely course, wiU come when they ugarloaf is said to be a hard in collecting ads for an are called upon to put out a m 0 u n La in for experts. ad book in order to finance fire. Actually, it is a mountain for their way to Virginia. lie also This year Bryant has about I a1l types of skiers. The trails stated that the team is very the best hitting team they've are long and beautiful to fit close. ever had. Coach Stein the recreational skier. For I When I questioned Mr. expect!:; much from Paul the hotshot, you can take tein about defense. he said Tillinghast. Ernie Crowell, fastel' and shorter runs from it WM shaping up and had Bobby Antignano and Norm the top to T·bar 5 which much depth. The infield is Trahan. His power hitters are takes you almost to the top articularly slrong with Bob Jeff Doppelt, Rick Leta and again, The beginners have a '" V hi at third, Matt Malt Bernardo. It11 be their choice from the chair and a Berl'l .Hd\I ( ho has fully job to hit the ball over at our T-bar that serve mils equaJly fCC ven >d f his pu.lIed field which will have as beautiful and comparably hanlllnnt'!' at" rt. Bobby dimensions of 330 down the long to the expert trailsails. All t I ~l1ano at and and lines and 400 m center, Tote Road is a really nice Paul Tlllinf(bast at first. Mr. Stein said that this mtermediate trail [rom the ' lart L g utfielders arc year's team will be one that top. Wedge and Boom Auger ox,peo.t,ed to be Norm Trahan, scores one run at a time. He are good lrajJs {rom the This is Sugarloaf as it from rhe bouom. At tile top IOnk\ Rid Leto, and Jeff Doppelt, palns to use devices such as gondola midstatioll. Narrow on rhe le ft are t Snowlleld~. The lift) nil !>cc in tbe Catctlin g will be Ernie steals, bunting and hit Guage hosted the World Cup mid dle o f the mountain 1\ the GIIII(/Ill .. ~Io~n~' ;:::;;:;:;=;;. Cro 11. and run plays which should finals and " used to be one . Stein's only question make for some exciting hell of an expert trail" unit! a sleeping bags, $4 if WP didn't. fro m L,,...... :ill '" Ski baseball , fe w years ago. In Kingfield, tbe Riwnmlf' o"'lhIii.o mark seemed to be pitching. His star t. ing r o ta t ion is My final questJon to Mr. Saturday (March ll), Inn is cheap at $411 bend. but l peeted to include Jackie S tein was what kind of the skiing was good to check the rooms thoro hly 88.lme. When I questioned record would the team have excellent with scattered ice Across the way, the er ~tr Stein about Balme's e.r .•. at the end of the season, Mr. spots, more so on the upper. Hotel is relatively ch r be-out ,.r .22 las t season, he Stein's response: "Hopefully Saturday night, strong winds a room with twin be4 a get by pam d out the facL that on the left side of the blew much of th snow on top shower, ~ t costs $10, S with weekend hut !Jkl' m re in ,J " looked good near the ledger. '. How appropriate! 0[( to the sides, making the a double bed. A bunk ... end or on and in Bryant's first game this top a bit icy on Sunday. Tote $4 but you can find bet« ""'" pracLi('t' thu. filii. wig Cole, year is on April 3 at C.W. Road was definitely the best There are ski donns the another Jatt"d tartt·,. the Post College on Long Island. skiing when you got past the area. The closer you Ill·t to trikl'-Ollt ar1i1 on the It will be during Easter extreme upper. The other the moun t a . Ut., mon° Last yt'8t hp had 37 vacation- so students living tmils weren't bad but you get expensive it wiU The want a ~lnke- t.s In 3 IOnmgs. In on Long Island can come to spoiled skiing powder, even if Sugarloaf Inn (al tht., t'" of weoeken I the fin of last the game and show support it was only one day. With the the slopes) c st~ ~23 pt'r 11 for the "new" Bryant College recent snowfall, Sugarloaf night. The Riversidt' Inn im Baseball Team. should be the best spot in the serves good fo :It (l eap East (which it claims to be, prices. The R d Stallton, incidently.) CWateau des Tagues, l1ld ven ~ get there, take 95 the Sugarloaf Inn art:' 0 nf'r North to Rte. }28 Nprth to good. places. 95 North agaif. It ~c9 m es The night life In the Maine turripike in M ai~ Ki ngfield is nil. " People sleep and t,here are wU&. ~o~at a ' was the answer 1 got MENU Exit 12 ere are sign wh ~ asked about the night indica.liUlg th f' (. life. The Red Stallion is the BIG MAC.55 DOUBL£ CHE ~ ... Rie. 4 to F~IJ1~t()n where high spot. This is ng Rte. DOU8 L£ ~QD .. you pick t.lp ntt-. 27 Plan ,In 2 , a few mil str om a weeke or II w ..... k sta)' Suprloaf, There a cover ""''' because i IS I1bout 300 milt·, ge but JU p<1;' for the and a s' hour delVt', II I~ a osphere. Ilwy h a definitely a m)dl."i»Io.-l"", nd Friday .. Iturday 1C you go , you 11 find nights. This is put If that the overall expenses are you are in the :,: i~~~~!-____-I not great. A lift ticket is des Tagues is another place $8,75 weekend, $ 7 ,60 with entertainment. Usually, weekday. They sell single they have a trio, two guys gondola rides. A ski week and a girl, sing songs. They costs $30.00 or $36.00 with are said to be pretty good . lessons. Rentals are from You could always sleep if Harvey Boynton's Ski Shop you don't like these ideas. %adfor f49ught on the mountain and are A few h e I p f u I $9.50 for everything. They suggestions for your trip. a lso h ave cross-country Make sure your car is fully rentals. Sugarloaf Ski School tuned and the battery is teaches bo th GLM and charged; it gets awfully cold American technique, Classes up there. Stay near town and run from 8-14 people. take 10's with you (the Accommodations are drinking age is 20 fur the very cheap in the area. We next 90 days.) When you ski stayed at DurreU's Country make sure you're warmed up and Lodging which is about before you try the summit. !J{Q~ 1 6 miles fr o m " the And don't get hurt. They 1350 HARTFORD AVE. Mountain" and just outside a have their share of injuries (RT 6), JOHNSTON, RL small town, Kingfield. We l\nd " the ski patrol is not the O!>M Me. 1fW" n...n. 1':. AMon PM/Fri . .. $01. IIU Midrti9bl , , ~ .. :